Unit5. Documentation Monitoring Evaluation of NSTP Community Based Projects

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NSTP 2 (Community Immersion)




Documentation – is a clear-cut proof that projects are conducted with the notes and observations
being recorded as guidelines for future programs like the NSTP. It is a reservoir of information that
can improve the project.

LIST OF NTSP Forms Required for Documentation during Community Immersion


1. Waiver
2. Letter of request to the barangay to conduct for immersion
3. Acceptance letter of barangay
4. Community needs assessment
5. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) or Memorandum of Understanding
6. Narrative Report


1. Copy of all documents for immersion of students
a. Waiver
b. Letter of request to the barangay to conduct for immersion
c. Acceptance letter of barangay
d. Community needs assessment
e. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) or Memorandum of Understanding
2. Grade sheets
3. Summary list of graduates
4. Accomplishment reports
5. Program of instruction


Result Monitoring – is a systematic and continuous procedure in checking programs and projects
done during the NSTP community immersion. Monitoring of projects is done consistently and by
certain measures. It is an observation of several changes that occur over time.

Significance of Monitoring NSTP Projects

Monitoring NSTP projects is very important to determine:

• Whether the inputs are achieved on time or as planned;

• Whether the activities were conducted as scheduled; and
• Whether the outputs were produced on time or outputs were in right quantity and
quality as specified on the project design.

The products of monitoring are summarized progress reports that are capable of triggering
timely management interventions. It serves as a means of keeping track of the status of the
NSTP 2 (Community Immersion)

Who will monitor NSTP projects during community immersion?

• Trainees
• Trainors
• Barangay officials concerned
• Partner agencies involved in the projects
• Others who are not involved but are concerned with the project

To ensure success of the NSTP projects, monitoring plan is necessary as a means of getting
data for information and input for decision making:

• Data/information needed in rational decision making;

• Personnel involved in the execution of the project, collection of data and problem
• Know about data are reported and to be reported; and
• Levels of implementation.

Tools Needed for Monitoring Purposes

1. Journal or Process recording

✓ Journal is an account of day-to-day events and a record of experiences, ideas, or

reflections kept regularly for private use.

✓ Process recording – is an account of day-to-day events, but it deals heavily on how a

certain task was performed and achieved. This can be very useful in putting together
the pieces of data gathered.

2. Gantt Chart – an illustration of summary of breakdown of work elements. It is useful in

monitoring if NSTP projects are being implemented on time.

3. Summary checklist. From the start, the implementors of the project write the indicators that
need to be present to check whether there is progress. Usually, the objectives of the project,
tasks, materials and persons involved are written on a checklist. Across these items are
columns to be checked whether they have been complied or not.


Evaluation – is a systematic assessment of the value or worth of something. This something could
be the NSTP projects or other programs, a technique used in the fieldwork or a situation prevalent in
a particular community.

➢ To NSTP trainees and trainors, evaluation means the value or meat of his teaching-learning
NSTP 2 (Community Immersion)

Importance of Evaluation

1. It provides trainors/trainees and other people an idea of the activities’ progress and
accomplishments and how they fare well in the achievement of goals.

2. Results serve as basis for empowerment in carrying out activities.

3. It provides an avenue of making program revision and adjustments.

4. It provides opportunity for the trainees to experience and develop skills in conducting

What to Evaluate?

There are five aspects of evaluating the NSTP Project in order to be successful namely:

1. Effort
In measuring the efforts exerted in the project, the trainees use the input evaluation
type which identifies available resources both in human (personal), material
resources such as money, educational tools, method or techniques, and the activities

2. Effect
In assessing effect, trainees and the like measure the outcomes of the efforts made.

3. Adequacy
In measuring adequacy, trainees need to look into the effectiveness of the project in
terms of the number of clients being served.

4. Efficiency
This is done by determining the cost benefit analysis by the trainors of the trainees,
and identifying the benefits derived from the program.

5. Process
In evaluating the NSTP Project, one should answer the questions on how and why
the project worked or did not work. It also responds to the question on how the
different project inputs can be utilized to arrive at good outcomes.

It must be considered that evaluation of the projects is a continuous process and has
no end unless the project ceases to exist.

Who will conduct Evaluation of the NSTP Projects?

The NSTP Project is done by and through the following:

➢ Trainees themselves
➢ Trainers/facilitators
➢ NSTP Office personnel
➢ With a given reference, CHED/TED as outside evaluators
➢ Follow-up studies, if there are any
NSTP 2 (Community Immersion)

How are the NSTP Projects Evaluated?

1. Identification of the objectives.

• It must be in behavioral terms.

• It must include the domains of learning which served as basis of assessing their
knowledge, skills and attitudes.

2. Examine program activities and implementation procedures.

• What are the activities identified to meet the objectives?

• How are these activities undertaken?
• Did it achieve the objectives of the program?

3. Indicators of expected outcome.

• Are the methods/approaches relevant to the project?

• Are the materials appropriate for the activity?
• Are there changes among clients on the following:
a. Knowledge?
b. Attitude (values, belief, habits, practices)?
c. Skills?

When Do We Evaluate?

Evaluation must be undertaken before, during and after the project.

Pre-actively evaluation is done before the conduct of the project to provide baseline information on
knowledge, skills, attitudes, and other characteristics of the target clients. It provides data on the
clients’ needs, strength and weaknesses regarding the project.

Evaluation of an ongoing project is necessary to time out how the project is progressing. It
answers questions like:

a. Is the project executed on planned?

b. Are there problems in the program implementation?

c. What problems have been encountered?

d. What solutions or actions are being taken to attain project objectives?

Post-evaluation of an activity determines whether project objectives have been attained or are the
clients show measurable gain in knowledge, attitude, and skills. It also ascertains the amount of
change that has taken place in the clients.
NSTP 2 (Community Immersion)



•Students make a letter of request regarding their immersion addressed to

the partner group signed by the trainer/coordinator and approved by the
1 NSTP Coordinator/Director.

•Community partners will respond to the request signifying their acceptance.


•Students, based on the needs identified with the community partners, will
propose a project.

•Students will prepare a detailed program schedule.


•Students will go on actual immersion and project implementation to

assigned areas. Monitoring and Evaluation is intensified at this phase.

•Students prepare a narrative report of the activities.


•Each group will submit the narrative report in compliance of the


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