GG 01000058
GG 01000058
GG 01000058
Document Type : I N V O I C E
Document No. 11365GG01000058
Date : 01/11/2022 16:56:50
SR Item Description HSN/S Qty U/ Total Value Disc. Taxable Value CGST SGST/UGST Net Amount
AC M [INR] [INR] [INR] (Incl. Tax)
Rate Amount Rate Amount
% [INR] % [INR]
1 ADDITIONAL SSLF - 99721 0.00 100000.00 100000.00 9.00 9000.00 9.00 9000.00 118000.00
119 CAT RO 2
Total 100000.00 100000.00 9000.00 9000.00 118000.00
Net Amount In Words : Rupees One Lakh Eighteen Thousand ONLY(Incl. of Taxes)
Declarations :
PAN No. of the Corporation is AAACH1118B, falling under the jurisdiction of Commissioner of Income Tax -1, Mumbai. It is hereby declared that the said PAN No.
is correctly stated.
IRN No : 152474e0cb0165e9c731e00cdadb32dc6d5d0e4b24d0e6e905d25ef3741c641e
Authorized Signatory
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