Geotextiles Datasheet

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Geotextiles Technical Data Sheet

Superior Needle Punched Nonwoven Geotextiles April 2014 / Rev. No. 1

1 Separation 2 Filtration 3 Protection 4 Drainage 5 Erosion control

SNW.9 SNW.11 SNW.14 SNW.16 SNW.21 SNW.25 SNW.40 SNW.50 SNW.62 SNW.75 SNW.120
Test Standered Units
90 100 120 140 180 200 300 400 500 600 1000

Tensile Strength MD/CD EN ISO 10319 kN/m 5 6 8 9.4 12.5 14 22 30 37 42 70

Elongation MD/CD EN ISO 10319 % 40 / 55 40 / 55 40 / 55 40 / 55 45 / 55 45 / 55 50 / 55 50 / 55 60 / 65 60 / 65 70 / 70

Mechanical Properties

CBR Puncture EN ISO 12236 N 910 1085 1400 1630 2100 2500 4000 5000 6200 7000 11500

Dynamic cone drop EN ISO 13433 mm 31 30 28 24 20 18 12 9 5 4 0

Grab strength MD/CD ASTM D 4632 N 350 400 500 590 760 960 1400 1800 2300 2600 4000

Grab Elongation MD/CD ASTM D 4632 % 70 / 75 70 / 75 70 / 75 70 / 75 70 / 75 70 / 75 70 / 75 70 / 75 70 / 75 70 / 75 70 / 75

Puncture strength ASTM D 4833 N 190 220 270 320 450 500 750 900 1000 1075 1600

Mullen Burst ASTM D 3786 Psi 150 170 210 255 325 375 580 700 800 865 1500

Trapezoidal tear strength ASTM D 4533 N 180 200 265 290 370 475 600 650 850 1020 1800

Permeability EN ISO 11058 m/s.10-3 120 116 110 102 95 80 60 50 40 33 20

Hydraulic Properties

Water flow in plane 20kpa EN ISO 12958 m2/s 1x10-7 1x10-7 1x10-7 1x10-7 2x10-7 1x10-6 3x10-6 1x10-5 6x10-6 7x10-6 8x10-6

Apparent Opening size EN ISO 12956 130 125 120 115 100 100 90 80 72 68 55

Permeability ASTM D 4491 l/m2s 140 135 130 120 100 85 75 50 40 33 20

Apparent Opening size ASTM D 4751 200 190 180 170 140 110 80 65 60 60 60

Thickness under 2kpa EN ISO 9863-1 mm 0.9 1 1.2 1.4 1.65 1.8 2.4 3 3.5 4 6

Thickness under 2kpa ASTM D 5199 mm 0.9 1 1.2 1.4 1.65 1.8 2.4 3 3.5 4 6

Natural UV ASTM D 4355 % 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75

Durability Product Description

Chemical Resistance EN 14030 100% Polymer 100% Polypropylene

Oxidation Resistance EN ISO 13438 >90% Density 0 ,91 kg/dm³

Microbiological Resistance EN 12225 100% Melting Point 165 °C

ô©dG áµ∏ªŸFiber bonding
Hydrolysis EN 12447 100 %
G á«H Mechanical/Thermal



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Bonarnatpet reserves the right to alter product specifications without prior notice. It is the responsibility of all users to satisfy themselves that the above data is current.
The above figures are average values obtained from testing to current standards geotextile test. All these products need to be covered within 2 weeks.

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