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Panaji, 26th August,.1971 (Bhadra 4, 1893J SERIES I No.


GOVERNMENT OF INDIA New Delhi, 20th July, 1971

(Transport Wing) G. S. R. - m exercise of the powers conferred by
SUb-section (1) of Section 35 of the mdian Ports
15 New Delhi, 20th July, 1971 Act, 1908 (15 of 1908), the Central Governmer.t
I hereby makes the following Order to amend the Port
Notification Mormugao Pilotage (Fees) Order, 1.967, namely:-
m exercise of the powers conferred by t,ub-sec- Order
tion (1) of section 35 of the Indian Ports Act, 1908
(15 of 1908) and in supersessioTh of the notification 1. Short title and commencement. -(l)This Order
of the Government of India in the late Ministry may be called the Port of Mormugao Pilotage (Fees)
of Transport and Shipping (Transport Wbg) Amendment Order, 1971.
No. 7-PG(25) 100, dated the 29th SeptemiYer, 1.967 - (2) It ·shaIl come into force at once.
the Central Government hereby directs that the
Lighthouse and buoy charges payable by a foreign '2. For ,sub-clause (1.) of Clause 4, of the Port of
going vessel at the Port Of Mormugao shall be levied Mormugao Pilotage (,Fees) Order, 1967 (hereinafter
at the rate of Rs. 23.65 per vessel. referred to as the said Order), the following sub-
-clause shall be !Substituted, namely: -
Explanation: "Foreign going vessel" means a
ve3£el plying between any port or place in India "'(1) if the vessel is not able to move within
and any other port or place, or between ports or thirty minutes of the pilot board:ing it for the
. places outside India. purpose of pilotage, it shall be liable to pay .an
(No. 7-PG(20)/70) extra charge 'at the rate of Rs. 78.75 per half
an hour or pant thereof beyond thirty minutes,
Sd/- till it moves".
K. L. GUPTA 3. m the "SCHEDULE" to the said Order, for
Under Secretary to the Government of mdia. Serial Nos. 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 13 and the entries
relating thereto, ·the following serial numbers and
entries shall respectively be substituted, namely:-
New Delhi, 20th July, 1971
Sr. No. Nature of service fee payable
Rs. P .

G. S. R. -·m exercise of the powers coruferred by

114. Sea to -berth and vice versa for vessels
sub'section(l) of section 33 of the Indian Ports upto 22.0.0 iJ'mT ............................. . 393.7:5";
Act, 1908 (15 of 1908), the Central Government
"5. Sea to !berth and ;V:ke versa \for vessels
hereby makes the following amendment, with effect . over ~2.o.o and ulpto66.o.o NlRT ........ .
from t)le expiration of sixty days from the date of
. ",7. IStre'aIll to !berth I3.D.d rvi:ce versa 'Or 'Change
puMication of this notification in the Official Gawtte, of berths for vessels upto 2200 NaT ... 31'5.00";
in the notification of the Government of mdia in
"8. Stream to 'berth -and vice versa or change
the late Ministry of Transport and Aviation, Depart- of berths for vessels 'Over 12200 and
ment of Trans;port and Shipping (Transport Wing) upto 6.60.0 iNRT ............................. . 393.7.5";
No. G. S. IR. 282, dated the 21.st February, 1967, "'10. Ohange of anchorage for vessels 'Upto
namely: - 2200 NRT ......... '.............................. 275.65";
m the scheduie to the said notification, in column "111. Change of anc\horage for vessels over .
2200 and uplto '66.0.0 NRT .................. 315..00"; .
'.i (2) for the entry "Twenty paise", occurring against
q the entry "Vessels of over 1.000 tons" iTh column (1), "11.:3. [Mooring and Unmoormg .. ".................. ' 47.25 per
'the entry "Twenty five paise" shall be substituted.

(No.7-PG(20)/70-ill) (No. 7-PlG(20l/70)

Sd/- Sd/-
Under Secretary to the Government ()f mdia. Under Secretary to the Government of mdia.
288 SERIES I No. 22

GOVERNMENT OF GOA. DAMAN covering or receptacle in which such gold is

found, shall be liable to confiscation: .
AND DIU Provided that where it is established to the
satisfaction of the officer adjudging the confis-
Home Department 'A' cation that such gold or other thing belongs to
a person other than the person who has, by any
act or omission, rendered it liable to confiscation,
Notification and such act or omislSion was without the know-
ledge or connivance of the person to whom it

iI ED·44·32/71·A
In eXercise of the powers conferred by Section 34
of the Police Act 1861 the Lieutenant Governor of
Goa, Daman and'Diu hereby sp~cially extends. the
belong;;, it shall not be ordered to be confiscated
but such other action, as is authorised by this
Act, may be taken against the person who has,
by euch act or omission, rendered it liable to
confils:cation." ;
i1 provisions of section 34 of the saId Act to the areas
of Saligao, Calangute, Ribandar, Santa Cruz! Chl':'- (ii) for sub-sections (2), (3) and (4), the follow-
~ chinim, .Cuncolim, Curchorem and Colva ill thIS ing sub"sections shall be substituted, namely::-
:1 Union Territory with immediate effect. .
"(2) Where any package, covering or recep-
1 By order and in the name of the Lt. Governor tacle referred to in sub-section (1) conta'ins any
of Goa, Daman and Diu. other goods, such contents shall also be Hable to
M. K. Bhandari, Under Secretary (Home).
(3) Where any gold ,is liable to confiscation
Panaji, 18th August, 1971. under sub-<section (1), it shall be so liable not-
withstanding any change in its form, and where
••• such gold is mixed with other goods' in sillch
·manner that it cannot be separated from those
Law and Judicial Department 'other goods, the Whole of such goods, 'inCluding
the gold, shall be liable to confiscation.
(4) On and from the commencement of the
Notification Gold (Control) Amendment Act, 1971, the pro-
iUD;W/71 viso to &ub-section (1) shall also apply to any
gold or other thing which is liable to conviscation
The Gold (Control) Amendment Act, 1971 (,21 of under ,sub-section (2) or sub-section (3).".
'1971) was recently passed by the Parliament and
assented to by the President of India is hereby
published for the general information of public. 3. Amendment of section 73.-In section 73 of'
the principal Act, the word "twice" shan be, and
M. S. Borkar, Under Secretary (Law). shall be deemed always to have been, omitted.
Panaji, 2nd July, 1971.

The Gold (Controil Amendment Act, 1971
4. Reopening of past confiscations. - (1) Where
any order made, before the commencement of this
Act, for the con['i&eation of any gold or other thing
or giving option to pay fine in lieu thereof is such
that it could not have been made if the prinCipal
AN Act, as amended by this Act, were in force on the
ACT date on wMch the said order was made, the officer
competent undersec:tion' 78 to adjudge such confis-
further to amend the Gold (Control) Act, 1968 cation shall, on an application made to him by the
person aggrieved by SJUch order, set aside the order
Be it enacted by Parliament in the Twenty-second of confiscation or, as the case may be, the order
Year of the Republic of India as follows:- giving option to pay,fine in lieu of confiscation, and
also any order imposingpena'lty in addition to confh- .
1. Short title and commencement. - (1) This Act cation or giving option to pay fine in ~ieu thereof, and
may be called the Gold (Control) Amendment Act, make a fresh adjudication ,in accordance . with the
1971. provisions of the principal Act, as, amended by this
(2) It shall be deemed to 'have come 'into force on Ac:t.
the 20th day of May, 1971. (2) The power referred to in sub-section (1) shall
be exercised by the ofHcer· specified therein in rela-
2. Amendment of section 71. :"'In sec- 45 00' 1968. tion to the final order of adjudication of confiscation
. tion 71 of the Gold (Control) Act, 1968 or giving option to pay Hne in lieu thereof or imposing
(hereinafter referred to as the principal any penalty, whether or not such fina:l order ,,'as
Act),- made in appeal under section 80 or in revision under
(i) for sub-section (1), the following sub-section section 81 or section 82.
shall be, and shaH be deemed always to have been, (3) Every application referred to 'in sUb-section (1)
substituted, namely:- shall be made with'in ninety days from the commen-
"(1) Any gold in respect of which any provi- cement of this Act or within such further time, not
sion of th,is Act or any rule or order made exceeding ninety days, as the officer specified in that
thereunder has been, Or is being, or is attempted sub-section may, on sufficient cause being shown,
to be, contravened, together with any package, aUow.
r ."
~6THAUGUST, 1971 (BHADRA 4, 1893) 289·

(4) Where, and in. so far as, any or4er for the (2) Itextoollsto thnvhole of India except t~
ClOnfiscation of any.gold or other thing, or any option State of Jammu and Kashniir. .
given to pay fine in.lieu of confiscation, or imposing
any penalty is mouified or reversed, the officer spe- - 2. Definitions.- In this Act, unless the context
cified in sub-section (1) shall make an order for such otherwise requires, --:
refund or restitution as the circumstances of the (a) "appropriate Govermnent" means, as'res.
case may require: peets a detention .order made by the Central
Provided that where the restitution of any gold Government or a person detained under such order,
or other thing is not practicable, the said authority. the Central Government, and as respects a' deten-
shaH make an order for tOO payment to the person to tion order made by a State Government orby an
-whom such restitution is to be made, the markert officer subordinate to a State Government or as
value of such gold or other thing, as on the date on respects it person detained under such order the
which tOO fresh adjudication is made. State Government; .' .
(5) Nothing iii this section shall apply to any (b) "detention order" means an order made
. under section 3;
I 'confisca.tion made, option given to pay fine in lieu of

confiscation, or penalty .imposed under Part XII-A (c) "foreigner" has the same mean-
ing as in the Foreigners Act, 1946;
of theDefence of India Rules, 1962. 31 of 1946
(d) "State Government", in relation to a Union
5. Validation. - Notwithstanding any territory, means the administrator thereof. .
\ judgment, decree or order of any court,
I any confiscation made, penalty imposed 3. Power to make orders detaining certain pers~ns.
or fine levied under the Gold (Control) (1) The Central Government or the State Govern-
Act, 1968, before tOO commencement of 45 of 1968. ment may,-
this Act roall, in SO far as it is not incon-
sistent with the provisions of this Act, 1:I.e (a) if satisfied with respect to any person (in-
deemed to have been made, imposed or cln<ling a foreigner) that with a view to preventing
levied in accordance with the proV'isions 'him from acting in any manner prejudicial to-
,of the Gold (Control) Act, 1968, as (i) .the defence of India, the relations of India
,amended by this Act.. with foreign powers, or the security of India, or
(ii) . the security of the State or the inainte-
6. Repeal and savings. - (1) The Gold 8 of. !W7J.. nance of public order, or
(Control) Amendment Ordinance, 197'1 is (iii) the maintenance of supplies and services
-1:Lereby repealed. essential to the community, or
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, any-
(b) if satisfied with respect to any foreigner
thing done, any. action taken or any order
made under the said Ordinance shall be that with a view to regulating his continued pre:
deemed to have been done, taken or made sence in India or with a view to making arrange"
under the corresponding provisions, of the. ments for his expulsion from India,
'Gold (Control) Act, 1968, as amended by 45 of 19&8.
this Act. . it is necessary so to do, make an order directing 'that
such person be detained.
Notification (2) Any of the following officers, namely: ~ ..
(a) district magistrates,
(b) additional district magistrates specially
, The Maintenance of Internal Security Act 1971 empowered in this behalf by the State Govern-
.(26 of 71) whicli \Vas recently passed by.the l;>arlia- ment,
ment and assented to .' by the President of India, is (c) . Commissioners of Police,' wherever' .they
hereby pUblished for the general information of have been appointed, .
public. . ,
may, if satisfied as provided in sub-clauses (ii) and
M. S. Borkar, Under !Secretary (Law). (iii) of clause (a) of sub-section (1), exercise the
Panaji, 2nd August, 1971., power conferred by the said sub-section. .
(3) When any order is, made under this section by
The Maintenance of Internal Security Act, 1971 an officer mentioned In sub-section on, he shall
forthwith report the fact to the State Government
AN to which he is subordinate together with the grounds
on Which the order has been made and such other
ACT particulars as in hisl opinion have a bearing on the
·to provtde fordetentiml in certain cases for the matter, and no such order shall remain in force for
'PUrpose of maintenance of internal security and. more than twelve days after the making thereof
matters connected therewith unless in the meantime it has been approved by the
State Government: .' .
Be it enactedbyParliamentin the Twenty-second
Year of the RepubJic of India as follows:- Provided that where under section 8 the grounlls
of detention are communicated. by the authority
1. Short title and extent. - (1) This Act may be making the orderarter five daysl but not later' than
called the Mainterianceof Internal. Security Act, fifteen' days -froffi-thedate of detention, this sub-
1971. . -section shall apply subject to the modification that
290 SERIES I No. ~.
_______ ----------~"'----'c~---~- ..
for the words "twelve days", the words "twenty-two . comply therewith and that he had, within the
days" Shall be substituted. period specified in the order, informed the officer
mentioned in the order of the reason which render-
(4) When any order is made Or approved by the ed compliance therewith impossible and of hiS
State Government under this section, the State Go- whereabouts, be punishable with imprisonment for
vernment shall, within seven days, report the fact to a term which may extend to one year Or with fine
the Central Government together with the grounds or with both.
on which the. order has been made and such other
particulars as in the opinion of the State Government (2) Notwithstanding anything contai-
have a: bearing on rtbe necessity for the order. ned in the Code of Criminal Procedure,
1898, every offence under clause (b) of 5 ,'f 1898.
4. Execution of detention orders. - A sub-section (1) shall be cognizable.
detention order may be executed at any
place in India in the manner provided 8; Grounds of order of detention to be disclosed
for the execution of warrants of arrest to persons affected by the order. - (1) When a per-·
under the Code of Criminal Procedure, son is detained in pursuance of a detention order,
1898. 5 of 1898. the authority making the order shall, as soon as
may be, but ordinarily not later than five days and
. : 5. Power to regulate plaee and conditions of deten- in exceptional circumstanc8Sl and for reasons to be
tion. - Every person in respect of whom a deten- recorded in writing, not later than fifteen days, from
tion order has been made shall be liable- the date of detention, communicate to him the
(a) to be detained in such place and under such grounds on which the order has been made and shall
conditions, including conditions as to maintenance, afford him the earli€St opportunity of making a
discipline and punishment for breaches of discip- represootabion against the order to the appropriate
line,. as the appropriate Government may, by Government.
general or special order, specify; and (2) Nothing in SUb-section (1) shall require the
(b) to be removed from one place of detention authority to disclose facts which ·it considers to be
to another. place of detention, whether within the against the public interest to disclose.
same State or in another State, by order of the
appropriate Government: 9. Constitution of Advisory Boards. - (1) The
Central Government and each State Government
Provided that no order shall be made by a State shall, whenever necessary, constitute One or more
Government under clause (b) for the removal of a Advisory Boards for the purpose of this Act.
person from One State to another State except with
the consent of the Government of that other State. (2) Every such Board. shall consJst of three per-
sons who are, or have boon, Or are qualified to
6. Detention orders not to be invalid or inoperaHve be appointed as, Judges of a High Court, and such
on certaln grounds. - No detention order shall be p€rsons shall be appointed by the Central Govern~
invalid or inoperative merely by reason- ment or the State Government, as the Case may be.
(a) that the person to be detained thereunder is (S) The appropriate Government shall appoint one
outside the limits of the territorial jurisdiction of the members of the Advisory Board who is, or
of the Government or officer making the order, or has been, a Judge of a High Court to be its Chairman,
(b) that the place of detention of such person
and in the case of a Union territory the appointment
is ou taide the said limi ta. to the Advisory Board, of any person who is a Judge
of the High Court of a State shall be with the pre-
vious approval of the State Government concerned.
7. Powers ill relation to absconding persons.-
(1) If the Central Government or the State Govern- 10. Reference to Advisory Boards. - Save as
mentor an officer sp€cified in SUb-section (2) of otherwise expressly provided in this Act, in every
section 3, as the case may be, has reason to believe case where a detention order has been made under
that a person in respect of whom a detention order this Act, the appropriate Government shall, within
has been made has absconded or is concealing him- thirty days', from the date of detention under the
self so tha:t the order cannot be executed, that Go- order, place before the Advisory Board constituted
vernment or officer may- by it under section 9 the grounds on which the order
(a) make a report in writing of the has been made and the repres'entation, if any, made
fact to a Presidency Magistrate Or a by the person affected by the order, and in case
Magistrate of the first class having where the order has been made by an officer, also
jurisdiction in the place where the said the report by such officer under sub-section (3) of
person ordinarily resides; and there- section 3.
upon the provisionsl of sections 87, 88
and 89 of th e Code of Criminal Proce- 11. Procedure of Advisory Boards. - (1) The
dure, 1898, shall apply in respect of the 5 of 1898. Advisory Board shall, after considering the mate-
said person and his property as if the rials placed before it and, after calling for SJUch
order directing that he be detained were further information as it may deem necessary from
a warrant issued by the Magistrate; the appropriate Government or from any person
called for the purpose ,through the appropria:te
(b) by order notified in the Official Gazette ?ov.ernment or from the person concerned, and if,
direct the said p€rson to appear before such offi- many particlliar case, it considers it essential so to
cer, at ~~ch place and within such p€riod as may do or if the person concerned desires to be heard,
be. speCIfIed m the order; and if the said person after hearing him in person, submtt its report to the
fails to comply with such direction he alIall unless appropriate Gov€Tnme<nt within ten weeks from the
he proves that it was not possible for him to date of detention. .
26TH AUGUST, 1971 (BHADRA 4, 1898) 291
(2) The report of the Advisory Board shall specify (2) In directing the release of any person under
in a separate part thereof the opinion of the Ad- sub-section (1), the appropriate Government may
visory Board as to whether or not there is sufficient require him to enter into a bond with Or without
cause for the detention of the person concerned. sureties for the due observance of the conditions
specified in the direction.
(3) When there is a difference of opinion among
the members forming the Advisory Board, the (3) Any person release1 under sub-section (1)
opinion of the majority of such members shall be shall surrender himself at the time and place, and
·deemed to be the opinion of the Board. to the authority, specified in the order directing his
release or cancelling his release, as the case may be.
(4) Nothing in this section shall entitle any per-
son against whom a detention order has been made (4) If any person fails without sufficient cause to
to appear by any legal practitioner in any matter . surrender himself in the manner specified in sub-
connected with the reference to the Advisory Board, -section (3), he shall be punishable with imprison-
and the proceedings of the Advisory Board and its ment for a term which may extend to two years, or
report, excepting that part of the report in which with fine, or with both.
the opinion of the Advisory Board is specified, shall
(5) If any person reJeaood under sub-section (1)
be confidential.
fails to fulfil any of the conditions imposed upon
12. Action upon the report of Advisory Board.- him under the said sub-section or in the bond entered
(11 In any case where the Advisory Board has
into by him, the bond shall be declared to be forfeited
reported that there is in its opinion sufficient cause and any person bound thereby shall be liable to pay
for the detention of a pel son, the appropriate Go- the penalty thereof.
vernment may confirm the detention order and
eontinue the detention of the person concerned for 16. Protection of action taken in good faith. - No
such period as it thinks fit. suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against the
Central Government or a State Government, and no
(2) In any case where the Advisory Board has suit, prosecution Or other legal proceeding shall lie
reported that there is in its opinion no sufficient against any person, for anything in good faith done
cause for the detention of the person concerned, the Or intended to be done in pursuance of this Act.
appropriate Government ahall revoke the detention
order and cause the person to be released forthwith.
17. Duration of detention in certain cases of fo-
13. Maximum period of detention. - The maxi- reigners. - (1) Notwithstanding anything contained
mum period for which any person may be detained in this Act, any foreigner in respect of whom an
in pursuance of any detention order which has been order of detention has been made nnder this Act
confirmed under section 12 shall be l.welve months may be detained without obtaining the opinion of .
from the' date of detention: the Advisory Board for a period longer than three
months, but not exceeding two years from the date
Provided that nothing contained in this section of his detention, in any of the following clas'ses of
shall affect the power of the appropriate Govern- cases or under any of the following circumstances,
ment to revoke or modify the detention order at any namely:-
earlier time.
(a) where such foreigner enters or attempts to
14. Hevocation of detention orders.- enter the territory of India or is found therein
(1) Without prejudice to the provisioll8 with arms, ammunition ()r explosives, or
of section 21 of the General Clauses Act, (b) where such foreigner enters or
1897, a detention order may, at any time, 10 of ,18~7, attempts to enter a notified area or is
be revoked or modified- found in contravention ::>f section 3 of
(a) nothwiths:tanding that the order has been the Criminal Law Amendment Act,
made by an officer mentioned in sub-section (2) ot 1961, or 23 of 1961.
section 3, by the State C..overnment to which that (c) where such foreigner enters or
officer is subordinate or by the Central Govern- attempts to enter the loeal limits or is
ment; found within the local limits of such
(b) notWithstanding that the order has been ?"rea adjoining the borders of India as
made by a State Government, by the Central Go- may be specified in an order made
vernment. under section 139 of the Border Secu-
rity Force Act, 1968, without a valid 47 of 19S5.
(2) The revocation or expiry of a detention order travel document, or
shall not bar the making of a fresh detention order
(d) where the Central Government
under section 3 against the same person in any case has reason to believe that such foreign-
where fresh facts have arisen after the date of revo- er commits Or iSI likely to commit any
cation or expiry on which the Central Government offence under the Official Secrets
Or a State Government Or 'ln officer, as the case may Act, 1923. 19 of 1923.
be, is satisfied that such an order should be made.
(2) In the case of any foreigner to whom sub-sec-
15. Temporary release of persons detained. - (1) tion (1) applies, s'ections 10 to 13 shall have effect
The appropriate Government may, at any time, di- subject to the following modifications, namely: -
rect that any person detained in pursuance of a
detention order may be r",leased for any specified (a) in section 10, for the words "shall, within
period either without conditions or upon such condi- thirty days", the words "may, at any time prior
tions specified in the direction as that person accepts, to but in no case later than three months before
and may, at any time, cancel his release. the expiration of two years" shall be substituted;
SERIES 1 No. 2~

(b) in section 11,- served upon the Councillors and posted up at the
(i) in sub-section (1), for the words "from municipal office, specifying the date, hour and
the date of detention", the words "from the date place at which such meeting is to be held and the
on which reference is made to it" shall be resol ution to be considered thereat' shall be
substituted; inserted;
(ii) in sub-section (2), for the words "the (c) in the proviso to clause (b) of sub-sec-
detention of the person concerned", the words tion (4), for the words 'no order shall be p;tssed
"the continued detention of the person ~oncern­ by the such meeting', the words ':if the President
ed" shall be substituted; is not present at such meeting' shall he substi-
tuted; and
(c) in section 12, for the words "for the deten-
tion" in both the places where they occur, the (d) in sub-section (4), before the last period
words "for the continued detention" shall be subs- beginning with the words 'The co-opted Council-
tituted; lors present at the meeting', the figure within
bracket '(5)' shall be inserted.
(d) in section 13, for the words "twelve
months", the words "three years" shall be subs· Statement of Objects and Reasons
The Bill seeks to amend section 56 of the Goa,
18. Repeal and saving.-(1) The main- Daman and Diu Municipalities Act, 1968. If the Bill
tenance of Internal Security Ordinance, Ord. 5
is passed, the requisition for special meeting for
1971, is hereby repealed. of 19701.
considering the resolution for removal from Office
(2) Notwiths'tanding such repeal, anything done of the President of a municipal council will have to
or any action taken under the said Ordinance shall be sent to the Director and not the Collector. This
be deemed to have been done or taken under the should be so in view of the provision of sub-sec-
corresponding provisions of this Act as if this Act tion (3) of the said section 56, whereby it is the
had come into force on the 7th day of May, 1971. Director who should convene the meeting in such
case, within ten days of the receipt of the requisi-
... tion. The amendment also provides for the notice
for the meeting, whether for considering the reso-
lution for removal from office of the President or
legislature Department the Vice-President. The amendment further provi-
des for the correction of a printing mistake occurred
Notification in sub-section (4) and for the numbering of last
period of th e said section as sub-section (5) thereof.
LA/A/7 /1381/71
The amendment of section 56 sought by the Bill
In exercise of the powers conferred on him by is partly consequential, partly incidental and partly
Rule 117 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of corrective of an obvious printing error.
Business of Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman
IUld Diu, the Speaker has ordered publication of the Panaji,
following Bill for general information. ORLANDO S. LOBO. MLA
7th August, 1971.
The Goa, Daman and Diu Municipalities
Assembly Hall, V. L. DANDWATE
(Amendment) Bill,1971 Panaji, Under Secretary to the Legislative·
(Bill No. 17 of 1971) August, 17, 1971. Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu

<, A
to armend the Goa, Daman and Diu Municipalities
Am, 1968 (No.7 of 1969). local Self Government Department
Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Goa, Notification
Daman and Diu in the Twenty-second Year of the
Republic of India as follows:- 3·120·71·LSG
1. Short title. - This Act may be called the Goa, The following draft rules which the Government
Daman and Diu Municipalities (Amendment) Act, of the Goa, Daman and Diu proposes to make under
1971. the Goa, Daman and Diu Municipalities Act, 1968
(No.7 of 1969) are hereby published for the infor-
2. Amendment of section 56. - In section 56 of mation of all persons likely to be affected thereby.
the Goa, Daman and Diu Municipalities Act, 1968 If any person has any suggestions or objections
(No. 7 of 1969),- to make regarding the said draft, the same may
(a) in Clause (a) of sub-section (2), for the be sent to the Under Secretary to the Government
words 'the Collector', the words 'the Director' of Goa, Daman and Diu in the Department of Local
shall be substituted; Self Government, Secretariat, Panaji within 15 days
of the publication of this notification in the Official
(b) in sub·section (3). after the words 'under Gazette sO that they may be taken into consideration
sub·section (2) convene a special meeting of the by the Government at the ·time. of finalisation of<
Council', the words 'with three clear days' notice the said rules.

-========;;;;:;=============. . . . . ~ <.<. ~~--

'26TH AUGUST, 1971 (BHADRA 4, 1893) 293

DRAFl' RULES into consideration by the Government at the time of

finalisation of the said draft.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-sec-
tion (1) of section 306 read with sub-section (2) DRAFT RULES
of section 47 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Munici-
palities Act, 1968 (No. 7 of 1965) and all othe'r In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sec-
powers enabling him in that behalf, the Lt. Governor tion (1) of section 306 read with section 162 of the
of Goa, Daman and Diu hereby makes the following Goa, Daman and Diu Municipalities Act, 1968 (No.7
rules, namely: of 1969) and all other powers enabling him in tilts
behalf, the Lt. Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu
1. Short title. - These rules may be calLed the hereby make the following rules, namely:-
Goa,' Daman and Diu Municipalities (Special Notice
to Councillors for Taxes) Rules, 1971. 1. Short title. - These rules may be called .the
Goa, Daman and Diu Municipalities (Writing off of
2. Form of 8pecial notice under sub-8ection (2) Irrecoverable Tax, Fee and Dues) Rules, 1971.
of 8ection 47. - The special notice .to be issued by
. the Chief Officer under sub-section (2) of sec- 2. Resolution under section 162 to contain certam·
tion 47 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Municipalities particulars. - Every resolution to be passed by a·
Act, 1968 (No.7 of 1969) shall be in the form ap- Council under the first proviso to section 162 of the
pended to these rules. Goa, Daman and Diu Municipalities Act, 1968 appro-·
ving the 'Nriting off of any tax, fee or other amount
to the Council, shall specify-
(a) the amount sought to be written off and
Form of special notice under sub-secti'On (.2)
of section 47 the name of the person from whom, and the
period for which, it is outstanding;
(See ruJe Il)
(b) the processes followed by the Council for
the recovery of the amount; and
A. B. ... Councillor/Vice-lPrmidentl President .of the ...
Council, resi:ding at ... (c) the reasons for which the Council considers
Take noti:ce tlmt IIDspite 'Of the notice of demamd served that the amount is irrecoverable.
on you under section ,lJ4."6 of the Goa, Daman am.d !Diu Muni-
cipalities Act, 1968 (No.7 of 1969) you have on the 1st day 'By order and in the name of the Lieutenant
of ... 19 .. ,' failed to pay the tax specified below due to by Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu.
you to the ... Council, within two months from the date on
which the said tax became payable: P. S. Bhatnagar, 'Secretary ('Revenue).

Name of the tax Amount of tax

Total amount of tax due Rs. . ..

Date from which it has
become payable

Panaji, 11th August, 1971.

In. pursuance of the provisions of sub-seotion (2) of sec- lJevelopment Department 'A'
Hon 47 of the Goa, Damam amd Diu Murnicipa1Lties Act, 1968
(No. 7 of 1969) y<>u are hereby required -to pay the said
amount of Rs. ... due from y<>u w.ithin one month from the Notification
date of this special ![llOtlice.
Dated this ... day of ... 19 ...
(Si!lI'ed) ... In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 65
Chief Officer read ,with Section 83 of the 'Goa, Daman and Diu.
., Village Panchayats Regulation (Amendment) Act,
By order and in the name of the Lt. Governor 1969 and of all other powers enabling him in thaJt
of Goa, Daman and Diu. behalf, the Lt. Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu
hereby makes the following rules namely:-
J. O. Almeida, Secretary (Industries and Labour).
1. Short title. - These rules may be called the Goa,
Panaji, 2nd August, 1971. Daman and Diu Village Panchayats (!Regulation of·
Buildings) Rules, 1971.

Notification 2. Definitions. - In these rules, unless the context

otherwise, requires: -1) '''agriculture'' includes hor'
3-1l9-71-LSG ticulture, farming, growing of crops, fruits" vegeta-
bles, flowers, grass, fodder and 'trees, any kind of·
, The following draft of the Goa, Daman and Diu cultivation of 'soil, breeding and keeping of live stock
Municipalities (Writing off of Irrecoverable Tax, including cattle, horses, donkeys, mules and pigs,
Fee and Dues) Rules, 1971 which the Govt. of Goa, fish breeding, poultry farming and bee keeping, any
Daman and Diu in exercise of the powers under sec- use of land which ~s ancillary to the farming of land·
tion 306 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Municipalities or to any. purpose aforesaid, but shall not include
Act, 1968 (No.7 of 1969) proposes to make is hereby the use of any land aJttached to a building for the
published for general information. If any person has purposes, of gardens to be used along with such.
any suggestion or objection to make regarding the buildings; and "agricultural" shaH be construed
said draft, the same may be ·sent to the Under Secre- accordingly. .
tary to the Government of Goa, Daman and Diu in the
Department of Local Self Government within '2) "Building Line" means the line which is parallel
15 days of its publication so that they may be taken to the street alignment or boundary and to which
294 SERIES I No .. :Z:Z

the plinth of a .building adjoining a street or an Panchayat for any land falling within the area of
extension ofa street or a future street may lawfully such Panchayat.
extend and includes, the line prescribed, if any, in
any development plan or in these rules. (2) On receipt of an application for permission
under sub-rule (1) above, the Panchayat shall (a)
3) "Technical Officer" means any officer appointed furJlJish to the applicaut a written acknowledgemeut
by the Governmerut for the purposes of these Rules,. withiru a period of one week from its receipt;
3a) "Senior Town Planner" means Senior Town (b) After enquiry as may be necessary, send
Planner of the Government of Goa, Daman and Diu. the applicaltion alongwith its enclosures and enquiry
report thereon, within a period of one week, from
4) "development" with its grammatical variations, the date the said application was acknowledged, to
means the carrying out of building, engineering, the Technical Officer.
miniing, quarrying or ather operations in, on over or
under land, the cutting of a hill or any portion thereof (.3) (a) The Technical Officer shall, in cases of
or the making of ·any material change in any building Panchaya:ts other than 'those specified ,in the Appen-
or land or in the use of an\\, buHdingor land 'including dix appended to these rules, advise the Panchayats\
sub-divi3!ion of any land; within a period of one month to sanction plans with
or without modification or subject to such conditions
5) "land" includes benefits a:rising out of land, as he considers, expedient or to refuse to give sanc-
and things attached the earth or permanenltly fasten- tion. Lru ca,es of Pancruayats specified in the said
ed to anything attached to the earth; Appendix, the Technical Officer shall, submit appli-
6) "owner" means!:- cations along with its, enclosures 'to the Senior Town
a) when used with reference to any premises, the
per"on who receives the ,rent of the said premises" (b) The Senior Town Planner shall, whenever the
or who would be entitled to receive the ren;t thereof applications are referred to him, communicate his
if the premises were lEit out and includes': - decision to the Village Panchayats within one month
of receipt of such applications by him.
i) an agent, or trustee, who receives such rent
on account of the OWll!er; (4) In case of any disagreement betweel1 the Tech-
'ii) an agent,or trustee, who receives .the rent nical Officer and the Village Panchayat, the matter
of any premises devoted to religious or chari- shall be referred to the Senior Town Planner, whose
table purposes; deci3!ion shall be final and binding on all the parties.
iii) a receiver, Admiruistrator or manager (5) Orr receipt of the decision of the Technical
. appointed by any Court of competent jurisdiction Officer. or the Senior Town Planner under Sub-
to have the charge of, or to exercise the rights -rule (3) above, the Panchayats shall commun:icate
of an owner, of any premise,,; and the same to the applicant within a period of one
iv) a mcrtgagee-in-possession; and week from the date of such decision.

b) when used with reference to an\\, a:nimal, vehicle 4. Site Plans. - The site plan sent with the appli-
or boat, includes the person for the time being in cation for permiss'ion shall be drawn to a scale of
charge of the animal, vehicle or boat; 1/500 and shall show;
7) "plat" means a continuous portion of land held a) 'the boundaries of the srte;
in one ownership; b) the direction of the North point relative to the
plan of the buildings; . ,
8) "Private street" means any street, road square,
court, alley passage or riding path which is not a c) all existing buildings or struetures on, over, or
public street, but do€c, not include a path-way made under the site or projecting beyond the site;
by 'the owner of premises on his own land to secure d) all ,surrounding buildings, in outline within a
the access to or the corlNenierut use of such premises; distance of 25 mts. from the boundaries, of the site;
9) "public place" means any place or building e) the name of·the street on which the buildIng
which is open to the use and enjoyment of the public is proposed to be situated (if any) or location and
whether it is, actually used or enjoyed by the public name of the nearest street, public or religious
or not, and whEither the entry i,s regulated by any building;
charge or not; f) the position of access from the street to the
10) "residenlce" includes the use for human habi- building;
tation of any land or building or part thereof includ- g) the width of the street in front and of the street
ing gardens, garages, stable, and out 'houses, if any, at the side of the building if any;
appurtenant to such building and "res,idenltial" shall
be construed accordingly. h) 'the dimension .of front, rear and side set back,g,
if any and also of 'the space to be left about the
11) Words and expressions nat defined 'in the rules buildings to secure a free circulation of air, and
shall have the same mearuing asm the Goa, Daman admission of light;
and Diu Municipalities Act, 1968. i) :the position of k]tchens, staircases, prives, uri-
nals, drains cesspools, stables, cattle.sheds, garages,
3. Procedure for submission and scrutiny of ap- wells and other appurtenances of the building;
plicatiou for development of land or sub-division. - j)a clear indication of the area of the plot, plot
1) 'From the date of coming into force of these Rules, coverage and the floor area ratio.
no change 'in the use of land or its development or
sub-division of plot or layout of Private Street shall 5. Building Plans. - The plans, sections and eleva-
he made except with the written permiss'ior, of the tions of the building or buildings accompanying the
26TH AUGUST, 1971 (BHADRA 4, 1893) 295
------------ -------------- - - - - - - - - - -
notice shall be acurately drawn to a scale of 1 meter false statement or any misrepresentation of any
to 1 cm. in triplicate and in quadruplicate in case of ma1:ierial passed, approved or shown in the applica-
the Panchayats included in the Appendix 'A' appen- tion on which the permit was based. .
ded to these rules.
10. Occupancy certificate. - No building hereafter
a) Plans of all floors, basements, terraces and erected, re-erected or altered materially shall be
accessory buildings indicating clearly (i) the north occupied in whole or part until an occupancy certi-
point, the percentage of covered area, the sizes .and fica;teis issued by the Technical Officer after con-
spacing of all supporting members, and dimenSIOns ducting the s>ite inspection as per clause S(c), after
of rooms; (ii) exact location of essential services affirming that such a building conforms in all res-
such as; w.e.s, sinks and baths; (iii) terrace plan
pects· to the requirements of thes~ rules and is fit
indicating the drainage and the slope of the roof; for occupation.
b) Sectional drawings showing clearly the mate-
rials used, sizes of footings, the thickness of base- 11. Safe structures. - All structures shall be de-
ment walls, roof, floor slabs and walls, the sizes p.nd signed, buHt and maintained .that under the condi-
spacing of framing members and the ceili.ng and tions of dead and live loads, the stresses in any of
parapet hights. The sections should indicate the the ma;t€a"ials of construction or in the materials on
drainage and slope of the roofs and at least one which a structure rests shall not exceed the permis-
section should be taken through the staircase; sible limits as laid down by the Indian Standarda
c) All street elevations; lnSItitute.
d) Plans and sections of private water supply and 12. Construction of buildings on plots in layout
sewage disposai system (if any). to conform to certain standards. - Tbe area of each
Note: -.1. The drawing -are to indicate where ne- individual plot shall not be less than 100 sq. metres.
cessary, adequate arrangememts for proper drainage; The Eet back, Floor Area Ratio, Coverage etc., shall
be as follows:-
2. Details of service latrines, if any; a) Plots between 100 sq. metres and 200 sq. me-
3. Dimensions of the portions projecting beyond the tres will have a maximum coverage of 50 per cent.
permissible building line. Front set back 3.0 m.
Rear set back 3.0 m.
6. Signing the Plans. - All the plans shall be duly Side set backs 1.5 m. each
signed by (i) the owner and (ii) an Architect/En-
gineer registered with the P. W. D. of the Govern- In these category of plots construction is limited
ment of Goa, Daman and Diu with his name, address, to ground floor only.
qualifications and registered number allotted by the b) Plots measuring 200 to 500 sq. metres.
said department.
Coverage 50%
Front set back 3.0 m.
7. Duration of sanction. ~ Tbe sanction once ac- Rear set back
corded shall remain valid upto three years during 3.0 m.
Side set backs 3.0 m. each
which period a completion certificate from the re-
gistered Architect/Engineer shall be submitted and In these category of plots construction is limited
if this is not done, the sanction shall be got revali- to ground and one up only.
dated before the expiration of the said period. Re-
validation shall be subject to the rules, then in force. c) Plots measuring more than 500 sq. metres.
Maximum Coverage 40%
8. Notification stages.-As work progresses under Front set backs 3.0 m.
a building permit, the holder thereof shall cause the Rear set backs 3.0 m. or half the
Panchayat concerned -and Technical Oficer to be noti- height of the build-
fied at the following stages of construction: - ing whichever is
a) Upon commencement of the work; mbre.
b) Upon completion upto the plinth level and Side set backs where the height Minimum width of
of the building "aries open space -throughout
before erection of the foundation walls;
c) Upon total completion of the work authorised ground floor 3.0 m.
by the building permit and before occupancy. ground floor and one up 3.30 m.
ground floor and 2 up 4.0 m.
Inspection as required under a) and b) shall be ground floor and 3 up 4.70 ':'1.
made within seven days following the receipt of noti- Floor Area Ratio 100 m.
fication after which period the owner will be free to
continue the con,truction according to the sanctioned Floor Area Ratio or F.A.R. means the quotient
plan. At the first inspection the Panchayat concer- obtained by dividing the multiple of the total of the
ned shall determine that the building hag; been located covered area on all floors and 100 divi:led by the
in accordance with the site plans and covered area area of the plot i. e.
compling with the requirements of these rules. The
final inspection indicated under (c) shall be made total covered area on all fioorsX100
F. A. R.= ----:=-c---:-------
within 21 days follOwing the .receipt of notificaioIl! Plot Area
for the grant of an occupancy certificate.
Note: - These regulations shall be applied ody
9. Revocation of Permit. - The Panchayat con- to the plots, falling in residential areas, which will
cern&! may revoke any permit issued under the pro- be determined by the Tec1mical Officer. For other
vision of these rules, wherever there has been any uses the F. A. R., coverage etc., will be govel1lred

by Slrte conditions and locations as may be deter- b) have (i) a floor area in case of bathrooms in-
mined by the Teclmical Officer. clusive of water closets of not less than 4 sq. metres
for which the smallest side shall not be less than
Where plots front on classified roads, such as 1.25 metres; and ii) in case of a bathroom exclusive
National Highway, State Highway, Major District of a water closet, the floor area shall be not less than
Road, other District ROad or Village Road, the build- 2.6 sq. metres and the smallest side not less than
ing and the -control lines shall be in accordance with 1.25 sq. metres; and (iii) in case of separate water
such standards as· may be prescribed by or under closet the floor area shall not be less than 1.35 sq.
any law for the time being in force, and in the metres and the smallest side not less than one metre.
absence of such law in force in the village, by exe-
cutive orders -by the Government for prevention of c) bathll"ooms shall have a window or a ventilator
ribbon development. open to extern;al air of a superficial area of not less
than 0.80 sq. metres and the water closet if separate
13. Means of Access.- shall have a window or a ventilaltor open to external
air of a superficial area of not less than 0.50 sq.
a) Every person who erects a building &hall metres.
provide as means of acces& to such building a clear d) height of not less than 2.10 metres.
way not less than 3.0 metres in width from a street
to the entrance door of such buildings, such path- 2) Every bathroom or water closet shall:-
-ways to be, so long as it is used as a means of
acce&s to the building, maintained free from any a) not be directly over or under an\)' other room
construction and shall not at any time cause or other than another bathroom or water closet, washing
permit any portion of any building below a height place, terrace or bath, unless it has a water tight
of 4.50 m to overhang or project over or into such floor;
a passage. However in case of traditional!contra- b) have the platform or seat_either plastered with
verutional access exists, the same may be shown as cement, or be made of some water tight non absorbent
access to the plot concerned, which will have to material;
be duly cel'tified by the Panchayat.
c} be enclosed by v!alls or partitions of brick or
b) A person who undertakes construction works stone. The surface of every such wall or partition
on a building shall not reduce the access to any build- shall be finished with a smooth impervious; surface
ing previously existing below the minimum width such as cement plaster 1/2" thick or any other
of 5m. suitable material to a height of one metre above the
c) No building shall -be erected so as to deprive floor of such room;
any other building of the means of access as pro- d) have an impermeable floor made of smooth hard
vided in this clause. material having a suitable fall to a soil pipe wirth an
d) The means of access under these rules shall a;dequate trap connection and have a floor level of
not be deemed to be suitable and sufficient until such a height so as to ensure suitable grade towards
they have been approved by the Panchayat con- the sewage drain;.
cerned which shall have power to prescribe the width
of the clear way which he shall communicate. ,S. No room contaJining a water cloSElt shall be used
for any purpose other than a lavatory a!ld no such
room shall open directly into any kitchen or cooking
14. Minimum Ceiling Height of rooms. - Every space. Every room containdng a water closet shall
habitable room in any building shall be in every part have a door completely closing the entrance to such
at least 3.0 metres in height from the floor to the a room.
underside of the roof slab or ceiling, provided that
in the case of sloped roof the height shall not be less
than 2.5 metres. 18. Service Latrines. - A service latrine shall
-, have:-
15. Minimum size of habitable rooms. - No habit- a) A floor area of not les's than 2.25 sq. metres of
able room shall have a floor area of less than 10.00 which the smallest side shall not be less than one
sq. mts. except in the case of hostels attached to re- metre;
cognised educational institutions where the minimum
size of habitable room for the residence of a single b) A window or a ventilator of a superficial area
person may be 8.5 square metres. The minimum of not le-ss than 0.5 sq. metres;
width of a habitable room shall be 2.80 sq. metres. c) An impermeable floor made of smooth hard
material having a slope of 0;5 per cent towards the
16. Lighting and Ventilation of rooms. - Every back of the latrine;
habitable room shall have for the admission of .light d) An impermeable dado 1 metre high;
and air, one or more apertures such as windows,
fanlights etc., opening directly to the external air e) Height not less than 2.10 metres.
into an O'",len verandah and of an agregate area, inclu-
sive of frames, of not less than 1/10 of the floor 19. Kitchens. -1) A kitchen shall have a floor
area excluding doors, except in .cases of hospital area of not less than 5 sq. metres and shall not be less
wards, dormitories and school where such apertures than 1.75 metres in width in case of plots, having an
are to be not less than 1/6 of the floor area. area upto 200 sq. metres and shall have a floor area
of not less than 7 sq. metres, and shall not be less than
17. Bathrooms and water closets. -1) Every 2 metres in width in case of plot having an area more
bathroom or water closet shall:- than 200 sq. metres. Each kitchen not fully equipped
a) be so situated that at least one of its walls shall with electric or gas cooki!1g appliances s:hall be pro-
open to external air. vided with a flue.
26TH AUGUST, 1971 (BHADRA 4, 1893) 297
2) Every room to be used as a kitchen shall have:- medied, amended or made good or shall be removed
in whole or in part and replaced by new work,
a) a height of not less than 2.8 metres; workmanship or materials as the Panchayat con-
b) a window of not less than that 0.5 sq. metres cerned may require until flllally completed to its
-superficial area; . , entire satisfactiOlli.
c) an impermeable floor and an impermeable dado
one metre high; 26. Water Supply and Sanitary Installations.-
The requirements regarding water supply and sani-
d) The height of the plinth for the main: building tary ilL>--tallations of the buildings shall conform to
shall not be less than 0.50 metres and that for cattle those specified in LS. 1172-1957.
./lihed and the like not less than 0.2, metre above the
general ground level. 27. Building under dangerous conditions. - Build-
ings considered to be m danger although they do
20. Building abutting on two or more streets. - If not faU in line of inuninent ruin, will be asked to
a building abuts on two or more streets of different be vacated by 'the Panchayat concerned a:1lJd shall
widths, the building shall be deemed for the purpose be declared habitable onJy when proper repairs are
Df this rule to face upon the street that has the undertaken and considered to be in a good condition
greater width and the height of the building HhaU of security. The demolition of structure,;; shall be
be related by the width of that street and may be be obligatory when they are declared unhealthy and
continued at this height to a depth of 13.5 metres infectious by the Health authorities COll!Cerned and
along ·the narrower street subject to the conformity not in position to be repaired.
with the prescribed road angles.
'28. Latrines with an opening on public roads.-
21. Dimension for staircase, steps, corridor, pas- It is prohibited to have latrines opening on to public
sage and balcony. - i) In a residential building, no roa.dsand on the lateral sides of neighbouring housoo.
.staircase shall be less than 0.9 metres in width and
no step shall have a rise of more than. '20 cms'.and a 29. Disposal of Sewage.-Until arrangements are
tread of less than 25 cms. In case of a service spiral made for the removal of waste by an appropriate
staircase, the width shall not be less than 0.75 metre; water-borne sySltem it will be obligatory for every
Ii) No corridor or passage or balcony in any resi- application for a new construction or major additions
dential buildiIllg shall be less than 0.90 metres·. or alterations to be accomparuied by plans for pro-
perly de3igned sceptic tanks with,in the curtlage of
22. Regular line of Street. - No portion of any <the plot. If there is irusufficierut space for the
building shall project beyond the prescribed set back adoption of this method or adequate water supply
of any street or highway. is not guaranted for the smooth functioning of
this system, then the PanChayat concerned may
23. Sites containing deposited refuse. - No build- permit the removal of wagte after proper chemical
ing shall be constructed on any srte on any part of treatment in removable tanks which can be conve-
·which there is deposited refuse, excreta or other niently collected by 'the appropriate department of
offensive matter to which the health authority the Panchayat. Any other method for removal of
having jurisdiction objects, until such refuse has been waste would need sanction of the Panchayat con-
prepared or left in manner suitable for building pur- cerned.
pose to the satisfaction of the Panchayat concerned.
Provided that where it is intended to found a building 30. Construction of horse stables, cattle yards
on piles or on reinforced concrete pillars, the Pan~ and factories of washable corro.s;ve products pre-
chayat concerned may approve the erection of such judicial to health, can take place in less than 100
a building after the refuse has been appropriately metres of any existing drinking well.
treated by chemical or some other manner to the sa-
tisfaction of the Panchayat concerned and has been 31. Construction of wells. - No drinking water
covered by a layer of sand Or other suitable mat.erial well can be opened without prior COlliSent of the Pan-
to a depth of not less than 0.6 metres, or by a chaya.t concerned.
layer of cement concrete not lesa than 15 cms. thick.
32. Oven for white washing powder. - White
24. Damp Sites. - Wherever the dampness of a washing powder cannot be ceoled within a distance
site or 'the nature of the soil re1lJders, such precau- of 100 metres from an habitable area or public road.
tions necessary, the ground surface of the site bet-
ween the walls of any building erected thereon shall 33. Architectural Features. - 1) Appearance and
be covered with a layer of sound cement concrete Disfigurements: No Building shall be erected which
not lesa than 15 ems. thick Or with asphalt paving in! the opinion of the Panchayat concerned consti-
on a layer of closely packed brokeru atone hard cake tutes a disfigurement to or an interference with the
not less than 15 cms. thick or be otherwise rendered aesthetic and other ameruities of the area. No cons-
damp proof to the satisfaction of the Panchayat tructioru or alterations which in the opinion of the
. concerned. Pan:chayat concerned will depreciate neighbouring
properties or cause annoyance to residents in the
25. Defective Work. -The Panchayat concerned neighbourhood shall be permitted. The 'l.ppearance
shall have 'the power to condemn any work, work- of all new buildings shall be subject to the approval
manship or materials executed by any persOlli under of the Panchayat concerned.
Dr by virtue of or pursuant to this part of these 2) Unfinished Buildings: - No building shall be
rules which in its opinion is unsatisfactory Or is left with unfinished PQrtions including projecting
likely to coootitute a danger to health. Any work, reinforcing bars, which in the opinion of the Pan-
'Workmanship or materials so condemned shall be re- chayat concerned are unsightly, unless within the
permission prescribing conditions with. respect to the Provided that-
structure and period for which such permission i) no such entry shall be made except between
remain valid. the hours of sunrise and sunset and by. giving
reasonable notice to the occupier, or if there be·
34. Control of building activities along highways; . no occupi", to the owner of the land or buildings;
-1) In order to regulate and control building acti-
ii) sufficient opportunity shall in every instance
vities along National highways, State Highways, be given to enable women (if any) to withdraw
West Coast Highways, Major District roads and from such land or buildings; .
ll'1ajor urban roa,ds as notified by the Principal Engi-
neer, P.W.D. in consultation with the Senior Town iii) due regard shall always be had, so far as may
Planner from time to time, persons responsible for be compatible with the ·exigencies of the purpose for
carrying out excavation, earth work, construction, de- which the entry is made, to the social and religious
molition or repairs to all sites, within 100 m from usages, of the occupants of the land or building
these roads shall apply to the Panchayat concerned entered.
for permission to carry out such work in accordance
·with the set back mentioned here below: .. - 36. Directions from the Government to the Pan'
chayats. - The Panchayat concerned shall carry out
N ationai· High~ such directions as may be issued from time to time
Type of building way or State
Highway or Major District Village by the Government of Goa, Daman and Diu for the
acUvJties West Cost Road Roads efficient administration of these regulations.

37. Penal Provisions. -1) Any construction in

Theatres, Industrial 8 m. front 5 m. front 8 m. contravention to the rules shall be demolished by-
Units etc. Major set back set back the owners on receipt of a notice from the concerned
·CommercLaJ. Esta- authorities within the stipulated time. In case the
owner fails to demolish the construction megally
ReSidential I) m. front :1m. front 3 m. put up, the authorities shall demolish the same and
set back set back the cost of demolition shall be collected from the
-Institutional 8 m. front I) m. front I) m.
set back set back 2) Any person who fails to comply with the notice
"Excavation 100 m. front 100 m. front 50 m. issued by the Panchayat, under the provisions of
set back set back these rules, shall on conviction be punished with fine
which may extend upto Rs. 50/- (Rupees fifty only)
and in case of a continuing contravention, with an
·2) Compound Wall: -Any construction of com- additional fine which may extend to five rupees for
pound wall along the above category roads, and every day during which such contravention continues.
.0Uler roads shall be pern1itted on temporary basis
i.e. that part of the plot affected by the proposed By order and in the name of the Administrator
·R/W compound walls in such cases shall be 0f the of Goa, Daman and Diu.
approved design, with 1.0 metres height. and cons- T. Kipgen, Development Commissioner.
truction material of a temporary nature. This C:1m-
pound wall erected along the above category of the Panaji, 23rd August, 1971.
roads, and other roads shall be demolished by the
.owners, when the notice is, served to them without
any compensation for the same. APPENDIX "AU

1) Salcete ~ 1. Aquem.
35. Authority to enter into land. - The Pancha-
yat/Technical Officer or: Town Planning Department 2. Navelim.
of the Government may authorise any person to enter 3. DavorIim.
into or upon any land or building with or without 4. Colva.
assistance or workmen for the purpose of: - 5. Benaulim.
'6. Loutolim .
. ··a) making any enquiry, inspection, measurement 7. Verna.
pr surveyor for taking levels of such land or build- 2) Goa 1. Taleigao.
ings; 2. Santa~Cruz.
b) examining works under construction and ascer- 3. Merces.
·taining the course of sewers and drains; 3} Mormugao 1. Chicalim-Bogmalo.
c) digging or boring into the sub-soil; 2. San coale.
3. Cortalim.
d) setting out boundaries and intended lines of
4. Cansaulim.
5. Velsao.
e) making such levels, boundaries and. lines by
4) Bardez 1. Calangute.
placing marks and cutting trenches;
2. Socorro.
, f) ascertaining whether any land is being or has 3. Penha de Fran~a.
l;een developed in contravention of these bye-laws
5) Ponda 1. Curti.
and regulations or without the permission referred
to and in contravention of any conditions subject to 6) Bicholim 1. SanqueUm.
which such permission is granted; or 2. Bordem.
g) doing any other thing necessary for the effi' 7) Quepem 1. Curchorern.
cient administration of present regulations and rules; 2. Deao.
26TH AUGUST, 1971 (BHADRA 4, 1_8_93~)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 299

Labour and Information Department directly attributable to the worker, the subs:is-
tence allowance shall, for the period exceeding
ninety days, be reduced to one-fourth of the
ORDER basic wages, dearness and other allowances".
4. In clause 53 of the said Scheme, for item (a)
The following Notification from the Government of aub-clause (2) (iii), the follOWing item shall be
of India, Ministry of Labour, Employment and Reha- substituted, namely: -
bilitation (Department of Labour and Employmen;t), ... (a) . Where a worker has been suspended
New Delhi, is hereby republished for the informatIOn pending enquiry, he shall be paid for the first
of all concerned. ninety days from the date of suspension, a
F. A. Figueiredo, Under Secretary (Labour). subsistence allowance to one-half of the basic
wages, dearness and other allowances to which
Panaji, 9th August, 1971. he would have been entitled if he were On leave
with wages, and thereafter the Ohairman may,
'in exceptional cases, grant higher subsistence
Notification allowance not exceading three-fourths. of such
Dated the 21st April, 1971 basic wages, dearness and other allowances,:
Provided that where such enquiry is prolonged
S. O. - In exercise of the powers conferred by beyond a period of ninety days for reasons
sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Dock Workers directly attributable to the worker, the subs:is-
(Regulation of Employment) Act, 1948, the Central tence allowance shall, for the period exceeding
Government hereby makes the following Scheme ninety days, be reduced to one-fourtb of the
further to amend the Mormugao Dock Workers basic wages, dearness and other allowances".
(Regulation of Employment) Scheme, 1965, the
same having been published as required by the said [No. 528/183/65-Fac.II/P&D 1
sub-section, namely:-
1. This, Scheme may be called the Mormugao Dock Sd/-
Workers (Regulation of Employment) Amendment AJIT CHANDRA
Scheme, 1971.
Under Secretary to the Government of India.
2. In clause 46 of the Mormugao Dock Workers
(Regulation of Employment) Scheme, 1965 (herein-
after referred to as the said Scheme), for item (b) ORDER
of sub-clause (3), the following item shall be subs-
tituted, namely: - LC/l/71
... (b) Where a worker has been suspended by The following Notification from the Government
an order under item (a), he shall be paid for of India, Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation,
the firs.t ninety days from the date of suspen- Department of Labour and Employment, New Delhi,
sion, a subsistence allowance to one-half of the is 'hereby republished for the information of all
bas,ic wages" dearness and other allowances to concerned.
which he would have been entitled if he were
on leave with wages, and thereafter the Ohair- F. A. Figueiredo, Under Secretary (Labour).
man may, in exceptional cases, grant higher
subsistence allowance not exceeding three- Panaji, 9th August, 1971.
-fourths of such basic wages" dearness and other
allowances: "
Provided that where such enquiry is prolonged
beyond a period of ninety days for reasons Dated the 14th June, 1971
directly attributable to the worker, the subs,is- S.O. - Whereas the Central Government having
tence allowance shall, for the period exceeding been satisfied that the public interest so required
ninety days, be reduced to one-fourth of the had, in pursuance of the provisions of sub-clause (vi)
basic wages, dearness and other allowances". of clause (n) of section 2 of the Industrial Disputes
Act, 1947 (14 of 1947) declared by the notification
3. In clause 47 of the said Scheme, for item (a) of the Government of India in the Ministry of
of sub-clause (5), the following item shall be 'subs- Labour, Employment and Rehabilitation (Depart-
tituted, namely:- ment of Labour and Employment) No. S. O. 4062
.. (a) Where a worker has been suspended dated the 8th December, 1970, the banking industry
pending enquiry, he shall be paid for th~ first carried on by a banking company as, defined in
ninety days from the date of suspenSIOn, a clause (bb) of section 2 of the said Act, to be a
subsistence allowance to one-half of the basIC public utility service for the purposes of the said
wages, dearness and other allowances to which Am, for a period of six months from the 29th De-
he would have been entitled if he were on leave cember, 1970;
with wages, and thereafter the Ohairman may,
in exceptional cases, grant higher subsistence Ahd whereas the Central Government is of opinion
allowance not exceeding three-fourths of such that public interest requires the extension of the
basic wages, dearness and other allowances: said period by a further period of sox months;
Provided that where such enquiry is prolonged Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred
beyond a period of ninety days for reasons by the proviso to sub-clause (vi) of clause (n) of
300 SERIES I No. 22

section 2 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 Petroleum products should sta!J!dincluded in the First
of 1947), the Central Government. hereby declares Schedule appended to the Industrial Disputes Act,
the said industry to be a public utility service for 1947 (14 of 47) (hereinafter referred to as 'the said
the purposes of the said Act for a further period of Act') ;
six months from the 29th June, 1971.
Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred
(F. No. S.11025j17j71-LR.I) under sub-section (1) of section 40 of the said Act
the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu,
Sdj- hereby amends the First Schedule appended to the
said Act as follows: - \
In the First Schedule appended to the said Act
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India. the following shall be added as entry No. 11, na-
"11. Production, Supply and distribution of
Notification petroleum and petroleum products."
LC/l/I!D /1(lPuS) /~l!1l() By order and in the name of the Lt. Governor
Whererus the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman of Goa, Daman and Diu.
and Diu is of the opinion that it is necessary in the F. A. Figueiredo, Under Secretary (Labour).
public interest that the Industry engaged in the pro-
duction, supply 'and dis,tribution of Petroleum and Panaji, 17th August, 1971.


(lmprensa Nacional - Goa)
PRICE - 94 Ps.

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