Sacral Plexus

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Sacral plexus: formation

Lumbosacral trunk (ventral rami of L4 & L5)

Ventral rami of S1-S4
Sacral plexus: formation
Sacral plexus: formation

Ventral rami of S1-S4 emerge from anterior
sacral foramina.

Plexus formed on posterior wall of pelvis, in front
of piriformis.

Branches emerge from greater sciatic foramen.

Branches supply (skin & muscles of):


Gluteal region

Back of thigh

Whole leg
Coccygeal plexus

Ventral rami of S4, S5, & Co spinal nerves.

Supply postanal skin over coccyx.
Sacral plexus: branches
Sacral plexus: branches

L4-5, S1:

Superior gluteal nerve (dorsal divisions)

Nerve to quadratus femoris (ventral divisions)

L5, S1-2:

Inferior gluteal nerve (dorsal divisions)

Nerve to obturator internus (ventral divisions)

L4-5, S1-3: sciatic nerve

Common peroneal part: L4-S2 (dorsal divisions)

Tibial part: L4-S3 (ventral divisions)
Sacral plexus: branches

S1-2: (dorsal divisions)

Nerve to piriformis

S1-3: (S1-2 dorsal, S2-3 ventral divisions)

Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve

S2-3: (dorsal divisions)

Perforating cutaneous nerve
Sacral plexus: branches

S4: (ventral divisions)

Nerves to levator ani, coccygeus, external anal

S2-4: (ventral divisions)

Pudendal nerve

Pelvic splanchnic nerves (parasympathetic)
Sacral plexus: formation
Sacral plexus: branches
Supply of perineum

Nerves to levator ani, coccygeus, external
anal sphincter: S4

Pelvic diaphragm = levator ani + coccygeus

External anal sphincter
Supply of perineum

Pudendal nerve: S2-4

Perineal muscles

Perineal skin
Supply of perineum

Pelvic splanchnic nerves: S2-4

Internal urethral & anal sphincters

For urination, defecation, erection (nervi erigentes)
Pudendal nerve block
(for vaginal delivery)
'Lithotomy' position
Supply of gluteal region & thigh
Supply of gluteal region

Superior gluteal nerve, L4-S1:

Gluteus medius & minimus, TFL

Abductors & medial rotators of hip

Inferior gluteal nerve, L5-S2:

Gluteus maximus

Extensor of hip, & of knee - via iliotibial tract
Supply of gluteal region

Nerves supplying stabilizers & lateral
rotators of hip:

Nerve to quadratus femoris, L4-S1:
– Quadratus femoris & superior gemellus

Nerve to obturator internus, L5-S2:
– Obturator internus & inferior gemellus

Nerve to piriformis, S1-2:
– Piriformis
Sciatic nerve
Supply of thigh & leg:
Sciatic nerve

Tibial part, L4-S3:

4 hamstring muscles
– 2 'semis', biceps femoris (long head), adductor magnus
(ischial part)

Hip joint, knee joint

Common peroneal part, L4-S2:

Biceps femoris (short head)

Knee joint
Sciatic nerve: variation in origin
Sciatic nerve: course
Sciatic nerve: course

Emerges through greater
sciatic foramen below

Lies on posterior surface of
ischium with

posterior femoral
cutaneous nerve superficial
to it

nerve to quadratus femoris
deep to it
Sciatic nerve: course

Lies on following structures from
above down:

Posterior surface of ischium

Obturato internus & gemelli

Quadratus femoris

Adductor magnus

Crossed superficially by long
head of biceps femoris.

Ends at apex of popliteal fossa by
dividing into tibial & common
peroneal branches.
Gluteal I-M injections
Dermatomes of lower limb

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