OCD PQRST AAA + Red Flags + B symptoms & any recent trauma + Past medical history +
Family history + social history (SAD).
- O: Onset – How it started? Setting: What were you doing?
- C: Course – Continuous vs intermittent
o Continuous:
Frequency: is it your first time?
Has it ↑ or ↓ or the same?
o Intermittent:
Frequency: how often did it happen?
Are attacks similar or different in severity, duration, or frequency?
- D: Duration – Usually given, if > 24 hours Empathize -> Are you able to sleep?
- P: Position – Where did it start? Can you point with one finger on it?
- Q: Quality – Can you describe how it feels? Squeezing, stabbing, sharp, tight, or burning?
- R: Radiation – Does it shoot anywhere?
- S: Severity – From 1-10, 10 being most severe. How much do you rate it?
o If bad -> Empathize: It must be difficult.
- T: Timing – Does it change with time?
o Does it increase in the morning, end of the day? Any variations?
- A: Alleviating – Anything makes it better?
- A: Aggravating - Anything makes it worse?
- A: Associated symptoms/ Relevant system – In addition to cc, did you notice any other
o Now, I’m going to ask you more questions to see if you have any other symptoms
which can help me help you, ok?
o By systems
Same system
Nearby systems
2) Red Flags
3) B symptoms: Night sweats, fever, or weight change?
a. Any recent trauma?
**Before I move on to your past medical history is there anything else you would like to
let me know? **
** Thank you, I would like to ask a bit about your background and social history if you
don’t mind? **
1) Productive/non productive
2) Intermittent / continuous
3) Time of the day
4) Blood
5) Severity
6) Aggravating / relieving factors
7) Progression
8) Associated symptoms
1) Amount
2) Volume
3) Color
4) Smell
5) Consistency
6) Blood
Stool / Vomitus
1) Amount
2) Volume
3) Color
4) Blood
5) Smell
6) Consistency
1. Frequency
2. Feeling of incomplete evacuation
3. Consistency of feaces
4. Acute / chronic
5. Associated symptoms – pain, bleeding.
6. Time spent straining
7. Stool?
8. Aggravating / relieving factors
1. Everything about stool, especially on consistency
2. Frequency
3. Urgency of defecation
4. Abdominal pain
5. Aggravating / relieving factors
6. Severity
1. Liquid / solid
2. Painful
3. Regurgitates? Into nose?
4. Where (specific location) the food sticks