1 Computer Graphics (CST307) - Lect 1
1 Computer Graphics (CST307) - Lect 1
1 Computer Graphics (CST307) - Lect 1
Lect 1: Introduction
Dr. Satyendra Singh Chouhan
MNIT Jaipur
Overview of Today’s Lecture
Why Computer Graphics?
Evaluation Mechanism?
Another example
Ø CAD Interface
DNA Visualization
Scientific Visualization
Information Visualization
n-dimensional data
Computer Graphics
Spectrum of such application is very wide
Difficult to list all applications as everything we see
around us involving computers contains some application
of computer Graphics.
Here, from CG point of view, computer refers to:
Mobile phones
Information kiosk at popular spots such as airports
Large display at open air concerts
Air traffic control panel
Anything with having display mechanism
Computer Graphics
What is the common in all these applications
Instance of images displayed on the screen
Note: text are also images (will see later)
Images are constructed with objects,
Basically geometric shapes (Characters or icons)
When we create/edit/view a document, we are
dealing with letter, numbers, punctuations, and
Each is an object, rendered on the screen with difference
size and style
Computer Graphics
How a computer do all these things?
In other word, how we can create or represents,
synthesize, and render imagery on a computer display.
This the fundamental question that is studied in
Computer Graphics.
Computer Graphics
It is process of rendering static images or animation
(sequence of images) on computer screen in a efficient
In this course we will learn about the process
Stages of CG pipeline
Pipeline implementation (hardware and software)
Syllabus and Evaluation mechanism
Ø Syllabus is tentative: I will include some advance parts
Ø Such as GPUs
Mid Term 30 %
End Term 40%
Internal 30% (Two Quizes)
See this
Prerequisites for Computer Graphics
Linear Algebra
Knowledge of data structures and algorithm
C/C++ Programming
Overview of Lecture 2
We will discuss basic graphics system (It will help in
upcoming lectures)
We will briefly discuss the historical evolution
CG-Core idea
What we do in CG-
generate 2D images and display on the screen.
How we do that?
Generic CG System Architecture
Display Controller
Image generation task is performed by Display Controller
Takes input from CPU (Host computer)
As well as external input devices (mouse keyboard etc.)
Image generation is multistage process, involving a lot of
Why we need Display Controller (Display Processor)?
Why not CPU?
To avoid such situation and increase efficiency , rendering
is usually carried out by a dedicated component of the
system (Graphic card)
Has it own processing unit called GPU
CG –core idea
CPU assign any graphic rendering task to this separate
graphic unit
We are calling it display controller (generic name)
Video Memory
Stores the representation of image received from Display
Display controller generates image in digital format ( 0 or
It is dedicated part of memory hierarchy
Typically part of separate graphic unit (The VRAM in the
graphic card)
Video Controller
Video Controller converts digital image to analog voltages
It takes the storage image as input
The analog voltage drive electro-mechanical arrangements,
which ultimately render image on the screen.
Display screen contains picture elements or pixels
Arranged in form of grid
Video Controller
When these pixels are excited by electrical means, they
emit lights with specific intensities, which give us the
sensation of coloured images on the screen.
The mechanism of exciting the pixel is done by Video
Input is digital image stored in the VRAM and activates suitable
electro-mechanical mechanism for pixel to emit light.
Type of graphic devices
Broadly there are two types (Based on the method to
excite pixels)
Vector Scan
Raster Scan
Vector Scan Device (aka random –scan, stroke writing, or
calligraphic devices)
Image viewed as composition of continuous geometric
primitives (lines as curves)
Image is rendered by rendering these primitives
Example: Vector Scan
Vector Scan: Pros and Cons
In vector scan devices, need to excite only a subset of the
pixel grid
It requires high precision and complex hardware
Consequently vector devices are costly.
Due to selective exciting, it is good for rendering
wireframe images
For complex images, flicker is visible as rendering involves
lots of random movements
Raster Scan Devices
Image viewed as representation by whole pixel grid (Not
only selected primitives)
To render a raster image, all the pixels are considered
For this, it consider the pixel in sequence
Video controller starts with the top left pixel and check if the
pixel needs to excited or not
Raster Scan process
It is a sequential consideration of pixel grid – scanning
Each row is called scan line
Frame buffer
The video memory of Raster scan system is generally
known as frame buffer.
Contains one location corresponding to each pixel
Display processor works at the speed of the CPU
Video controller is typically a electro mechanical
arrangement (Slower compare to CPU)
Frame buffer
If display controller output fed directly to video controller,
resulting image can get distorted
To synchronization, frame buffer is used
However, single buffer is not sufficient
Double buffering
Primary and secondary buffers
So how they work?
Video controller takes the input from primary buffer while
display controller fills up the other (Secondary)
Then role reversal and the process repeats
Screen refreshing
Lights emitted from pixel elements, after excitation, starts
decaying over time
Lead to fading of the scene after sometime
However, pixel in a scene may get excited at different
May lead to image distortion
To avoid we have to keep on exciting the pixel
periodically- Refreshing
Refresh rate- (in Hz)
Typically 60 Hz
Raster Scan device pros and cons
Computer Graphics: 1960-1970
Wireframe graphics
Draw only lines
Display Processors
Storage tube
wireframe representation
of sun object
Ivan Sutherland’s PhD thesis at MIT
Recognized the potential of man-machine interaction
Display something
User moves light pen
Computer generates new display
Sutherland also created many of the now common algorithms
for computer graphics
Direct View Storage Tube
Created by Tektronix
Did not require constant refresh
Standard interface to computers
Allowed for standard software
Plot3D in Fortran
Relatively inexpensive
Opened door to use of computer graphics for CAD community
Computer Graphics: 1970-1980
Raster Graphics
Beginning of graphics standards
GKS: European effort
Becomes ISO 2D standard
Core: North American effort
3D but fails to become ISO standard
Workstations and PCs
Raster Graphics
Image produced as an array (the raster) of picture
elements (pixels) in the frame buffer
Raster Graphics
Allows us to go from lines and wire frame images to filled
PCs and Workstations
Although we no longer make the distinction between
workstations and PCs, historically they evolved from
different roots
Early workstations characterized by
Networked connection: client-server model
High-level of interactivity
Early PCs included frame buffer as part of user memory
Easy to change contents and create images
Computer Graphics: 1980-1990
Realism comes to computer graphics
Computer Graphics: 1990-2000
Completely computer-generated feature-length movies
(Toy Story) are successful
New hardware capabilities
Texture mapping
Accumulation, stencil buffers
Computer Graphics: 2000-2010
Graphics cards (GPU) for PCs dominate market
Nvidia, ATI
Game boxes and game players determine direction of
market (Wii, Kinect, etc)
Computer graphics routine in movie industry: Maya,
Programmable pipelines
Computer Graphics: 2010-
Mobile Computing
Cloud Computing
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Virtual Reality
Oculus Rift
Artificial Intelligence
Big Data/Deep Learning
Google Car