17-18 - Combustion in CI Engines
17-18 - Combustion in CI Engines
17-18 - Combustion in CI Engines
[ME F317]
BITS Pilani Dr. Saket Verma
Department of Mechanical Enginerring
Pilani Campus
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Air fuel mixture in Diesel
• Only air is inducted inside the cylinder during intake stoke.
• Only air is compressed through a high compression ratio (16:1 to 22:1)
raising its temperature and pressure to a high value.
• In CI engines, for a given speed, irrespective of load, an approximately
constant supply of air enters the cylinder (unthrottled).
• Fuel is injected into the cylinders late in compression stroke through one or
more injectors into highly compressed air in the combustion chamber.
• With change in load, the quantity of fuel is changed, which changes the air:
fuel ratio. The overall air: fuel ratio may thus vary from about 80:1 at no load
to 18: 1 at full load.
• Combustion in a CI engine is an unsteady process occurring simultaneously
at many spots (no definite flame front) in a very non-homogeneous mixture
at a rate controlled by fuel injection.
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Temperature distribution
inside the cylinder
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Air fuel mixture in Diesel
• In addition to the swirl and turbulence of the air, a high injection velocity is
needed to spread the fuel throughout the cylinder and cause it to mix with the
• The poor distribution of fuel and its limited intermixing with air results in
objectionable smoke if operated near chemically correct air: fuel ratio (14.5:
1) for diesel.
• Hence CI engines are operated with excess air (air: fuel ratio 18:1 to 23: 1 i.e.
excess air 15 to 50%). So, diesel engines are also termed as lean burn
BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956
combustion process in C.I.
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Diesel Knock
BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956
Knocking in SI and CI engine
• In SI engine,
knocking occurs
near the end of
• In CI engine,
knocking occurs
near the
beginning of
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Methods of controlling Diesel Knock
1 Detonation occurs near the end of Knocking occurs near the beginning of
combustion combustion. i.e. at the end of first stage of
2 Detonation in SI Engine is of a Knocking in C I engine is of imperfectly
homogeneous charge causing very mixed charged and hence the rate of
heavy rate of pressure rise and high pressure rise is normally lower than that in
maximum pressure. the detonation in S I Engine.
3 Pre-ignition may occur. Fuel is injected into the cylinder only at the
end of the compression stroke and there is
no question of pre- ignition or premature
C.I. Engine
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Classification of Combustion
chambers in C.I. engine
Direct-Injection (DI)
• This type of combustion chamber is also called an open
combustion chamber.
• In this type the entire volume of the combustion chamber is
located in the main cylinder and the fuel is injected into this
• The method of swirl used in this type of combustion chamber
is induction swirl. In induction swirl, flow of air is directed
towards the cylinders during its entry.
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Shallow Depth Chamber
• The depth of cavity provided in the piston is quite small.
• Usually adopted for large engines running at low speeds.
• Since the cavity diameter is very large, the squish is negligible.
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Hemispherical Chamber
• The combustion chamber cavity is in hemispherical shape.
• This design also has smaller squish generation.
• However, the depth to the diameter ratio can be varied. so that the
squish can be controlled to attain better performance.
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Cylindrical Chamber
• This type of combustion chambers was implemented in a few modern diesel engines.
• The shape of the combustion chamber is truncated cone with the base angle of 30°.
• The swirl can be produced by masking the valve for nearly 180°of the circumference.
• Squash also can be controlled by varying the depth.
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Toroidal Chamber
• This Toroidal chamber design is mainly focused to provide the powerful
Squish along with the air moment.
• As the more Squish, the mask needed on the inlet valve is small and there
is better utilization of air.
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Advantages and
disadvantages of direct C.C.
The main advantages of this type of chambers are:
– Minimum heat loss during compression because of lower surface
area to volume ratio and hence, better efficiency.
– No cold starting problems.
– Fine atomization because of multi hole nozzle.
The drawbacks of these combustion chambers are:
– High fuel-injection pressure required and hence complex design of
fuel-injection pump.
– Necessity of accurate metering of fuel by the injection system,
particularly for small engines.
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Indirect-Injection (IDI) Type
Glow plug
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BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956
Swirl Chamber
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Pre-combustion chamber
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Air-Cell Chamber
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Advantages and disadvantages
of indirect injection C.C.
The main advantages of the indirect-injection combustion
chambers are:
– Injection pressure required is low
– Direction of spraying is not very important.
These chambers have the following serious drawbacks
– Poor cold starting performance requiring heater plugs.
– Specific fuel consumption is high because there is a loss of pressure
due to air motion through the duct and heat loss due to large heat
transfer area.
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Direct and indirect
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BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus