45 Lighting-Control

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Products Guide

Lighting Control

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Document Number 1200CT0701R11/12 April 2013

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com

Occupancy Sensors Current-Limiting Panels

• Introduction.....................................................2 • Introduction...................................................42
• Wall Switch Occupancy Sensors.....................3 • Current-limiting Panels..................................43
• Sensor Accessories.........................................8
• Ceiling Mounted Occupancy Sensors..............9 Relay Panels
• Wall Mounted Occupancy Sensors................11
• Power Pack and Auxiliary Relays...................12 • Introduction................................................... 46
• Ceiling Mounted Line Voltage Sensors...........13 • LPS Relay Panels.......................................... 47
• High Bay Occupancy Sensor.........................14 • Relay Switches.............................................. 48
• Occupancy Controller....................................16 • LPB Relay Panels.......................................... 49
• Low Voltage Switches...................................17 • LPL Relay Panels.......................................... 50
• Technical Section..........................................18 • Technical Section.......................................... 51

Emergency Lighting Control Devices Architectural Dimming

• Introduction...................................................28 • Introduction...................................................58
• Devices.........................................................29 • inTouch Control Stations................................59
• Technical Section..........................................32 • Wall-Mounted Dimming Systems...................60
• Rack-Mounted Dimming Systems.................61
Emergency Lighting Control Panels • Technical Section..........................................63

• Introduction................................................... 36
• Emergency Lighting Panels........................... 37
• Emergency Lighting Panelboards.................. 38
• Technical Section.......................................... 39

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com

Measurement & Verification C-Bus Lighting Control
Panels (MVP)
• Introduction...................................................94
• Introduction...................................................66 • Keypads........................................................95
• NF MVP Panel...............................................67 • Touch Screens..............................................98
• NQ MVP Panel..............................................67 • Wiser Home Controller................................100
• Powerlink MVP Panel....................................68 • System Units...............................................101
• Technical Section..........................................69 • Input Units...................................................108
• Sensors.......................................................112
• Output Units................................................118
Powerlink Lighting Control
• Occupancy Controller..................................127
• Introduction...................................................72 • Area Lighting Panels....................................128
• G3 Panelboards............................................73 • C-Bus Enclosures.......................................129
• NF Panelboards............................................74 • Remote Controls.........................................133
• G3 Remotely-operated Circuit Breakers........75 • IR Accessories............................................134
• G3 Control Bus.............................................77 • Schedule Plus Software...............................135
• Power Supply................................................78 • Technical Section........................................137
• Controllers.....................................................79
• Remote Source Controller.............................81
• Remote Mount Controller..............................82
• LCS Advanced and LCS Basic software........83
• Accessories...................................................85
• Device Power Supply....................................86
• Device Router................................................87
• Technical Section..........................................88

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com

Occupancy Sensors

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com

occupancy sensors

Occupancy Sensors
Schneider Electric helps building owners • Walk-through mode detects brief periods
achieve energy savings and energy code of occupancy in private offices, allowing the
compliance with sensors that are easy to select, sensor to shut-off lighting with less time delay.
install and commission. Employing passive
• Lamp saver mode alternates the A- and
infrared (PIR), ultrasonic and dual technology
B-loads in rooms using 50/50 bi-level lighting
to accurately detect occupancy and control
control to maximize lamp life and reduce
lighting loads, occupancy sensors automatically
shut-off lighting in unoccupied areas —
eliminating waste, reducing energy costs • Isolated relays may be used to communicate
and meeting code requirements. Schneider with other control systems, such as building
Electric innovations help building owners not automation and energy management systems
only comply with energy codes, but they also that control other building systems, like
maximize energy savings. HVAC and lighting, to further maximize
energy savings.
• Adaptive Technology: This technology
employs advanced algorithms to achieve Schneider Electric makes lighting control easy
convenient energy savings and reduced with a full line of versatile occupancy sensors.
lamp and ballast maintenance.

• Integral light level sensors maximize energy

savings in day-lit areas by holding off
artificial lighting when adequate natural light
is available.

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
occupancy sensors Wall Switch occupancy sensors

Wall Switch
Occupancy Sensor Auto/Manual On
Schneider Electric Wall Switch Occupancy Sensors employ the latest passive infrared (PIR) technology to
automatically control lighting in offices, private restrooms and employee break rooms.

Each Sensor employs a special 180° multi-segmented lens and PIR motion detector circuit to detect motion.
This unit will automatically switch the lights off after a preset delay if no motion is detected.

Schneider Electric Wall Switch Occupancy Sensor fits in place of existing wall switches, connecting to existing
active line and ground wiring similar to a typical wall switch. No neutral or minimum load is required.

To assure long relay life, Schneider Electric has developed a low energy switch circuit to assure maximum contact
life. These sensors are compatible with electronic and magnetic ballast loads, and require no minimum load.

For maximum energy savings, the Schneider Electric Wall Switch Occupancy Sensor with Manual-On requires the
user to switch on lighting manually by pressing the button on the front. Employing a special 180° multi-segmented
lens and PIR motion sensor, the sensor reliably detects occupancy to keep lights on while the room is occupied.

Wall Switch Occupancy Sensor

Technical Information Product Features

Input 120 or 277 Vac 60 Hz • Available in white, ivory
Output 120 Vac 277 Vac and light almond with
1000 W max. incandescent load matching decorator wall
1000 VA max. ballast load 1800 VA max. ballast load plate cover
¼ hp max. motor load
• Auto On/Auto Off
Operating Temperature 32° F – 122° F (0° C – 50° C)
• Manual bypass
Humidity 0 – 90% max. relative humidity non-condensing
• 120 or 277 Vac input
Standard UL and cUL Listed
FCC Part 15 Home and Office Use (Class B) (no neutral required)
Title 24 Certified • No power pack required
*For Diagram see technical section page 18 • No minimum load
• 180° field of view
(Up to 1000 sq. ft.)
Catalog Number Description
• User adjustable time
SLSPWS1277AI Wall Switch Occupancy Sensor (ivory)
delay from 15 second –
SLSPWS1277AW Wall Switch Occupancy Sensor (white) 30 minutes
SLSPWS1277AL Wall Switch Occupancy Sensor (light Almond) • Red LED motion indicator
SLSPWS1277MW Wall Switch Occupancy Sensor With Manual On (white) blinks to indicate motion
SLSPWS1277MI Wall Switch Occupancy Sensor With Manual On (ivory) detection
SLSPWS1277ML Wall Switch Occupancy Sensor with Manual On (light Almond) • Suitable for use on all
electronic and magnetic
• Furnished with (3) x 6 inch
external wires (pig tails)
• UL® and cUL Listed
• Five-year warranty

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
occupancy sensors Wall Switch occupancy sensors

Wall Switch
Residential Wall Switch Vacancy Sensor
The Schneider Electric Residential Wall Switch Vacancy Sensor directly replaces standard light switches
in bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms and utility rooms in accordance with Title 24 requirements for
residential lighting.

The Vacancy Sensor operates just like a standard light switch, requiring a button press to turn lights on.
Lights may be turned off with a button press or the sensor will turn off lighting automatically when the area is
unoccupied Employing passive infrared (PIR) technology, the sensor reliably detects when the area has been
vacated then turns off the lighting automatically after a fixed time delay of 30 minutes.

The Vacancy Sensor features a ‘grace period’. If the sensor should happen to turn off lighting while the area is
occupied, the sensor will monitor the area, and turn lighting back on automatically if motion is detected within
30 seconds of the initial shutoff. Great for retrofits, the Vacancy Sensor fits in existing wall boxes using existing
wiring and requires no adjustment.

Technical Information Residential Wall Switch

Vacancy Sensor, Light Almond

Input 120 Vac ±10% 60 Hz

Output 120 Vac
• 1000 W max. incandescent load
• 1000 VA max. ballast load
Product Features
• ¼ hp max. motor load
• No user time delay and
Operating Environment 32° F – 122° F (0° C – 50° C) sensitivity adjustments
Humidity 0 – 90% max. relative humidity non-condensing necessary
Standards UL and cUL Listed • Available in white, ivory,
FCC Part 15, Home and Office Use (Class B) and light almond
Title 24 Certified
• Furnished with cover
*For Diagram see technical section page 18
• Manual On/Manual Off or
Catalog Number Description Automatic Off operation
SLSPWS120VW White • No neutral or minimum
SLSPWS120VI Ivory load required
SLSPWS120VL Light Almond • Rated for both 120 V
incandescent and
fluorescent lighting
• Title 24 2005 Residential
Lighting requirements,
Sec. 150(k)
• No override on
• Manual-on only
(no auto-on mode)
• 30 minute time delay
• 180° motion detection
up to 300 sq. ft. (minor
• 30 second grace period

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
occupancy sensors Wall Switch occupancy sensors

Commercial Grade Occupancy Sensor

PIR Single and Dual Circuit Wall Switch
Schneider Electric Single Circuit PIR Wall Switch Occupancy Sensor with Light
Level features passive infrared (PIR) technology to conveniently control lighting in
offices, private bathrooms, utility rooms and employee break rooms. Low profile
sensor available in white, ivory, gray, light almond and black with color-matched
segmented lens to meet any décor need.
Adaptive Technology: New technology employs advanced algorithms to achieve
convenient energy savings and reduced lamp and ballast maintenance.
Walk-Through Mode: To maximize energy savings, the sensor detects when
areas are briefly occupied as a result of a person walking through and turns off
lighting based on a shorter time delay.
Light Level Sensor Mode: Each sensor includes an adjustable light level sensor
to hold off artificial lighting when adequate natural light is present. When natural
light levels drop below the threshold, the sensor will turn on artificial lighting in
occupied spaces.
Single Circuit Wall Switch Dual Circuit Wall Switch
Lamp Saver Mode: (Dual Circuit Wall Switch) When the lamp saver feature is Occupancy Sensor Occupancy Sensor
enabled, the sensor automatically alternates which circuit responds to motion.
The result is more predictable lamp life and reduced maintenance.
Product Features
The dual circuit sensor easily replaces two wall switches using existing wiring with no wiring modifications • Available in white, ivory,
required. Optional 2-gang wall switch cover plates available in matching colors. These sensors do not require gray, light almond and
a neutral connection or minimum load, making it great for retrofits. Easily replaces an existing wall switch using black with matching wall
existing wiring – no wiring modifications required. Matching wall switch cover plate makes retrofits clean and simple. switch cover plate
• Color matching multi-
segmented lens
Technical Information • Selectable auto-on and
Input 120 – 277 Vac ±10% 50/60 Hz manual-on modes
Output 120 Vac 277 Vac
1000 W max. tungsten
• 120 – 277 Vac 50/60 Hz
incandescent load input
¼ hp max. motor load 277 Vac • 180° field of view
1000 VA max. ballast load 1800 VA max. ballast load
Operating Temperature 32° F – 122° F (0° C – 50° C) • 1000 sq. ft. major motion
Humidity 0 – 90% max. relative humidity non-condensing and 300 sq. ft. minor
Time Delay Adjustment motion coverage area
Normal 0.5 – 30 minutes • Light level sensor
Walk Through Mode 2 minutes if no activity is detected after 30 seconds
Test Mode 15 seconds • Walk-through mode
Light Level adjustment 0.5 – 250 FC • Adjustable light level, time
Detection 180° passive infrared (PIR) delay and sensitivity
Audible Alert Selectable
Service Switch OFF/Auto/ON • Red LED motion indicator
Manual Operation Push-button ON/OFF • For use with electronic
Lens Impact Resistant and magnetic ballasts
Relay Switching 0° ± 500 uS
Standard UL and cUL Listed, FCC Part 15/Home and Office Use (Class B), Title 24 Certified
• No neutral connection,
minimum load or power
*For Diagram see technical section page 18
pack required

Catalog Number Description • UL and cUL Listed

SLSPWS1277UW White
for United States and
SLSPWS1277UI Ivory
SLSPWS1277UG Gray • Five-year warranty
SLSPWS1277UL Light Almond
SLSPWS1277UB Black
Catalog Number Description Blank Catalog Number Toggle Catalog Number Description
SLSPWD1277UL Light Almond SLSWP2DBL SLSWP2DTL Light Almond

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
occupancy sensors Wall Switch occupancy sensors

Commercial Grade Occupancy Sensor

Ultrasonic Single and Dual Circuit Wall Switch
Schneider Electric Single Circuit PIR Wall Switch Occupancy Sensor with Light Level
features passive infrared (PIR) technology to conveniently control lighting.

Dual Circuit Wall Switch Occupancy Sensors independently control two lighting
circuits with bi-level switching to reduce lighting by 50% which may be required
by energy codes. The dual circuit wall switch occupancy sensor employs passive
infrared (PIR) technology and a 180 degree segmented lens to achieve minor motion
coverage up to 300 square feet (27.87 sq. meters).

Adaptive Technology: New patent pending technology employs advanced algorithms

to achieve convenient energy savings and reduced lamp and ballast maintenance

Walk-Through Mode: To maximize energy savings and reduce waste, the sensor
detects when areas are briefly occupied as a result of an occupant walking through
and turns off lighting based on a shorter time delay.

Light Level Sensor Mode: Each sensor includes an adjustable light level sensor to
hold off artificial lighting when adequate natural light is present. When natural light levels Single Circuit Wall Switch Dual Circuit Wall Switch
drop below the threshold, the sensor will turn on artificial lighting in occupied spaces. Occupancy Sensor Occupancy Sensor

Lamp Saver Mode: (Dual Circuit wall switch) when the lamp saver feature is enabled, the sensor automatically
alternates which circuit responds to motion. The result is more predictable lamp life and reduced maintenance.
Product Features
These sensors do not require a neutral connection or minimum load, making it great for retrofits. Easily replaces
an existing wall switch using existing wiring – no wiring modifications required. Matching wall switch cover plate • Available in white, ivory,
makes retrofits clean and simple. gray, light almond and
black with matching wall
switch cover plate
Technical Information • Color matching multi-
segmented lens
Input 120 – 277 Vac ±10% 50/60 Hz
Output 120 Vac 277 Vac • Selectable auto-on and
1000 W max. tungsten manual-on modes
incandescent load • 120 – 277 Vac
¼ hp max. motor load 277 Vac 50/60 Hz input
1000 VA max. ballast load 1800 VA max. ballast load
Operating Temperature 32° F – 122° F (0° C – 50° C) • 180° field of view
Humidity 0 – 90% max. relative humidity non-condensing • 1000 sq. ft. major motion
Time Delay Adjustment and 300 sq. ft. minor
Normal 0.5 – 30 minutes
motion coverage area
Walk Through Mode 2 minutes if no activity is detected after 30 seconds
Test Mode 15 seconds • Light level sensor
Light Level adjustment 0.5 – 250 FC
• Adjustable light level, time
Detection 180° passive infrared (PIR)
delay and sensitivity
Audible Alert Selectable
Service Switch OFF/Auto/ON • Red LED motion indicator
Manual Operation Push-button ON/OFF • For use with electronic
Lens Impact Resistant and magnetic ballasts
Relay Switching 0° ±500 uS
Standard UL and cUL Listed, FCC Part 15/Home and Office Use (Class B), Title 24 Certified • No neutral connection,
minimum load or power
*For Diagram see technical section page 19
pack required
Catalog Number Description • UL and cUL Listed
SLSUWS1277UW White for United States and
SLSUWS1277UI Ivory Canada
SLSUWS1277UG Gray • Five-year warranty
SLSUWS1277UL Light Almond
SLSUWS1277UB Black
Blank Catalog Toggle Catalog
Catalog Number Description Description
Number Number
SLSUWD1277UL Light Almond SLSWP2DBL SLSWP2DTL Light Almond

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
occupancy sensors Wall Switch occupancy sensors

Commercial Grade Occupancy Sensor

Dual Technology Single and Dual Circuit Wall Switch
Schneider Electric Single Circuit PIR Wall Switch Occupancy Sensor with Light Level
features passive infrared (PIR) technology to conveniently control lighting.
Dual Circuit Wall Switch Occupancy Sensors independently control two lighting circuits
with bi-level switching to reduce lighting by 50% which may be required by energy
codes. The dual circuit wall switch occupancy sensor employs passive infrared (PIR)
technology and a 180 degree segmented lens to achieve minor motion coverage up to
300 square feet (27.87 sq. meters).
Adaptive Technology: New patent pending technology employs advanced
algorithms to achieve convenient energy savings and reduced lamp and
ballast maintenance.
Walk-Through Mode: To maximize energy savings, the sensor detects when areas
are briefly occupied as a result of a person walking through and turns off lighting based
on a shorter time delay.
Light Level Sensor Mode: Each sensor includes an adjustable light level sensor to
hold off artificial lighting when adequate natural light is present. When natural light levels Single Circuit Wall Switch Dual Circuit Wall Switch
Occupancy Sensor Occupancy Sensor
drop below the threshold, the sensor will turn on artificial lighting in occupied spaces.

Lamp Saver Mode: (Dual Circuit sensor) When the lamp saver feature is enabled, the sensor automatically
alternates which circuit responds to motion. The result is more predictable lamp life and reduced maintenance.
Product Features
The sensor does not require a neutral connection or minimum load, making it great for retrofits. Easily replaces
an existing wall switch using existing wiring – no wiring modifications required. Matching wall switch cover plate • Available in white, ivory,
gray, light almond and
makes retrofits clean and simple.
black with matching wall
switch cover plate
Technical Information • Color matching multi-
segmented lens
Input 120 – 277 Vac ±10% 50/60 Hz
• Selectable auto-on and
Output 120 Vac 277 Vac
manual-on modes
1000 W max. tungsten
incandescent load • 120 – 277 Vac 50/60 Hz
¼ hp max. motor load 277 Vac input
1000 VA max. ballast load 1800 VA max. ballast load
• 180° field of view
Operating Temperature 32° F – 122° F (0° C – 50° C)
Humidity 0 – 90% max. relative humidity non-condensing • 1000 sq. ft. major motion
Time Delay Adjustment and 300 sq. ft. minor
Normal 0.5 – 30 minutes motion coverage area
Walk Through Mode 2 minutes if no activity is detected after 30 seconds
Test Mode 15 seconds
• Light level sensor
Light Level adjustment 0.5 – 250 FC • Walk-through mode
Detection 180° passive infrared (PIR)
• Adjustable light level, time
Audible Alert Selectable
delay and sensitivity
Service Switch OFF/Auto/ON
Manual Operation Push-button ON/OFF • Red LED motion indicator
Lens Impact Resistant • For use with electronic
Relay Switching 0° ±500 uS
and magnetic ballasts
Standards UL and cUL Listed, FCC Part 15/Home and Office Use (Class B), Title 24 Certified
• No neutral connection,
*For Diagram see technical section page 19
minimum load or power
Catalog Number Description pack required
SLSDWS1277UW White • UL and cUL Listed
SLSDWS1277UI Ivory for United States and
SLSDWS1277UG Gray Canada
SLSDWS1277UL Light Almond
• Five-year warranty
SLSDWS1277UB Black
Blank Catalog Toggle Catalog
Catalog Number Description Description
Number Number
SLSDWD1277UL Light Almond SLSWP2DBL SLSWP2DTL Light Almond

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
occupancy sensors Accessories

Sensor Accessories
Blank Button Covers, Wall Plate toggle opening
and Wall Plate Decorator and Ceiling sensor
replacement kit
Button Covers for Commercial grade Single Circuit Sensors
Catalog Number Description
SLSBCB Button Cover Black
SLSBCG Button Cover Gray
SLSBCI Button Cover Ivory
SLSBCL Button Cover Light Almond
SLSBCW Button Cover White

2 Gang Wall plate, One Decorator opening and One Blank side.
Catalog Number Description
SLSWP2DBB 2 Gang Cover, with One Decorator opening Black
SLSWP2DBG 2 Gang Cover, with One Decorator opening Gray
SLSWP2DBI 2 Gang Cover, with One Decorator opening Ivory
SLSWP2DBL 2 Gang Cover, with One Decorator opening Light Almond
SLSWP2DBW 2 Gang Cover, with One Decorator opening White

2 Gang Wall plate, One Toggle Switch opening and One Blank side.
Catalog Number Description
SLSWP2DTB 2 Gang Cover, with One Toggle switch opening Black
SLSWP2DTG 2 Gang Cover, with One Toggle switch opening Gray
SLSWP2DTI 2 Gang Cover, with One Toggle switch opening Ivory
SLSWP2DTL 2 Gang Cover, with One Toggle switch opening Light Almond
SLSWP2DTW 2 Gang Cover, with One Toggle switch opening White

Replacement Kits
Catalog Number Description
SLSCRK Ceiling Sensor Replacement Parts Kit

Button Covers

2 Gang Wall plate 2 Gang Wall plate 2 Gang Wall plate 2 Gang Wall plate 2 Gang Wall plate 2 Gang Wall plate

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
occupancy sensors Ceiling Mounted occupancy sensors

Ceiling Mounted Occupancy Sensor

PIR/Ultrasonic/Dual Technology
Ceiling Mounted Passive Infrared (PIR), Ultrasonic and Dual Techology Occupancy
Sensors accurately detect occupancy and automatically switches lighting on and off
as needed. This low profile sensor is ceiling mounted for superior motion detection.

PIR: 360 degree field of view and up to 1000 square feet (92.90 sq. meters) of
coverage area.

Ultrasonic: 360 degree field of view and up to 2000 square feet (185.8 sq. meters)
of coverage area.
Ceiling Mounted Occupancy Ceiling Mounted Occupancy
Dual Technology: Incorporates both Passive Infrared and Ultrasonic technology
Sensor PIR Sensor Ultrasonic
with a 360 degree field of view and up to 2000 square feet (185.8 sq. meters) of
coverage area.

Ceiling mount sensors also incorporate an integral light level sensor to prevent
lighting from switching On when sufficient ambient light is present, such as is
commonly found in windowed areas.

Installation and configuration is simple. The sensor readily mounts to drop ceilings
and features front located adjustments for setting sensitivity and time delay. Features
an isolated relay for use with building automation, security and HVAC systems.

Dual Circuit Wall Switch

Occupancy Sensor
Technical Information
Current Consumption 21 mA Nominal (PIR), 34 mA Nominal (Ultrasonic), 37 mA Nominal (Dual Technology)
@ 24 Vdc Product Features
Supply Voltage 24 Vdc
• 24 Vac for use with BAS
Isolated Relay 1 A @ 24 Vdc Resistive
Operating Temperature 32° F – 122° F (0° C – 50° C)
• 360 degree field of view
Max. Humidity 0 – 90% max. relative humidity non-condensing
• Light Level Sensing (from
Standards UL and cUL Listed, FCC Part 15/Home and Office Use (Class B), Title 24 Certified
0.5 to 250 foot-candles)
*For Diagram see technical section page 19 and 20
• Adjustable Time Delay
(pre-set time delays
from 15 seconds (test)
Catalog Number Description to 30 minutes)
SLSCPS1000 Ceiling Mounted PIR Occupancy Sensor • Adjustable Sensitivity
SLSCUS2000 Ceiling Mounted Ultrasonic Occupancy Sensor (from 60 to 100%)
SLSCDS2000 Ceiling Mounted Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor • Isolated Relay (1 A at
SLSPP1277 Power Pack (required) 24 Vdc NO and NC
Form C Relay)
SLSSP24 Auxiliary Relay (optional)
• Red LED Motion Indicator
• Adjustment compartment
cover equipped with
retention clip
• UL/cUL Listed
• Manual Bypass
• Five-year warranty

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
occupancy sensors Ceiling Mounted occupancy sensors

180 Degree Ceiling-Mounted Occupancy Sensor

Ultrasonic/Dual Technology
The 180 Degree Ceiling-Mounted Occupancy Sensors are ideal for use in business
and office settings to accurately detect occupancy and automatically control lighting.
The ceiling-mount design of these low-profile sensors allows the greatest possible
motion sensitivity. An adjustment panel is conveniently located on the front of the
sensor, providing ready access to setting controls after the sensor is installed. These
occupancy sensors are available in the ultrasonic and dual technology models. The
dual technology model employs passive infrared (PIR) and ultrasonic technology.

180 Degree Ultrasonic 180 Degree Dual Technology

Occupancy Sensor Occupancy Sensor

Technical Information Product Features

Ultrasonic Dual • 1000 sq. ft.
Current Consumption coverage area
Active: 30 mA Active: 33 mA
@ 24 Vdc** • 180° field of view
Isolated relay Contact rating: 1 A @24 Vdc Resistive • New patent pending
Operating Temperature 32° F to 122° F (0° C to 50° C) adaptive technology
Humidity 0 – 90% max. relative humidity non-condensing employs advanced
algorithms to achieve
UL and cUL Listed
convenient energy
FCC Part 15
Standards savings and reduce lamp
Home and Office Use (Class B)
California Title 24 Certified and ballast maintenance.
*For Diagram see technical section page 20 and 21 • Ambient light level
**Control power must be provided by the Power Pack SLSPP1277 or an approved equivalent. sensing from 0.5 to
250 foot-candles
• Adjustable time delay
Catalog Number Description from 15 sec. to 30 min.
SLSCUS800 180 Degree Ultrasonic sensor • Adjustable sensitivity
SLSCDS800 180 Degree Dual Technology Sensor from 600 to 1000 sq. ft.
SLSPP1277 Power Pack (required) (10-100% of maximum
SLSSP24 Auxiliary Relay (optional)
• Isolated relay (Form C
contacts for Class 2
• LED motion indicators
(ultrasonic = 1 red,
dual technology = 1 red,
1 green)

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
occupancy sensors Wall Mounted occupancy sensors

Wall Mounted Occupancy Sensor

PIR/Ultrasonic/Dual Technology
Schneider Electric Wall Mounted Sensors accurately detects occupancy and
automatically switches lighting on and off as needed. This sensor is wall or ceiling
mounted for superior motion detection.

The PIR Occupancy Sensor includes 3 interchangeable lenses for custom coverage
patterns. The Wide Angle lens has a 2500 square foot coverage area when the
sensor is mounted 8 feet high, the Long Range lens has a 102 linear foot coverage
area @ 10 ft. high and the High Bay lens has a 54 linear foot coverage area @ 30 ft.
high. With a 110 degree field of view.

With 1000 square feet of coverage area, the Schneider Electric PIR Wall Mounted
Ultrasonic Occupancy Sensor is ideal for storage rooms, hallways, bathrooms,
conference rooms, classrooms and open office areas.
Wall Mounted Occupancy Wall Mounted Occupancy
To reduce the occurrence of false on events, the Dual Technology Sensor employs Sensor PIR Sensor Ultrasonic
PIR technology to detect major motion. Once lighting has been turned on, it employs
highly sensitive PIR and ultrasonic technology to detect minor motion and keep lighting
on while areas remain occupied. When the room or area is no longer occupied, the sensor turns off lighting after
a pre-set time delay. The low profile sensor is wall mounted for greatest sensitivity to motion in large areas with
obstructions. With a 110 degree field of view and up to 2500 square feet of coverage area when mounted at 8 ft.
off the ground, the Wall Mounted Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor is ideal for conference rooms, classrooms,
bathrooms, and large office areas.

Wall mount sensors also incorporate an integral light level sensor to prevent lighting from switching On when
sufficient ambient light is present, such as is commonly found in windowed areas.

Installation and configuration is simple. The sensor readily mounts to walls as well as drop ceilings and features
front located adjustments for setting sensitivity and time delay. Features an isolated relay for use with building
automation, security and HVAC systems.
Wall Mounted Occupancy
Sensor Dual Technology

Technical Information
Current Consumption 21 mA Nominal (PIR), 34 mA Nominal (Ultrasonic), 37 mA Nominal (Dual Technology) Product Features
@ 24 Vdc
Supply Voltage 24 Vdc
• Interchangeable lenses
for custom coverage
Isolated Relay 1 A @ 24 Vdc Resistive pattern (PIR)
Operating Temperature 32° F – 122° F (0° C – 50° C)
• 110 degree field of view
Max. Humidity 0 – 90% max. relative humidity non-condensing
• Light Level Sensing (from
Standards UL and cUL Listed, FCC Part 15/Home and Office Use (Class B), Title 24 Certified 0.5 to 250 foot-candles)
*For Diagram see technical section page 21 and 22 • Adjustable Time Delay
(pre-set time delays from
15 seconds to 30 minutes)
Catalog Number Description • Adjustable Sensitivity
SLSWPS1500 Wall Mounted Occupancy Sensor PIR (from 60 to 100%)
SLSWUS1500 Wall Mounted Occupancy Sensor Ultrasonic • Isolated Relay
SLSWDS1500 Wall Mounted Occupancy Sensor Dual Technology • Red LED Motion Indicator
SLSPP1277 Power Pack (required) (PIR/Ultrasonic)
SLSSP24 Auxiliary Relay • Red and Green LED
Motion indicator
(Dual Technology)
• Front located adjustment
access cover
• UL/cUL Listed

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
occupancy sensors Power Pack and auxiliary relay

Power Pack and Auxiliary Relay

120V, 277V and 347V
The Power Pack supplies low voltage power to Schneider Electric ceiling and wall
mounted occupancy sensors, and employs a heavy duty 20A relay to switch lighting
and HVAC loads based on a control signal received from the occupancy sensor.

The power pack employs a micro-controller that switches loads at minimum

voltage, protecting relay contacts from high in-rush current common when switching
electronic ballasts. This switching method reduces the stress across the relay
contacts, preventing arc-over and assuring long reliable contact life.

Similar to the power pack, the auxiliary relay does not supply power, but switches
lighting and HVAC loads based on a control signal from the occupancy sensor.

Both the power pack and auxiliary relay are housed in a rugged plenum rated
enclosure. Flexible mounting scheme allows for installation inside or outside a
standard 4 x 4 inch junction box. Power Pack

Technical Information (120V, 277V)

Power Pack Auxiliary Relay Product Features
Storage Temp -20° F to 150° F (-29° C to 65° C) -20° F to 150° F (-29° C to 65° C)
• 120 V, 277 V and
Operating Temperature 32° F to 104° F (0° C to 40° C) 32° F to 104° F (0° C to 40° C)
347 V Input
Max. Humidity 0 – 90% max. relative humidity non-condensing 0 – 90% max. relative humidity non-condensing
• Plenum Rated
Input 120 or 277 Vac/60 Hz 24 Vdc/36 mA
Output 24 Vdc/100 mA Nominal No Power Supply
• Flexible Mounting Options
Max Load Ratings 120 Vac/60 Hz 277 Vac/60 Hz 120 Vac/60 Hz 277 Vac/60 Hz • UL and cUL Listed
Tungsten 15 A/1800 W 15 A/1800 W 15 A/1800 W 15 A/1800 W • FCC Part 15, Class B
Ballast 20 A 20 A 20 A 20 A • Heavy duty relay rated
AC Motor 1 HP at 120 Vac/No HP rating at 277 Vac to switch electronic
Dimensions 3 in. (76 mm) tall x 2.25 in. (57 mm) wide x 1.75 in. ( 44 mm) deep ballast loads
*For Diagram see technical section page 22 • External color coded
leads for quick installation
• Mounts to a standard
Technical Information (347V) 4 in. (101 mm) x 4 in.
(101 mm) junction box
Power Pack Auxiliary Relay using a ½ in. (12.7 mm)
threaded EMT nipple
Storage Temp -20° F to 150° F (-29° C to 65° C) -20° F to 150° F (-29° C to 65° C)
Operating Temperature 32° F to 104° F (0° C to 40° C) 32° F to 104° F (0° C to 40° C)
• UL/cUL Listed
Max. Humidity 0 – 90% max. relative humidity non-condensing 0 – 90% max. relative humidity non-condensing
Input 347 Vac/60 Hz 347 Vac/60 Hz
Output 24 Vdc/150 mA Max. No Power Supply
Max Load Ratings 347 Vac/60 Hz 347 Vac/60 Hz 347 Vac/60 Hz 347 Vac/60 Hz
Ballast 15 A ballast, 5200 Watts
Dimensions 3 in. tall X 2.25 in. wide X 1.75 in. deep [76 mm tall X 57 mm wide X 44 mm deep]
UL and cUL Listed
FCC: Part 15, Home and Office Use Class B
*For Diagram see technical section page 22

Catalog Number Description

SLSPP1277 Occupancy Sensor Power Pack 120 – 277 Vac
SLSSP24 Occupancy Sensor Auxiliary Relay 120 – 277 Vac
SLSPP1347 Occupancy Sensor Power Pack 347 Vac
SLSSP24347 Occupancy Sensor Auxiliary Relay 347 Vac

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occupancy sensors Ceiling Mounted occupancy sensors

Ceiling Mounted Line Voltage Occupancy Sensors

PIR/Ultrasonic/Dual Technology
The Ceiling Mounted 360° Line Voltage Occupancy Sensor line from Schneider Electric,
are Class 1 devices designed to operate with indoor lighting fixtures performing the
switching of electrical loads in response to a control signal from the detection circuitry
of the device. The occupancy sensors easily mount to a standard 3.5 in. (89mm)
octagonal electrical box as well as a 4 in. (10.2 cm) square (1900 type) electrical
box with mud ring. The power section of the sensor fits into the electrical box. The
occupancy sensors operate from 120 Vac to 347 Vac at 60 HZ.

Ceiling Mounted Line Voltage Ceiling Mounted Line Voltage

Technical Information Occupancy Sensor PIR Occupancy Sensor Ultrasonic

Operating Range VAC 120 Vac: 1000 W Max ballast load, or 1000 W Tungsten,
or ¼ Hp motor
230 Vac: 1500 W Max ballast load
277 Vac: 1800 W Max ballast load
347 Vac: 1500 W Max ballast load
Frequency 120 Vac: 60 Hz
230 Vac, 277 Vac, 347 Vac: 50 Hz or 60 Hz
Operating Temperature 32 °F to 122 °F (0 °C to 50 °C)
Humidity 0 – 90% max. relative humidity non-condensing
Standards UL and cUL Listed
FCC Part 15, Home and Office Use (Class B)
California Title 24 Certified Dual Circuit Ceiling Mounted
Line Voltage Occupancy Sensor
*For Diagram see technical section page 23 and 24

Catalog Number Description Product Features

SLSCLP1000 Passive Infrared (PIR) Occupancy Sensors
SLSCLU2000 Ultrasonic (US) Occupancy Sensors All Models:
SLSCLD2000 Dual Technology (DT) Occupancy Sensors • Adjustable sensitivity
• Manual or Automatic Light level feature for
daylight harvesting
• Delay-off timer setting control — factory set to 18 min.
for max energy vs lamp life
• “Adaptive Timing” modifies time-out value based on
occupancy activities
• Time delay Test mode for sensor placement testing
• Low current consumption circuit design
• “Walk through mode” for sensors used in hallways
and corridors

PIR/Dual Technology:
• Interchangeable 500 or 1000 sq. ft. lenses
• “Adaptive PIR” moves sensitivity of the sensor based
on occupancy detection
• Dual Tech Logic Engine — (Modes of Operation)
(Dual Tech model only)

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
occupancy sensors High Bay occupancy sensors

High Bay Occupancy Sensor

Schneider Electric High Bay HID Basic, Single and Dual Output Occupancy Sensors
work with a single HID (high intensity discharge) luminaire to reduce the lamp
wattage by approximately 50% and then return the lamp wattage to 100% when
occupancy is detected in an aisle or room. Motion is detected using passive infrared
(PIR) technology.

Basic HID Sensors are used in sensor-per-fixture configuration, while single output
sensors include a connector to send and receive fiber optic signals. Single output
sensors are commonly used in daisy chain configurations. Dual output sensors have
two connectors that send fiber optic signals, and are commonly used in configurations
that interleave switch packs and sensors. All Sensors are compatible with single
magnetic HID luminaires.

High Bay Occupancy Sensor

Technical Information
Fixture Compatibility HID with constant wattage auto-transformer ballast
Dimming Method Relay-switched dual-section capacitor
Switching Configurations Parallel (preferred) or series capacitors
Relay Current Rating 4 amperes RMS maximum
Maximum Fixture Wattage 1000 watts parallel mode/250 watts series mode
AC Line Voltage 120/208/240/277/347/480 Vac
Power Consumption 3 watts maximum
Maximum Fiber Spacing
200 ft.
Between Nodes Sensor and optional
counterweight mounted
Ambient Temperature
32˚ F to 122˚ F (0˚ C to 50˚ C) non-condensing on luminaire
Observed Motion ON Time 0 to 15 minutes (user-adjustable)
Lamp Warm Up Interval 15 minutes
Wire Harness 4 conductor 18 AWG stranded copper wire
Product Features
Wire Harness Length 36 inches (91.44 cm)
Dimensions 3.25 in. (L) x 3.25 in. (W) x 3.25 in.(H) • Compatible with HID
(including mounting nipple) [82.56 mm (L) x 82.56 mm (W) x 82.56 mm (H)] luminaires rated between
208 and 480 Vac/60 Hz,
Standards UL Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment, cUL Listed
without adding taps or
*For Diagram see technical section page 25 jumpers
• Up to 40' mounting height
Catalog Number Description • User-adjustable 1 to
15 minute activity timer
SLSPIP210 HID Occupancy Sensor
SLSPIP211 HID Single Optical Output Occupancy Sensor
• User-adjustable range
dial to customize PIR
SLSPIP212 HID Dual Optical Output Occupancy Sensor sensitivity
SLSPCW001 Optional Counterweight
• Available with
SLSPIP210EB HID Occupancy Sensor Electronic Ballast interchangeable aisle
SLSPIP210CT HID Occupancy Sensor Magnetic Ballast Cold Temperature and area lenses
SLSPIP210EBCT HID Occupancy Sensor Electronic Ballast Cold Temperature • Lamp always starts on
SLSPSP101 HID Switch Pack with optical control ports (1 input/1 output) high to provide full rated
HID lamp life, even after
SLSPSP102 HID Switch pack with optical control ports (2 inputs)
AC power bumps or loss
of fiber optic signals
• Includes a manual test
switch for self diagnostics
that assist with installation
and debugging networks

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
occupancy sensors High Bay occupancy sensors

High Bay PIR Occupancy Sensor

The Fluorescent High Bay PIR Sensors (SLSFPS1347 or SLSFPS1480) by Schneider Electric
are designed for use with T5 and T8 fluorescent fixtures in high or low bay, area or isle
applications. The sensors save energy by using Passive Infrared (PIR) technology to detect
motion and turning off lights in unoccupied areas. The SLSFPS1347 uses automatic voltage
sensing allowing the same device to be installed in different voltage systems ranging from
120 — 347 V. The SLSFPS1480 is designed specifically for 480 V applications. Installation is
simple because drop-down brackets are not required.
Fluorescent High Bay PIR
Occupancy Sensor

Technical Information
SLSFPS1480 SLSFPS1347 Product Features
Fixture Compatibility T5 and T8 Fluorescent Fixtures
• Includes a user-adjustable
Black/Black wires White/Black wires time dial to set the length
AC Line Voltage
480 Vac ±10%, 60 Hz 120/277/347 Vac ±10%, 60 Hz of time the luminaires stay
Output Contact Rating 2000 W Max Ballast Load 1000/1800/1500 W Max Ballast Load on from 15 seconds to
Ambient Temperature 30 minutes.
32° F to 158° F (0° C to 70° C) non-condensing
Range • Includes a user-adjustable
Observed Motion ON time 15 seconds to 30 minutes range dial to customize
Dimensions (including PIR sensitivity.
4.96 in. x 3.25 in. x 3.25 in. (126 mm x 82.56 mm x 82.56 mm)
mounting nipple) (HxWxD) • 90 degree rotating lens
Standards UL and cUL Listed for a variety of aisle-way
*For Diagram see technical section page 25
• High bay area, low bay
area, and high bay aisle
lenses provided.
Catalog Number Description
• 18 minutes time-out
SLSFPS1347 Occupancy Sensor (120 – 347 V) Fluorescent High Bay PIR
preset for maximum
SLSFPS1480 Occupancy Sensor (480 V) Fluorescent High Bay PIR energy to lamp life

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
occupancy sensors Occupancy Controller

Occupancy Controller

The Occupancy Controller from Schneider Electric has two lighting control relays, an occupancy sensor
power supply, two auxiliary input switches, two timers (one per relay), and two relay default mode
switches associated with each relay. The occupancy controller provides a simple all-in-one solution for
dimming, on-off operation, and powering of sensors. It operates over a wide range of input voltages
(100 – 277 Vac) and is designed for above-ceiling installation. The occupancy controller is ideal for
in-room occupancy control applications such as classrooms, open-office space, executive offices and
conference rooms.

Occupancy Controller

Technical Information
Power Supply Voltage 100 – 277 Vac
Power Supply Frequency 50 – 60 Hz Product Features
Motion Sensor Power Supply Power output 280 mA (140 mA per detector connection)
• Input voltage range:
Power Supply Rating 24 Vdc SELV/Class 2 100 – 277 Vac 50/60 Hz
Resistive: 16 A at 277 Vac, Incandescent/Tungsten: 12 A at 277 Vac • One occupancy sensor
Relay Rating
Fluorescent (UL) Standard ballast: 10 A at 277 Vac (inductive 0.4 – 0.5 pf) input terminal for
Input: 14 – 12 AWG (2.5 – 4 mm² ) each relay
Connections Relay output: 14 – 12 AWG (2.5 – 4 mm² )
(Screw-type Phoenix-style Connectors) Motion detector: 3-pin, 1 per relay present
• 24 Vdc power supply for
Auxiliary input: 2-pin, 1 per relay present the motion detectors
Maximum Operating Temp. 122° F (50° C) approved for use in a plenum • One auxiliary input switch
terminal for overrides and
Operating Humidity 10 – 90% max. relative humidity non-condensing
an on board timer for
Dimensions (H x W x D) 8.0 x 7.87 x 2.36 in. (203 x 200 x 60 mm) each relay
CSA C22.2 No. 205 (Signal Equipment), UL916 (Energy Management Equipment)
Standards (Title) • One relay fail-safe mode
FCC Part 15 (Class B Digital Device for Home or Office Use)
switch for each relay
*For Diagram see technical section page 26
• Remote override on/off
Catalog Number Description • Class 1 and Class 2
5752PP/2R Occupancy Controller with 2 relays, with C-Bus connection voltage isolation
5752PP/2R/2D Occupancy Controller with 2 relays and 2 0-10V dimmers, with C-Bus connection
752PP/2R Occupancy Controller with 2 relays, no network connection

Compatible Sensors
Sensor Description
SLSCPS1000 Ceiling mount PIR motion sensor, 360° detection pattern, isolated relay
SLSCUS2000 Ceiling mount Ultrasonic motion sensor, 360°detection pattern, isolated relay
Ceiling mount Dual-technology (PIR and Ultrasonic) motion sensor,
360° detection pattern, isolated relay
SLSCUS800 Ceiling mount Ultrasonic motion sensor, 180° detection pattern, isolated relay
Ceiling mount Dual-technology (PIR and Ultrasonic motion sensor,
180° detection pattern, isolated relay
SLSWPS1500 Wall mount PIR motion sensor, 110° detection pattern, isolated relay
SLSWUS1500 Wall mount Ultrasonic motion sensor, isolated relay
SLSWDS1500 Wall mount Dual-technology; PIR and ultrasonic motion

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Wiring Devices Low Voltage Switches

Low Voltage Switches

The Schneider Electric Low Voltage Switches are a series of aesthetically pleasing
push button wall switches that can be mounted in various applications. The low
voltage switches are designed to operate with Schneider Electric Occupancy
Controllers, Powerlink, C-Bus, and relay panels. All switch models are available
in white, almond, and ivory.

Technical Information
Connection type External wires Gauge: #22 AWG stranded
Number of conductors/switch
Switch Operating Range 5 – 36 Vdc Max current of 50 mA @ 36 Vdc
5 – 36 Vdc
Min operating current .150ma @ 5 Vdc
LED Operating Range Min operating current .275ma @ 12 Vdc
Min operating current .385ma @ 24 Vdc
Low Voltage Switches
Min operating current .470ma @ 36 Vdc
Conductor temperature rating Not specified, select to meet UL Class 2 requirements
Conductor voltage rating 5 to 36 Vdc
Conductor length 6 inches from housing Product Features
Temperature 0 – 122° F (50° C) • Provide simple momentary push button control.
Humidity 0 – 90% max. relative humidity non-condensing
• LED models provide pilot lights or status outputs.
*For Diagram see technical section page 26 • Operate on voltage ranges from 5 – 36 Vdc.
• Certain models are designed for use with Schneider
Catalog Number Description Electric relay panels.
SLSLVS1x 1-button, low voltage switch • Switches fit standard NEMA wall boxes.
SLSLVS1Lx 1-button, low voltage switch with LED • Decorator-style enclosure; wall plate included.
SLSLVS2x 2-button, low voltage switch
SLSLVS2Lx 2-button, low voltage switch with LED
SLSLVS1Rx 1-button Schneider Electric relay panel switch with LED
SLSLVS2Rx 2-button Schneider Electric relay panel switch with LED
'X' – Designates color: W: White, I: Ivory, G: Gray, L: Light Almond, B: Black

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occupancy sensors technical section

Wall Switch Occupancy Sensor


PIR Motion Sensor Lens

35 ft.
(10.7 m)
Time-delay Setting:
15 sec. min. (Fully CCW)
4 ft. 30 min. max. (fully CW)
(1.2 m)
Auto/OFF Button
10 ft. (3.1 m) 35 ft.
15 ft. (4.6 m) (10.7 m)
25 ft. (7.6 m) Bypass button
(In = Always ON, OUT = Normal Operation)
Major Motion
Minor Motion Sensor field of view Sensor features

Residential Wall Switch Vacancy Sensor LED

PIR Motion Sensor Lens

Manual ON/OFF Button

(Push ON/Push OFF)

35 ft.
(10.7 m) Vacancy Sensor Features

4 ft. Hot (BLK)

(1.2 m) (RED) Ground (GRN)
10 ft. (3.1 m)
35 ft.
15 ft. (4.6 m)
(10.7 m)
25 ft. (7.6 m)

Major Motion Sensor field of view, Side

Minor Motion

Vacancy Sensor Wiring Diagram

Commercial Grade Occupancy Sensors

PIR Wall Switch
Line BK
R Primary
BL Load

BR Secondary


35 ft. Neutral
(10.7 m)
Sensor Wiring, Bi-level

4 ft. Neutral
(1.2 m)

6 ft. (1.83 m) R Primary

35 ft.
(10.7 m) Line 1 BK Load
9 ft. (2.74 m)
21 ft. (6.4 m) Line 2 BL BR Secondary

Side view of sensor field of view GN

Major Motion
Minor Motion

Sensor Wiring, Dual Circuit
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occupancy sensors technical section

Commercial Grade Occupancy Sensors

Ultrasonic Wall Switch
Neutral (WHHT)
Ground (GRN)
Hot(BLK) Load
(RED) Neutral
27 ft. (8.23 m)
20 ft. (6.1 m)

Line BK R
Primary Line 1 BK Load
BL Load
Line 2 BL BR Secondary
Note: Observe GN BR Secondary
Wiring Polarity Load

20 ft. (6.1 m) Ground

27 ft. (8.23 m)

Major Motion Neutral

Single-level Lighting Neutral
Minor Motion

Ultrasonic Sensor Field of View, Top Sensor Wiring Sensor Wiring, Bi-level Sensor Wiring, Dual Circuit

Commercial Grade Occupancy Sensors

Dual Technology Wall Switch
Line BK
R Primary
BL Load

BR Secondary

35 ft. (10.67 m)

27 ft. (8.23 m)

Sensor Wiring, Bi-level

20 ft. (6.1 m)

4 ft.
(1.2 m)
R Primary
Line 1 BK Load
10 ft. 6 ft. 35 ft.
(3.05 m) (1.83 m) (10.7 m) Line 2 BL BR Secondary
9 ft. Load
13.5 ft. (2.74 m)
(4.11 m) Dual Technology Sensor Field of View, Side GN
21 ft. (6.4 m)

Major Motion PIR Major Motion Ultrasonic Ground

Minor Motion PIR Minor Motion Ultrasonic
Single and Dual Technology Sensor Field of View, Top
Sensor Wiring, Dual Circuit

Ceiling Mounted Occupancy Sensor

4.5 in. (115 mm)

1.75 in.
9 ft. (44 mm)
(2.74 m)

25 ft. (7.62 m)
32 ft. (9.75 m)

Side view of sensor field of view

25 ft. (7.62 m) Major Motion

32 ft. (9.75 m) Minor Motion

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occupancy sensors technical section

Ceiling Mounted Occupancy Sensor

48 ft.
Major Motion 4.5 in. (115 mm)
30 ft. Minor Motion

1.25 in.
24 ft. 42 ft. (31 mm)

Area of Detection Side view of ceiling mounted sensor

Ceiling Mounted Occupancy Sensor

Dual Technology
48 ft.
4.5 in. (115 mm)
30 ft.
Ultrasonic Major Motion
Ultrasonic Minor Motion
PIR Major Motion
PIR Minor Motion 1.75 in.
(44 mm)
24 ft.

42 ft.

25 ft.
32 ft. Side view of ceiling mounted sensor

180 Degree Ceiling-Mounted Occupancy Sensor

4.5 in. (115 mm)

Ultrasonic Major Motion

Ultrasonic Minor Motion

1.75 in.
(44 mm)
32 ft.

25 ft.

Side view of ceiling mounted sensor

25 ft.
32 ft.

Area of Detection

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occupancy sensors technical section

180 Degree Ceiling-Mounted Occupancy Sensor

Dual Technology
4.5 in. (115 mm)
Ultrasonic Major Motion
Ultrasonic Minor Motion
PIR Major Motion
32 ft. PIR Minor Motion 1.75 in.
(44 mm)
28 ft.

25 ft.
22 ft.

25 ft.
Side view of ceiling mounted sensor
32 ft.

Wall Mounted Occupancy Sensor

48 Major Motion
Minor Motion
03 15 30 48 72
11 18 ft.
(5.49 m)

16 30 ft.
(9.14 m)
10 ft.
(3.1 m)

0 3 ft. 42 ft. 102 ft.
(0.9 m) (12.8 m) (31.1 m)

Wall Mounted Occupancy Sensor

Ultrasonic Class 2

16 Major Motion




Minor Motion


Class 1

Line Black
Neutral White Power Pack


16 Load
Yellow (Common)

Additional Sensor (s)

23 32 (Optional)
Orange (N.O.)

Green (N.C.)

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occupancy sensors technical section

Wall Mounted Occupancy Sensor

Dual Technology Class 2

48 8




ft. Class 1
25 0
16 03 15 23 32 48 72 Line Black
11 Neutral White Power Pack


Yellow (Common)
25 Additional
Major Motion Sensor (s)

Orange (N.O.)
Minor Motion (Optional)

Green (N.C.)
Major Motion Ultrasonic
48 Minor Motion Ultrasonic

Power Pack and Auxiliary Relay

120 Volt and 277 Volt
Line Voltage
Voltage selector
3 in. (76 mm)
Hot Black
Line Voltage +24 Vdc
120/277 Vac White Common
To Sensor Neutral Control Input
Inside 3 in. Red
(76 mm)
Line Voltage Blk
Blue Red
Override OFF

2.25 in. Sensor
To Sensor (57 mm)

Outside Front View Dimensions System Diagram

Flexible Mounting

Power Pack and Auxiliary Relay

347 Volt
Line Voltage
3 in. (76 mm)

Hot Black
Line Voltage +24 Vdc
347 Vac White Common
To Sensor 3 in. Neutral Control Input
(76 mm) Red
Line Voltage Blue Blk Red
Override OFF

2.25 in.
(57 mm) Sensor

To Sensor Front View Dimensions Wiring Diagram


Flexible Mounting
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occupancy sensors technical section

Ceiling Mounted Line Voltage Occupancy Sensor

4.76 in.

Key: 1
1. Top view
2. Side view
A. 1,000 Sq. ft. lens
B. 500 Sq. ft. lens
Major motion
4.76 in.
Minor motion

A 25 ft.
B 16 ft.
A 32 ft.
B 23 ft.

0.99 in.

9 ft.

A 25 ft. 1.78 in.

B 16 ft.
A 32 ft.
B 23 ft.

Ceiling Mounted Line Voltage Occupancy Sensors Wiring Diagram

Key: Single Sensor Multiple Sensors

A. Power source
(Refer to the operating
range described in the B B
specifications table.)
B. Line/Hot (+)
C. Neutral (-) A A
D. Load F F F
E. Override (Off)
F. Sensor (PIR shown) E E


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occupancy sensors technical section

Ceiling Mounted Line Voltage Occupancy Sensor

4.76 in.
48 ft.
30 ft.
Major motion
Minor motion

24 ft. 42 ft.

4.76 in.

Top View Area Coverage (based on 9ft. mounting height)

Hallway Coverage
90 ft. (27.4 m)

15 ft.
(4.5 m) 0.99 in.

90˚ 1.42 in.

Ceiling Mounted Line Voltage Occupancy Sensor

Dual Technology
4.76 in.
48 ft.
30 ft.
A. 1,000 Sq. ft. lens
B. 500 Sq. ft. lens D
C. PIR Major motion E
D. PIR Minor motion F
E. Ultrasonic major motion
24 ft. 42 ft.
F. Ultrasonic minor motion
4.76 in.

(Based on 9 ft.
mounting height)

A 25 ft.
B 16 ft.
A 32 ft.
B 23 ft.

0.99 in.

1.78 in.

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occupancy sensors technical section

High Bay Occupancy Sensors

Side View Sensor Height Top View at 40 ft.


30’ 10

40 ft. 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 40 ft. 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40
Coverage pattern for area/aisle lense (side view)

Top View at 40 ft.

40 ft. 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40

Coverage pattern for aisle lens (top view) Coverage pattern for area lens (top view)

High Bay PIR Occupancy Sensor

Sensor Height Sensor Height Sensor Height
Side View Above Floor Side View Above Floor Side View Above Floor



40’ 20’ 40’

40 ft. 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 40 ft. 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 40 ft. 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40
Distance from sensor Distance from sensor Distance from sensor

30’ 30’

20’ 20’

10’ 10’

0’ 0’
30’ 20’ 10’ 10’ 20’ 30’ 30’ 20’ 10’ 10’ 20’ 30’ 40 ft. 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40
10’ 10’ Top View at 40’

20’ 20’

30’ 30’

Top View from area lens at 40’ Top View from area lens at 20’

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occupancy sensors technical section

Occupancy Controller
2.36 in.
(60 mm)
0.63 in. (16 mm) 0.71 in. (18 mm) Occupancy Occupancy signals

6.53 in.
(166 mm)
Controller 24 Vdc

0.75 in.
(19 mm) Occupancy sensors

6.42 in.
(163 mm)

Lighting load*

Low voltage
wall switch

0.83 in.
(21 mm)

Power input Dry contact

Side view Front view switches*

* Third-party devices

Low Voltage Switch One Switch One Switch with LED

V OUT (+) Anode
1.7 in.
(43.2 mm) SW1

V IN (-) Cathode

0.24 in. Two Switches Two Switches with LEDs

(6.09 mm)

V OUT SW1 V OUT SW1 (+) Anode LED1
1.34 in.
2.77 in. (34.04 mm)
(70.36 mm) SW1 SW1
(-) Cathode LED1


(+) Anode LED2


V OUT SW2 V OUT SW2 (-) Cathode LED2

4.5 in. 2.77 in.

(114.6 mm) (70.36 mm)
Low Voltage Relay Panel Low Voltage Relay Panel
Switch — One Switch Switch — Two Switches



Polarity Reverse
Switch Polarity




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Emergency Lighting
Control Devices

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com

Emergency Lighting Control Devices

Emergency Egress Lighting

Control Devices
Schneider ELectric UL listed automatic load Automatic Load Control Relay, emergency
control relays (ALCR) enable designers to use lighting is only turned on when necessary.
standard lighting fixtures for the emergency During normal non-operating hours, the
lighting system fed by an emergency backup emergency lighting is Off, providing further
supply. Under normal operating power, the energy savings and extended lamp life.
devices turn on and off emergency lighting Schneider Electric provides a wide selection
along with standard lighting in an area. In the of Emergency Lighting Control Devices that
event of normal power loss, the ALCR detects work with occupancy and dimming-based
the power loss, and will automatically switch lighting controls.
on emergency power to the fixtures. With an

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Emergency Lighting Control Devices Emergency Lighting Control Relay

Automatic Load Control Relays

The Automatic Load Control Relay is a UL 924 Listed Emergency Lighting Control Device.
It provides a means of turning on and off emergency lighting along with regular lighting. The Automatic Load
Control Relay is designed to sense when a power outage occurs, then switches on the connected emergency
lighting load.

Technical Information
Sensing Input 120 V or 277 V
Load 120 V or 277 V
Load Rating 20 A
Contact NC
Input Control 18 AWG (wires labeled 1,2,3,4)
Emergency Control 14 AWG (wires labeled 5,6) Automatic Load
Standards UL/cUL listed; UL 924, UL 94V-0 Flame Rating Control Relay
Mounting Mount in a junction box with a blank cover in the same location as the controlled lighting.
Weight 8 oz. (227 g)
Temperature 32° F to 140° F (0° C to 60° C) Product Features
Dimensions (LxWxH) 3.75 in. x 1.75 in. x 1.5 in. (95.25 mm x 44.45 mm x 38.10 mm)
• 120 V or 277 V.
*For Diagram see technical section page 32
• Meets NEC2011
Article 700
Catalog Number Description • Patented self-test feature
SLSERC1277 Automatic Load Control Relay 120 V and 277 V that shows emergency
power is operating every
time the light switch is
turned OFF.
• Visible LEDs for easy
• No programming required
and easy to install.
• Use with new or existing
lighting fixtures.
• Use with Schneider
Electric occupancy
• All models are
constructed with UL 94
V-0 rated plastics.
• UL/cUL listed.

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Emergency Lighting Control Devices Emergency Lighting dimmer Control

Dimming Automatic Load Control Relay

It provides a means of turning on/off and dimming control of emergency. The DALCR is designed to detect power
outage events and switch on the connected emergency lighting load to maximum light level. The DALCR sends
phase angle, 0 – 10 V, and three-wire ballast loads to full bright in a emergency egress lighting event. When utility
power is restored, the units will revert back to their previous controlled state.

Technical Information
Ballast 120 Vac, 20 A 277 Vac, 20 A Dimming Automatic Load
Control Relay
Tungsten 120 Vac, 1800 W 277 Vac, 1500 W
General Use 20 A 20 A
Wiring 14 AWG
Standards UL/cUL listed; UL 924, UL 94V-0 Flame Rating
Product Features
4 in. square electrical enclosure. Mount in either the same location of the controlled lighting, or in a
remote location away from the controlled lighting. • 120 V or 277 V.
Weight 16 oz. (453.6 g) • Meets NEC2011 Article 7
Temperature 32° F to 140° F (0° C to 60° C)
• Patented self-test feature
Dimensions (LxWxH) 5.125 in. x 5.125 in. x 2.25 in. (130.175 mm x 130.175 mm x 57.15 mm) that shows emergency
*For Diagram see technical section page 32 power is operating every
time the light switch is
turned OFF.
Catalog Number Description
• Visible LEDs and test
SLSEDMC120 Dimming Automatic Load Control Relay 120 V
switches for easy
SLSEDMC277 Dimming Automatic Load Control Relay 277 V diagnostics.
• No programming required
and easy to install.
• Use with new or existing
lighting fixtures.
• Use with C-Bus and
other dimming solutions,
0 – 10 V, phase angle,
and DALI.
• All models are
constructed with UL 94
V-0 rated plastics.
• UL/cUL listed.

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Emergency Lighting Control Devices Emergency Lighting Control Relay

Panel Mount Automatic Load Control Relay

The Panel Mount Automatic Load Control Relay is a UL 924 Listed emergency lighting control device.
It provides a means of turning on and off emergency lighting along with regular lighting. The Panel Mount
Automatic Load Control Relay is designed to sense when a power outage occurs, then switches on the
connected emergency lighting load.

Technical Information
Model SLSEPMC120 SLSEPMC277 Panel Mount Automatic
Load Control Relay
Ballast 120 Vac, 20 A 277 Vac, 20 A
Tungsten 120 Vac, 1800 W 277 Vac, 1500 W
General Use 20 A, 1 HP 20 A, 1 HP
Terminal 12 to 14 AWG Product Features
Maximum Terminal Torque 1.15 lb/ft. (16 kg/cm)
Standards UL/cUL listed; UL 924, UL 94V-0 Flame Rating
• 120 V or 277 V.
Mounting Electrical enclosure. Mount in a remote location away from the controlled lighting. • Meets NEC2011
Article 700
Weight 7 oz. (198.45 g)
Temperature 32° F to 140° F (0° C to 60° C)
• Patented self-test feature
that shows emergency
Dimensions (LxWxH) 3.5 in. x 3 in. x 3 in. (88.9 mm x 76.2 mm x 76.2 mm) power is operating every
*For Diagram see technical section page 33 time the light switch is
turned OFF.

Catalog Number Description • Visible LEDs and test

switches for easy
SLSEPMC120 Panel Mount Automatic Load Control Relay 120 V
SLSEPMC277 Panel Mount Automatic Load Control Relay 277 V
• No programming required
and easy to install.
• Use with new or existing
lighting fixtures.
• Suitable for use with
Schneider Electric relay
panels or Powerlink
Lighting Control Systems.
• All models are
constructed with UL 94
V-0 rated plastics.
• UL/cUL listed.

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Emergency Lighting Control Devices technical section

Emergency Lighting Control Relay

Emergency Lighting Dimmer Control

Under Regular Power
relay 5 is closed and
relay 3 is open allowing
the lighting control panel
power to flow between
input 5 and output 8.
Under Regular Power
relay 6 is closed allowing
0-10 dimming signal to
flow between input 6
and output 9.
Under Emergency
Power relay 5 is open
and relay 3 is closed
allowing constant power
between input 3 and
output 8.
Under Emergency
power relay 6 is open
sending the 0-10
dimming signal to
full bright.

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Emergency Lighting Control Devices technical section

Emergency Lighting Control Relay

Panel Mount

Typical system configuration

utilizing the G3 Powerlink
Panelboard. The Emergency
lighting control panelboard
is also compatible with other
system and relay configurations.

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Lighting Control

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com

Emergency Lighting Control Panelboards

Emergency Lighting Control

Operational processes, code compliance, cost Supports Sustainability
reduction, sustainability solutions, architectural • Normal use of schedule, switch, and
aesthetics — the list of commercial facility occupancy-sensor device controls to be
needs is long and difficult to balance. shared on emergency lighting circuits
A key factor in all of the above, lighting reduces energy waste
contributes to facility costs and operations. • Reduced wiring and lighting fixtures needed
With lighting control enhancements you
can gain energy efficiency, cost savings, • Easily supports centralized power source
sustainability, along with personal comfort (Generator or inverter) for emergency lighting
and convenience. Emergency egress eliminating distributed emergency batteries
lighting requirements can be a complicating
factor in effective lighting design and Streamlines Maintenance Testing
energy management. • Patented “switch test” — test buttons
at panels/panelboards for each ALCR
Simplifies Design Process [NEC (NFPA70) and UL 924]
• Allows standard lighting fixtures to be used • Visible LEDs for utility and emergency
for emergency lighting power diagnostics
• Provides ability to share lighting controls • Centralized location for facility-wide
such as timers, switches, and occupancy emergency lighting maintenance and testing
sensors with emergency egress lighting

Speeds Installation
• Factory assembled and installs quickly and
easily reducing labor time and costs

• Space saving design with less wiring and

easy access

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
UL924 Panels Emergency Lighting Control Panel

Emergency Lighting Control Panel

With the Emergency Lighting Control Panels by Schneider Electric, design,

installation, inspection, and ongoing testing requirements for emergency lighting
are streamlined. Energy efficiency is gained by allowing the normal use of schedule,
switch, and occupancy-sensor device controls to be shared on emergency lighting
circuits. This innovative, centralized, control solution for emergency lighting is a fail
safe approach in support of improved sustainability.

Ordering Information
ELCPs are ordered based on the enclosure mounting location (surface or flush),
the number of ALCRs, and the voltage used by the panel mounted devices
(120 V or 277 V).

A B C D Emergency Lighting Control Panel

Panel Number Explanation (Key) Product Features

A Emergency panel
• Designed to be mounted between emergency and
B X = The number of panel mounted devices regular circuit breaker panelboards
C S = Surface mount, • Isolated power channel design ensures emergency
F = Flush mount
and regular power never share the same space in
D 1 = 120 V accordance with NEC
2 = 277 V
• Supports from 6 to 24 20 A Automatic Load
Each shipment contain one enclosure with 6 to 24 panel mounted devices Control Relays (ALCR)
(SLSEPMC120 or SLSEPMC277) and this instruction bulletin.
• Available in 277 Vac and 120 Vac
Note: ELCPs are avaliable for order with an even number of ALCRs, ranging from 6 to 24 ALCRs. • Short Circuit Current Rating 65 kA @ 120 Vac,
18 kA @ 277 Vac
For Diagram see technical section page 39
• UL 924 and UL 50 Listed
• NEMA® Type 1 enclosure
• Available in fl ush and surface mount
• Equipped with lockable covers
• Accepts up to 10 AWG wire for long wire runs
• Onboard test switch for each relay simplifies
ongoing maintenance requirements
• Integrates with lighting control products

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
UL924 Panels Emergency Lighting Control Panelboards

Emergency Lighting Control Panelboard

Schneider Electric introduces the first centralized, all-in-one panelboard with

onboard automatic load control relays (NEC (NFPA70) and UL 924). This unique
combination of breaker and ALCR (NEC (NFPA70) and UL 924) panelboard allows
facilities to streamline operational processes, reduce costs, improve sustainability,
and use advanced lighting control technologies. It also easily supports a centralized
emergency power source (generator or inverter) for emergency lighting.

This elegant solution simplifies:

• Integrates multiple ALCR [NEC (NFPA70) and UL 924] and emergency lighting
breakers into a centralized, self contained panelboard
• Consolidates standard lighting fixtures with emergency lighting
• Provides ability to share lighting controls such as timers, switches, and
occupancy sensors with emergency egress lighting

Product Features
• Emergency Lighting Control Panelboard (2 – 16 Automatic Load Control
Relays with a option of NF or NQ breakers)
• Available in both 120 V and 277 V models as well as 125 and 250 Amp
• Suitable for use with Schneider Electric Relay Panels or Powerlink Lighting
Control Systems
• UL listed

For Diagram see technical section page 40

Emergency Lighting Control Panelboard

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
UL924 Panels technical section

Emergency Lighting Control Panel

Panel Installation
Typical system configuration utilizing the G3 Powerlink Panelboard. The Emergency lighting control panelboard is
also compatible with other system and relay configurations.

Emergency Panelboard Regular Panelboard

Regular Constant Hot

Line Neutral

Emergency Line Switch Hot
Panel Neutral Schneider Electric
Regular Panel Relay Panel
Lights Neutral

Relay Controller Neutral

Emergency Relay Controller Power

Lights Note:
Use standard
fixtures for both
regular and
Emergency Line egress lighting.

Emergency Panel Neutral

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
UL924 Panels technical section

Emergency Lighting Control Panelboard

Panelboard Installation
Typical system configuration utilizing the G3 Powerlink Panelboard. The Emergency lighting control panelboard is
also compatible with other system and relay configurations.

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Current Limiting
Panels for Track

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com

schneider Electric Current Limiting panels

Current Limiting Panels

Energy codes typically require lighting power efficient lighting is used, the connected load is
density calculations for track lighting to be typically much less than the per-foot multipliers
based on the linear feet of installed track. Some given in the energy codes. This penalizes lighting
codes stipulate multipliers as low as 30W per designs that employ track lighting and may
foot of track, while others use a multiplier as threaten retail environments where higher light
high as 70W per foot of track. When energy levels are needed.

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
schneider ElectricCurrent Limiting panels Current Limiting panels

Current Limiting Panels

Current Limiting Panels eases the burden of meeting today’s stringent energy codes
like California Title 24. Typically used for track lighting applications, these panels
limit the power available to a lighting branch circuit by incorporating a special circuit
breaker into the branch circuit.

Because the Current Limiting panel limits the available power to a specified level,
designers can better reflect the actual power requirements into their load density
calculations. Power level will be substantially lower than by using the standard
multipliers given for track lighting.

Panels are readily accessible providing easy access for inspection and maintenance.
These panels also incorporate circuit breakers rated for the higher available fault
currents found on many 120 V systems. In addition, the use of supplementary
protectors provides a convenient means for isolating individual track circuits.

Current Limiting Panel

Technical Information Product Features

Item Track-Limiting Panel • Readily accessible panel
Type NEMA 1 Indoor mounted enclosures
Box Galvanized steel • Flush or surface mounting
Finish ANSI 49 Gray • Hinged door with key-
Voltage Rating 120 VAC@10 kA or 277 VAC@5 kA locking latch
Short Circuit Current Rating 10,000 A • Up to 42 circuit breakers
Branch Circuit per enclosure
0.5 A, 1 A, 2 A, 3 A, 4 A, 5 A, 6 A, 7 A, 8 A, 10 A, 15 A, 16 A
Ampere Ratings • Circuit breakers rated
Branch Circuit Terminals Box lugs: #18 – 4 AWG (1 – 25 mm2) 0.5 A – 16 A
Operating Environment 77° F (25° C) • Factory assembled,
Standards UL1077, UL508A tested, and labeled
California Title 24, ASHRAE 90.1 compliant
• CA Title 24 compliant

Enclosures are available for mounting up to 21 or 42 circuits. Both enclosures are available for flush or
surface mounting.

Enclosure Enclosure Cabinet Dimensions (H x W x D)

12M 14.25 in. x 9 in. x 3.75 in. (362 mm x 229 mm x 95 mm)
21M 14.25 in. x 3.75 in. x 17.92 in. (362 mm x 95 mm x 455 mm)
42M 14.25 in. x 3.75 in. x 33.78 in. (362 mm x 95 mm x 858 mm)

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
schneider Electric Current Limiting panels Current Limiting panels

Energy codes typically calculate track lighting loads based on linear feet of installed track. Some codes use a multiplier as low as 30 watts/foot
while others use a multiplier as high as 70 watts/foot. When using the energy efficient lighting technologies available today, the connected load
is typically much less than the per-foot multipliers used by most energy codes. This penalizes lighting designs that employ track lighting and
wastes available lighting watts that could be used more effectively.

Below is a typical track lighting example. The Standard Layout consists of two 50’ runs of single circuit track, each with sixteen 39W track
heads for a total connected load of 1376W. The Revised Layout Using Short Track Segments has the same 1376W connected load but uses
sixteen short 4’ track segments (64’), each fed separately, to help minimize the impact of the watts per foot multiplier. The scenario with the
Track-Limiting Panel uses the original two 50’ runs of single circuit track, with each monitored by a 6 Amp current limiting circuit breaker that is
closely matched to the actual connected load of 1376W. This results in the minimum calculated watts per the energy codes.

Without the Current Limiting Panel

With the Current Limiting Panel

The Current Limiting Panel installs between the branch circuit breaker and the track lighting, solving the energy code calculation discrepancy,
making the wattage calculation independent of track length.

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Relay Panels

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com

Relay Panels

Relay Panels
Lighting control relay panels from Schneider Electric will put you in control of your lighting, your
comfort and your energy costs. Regardless of your need, our relay panels give you a reliable
solution at an affordable cost.

Fully scalable solution Heavy-duty design

Whether you’re creating a lighting control The lighting control relay panels offer a more
system for a single room or a whole facility, robust solution with the inclusion of a removable
the Schneider Electric line of relay panels offer hinged door with key lock. The heavy-duty
scalable systems to fit your needs now. And, design is ideal for placement in electrical rooms
as your building needs change, the system or exposed areas. Individually replaceable,
can easily grow to meet those demands. all-enclosed relays also provide a more cost-
effective replacement solution.
Our solutions are designed around the size
and requirements of your application. All this Energy savings
with a common platform and easy installation
practices. Talk about flexibility Lighting control holds incredible potential for
energy savings. In fact, even with newer energy-
Building automation integration efficient lighting lamp and ballast combinations,
lighting is still the number one source of energy
We have designed the LPB BACnet and LPL consumption in any building.
LonWorks panels to integrate easily with
other facility operations. HVAC, security, fire, Automated occupant control
you name it. We’ve teamed up with
There’s no reason to light a room when
other control manufacturers to ensure full
nobody’s in it. Turning off lights in areas such
compatibility and communication between
as meeting rooms, corridors, and offices can
systems. Just what you’d expect from a global
reduce energy costs significantly.
electrical industry leader.

The result: seamless solutions that deliver the

energy savings and connectivity you demand
— meeting your highest performance and
budget expectations. What could be simpler?

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Relay Panels LPS relay panels

LPS panels
LPS standalone. Easy control for low-voltage
switching applications.
LPS panels reduce energy use by automatically shutting off lights in response to a
scheduled time event from its integral time scheduler or in response to an external
control device, such as a keypad switch, occupancy sensor or photocell. These
panels are ideal for use in smaller commercial applications, such as small strip retail,
office spaces and parking lots where a centralized building management system is
not practical. Its simple, menu-driven interface is designed for easy programming
and intuitive use for electricians, contractors and end-users.

For Diagram see technical section page 51

Robust, individually replaceable, molded-case relays are industry-leading

in reliability.

The time controller features a 365-day, 7-day repeating clock with full 24 hour
scheduling functions and event priorities.

Relay controls that provide individual control of each relay, and feature easy to
use push button membranes.

Technical Information
Catalog Number Description
SERP8HSNC Schneider Electric series relay panel 8 HID relays without controller LPS panel
SERP16HSNC Schneider Electric series relay panel 16 HID relays without controllers
SERP32HSNC Schneider Electric series relay panel 32 HID relays without controllers
SERP48HSNC Schneider Electric series relay panel 48 HID relays without controllers
SERP64HSNC Schneider Electric series relay panel 64 HID relays without controllers
SERP4HS Schneider Electric series relay panel 4 HID relays
SERP8HS Schneider Electric series relay panel 8 HID relays
SERP16HS Schneider Electric series relay panel 16 HID relays
SERP24HS Schneider Electric series relay panel 24 HID relays
SERP32HS Schneider Electric series relay panel 32 HID relays

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Relay Panels Lighting Control Relay Switches

Lighting Control Relay Switches

The Schneider Electric Lighting Control Relay Switches

provide manual ON/OFF operation of lighting in zones.
The switches are equipped with a switch based Rocker Switch
device using reversible polarity pulse technology. The (SERPRWS)

switches are fully compatible with Lighting Control

Relay Panels by Schneider Electric.

Manual ON/OFF is the most common override

operation. Each switch provides ON/OFF action for Key Switch Push Button Switch Push Button Switch Switch (SLSLVS1Rx)
individual relays or groups of relays (zones). (SERPKWS) (SERPWSxGyB*) (SERPPBWS)

Technical Information Features

Key Switch (SERPKWS) Key Switch (SERPKWS)
Input/Output 3 Amp, 24 Vdc, Reversible polarity Impulse • Wall mountable to any standard wall box
Relays per switch 8 • Key operated (ON – turn right; OFF – turn left)
Switches per Relay 6 Switches • Operates up to 8 relays per switch
Operation (Turn key) Right/ON, Left/OFF • 6 switches per relay
Push button Switch (SERPWSxGyB*)
1.5 Amp, 24 Vdc, Reversible polarity Impulse Push Button Switch (SERPWSxGyB*)
Switch input from common terminal
• Factory Assembled
Relays per switch 4
Switches per Relay 6 LED Switches • Includes mounting bracket, switch(es), cover plate
Operation (Turn key) Press/ON, Press again/OFF • LED ON/OFF indication
Rocker Switch (SERPRWS) • Clear plastic labeling cap
Input/Output 3 Amp, 24 Vdc, Reversible polarity Impulse • Operates up to 4 relays per switch
Relays per switch 8 • 6 LED switches per relay
Switches per Relay 6 Switches
Operation Press one side ON; press other side OFF
Rocker Switch (SERPRWS)
*x = the number of ganged switch locations. y = the number of button/switches.
• Wall mountable to any standard wall box
Note: All switches: use 18-24 AWG solid or stranded wire for Class 2 wiring connections.
(1-gang requires mounting bracket (SERPWSMB)
For Diagram see technical section page 52 and 53
• Operates up to 8 relays per switch
Catalog Number Switch type Description • 6 switches per relay
SERKWS Key switch Wall mounted momentary contact relay key switch • Optional filler plate (SERPWSFP)
SERPRWS Rocker switch Wall mounted rocker-type relay switch
SERPPBWS Push button switch** Single all mounted, LED-indicating, push button Push Button Switch (SERPPBWS)
relay switch.
• Wall mountable to any standard wall box
SERPWSxGyB* Push button Single or multi-gang, single or multi-device wall (1-gang requires mounting bracket
switch*** mounted push button relay switches with LEDs.
SERPWSMB Mounting bracket Used to mount single push button or
• LED ON/OFF indication
rocker switches • Clear plastic labeling cap
SERPWSFP Filler plate Used to fill blank positions in a wall bracket • Operates up to 4 relays per switch
SERPWPxGyB* Cover plate Brushed metal; for use with push button and • 6 LED switches per relay
rocker-type switches only.
• Optional filler plate (SERPWSFP)
*x = the number of ganged switch locations. y = the number of button/switches.
**Requires mounting and cover plates. May require filler plates.
***Finished assembly; mounting bracket and cover plate included. Decorator Switch (SLSVS1RX)(SLSVS2RX)
• Provide simple momentary push button control
Catalog Number Switch type Description • LED models provide pilot lights or status outputs
SLSLVS1Rx Decorator 1-button Schneider Electric relay panel switch • Designed for use with Schneider Electric relay panels
1 button switch with LED
SLSLVS2Rx Decorator 2-button Schneider Electric relay panel switch
• Switches fit standard NEMA wall boxes
2 button switch with LED • Decorator-style enclosure; wall plate included
'X' = Designates color: W: White, I: Ivory, G: Gray, L: Light Almond, B: Black
* x = the number of ganged switch locations.
For Diagram see technical section page 52 and 53 y = the number of button/switches.
***Finished assembly; mounting bracket and cover plate included.
Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Relay Panels LPB panels

LPB relay panels

LPB BACnet. Combines complete
control with BACnet.
LPB relay panels are designed to operate on a BACnet network where control
intelligence is provided through a BACnet building automation system. These panels
are ideal for medium to large facilities with a building management system utilizing
BACnet where a low-cost means to achieve automatic shut-off is required. These
panels are simple to install and commission, and offer seamless integration with a
full-feature scheduler through a building management system. Switch overrides and
photocells are easily added for complete control.

For Diagram see technical section page 53 and 54

Robust, individually replaceable, molded-case relays are industry-leading

in reliability.

The BACnet controller integrates seamlessly with open protocol native BACnet.

Relay controls that provide individual control of each relay, and feature easy to
use push button membranes.

Technical Information
Catalog Number Description
LPB panel
SERPB8HSNC Schneider Electric series relay panel 8 HID relays without controllers
SERPB8HS Schneider Electric series BACnet relay panel 8 HID relays
SERPB16HS Schneider Electric series BACnet relay panel 16 HID relays
SERPB24HS Schneider Electric series BACnet relay panel 24 HID relays
SERPB32HS Schneider Electric series BACnet relay panel 32 HID relays
SERPB48HS Schneider Electric series BACnet relay panel 48 HID relays
SERPB64HS Schneider Electric series BACnet relay panel 64 HID relays

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Relay Panels LPL panels

LPL panels
LPL LonWorks. An integrated solution with native
LonWorks protocol.
The LPL panels offer engineers and facilities managers all the flexibility they need
to meet their requirements when dealing with lighting control inside their building,
from a stand-alone system, to a soft-wired networked panels system or a fully-
programmable network system.

LPL panel software scheduling and event programming capabilities will easily
support all common sequences encountered in lighting control, and stackable,
optional input/output cards program each input for your individual needs.

For Diagram see technical section page 55 and 56

Technical Information
Catalog Number Description
SERPL8HS Schneider Electric series LonWorks relay panel 8 HID relays
SERPL16HS Schneider Electric series LonWorks relay panel 16 HID relays
SERPL24HS Schneider Electric series LonWorks relay panel 24 HID relays
SERPL32HS Schneider Electric series LonWorks relay panel 32 HID relays
SERPL48HS Schneider Electric series LonWorks relay panel 48 HID relays
SERPL64HS Schneider Electric series LonWorks relay panel 64 HID relays

Robust, individually replaceable, molded-case relays are industry leading

in reliability.

Stackable optional input/output controllers use LonWorks network

communication to interoperate in highly functional, flexible and open
building systems.

LPL panel

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control technical section

LPS Lighting Control Relay Panel

Mounted Enclosure Dimensions (Without Doors)
Side View for
Front View (Without door 16, 24, and 32 relay
or interior assembly) capacity panels

Side View for

Top View L
4 and 8 relay
capacity panels




Measurements — mm (in.)
Relays A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R
42 149 149 46 330 381 345 381 90 101 101 90 46 101.6
4 or 8* N/A N/A N/A N/A
(1.7) (5.1) (5.1) (1.8) (13) (15) (13.6) (15) (3.5) (4) (4) (3.5) (1.8) (4)
42 149 149 46 279.4 305 228.6 305 90 101 101 90 46 101.6
4 or 8** N/A N/A N/A N/A
(1.7) (5.1) (5.1) (1.8) (11) (12) (9) (12) (3.5) (4) (4) (3.5) (1.8) (4)
42 149 149 46 330 381 556 592 94 101 101 101 101 94 46 101.6
16 N/A N/A
(1.7) (5.1) (5.1) (1.8) (13) (15) (21.9) (23.3) (3.7) (4) (4) (4) (4) (3.7) (1.8) (4)
60 194 194 60 27.87 27.05 406.8 508 850 55 190 190 55 55 101.6
24 or 32 N/A N/A N/A
(2.4) (7.6) (7.6) (2.4) (1.10) (1.08) (16) (20) (33.5) (2.2) (7.5) (7.5) (2.2) (2.2) (4)


Flush-Mounted Door Dimensions

Flush – Door Flush – Plate



Measurements — mm (in.)
Relays A B C D E F
16 349 (13.7) 493 (19.4) 582 (22.9) 704 (27.7) 493 (19.4) 704 (27.7)
24 or 32 478 (18.8) 620 (24.4) 838 (33) 962 (37.9) 620 (24.4) 962 (37.9)

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control technical section

Lighting Control Relay Switches

Key Switch Low Voltage Switch 1.34 in.
(34.04 mm)

4.5 in.
115 mm

4.5 in.
(114.6 mm)
2.77 in.
(70.36 mm)

Side View
2.8 in. 2.77 in.
70 mm (70.36 mm)

Side View Front View

1.7 in.
(43.2 mm)

Push button
Bottom View
0.24 in.
(6.09 mm)

2.72 in.
69 mm 4.0 in. 4.4 in.
102 mm 112 mm

1.10 in. 1.46 in.

28 mm 37 mm

Front View Side View

Rocker Switch

1.73 in.
44 mm

1.42 in. 1.42 in.

36 mm 36 mm

Side View Front View Top View

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control technical section

Lighting Control Relay Switches (cont.)

Pushbutton (Individual)
1.73 in.
44 mm

1.18 in.
30 mm 0.91 in.
23 mm

Side View Front View Top View

LPB Lighting Control Relay Panel


Gray White
R8 R9
Purple Black
R7 R10
Blue White + Black
R6 R11
Green White + Brown
R5 R12
Yellow White + Red
R4 R13
Orange White + Orange
R3 R14
Red White + Yellow
R2 R15
Brown White + Green
R1 R16

347, 120/24 V


Local switch CONTROLLER
if used


Red To other


Dashed line to be used by

authorized electrical personnel.
Low voltage switch if used

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control technical section

LPB Lighting Control Relay Panel (cont.)

Mounted Enclosure Dimensions (Without Doors)
Side View for
Front View (Without door 16, 32, 48, and 64 relay
or interior assembly) capacity panels

Top View L Side View for

8 relay capacity panels




Measurements — mm (in.)
Relays A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R
42 149 149 46 330 381 345 381 90 101 101 90 46 101.6
8 N/A N/A N/A N/A
(1.7) (5.1) (5.1) (1.8) (13) (15) (13.6) (15) (3.5) (4) (4) (3.5) (1.8) (4)
42 149 149 46 330 381 556 592 94 101 101 101 101 94 46 101.6
16 N/A N/A
(1.7) (5.1) (5.1) (1.8) (13) (15) (21.9) (23.3) (3.7) (4) (4) (4) (4) (3.7) (1.8) (4)
60 194 194 60 27.87 27.05 406.8 508 850 55 190 190 55 55 101.6
32 N/A N/A N/A
(2.4) (7.6) (7.6) (2.4) (1.10) (1.08) (16) (20) (33.5) (2.2) (7.5) (7.5) (2.2) (2.2) (4)
60 194 194 60 27.87 27.05 406.8 508 1250 55 380 380 55 55 101.6
48 or 64 N/A N/A N/A
(2.4) (7.6) (7.6) (2.4) (1.10) (1.08) (16) (20) (49.2) (2.2) (15) (15) (2.2) (2.2) (4)

Flush-Mounted Door Dimensions

Flush – Door Flush – Plate



Measurements — mm (in.)
Relays A B C D E F
8 349 (13.7) 493 (19.4) 371 (14.6) 493 (19.4) 493 (19.4) 493 (19.4)
16 349 (13.7) 493 (19.4) 582 (22.9) 704 (27.7) 493 (19.4) 704 (27.7)
32 478 (18.8) 620 (24.4) 838 (33) 962 (37.9) 620 (24.4) 962 (37.9)
48 or 64 478 (18.8) 620 (24.4) 1238 (48.7) 1362 (53.6) 620 (24.4) 1362 (53.6)

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control technical section

LPL Lighting Control Relay Panel

Input Wiring (Optional)

A = Low voltage switch ON/OFF A

B = Maintained contact ON/OFF
C = Maintained contact OFF
To other CCE cards D = Maintained contact ON B
or CHR cards

Input Controller C
4 D


Chip 10
SER Rx Tx +5vINI

E= Maintained contact OFF
SER = Service Pin
F = Maintained contact ON
RX = Receive Data
G= Contact from timeclock ON/OFF H
TX = Send Data
H= Contact from photocell ON/OFF
+5V = 5V power
INI = Initialization

Pilot Lights

To Common Terminal
Transformer T1 LonWork Network
120 V, 277 V, 347 V

Output Wiring
Wire Colors
(Controller to relays)

R1 = Brown
Local switch
R2 = Red
R2 if used

R3 = Orange
R4 = Yellow R3

R5 = Green
R6 = Blue R4

R7 = Purple
To other CCE cards R8 = Gray R5

or CHR cards

Output Controller




Neuron 0
6 R9

7 Local switch
SER Rx Tx +5vINI
R10 if used


R9 = White
SER = Service Pin R10 = Black
RX = Receive Data R11 = White + Black R12

TX = Send Data R12 = White + Brown


+5V = 5V power R13 = White + Red

INI = Initialization R14 = White + Orange

R15 = White + Yellow

Pilot Lights R16 = White + Green R15


Transformer T1 LonWork Network

120 V, 277 V, 347 V

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Powerlink Lighting Control technical section

LPL Lighting Control Relay Panel (cont.)

Wall- and Surface-Mounted Enclosure Dimensions (Without Doors)
Side View for
Front View (Without door 16, 32, 48, and 64 relay
or interior assembly) capacity panels

Top View L Side View for

8 relay capacity panels




Measurements — mm (in.)
Relays A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R
42 149 149 46 330 381 345 381 90 101 101 90 46 101.6
8 N/A N/A N/A N/A
(1.7) (5.1) (5.1) (1.8) (13) (15) (13.6) (15) (3.5) (4) (4) (3.5) (1.8) (4)
42 149 149 46 330 381 556 592 94 101 101 101 101 94 46 101.6
16 N/A N/A
(1.7) (5.1) (5.1) (1.8) (13) (15) (21.9) (23.3) (3.7) (4) (4) (4) (4) (3.7) (1.8) (4)
60 194 194 60 27.87 27.05 406.8 508 850 55 190 190 55 55 101.6
32 N/A N/A N/A
(2.4) (7.6) (7.6) (2.4) (1.10) (1.08) (16) (20) (33.5) (2.2) (7.5) (7.5) (2.2) (2.2) (4)
60 194 194 60 27.87 27.05 406.8 508 1250 55 380 380 55 55 101.6
48 or 64 N/A N/A N/A
(2.4) (7.6) (7.6) (2.4) (1.10) (1.08) (16) (20) (49.2) (2.2) (15) (15) (2.2) (2.2) (4)

Surface-Mounted Door Dimensions

Flush – Door Flush – Plate



Measurements — mm (in.)
Relays A B C D E F
8 349 (13.7) 493 (19.4) 371 (14.6) 493 (19.4) 493 (19.4) 493 (19.4)
16 349 (13.7) 493 (19.4) 582 (22.9) 704 (27.7) 493 (19.4) 704 (27.7)
32 478 (18.8) 620 (24.4) 838 (33) 962 (37.9) 620 (24.4) 962 (37.9)
48 or 64 478 (18.8) 620 (24.4) 1238 (48.7) 1362 (53.6) 620 (24.4) 1362 (53.6)

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com

Architectural Dimming

Architectural Dimming
Architectural dimming provides an opportunity of architectural dimming solutions. From
to transform a space, manage moods, convention centers to libraries or restaurants
conserve energy, and improve the quality of life. to ballrooms our dimming systems are
capable of providing the most demanding
To make the building environment as precise control tailored for the application.
responsive, productive and attractive as
possible, Schneider Electric offers a wide range

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Architectural Dimming inTouch control stations

inTouch control stations

for Use with Architectural Dimming Systems
by Schneider Electric™
The inTouch Control Stations by Schneider Electric offer a powerful and elegant
interface to the Architectural Dimming Systems by Schneider Electric.
The inTouch family of products offers an extensive line of user interfaces including
6 and 12 channel master stations as well as a wide variety of entry stations.

The inTouch stations use capacitive touch technology providing touch sensitivity
and immediate response. These stations provide a durable user interface with
no mechanical parts making them perfect for restaurants, conference rooms,
convention centers, and auditoriums.

In conjunction with the Wall-Mounted Architectural Dimming Panels, the inTouch

master stations provide control of two areas with up to 18 presets per area. In
conjunction with the Architectural Dimming Racks, the stations provide recall of
24 presets and 16 areas as well as other functionality including; macros, room inTouch Control Stations
partition control, alternate actions, on/off pairs.

Benefits Product Features

• Aesthetic design/state of the art interface • Capacitive touch
• Durable design for rugged environments
• Commercial grade
• Ease of programming construction with no
mechanical buttons
or potentiometers
Technical Information • 6 or 12 channel sliders
with LED level indicators
Master Stations Programmable presets with individual channel control. (Master Stations)
Frame Rugged ABS frame with a Lexan overlay covering the control section.
Mechanical • Graphic level
Mounting Mounts in a standard multi-gang masonry style backbox (furnished by others) with no visible fasteners. LCD display
A graphic level backlit LCD displaying the active preset name, fade time, area name, channel page • Multiple channel pages
number (ADSM612 only), preset (scroll) names, and menu functions.
(ADSM612 with
Controls Capacitive touch sensing buttons and channel controllers with no moving parts.* Dimmer Rack)
Master Station Backlit • Handheld Infrared
Full, Off, Scroll, Select, Store, Menu
Control Buttons
remote control —
IR Control Integral infrared receiver for wireless preset selection using a CWC handheld transmitter. (optional)
Network Wiring Stations require two shielded pair (Belden #9729) plus 3 #14AWG wires.

*Stations with mechanical buttons or potentiometers are not considered equal.

Ordering information: Contact your local Schneider Electric sales representative for more information.

For Diagram see technical section page 63

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Architectural Dimming Wall-Mounted Dimming Systems

Wall-Mounted Dimming Systems

Architectural Dimming Panels
The Wall-Mounted Architectural Dimming Panel by Schneider Electric provides a simple and easy to install
dimming system for environments looking to enhance the architectural design , set mood lighting, set focal points
in the space, and save energy.

These dimming panels are compact in their design. They incorporate 6, 9, and 12 circuit configurations.
The panels are available in 120 VAC and 277 VAC options. The dimming modules are available in 2400 watts
universal, 3-wire, fluorescent, and non-dim lighting loads.

These panels support multiple digital control inputs including the inTouch Control Stations by Schneider Electric
and DMX512 based controllers. Several life safety features are also included in the design of the dimming panels
including fire alarm bypass and phase loss control.

• Simple, Cost Competitive Design for most dimming applications Wall-Mounted Architectural
Dimming Panels
• Easy to Install and Program
• Flexibility of control from multiple systems

Product Features
Technical Information • Magnetic Circuit
Breaker for Over Current
Dimming Panel Specifications
• 6, 9, & 12 Circuit
Modular, welded steel cabinet with a textured black powder coat finish and a removable front panel. Configurations
Wall mounted design for surface or recessed mounting.
• 2400 watts of Universal
Dimensions 17 in. (W) x 39 in. (H) x 4 in. (D), 43.2 cm (W) x 99.1 cm (H) x 10.2 cm (D) Dimming
Rated to 100 amps per phase for 120/208 V, 60 Hz, 3 phase, 4 wire input.
Main and Neutral Lugs
Main lugs suitable for up to #1/0 Ga wire. (Optional 277 V lugs available as required). • Support Incandescent,
Quartz, Neon/Cold
Operating Temperatures 104° F ambient (40° C) Thermostatically controlled fans Cathode, Low Voltage,
Load wire terminals #8 AWG max. Fluorescent, and Non-
Dim Loads
• Fire Alarm Bypass
Standard Universal Dimmer Specifications
• Phase Loss Control
Dimmer Rating 2400 watts continuous duty (1200 watts when used with electronic low-voltage transformers).
• Supports inTouch
20 amp, fully magnetic, switch duty rated circuit breakers per dimmer that is UL listed under UL489 as Control Stations by
Overload Protection
a branch circuit protector with a minimum 10,000 AIC rating. Schneider Electric and
Toroidal choke to limit the current rise time to a minimum of 350 micro-seconds as measured from DMX512 digital controls
10% to 90% of the output waveform at maximum level.
• Programmable Dimmer
Universal dimmer to control incandescent, low-voltage (electronic or magnetic), neon/cold-cathode, to Channel Patch
Load Control Compatibility quartz, 2-wire phase control dimmable fluorescent ballasts, and non-dimmed (switched) loads.
(Optional) Provide dimmers to control 0-10v and 3-wire dimmable fluorescent ballasts as scheduled.
Dimmer Performance
Temperature Range 0° to 104° F ambient (0° to 40° C)
Line Voltage Range 90 to 140 volts
Dimming Curve Square law
Voltage Regulation Within 3.5 volts of the input voltage
Efficiency Exceeds 95%
Output Symmetrical alternating current (eliminates any DC component to the load)
Certifications UL and cUL Listed

Ordering information: Contact your local Schneider Electric sales representative for more information.

For Diagram see technical section page 64

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Architectural Dimming Rack-Mounted Dimming Systems

Rack-Mounted Dimming Systems

The Rack-Mounted Architectural Dimming Panels by Schneider Electric are ideal

for small to large projects including professional and educational theaters, television
studios, hotels, churches, and convention centers. The universal dimmers include
dual 2.4 kW and single 6 KW modules (120 V) or 5.4 kW (277 V) with the standard
rise times are 350 uS with 500 uS and 800 uS options. Other modules include non-
dim, constant circuits, and dimmable fluorescent ballast control, and 3-Wire ballast.

The Rack-Mounted Dimming Panels are compatible with the inTouch Control
Stations by Schneider Electric and provide a seamless interface between a theater’s
stage and house light controls. For architectural applications, the basic rack
mounted system provides 24 presets in each of 16 independent areas with
128 system control channels while the advanced option expands the system to
512 channels over 64 areas. An Ethernet option provides the connection for remote
system monitoring, programming, and subsystem networking. All Ethernet based
control and monitoring can be provided using a compatible console or PC.

Architectural applications can be designed as smaller subsystems and networked

for single point control, ideal for convention center and large hotel projects.

Rack-Mounted Architectural Dimming Panels

Benefits Product Features

• Simple, Cost Competitive Design for most dimming applications • 30, 60, or 120 dimming
circuits per rack
• Easy to Install and Program
• Dual 2.4 KW or single
• Flexibility of control from multiple systems 6 KW dimmers per
module for 120 V
applications. Dual 5.4 KW
dimmers per module for
Technical Information 277 V applications
• 350 uS rise time is
Dimmer Cabinet Specifications standard. 500 uS
Enclosure Modular, freestanding cabinet with a welded steel frame and locking door over the dimmers.
and 800 uS rise times
are optional
• ADSR30 16.5 in. (W) x 43.6 in (H) x 11.6 in. (D)
Dimensions • Fully magnetic dimmer
• ADSR60/ADSR120 19.2 in. (W) x 80.2 in (H) x 20.5 in. (D)
circuit breakers
120/208 V, 60 Hz, 3-Phase, 4-Wire operation
Main and Neutral Lugs
277/480 V, 60 Hz, 3-Phase, 4-Wire operation • Dimmer feedback and
Operating Temperatures 104° F ambient (40° C) Thermostatically controlled fans status reporting option
Dimmer Mounting Removable Steel trays w/ dimmer alignment guides • Advanced configuration
Load Wire Lugs up to #6 AWG (Optional #2 AWG)

Certifications UL and cUL Listed • 99 backup cues

Empty 96 lbs. (43.5 kg) 275 lbs. (124.7 kg) 310 lbs. (140.6 kg) • Opto-isolated dual DMX
Weight connections
Full 176 lbs. (79.8 kg) 446 lbs. (202.3 kg) 655 lbs. (301.6 kg)
• Ethernet-based
networking option
• Off-line programming

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Architectural Dimming Wall-Mounted Dimming Systems

Technical Information (cont.)

Standard Universal Dimming Module Specifications
Dimmer Rating 120/208 V: 2.4 kW* dual or 6.0 kW single module 2400 watts continuous duty or 277/480 V: 5.4 kW
20 amp, fully magnetic, switch duty-rated circuit breakers/dimmer – UL listed under UL489 as a
Overload Protection
branch circuit protector w/ a min. 10k AIC rating.
Toroidal choke limiting the current rise time to a min. of 350 uS as measured from 10% to 90% of the
output waveform at max. level.
Universal dimmer controlling incandescent, low-voltage (electronic or magnetic), neon/cold-cathode,
Load Control Compatibility quartz, 2-wire phase control dimmable fluorescent ballasts, & non-dimmed (switched) loads. (Optional)
Provide dimmers to control 0-10v and 3-wire dimmable fluorescent ballasts as scheduled.
Dimmer Performance
Temperature Range 0° to 104° F ambient (0° to 40° C)
Line voltage Range 90 to 140 volts
Dimming Curve Square law
Voltage Regulation Within 3.5 volts of the input voltage
Efficiency Exceeds 95%
Output Symmetrical alternating current (eliminates any DC component to the load)
*1200 watts when used w/ electronic low-voltage transformers

Ordering information
Catalog Number Description
120/208 V Rack Standard Dimming Modules
ADSRD22 Dual 2.4 kW dimmer module with 350 uS chokes
ADSRD22S Dual 2.4 kW dimmer module with 350 uS chokes, sensing
ADSRD22HR Dual 2.4 kW dimmer module with 500 uS chokes
ADSRD22HRS Dual 2.4 kW dimmer module with 500 uS chokes, sensing
ADSRD22EHR Single 2.4 kW dimmer module with 800 uS chokes
ADSRD22EHRS Single 2.4 kW dimmer module with 800 uS chokes, sensing
ADSRD16 Single 6.0 kW dimmer module with 350 uS chokes (no output circuit breaker)
ADSRD22CB Dual 20 A constant circuit breaker module
ADSRD12FPC Single 2.4 kW fluorescent dimmer module for phase control dimmable fluorescent ballasts (2 or 3 wire)
ADSRD12FDC Dual 2.4 kW fluorescent dimmer module for dimmable fluorescent ballasts (0 – 10 VDC control)
ADSRD22ND Dual 20 A non-dim module
ADSRDFM Filler module
120/208V Rack Dual Width Dimming Modules
ADSRD16HR Single 6.0 kW dimmer module w/ 500 uS chokes & 4 – 20 A branch circuit breakers
ADSRD16HRS Single 6.0 kW dimmer module w/ 500 uS chokes w/ sensing & 4 – 20 A branch circuit breakers
277/480V Rack Standard Dimming Modules
ADSR2H22 Dual 5.4 kW dimmer module w/ 350uS chokes
ADSR2H22FL Single 5.4 kW fluorescent dimmer module for phase control dimmable fluorescent ballasts (2 or 3 wire)
ADSR2H22FDC Dual 5.4 kW fluorescent dimmer module for dimmable fluorescent ballasts (0 – 10 VDC control)
ADSR2H22ND Dual 20 A non-dim module
ADSR2H22CB Dual 20 A constant circuit breaker module
Contact your local Schneider Electric sales representative for more information.

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Architectural Dimming technical section

inTouch control stations

Master Stations

12345 6 1 23456789 10 11 12





6-Channel Master Station (ADSM606) 12-Channel Master Station (ADSM612)

Remote Entry Stations






2-Button Remote Entry 3-Button Remote Entry 6-Button Remote Entry

Station (ADSE602) Station (ADSE603) Station (ADSE606RL)



Infrared Remote Entry Combine Closure Entry Touch Lock/Unlock Entry Infrared Remote Control
Station (ASEIR) Station (ADSECC) Stations (ADSEL/UL) (Optional) (ADSPWC)

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Architectural Dimming technical section

Wall-Mounted Dimming Systems

Dimming Panel Dimensions and Conduit Stub Locations
4 in. 1.5 in. 14 in.
(101.6 mm) (38 mm) (355.6 mm) 17 in.
6 in. (431.8 mm)
(152.4 mm)

6 in. 5.57 in.

(152.4 mm) (146 mm)

Conduit Entry Top View

17 in.
39 in. 32.25 in. 4 in. (431.8 mm)
(990.6 mm) (819 mm) (101.6 mm)

Conduit Entry Bottom View

(See legend)

Power and control

conduit entry
8 in.
(203.2 mm)

Control only
conduit entry
Side View Front View Back View

Rack-Mounted Dimming Systems

20.5 in. 19.2 in. 19.2 in.
(520.7 mm) (487.7 mm) (487.7 mm)

Top View

Top View

11.5 in.
(294.6 mm) 16.5 in.
(419 mm)
80.2 in.
(2037.1 mm)

43.6 in.
(1107.4 mm)

Side View Front View Front View Side View Front View
(ADSR120) (ADSR60) (ADSR30)
Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Measurement &
Panels (MVP)

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com

Measurement & Verification Panels (MVP)

Measurement & Verification

Panels (MVP)
Understanding the cost of lighting — how Until now, energy use has been monitored at
much, when and where is essential to gaining the panel level preventing facility managers from
a grasp on your stainability measures. The pin-pointing energy waste. Improving efficiency
MVP Panelboards measure energy use all and reducing energy use costs required a
the way to the individual circuit level, allowing certain amount of guesswork. With MVP,
you to isolate and manage energy use more building managers are now able to identify true
precisely for greater energy efficiency and “energy wasting culprits” and make adjustments
savings. Having the ability to independently accordingly. MVP will reveal if energy waste is
control and monitor individual branch circuit due to electronics in a specific building zone or
loads opens a wide range of options to better floor that are left on during unoccupied times, or
understand the dynamics of a building’s if lighting load adjustments should be made. The
performance and make informed decisions precise power load and energy use data MVP
on sustainability solutions. provides, coupled with its lighting controls, allows
energy managers to save money while working
towards meeting their sustainability goals.

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Measurement and Verification Panelboards NF and NQ Panelboards

Measurement and Verification

Panelboards (MVP)
NF and NQ Panelboards
NF and NQ Measurement and Verification Lighting Panelboards are a critical component to any building’s Features
sustainability solutions. In addition to the standard branch over current protection, NF panelboards also
• Factory assembled in
incorporate individual branch circuit power metering. Crucial to energy management, this feature allows you to
a standard NF or NQ
monitor the energy performance of electrical systems at the branch circuit level for improved building-wide energy
efficiency. This capability also allows you to verify that sustainable energy conservation measures are performing
their intended functions, and provides data for establishing baseline performance studies. • Industry-leading
monitoring capabilities
For Diagram see technical section page 69 for maximum power
• Branch circuit power
meter supports up to
84 individual branch
circuit monitoring points
through board mounted
Branch current and power meter controller individual CTs.
• Main metering capability
through optionally
provided CTs.
Standard NF or NQ panelboard interior
• Network
communications via
Modbus® RTU.
• Available in 20 inch or
Standard NF or NQ breakers 24 inch standard box
• Compatible with
PowerLogic ION
Enterprise, PowerLogic
System Manager, and
PowerLogic SCADA
42 and 84 circuit configuration available software, giving you
depending on panel options reliable, end-to-end
power monitoring and
control, or available
as a standalone
panelboard solution
with our customized
MVP Software.

Standard panelboard box (20 inch minimum)

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Measurement and Verification Panelboards Powerlink MVP

Measurement and Verification

Panelboards (MVP)
Powerlink MVP
Powerlink MVP Intelligent lighting panelboards provide a simple, cost effective, and energy code compliant way Features
to meter and control branch circuits from a standard panelboard. Powerful microprocessor based controllers
• Verify energy savings
provide lighting control and power metering. Integral metering is accomplished using the PowerLogic branch
by circuit, zone, space,
circuit power meter (BCPM), a highly accurate, full-featured, multi-branch circuit power meter that provides
or complete lighting
unrivalled low-current monitoring.
For Diagram see technical section page 69 • Monitor performance
to assure system is
working as intended*
• Review data for
planning and
subsequent energy
Main and branch metering controller
savings opportunities*
• Implement cost
according to actual
Self-contained power supply
energy used*
• Measure occupancy
and usage patterns
• Schedule events, view
branch circuit status,
Web-based controller and examine system
event logs
• Reports for planning
and energy savings
• Alarm notifications
when operation falls
Remotely operated circuit breakers outside of defined
• Embedded web server
• Automatic sunrise/
sunset tracking with
• Offers the widest
dynamic monitoring
range within its class
• Attain a granular vision
Standard panel board interior
of power and energy
use to pinpoint areas
for optimization or
areas in need of
additional capacity

* Requires BMS or Metering UI to

utilize these features

Standard panel board box (20 inch minimum)

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control technical section

Powerlink Measurement and Verification Lighting

Panelboard (MVP)
Current Sensor Strips

20.3 in. (516 mm)

1.1 in.
1.3 in. (28 mm)
(33 mm)
Slot: 0.25 x 0.5 in.
0.75 in. option (7 x 13 mm)

2.0 in.
(50 mm) 0.8 in.
(20 mm)

0.4 in. (10 mm) 0.75 in. (19 mm)

opening on center

25.0 in. (635 mm)

1.2 in.
1.2 in. (31 mm)
(30 mm)
Slot: 0.25 x 0.5 in.
1.0 in. option (7 x 13 mm)

2.0 in.
(50 mm)

0.4 in. (10 mm) 1.0 in. (26 mm)

opening on center

Circuit Board with Mounting Bracket

8.3 in.
(211 mm)
7.9 in.
(200 mm)

5.8 in.
3.9 in. (146 mm)
(100 mm)
4.8 in.
(122 mm)

1.75 in.
(45 mm)
Ø = 0.2 in.
(5 mm)

7.3 in.
(184 mm)

8.9 in.
(288 mm)

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Lighting Control

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com

Powerlink Lighting Control

Powerlink Lighting Control

For many designers, the engineering of a • Complying with codes
suitable lighting control system has become With today’s high available fault currents,
a daunting task. The designer must balance it’s extremely important that your system
space constraints, equipment/installation meets code requirements. The Powerlink
costs, maintenance and operational concerns, G3 system is fully UL listed and meets
while ensuring a code-compliant installation. NEC® requirements.
Fortunately, the Powerlink G3 lighting control
system addresses concerns by:
• Building Integration & Control
• Using standard lighting Today more than ever, building owners and
panelboards facility managers want to get the most out
of every dollar invested in their building
All Powerlink G3 components mount in the infrastructure. Powerlink lighting control
panel just like a standard circuit breaker. systems integrate easily with other building
Documenting your control system layout systems as part of an energy management
is as simple as indicating which branch system or building automation system,
circuits are to be controlled. supporting common open protocols such as
BACnet and Modbus. Compared to standard
• Saving space lighting panelboards, Powerlink lighting
control systems typically achieve enough
Since the lighting control system is
energy savings to pay for the panelboard
located inside the lighting panelboard,
many times over.
valuable wall and floor space is available
for more productive uses. Schneider
Electric also offers space-saving, column-
width panelboards and flexible modular
panelboard systems.

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control Panel Boards

G3 Panel Mounted Components

Up to eight panels can be operated

from a single controller.

A self-contained power supply furnishes the power for remotely operated circuit
breaker switching and for the system’s electronics.

The intelligence of the Powerlink G3 system comes from its microprocessor-

based controller. It processes many signals that originate externally from
control devices, such as switches or sensors, or from its powerful internal time
scheduler that switches breakers according to predefined daily schedules.

Innovative Schneider Electric remote-operated circuit breakers combine the

protective features of conventional circuit breakers with the switching functions
of a contactor.

Conventional EDB circuit breakers can be readily incorporated into a G3 panel.

Plug-on control bus strips act as the bridge between the circuit breakers and
the electronic control components of a Powerlink G3 system.

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control Panel Boards

NF Panelboards, Column Width

& Custom Panel Boards
The NF Panelboard offers superior performance and application flexibility for commercial and industrial electrical
systems up to 480Y/277 V. Schneider Electric is the only lighting control supplier that offers a full range of
enclosure options including NEMA Type 3R, 5 and 12. The following designs are available to suit your needs:

• Standard – The NF Panelboard offers superior performance and application flexibility for commercial and
industrial electrical systems up to 480Y/277 V. This versatile lighting and power distribution panelboard features
a wide selection of circuit breakers, accessories, and ready-to-install kits, as well as 200% rated neutrals for
non-linear loads.

• Column-width – These innovative panels are designed to fit into a standard size W, H, or I-beam support
columns commonly found in distribution and industrial facilities. Column-width panelboards can also be wall
mounted, saving valuable floor and wall space where tight equipment space is a concern.

• Modular Panelboard Systems (MPS) – This panel system bundles electrical distribution equipment into
a single, factory assembled and wired integrated system. This approach replaces the traditional method
of independently mounting each panelboard and lighting control system, which saves space and reduces
installation time. Modular panelboard systems are tailored to specifications and are available with a mix of
Schneider Electric NQOD, NF, NF Column-width and Schneider Electric Powerlink interiors, as well as optional
power and control wiring, dry type transformers, lighting contactors, transient voltage surge suppression
(TVSS) units, and enclosure space for field installed equipment. All MPS panelboards are Underwriters
Laboratories (UL) Listed under File E33139 (Panelboard UL67).

• Integrated Power Center (IPC) – This integrated system offers the wide range of factory assembled and
wired panelboards interiors, dry type transformers, and lighting control as offered with the MPS line. In addition,
the IPC offers factory installed and programmed building management systems, automatic transfer switches,
and motor starters. Regardless of your system complexity, Schneider Electric has the expertise to integrate
your requirements into one optimized, cost effective, space saving solution. IPCs are Underwriters Laboratories
(UL) Listed under file E83877 (Dead-Front Switchboard UL891).

For Diagram see technical section page 88

NF Column Width Panelboard

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control Circuit Breakers

Remotely Operated ECB-G3 Circuit Breakers
Powerlink G3 remotely operated circuit breakers are designed for installation in
Schneider Electric NF Lighting Panelboards as part of the Schneider Electric Powerlink
G3 Lighting Control System. These circuit breakers provide the same overcurrent
protection as found in standard circuit breakers.

The Best in Remote Operation

• Robust 24 Vdc motor and highly effective trip mechanism provide unequaled remote
operation capability in terms of compact size, electrical ratings, and mechanical life.

• M
 otor and drive train can open and close the contacts when the circuit breaker
handle is in the ON position. ECB-G3 Series Remotely Operated Circuit Breakers

• C
 ontacts cannot be closed remotely when the handle is in the OFF position or the
circuit breaker is tripped.

• M
 anual override selector located on the front of the breaker provides by-pass of
automated control command.

• In manual mode, the motor drive train is disconnected from the contact, allowing the circuit breaker handle Product Features
to operate the contacts like a conventional circuit breaker.
• 200,000 cycles (ON/OFF)
• R
 emote contact status indication – determines the presence or absence of voltage on the load side terminal load endurance
of the circuit breaker. • Remote and local status
• Manual override
• Extra large load terminal
Tripping System with True RMS Sensing
• Schneider Electric Powerlink ECB-G3 circuit breakers have a permanent trip unit that contains a factory
preset thermal (overload) trip element and a magnetic (short circuit) trip element in each pole.

• The thermal trip element – true RMS sensing and is calibrated to carry the continuous current rating of the
circuit breaker at 140° F (40° C) free air ambient temperature.

Technical Information
Voltage 120 Vac 240 Vac 480/277 Vac
Interrupting capacity 65 kAIR 65 kAIR 14 kAIR
Terminals (1) #14 – 8 AL or (1) #14 – 8 CU
Standards UL Listed 489, NEMA Standard AB-1-1986, CSA Standard 22.5
*For series connector ratings, see page 89

Catalog Number One-Pole Catalog Number Two-Pole Catalog Number Three-Pole

ECB14015G3* 15 Amp ECB24015G3* 15 Amp ECB34015G3* 15 Amp
ECB14020G3* 20 Amp ECB24020G3* 20 Amp ECB34020G3* 20 Amp
ECB14030G3 30 Amp ECB24030G3 30 Amp ECB32030G3 30 Amp**

*Switch Duty Rated

**Not available in 480 V

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control Circuit Breakers

ECB-G3EL Remotely Operated Circuit Breakers

for Emergency Lighting Circuits
Powerlink ECB-G3EL circuit breakers provide a means to comply with the requirements of the NEC, 700.12.
The circuit breaker contains both a remotely operated switched circuit for controlling the luminaires, and a
manually operated unswitched circuit, which provides power to the unit emergency equipment’s charging and
detection circuit. Both circuits are electrically tied to the same source via a single common bolt-on connection
that receives its supply from the panelboard bus.

Both circuits of the ECB-G3EL breaker contain a thermal-magnetic trip mechanism that protects their associated
conductors from overcurrent. The circuit breaker provides a common trip function ensuring that both circuits will
open whenever a fault occurs on either of the circuits. It also provides a common handle tie to ensure that both
circuits are manually switched together.

Technical Information
Voltage 120 Vac 240 Vac 480/277 Vac
Interrupting capacity 65 kAIR 65 kAIR 14 kAIR
Terminals (1) #14 – 8 AL or (1) #14 – 8 CU
Standards UL Listed 489, NEMA Standard AB-1-1986, CSA Standard 22.5

ECB-G3EL Remotely Operated

Circuit Breakers for Emergency
Catalog Number Description Lighting Circuits
ECB142020G3EL 20 Amp

Product Features
• 200,000 cycles load
• Remote and local status
• Manual override
• Extra large load terminal

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control Control Bus

G3 Control Bus
Powerlink G3 Control Buses provide the interface between the system controller and remotely operated circuit
breakers. Specifically, they distribute 24 Vdc switching power and control signals to switch remotely operated
circuit breakers and report circuit breaker status back to the system controller.

One to four control bus strips can be mounted in a single panelboard. If only one control bus is required, it is
always mounted on the left-hand side of a standard panelboard or at the top of a column-width panelboard.

Technical Information
Operating Temperature
23° F to 104° F (-5° C to 40° C)
(external panelboard ambient)
Storage Temperature -4° F to 185° F (–20° C to 85° C)
Operating Humidity 5% to 95% (non-condensing)
ESD Immunity IEC 1000, Level 4
RF Susceptibility IEC 1000, Level 3
Electrical Fast Transient
IEC 1000, Level 3
Electrical Surge Susceptibility,
IEC 1000, Level 4
power line
Electrical Surge Susceptibility,
IEC 1000, Level 3
interconnection lines
Standards FCC Part 15, Class A; UL Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment

Ceiling Mounted Occupancy

Catalog Number Max. Control Circuits Orientation Sensor Ultrasonic
NF12SBLG3 12 Left
NF12SBRG3 12 Right
NF18SBLG3 18 Left
Product Features
NF18SBRG3 18 Right
NF21SBLG3 21 Left • Attaches to NF
Panelboard interior
NF21SBRG3 21 Right
mounting rail.
• Modular connectors
provide secure plug-in
connections for remotely
operated circuit breakers
and control electronics.
• No open electronics.

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control Power Supply

Power Supply
Powerlink G3 Power Supply provides power to operate the controller, control buses and remotely operated
circuit breakers. The power supply attaches to an NF Panelboard interior in the same manner as a standard
3-pole circuit breaker.

The power supply derives its power from the panelboard interior bus and converts the line voltage into two
separate supplies: one supply furnishes the controller with a 24 Vdc,

Class 2 source; the other supply furnishes the control bus and subnet with a 24 Vdc, Class 1 source.

An optional type of power supply, furnished with primary leads, is available for use with a separately derived
primary power source. This option is often used in applications where the system must remain operational during
power outages. In such applications, the external leads are connected to an uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
or alternate power source.

In 20-inch (508 mm) wide panels, the power supply is always located in the upper left-hand corner of the interior.
The controller is mounted adjacent to the power supply on the right-hand side.

Technical Information Power Supply

Operating Temperature
23° F to 104° F (-5° C to 40° C)
(external panelboard ambient)
Storage Temperature -4° F to 185° F (–20° C to 85° C)
Operating Humidity 5% to 95% (non-condensing)
ESD Immunity IEC 1000, Level 4
RF Susceptibility IEC 1000, Level 3
Electrical Fast Transient
IEC 1000, Level 3
Product Features
Electrical Surge Susceptibility,
IEC 1000, Level 4
power line • Attaches to panelboard
Electrical Surge Susceptibility,
IEC 1000, Level 3
interior, occupies three
interconnection lines adjacent pole spaces.
Standards FCC Part 15, Class A; UL Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment • External lead for
connection to panel
Catalog Number Voltage Primary Source • Modular connectors
NF120PSG3 120 V Panel Bus provide secure plug-
in connections for
NF240PSG3 240 V Panel Bus
connection to left-hand
NF277PSG3 277 V Panel Bus side control bus and
NF120PSG3L 120 V External Leads controller.
NF240PSG3L 240 V External Leads • LED indication of Class
NF277PSG3L 277 V External Leads 1 and Class 2 voltage
sources operational status.
• Removable
communication terminal
block for making subnet
• Internally self-protected
against short circuits and
electrical surges.
• Low continuous power
draw, less than 20 VA.
• Optional external leads for
connection to remote
power source.
• No open electronics.
Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control Controllers

Powerlink G3 product line offers a simple, cost-effective means for controlling
branch lighting circuits. Five distinct systems provide a variety of capabilities to
meet virtually any need.

500 Level System

• Designed to be used in conjunction with other control devices such as: External
time clocks, access readers, occupancy sensors, or other building systems.
• Control devices provide either dry-contact closures or digital serial Controller
• Incorporates internal programmable timers.
• Controller responds to commands from control devices by automatically
switching a programmed group of lighting circuits.
3000C Level System
• 3
 000C controller adds all the features of the 3000
1000 Level System level controller, plus the ability to integrate with C-Bus
• Includes all the features of the 500 level system, Plus: devices on the C-Bus network

• Incorporates a flexible time scheduler that eliminates the need for external time
clocks. Includes many control features not found in traditional, mechanical BacNet Capability
time clocks or energy management systems.
• T
 he Building Automation and Control network (BACnet)
• Ideally suited for stand-alone systems in retail, office, institutional, and
communication protocol is being incorporated into
industrial facilities.
the existing Powerlink G3 controller design. The
BACnet protocol allows Powerlink panels to be easily
integrated into a Building Automation System (BAS)
2000 Level System employing this open communication standard without
• Includes all the features of the 1000 level system, Plus: the need for communication bridges or gateways.
• Combines the control, input, and scheduling features of the NF1000 with the
added benefit of embedded Ethernet connectivity.
Controller Models
• Peer-to-peer (P2P) control network connectivity allows different controllers to
share input signals, schedules, and lighting zone states. The following Powerlink G3 controller models support
• Ethernet connectivity reduces network installation costs by eliminating the need ‘native’ BACnet communications, BACnet IP, and
for a dedicated lighting control network. BACnet MS/TP on RS-485:

• NF2000G3 — Ethernet communications, shared

remote inputs, network time synchronization
3000 Level System
• NF3000G3 — Email upon alarm, onboard web pages
• Combines control, input, and scheduling features of the 2000 level controller, Plus: for status/control/configuration
• Embedded web server for remote access without dedicated software • NF3000G3C — C-Bus communications (ability to
• Automated alarms notify users via email when pre-defined events occur interface with a C-Bus lighting control network)
(eg: trip breakers) * NF3000G3C does not have RS485 capabilities (BACnet MS/TP)

Catalog Number Controller Type

NF500G3 500 Level Powerlink G3 Controller
NF1000G3 1000 Level Powerlink G3 Controller
NF1000G3N2 1000 Level Powerlink G3 Controller w/N2 Protocol
NF2000G3 2000 Level Powerlink G3 Controller
NF3000G3 3000 Level Powerlink G3 Controller
NF3000G3C 3000 Level Powerlink G3 Controller w/C-Bus Capabilities

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control Controllers

Controller Feature Comparison

Feature System Level
500 1000 2000 3000
Input Terminals
2-wire 8 16 16 16
2-wire with status feedback ‚ 8 8 8 8
3-wire 8 8 8 8
Input Types
2-wire normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) X X X X
2-wire NO or NC, with automatic blink notification X® X X X
2-wire maintained toggle X® X X X
2-wire momentary toggle X® X X X
2-wire momentary ON or momentary OFF X® X X X
3-wire momentary X® X X X
Input timers (1 sec. up to 18 hours) X® X X X
Input synchronization — X X X
Sentry® Switch support X® X X X
ON delay/OFF delay X® X X X
Time Scheduler
Independent schedules — 16 16 16
ON-OFF periods/schedule — 24 24 24
7-day 24-hour repeating schedule — X X X
32 special event/holiday periods — X X X
Automatic daylight savings — X X X
Sunrise/sunset with offsets — X X X
Network time synchronization (requires TCP connection) — — X X
Network Variables
Communications inputs (network accessible) 64 64 64 64
Remote sources (per controller) — — 32 32
Maximum subscriptions — — 256 256
Maximum number 64 64 64 64
Maximum sources per zone 1 2 4 4
Configurable source logic (OR, AND, XOR, XNOR, NOR, NAND, LAST EVENT) — ^ X X
Maximum remotely operated circuit breakers (per subnet) 168 168 168 168
Blink notice (single, double, delay no blink) X® X X X
ON-time X® X X X
RS-232 port/RS-485 port X X X X
Ethernet (10BaseT port) — — X X
BACnet — — X X
C-Bus — — — X†
Modbus TCP — — X X
Johnson Controls N2 — Xê — —
DMX512 — X X X
Front Panel
LED display with cover X — — —
Backlit LCD display — X X X
Password or front panel disable X® X X X
Non-volatile memory for programs and configuration X X X X
On-board capacitor to power clock chip during power outage — X X X
Flash memory for firmware upgrade X X X X
Viewing Options
Event Log — + X X
Strike Counter X® X X X
Alarm viewing via Event Log — + X X
Alarm viewing via e-mail — — — X
Web-based setup, control and status monitoring — — — X

 Terminals accept 24-18 AWG conductors ê Order NF1000G3N2 controller for use with Johnson Controls. † 3000G3C controller ^ And/or last event
® Requires configuration software for setup. ‚ 7.5mA maximum load per input terminal. + Not available with NF1000G3N2 controllers.

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control Controllers

Remote Source Controller
The Powerlink Remote Source Controller (RSC) provides additional scheduling and
dry-contact inputs via high speed Ethernet connectivity that links a wide variety of
input devices to a 2000 or 3000 level Square D Powerlink system.

Product Features
• High Speed Connectivity
• Ethernet communication eliminates bottlenecks typically associated with
serial devices.
• Uses existing LAN infrastructure to reduce input wiring cost.
• U
 ses convenient radial feeds to independent input devices; this avoids pitfalls
Remote Source Controller
that are typically associated with daisy-chained network digital switches.

Powerful Control Capability Product Features

• Supports (16) 2-wire inputs, (8) 2-wire inputs with status output, or (8) 3-wire inputs. • NEMA Type 1 enclosure
• Fully configurable from LCD display/keypad or via LCS/PCS software.
• UL Listed
• Specifically designed to operate in conjunction with 2000 and 3000 level controllers.
• Any RSC input can be set up to control any remotely operated circuit breaker connected to the system.
• Assignable input timers, input synchronization, and programmable behavior according to specified time period.
• P
 rovides an additional (16) independent time schedules that can be configured to operate any circuit breaker
or zone configured on the system.

Technical Information
Dimensions 12 in. x 12 in. x 6 in. (304.8 mm x 304.8 mm x 152.4 mm)
Mounting Wall mount
Ethernet Port (1) 10BaseT port
Inputs (16) dedicated 2-wire inputs or (8) 3-wire inputs
Outputs (8) outputs (max of 60 mA total for all outputs combined)
Auxiliary Power 24 Vdc (100 mA max)
Terminal Wire Range #24 – 18AWG
Input Voltage 120/240/277 Vac
Input Power Requirements 20 VA max
Standards UL Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment

Catalog Number Description

RSC16G3120 120 V
RSC16G3240 240 V
RSC16G3277 277 V

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control Controllers

Remote Mount Controller
With the new Remote Mount Controller (RMC), Powerlink electronics can be mounted
externally to the panelboard, freeing up valuable circuit spaces. RMCs are also useful
in applications where access to panelboards is not permitted.

• Saves valuable circuit space: mounts on wall space next to any existing panelboard.
• Saves Time and Money: RMCs are easy to install for retrofit applications. They
mount quickly and easily to reduce costly installation and downtime.
• Power and Flexibility: add Lighting Control to any new or existing panelboard
application. RMCs are available with any POWERLINK G3 controller — it’s the
perfect fit. Remote Mount Controller

Catalog Number Controller Type Voltage Product Features

RMC500G3120 500 120 Vac
• NEMA 1 enclosure
RMC500G3240 500 240 Vac with hinged door for
RMC500G3277 500 277 Vac access to controller and
RMC1000G3120 1000 120 Vac connections.
RMC1000G3240 1000 240 Vac • Compact dimensions –
12 in. x 12 in. x 6 in.
RMC1000G3277 1000 277 Vac
(305 mm x 305 mm x
RMC1000N2G3120 1000N2 120 Vac 152 mm)
RMC1000N2G3240 1000N2 240 Vac • Integral power supply for
RMC1000N2G3277 1000N2 277 Vac connection to 120 V,
RMC2000G3120 2000 120 Vac 240 V, and 277 V
RMC2000G3240 2000 240 Vac
RMC2000G3277 2000 277 Vac • Full range of Powerlink
G3 controller options
RMC3000G3120 3000 120 Vac
• UL Listed 916 Energy
RMC3000G3240 3000 240 Vac
Management Equipment
RMC3000G3277 3000 277 Vac
• Low power consumption
For Diagram see technical section page 92 – 20 VA max.

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control Advanced and Basic software

LCS Advanced and LCS Basic software
Convenient Desktop Access
Unlock the potential of the Powerlink G3 lighting control system with LCS Basic and
Advanced software from Schneider Electric. Schedule events, override lighting, and
check the status of breaker with the click of a button. Easy-to-navigate software gives
a whole new meaning to lighting control.

• Reduce costly down time by using a personal computer to access information

and programming.
• Create schedules that easily apply to all controllers within a system, rather than
programing each controller individually.
• Quickly view branch circuit status. (on, off, tripped, or non-responding)
• Examine system event logs, make configuration modifications, create or modify
schedules, initiate overrides, and upgrade firmware.

Multi-Device Support (LCS Advanced) Security

Imagine having the ability to configure, monitor, or control a hundred or more panels LCS allows different levels of access to a lighting
at one time. LCS makes it a reality. From a large office building, college campus, control system. Time, date and user access is
military base, and manufacturing facility, to a small retail site, users of LCS Advanced recorded in the system log, and user changes and
have the ability to configure the entire system from one location, greatly reducing access needs can be restricted.
commissioning, monitoring, and control time. Users can quickly view branch circuit
status (on, off, tripped, or non-responding) for the entire system at one time. Examine
system event logs, make configuration modifications, create or modify time schedules, Reporting
initiate overrides, and upgrade firmware simultaneously. LCS adds reporting functionality with customizable
filtering and logging. Forgot when the last lamping
project happened? With a click of a button a user
Firmware & Software Updates can access breaker on-times and reset counters.
Easy to use firmware upgrade features are built directly into the LCS software. This not Print and export reports to compile system trends.
only allows the user to access the latest and greatest releases, but now LCS gives the
user the ability to upgrade their software online as well.
LCS brings a new capability of comparing
Templates configurations stored on a computer to the
LCS implements a new approach to programming Powerlink G3 controllers by using configuration in the Powerlink G3 controller and
global templates. Global templates allow the user to send “like” configuration data to notifies the user of the differences.
multiple devices at one time. For instance, a single schedule can be setup one time
and applied to multiple devices.
LCS can restore configurations to an earlier version,
Device Discovery (LCS Advanced) with the click of a button, a backup of the original
LCS Advanced software allows discovery of controller devices, taking the guess work configuration is readily available.
out of communication setup. Don’t have the IP address of the controllers that are
needed to program, monitor, or control? Device discovery allows users to easily setup
a system by searching the network and detecting supported devices. Find devices that Network File Sharing Repository
are connected to a network using a serial, TCP, or gateway connection. Discovered LCS allows users to save and retrieve configuration
devices can be added to the current system with the click of a button. files on remote servers creating less confusion
when multiple users are accessing and
programming the system.
File Archiving
LCS is not tied to any proprietary databases. LCS uses standard file/folder archiving.
Need to email a configuration to a facility manager? No problem, just attach the file,
click send, and away it goes. No more importing and exporting from a database.

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control Advanced and basic software

Minimum Hardware Requirements Supported Operating Systems

This software is designed to operate on a PC meeting the following requirements: Windows XP® Service Pack 2, Windows Vista®,
Windows 7®.
• Processor: 800 MHz, RAM: 512 MB
• Hard Drive: 500 MB available, Video 1024x768 minimum resolution
• Media: CD-ROM Required Software
• Inputs: Keyboard and Mouse The software requires the following Microsoft software
applications to be installed: .NET Framework v2.0,
Recommended Hardware Requirements Windows Installer v3.1 or later, Internet Explorer v6.0
or later.
• Processor: 1.6 GHz
• RAM: 1 GB
• Hard Drive: 500 MB available, Video 1280x1024 minimum resolution
• Media: CD-ROM
• Inputs: Keyboard and Mouse

Technical Information
Features LCS Basic LCS Advanced
Support for NFG3 Devices X X
NFG3 Setup X X
NFG3 Status X X
NFG3 Control X X
Controller Notes X X
Firmware Downloads X X
Device Clear Memory X X The quick links and eye-catching icons of LCS software offers
users a convenient and easy to use interface to the Powerlink G3
Device Soft Reset X X lighting control system.
Device Configuration Comparison X X
Schedule/Special Day Templates X X
Restore to Previous Configuration (limited to 1 back-up) X X
Reports X X
Controller Out-of-sync Status (online only) X X
Device Discovery — X
Security X® X®
On-line Health Checks X X
Group Devices by Logical Set (multiple devices) — X
User Defined Location for Storing Data X X
Support for Future Devices X X
Online Updates X X

 LCS supports list of available autopoll periods for status screens of user’s choice
® LCS allows a user to define as many accounts as needed based on 4 levels of ability
(Software Supervisors, Supervisors, Power Users and Operators)

Catalog Number Description

LCSBASICUP Full upgrade from PCS to LCS Basic (CD)
LCSADVANCEDUP Full upgrade from PCS to LCS Advanced (CD)
With LCS, enjoy the comfort of tiered security access levels, ensuring
that sensitive data and information is always well protected.

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control Accessories

Slave Address Selector
The Slave Address Selector is required for each slave panel connected to a subnet. The slave address selector establishes a
unique system address for the panel that is both essential for system operation and useful when the system is accessed from a
remote location. The slave address selector plugs directly onto control buses.
• Rotary operated switch labeled 0–7 for addressing panels
• Removable terminal block for connecting subnet cable
• Modular plug for connecting the Slave Address Selector to smart bus using the Slave Bus Connect Harness

Slave Bus Connect Harness Assembly

The Slave Bus Connect Harness assemblies are required in slave panels furnished with two control buses. The harness
contains modular plugs on each end.

Column-width Controller Cable

A Column-width Controller Cable is required to connect the power supply to the controller when used in an NF
Column-width Panelboard.

Remote Mounting Adapter

The Remote Mounting Adapter provides a means for mounting a Powerlink controller and power supply in a separate enclosure.
This bracket is ideal for retrofit applications where all 42 circuit spaces in the panelboard are required for branch circuit breakers.

Controller Front Panel Serial Cable

The Controller Front Panel Serial Cable is used to make direct RS-232 connections from the controller to a PC or laptop computer.

Custom Barrier Kit

The custom barrier kit provides a heavy-duty barrier for separating class II control circuits from power wiring.

Modem Kit
This kit, which is designed specifically for Schneider Electric Powerlink G3 controllers, contains all the necessary components
for use with the controller.

RS-485/RS-232 Converter Kit

The RS-485/RS-232 converter kit allows connection from the RS-485 port of the controller to the serial port of a
personal computer.

Subnet Cable
Four wire cable for connecting panels together in a subnet configuration.

Catalog Number Description Catalog Number Description

NFSELG3 Slave address selector Subnet Cable
NF2HG3 Slave bus connect harness NFSN06 6' (1.83 m) sub-net cable
NFCW3G Column width controller cable NFSN10 10' (3.05 m) sub-net cable
NFADAPTERG3 Remote mounting adaptor NFSN25 25' (7.62 m) sub-net cable
NFFPC3G Controller front panel serial cable NFSN50 50' (15.24 m) sub-net cable
NFASBKG3 Custom barrier kit Demo Cases
6382G3MODEM Modem kit 63249-401-117 Powerlink Demo Kit — Standard Case
6382RS485G3KIT RS-485 converter kit 63249-401-118 Powerlink Demo Kit — Pelican Case
SLSLVS1Rx 1-button Schneider Electric relay panel switch with LED
SLSLVS2Rx 2-button Schneider Electric relay panel switch with LED

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Powerlink Lighting Control Power supply

Device Power Supply
The Powerlink Device Power Supply is used to distribute power on a C-Bus network.
Placed on the network, device power supplies will provide the current necessary for
operating a variety of passive Schneider Electric C-Bus devices.

A Device Power Supply consists of a 8M enclosure containing one or two Power

Supplies (120 or 277 Vac).

Technical Information
Nominal Line Operates at 120 or 277 Vac, ±10%, with a frequency range from
Voltage 50 – 60 Hz
Maximum Line
9.9 mA for 120 V power supply 4.3 mA for 277 V power supply
Electrical Isolation 3.75 kV RMS from C-Bus to the line
Current Output 350 mA (single power supply unit) 700 mA (dual power supply unit)
Dimensions 12.57 in. (L) x 8.88 in. (W) x 3.8 in. (D) [319 mm (L) x 226 mm (W) x 97 mm (D)]
Weight One power supply: 8.84 lb (4.01 kg) Two power supplies: 9.28 lb (4.21 kg)
Powerlink Device Power Supply
Temp.: 32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C) RH: 95%, noncondensing
UL: Listed 508A Industrial Control Equipment
CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device
EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD
Product Features
*For Diagram see technical section page 89 • Surface-mount NEMA
Type 1 enclosure
with cover
Catalog Number Description • Unit and C-Bus LEDs
NFDP1120G3C 120 V Powerlink Single Power Supply indicate the status of
NFDP2120G3C 120 V Powerlink Dual Power Supply the line voltage and
the network
NFDP1277G3C 277 V Powerlink Single Power Supply
NFDP2277G3C 277 V Powerlink Dual Power Supply
• Sources up to 700 mA
(dual power supplies) to
the C-Bus network
• 120 or 277 Vac models

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control Device router

Device Router
The Powerlink Device Router allows the exchange of data between a Powerlink
NF3000G3C controller and Schneider Electric C-Bus devices.

The bidirectional device router can receive data from the C-Bus input devices
and send the data to the Powerlink panel/network. It can also receive data such
as a contact closure from the Powerlink input and send that data to a C-Bus

The device router consists of a C-Bus 8M enclosure containing a PC Interface and

a Power Supply (120 Vac or 277 Vac). Communication between the device router
and the NF3000G3C controller is made with the included 50-foot serial cable.

Technical Information
Operates at 120 or 277 Vac, ±10%, with a frequency range
Nominal Line Voltage
from 50 – 60 Hz
Maximum Line Current 9.9 mA for 120 V device router 4.3 mA for 277 V device router
Powerlink Device Router
Electrical Isolation 3.75 kV RMS from C-Bus to the line
Current Output 350 mA to the C-Bus network
Status Indicators Unit and Unit/Comms: Line voltage, unit power, and data transmission
C-Bus: Power levels and presence of C-Bus clock
Serial Connection (1) 9-pin RS-232 D-type serial connector; (2) RS-232 RJ-45 connectors
Product Features
C-Bus Connection (2) RJ-45 sockets for connection to the C-Bus network • Surface-mount NEMA 1 enclosure, with cover
Data Cable 50 ft serial • Unit, Unit/Comms, and C-Bus LEDs indicate the
12.57 in. (L) x 8.88 in. (W) x 3.8 in. (D) status of data transmission and power to the unit and
[319 mm (L) x 226 mm (W) x 97 mm (D)] the network
Weight 9.1 lbs (4.13 kg) • System network clock for synchronizing
Operating Environment Temp.: 32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C) RH: 95%, noncondensing communications data
UL: Listed 508A Industrial Control Equipment • Network power source, supplying up to 350 mA
CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device • 120 or 277 Vac models available
EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD
*For Diagram see technical section page 89

Catalog Number Description

NFDR120G3C 120 V Powerlink Device Router
NFDR277G3C 277 V Powerlink Device Router

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control technical section

Dimensional Drawings
NF Panelboard (indoor enclosure)
Flush Mounting W + 1.50 (38 mm) Enclosure Enclosure
Surface Mounting W + 0.12 (3 mm) Max. Max.
Max. Main Lug Height (H) Max. Main Lug Height (H)
Number Number
Ampere Rating Ampere Rating
of Circuits In. mm of Circuits In. mm
12 26 660 18 32 813

Surface Mounting W + 0.12 (3 mm)

125 A

Flush Mounting W + 1.50 (38 mm)

125 A 18 26 660 30 38 965
30* 32 813 42 44 1118
30 38 965 12 38 965
100 A (HDL,
H 250 A 42 44 1118 18 38 965
54 50 1270 30* 44 1118
12 38 965 30 50 1270
100 A (FIL) 18 38 965 400 A 42 56 1422
30* 44 1118 54 62 1575
250 A 30 50 1270 30 50 1270
(JDL, JGL, 42 56 1422 600 A 42 56 1422
JJL, JLL) 54 62 1575 54 62 1575
5.75 in.
(146 mm) 30 50 1270 30 68 1727
400/600 A
800 A** 42 56 1422 42 74 1880
Typical Enclosure Typical Enclosure 54 62 1575 54 80 2032
Side View Front View 30 62 1575
400 A (LAL, LHL) 42 68 1727 –
54 74 1880
Note: These dimensions are standard. Please consult factory * 34W only **800A Panelboards are 8¾ in. deep
for special requirements.

Column Width Panelboard

H Enclosure Height (H)

Max. Number of Circuits Max. Main Lug Ampere Rating
In. mm
Ready-to-Assemble (Also Available Factory Assembled)
Column Width — Main Lugs Only
30 125 A 59 1499
42 225 A 71 1803
Column Width — Main Circuit Breaker
30 125 A 59 1499
42 225 A 71 1803

9.69 in. 5.60 in.

(246 mm) (142 mm)

Typical Enclosure Typical Enclosure

Front View Side View

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Powerlink Lighting Control technical section

Device Power Supply/Device Router
8.9 in. 3.8 in.
A B, C, D, E
(226 mm) (97 mm)
A, B

B, C, D, E B, C, D, E

12.57 in.
(319 mm)

B, C, D, E B, C, D, E

B, C, D, E

Front view showing height and width Side view showing depth Conduit knockouts for
the 8M enclosure

C-Bus 8M Enclosure Knockouts

Symbol A B C D E
Conduit Size ½ ¾ 1 1¼ 1½

Short Circuit Current Rating Table

This table lists the UL short-circuit current ratings for NF panelboards including ECB-G3 circuit breakers. The ratings apply to an integral main
located in the same enclosure or a remote main located in a separate enclosure.

NF Panelboard SCCR Table

Schneider Electric Branch Circuit Breaker
Max. System Voltage Max. Short Circuit Current Rating Integral or Remote Main Circuit Breaker
Catalog Designation
120 120/240 240 65,000
Class J or T (600 V) 200 A max. fuses EDB, EDB-EPD
277 35,000
400 A max. fuses ECB-G3
200,000 FI, KI —
200 A max. fuses —

RMS Symmetrical Amperes

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control technical section

Wiring Diagrams

This section contains wiring diagrams for the Schneider Electric Powerlink G3 systems.

Typical Low Voltage Input Connections Various Low Voltage Switch Types
Dual Toggle NO or NC Momentary
Momentary Momentary Maintained Pilot Switch
Pilot Device SW1 SW1
Pilot Device
7.5mA Max
7.5mA Max
Per Input


Inputs may share Control Wiring

the common (+) Class 2, #18-22 AWG
1,000 ft. (305 m) Max.

4 3 2 1

Control Wiring (12) 4 (11) 3 (10) 2 (9) 1

Class 2, #18-22 AWG
1,000 ft. (305 m) Max.

Typical Switch Types Wired in Parallel

Typical Photo Controller Wiring Diagram

Class 2 Class 2
24V Max. 24V Max.

RS232 RS485 24V RS232 RS485 24V


8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5

Control Wiring
Class 2,
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 #18-22 AWG
1,000 ft.
Controller (Typical) (305 m) Max.


Typical Controller
Control Wiring Control Power 24Vdc
Class 2, #18-22 AWG
6 7 8 1,000 ft. (305 m) Max.
Typical Sensor

24Vdc, 33 mA

1 2 3 4 5

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Powerlink Lighting Control technical section

System Architecture
Three levels of communications are provided that can be easily tailored to individual application requirements.

Subnet Communications Ethernet Connectivity

• Each Schneider Electric Powerlink G3 Controller can directly operate up to Schneider Electric Powerlink G3 2000 and 3000
eight control buses. level controllers have integrated onboard Ethernet
• Controller signals the control buses to switch the associated branch circuits capability. In addition to providing high-speed Ethernet
and polls each Schneider Electric Powerlink G3 Circuit Breaker to determine its access, these controllers allow fast peer-to-peer (P2P)
actual status. connectivity between panels. With 2000 and 3000 level
• C
 ommunications between the controller and the control buses are made with systems, master panels can share inputs, schedules,
a 4-wire, Class 1 communications cable (Belden 27326 or equivalent). and zone status.
• S
 lave panels (those containing control buses and remotely operated circuit
• BACnet IP open protocol in 2000 and 3000 level
breakers, but no controller) may be mounted up to 400 feet away from the
master panel that contains the controller.
• Modbus TCP/IP open protocol in 2000 and 3000
level controllers

10 Base-T Network
Hub or Router

Subnet communications allow one controller to operate up to 168 remotely operated branch circuits. Ethernet
Controllers Cables
Automation Network Ethernet Port
Master Master
• E
 ach controller provides both RS-485 and RS-232 serial ports. Provides access up Panel A Panel B
to 247 controllers using an RS-485 multi-drop configuration.
• An automation level network can also be used to communicate with other building Power Supply
systems such as energy management systems and card access controllers.
The automation network uses widely accepted and supported industrial-proven
protocols used by many building automation manufacturers and systems integrators Master Master

»» Modbus ASCII/RTU open protocol in all Schneider Electric Powerlink Slave Slave
Slave Slave
G3 Controllers
»» DMX512 protocol in automation level network for theatrical lighting applications
in 1000, 2000, and 3000 level controllers
»» Optional JCI-N2 protocol for 1000 level controllers
»» Optional C-Bus Network capability with NF3000G3C controller and device router
»» BACnet MS/TP open protocol in 2000 and 3000 level controllers

Personal Computer
or Modem

RS-232 to
RS-485 RS-485 Daisy Chain, 2-Wire, Twisted
Converter Pair Belden 9841 or equivalent

Master Master Master

Slave Slave Slave
Slave Slave Slave
Automation networks provide remote access to the lighting control system over an RS-485 network. An
RS-485 network consists of low cost, 2-wire, Class 2 communications cable, Belden 9841 or equivalent.

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Powerlink Lighting Control technical section

Remote Mount Controller
Slave bus
4-wire, 18 AWG, Class 1
interconnect cable
cable, subnet cable (general
cable 236100, Belden
Cable 27326 or equivalent)

Remote Mount Controller

Slave Panel Slave Panel

C-Bus Network
Below is a typical one-line diagram for creating a local area network using the C-Bus Network capability of level 3000G3C controllers.
All cables shown below are CAT-5.


Powerlink Device Router

PC Interface Power Supply

C-Bus Device Network

Hardware Burden
Powerlink G3

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com

C-Bus Lighting Control

C-Bus Lighting Control

The availability of low-cost, powerful • Fully-scalable solution
microprocessors for building control Whether you’re creating a lighting control
and management systems has created system for a single room or a whole
unprecedented customer expectations for facility, Schnieder Electric lighting control
increased control, connectivity and integration offers scalable systems to fit your exact
of electrical and low-voltage systems. needs. Our C-Bus solutions are designed
around the size and requirements of
• Lower installation cost your application. All this with a common
With its unique distributed control system, platform and easy installation practices.
you can place relays and dimmers in various Talk about flexibility.
locations and connect them directly to the
network – eliminating the need to run cable • C-Bus touch screens
back to a separate enclosure near centrally Our unified wall-mounted panels allow you
located processors. to control lighting systems and accessories
with the touch of a finger. Designed with
• C-Bus keypads versatility in mind, these sleek touch screens
These aesthetically pleasing faceplates are easy to install, customize and use.
lend a sophisticated look to virtually any They’re compact yet powerful. Simple to
space. They’re as elegant as they are operate yet highly flexible. A desktop model
well-engineered. is available when wall space is limited or for
added convenience.

• Simple cabling/any topology

Since the C-Bus system uses standard Cat-5
cabling, using any topology, there’s no special
cable to order or keep in supply. So it’s much
easier to address last-minute change orders
or to complete a job without wondering if you
have the right materials on hand.

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighti ng Control Keypads

Saturn Keypads
The C-Bus Saturn™ Keypads offer localized finger-tip control of lighting and electrical services. These elegant
keypads incorporate a unique glass cover plate that is easy to install, customize, and use.

By virtue of the variety of button configurations available, one compact Saturn keypad can take the place of many
single operation switches, ON/OFF toggles, dimmers, and timers.

Available in a two-, four-, or six-button keypad, Saturn’s modern style is complemented by orange and blue LEDs
that can instantly show the status of controlled devices.

Technical Information
Voltage Requirements 15 – 36 Vdc @ 22 mA required for normal operation, drawn from the C-Bus network
Determined with the C-Bus Calculator, a software utility used to evaluate the total network Saturn Style 6 Button Keypad
Number of Units on a Network
current load
Electrical Isolation 3.75 kV RMS from C-Bus to power (provided externally)
Control Functions Load switching, dimming, timing, scene control
Product Features
Status Indicators Two-color (orange and blue) user-configurable LEDs
User-configurable, adjustable LED to help locate the unit in darkness, has • Button configurations
Locator Option include multi-point
“ignore first button press” option
switching and dimming,
Scene Control Up to four scenes per keypad, ten addresses per scene master ON/OFF switching,
Timers 1 sec – 18 hr, 1 sec intervals and scene settings
Response Time 200 m sec or less • Scene control includes up
to ten group addresses per
C-Bus Connection One terminal block to accommodate 24-16 AWG (0.2–1.31 mm ), CAT 5 UTP cable required
scene and four scenes per
Dimensions 4.57 in. (L) x 2.95 in. (W) x 1.1 in. (D) [116 mm (L) x 75 mm (W) x 28 mm (D)] keypad
Plaster mud ring (Raco 8771 or equal) w/ minimum internal width 2.05 in. (52 mm) (not provided) • Independent timers
Mounting Single gang box (Carlon A58381DCAR or equal) w/minimum internal width 2.05 in. (52 mm) available for each button
(not provided)
• Dual-color LED windows
Weight 4.66 oz (132 g) on each button can glow
Operating Environment Temp.: 32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C) RH: 95%, noncondensing in cool blue, orange, or
combinations of both,
UL: Listed 916 Energy Management, CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment indicating when a controlled
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device, EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD device is ON or OFF
Color Options Cream, black, mocha, white, pure white and stainless steel • Auto “fallback” can dim
button LEDs at a set time
*For Diagram see technical section page 145
after the last button press
• Locator LED can illuminate
the keypad, helping a user
Order numbers for the Saturn keypad assemblies indicate the number of buttons desired on the keypad (x) and find it in dim light
the color of the cover plate (y). Color Codes: White (WE), Black (BK), Mocha (BR), Cream (CM), Pure White (PW)
and Stainless Steel (SS).
For example, SLC5086NLBK represents an order for a Saturn keypad with six buttons and a black cover plate. Aesthetics
The order number for a two-button keypad in mocha would be SLC5082NLBR.
• Distinctively designed
transparent impact-
Catalog Number Description
resistant glass cover plate
SLC508(X)NL(Y)* Saturn Keypad Assemblies, 2, 4 or 6 buttons with silver buttons that can
SLC5080LC8 Pre-labeled button caps (1 ea. of 66 frequently used labels such as: Meeting, Scene 1, etc.) glow blue or orange
SLC508(X)NLF(Y)* Stand-alone faceplates • Clean-lined keypads are
wall mounted without
*When ordering: “x” equals button configuration 2, 4, or 6 and “y” equals color selection WE, BK, BR. CM, SS, PW external fittings
• Low-profile keypad
extends only 0.5 in. out
from the wall
• Colors are easily modified
to suit personal taste or
the décor
• Optional button covers
with labels, enabling
quick identification of
lighting scenes or
controlled devices

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control Keypads

Saturn Dynamic Labeling Technology Keypads

C-Bus Dynamic Labeling Technology™ (DLT) keypads combine programmable keypad buttons, and easily
customized labels on a backlit LCD screen that eliminates the need for custom labels.

These keypads are designed to be easy to install, customize, and use. By virtue of the variety of button
configurations available, one compact DLT keypad can take the place of many single operation switches,
ON/OFF toggles, dimmers, and timers.

Cool blue LEDs light the five keypad buttons, complementing the keypad’s sleek lines and instantly showing the
status of controlled devices.

Technical Information
Voltage Requirements 15 – 36 Vdc @ 22 mA required for normal operation, drawn from the C-Bus network
Saturn Style DLT Keypad
Number of Units on a Network Use the C-Bus Calculator, a software utility, to determine the total network current load
Electrical Isolation 3.75 kV RMS from C-Bus to power (provided externally)
Control Functions Load switching, dimming, timing, scene control
Product Features
Status Indicators Blue, one dimmable LED per button • Button configurations
include multi-point
Backlight White, dimmable, user configurable switching and dimming,
User-configurable, adjustable blue LED for locating the unit in darkness, with master ON/OFF switching,
Locator Option and scene settings
“ignore first button press” option
Scene Control 4 scenes per keypad, 10 addresses per scene • Keypads have five physical
buttons–four control
Timers 1 sec – 18 hr, 1 second intervals
buttons and one scroll/
Screen 64 x 128 pixels LCD page button–combined
Response Time 200 m sec or less with two screens of labels,
for a total of eight control
C-Bus Connection One terminal block to accommodate 24 – 16 AWG (0.2 – 1.31 mm2), CAT 5 UTP cable required buttons and two scroll/
Dimensions 4.57 in. (L) x 2.95 in. (W) x 1.20 in. (D) [116 mm (L) x 76 mm (W) x 32 mm (D)] page buttons
Standard plaster (mud) ring or wall box (not provided), minimum internal width 2.05 in. (52 mm) • Scene control includes
Mounting ten group addresses per
Centers: 3.31 in. (84 mm)
scene, four scenes per
Weight 3.35 oz (95 g) keypad
Operating Environment Temp.: 32°F to 113°F (0°C to 45°C) RH: 95%, noncondensing • Independent timers
UL: Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal available for each button
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD • Button LEDs can be used
Color Plate Colors Saturn Style: Pure White, White, Cream, Black, Mocha, Stainless Steel as locator lights in the dark
**For Diagram see technical section page 145 • Time clock can be
displayed at the bottom of
the screen

Order numbers for the Saturn DLT keypads include the stock number (SLC5085DL) and the code for the color of • Displays up to 8 languages
from a set of more than 65
the cover plate: Black (BK), Mocha (BR), White (WE) and Cream (CM). For example, SLC5085DLBR represents a
complete catalog number for a Saturn DLT keypad with a mocha cover plate.
Catalog Number Description Aesthetics
SLC5085DL( ) Saturn Keypad with DLT in White (WE), Cream (CM), Black (BK), Mocha (BR),
Pure White (PW) and Stainless Steel (SS) • 64 x 128 pixel LCD screen
with a white backlight
• Editable LCD labels,
available for each button or
control group, can display
text, symbols, and graphics
• Dynamic graphic displays,
such as bar graphs, can be
enabled or disabled
• Bitmaps can be
downloaded for each group
address or scene

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighti ng Control Keypads

Neo Decorator Keypads

Schneider Electric C-Bus Neo Decorator Style Keypads offer localized finger-tip control of lighting and electrical
services. These elegant keypads incorporate a unique cover plate (ordered separately) that is easy to install,
customize, and use.

By virtue of the variety of button configurations available, one compact Decorator style keypad can take the place
of many single operation switches, ON/OFF toggles, dimmers, and timers.

Available in a one-, two-, three- or four- button keypad, these modern style keypads are complemented by blue
LEDs that can instantly show the status of controlled devices.

Technical Information
Voltage Requirements 15 – 36 Vdc @ 22 mA required for normal operation, drawn from the C-Bus network
Neo 4 Button Decorator
Determined with the C-Bus Calculator, a software utility used to evaluate the total network Style Keypad
Number of Units on a Network
current load
Electrical Isolation 3.75 kV RMS from C-Bus to power (provided externally)
Control Functions Load switching, dimming, timing, scene control Multi-Functional
Locator Option
User-configurable, adjustable LED to help locate the unit in darkness, has Capabilities
“ignore first button press” option
• Button configurations
Scene Control Up to 4 scenes per keypad, 10 addresses per scene include multi-point
Timers 1 sec – 18 hr, 1 second intervals switching and dimming,
master ON/OFF switching,
Response Time 200 m sec or less
and scene settings
C-Bus Connection One terminal block to accommodate 24 – 16 AWG (0.2 – 1.31 mm2), CAT 5 UTP cable required
• Scene control includes up
Dimensions 4.57 in. (L) x 3.0 in. (W) x .91 in. (D) [116 mm (L) x 76 mm (W) x 23 mm (D)] to ten group addresses per
Weight 2.9 oz (82 g) scene and four scenes per
Operating Environment Temp.: 32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C) RH: 95%, noncondensing
• Independent timers
UL: Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal available for each button
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device
• LED windows on each
Color Options Neo Style: Slate, White, Cream, Brown, Black, Soft Grey, Desert Sand button can glow in cool
**For Diagram see technical section page 145 blue or orange, indicating
when a controlled device is

Order numbers for the Neo Decorator keypads include the stock number, the number of buttons (1 thru 4) and • Auto “fallback” can dim
button LEDs at a set time
the code for the button color: Black (BK), Brown (BR), White (WE), Cream (CM), Slate (GB), Soft Grey (SG) after the last button press
Desert Sand (DS), Ivory (VY) and Light Almond (LA). • Locator LED can illuminate
the keypad, helping a user
For example, SLC505(4)NLM(WE) represents a Neo Decorator style keypad with 4 buttons in white. find it in dim light
• Has infrared remote
Catalog Number Description capabilities with Schneider
SLC505(X)NLM(Y)* Neo Decorator Style Keypad Electric C-Bus remotes
*when ordering: “x” equals button configuration 1, 2, 3, or 4 and “y” equals color selection BK, BR, WE, CM, GB, SG, DS, VY, or LA

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighti ng Control Touch screens

Spectrum Color Touch Screens
The C-Bus Spectrum Color Touch Screens by Schneider Electric are a unified wall-
mounted or desktop panel for controlling lighting systems and accessories with the
touch of a finger.

Designed with versatility in mind, these sleek touch screens are easy to install,
customize, and use. Compact yet powerful, the touch screen has numerous
configurations available, making it an attractive alternative to multiple single operation
switches, ON/OFF toggles, dimmers, and timers which can clutter up even the nicest
wall. The C-Bus Spectrum Color Touch Screens are available in the Saturn and Neo
style cover plates with a wide assortment of colors to choose from.

Wall-mounted Spectrum Touch Screen

Technical Information
AC input impedance 13 K ohms @ 1kHz Product Features
Display type 4.7 in. (119 mm) active black and white or color LCD
Display resolution 320 x 240 pixels • Multiple control screens can include multi-point switching
Display luminance 120 cd/m² and dimming, master ON/OFF switching, schedules, and
Viewing angle Left, right: 45°; up: 50°; down: 30°
scenes from a menu driven interface
Backlight type White LED • Includes a “wake feature” proximity sensor that turns
Touch surface durability 1 million presses (typical) on the backlight when activated by motion within the
Maximum number of controlled loads 255 group addresses on each of the 10 applications
proximity range.
Third party interface RS-232 port • Astronomical clock with full scheduling and holidays
Programming port USB type B (front of unit, behind cover plate) • Full feature logic engine provides ability to create custom
C-Bus supply voltage (required for controls and integrate 3rd party devices
normal operation. Does not provide Spectrum: 15 to 36 Vdc @ 72 mA
current to the C-Bus network.) • Locator option to help users find the screen in dim light
Network clock Software selectable • Built-in infrared receiver with remote control
Network burden Software selectable
• RS-232 port for third party device integration
Processor ARM7TDMI, 40MHz
• USB programming port accessible from the front of
Warm up time <10 seconds
the unit
Operating temperature 32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C)
Operating humidity 10% to 95% RH
*For Diagram see technical section page 146 F
 unctional Aesthetics
• Clean-lined low-profile touch screen can be wall-mounted
Spectrum Touch Screen-Wall Description without external fittings
Mounted Catalog Number
• Display and controls can be configured with symbols,
SLC5000CTCL2xx Spectrum w/non-stylized plastic Cover Plate
images, clocks and time, and text in multiple languages
SLC5050CTCL2xx Spectrum w/Neo Style Cover Plate
SLC5080CTCL2xx Spectrum w/Saturn Style Cover Plate
• Area plans and other scenes can be graphically depicted
SLCBS5000CTCL2 Spectrum w/Stainless Steel Cover Plate
SLCBB5000CTCL2 Spectrum w/Brass Cover Plate
Note: xx = color code (GB – Brushed Aluminum and Slate*, WE – White, BK – Black, CM – Cream,
BR – Mocha**, PW – Pure White**) *Neo only **Saturn only

Spectrum Desktop Model Description

Catalog Number
SLC5000CTCD2xx Spectrum Desktop Touch Screen
Note: xx = color code/WE–White, BK–Black

Accessories Description
SLC5000CT2WB Wall box for Spectrum Touch Screen
SLC5080CT2Fxx Replacement Cover Plate, Saturn style
SLC5000CT2FSS Replacement Cover Plate, Stainless Steel
SLC5050CT2Fxx Replacement Cover Plate, Neo style
Note: xx = color code (GB – Brushed Aluminum and Slate*, WE – White, BK – Black, CM – Cream,
BR – Mocha**, PW – Pure White**) *Neo only **Saturn only

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighti ng Control Touch screens

Touch Screen
The C-Bus Color Touch Screen is a unified panel for controlling lighting systems and
accessories with the touch of a finger.

The touch screen's sophisticated appearance reflects the underlying craftsmanship of its
design. Among its many capabilities, this powerful PC-based system supports graphical
depiction of area plans, monitoring of various C-Bus devices, scheduling of lighting and
other loads, finger-tip control of preset scenes, and operation from the touch screen or by
remote controller. Color Touch Screen

Technical Information
Screen Product Features
Type LCD active matrix
• Ability to configure
Size 6.4 in. (diagonal)
controls including
Resolution VGA, 640 x 480 pixels scenes, schedules, state
Pixel Pitch 0.01 in. (H) x 0.01 in. (V) [0.204 mm (H) x 0.202 mm (V)] changes and graphic
Viewing Area 5.14 in. (H) x 3.82 in. (V) [130.6 mm (H) x 97.0 mm (V)] animation
Touch Overlay Type Resistive membrane • Ability to customize
Viewing Angle Typical horizontal: 70° left and right/Typical vertical: 40° up, 70° down buttons, sliders, photos
Luminance 300 cd/m2 and drawings
Backlight Cold cathode with light sensor for automatic backlight level control • Audio tools support use
256 MB compact Flash memory, pre-programmed with panel firmware, Backup: Lithium battery retains of custom WAV files for
current date and time for 5 years. audible feedback and
Components and Connectors voice prompts
Front Ethernet 10/100/RJ-45 terminal (hidden), Speaker (hidden), Infrared receiver, RS-232 via DB 9 terminal • Internal amplified
C-Bus RJ-45 terminals (2) • Ethernet 10/100/RJ-45 terminal Composite video output via RCA terminal (75 speaker has volume
Rear ohm) • RS-232 via DB 9 terminal USB type A terminals (2) for future software support Remote infrared (IR) control and external
terminal (hardwired via a 3.5 mm mini-jack) External speaker/headphone terminal (3.5 mm mini-jack)
speaker terminal
Overall Dimensions 9.8 in. (W) x 6.9 in. (H) x 2.9 in. (D) [246 mm (W) x 173 mm (H) x 72.5 mm (D)]
• Built-in RJ-45 Ethernet
Weight 3.02 lbs. (1375 g) (excluding cover plate)
and C-Bus network, RS-
Operating 232, and USB terminals
Temp.: 50° F to 86° F (10° C to 30° C)/RH: 95% noncondensing
UL Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment CSA 22.2 Spec. 205 Signal Equipment, FCC: Part 15.101, • Infrared receiver for
Standards remote control and
Class B Digital Device • EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD
Required Accessories: Power Supply (Sold Separately) infrared input for
Power Supply 6.9 in. (L) x 3.1 in. (W) x 1.8 in. (H)
Dimensions 175 mm (L) x 80 mm (W) x 45 mm (H) Power supply for color touch
• Controls can be
screen (sold separately) password protected
Adaptor Box 5.2 in. (L) x 2 in. (W) x .4 in. (H)
at multiple levels
Dimensions 113 mm (L) x 50 mm (W) x 11 mm (H)
• Astronomical and real
Weight 4.2 lb (1.925 kg)
time clocks
UL: Listed 60950 Information Technology Equipment - Safety: General Requirements • CSA 22.2 Spec.
205 Signal Equipment FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device • EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD
*For Diagram see technical section page 146 F
Order numbers for the Neo and Saturn style touch screens include the stock number, and the code for the cover • Touch sensitive 6.4 inch
color. Saturn Colors: Black (BK), Mocha (BR), White (WE), Cream (CM) and Pure White (PW). Neo Colors: Brushed (640 x 480) color LCD
Aluminum and Slate (GB), White (WE) and Black (BK). For example, SLC5050CTC(WE) represents a Neo Style Touch panel
Screen in white. • Light sensor for
automatic backlight
Catalog Number Description Accessories Description control
SLC5080CTC2( ) Saturn Style Touch Screen SLC5000CTCPS* Color Touch Screen Power Supply • Flush wall-mount design
SLC5000CTCWB** Color Touch Screen Wall Box • Cover plates available in
SLC5000CTCNA** Color Touch Screen Wall Nail Bracket Neo and Saturn styles
SLC5000CTCRM** Color Touch Screen Wall Plaster Board Bracket • Five color schemes
* Required for every color touch screen installation.
available, complementing
** Color touch screen must be mounted with one of these options any décor

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control Home controller

Home Controller
The Wiser™ Home Controller is the missing piece of the smart home puzzle, enhancing the capabilities
and connectivity of the C-Bus network. Its easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) provides access
to the home C-Bus network and all of your electrical, multimedia, and telecommunication needs. This
same GUI can be installed across multiple control devices, such as mobile phones, TVs with Microsoft®
Windows Media® Center, personal computers, and web tablets, in addition to the C-Bus range of touch
screens and keypads. No matter where you are, the Wiser Home Controller allows you to monitor and
control your home environment locally or remotely over the Internet.

Wiser Home Controller

Technical Information

• Home Controller’s router: AC power pack Product Features

• Inline C-Bus Network Interface:
Power Source
»»AC power pack through busbar for Ethernet • Ethernet and Wi-Fi based
»»C-Bus side is powered by the C-Bus network controller for your C-Bus
• Wall mounted with two keyhole openings system
Mounting location
• Must be installed indoors • Built-in Ethernet router
Minimum distance to operator 7.9 in. (20 cm) from nearest antenna
• Built-in Wi-Fi access point
Mounting screw spacing 3.8 in. (95.5 mm) between centres
• Support for lighting, air-
Operating ambient conditioning, multi-room
32° F – 113° F (0° C – 45° C )
audio, alarms, cameras,
Operating relative humidity 10% to 90%, non-condensing and other equipment
• Disconnectable DC power supply jack on the busbar - 0.04 x 0.12 in. (1 x 3 mm) center positive • Easy to understand
Types of electrical connection
• Disconnectable WAN connector on busbar – 1 x RJ-45 plug wizard-based user
(Suitable for copper or
• Disconnectable LAN connectors on router – 3 x RJ-45 plug
aluminium conductors) interface graphics
• Fixed aux (C-Bus) terminal for 2 x 2.5 mm; for twisted pairs; with strain relief post
Ethernet WAN protocol TCP/IP • Built-in scene, scheduling,
and logic programming
Microsoft® Internet Explorer® or Mozilla® Firefox® modules
Internet browsers
• Allows remote
*For Diagram see technical section page 147
reprogramming from
outside the home/building
by installers
Catalog Number Description
• Common, intuitive
WHC5918 Wiser Home Controller
interface for all devices
• Operates using C-Bus
TAG descriptions,
Locations, and Function
• Configured and
commissioned using
C-Bus Toolkit and PICED
• Control via your mobile
phone or other web-
enabled devices
• Displays up-to-the-minute
news, weather, and more

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control system units

Ethernet Network Interface
The Schneider Electric C-Bus Ethernet Network Interface unit is a C-Bus system
support device designed to provide an isolated communications path between an
Ethernet Network and a C-Bus Network.

The following functions can be achieved through this interface: programming C-Bus
Units, issuing commands to a C-Bus Network including scheduled activities as well
as monitoring and data logging of activities on a C-Bus Network.

The C-Bus Ethernet Network Interface may also generate the system clock for
communications data synchronization on the C-Bus Network and provide a
software selectable Network Burden.

Ethernet Network Interface

Technical Information
C-Bus Voltage Requirements 15 – 36 Vdc Product Features
Supply Current 12 Vac or dc @ 300 mA
• Programming
C-Bus Input Voltage 15 to 36 Vdc C-Bus Units
External Power Supply
12 Vdc @ 500 mA • Issuing commands to a
C-Bus Network, including
Electrical Isolation 500 V RMS continuous C-Bus/RS-232 scheduled activities
Status Indicators Ethernet LED/Comms LED
• Monitoring and Data
C-Bus System Clock Software selectable Logging of activities on
C-Bus Network Burden Software selectable a C-Bus Network
Ethernet Connection RJ-45 socket for connection to Ethernet • Software selectable
Dimensions 3.35 in. (H) x 2.83 in. (W) x 2.56 in. (D) [85 mm (H) x 72 mm (W) x 65 mm (D)] C-Bus System Clock
Weight 4.59 oz (130 g)
Operating Temp.: 32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C)
Environment RH: 95%, noncondensing
Storage Environment Temp.: 14° F to 140° F (-10° C to 60° C), RH: 95%, noncondensing
UL: Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment
CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment
*For Diagram see technical section page 147

Catalog Number Description

SLC5500CN2 Ethernet Network Interface

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control system units

PC Interface/PC Interface USB
The C-Bus PC Interface (PCI) expands options for configuring, controlling, and
monitoring C-Bus networks by providing an interface between the network and
a personal computer (PC) or other external device.

The C-Bus PCI module easily mounts to a DIN rail and connects to external
devices through its built-in connector ports. Power to the unit is provided through
the C-Bus network.

PC Interface and PC
Interface USB
PC Interface Technical Information
Voltage Requirements 15 – 36 Vdc @ 32 mA required for normal operation, drawn from the C-Bus network Product Features
Electrical Isolation 500 V RMS continuous C-Bus/RS-232 • Unit/Comms LED shows
Status Unit/Comms: Unit power and data transmission the status of the unit’s
power and of any data
Indicators C-Bus: Power levels and presence of C-Bus clock transmissions
Serial (1) 9-pin RS-232 D-type serial connector • C-Bus LED shows the
Port (2) RS-232 RJ-45 connectors status of the network at
the unit, including the level
Cable 6.6 ft. (2 m), with DB9 connectors of network power and the
C-Bus Connection (2) RJ-45 sockets for connection to a C-Bus network presence of the C-Bus
Dimensions 2.84 in. (H) x 3.35 in. (W) x 2.60 in. (D) [72 mm (H) x 85 mm (W) x 66 mm (D)]
• System network clock
Mounting DIN rail, 4M wide
for synchronizing
Serial Termination Temp.: 32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C), RH: 95%, noncondensing communications data
Storage Environment Temp.: 14° F to 140° F (-10° C to 60° C), RH: 95%, noncondensing • PC Interface: Three RS-
UL: Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment, CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment 232 serial connectors for
Standards connecting to a PC or to
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device, EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD
external devices: (1) 9-pin
*For Diagram see technical section page 147 D-type serial connector
(female) and (2) 8-pin RJ-45
Catalog Number Description • USB Model: USB (B-Type)
SLC5500PC PC Interface
• Two C-Bus network
connector ports: RJ-45
PC Interface USB Technical Information • Data cable for connecting
PCI and personal computer,
C-bus input voltage 15 – 36 Vdc including DB9 connectors
Current drawn 22 mA
Electrical isolation rating 500 Vrms continuous C-Bus/RS232
Communications USB Type A to B
Operating temperature 32° F – 113° F (0° C – 45° C)
Operating humidity range 95% RH; non-condensing
Terminals C-Bus, RJ45 connectors (2), USB to PC
Dimensions 2.84 in. (L) x 3.35 in. (W) x 2.60 in. (D) [72 mm (L) x 85 mm (W) x 66 mm (D)]
Weight 0.23 lbs (104 g)

*For Diagram see technical section page 148

Catalog Number Description

SLC5500PCU PC Interface, USB Model

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control system units

Network Bridge
The C-Bus Network Bridge provides a communication channel between C-Bus units
on separate networks, expanding the total number of units that can be configured,
controlled, and monitored.

Network Bridge

Technical Information Product Features

Voltage Requirements 15 – 36 Vdc @ 18 mA required for normal operation, drawn from each connected C-Bus network • Increases transmission
distances by acting as a
Electrical Isolation 3.5 kV RMS for 1 min (between networks) repeater station for data
Status Network A, Network B transmission
Power ON, Communications in progress • Expands the total number
Indicators of C-Bus devices that can
Power OFF, Not connected/insufficient power
operate on the system
Propagation Delay 250 ms (delay for message transfer between two adjacent C-Bus Networks) by isolating devices to
Interconnect In parallel: 51 networks (50 network bridges) individual networks
[In parallel: 50 networks
Capacity In series: 7 networks (6 network bridges)
(50 network bridges)
C-Bus System Clock Software selectable In series: 7 networks
(6 network bridges)]
C-Bus Network Burden Software selectable
C-Bus Connection (2) pair of RJ-45 sockets for connection to C-Bus networks
• Indicates each network’s
status level
Dimensions 2.84 in. (H) x 3.35 in. (W) x 2.60 in. (D) [72 mm (H) x 85 mm (W) x 66 mm (D)]
• Stores operating status
Weight 3.35 oz (95 g) in non-volatile memory
Operating Environment Temp.: 32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C) RH: 95%, noncondensing for recovery from a
power outage
UL: Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment
CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment • Uses built-in connectors
Standards to connect to a C-Bus
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device
EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD

*For Diagram see technical section page 148

Catalog Number Description

SLC5500NB Network Bridge

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control system units

Power Supply
The C-Bus Power Supply is specifically designed to operate with the C-Bus network
as a power source for passive C-Bus devices.

The power supply mounts to a DIN rail and connects to the C-Bus network through
built-in RJ-45 connectors.

These devices are UL listed as Class 2 power supplies and are suitable for parallel
operation. Up to five power supplies can be connected to a single C-Bus network.

Power Supply

Technical Information Product Features

Nominal Line Voltage Operates at 120 or 277 Vac, ±10%, with a frequency range from 50 – 60 Hz • Available in 120 and
277 Vac models
Electrical Isolation 3.75 kV RMS from C-Bus to the line
• Regulating power supply
Current Output 350 mA to the C-Bus network compensates for line
Unit: Unit power voltage and frequency
Status Indicators variations, so there is
C-Bus: Network voltage level and presence of system clock
constant output
Power Supplies per Network Up to five power supplies on a single C-Bus network
• Sources up to 350 mA to
C-Bus Connection (2) RJ-45 sockets for connection to the C-Bus network the C-Bus network
Cable (1) 15.75 in. (400 mm) patch lead included • UL listed to operate in
Dimensions 3.35 in. (H) x 2.84 in. (W) x 2.60 in. (D) [85 mm (H) x 72 mm (W) x 66 mm (D)] parallel with other C-Bus
power supplies, up to five
Mounting DIN rail, 4M wide
on a single C-Bus network
Weight 7 oz (200 g)
• Incorporates short circuit
Temp.: 32° F to 104° F (0° C to 40° C) and reverse polarity
Operating Environment
Environment RH: 95%, noncondensing protection

Storage Environment
Temp.: 14° F to 140° F (-10° C to 60° C) • Indicates the line voltage
Environment RH: 95%, noncondensing status with a Unit LED
UL: Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment • Indicates the network
CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment status, including the
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device network power and the
EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD presence of the C-Bus
clock, with a C-Bus LED
*For Diagram see technical section page 148
• Standard built-in C-Bus
network connectors:
(2) RJ-45
Catalog Number Description
SLC5500TPS 120 Vac Power Supply
SLC5500HPS 277 Vac Power Supply

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control system units

Device Power Supply
The Powerlink Device Power Supply is used to distribute power on a C-Bus
network. Placed at critical points on the network, device power supplies will
provide the current necessary for operating a variety of passive Schneider Electric
C-Bus devices.

A Powerlink Device Power Supply consists of a C-Bus 8M enclosure containing

one or two 4M Power Supplies.

Powerlink Device Power Supply

Technical Information Product Features

Nominal Line Voltage Operates at 120 or 277 Vac, ±10%, with a frequency range from 50 – 60 Hz • Surface-mount NEMA 1
enclosure with trim
Maximum Line Current 9.9 mA for 120 V power supply 4.3 mA for 277 V power supply assembly
Electrical Isolation 3.75 kV RMS from C-Bus to the line • Unit and C-Bus LEDs
Current Output 350 mA (single power supply unit) 700 mA (dual power supply unit) indicate the status of
the line voltage and the
Dimensions 12.57 in. (L) x 8.88 in. (W) x 3.8 in. (D) [319 mm (L) x 226 mm (W) x 97 mm (D)] network
Weight One power supply: 8.84 lb (4.01 kg) Two power supplies: 9.28 lb (4.21 kg) • Sources up to 700 mA
Operating Environment Temp.: 32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C) RH: 95%, noncondensing (dual power supplies) to the
C-Bus network
UL: Listed 508A Industrial Control Equipment
CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment • 120 or 277 Vac
Standards models available
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device
EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD • UTP connection jumper
*For Diagram see technical section page 89 included for dual supply

Catalog Number Description

NFDP1120G3C 120 V Powerlink Single Power Supply
NFDP2120G3C 120 V Powerlink Dual Power Supply
NFDP1277G3C 277 V Powerlink Single Power Supply
NFDP2277G3C 277 V Powerlink Dual Power Supply

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control system units

Device Router
The Powerlink Device Router allows the exchange of data between a Powerlink
NF3000G3C controller and Schneider Electric C-Bus devices.

The bidirectional device router can receive data from C-Bus input devices and send
the data to the Powerlink panel/network. It can also receive data such as a contact
closure from the Powerlink input and send that data to a C-Bus output/network.

The device router consists of a 8M enclosure containing a PC Interface and a Power

Supply. Communication between the device router and the NF3000G3C controller is
made with the included 50-foot serial cable.

Powerlink Device Router

Technical Information Product Features

Nominal Line Voltage Operates at 120 or 277 Vac, ± 10%, with a frequency range from 50 – 60 Hz • Surface-mount NEMA 1
Maximum Line Current 9.9 mA for 120 V device router 4.3 mA for 277 V device router enclosure with trim
Electrical Isolation 3.75 kV RMS from C-Bus to the line
• Unit, Unit/Comms, and
Current Output 350 mA to the C-Bus network C-Bus LEDs indicate the
Unit and Unit/Comms: Line voltage, unit power, and data transmission status of data transmission
Status Indicators and power to the unit and
C-Bus: Power levels and presence of C-Bus clock
the network
Serial Connection (1) 9-pin RS-232 D-type serial connector (2) RS-232 RJ-45 connectors
• System network clock
C-Bus Connection (2) RJ-45 sockets for connection to the C-Bus network for synchronizing
Data Cable 50 ft. serial communications data
Dimensions 12.57 in. (L) x 8.88 in. (W) x 3.8 in. (D) [319 mm (L) x 226 mm (W) x 97 mm (D)] • Network power source,
supplying up to 350 mA
Weight 9.1 lbs (4.13 kg)
• 120 or 277Vac
Operating Environment Temp.: 32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C) RH: 95%, noncondensing models available
UL: Listed 508A Industrial Control Equipment
CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device
EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD

*For Diagram see technical section page 89

Catalog Number Description

NFDR120G3C 120 V Powerlink Device Router
NFDR277G3C 277 V Powerlink Device Router

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control system units

Pascal Automation Controller
The C-Bus Pascal Automation Controller (PAC) provides extended conditional and
real-time event programming to C-Bus systems. The PAC supports a full range of
programming commands including conditional logic, flow control, variables and

Systems integrators will appreciate the built-in scheduling tools, scene tools,
and wizards for creating basic logic programs. Full programming capabilities
can be achieved utilizing the free-form script editor based off the PASCAL
programming language.

The PAC directly connects to a wired C-Bus system. Programs are downloaded
from a personal computer through a USB connection.

Pascal Automation Controller

Technical Information Product Features

C-Bus Supply Voltage 15 – 36 Vdc @ 32 mA Drawn from the C-Bus network
• Conditional and real-time
events programming
RS-232 Supply Voltage 24 Vac @ 20 mA (power source not provided) for C-Bus
Battery Backup
12 Vdc @ 30 mA (power source not provided) • Connects directly to C-Bus
Supply Voltage network

2 C-Bus RJ-45 sockets (in parallel), 2 RS-232 RJ-45 sockets, 1 USB type B socket, screw • Powered from the C-Bus
terminals for 12Vdc battery and 24Vac power network
C-Bus System Clock Software selectable • USB port for connection
Network Burden Software selectable to personal computer
Status Indicators Unit/Comms, C-Bus, Status and User • (2) RS-232 ports for third
party device control
Dimensions 2.83 x 3.62 x 2.48 inches (72 x 92 x 63 mm)
• Real time, astronomical
Weight 5.29 oz (150 g) and C-Bus system clock
Mounting DIN 4M wide included with 24 hour
internal capacitor backup
Operating Environment 32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C) 10% – 95% RH, noncondensing and external 12 Vdc
Standards CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment battery terminals

*For Diagram see technical section page 149

Catalog Number Description including:
SLC5500PACA Pascal Automation Controller
• Conditional logic
(if, then, and, or, not, etc.)
• Flow Control
(for, repeat, while)
• Variables (integer, real,
Boolean, character, string)
• Control and monitoring of
group addresses
• Control and monitoring
of scenes

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control input units

General Input Unit
The C-Bus Four-Channel General Input Units are DIN-rail mounted devices that
measure TTL digital and real-world analog quantities and generate messages about
the measurements to the C- Bus network. By acting as an interface with various
external sensors, the general input unit enables integration of the C-Bus network
with a variety of system types, such as those for HVAC and for power monitoring.

Configuration options include selectable input types, eight adjustable decision

thresholds per channel, definable actions, selectable filtering, broadcast rates, and a
separate hysteresis value per channel.
General Input Unit

Technical Information
Nominal Voltage Product Features
15 – 36 volts @18 mA from the C-Bus network
• Measures TTL digital quantities including voltage, current, or
Nominal 120 Vac
resistance from external sensors such as light level, pressure,
16 – 27 Vac/dc, ±10%, 50 – 60 Hz, provided by an external power and temperature
Nominal Supply Voltage
supply (included)
• Four channels of input, each with an adjustable hysteresis
AC Input Impedance 100 kOhm @ 1 kHz value, eight decision thresholds, and a software-selectable
External Power Supply 24 Vac @ 500 mA input value transformation in the form y = ax +b
Electrical Isolation 500 V RMS per input • Input channels are compatible with a range of third-party
Nominal 24 Vdc sensors
24 Vdc @ 250 mA, ±10% General Input
Output Voltage
• L ook-up table with interpolation
Digital Sensor Input TTL, 5 V from external source
• Capable of threshold switching or broadcasting values onto
Analog Sensor Inputs: the network
Voltage Ranges 0 – 1, 0 – 5, 0 – 10, 0 – 20 Vdc
Input Current Ranges 0 – 20 mA DC, 4 – 20 mA DC • Control functions include load switching, dimming, trigger
Resistance Ranges 0 – 500 ohm, 0 – 1000 ohm, 0 – 3000 ohm, 0 – 10000 ohm applications, enable control applications, and measurement
Maximum Input
-20 V to 60 Vdc • Measures input signals up to 10 Hz and has an adjustable
Input Voltage Range input-signal filter to reduce susceptibility to impulse and noise
At least 100 kOhm
Impedance • Supplies 250 mA to external sensors
Current Sense • LEDs indicate the status of the network at the unit and the
249 ohm
Impedance unit’s power and data transmissions
Resistance Range
Injection Current
500 μA •S  oftware-selectable network burden and C-Bus system clock
Basic Accuracy after • Standard built-in C-Bus network connectors: (2) RJ-45
0.5% of full scale
Calibration • Non-volatile memory stores operating status for recovery
Maximum Input from a power outage
10 Hz
• Includes 120 V/24 Vac power pack
Broadcast Rates 2 – 1024 sec
Number of Units
per Network
C-Bus Connections (2) RJ-45 connectors, CAT 5 UTP cable required
Cable 15.75 in. (400 mm) patch lead included
Terminals Accommodate 16 – 12 AWG cable (2 x 1.31 mm2 or 1 x 3.31 mm2)
Unit/Comms: Unit power and data transmission
Status Indicators
C-Bus: Power levels and presence of C-Bus clock
Dimensions 5.7 in. (L) x 3.4 in. (W) x 2.6 in.(H) [144 mm (L) x 85 mm (W) x 65 mm (H)]
Weight 7 oz (190 g)
Mounting DIN rail, 8M wide
Operating Environment 32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C) RH: 95%, noncondensing
CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital
EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD
UL Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment

*For Diagram see technical section page 149

Catalog Number Description

SLCE5504TGI 4 Channel General Input Unit

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control input units

Bus Coupler
The C-Bus Bus Couplers are non-isolated input devices that provide an interface
between dry-contact mechanical switches and a C-Bus network. The bus coupler
increases the versatility of the C-Bus network by facilitating remote access with any
dry-contact switch mechanism offered by Schneider Electric and other manufacturers.

A system’s flexibility can be further enhanced by using the bus coupler with various
other switch types, including reed, pressure, or micro switches.

Available in two- and four-channel models, the bus coupler is small enough to be
used in restricted spaces. Configuration options include standard control functions
such as ON/OFF, toggle, dimmers, and timers.
Four-Channel Bus Coupler

Technical Information Product Features

Nominal Voltage • Provides two or four non-isolated inputs for external
15 – 36 Vdc @ 18 mA, drawn from the C-Bus network voltage-free mechanical switches. Two-channel units feature
independent remote LED outputs
Electrical Isolation None
External Switch Opens: 5 Vdc
• Control options include ON/OFF, toggle, dimmer, or timer
Voltage Across Input
External Switch Closes: 0 Vdc • Orange LED for each channel to indicate operational status
Current–Switch Closed Less than 50 μA • Two-way removable terminal block for the C-Bus connection
Distance Between 2-Channel Coupler: Up to 1 ft. (0.3 m) each •  erminal block allows connection of up to four external
Switch and Bus switches (four-channel coupler) or two external switches and
4-Channel Coupler: Up to 3 ft. (1 m) each
Coupler two external LEDs (two-channel coupler)
LED Drive Output 2-Channel Coupler only: 2 mA @ 12 V • Small size for adaptation to restricted spaces
Maximum Input • Non-volatile memory stores operating status for recovery
-20 to 60 Vdc
from a power outage
Number of Units per Use the C-Bus Calculator, a software utility, to determine the total
Network network current load • Receives data and power over a network, so it does not
require power packs or line voltage connections
Two-way removable screw-type terminals accommodating
C-Bus Connections
24 – 16 AWG cable (0.2 – 1.31 mm2)
Channel Input Spring-loaded terminal block accommodating
Connections 24 – 12 AWG cable (0.2 – 3.31 mm2)
Status Indicators Channel (2 or 4)
Timers 1 sec – 18 hr, 1 sec intervals
Dimensions 2.2 in. (L) x 1.9 in. (W) x 0.7 in. (H)) [55 mm (L) x 49 mm (W) x 18 mm (H)]
Weight 1.1 oz (32 g)
Operating Environment 32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C) RH: 95%, noncondensing
UL: Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment
CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital,
EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD
*For Diagram see technical section page 149

Catalog Number Description

SLC5102BCLEDL Two-Channel Bus Coupler
SLC5104BCL Four-Channel Bus Coupler

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control input units

Four-Channel Auxiliary Input
The C-Bus Four-Channel Auxiliary Inputs are isolated four-channel input units that
provide an interface between voltage-free mechanical switches and a C-Bus network.

An auxiliary unit increases the versatility of the C-Bus network by facilitating remote
access with any dry-contact switch mechanism offered by Schneider Electric or other

DIN-rail mounted for quick installation, the auxiliary unit can be configured with
standard C-Bus control functions such as remote scene triggering, ON/OFF, toggle,
dimmer, or timer.

Four-Channel Auxiliary Input Unit

Technical Information
Nominal Voltage
15 – 36 Vdc @ 18 mA, drawn from the C-Bus network
C-Bus/Remote Input: 500 V RMS
Product Features
Electrical Isolation
Remote Input: 500 V RMS
• Provides four isolated inputs for external voltage-free
Voltage Across Input External Switch Opens: 5 Vdc External Switch Closes: 0 Vdc mechanical switches
Current–Switch • Control options include remote scene triggering,
0.4 mA
ON/OFF, toggle, dimmer, or timer operations
Up to 1000 ohm, including cable resistance (26.5 ohms per km
Switch Resistance
resistance for #18 copper wire coated DC current resistance) • Orange LEDs indicate operational status, one for
each channel
Number of Units Use the C-Bus Calculator, a software utility, to determine the total
per Network network current load •S  tandard built-in C-Bus network connectors: (2) RJ-45
C-Bus Connections (2) RJ-45 connectors, CAT 5 UTP cable required • Non-volatile memory stores operating status for recovery
Cable 15.75 in. (400 mm) patch lead included from a power outage
Accommodate one 12 or two 14-22 AWG cables
(1 x 3.1 mm2) or 2 x 2.0-0.3 mm2)]
Status Indicators Channel: (4) orange LEDs to indicate the load status for each channel
Timers 1 sec – 18 hr, 1 sec intervals
Dimensions 3.4 in. (L) x 2.8 in. (W) x 2.6 in. (H)) [85 mm (L) x 72 mm (W) x 65 mm (H)]
Weight 4.6 oz (130 g)
Mounting DIN rail, 4M wide
32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C) RH: 95%, noncondensing
UL: Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment
CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device
EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD
*For Diagram see technical section page 150

Catalog Number Description

SLCLE5504AUX 4 Channel Auxiliary Input Unit

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control Input Units

DIN Fan Controller
The SLC5501RFCP C-Bus DIN Fan Controller unit is a DIN rail mounted C-Bus
output device that provides single-button speed control for a single ceiling fan.

The Fan Controller can be installed in a standard C-Bus enclosure, or in an optional

enclosure, such as SLC5501FRE plastic enclosure, on a wall or in a ceiling space.

The SLC5501RFCP Fan Controller provides C-Bus control of a ceiling fan for up to
three speeds (Low, Medium and High) and off and can be displayed in C-Bus DLT
keypads. Control can be included in scenes and schedules. Fan controllers are
Master/slave configurable, so multiple fans can be controlled from a single switch
using multiple controllers.

The unit is for indoor use only. The fan controller must be mounted in an enclosure
that is properly-rated for the application. A qualified person must install the
electrical connections.

Technical Information
C-Bus input voltage 15 – 36 Vdc
18 mA, powered from C-Bus network, does not provide power
C-Bus current requirement
for the C-Bus network
Maximum units
per network
Network clock Software selectable
Network burden Software selectable when Unit Address is 001
AC input impedance 100 kΩ @ 1 kHz
Warm-up time 10 seconds
Electrical isolation 3.75 kV from C-Bus to mains
Input voltage for fan motor 120 Vac; input circuit must have a suitable circuit breaker
Fan load rating 1.5 A FLA
Motor load rating 1.5 FLA, 9 LRA
Continuous duty. Line and neutral are switched. Fan motor and
Switch duty type (S1)
neutral are switched.
Speed control Three unique fan speeds Low, Med, and Hi and Off.
C-Bus: 2 x RJ-45
Connectors Fan: 2 x screw type for one 16 AWG (1.5 mm²) wire
Input Power: 2 x screw type for up to two 16 AWG (1.5 mm²)
Indicators Unit, C-Bus, 3 x Fan speed
Control Local override pushbutton, not illuminated
Rated impulse
4 kV
withstand voltage
DIN rail, or wall or ceiling space mounting in the optional plastic
Mounting type
enclosure; For indoor use only
Fan Controller Relay Unit: 5.11 oz (145 g)
Optional plastic enclosure: 7.76 oz (220 g)
Operating temperature 32° F to 149° F (0° C to 65° C)
Humidity 10% to 95% RH, non condensing
*For Diagram see technical section page 150
Note: There are no user-serviceable parts. The unit draws no power from mains and requires no line
connection to operate.

Catalog Number Description

SLC5501RFCP C-Bus output unit for controlling a ceiling fan
SLC5501FRE* Enclosure to accommodate a C-Bus ceiling fan controller
output unit

*The SLC5501FRE is optional equipment and not UL certified or rated for plenum use. Use an enclosure that
is properly-rated for your application.

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighti ng Control sensors

Indoor PIR Occupancy Sensor
The C-Bus Indoor PIR Occupancy Sensor provides reliable thermal-radiation-based
control of lighting and other C-Bus output devices.

Suitable for wall or ceiling mounting, this sensor offers a continuous detection field
of 400 square feet and a 90° field of view. The entire detection field has uniform
sensitivity and no dead zones, making it an ideal lighting-control solution for offices,
corridors, and conference rooms.

Configuration options include an adjustable light-level sensor that can be set to

automatically turn off lights when ambient light levels are sufficient or turn on lights
when ambient light levels are insufficient.

Technical Information Indoor PIR Occupancy Sensor

Nominal Voltage
15 – 36 Vdc @ 18 mA, drawn from the C-Bus network
Field of View 90°
PIR Detection Field Typically 400 sq ft. (37 sq m)
Product Features
Light-Level inhibit
0.1 footcandle (1 lux) to full sunlight
Threshold • Indoor use, wall or ceiling-mounted unit with a 90° field
Timer Delay Range 0 sec – 18 hr, 1 sec interval of view and a detection area of 400 square feet
Number of Units per Use the C-Bus Calculator, a software utility, to determine the total • LED can be configured to indicate motion detection
Network network current load
• Light-level sensor has Sunrise/Sunset settings, clock
Screw-type terminals, input terminals accommodate 24 – 16 AWG cable overrides, and adjustable sensitivity ranging from 0.1 foot
C-Bus Connection
(0.2 – 1.31 mm2)
candle to full sunlight
Status Indicators LED can be configured to turn on when movement is detected
• Advanced circuitry to help prevent false triggering, including
Dimensions 3.9 in. (W) x 2.2 in. (H) [100 mm (W) x 57 mm (H)] electrostatic and electromagnetic shields, dual element
Weight 4.4 oz (125 g) detectors, pyroelectric ceramic sensors, and an optical
Surface: Ceiling or wall band pass filter
Ht: 8 ft. (2.4 m) above floor • Controls up to four C-Bus group addresses that can be
Operating individually scheduled
Indoor 32° F to 122° F (0° C to 50° C)
• Non-volatile memory stores operating status for recovery
UL: Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment from a power outage
CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device
• Receives data and power over a network, so the sensor
does not require power packs or line voltage connections
EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD
*For Diagram see technical section page 150

Catalog Number Description

SLC5751L 90° Indoor PIR Occupancy Sensor

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighti ng Control sensors

360° PIR Occupancy Sensor
The C-Bus 360° Indoor PIR Occupancy Sensor combines a passive infrared receiver
(PIR) for occupancy sensing and a light-level sensor into a small, highly versatile unit.
The multi-sensor’s 2.8 inch face diameter makes it unobtrusive and ideally suited for
flush mounting on the ceiling.

This sensor has a 360 degree field of view with an effective coverage pattern of
more than 800 feet, so it is ideally suited for offices, copier rooms, closets, and
restrooms. Multiple sensors can be connected to the same C-Bus network to
provide larger coverage patterns.

Configuration options include adjustable time delays for automatic shut-off following
a preset time period without detected motion and an adjustable light-level sensor
that can be set to automatically turn off lights when ambient light levels are sufficient
or turn on lights when ambient light levels are insufficient. 360° PIR Occupancy Sensor

Technical Information Product Features

Nominal Voltage • 360° detection pattern, indoor use
15 – 36 Vdc @ 18 mA, drawn from the C-Bus network
Requirements • Effective coverage area is more than 800 square feet
Field of View 360° when unit is mounted 8 feet above the floor
PIR Rated Typically 800 sq ft. (74 sq m) when sensor is mounted 8 ft. (2.4 m) •D  ual element detectors minimize false triggering
Detection Field above floor
• LEDs indicate movement detection and status of the IR
Light-Level inhibit
0.1 footcandle (1 lux) to full sunlight receiver, and the light-level sensor
Timer Delay 0 sec to 18 hr • Can control up to four scenes or group addresses that
can be individually scheduled
Number of Units per Use the C-Bus Calculator, a software utility, to determine the total
Network network current load • Adjustable light-level sensor with Sunrise/Sunset and
C-Bus Connection Two removable terminal blocks, requires CAT 5 data cable clock overrides
Status Indicators LED can be configured to turn on when movement is detected • Attractive, low profile unit can be flush mounted on ceiling
or suspended from wall tiles where it is unobtrusive, with
Dimensions 4.1 in. (L) x 2.8 in. (W) [103 mm (L) x 72 mm (W)]
a face diameter of only 2.8 inches
Weight 4.4 oz (125 g)
• Non-volatile memory stores operating status for recovery
Surface: Ceiling
from a power outage
Ht: 8 ft. (2.4 m) above floor
Mounting • Receives data and power over a network. No power
Max. Ht: 12 ft. (3.7 m) above floor
Min. Ceiling Thickness: 0.4 – 0.75 in. (10 – 19.1 mm) packs or line voltage connections required
Operating Indoor only
32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C)
RH: 95%, noncondensing
UL: Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment
CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device
EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD
*For Diagram see technical section page 151

Catalog Number Description

SLC5753L 360° PIR Occupancy Sensor

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control sensors

360° PIR Multi-Sensor
The C-Bus 360° PIR Multi-Sensor combines a passive infrared receiver (PIR) for
occupancy sensing, a light-level sensor, and an infrared remote receiver into a small,
highly versatile unit. The sensor’s 2.8 inch face diameter makes it unobtrusive and
ideally suited for flush mounting on the ceiling.

Configuration options for the occupancy sensor include adjustable time delays
for automatic shut-off following a preset time period without detected motion and
an adjustable light-level sensor to turn on lights automatically when ambient light
levels are low or turn off lights when ambient light levels are sufficient. The built-in IR
receiver accepts commands from an optional handheld remote controller, making
the sensor ideal for classrooms and conference room areas.

360° PIR Multi-Sensor

Technical Information
Nominal Voltage
15 – 36 Vdc @ 18 mA, drawn from the C-Bus network
Field of View 360°
PIR Rated Typically 800 sq ft. (74 sq m) when sensor is mounted 8 ft. (2.4 m) Product Features
Detection Field above floor
• 360° detection pattern, indoor use
IR Receiver Rated Typically 800 sq ft. (74 sq m) when sensor is mounted 8 ft. (2.4 m)
Detection Field above floor • Effective detection area of occupancy sensor is more than
Light-Level inhibit 800 square feet when unit is mounted 8 feet above the floor.
0.1 footcandle (1 lux) to full sunlight Effective IR coverage is 800 square feet.
Timer Delay 0 sec to 18 hr • Dual element detectors minimize false triggering
Number of Units per Use the C-Bus Calculator, a software utility, to determine the total • LEDs indicate movement detection and status of the IR
Network network current load receiver, the occupancy sensor, and the light-level sensor
C-Bus Connection Two removable terminal blocks, requires CAT 5 data cable • Can control up to eight C-Bus scenes or directly control
PIR Sensor or IR Receiver (activity) up to eight C-Bus group addresses that can be individually
Status Indicators PIR Sensor (enabled/disabled) scheduled
Light Level Maint. (enabled/disabled) • Adjustable light-level sensor has Sunrise/Sunset and clock
Dimensions 4.1 in. (L) x 2.8 in. (W) [103 mm (L) x 72 mm (W)] overrides
Weight 4.4 oz (125 g) • Attractive, low profile unit can be flush mounted on ceiling or
Surface: Ceiling suspended from wall tiles where it is unobtrusive, with a face
Ht: 8 ft. (2.4 m) above floor diameter of only 2.8 inches
Max. Ht: 12 ft. (3.7 m) above floor • Optional handheld remote controller (SLC5084TX,
Min. Ceiling Thickness: 0.4 – 0.75 in. (10 – 19.1 mm) SLC5088TX)
Operating Indoor only
• Non-volatile memory stores operating status for recovery from
32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C) a power outage
RH: 95%, noncondensing
• Receives data and power over a network, so the sensor does
UL: Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment not require power packs or line voltage connections
CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device
EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD
*For Diagram see technical section page 151

Catalog Number Description

SLC5753PEIRL 360° PIR Multi-Sensor

Accessories Description
SLC5084TX IR 4-Button Remote Controller (ordered separately)
SLC5088TX IR 8-Button Remote Controller (ordered separately)

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control sensors

Outdoor Motion Sensor
The C-Bus Outdoor PIR Motion Sensor combines reliable thermal-radiation-based
control of lighting with rugged construction suitable for outdoor requirements. The
unit’s advanced circuits and flat multi-segmented lens provide coverage of up to
3000 square feet in a 110° field of view.

The detection area incorporates a multi-faceted lens, which ensures fast response
to motion and few dead zones. Electrostatic and electromagnetic shields, dual
element detectors, an optical bandpass filter, and pyroelectric ceramic sensors are
used to reduce the incidence of false triggering.

Configuration options include an adjustable light-level sensor that can be set to

automatically turn off lights when ambient light levels are sufficient or turn on lights
when ambient light levels are insufficient.

Outdoor PIR Motion Sensor

Technical Information
Nominal Voltage
15 – 36 Vdc @ 18 mA, drawn from the C-Bus network Product Features
Field of View 110° • Outdoor use, wall or ceiling-mounted unit with a 110° field of
PIR Detection Field Typically 3000 sq ft. (279 sq m) view and a detection area up to 3000 square feet in diameter
Light-Level inhibit • Lens has 12 overlapping zones on each of 4 levels, forming a
0.1 footcandle (1 lux) to full sunlight continuous detection field
Number of
18 Long Range, 16 Intermediate Range, 10 Short Range, 4 ultra Short
•R  ugged construction and pre-wired flexible cord
Detection Zones
• LED indicates motion detection
Timer Delay Range 0 sec to 18 hr
• Light-level sensor has Sunrise/Sunset settings, clock
Number of Units Use the C-Bus Calculator, a software utility, to determine the total network overrides, and adjustable sensitivity ranging from
per Network current load
0.1 footcandle to full sunlight
C-Bus Connection One terminal block
• Controls up to four C-Bus group addresses that can be
Status Indicators LED can be configured to turn on when movement is detected individually scheduled
Dimensions 4.5 in. (L) x 2.9 in. (W) x 5.5 in. (D) [114 mm (L) x 74 mm (W) x 140 mm (D)]
• Non-volatile memory stores operating status for recovery from
Weight 8 oz (227 g) a power outage
Standard plate/box with 3.3 in. (84 mm) mounting centers • Receives data and power over a network, so the sensor does
Mounting Surface: Ceiling or wall not require power packs or line voltage connections
Ht: 8 ft. (2.4 m) above floor
Operating Outdoor only
Environment 32° F to +122° F (0° C to +50° C)
UL: Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment
CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device
EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD
*For Diagram see technical section page 151

Catalog Number Description

SLC5750WPL 110° Outdoor PIR Motion Sensor

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control sensors

Light-Level Sensor
The C-Bus Light-Level Sensor measures ambient light levels and automatically issues
ON, OFF, or ramp commands over a C-Bus network. The light-level sensor can
control relays, dimmers, or remotely operated circuit breakers, changing their status
according to pre-set ambient lighting levels.

The C-Bus light-level sensor has a dynamic range between 5‑150 footcandles,
and compensates for noise and rapid light intensity fluctuations by using filtering
and hysteresis.

The light-level sensor can control up to two C-Bus group addresses: one address
controls the switching ON/OFF of a lamp circuit according to the amount of ambient
light, while the other is used to continuously regulate the light-level output of any
number of lamps.

Light Level Sensor

Technical Information
Nominal Voltage
15 – 36 Vdc @ 18 mA, drawn from the C-Bus network
Reads: 2 – 278 footcandles (20 – 3000 lux)
Light Level
Controls: 5 – 148 footcandles (40 – 1600 lux) Product Features
Field of View 180°
• Can maintain constant illumination levels of 5‑150 footcandles
C-Bus Connection Accommodates 6 x 24 AWG cable (6 x 0.2 mm2)
• Controls up to two C-Bus group addresses, one set for
Can be configured to report state of any one of three group addresses:
Status Indicators ON/OFF operations and one set for ramping operations
Enabled, ON/OFF, or Ramp
Dimensions 4.57 in. (L) x 2.99 in. (W) x 1.93 in. (D) [116 mm (L) x 76 mm (W) x 49 mm (D)] • 180° field of view
Weight 3 oz (85 g) • Can be enabled or disabled over the C-Bus network
Operating Indoor only • Stores operating status in non-volatile memory for recovery
32° F to 122° F (0° C to 50° C) from a power outage
RH: 95%, noncondensing • Receives data and power over a single C-Bus twisted
UL: Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment pair cable
CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment • Verifies status of input and output devices on same C-Bus
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device application address, updating input status if necessary
EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD
• LED can be configured to indicate current status of any C-Bus
*For Diagram see technical section page 151 group address
• Attractive, wall-mounted, low-profile unit

Catalog Number Description

SLC5031PE Light-Level Sensor

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control sensors

Outdoor Light-Level Sensor
The C-Bus light-level sensor measures ambient light levels and automatically issues
ON/OFF or ramp commands over a C-Bus network to maintain outdoor lighting
levels. Primarily designed for outdoor use, this light-level sensor is also suitable for
indoor settings in which a water resistant casing is desirable.

Technical Information
Nominal Voltage
15 – 36 Vdc @ 18 mA, drawn from the C-Bus network
Field of View 180° Outdoor Light Level Sensor
Reads: 2 – 278 footcandles (20 – 3000 lux)
Light-Level Range
Controls: 5 – 148 footcandles (40 – 1600 lux)
Screw-type input terminals accommodate 6 x 24 AWG cable (6 x 0.2 mm²)
C-Bus Connection
Connection requires CAT 5 data cable
Max. Units/Network Based on the total network current load and available power
Conduit Openings Sized for 20 mm and 25 mm conduit fittings
Product Features
Dimensions 4 in. (L) x 4 in. (W) x 2.5 in. (D) [102 mm (L) x 102 mm (W) x 65 mm (D)] • Outdoor use, wall- and ceiling-mounted low-profile unit
Weight 10.8 oz (305 g) • Can maintain a constant illumination level of
Indoor or outdoor, wall or ceiling 5 – 150 footcandles
Indoor Height: At least 6.5 ft. (1.9 m) above floor
•C  ontrol of up to two C-Bus group addresses
Operating Outdoor or indoor -22° F to 122° F (-30° C to 50° C)
Environment RH: 95%, noncondensing
• Sensors receive data and power over a single C-Bus
twisted-pair cable, so they do not require power packs
Standards FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device or line-voltage connections
*For Diagram see technical section page 152 • 180° field of view

Catalog Number Description

SLC5031PEWP Outdoor Light-Level Sensor

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control output units

Professional Series Dimmer
The C-Bus Professional Dimmers are designed to control incandescent and
compatible low-voltage lighting. These dimmers are ideal for tight space applications
where traditional rack mounted assemblies are not practical.

Professional dimmer units are available in 5 A (4 channels), 10 A (two channels),

and 20 A (one channel) models. Each channel provides independent dimming
and incorporates thermal overload and over-current protection. These dimmer
units automatically compensate for voltage and frequency fluctuations and employ
advanced phase-control techniques to reduce flicker and increase lamp life.

The aluminum enclosure acts as a heat sink and is designed for easy wall
mounting, including keyhole mounts and removable terminals for the C-Bus and
override connections. An optional terminal box is available for conduit connections.
Configuration options include network monitoring of the channel load and network
voltages, adjustable delays for dimming levels, and master override.
10A, 2-Channel Professional Dimmer Unit

Technical Information Product Features

Nominal Voltage • Suitable for use with resistive and inductive loads and low-
C-Bus voltage 15 – 36 Vdc voltage lamps utilizing iron core or electronic transformers
Nominal Line Supply • Quick-mounting design, including keyhole mounts, front
110 – 120 Vac, ±10%, 50/60 Hz and rear cable access, and removable terminals for C-Bus
Voltage and Frequency
Useable Output Current 60 mA connections
Frequency Drift 3 Hz per minute, maximum • Specialized dimming modes–soft turn on/off and linearized
brightness control
Frequency Step Change 0.1 Hz (maximum)
Minimum Load 100 W per channel • Built-in power supply sources 60 mA to the C-Bus network
Current Sensing 5 – 100% of full-rated load, 5% accuracy • Compensates for fluctuations in frequency and voltage of
Efficiency 98%
power source
Number of Units Use the C-Bus Calculator, a software utility, to determine the total • Monitors load current by channel
per Network network current load • Integral thermal overload protection on each channel
C-Bus Connections Four-way removable screw terminals, CAT 5 UTP cable required • Individual channels can be turned On/Off at the unit or via
Accommodates one #12 or up to two #14 AWG cable C-Bus commands
Load Terminals
[(3.31 mm2 – 1.3 mm2)]
• LEDs indicate the status of the network at the unit and the
Auxiliary Contacts 2.5 A @ 120 Vac, normally open, voltage free, resistive status of the unit’s load and power
Status Indicators Channel, Unit and C-Bus
• Optional terminal box for connecting conduit
9.45 in. (L) x 7.95 in. (W) x 2.95 in. (H))
[240 mm (L) x 202 mm (W) x 75 mm (H)] • Non-volatile memory stores operating status for recovery from
a power outage
Weight 4.85 lb (2.2 kg)
Operating Environment 32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C) RH: 95%, noncondensing
UL508 Industrial Control Equipment
CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device
EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD
*For Diagram see technical section page 152

Catalog Number Description

SLC5104TD5 Professional Dimmer 5 A, 4 Channel, 120 Vac
SLC5102TD10 Professional Dimmer 10 A, 2 Channel, 120 Vac
SLC5101TD20 Professional Dimmer 20 A, 1 Channel 120 Vac

Accessories Description
SLCU5100TB Terminal Box

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighti ng Control output units

Phase Angle Dimmers
The C-Bus Phase Angle Dimmers are C-Bus controlled output units suitable for
incandescent and compatible low-voltage lighting. These units are designed to be
rack mounted in suitable DIN style enclosures.

Each of the unit’s channels can independently control loads to create dynamic
lighting scenes. These dimmer units automatically compensate for voltage and
frequency fluctuations and employ advanced phase-control techniques to reduce
flicker and increase lamp life.

Phase Angle Dimmer Unit with Power Supply

Technical Information
Nominal Voltage 15 – 36 Vdc @ 18 mA from the C-Bus network when there is no external
Requirements power source
Nominal Line Product Features
Supply Voltage and 110 – 120 Vac, ±10%, 50 – 60 Hz
Frequency • Suitable for use with incandescent lamps and low-voltage
C-Bus Source
200 mA (Models: SLC5508TD2A, SLC5504TD4A)
lamps utilizing iron core or electronic transformers
• Specialized dimming modes — soft turn On/Off and linearized
Load Rating per brightness control
2 A (SLC5508TD2A), 4 A (SLC5504TD4A)
Minimum Load 15 W per channel • Can supply up to 200 mA to the C-Bus network
(models SLC5504TD4A and SLC5508TD2A with built-in
Efficiency 98%
power supply)
Number of Units Use the C-Bus Calculator, a software utility, to determine the total
per Network network current load • Integral thermal overload protection on each channel
C-Bus Connections (2) RJ-45 connectors, CAT 5 UTP cable required • Individual channels can be turned ON/OFF at unit or via
Cable 15.75 in. (400 mm) patch lead included C-Bus commands
Remote Override • LEDs indicate the status of the network at the unit, the status
RJ-45 connector
Connection of the unit’s load and power, and the status of each channel
Power Terminals Accommodate 16 – 12 AWG cable • Non-volatile memory stores operating status for recovery
Load Terminals 2 x #14 – 16 gauge or 1 x #12 gauge from a power outage
Channel: (1) per channel
Status Indicators Unit (1): Unit power
C-Bus (1): Power levels and presence of C-Bus clock
Dimensions 8.5 in. (L) x 3.6 in. (W) x 2.5 in. (H)) [216 mm (L) x 92 mm (W) x 63 mm (H)]
Weight 23 oz (647 g)
Mounting DIN rail, 12M wide
32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C) RH: 95%, noncondensing
UL508 Industrial Control Equipment
CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device
EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD
*For Diagram see technical section page 153

Catalog Number Description

SLC5504TD4A Four-Channel 4 A Dimmer, with power supply
SLC5504TD4AP Four-Channel 4 A Dimmer, without power supply
SLC5508TD2A Eight-Channel 2 A Dimmer, with power supply
SLC5508TD2AP Eight-Channel 2 A Dimmer, without power supply

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control output units

2 Channel DALI Gateway
The C-Bus Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) Gateway provides an
isolated two-way communications path between a C-Bus network and two DALI
networks, making it possible to use the C-Bus network to control and monitor
DALI ballasts.

The DALI gateway constantly monitors both DALI networks and can detect and
report faulty lamps in fluorescent ballasts or non-functional DALI ballasts.

Technical Information
Nominal Voltage
15 – 36 Vdc @ 32 mA, drawn from the C-Bus network
Requirements DALI Gateway
Electrical Isolation 3.75 kV RMS, from interface to C-Bus network
Number of Units Use the C-Bus Calculator, a software utility, to determine the total
per Network network current load
C-Bus Connections Built-in RJ-45 sockets (2) for connection to the C-Bus network

DALI Connections
Two screw-type terminal blocks accommodating 16 – 12 AWG cable Product Features
(2 x 1.31 mm2 or 1 x 2.5 mm2)
Cable (1) 15.75 in. (400 mm) patch lead included • Provides two-way communications between C-Bus and DALI
networks, routing selected messages from one to the other
Unit/Comms: Unit power and data transmission
Status Indicators •U  nit is transparent and invisible to DALI ballasts
C-Bus: Power levels and presence of C-Bus clock
Dimensions 3.4 in. (L) x 2.8 in. (W) x 2.6 in.(H) [85 mm (L) x 72 mm (W) x 65 mm (H)] • Pre-programmed C-Bus to DALI and DALI to C-Bus
Weight 4.6 oz (130 g) addressing structure
Mounting DIN rail, 4M wide • Unit/Comms and C-Bus LEDs show the status of data
Operating transmissions, the unit’s power, the C-Bus network’s power,
32° F to 113° F (0 ° C to 45 ° C) RH: 95%, noncondensing and the presence of the C-Bus clock
UL: Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment •S  oftware-selectable network burden and network clock
CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment • Standard built-in C-Bus network connectors: (2) RJ-45
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device
EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD
• Non-volatile memory to store operating status for recovery
from a power outage
*For Diagram see technical section page 153
• Receives data and power over the network, so the unit does
not require power packs or line-voltage connections

Catalog Number Description

SLC5502DAL Two-Channel DALI Gateway

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control output units

DMX Gateway
The C-Bus to DMX One Way Gateway converts up to twelve received lighting group
address/levels to DMX-512-A data, and then transmits the data to a connected
DMX-512-A network.

Using the DMX Gateway, C-Bus can control the following DMX-512-A
based devices:
• LED lighting controllers that include control inputs for dimming and color mixing
• Strobes
• Fiber optic lighting
• Fog machines
• Animated characters
• Motorized fixtures
DMX Gateway (SLC5500DMX)

Technical Information
DMX protocol DMX 512-A Product Features
Maximum length of
1493 ft. (455 meters) • Enables one way communication between C-Bus and
DMX cable in network
DMX-512-A networks
Maximum number
of units on a C-Bus 30 • Custom-configurable address mapping. (One C-Bus address
network can control multiple DMX 512 slots)
C-Bus input power 15 – 36 Vdc, 65 mA, class 2 • Draws power from the C-Bus network
DMX output 6.4 Vpp, 12mA, class 2 • LEDs display the status of the power, communications, and
C-Bus AC input the C-Bus network
40 kΩ at 1 kHz
impedance • Remote Override (ON and OFF) options
Electrical isolation 2500 V between C-Bus and DMX
• Software-selectable network burden and network clock
Mounting type DIN rail, 4M wide
• Two standard built-in C-Bus RJ-45 network connectors
2 RJ-45 for C-Bus network
Connectors 1 Screw terminal block for DMX** • Non-volatile memory protects unit against power outages
1 XLR 5-pin female panel connector on the DMX cable assembly • Configured by using the C-Bus Toolkit software
Weight 0.27lbs (121 grams)
Operating temperature 32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C)
Humidity 10% to 95% non condensing
*For Diagram see technical section page 153
** Do not connect the DMX Gateway between other devices. The DMX Gateway must be at the Position 1 on the
DMX network. Use a daisy-chain configuration.

Catalog Number Description Quantity

5500DMX C-Bus to DMX One Way Gateway 1

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control output units

4 Channel 0 – 10V Dimmer
The C-Bus 4 Channel 0-10V Dimmer provides four channels of analog 0-10Vdc that
can be used as the control signals for various peripheral devices, including certain
LED drivers and electronically dimmable fluorescent lighting ballasts.

This analog output unit can sink or source current as appropriate for the connected
load, and produces 0 – 10 V in response to commands from the C-Bus network.

Each channel can be individually adjusted from 0 to 100% at the unit, by C-Bus
commands or remotely, and each can drive multiple loads.

Technical Information
C-Bus: 15 – 36 Vdc @ 22 mA required for normal operation. 4 channel 0-10V Fluorescent Ballast Dimmer
Power Requirements
Power: 120 V or 277 Vac connection, 10 W
Number of Units Use the C-Bus Calculator, a software utility, to determine the total
per Network network current load
Electrical Isolation 3.5 kV RMS from C-Bus to the line
Output Voltage Range 0 – 10 Vdc (±0.5)
Product Features
Sourcing: 2.5 mA (minimum of 4 kohm)
Sinking: 15 mA at Vout = 0 V • Produces four independently controllable channels of
Output Rating
8 mA at Vout = 10 V 0-10 Vdc for controlling dimmable lighting ballasts or
[i.e., I = 15-(0.7 x Vout)mA] other loads
Unit: Unit power • Each channel can sink or source current and drive
Status Indicators
C-Bus: Network voltage level and presence of system clock multiple loads
C-Bus Connection (2) RJ-45 terminals
• Two RJ-45 connectors facilitate quick connections to the
(1) 15.75 in. (400 mm) CAT 5 patch lead with pre-terminated C-Bus network and between similar units
RJ-45 connectors
• Unit and C-Bus LEDs show the status of the unit and
Accommodates 2 X 16 AWG or 1 X 12 AWG cable the network
Output Terminals
(2 x 1.3 mm2 or 1 x 3.3 mm2)
Mounting DIN rail, 4M wide • Non-volatile memory stores operating status for recovery
from a power outage
3.35 in. (L) x 2.83 in. (W) x 2.56 in. (D)
Dimensions • 120 or 277 Vac models available
[85 mm (L) x 72 mm (W) x 65 mm (D)]
Weight 8.64 oz (245 g)
Operating Environment 32° F to 122° F (0° C to 50° C) RH: 95%, noncondensing
UL: Listed 916 Energy Management Equipment
CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device
EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD
*For Diagram see technical section page 154

Catalog Number Description

SLCLE5504TAMP Analog Output Unit, 0 – 10 V, 120 V
SLCLE5504HAMP Analog Output Unit, 0 – 10 V, 277 V

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control output units

10 Amp Relay Unit
The C-Bus Relays are DIN-rail mounted units with twelve independent, voltage
free, relay contacts for general switching applications. They are suitable for use
with resistive, inductive, incandescent and fluorescent loads.

Each channel is independently configurable and features a zero crossing

magnetically latching relay designed for switching the harsh electrical loads
associated with today’s high efficiency lighting systems. Local toggle buttons are
provided on each unit to allow individual channels to be toggled at each unit or via
C-Bus network commands. Remote ON and OFF facilities are available, permitting
all channels to be turned ON or OFF without C-Bus Network communications.
10 Amp Relay

Technical Information
Nominal Supply 110 – 120 V (SLC5512TRVF and SLC5512TRVFP) Product Features
Voltage 277 V (SLC5512HRVF and SLC5512HRVFP)
Frequency Range(s) 50 – 60 Hz • Four or twelve independently operating voltage
15 – 36 Vdc @ 18 mA required for programming when electrical power free relay contacts
source is not connected
C-Bus Supply Sources 200 mA to the C-Bus Network with electrical power source • Two convenient built-in C-Bus network connectors
Voltage connected (non-power supply versions) (RJ-45)
15 – 36 Vdc @ 0 mA is required for programming when electrical power
source is connected • U
 nits available both with and without a 200 mA
Electrical isolation 3.75 kV RMS from C-Bus to power source power supply
Contact Type Voltage Free, magnetically latched • Non-volatile memory stores operating status for
C-Bus Connections 2 RJ-45 connectors, CAT 5 UTP cable req. recovery from power outage
Accommodates (1) #12 or up to (2) #14 – 16 AWG
Electrical Terminals • LED Indicators show the status of the network
(3.31 mm2 - (2) x 2.08 - 1.31 mm2)
C-Bus Indicator and the unit
Status Indicators Unit Status Indicator
• Load Rating
Load Indicator
Dimensions 12 Channel — 8.46 x 3.35 x 2.56 inches (215 x 85 x 65 mm) »» Resistive -10 A
12 Channel — 21 oz (600 g) (w/o Power Supply) 28 oz (800 g) »» Inductive -10 A
(w/Power Supply)
»» Fluorescent -10 A
Mounting DIN rail, 12 Channel — 12M wide
Operating »» Motor -2 A
32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C) RH: 95%, noncondensing
UL: Listed 508 Industrial Control Equipment
CSA 22.2 No. 14 Industrial Control Equipment
FCC: Part 15, Class B Digital Device
EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD

Catalog Number Description

SLC5512TRVF 12 Channel, 120 V, 10 A w/power supply
SLC5512TRVFP 12 Channel, 120 V, 10 A w/o power supply
SLC5512HRVF 12 Channel, 277 V, 10 A w/power supply
SLC5512HRVFP 12 Channel, 277 V, 10 A w/o power supply

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control output units

20 Amp Relay Units
The C-Bus 20 Amp Relays are DIN-rail mounted units with four independent, voltage
free, relay contacts. They are suitable for use with resistive, inductive, incandescent
and fluorescent loads.

Each channel is independently configurable and features a zero crossing magnetically

latching relay designed for switching the harsh electrical loads associated with
today’s high efficiency lighting systems. Local toggle buttons are provided on each
unit to allow individual channels to be toggled at each unit or via C-Bus network
commands. Remote ON and OFF facilities are available, permitting all channels to be
turned ON or OFF without C-Bus Network communications.

4 Channel 20 A Relay

Technical Information
110 – 120 V (SLC5512TRVF and SLC5512TRVFP)
Nominal Supply Voltage

Frequency Range(s)
277 V (SLC5512HRVF and SLC5512HRVFP)
50 – 60 Hz
Product Features
15 – 36 Vdc @ 18 mA required for programming when electrical • Four independently operating voltage free
power source is not connected.
C-Bus Supply Voltage relay contacts
Sources 200 mA to the C-Bus Network with electrical power
source connected. • Two convenient built-in C-Bus network
Electrical isolation 3.75 kV RMS from C-Bus to power source connectors (RJ-45)
Contact Type Voltage Free, magnetically latched • Units available both with and without a
C-Bus Connections 2 RJ-45 connectors, CAT 5 UTP cable req. 200mA power supply
Accommodates (1) #12 or up to (2) #14 – 16 AWG
Electrical Terminals
(2 x 1.3 mm2 or 1 x 3.3 mm2) • Non-volatile memory stores operating status
C-Bus Indicator for recovery from power outage
Status Indicators Unit Status Indicator • LED Indicators show the status of the
Load Indicator
network and the unit
Dimensions 8.46 x 3.35 x 2.56 inches (215 x 85 x 65 mm)
Weight 20.46 oz (580 g) • Remote ON/OFF override capabilities
Mounting DIN rail, 12M wide • Load Rating (4 channel 20 Amp rated relay)
Operating Environment 32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C) RH: 95%, noncondensing
»» Resistive 20 A
UL508 Industrial Control Equipment
CSA 22.2 Spec 205 Signal Equipment »» Inductive 20 A
FCC: Part 15.101, Class B Digital Device »» Fluorescent 20 A
EN61000-3-2 Low Frequency Emissions
»» Motor 4 A
*For Diagram see technical section page 154

Catalog Number Description

SLC5504TRVF20 4 Channel, 120 V, 20 A with power supply
SLC5504TRVF20P 4 Channel, 120 V, 20 A without power supply
SLC5504HRVF20 4 Channel, 277 V, 20 A with power supply
SLC5504HRVF20P 4 Channel, 277 V, 20 A without power supply

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control output units

Changeover Relay Units
The C-Bus Changeover Relays are DIN-rail mounted devices with four independent,
voltage free, changeover relay contacts.

Schneider Electric C-Bus Changeover Relays are designed to operate three-

speed motors and two-way motor control devices. Some of their most common
applications include operating motorized blinds, shutters, curtains and skylights
(open/closed) where they provide a much simpler alternative to traditional and
obtrusive relay interlocking systems.

Changeover Relay Unit

Technical Information
110 – 120 V (SLC5504TRVFC and SLC5504TRVFCP)
Nominal Supply Voltage
250 – 277 V (SLC5504HRVFC and SLC5504HRVFCP)
Frequency Range(s) 50 – 60 Hz
15 – 36 Vdc @ 18 mA required for programming when electrical Product Features
power source is not connected.
C-Bus Supply Voltage
Sources 200 mA to the C-Bus Network with electrical power source • Four (4) isolated independently operating
connected. relay channels
Electrical isolation 3.75 kV RMS from C-Bus to power source
• Two (2) convenient built-in C-Bus network
Contact Type Changeover, Non-latching
connectors (RJ-45)
C-Bus Connections 2 RJ-45 connectors, CAT 5 UTP cable req.
Accommodates (1) #12 or up to (2) #14 – 16 AWG • N
 on-volatile memory stores operating status for
Electrical Terminals
(2 x 1.3 mm2 or 1 x 3.3 mm2) recovery from power outage
C-Bus Indicator
• LED Indicators show the status of the network and
Status Indicators Unit Status Indicator
Load Indicator the unit
Dimensions 5.67 x 3.35 x 2.60 inches (144 x 85 x 65 mm) • Changeover Relays ratings: (120 Vac Max)
13 oz (370 g) (With Power Supply)
17 oz (490 g) (Without Power Supply)
• 2 A Exhaust fans (shaded pole induction motors)
Mounting DIN rail, 8M wide • 2 A Ceiling fans (split-phase induction motors)
Operating Environment 32° F to 113° F (0° C to 45° C) RH: 95%, noncondensing
UL: Listed 508 Industrial Control Equipment
Standards CSA 22.2 No. 14 Industrial Control Equipment
FCC: Part 15, Class B Digital Device
*For Diagram see technical section page 154

Catalog Number Description

SLC5504TRVFC 4 Channel changeover relay unit 120 Vac, with power supply
SLC5504HRVFC 4 Channel changeover relay unit 277 Vac, with power supply

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control output units

Low Voltage Relay
The C-Bus 8 Channel Low Voltage Relay is used for switching loads such as
irrigation solenoids, and LV air conditioning dampers. The Relay may also be used
for switching LV pulse signal control loads into third party products.

The C-Bus 8 Channel Low Voltage Relay is a C-Bus output device that controls
eight low voltage relay channels. The unit is powered from the C-Bus network and
requires no other power source. The unit can be daisy chained or placed at the end
of a C-Bus network.

Low Voltage Relay

Technical Information
C-Bus network
15 to 36 Vdc @ 32 mA required for programming and operation
supply voltage
Maximum units per
C-Bus network
C-Bus connections 2 wire, twisted pair
Product Features
Warm up time 5 seconds • Software-selectable C-Bus system clock
Load rating per relay 2 A at 30 Vdc maximum or 30 Vac RMS suitable for resistive and
channel inductive loads • Synchronize data communication on the
Contact type Voltage free, SPDT (changeover) C-Bus network
Relay terminal
C common, N/O normally open, N/C normally closed • Switch Low Voltage Loads
Types of electrical Fixed load terminal for: 1 x 1.0 mm² wire per tunnel (13 AWG), • Control third party products
connection Fixed aux (C-Bus) connectors for: 2 x 1.5 mm²
• 2 Status Indicator Lights
Dimensions (W x H x D) 8.66 x 3.15 x 1.50 in. (220 x 80 x 38 mm)
Weight 11.64 oz (330 g)
Mounting mode Surface: 4 mounting screw holes and keyhole mount
EMC environment Environment A
Operating ambient
32° F to 122° F (0° C to 50° C)
Storage temperature 32° F to 140° F (0° C to 60° C)
Operating humidity 10 to 90% non condensing
CSA C22.2 No. 205 — Signal Equipment
Standards: UL916 — Energy Management Equipment, FCC Part
15 — Class B Digital Device for Home or Office Use
*For Diagram see technical section page 155

Catalog Number Description

SLC5108RELVP 8 Channel Low Voltage Relay

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control Occupancy Controller

Occupancy Controller with

C-Bus Connection Option
The Occupancy Controller from Schneider Electric has two lighting control relays, a motion sensor
power supply, two auxiliary input switches, two timers (one per relay), and two relay default mode
switches associated with each relay. The occupancy controller includes a C-Bus interface allowing for
seamless integration into any C-Bus network. The occupancy controller provides a simple all-in-one
solution for dimming, on-off operation, and powering of sensors. It operates over a wide range of
input voltages (100 – 277 Vac) and is designed for above-ceiling installation. The occupancy controller
is ideal for in-room occupancy control applications such as classrooms, open-office space, executive
offices and conference rooms. The controller may be configured for C-Bus connectivity or in a
standalone operation mode using the standalone jumper. The 5752PP Series
Occupancy Controller

Technical Information Product Features

Power supply voltage 100 – 277 Vac • Input voltage range:
Power supply frequency 50 – 60 Hz 100 – 277 Vac 50/60 Hz
Motion sensor power supply Power output 280 mA (140 mA per detector connection) • One motion detector input
Power supply rating 24 Vdc SELV/Class 2 terminal for each relay
Nominal C-Bus Voltage Requirements Draws 15 – 36 Vdc SELV/Class 2 @ 25 mA from the C-Bus network, • 24 Vdc power supply for
(if connected to C-Bus network) enabling configuration. the motion detectors
Max units per network 80 • One auxiliary input switch
C-Bus AC Impedance 80 KΩ @ 1 KHz terminal and timer for
Resistive: 16A at 277 Vac, Incandescent/Tungsten: 12A at 277 Vac each relay
Relay rating
Fluorescent (UL) Standard ballast: 10 A at 277 Vac (inductive 0.4 – 0.5 pf) • One relay fail-safe mode
Ballast control power supply switch for each relay
Analog: 1 – 10 Vdc 200 mA, DSI: 0 – 12 Vdc 200 mA, DALI: 0 – 12 Vdc 250 mA
• Remote override on/off
Maximum ballasts per control capability
100 for DALI or DSI. 50 for 0 – 10 V analog
• Class 1 and Class 2
Input: 14 – 12 AWG (2.5 – 4 mm² ), Relay output: 14 – 12 AWG (2.5 – 4 mm² )
Motion detector: 3-pin, 1 per relay present, Auxiliary input: 2-pin, 1 per relay present,
voltage isolation
(Screw-type Phoenix-style connectors)
C-Bus: 4-pin • C-Bus connectivity option
Maximum operating temp. 122° F (50 ° C) approved for use in a plenum
Operating humidity 10 to 90% RH (non-condensing)
Dimensions (H x W x D) 8.0 x 7.87 x 2.36 in. (203 x 200 x 60 mm)
CSA C22.2 No. 205 (Signal Equipment), UL916 (Energy Management Equipment)
Standards (Title)
FCC Part 15 (Class B Digital Device for Home or Office Use)
*For Diagram see technical section page 26

Catalog Description
5752PP/2R Occupancy Controller with 2 relays rated at 16 amps each
5752PP/2R/2D Occupancy Controller with 2 relays rated at 16 amps each and 2 ballast control outputs: DSI, DALI, or 0-10 V*

*Check with your local C-Bus or Schneider Electric sales representative for availability of units that can control electronic ballasts.

Compatible Sensors
Sensor Description Sensor Description
Ceiling mount PIR motion sensor, Ceiling mount Dual-technology
360° detection pattern, isolated relay SLSCDS800 (PIR and Ultrasonic motion sensor,
180° detection pattern, isolated relay
Ceiling mount Ultrasonic motion sensor,
360°detection pattern, isolated relay Wall mount PIR motion sensor,
110° detection pattern, isolated relay
Ceiling mount Dual-technology
SLSCDS2000 (PIR and Ultrasonic) motion sensor, Wall mount Ultrasonic motion sensor,
360° detection pattern, isolated relay isolated relay
Ceiling mount Ultrasonic motion sensor, Wall mount Dual-technology; PIR and
180° detection pattern, isolated relay ultrasonic motion

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighti ng Control Area lighting Panel

Area Lighting Panels
The C-Bus Area Lighting Panels are ideally suited to meet lighting control energy
code requirements in classrooms, offices and other small spaces. These devices
provide the ability to integrate keypads, occupancy sensing, light level detection,
and switching without the mess of complex control wiring. A simple CAT-5 cable is
all that is required to connect sensors and keypads.

Area Lighting Panels can operate as independent stand-alone islands or as part

of an entire facility wide lighting control system. Enclosures can easily be mounted
in electrical closets or in ceiling spaces. They include all necessary connections
and are UL Listed. Area Lighting Panels can also be used in conjunction with 8 channel 20A Relay Area Lighting Panel
Powerlink panels.

Area Lighting Panels can be used for on/off switching, stepped dimming or continuous dimming applications.
All relays feature rugged 20A rated contacts for switching electronic ballast loads. Models with continuous
dimming capabilities are rated for either NEC Class 1 or Class 2 wiring.

Technical Information Product Features

Rated Voltage 120 V and 277 V 50/60 Hz • Relay models: Four or
Number of Units
Use the C-Bus calculator, a software utility to determine total network current load or Toolkit software eight relay outputs,
per Network
rated 20 A
Electrical isolation 3.5 kV RMS from C-Bus to the line
Relays 20 A • 0
 – 10 V outputs for
Short Circuit control of 0 – 10 V
65 kA (120 V), 14 kA (277 V)
Current Rating dimmable fluorescent
C-Bus Connections RJ45 ballast (suitable for use
Dimensions with MARK 7®, Sylvania
12M Enclosure 12.78 in. x 9.09 in. x 4.0 in. Quicktronic®, and
24M Enclosure 14.50 in. x 14.94 in. x 4.0 in. Universal SuperDim®)
UL: Listed 508A, FCC part 15.101, Class B Device
EN61000-4-2 Immunity to ESD • Integral neutral and
ground bar terminal strips
• Plenum-rated for ceiling
Catalog Number Enclosure Description applications
4 Channel 20A Relay Models • Bypass mode to facilitate
SLCZ042000T 12M 4 Channel 20 A Relay @ 120 V with power supply* quick start up
SLCZ042000H 12M 4 Channel 20 A Relay @ 277 V with power supply*
• Meets NEC Article 409
SLCZ042000TP 12M 4 Channel 20 A Relay @ 120 V without power supply
SLCZ042000HP 12M 4 Channel 20 A Relay @ 277V without power supply • U
 L Listed 508A, SCCR
8 Channel 20A Relay Models current ratings: 65 kA
SLCZ082000T 24M 8 Channel 20 A Relay @ 120 V with power supply* (120 V), 14 kA (277 V)
SLCZ082000H 24M 8 Channel 20 A Relay @ 277 V with power supply* • Surface Mount NEMA 1
SLCZ082000TP 24M 8 Channel 20 A Relay @ 120 V without power supply Enclosure
SLCZ082000HP 24M 8 Channel 20 A Relay @ 277 V without power supply
4 Channel 20A Relay Models with 0-10V Output Units
SLCZ04204AT 24M 4 Channel 20 A Relay @ 120 V with power supply and 4 Channel 0 – 10 V Output Unit*
SLCZ04204AH 24M 4 Channel 20 A Relay @ 277 V with power supply and 4 Channel 0 – 10 V Output Unit*
SLCZ04204ATP 24M 4 Channel 20 A Relay @ 120 V without power supply and 4 Channel 0 – 10 V Output Unit
SLCZ04204AHP 24M 4 Channel 20 A Relay @ 277 V without power supply and 4 Channel 0 – 10 V Output Unit
4 Channel Phase Angle Dimmer Models
SLCZ00004DT 12M 4 Channel Phase Angle Dimmer @ 120 V with power supply
SLCZ00004DTP 12M 4 Channel Phase Angle Dimmer @ 120 V without power supply
4 Channel 20A Relay Models with Phase Angle Dimmer Units
SLCZ04204DT 24M 4 Channel 20 A Relay @ 120 V with power supply and 4 channel phase angle dimmer unit
SLCZ04204DTP 24M 4 Channel 20 A Relay @ 120 V without power supply and 4 channel phase angle dimmer unit
*For stand-alone applications order unit with power supply

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control enclosures

8M/12M Enclosures
The C-Bus Enclosures provide a housing for various C-Bus DIN-mounted devices.
The 8M and 12M enclosures are specifically designed for distributed applications
that require physical proximity between DIN units and keypads, sensors or
controlled loads.

The 8M enclosure consists of a box with a cover and a DIN rail for mounting one
8M or two 4M units. The enclosure also has provisions for mounting neutral and
ground bars.

The 12M enclosure consists of a box with a cover and a DIN rail for mounting three
4M C-Bus units, one 8M unit plus one 4M unit or one 12M unit. The enclosure also
has factory mounted neutral and ground bars.

8M Enclosure 12M Enclosure

Technical Information
Type NEMA 1 Product Features
8M: One 8M or two 4M C-Bus units
DIN Module Capacity • Surface-mount NEMA 1
12M: One 12M, one 8M + one 4M or three 4M C-Bus units
8M: 12.57 in. (L) x 8.88 in. (W) x 3.8 in. (D) [319 mm (L) x 226 mm (W) x 97 mm (D)] enclosure
12M: 12.78 in. (W) x 9.09 in. (T) x 4.0 in. (D) [325 mm (L) x 231 mm (W) x 102 mm (D)]
• Welded sheet steel with
Mounting DIN rail
8M: 8.4 lb (3.81 kg)
12M: 11.7 lb (5.3 kg) • Gray baked enamel,
Standards UL Standard 50 Enclosures for electrical equipment electrodeposited
*For Diagram see technical section page 155 over cleaned,
phosphatized steel
• Triple-lead cover
Catalog Number Description screws for fast
SLC8M 8M DIN Enclosure installation of cover
SLC12MSG 12M DIN Enclosureê • D
 IN rail, suitable for
mounting DIN modules
Accessories Description • UL Listed
PK7GTA Ground/Neutral Bar®
PKGTAB Neutral Insulator Kit®
SLC4CSF8 Filler Plate, 4M
PK7GTA Ground/Neutral Bar
PKGTAB Neutral Insulator Kit

 Includes one ground bar, one filler plate, cable ties and mounts for wire management.
ê Includes one DIN rail, one ground bar, and one insulated neutral terminal bar pre installed on the mounting pan.
Also included are 2 ft. of flexible, Class 2 barrier, four pan mounting screws, four cover mounting screws, and two DIN rail stops.
® Additional terminal bar and insulator for devices that require neutral connection points for loads, such as a relay unit.
Note: The C-Bus 8M Enclosure will accept one additional terminator bar (PK7GTA) intended for load neutral connections. This is to be used when
the C-Bus unit mounted inside requires neutral connection points for loads, i.e. a relay unit. Use in conjunction with a Neutral Insulator Kit (PKGTAB)

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control enclosures

24M Enclosure
The C-Bus Enclosures provide a housing for various C-Bus DIN-mounted devices. The
24M enclosure is specifically designed for distributed applications that require physical
proximity between DIN units and keypads, sensors or controlled loads.

Suitable for surface mounting, the 24M enclosure consists of a box with a hinged
door and two rows for mounting C-Bus DIN-mounted units. Each row can hold one
12M unit, one 8M unit plus one 4M unit, or three 4M units. The enclosure also has
provisions for additional neutral and ground bars.

24M Enclosure

Technical Information Product Features

24M Enclosure • Surface-mount
Type NEMA 1 NEMA 1 enclosure

DIN Module Capacity

Two rows for mounting C-Bus DIN-mounted units. Each row can hold one 12M unit, one 8M unit plus • Welded sheet steel
one 4M unit, or three 4M units
with knockouts
Dimensions 14.50 in. (W) x 14.94 in. (T) x 4.0 in. (D) [368 mm (L) x 379 mm (W) x 102 mm (D)]
Mounting DIN rail • Gray baked enamel,
Standard UL Standard 50 Enclosures for electrical equipment electrodeposited
Weight 18.9 lb (8.6 kg) over cleaned,
phosphatized steel
*For Diagram see technical section page 156
• Triple-lead cover
screws for fast
installation of cover
Catalog Number Description
SLC24MSG 24M DIN Enclosureê • Hinged trim for
easy access

Accessories Description • D
 IN rail, suitable for
PK7GTA Ground/Neutral Bar® mounting C-Bus
DIN-mounted C-Bus
PKGTAB Neutral Insulator Kit®
units. Each row can
ê The enclosure comes with two DIN rails, two ground bars, and two insulated neutral terminal bars pre-installed on the mounting pan. Also included
are 2 ft. of flexible, Class 2 barrier, four pan mounting screws, and four door mounting screws, and four DIN rail stops.
hold one 12M unit, one
® Additional terminal bar and insulator for devices that require neutral connection points for loads, such as a relay unit. 8M unit plus one 4M
Note: The C-Bus 24M Enclosure will accept one additional terminator bar (PK7GTA) intended for load neutral connections. This is to be used when unit, or three 4M units.
the C-Bus unit mounted inside requires neutral connection points for loads, i.e. a relay unit. Use in conjunction with a Neutral Insulator Kit (PKGTAB)
• UL Listed

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control enclosures

36MS Enclosures
The C-Bus Enclosures provide a multi-purpose means for housing various C-Bus
DIN-mounted devices. Suitable for flush or surface mounting, the enclosure consists
of a mounting, pan assembly, and a cover assembly. The cabinet can be ordered
separately, allowing for its installation with the rough-in of field wiring. Optional
accessories are available to meet the needs of particular installations.

The 36MS enclosure provides three rows for mounting DIN-mounted C-Bus units.
Each row has the capacity to hold one 12M unit, one 8M unit with one 4M unit, or
three 4M units.

36MS Enclosures are specifically designed for conventional installation near the
main breaker panel. They provide a simple means of installing DIN-mounted units
with all of the necessary wiring, neutral bars, ground bars and other components
included. Once installed, the enclosure system allows for easy system maintenance
with the C-Bus units accessible.
36MS Enclosure

Technical Information Product Features

36M Enclosure • NEMA 1 enclosure
Type NEMA 1 suitable for flush or
DIN Module Capacity Three DIN rails, each with the capacity for one 12M, one 8M with one 4M, or three 4M C-Bus DIN units surface mounting
Dimensions with Cover 40.6 in. (L) x 15.4 in. (W) x 3.9 in. (D) [1031 mm (L) x 392 mm (W) x 99 mm (D)] • Welded sheet steel with
Standard UL Standard 50 Enclosures for electrical equipment knockouts
Module Mounting DIN rail
• Gray baked enamel
Total Weight 57.7 lb (26.17 kg)
paint, electrodeposited
*For Diagram see technical section page 156
over cleaned,
phosphatized steel
• Triple-lead cover
Catalog Number Description
screws for fast
SLC36SC Enclosure Cabinet
installation of cover
SLCMSFG Flush Mount Gray
• Three (3) DIN rails, each
SLCMSSG Surface Mount Gray
suitable for mounting
SLCMSFW Flush Mount White
C-Bus DIN units in
SLC2REC Dual Receptacle Bracket
one of the following
Accessories Description
»» One (1) 12M unit
PK7GTA Grnd/Neutral
»» One (1) 8M module
PKGTAB Neutral Isolator Kit
with one (1) 4M unit
SLC4CSF8 Filler Plate
»» Three (3) 4M units

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control enclosures

60M Enclosures
The C-Bus Enclosures provide a multi-purpose means for housing various C-Bus
DIN-mounted devices. Suitable for flush or surface mounting, the enclosure consists
of a cabinet, a mounting pan assembly, and a cover assembly. The cabinet can be
ordered separately, allowing for its installation with the rough-in of field wiring. Options
are available to meet the needs of particular installations.

The 60M enclosure provides five rows for mounting DIN-mounted C-Bus units.
Each row has the capacity to hold one 12M unit, one 8M unit with one 4M unit or
three 4M units.

Schneider Electric 60M Enclosures are specifically designed for conventional

installation near the main breaker panel. They provide a simple means of installing
DIN-mounted units with all of the necessary wiring, neutral bar, barriers and other
components included. Once installed, the enclosure system allows for easy system
maintenance with the C-Bus units accessible.

60M Enclosure

Technical Information Product Features

60M Enclosure • NEMA Type 1 enclosure
Type NEMA Type 1 suitable for flush or
DIN Module Capacity Five DIN rails, each with the capacity for one 12M, one 8M with one 4M, or three 4M C-Bus DIN units surface mounting
Dimensions with Cover • Welded sheet steel
40.6 in. (L) x 15.4 in. (W) x 3.9 in. (D) [1031 mm (L) x 392 mm (W) x 99 mm (D)]
(flush mount)
with knockouts
Dimensions with Cover
39.4 in. (L) x 14.2 in. (W) x 3.9 in. (D) [1000 mm (L) x 360 mm (W) x 99 mm (D)]
(surface mount) • ANSI Gray #49
Dimensions of baked enamel paint,
39.4 in. (L) x 14.2 in. (W) x 3.69 in. (D) [1000 mm (L) x 360 mm (W) x 99.8 mm (D)]
Enclosure Cabinet
Standard UL Standard 50 Enclosures for electrical equipment
over cleaned,
Module Mounting DIN rail
phosphatized steel
Total Weight 57.7 lb (26.17 kg)
• Triple-lead cover
*For Diagram see technical section page 157
screws for fast
installation of cover
• UL listed, 600V rated
Catalog Number Description Class 2 barrier
SLC36C Enclosure Cabinet, 40 in. included
SLC60MFG Mounting pan with gray flush-mount cover
• (3) pre-installed 23
SLC60MSG Mounting pan with gray surface-mount cover
position ground bars
SLC60MFW Mounting pan with white flush-mount cover and (5) 12 position
isolated neutral
Accessories Description assemblies included
SDM4AC Two duplex power receptacles • F
 ive DIN rails, each
PK4FL Door latch, locking suitable for mounting
SLC4CSF8 Filler plate, 4M C-Bus DIN units in
one of the following
»» One 12M unit
»» One 8M unit with one
(1) 4M unit
»» Three 4M units
• UL Listed
Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com

Eight Button Remote Controllers
The C-Bus Eight-button Infrared (IR) Remote Control provides hand held remote control operation of lighting and
other loads. Designed to work in conjunction with C-Bus devices containing IR receivers, this convenient remote
control can switch, dim and control lighting scenes.

C-Bus Eight-button Remote Controller controls multiple input units as well as separately configured units.

This versatile remote control has a range of up to 49 feet (15 meters) and is easily configured by programming the IR
receiving device in the C-Bus Toolkit software.

8 Button Remote Controls

Technical Information Product Features

Supply Voltage 3 Vdc required for normal operation
• Eight-button options
Battery Type (2) x AAA alkaline Speaker Diameter • Wall mount storage
IR Transmission Range Up to 49 ft. (15 m) holder included with
Dimensions 5.9 in. (L) x 2.1 in. (W) x 1.0 in. (D) [149 mm (L) x 52 mm (W) x 25 mm (D)] each remote control
Weight (w/o batteries) 2 oz (61 g)
• Removeable front cover
Remote Control Holder
for label insertion
Dimensions 4.3 in. (L) x 2.2 in. (W) x 1.3 in. (D) [108 mm (L) x 55 mm (W) x 32 mm (D)
(labels included)
Mounting Centers 2.2 – 2.4 in. (55 – 60 mm)
Mounting Screw Size #6 (7/8 in.) flathead wood screw (3.5 mm x 20 mm) • (2) AAA batteries
Wall Anchor Size ¼ in. (7 mm x 25 mm) included
Weight 1 oz (28 g)

*For Diagram see technical section page 158

Catalog Number Description
SLC5088TX Eight Button IR Remote Controller
• Compatible with C-Bus
IR Input devices

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus multi-room IR ACCESSORIES

IR Accessories

Infra-red IR target designed to receive IR commands from Infra-red remote controls. Simple in-ceiling mounting.
Includes phoenix connector and 2 meters of wire. Comes with optional clear lens.

IR Shelf Mount Target

Infra-red IR target designed to receive IR commands from Infra-red remote controls. Simply set unit on shelf for easy
IR command access. Includes phoenix connector and 2 meters of wire.

IR Flat Target
Infra-red IR target designed to receive IR commands from Infra-red remote controls. Designed to mount in diffusers
and small areas to mask appearance. Includes phoenix connector and 2 meters of wire.

IR Emitter Leads
IR Leads plug into the C-Bus Multi room audio matrix switcher or C-Bus Nirts, and emit IR codes to the third party
devices. Single and dual emitter leads available. Includes transparent adhesive sticker for application.

The C-Bus NIRT is a wall mounted IR transmitter, that is designed to work with the C-Bus control system. The NIRT
transmits up to 2 channels of IR commands to control third party components, ie: DVD players, TV’s, etc.

IR Reader
The C-Bus IR Reader is a programming tool that is used to learn 3rd party remote control IR commands. Using Circa
software (free download) plug IR Reader into a PC via USB port and send remote control signal capture IR Code.

Catalog Number Description

SLC8050TT IR Tube Target
SLC8050ST IR Shelf Mount Target
SLC8050FT IR Flat Target
SLC8050LD IR Emitter Leads- Single
SLC80502LD IR Emitter Leads- Dual
SLC5100RP IR Reader

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
c-bus software software

C-Bus Software
Schedule Plus
The C-Bus Schedule Plus Software provides a powerful and simple to use interface
to a C-Bus control system. Schedule Plus provides control and monitoring of a
commercial or industrial C-Bus system from a PC running the Microsoft Windows
operating system. Access is obtained from a local PC or remotely via an Internet
Schedule Plus Application Software USB
connection with a standard Web Browser.

Schedule Plus displays graphical items on user pages with simple Menu and Tab
based options. Graphic items can be programmed to perform C-Bus functions when
pressed. Examples of the type of items that can appear on Schedule Plus pages
include buttons, sliders, indicators, real-time clocks JPEG Images and Bitmap Images.
These can be placed and sized as a user requires and can be displayed in full color.
Schedule Plus also reports the state of the C-Bus group addresses on a network in
real-time, with group addresses represented by text or icons that change condition
depending on status. Custom icons can be generated to represent the various control
states; alternatively icons from the icon library provided with the package can be used.

As well as manual control and monitoring of a C-Bus system, Schedule Plus can
also be used to create and edit complete C-Bus scenes and initiate real-time based
schedules of events. The software supports a project editing mode for customizing
the user interface and an operation mode, where clicking components on the screen Example of a Schedule Plus Software Display Screen
will execute the programmed actions. Enhanced scheduling includes support for
monitoring load run times, load power and energy consumed.

Technical Information Product Features

Platform Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, ME, Vista and XP • Supports Microsoft Platforms (Vista compatible)
Server Technology C-Bus C-Gate
• Supports 128 bit encrypted internet connectivity
Connections Ethernet, RS-232
Text, buttons, sliders, shapes, images, real time clock, C-Bus timer, • Automatic project error checking and reporting
Graphical Objects
percentage indicator, light level, temperature, C-Bus network voltage
• Connection to C-Bus via Ethernet or RS-232
C-Bus network parameters, position, size, font style and color, text and
Component Properties
image alignments, borders, stroke, background color/shading • T
 wo, ten and unlimited network software licence
C-Bus command (on/off/ramp), scene activation, scene activation via key options
Graphical Associations C-Bus scene controllers, page links, back one page, operation over
remote applications, exit simulation page • Fully functional logic engine
Create, display edit and print. Daily, weekly, weekdays, weekends, • Graphical components used to illustrate actions
Scheduled Events
monthly and once off
Send C-Bus command (on/off/ramp & ramp rate), send pulsed C-Bus • Scheduled events can be created, displayed,
Event Properties
commands, set scenes, time of event, cycle of event edited, printed and scheduled daily, weekly,
Password Protection Yes weekdays, weekends and monthly
Modes (2) Normal/Project Editing
• Monitoring of load run times, load power and
Project Summary Yes
energy consumed
Event Log Yes
Page Templates Yes (included) • Page templates and image library
Image Library Yes (included) • Event log
Sound .WAV file capable
• T
 wo modes, Normal Operation or Project
Editing Modes
Catalog Number Description
• Individual pages can be password protected
SLC5000SDSP24 Schedule Plus license key for 2 networks
SLC5000SDSP104 Schedule Plus license key for 10 networks • Application support for HVAC and Security
SLC5000SDSPU4 Schedule Plus license key for unlimited networks
SLC5000SDSP24 Schedule Plus installer Key*

* Installer key allows installers to create/commission projects using SchedulePlus software. This code key is time
restricted and allows the software to operate in ‘normal’ mode for anywhere between 48 to 72 hours per use
(the software then returns to evaluation/demo mode).
Note: The installer code key will also be compatible with future software releases

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control technical section

Saturn 0.6 in.

15 mm

3.0 in.
76 mm 0.51 in.
13 mm

4.57 in. 2.6 in.

116 mm 66 mm
2.05 in.
52 mm
2.7 in.
69 mm

Top view of keypad showing width

Front view of keypad, including external Side view of keypad, including height and
height and width measurements of case depth requirements for insertion into wall

Saturn Keypads
with Dynamic Labelling Technology
1.13 in.
28.8 mm
3.0 in.
76 mm
.43 in.
10.8 mm

4.57 in.
116 mm

Front and side views of the Saturn DLT keypad

illustrate its length and width and the depth the
case extends into and out of a wall

Neo Decorator
3.0 in. .63 in.
76 mm 16 mm

1.69 in.
43 mm

4.57 in. 2.76 in.

116 mm 70 mm
.28 in.
7 mm

Front view of keypad, including external height Side view of keypad, including height and Top view of keypad, including
and width measurements of Faceplate depth requirements for insertion into wall depth of face plate

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighti ng Control technical section

Touch Screen Protrusion from wall: Mounting depth into wall:
0.9 in. (23.5 mm) 2.2 in. (54 mm)

6.9 in.
173 mm

Cover plate
9.8 in. 2.9 in. (72.5 mm)
246 mm
Excluding cover plate

Front view of Color Touch Screen Side view of Color Touch Screen

Touch Screen

6.8 in.
172.5 mm

5.39 in. 4.5 in.

137 mm 135 mm 1.65 in.
42 mm

7.56 in.
192 mm Side view of Spectrum Top view of Spectrum Touch Screen
Touch Screen
Front view of Spectrum Touch Screen

Desktop Touch Screen
Front view of Spectrum Side view of Spectrum
Touch Screen Touch Screen

6 in.
152 mm

5.5 in.
140 mm

7.5 in.
191 mm 3.75 in.
95 mm

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control technical section

Home Controller
2.75 in.
70 mm

0.9 in.
2.9 in. 23 mm
74 mm 3.75 in.
95.5 mm

6.25 in.
159 mm

3.3 in.
85 mm
0.2 in.
6 mm

0.9 in.
25 mm
2.4 in.
1.4 in. 60 mm
35 mm

3.75 in.
95.5 mm

Ethernet Network Interface

2.83 in. 2.56 in.
72 mm 65 mm

3.35 in.
85 mm

View of the Ethernet Network View of the Ethernet Network Interface

Interface showing width showing height and depth

PC Interface
2.84 in. 2.56 in.
72 mm 65 mm

3.35 in.
85 mm

Front view of the PC Side view of the PC Interface

Interface showing width showing height and depth

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighti ng Control technical section

USB Interface
2.84 in. 2.60 in.
72 mm 66 mm

3.35 in.
85 mm

Front view of the PC Interface Side view of the PC Interface

showing width showing height and depth

Network Bridge
2.83 in. 2.56 in.
72 mm 65 mm

3.35 in.
85 mm

Front view of the Network Side view of Network Bridge

Bridge showing width showing height and depth

Power Supply
2.83 in. 2.56 in.
72 mm 65 mm

3.35 in.
85 mm

Front view of a Power Supply Side view of a Power Supply

showing width showing depth and height

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control technical section

Pascal Automation Controller

2.83 in. 2.48 in.
72 mm 63 mm

3.62 in.
92 mm

Front view of the Pascal Side view of the Pascal

Automation Controller Automation Controller

General Input Unit

5.7 in.
144 mm 2.60 in.
65 mm

3.4 in.
85 mm

Top view of General Input Unit Side view of General Input Unit

Bus Coupler
2.2 in. 0.71 in.
55 mm 18 mm

1.9 in.
49 mm

Top view of Four-Channel Bus Coupler Side view of the Four-Channel Bus Coupler

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighti ng Control technical section

Four-Channel Auxiliary Input Unit

2.8 in. 2.60 in.
72 mm 65 mm

3.4 in.
3.4 in. 85 mm
85 mm

Top view of Four-Channel Side view of Four-Channel

Auxiliary Input Unit Auxiliary Input Unit

DIN Fan Controller Fan Controller Enclosure

2.1 in. 2.6 in.

65 mm 2.6 in. 8.3 in.
53 mm 66 mm 210 mm

3 in.
75.5 mm

3.4 in.
85 mm Front view of Fan Controller Enclosure

Front view of DIN Fan Controller Side view of DIN Fan Controller Side view of Fan Controller Enclosure

Indoor PIR Occupancy Sensor

3.9 in.
Wall Ceiling 100 mm
8 ft.
Sensor 2.4 m 28 ft.
8.5 m

20 ft. 20 ft
6m 6m

2.2 in.
57 mm
28 ft.
8.5 m

Field of view from side of indoor occupancy sensor

Front view of indoor occupancy sensor

28 ft.
8.5 m

Field of view from top of indoor occupancy sensor

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control technical section

360° PIR Occupancy and Multi-Sensor

.59 in.
2.83 in. 15 mm
72 mm

26 ft.
3.46 in.
88 mm

Front view of C-Bus 360° PIR 1.85 in.

Occupancy Sensor 47 mm
8 ft.
2.4 m 1.97 in.
50 mm

13 ft. 7 ft. 0 7 ft. 13 ft.

4m 2m 2m 4m Side view of C-Bus 360° PIR
Occupancy Sensor
Field of view from top and side for 360 PIR
Occupancy Sensor mounted 8 ft. above floor

Outdoor Motion Sensor 5.5 in.

140 mm

59 ft. 8 ft. Sensor

18 m 2.4 m

Ultra short – 4 ft.

1.2 m 4.5 in.
114 mm

Short – 13 ft. Field of view from side of Outdoor

Motion Sensor


Intermediate – 26 ft.

ro m
pp mu
“A pti

Long – 59 ft. 2.9 in.


18 m 74 mm

Field of view from top of Outdoor Motion Sensor Side view of Outdoor Motion Sensor

Light-Level Sensor
0.52 in.
13 mm

2.99 in.
76 mm

4.57 in. 2.83 in. 0.49 in.

116 mm 72 mm 12.5 mm

1.93 in.
49 mm

Front view of Light-Level Sensor Side view of Light-Level Sensor Top view of light-level sensor

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighti ng Control technical section

Outdoor Light-Level Sensor

4 in. 4 in.
102 mm 102 mm

2.5 in.
65 mm

View including height, width and depth dimensions

Professional Series Dimmer

7.5 in.
190 mm

7.7 in.
195 mm 9 in.
230 mm



0.4 in.
10 mm

Front view including mounting centers Side view

8 in.
202 mm

3 in.
75 mm

Top view

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control technical section

Phase Angle Dimmer Unit

8.5 in. 2.6 in.
215 mm 65 mm

3.4 in.
85 mm

Front view of the Phase Angle Dimmer Unit Side view of the Phase Angle Dimmer Unit

2 Channel DALI Gateway

2.83 in. 2.6 in.
72 mm 65 mm

1 2


3.4 in.
85 mm

DALI Gateway

Front view of DALI Gateway Side view of DALI Gateway

DMX One Way Gateway

2.84 in. 2.6 in.
72 mm 66 mm

3.35 in.
85 mm

Front view Side view

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighti ng Control technical section

4 Channel 0-10V Fluorescent Ballast Dimmer

2.83 in.
72 mm 2.56 in.
65 mm

3.35 in.
85 mm

Front view of the 0-10V Side view of the 0-10V Fluorescent

Fluorescent Ballast Dimmer Ballast Dimmer

20 Amp Relay Units

8.46 in.
2.56 in.
215 mm
65 mm

3.35 in.
85 mm

Front view of a C-Bus 4 Channel 20 Amp Relay with Power Supply Side view of a C-Bus 4 Channel 20 Amp Relay

Changeover Relay Units

5.67 in.
144 mm 2.56 in.
65 mm


1 23 4

3.35 in.
C-Bus 85 mm

Changeover Relay


Front view of a C-Bus Changeover Relay Side view of a C-Bus Changeover Relay

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control technical section

Low Voltage Relay 8 Channel

3.15 in.
(80 mm)

Front view of Low Voltage Relay 8 Channel

1.50 in.
8.66 in. (38 mm)
(220 mm)

Side view of Low Voltage

Relay 8 Channel

Top view of Low Voltage Relay 8 Channel

8M Enclosure
8.9 in. 3.8 in.
(226 mm) (97 mm)

12.57 in.
(319 mm)

Front view of 8M Enclosure box showing Side view of 8M Enclosure box showing depth
height and width

12M Enclosure
4.0 in.
12.78 in. 102 mm
325 mm

9.09 in.
231 mm

Front view of 12M Enclosure box showing height and width Side view of 12M Enclosure box showing depth

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighti ng Control technical section

24M Enclosure
4.0 in.
14.50 in. 102 mm
368 mm

14.94 in.
379 mm

Front view of 24M Enclosure box showing height and width Side view of 24M Enclosure box showing depth

36MS Enclosure
C, D, E, F, G
B, C, D, E A A, B
3.81 in.
(97 mm) C, D, E, F

15.44 in. 14.24 in.

(392 mm) (362 mm)
A, B

22.12 in.
(562 mm) 20.93 in.
A, B, C, D

36MS Knockouts
Symbol A B C D E F G H
Conduit Size ½ ¾ 1 1¼ 1½ 2 2½ 3

Dimensions for the 36MS Dimensions for the 36MS

Enclosure Flush Mounted Enclosure Surface Mounted

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus Lighting Control technical section

60M Enclosure
15.4 in. 3.9 in.
392 mm 99 mm
C, D, E, F, G
B, C, D, E A A, B
B, C, D, E C, D, E, F
D, E, F, G D, E, F, G

B, C

A, B

40.6 in.
1031 mm

A, B, C, D
C, D, E, F B, C, D, E


36M Knockouts
Front and side view (flush mount) Symbol A B C D E F G
Conduit Size ½ ¾ 1 1¼ 1½ 2 2½

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
C-Bus multi-room technical section

Eight Button Remote Controllers

2.1 in.
52 mm

2.2 in. 1.3 in.

55 mm 32 mm

5.9 in.
149 mm
4.3 in.
108 mm

1 in.
25 mm
C-Bus 8 Button Remote Control C-Bus 4 and 8 Button Remote Control Holder

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com
Products Guide
Lighting Control

©2013 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. Schneider Electric, Square D, Powerlink, C-Bus, Saturn, Dynamic Labeling Technology, and Wiser are
trademarks owned by Schneider Electric Industries SAS or its affiliated companies. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Schneider Electric USA

320 Tech Park Drive, Suite 100
La Vergne, TN, 37086
Make the most of your energy

Document Number 1200CT0701R11/12 April 2013

Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. - (800) 258-9200 - [email protected] - www.stevenengineering.com

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