BRM Project
BRM Project
BRM Project
Submitted By Group 13
Name Mr. romil singh Mr. bhanu mehra Ms. Jyoti arora Ms. Bindu choudhary
We, "romil,bhanu, jyoti and bindu, hereby declare that the work presented herein is genuine work done originally by us and has not been published or submitted elsewhere. Any literature, data or works done by others and cited within this dissertation has been given due acknowledgement and listed in the reference section.
Our all praises to Almighty God, who blessed us with sufficient courage and capacity to carry out and complete this study. Being aware of the limitations and shortcomings, it was not possible for us to accomplish this work without his help.
We sincerely feel that the credit of this project report could not be narrowed to only one individual as the whole work is outcome of integrated efforts of all those concerned with it through whose cooperation and effective guidance we could achieve its completion. We wish to place our profound indebtness and deep sense of obligation to our Guide Mr. harish jain, for providing us with the opportunity to work on such an interesting topic. Last but not the least we are thankful to our parents and friends that supported us through this project.
Executive Summary
Soft drinks are become part and parcel of the Indian lifestyle. Be it children, the college kid or the middle aged Indian soft drinks are enjoyed by one and all in the country. Especially after the influx of a number of fast food joints in India soft drinks have gained more popularity. Food like pizzas burgers and French fries go hand in hand with soft drinks. Gone are the days when a soft drink was enjoyed to the combat a sunny day. Today soft drinks are enjoyed with almost every meal that one has outside his/her home. Despite several issues that crept up regarding the ingredients used behind the manufacturing of soft drinks the market remained stable. The soft drink industry in India is categorized on the basis of carbonated and non carbonated drinks. The carbonated drinks include flavors like cola, lemon and orange and the non carbonated drinks segment includes mostly mango flavors. The non carbonated segment includes fruit juices and squashes. The Top Soft Drink Brands in India are Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Thumps Up. The other popular soft drink brands in India include Fanta, Mirinda7Up, Sprite Limca etc. In order to cater to all the segments of the society these top soft drink brands are available in numerous sizes. Starting from the age old 300 ml glass bottles to the 200 ml ones to the recently launched 500 ml and 1liter plastic bottles soft drinks are available in almost every size desired by the consumer. The carbonated drinks account for almost 80% of the total sales of the soft drinks market in India. Soft drinks do not only rule the urban markets they have successfully managed to penetrate the rural areas as well. Rural areas account for almost 75% sales of Pet bottles whereas the sales of 300 ml and 200ml bottles are higher in the rural areas. Therefore we selected promotion of aerated drinks In rural areas our research topic.
1.availability 2.affordability 3.acceptability 4.awareness To find out the most popular soft drink in rural parts. To find out the best marketing medium in rural parts
As we have already mentioned that Soft drinks do not only rule the urban markets they have successfully managed to penetrate the rural areas as well. Rural areas account for almost 75% sales of Pet bottles whereas the sales of 300 ml and 200ml bottles are higher in the rural areas. The scope of this study, as far as the area is concerned, is limited to rural areas only. This research is a descriptive research, Primary data was collected from 100 respondents by using a questionnaire through convenience sampling and secondary data was collected through websites articles etc.
MARKET Cola products account for nearly 61-62% of the total soft drinks market. Two global majors Pepsi and Coke dominate the soft drink market. NCAER survey says 91% of soft drink in the country is in the lower, lower middle and upper middle class people. The market is worth around Rs.5000 crores with growth rate of around 10-15%. The production as soft drinks has increased from 5670 million bottles in 1998-99 to 9783 million bottles in 2000-2008 industry source. Growth market this year is expected to be 10-15% in value terms and 20-22% in volume terms.
However, the market for carbonated drinks is stagnating and not growing as expected.
Rural India is also characterized by growing affluence: agricultural output increasingly to early 215 millions tones in 2004 compared to 176 millions in 1991.
A glance at the following statistics will help you get a fair idea of the consumers in Rural India: * 46 percent of soft drinks * 49 percent of motorcycles * 59 percent of cigarettes * 18 million TV Sets * 50 percent of 2 million BSNL mobile connections * 53 percent of FMCG products * 59 percent of consumer durables are sold in rural India. Some facts about the rural sector: * There are nearly 42,000 rural haats (Super Markets) in India * In 2002 2003, LIC sold 50 percent of its policies in rural India * Of the 20 million who have signed up for Rediffmail, 60 percent are from small towns * Of the 1,00,000 souls that have transacted on Rediff's shopping site, 50 percent are from small towns * The 30 million Kisan Credit Cards (KCC) issued so far exceed the 25 million credit-plus-debit cards issued in urban. A whopping Rs. 65, 000 crore has been sanctioned under the KCC scheme. * Electricity Consumption increase from 17.6 percent in 1980 81 to 20.2 percent in 1999 2000. During the same period, the industry share has dropped from 58.4 percent to 34.8 percent. * Hindustan Lever, the largest FMCG Company in the country. More than half of its annual sales of Rs.11, 700/- crore come from the rural market. * The proposed agricultural reforms in the tenth plan, the easy availability of agriculture credit Rs 60,000/- Crore Village road programme introduced recently to connect 1,90,000/- village and the improved communication network (STD and Mobile).
The real market in India is the rural market. If u can crack it, there is tremendous potential. CCI begin focus on rural areas after 2000 in order to increase volumes. This decision is giving a huge size & potential market to company. It is clear that CCI would have shifted its focus to rural market. THANDA GOES RURAL In early 2002 CCI launched a new advertising campaign for attract more rural consumers. The aids with India leading bollywood star Amir Khan. With movie of lagan. The tag line of aid is (Thanda Matlab Coca-Cola)
Research Methodology
A research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting the marketing research project. It specifies the details of the procedures necessary for obtaining the information needed to structure and/or solve marketing research problem. The research design used in this project is Descriptive research design. Sample Design SAMPLING TECHNIQUE USED: In this research we have used Convineance Sampling. Geographical Area: rural area
SAMPLE SIZE: For this study, a sample of 100 has been taken.
1. Primary data: It is the first hand information collected through questionnaire. 2. Secondary data: Secondary data was collected from the following sources: Books Newspapers Journals
Tools Of Investigation The study was conducted with the help of questionnaire which was administered personally to all the respondents. The questionnaire is aimed at fulfilling out the penetration of aerated drinks in rural areas in terms of Consumer preferences, recall and purchase behaviour. The questionnaire dealt with aspects like . Factors influencing choice of a brand Reasons for brand preference.
less than 18
5% 7% 28% 15%
Interpretation: It is evident from the above analysis that the maximum respondents i.e. 33%
were in the age of 18-24. After that there are the respondents with age of less than 18 years being 28%. Thirdly there are respondents of age group of 30-34 with 15% followed by age group 25-
29 with 12%. Afterwards there were respondents of age group 35-39 being 7% followed by the age group >40 being 5%.
It can be derived from the chart above that the number of male respondents is more than female respondents, male respondents being 73% and female respondents being 27%.
FREQUENCY Not educated Less than high school High school completed Graduate Post graduate 08 30 36 15 11
15% 30%
It is evident from the above analysis that maximum respondents has competed high school with 36% followed by respondents who are educated less than high school. Respondents who are graduates are 15% followed by the respondents with post graduation degree being 11%. The minimum number of respondents i.e. 8%, are not educated.
Do you drink Soft Drinks? Drink_ soft drink Frequency Percent Valid Yes No 86.0 14.0 86.0 14.0 Valid Percent 86.0 14.0 Cumulative Percent 86.0 14.0
Interpretation: The data was obtained from the 100 respondents, and after analyzing the responses from the respondents, the result showed that from all the respondents i.e 100, 86 respondents drink soft drinks and 14 dont drink.
Q.6.What is the best thing that you like about soft drink? Frequency Price Packaging Quality Easy availability All of the above 23 11 8 45 13 Percentage 23.0 11.0 8.0 45.0 13.0
13% 23%
11% 45% 8%
INTERPRETATION It can be depicted from the analysis above that the soft drinks are preferred most because they are easily available in the market as the percentage indicates major 45% followed by reasonable price being 23%. 13% respondents said all the components- price, packaging, easy availability, quality are reasons to prefer soft drinks followed by the respondents liking the packaging being 11%.
Q7. Which brand do you drink the most? Frequency Pepsi 08 Coca cola 20 Thums up 38 Sprite 04 Fanta 10 Mirinda 04 Limca 04 Mountain Dew 12 Total 100
Percentage 8.0 20.0 38.0 4.0 10.0 4.0 4.0 12.0 100
4% 4%
Interpretation: From the above data it is clearly mentioned that the maximum of the respondents drink Thums Up i.e 38 %, after thumps up the second most preferred brand is coca cola i.e. 20 % of the respondents drink coca cola, followed by mountain dew i.e. 12 % followed by fanta 10 %, followed by pepsi 8% followed by limca, sprite and mirinda being equal as 4%. From this data we can say the majority consumption is of Thums up, coca cola and mountain dew.
Frequency 12 52 02 09 25 100
price 2%
brand name
This question gives us the insight why the respondents have chosen their brands. From the above data it is evident that majority of the respondents i.e 52 % were using their respective brands because of advertisements of the brands. That means advertising has a very significant impact on the brand preference towards consumers. .The second preference that respondents gave was celebrity i.e 25%. As people get stimulated to drink that soft drink which their favorite celebrity drinks. Also about 12% of the respondents prefer their brand because its price. Followed by price 9% respondents prefer soft drinks on the basis of brand name associated with it. Last is the quality basis being 2%, as respondents are not very much aware about the quality of the soft drink.
Newspaper 1 18 10 25 46 100
87 10 3 0 0 100
4 17 18 27 34 150
Interpretation: From the above data it is evident that the majority of the respondents i.e. 32.48 % ranked TV as the first choice for the medium of Advertisements, followed by Internet i.e. 22 %, it is because of the availability of technology to masses. Followed by Outdoor media i.e 18.93. The respondents ranked Newspapers at the 4th rank and at last according to table respondents gave least importance to Radio i.e. only 12.44 respondents
27 25 16 21 4 3 1
1.0 3.0
1.0 3.0
3 Total 100
coca cola
thums up
sprite 3% 3% 1%
mountain dew
27% 21%
It can be depicted from the chart above that the maximum number of people i.e. 27% people remember the advertisement of the coca cola, 25% people remember the ad of thums up followed by sprite with 21%. 16% people remember the ad of pepsi, followed by fanta with 4%. The least advertisement people remember are of mirinda, limca and mountain dew with 3%, 1% and 3% respectively.
Frequency Table
Age Cumulative Frequency Valid less than 18 18-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 >40 Total 28 33 12 15 7 5 100 Percent 28.0 33.0 12.0 15.0 7.0 5.0 100.0 Valid Percent 28.0 33.0 12.0 15.0 7.0 5.0 100.0 Percent 28.0 61.0 73.0 88.0 95.0 100.0
Gender Cumulative Frequency Valid Male Female Total 74 26 100 Percent 74.0 26.0 100.0 Valid Percent 74.0 26.0 100.0 Percent 74.0 100.0
Education level Cumulative Frequency Valid noteducated less than high school high school completed graduate post graduate Total 8 29 37 15 11 100 Percent 8.0 29.0 37.0 15.0 11.0 100.0 Valid Percent 8.0 29.0 37.0 15.0 11.0 100.0 Percent 8.0 37.0 74.0 89.0 100.0
drinksoftdrink Cumulative Frequency Valid yes no Total 86 14 100 Percent 86.0 14.0 100.0 Valid Percent 86.0 14.0 100.0 Percent 86.0 100.0
consumption Cumulative Frequency Valid everyday once in a week once in amonth once in three months Total Missing Total System 2 5 32 47 86 14 100 Percent 2.0 5.0 32.0 47.0 86.0 14.0 100.0 Valid Percent 2.3 5.8 37.2 54.7 100.0 Percent 2.3 8.1 45.3 100.0
1. Out of 100 consumers, 73% are males and only 27% are females.
3. Out of 100 people 8% not educated, 30% less then high school, 36% high school completed, 15% graduate, 11% post graduate.
4. Out of 100 respondents, 86% of consumers drink soft drinks and only 14%of them do not drink soft drink.
5. 8% respondents prefer coke, 20% prefer pepsi, 38% thums up, 4 % of them prefer sprite, 10 % fanta, 4% prefer marinda, and 4% prefer limca , 12% dew.
6.25%people purchase cold drinks because of taste,20% people purchase cold drinks because of brand name,20% people purchase cold drinks because of packaging,15% people purchase cold drinks because of price ,11% people purchase cold drinks because of brand ambassador 8%people purchase cold drinks because of easy avilability1%people purchase cold drinks because of any other reason.
7. Out of 100 consumers 98% have seen the advertisement and only 2% have not seen the advertisement of any chips
8. 27% people remember the advertisement pepsi , 25% people remember the advertisement of coca cola, 16% people remember the advertisement of 7up, 11% people remember the advertisement of sprite, 4% people remember the advertisement of fanta, 3%people remember
the advertisement of mazza, and 1% people remember the advertisement of limca, 3% People remember the advertisement of dew
9.24% people remember the advertisement because of creativity. 25% people remember the advertisement because of brand ambassador,11% people remember the advertisement because of their idea of delivering the message.,25%people remember the advertisement because of frequency of add. 15% people remember the advertisement because of logical reason.
1) Perform a detail demand survey at regular interval to know about the unique needs and requirements of the customer. 2) The company should make hindrance free arrangement for its customers/retailers to make any feedback or suggestions as and when they feel.
3) The company should focus to bring some more flavours and variety of schemes rather then bring second and repeat same old one. It is always better to be first than being better. 4) The company must be aware of and keep at least the latest knowledge of its primary competitors in market and try to make a perfect anticipated efforts to meet the same 5) The company should also use time to time some more and new attractive system of word of mouth advertisement to keep alive the general awareness in the rural market as a whole. 6) The company should be always in a position to receive continuous feedback and suggestions from its customers/ consumers as well as from 7) The market and try to solve it without any delay to establish its own good credibility.. 8) The visibility of any product plays an important role in making the customer, aware about it and is vital for the growth and development of any product.
9) For their advertisement they can also introduce a brand ambassador, because most of the rural area consumers remember advertisement because of their brand ambassador. 10) A strong watch should be kept on distributors also, because in some cases they are found to be cheating the retailers and affecting the goodwill of the BRAND.
Branding strategy in rural place. a) Rural Product Development: The rural market is a fast growing one and has a huge population with a great level of disposable income. To encash this, products have to be specifically developed to meet the needs of rural markets. Sometimes, existing products might have to be modified to suit these markets too accordingly. Rural product development has the strong edifice on a great deal of research like feasibility studies, rural aspiration, rural profiling and so on. This paves way for a great deal of infrastructure and expertise in this area. b) Rural Branding Rural branding bears quite different stand from urban branding. The first step towards rural branding is to research and gain insight into the working of rural markets. Based on this communication campaigns have to be developed with a lot of rural sensitivity. Rural branding is attained by way of opting to a greater percentage of local media and a smaller percentage of the mass media. Rural gatherings like temple festivals, melas, cinema halls and so on can be used as venues to promote brands. Direct Marketing and events like road shows; film shows, melas, street theatre can also be used to promote brands. A well-planned rural branding campaign cannot just create brand awareness but help your target relevant to your brand and promote sales. A long-term campaign will keep your brand at the top-of-the-mind and build brand loyalty. So the brands are in safe hands. c) Rural Market Research Rural markets behave most differently from urban markets. While many marketers have tried to market their products in rural areas, just a handful of the same only has succeeded. A strong insight into rural consumer behavior and sensitivity to their values and beliefs is essential; to upgrade the rural market rural market research encompasses not just gathering data but analyzing them and linking the findings to promoting your products. d) Rural Communication Campaigns: Communication for rural markets calls for a different kind of outlook. There must be a strong accent on helping the target relate to the message. The entire communication and media strategy has to devise a system based on research findings. These have to be developed in the regional vernacular languages and set in the local culture for easier acceptance and reach. Unlike communication campaigns in urban areas that
rely greatly on the mass media, the strategy will be of crying in the wielderness in rural areas. Besides mass and outdoor media, rural extravaganza like temple festivals, melas and other events where the villagers come together can be used for promotions. e) Rural Events: In the rural context, one of the best ways to capture the attention of the audience is through Event-management. Since rural areas have limited venues for entertainment, conducting an event in rural areas can bring a good response. A well-planned event can get the product the mileage that we want. Some of the interesting events that can be conducted are Road Shows, Melas, Street-Theatre, Film Shows and so on. These make a visually strong impact and build long term brand recall. Rural public are the target audience and hence the portfolio of event management has to be handled professionally with diligent care and broad perspective. f) Rural DM Campaigns: Direct Marketing (DM) is one of the most powerful way to meet the target on their turf and build product awareness as well as promotion. The success of any DM campaign depends on the field workers and their sensitivity and emotional connectivity to rural markets. In the area of Direct Marketing, rural team has to be trained, to be sensitive to rural culture and beliefs. They can handle activities like Door-to-Door sampling, marketing and product promotion. These activities can also be carried out innovatively at places like local cinema halls, melas and festivals, in the midst of cross-cultural gatherings and conglomerations. g) Database Creation & Management: Marketing, branding and promotional activities in the rural context can be highly effective and thereafter have to create a database of prospects. The question is how will you source this critical data? The data will contain details of your target segments at the village level / townlevel. This data is essential for us to reach our target accurately and helps our marketing plan and communication strategies. Management Information System along with Database management paves ways for a congenial rural marketing through the information and data available for effective interpretations and use.
1 2
1 2 3 4 5
Do you drink soft drinks? (Please put an X in the appropriate box) 1YES 2 NO, if no, please return this questionnaire.
1 Everyday
6. What is the best thing that you like about soft drink? 1.Price 2.Packaging 3. Quality 4. Easy availability 5. All of the above
your occupation ?
Q8. Which brand do you drink the most? Please put a tick in front of it