m2m Iot

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IoT and M2M

Machine-to-Machine (M2M) refers to networking of machines
(or devices) for the purpose of remote monitoring and control
and data exchange.
 Term which is often synonymous with IoT is Machine-to-
Machine (M2M).
 IoT and M2M are often used interchangeably.
Fig. Shows the end-to-end architecture of M2M systems
comprises of M2M area networks, communication networks
and application fomain.

 An M2M area network comprises of machines( or M2M nodes)

whiach have embedded network modules for sensing,
actuation and communicating various communiction protocols
can be used for M2M LAN such as ZigBee, Bluetooth, M-bus,
Wireless M-Bus etc., These protocols provide connectivity
between M2M nodes within an M2M area network.
 The communication network provides connectivity to remote
M2M area networks. The communication network provides
connectivity to remote M2M area network. The communication
networkcan use either wired or wireless network(IP based).
While the M2M are networks use either properietorary or
non-IP baed communication protocols, the communication
network uses IP-based network. Since non-IP based protocols
are used within M2M area network, the M2M nodes within one
network cannot communicate with nodes in an
 To enable the communication between remote M2M are
network, M2M gateways are used.
Fig. Shows a block diagram of an M2M gateway. The communication
between M2M nodes and the M2M gateway is based on the
communication protocols which are naive to the M2M are network.
M2M gateway performs protocol translations to enable Ip-
connectivity for M2M are networks. M2M gateway acts as a proxy
performing translations from/to native protocols to/from Internet
Protocol(IP). With an M2M gateway, each mode in an M2M area
network appears as a virtualized node for external M2M area

Differences between IoT and M2M

1) Communication Protocols:
□ Commonly uses M2M protocols include ZigBee,
Bluetooth, ModBus, M-Bus, WirelessM-Bustec.,
□ In IoT uses HTTP, CoAP, WebSocket,
2) Machines in M2M Vs Things inIoT:
□ Machines in M2M will be homogenous whereas
Things in IoT will be heterogeneous.
3) Hardware Vs SoftwareEmphasis:
□ the emphasis of M2M is more on hardware with
embedded modules, the emphasis of IoT is more
4) Data Collection &Analysis
□ M2M data is collected in point solutions and often
in on-premises storage infrastructure.
□ The data in IoT is collected in the cloud (can be
public, private or hybrid cloud).

5) Applications
□ M2M data is collected in point solutions and can be
accessed by on-premises applications such as diagnosis
applications, service management applications, and on-
premisis enterpriseapplications.
□ IoT data is collected in the cloud and can be accessed by
cloud applications such as analytics applications,
enterprise applications, remote diagnosis and
management applications,etc.

SDN and NVF for IoT

Software Defined Networking(SDN):
• Software-DefinedNetworking (SDN)
isanetworking architecture that separates the control
plane from the data plane and centralizes the
• Software-based SDN controllers maintain a unified view of
• Theunderlying infrastructure in SDN uses
simple packet forwarding hardware as opposed to
specialized hardware in conventionalnetworks.
SDN Architecture
Key elements of SDN:

1) Centralized NetworkController

With decoupled control and data planes and centralized

network controller, the network administrators can
rapidly configure the network.

2) Programmable OpenAPIs

SDN architecture supports programmable open APIs for

interface between the SDN application and control layers
(Northbound interface).

3) Standard Communication Interface(OpenFlow)

SDN architecture uses a standard communication

interface between the control and infrastructure layers
(Southbound interface). OpenFlow, which is defined by
the Open Networking Foundation (ONF) is the broadly
accepted SDN protocol for the Southboundinterface.

Network Function Virtualization(NFV)

• Network Function Virtualization (NFV) is a technology that

leverages virtualization to consolidate the heterogeneous
network devices onto industry standard high volume servers,
switches andstorage.
• NFV is complementary to SDN as NFV can provide the
infrastructure on which SDN canrun.
Key elements of NFV:
NFV Architecture
1) Virtualized Network Function(VNF):

VNF is a software implementation of a network function

which is capable of running over the NFV Infrastructure

2) NFV Infrastructure(NFVI):

NFVI includes compute, network and storage resources

that are virtualized.

3) NFV Management andOrchestration:

NFV Management and Orchestration focuses on all

virtualization-specific management tasks and covers the
orchestration and life-cycle management of physical
and/or software resources that support the
infrastructure virtualization, and the life-cycle
management of VNFs.

Need for IoT Systems Management

Managing multiple devices within a single system requires advanced
management capabilities.
1) Automating Configuration : IoT system management
capabilities can helpin automating the
2) Monitoring Operational & Statistical Data : Management
systems can help in monitoring opeartional and statistical data
of a system. This data can be used for fault diagnosis
3) Improved Reliability: A management system that allows
validating the system configurations before they are put into
effect can help in improving the systemreliability.
4) System Wide Configurations : For IoT systems that consists
of multiple devices or nodes, ensuring system wide
configuration can be critical for the correct functioning of
5) Multiple System Configurations : For some systems it may
be desirable to have multiple valid configurations which are
applied at different times or in certainconditions.
6) Retrieving & Reusing Configurations : Management systems
which have the capability of retrieving configurations from
devices can help in reusing the configurations for other devices
of the sametype.

IoT Systems Management with NETCONF-YANG

YANG is a data modeling language used to model configuration
and state data manupulated by the NETCONF protocol.
The generic approach of IoT device management weith
of various componentsare:
1) ManagementSystem
2) ManagementAPI
3) TransactionManager
4) RollbackManager
5) Data ModelManager
6) ConfigurationValidator
7) ConfigurationDatabase
8) ConfigurationAPI
9) Data ProviderAPI
1) Management System : The operator uses a management
system to send NETCONF messages to configure the IoT device
and receives state information and notifications from the
device as NETCONFmessages.
2) Management API : allows management application to start
3) Transaction Manager: executes all the NETCONF transactions
and ensures that ACID properties hold true for thetrasactions.
4) Rollback Manager : is responsible for generating all the
transactions necessary to rollback a current configuration to
its original state.
5) Data Model Manager : Keeps track of all the YANG data
models and the corresponding managed objects. Also keeps
track of the applications which provide data for each part of a
6) Configuration Validator : checks if the resulting configuration
after applying a transaction would be a validconfiguration.
7) Configuration Database : contains both configuration and
8) Configuration API : Using the configuration API the
application on the IoT device can be read configuration data
from the configuration datastore and write opeartional data to
the opearationaldatastore.
9) Data Provider API: Applications on the IoT device can register
for callbacks for various events using the Data Provider API.
Through the Data Provider API, the applications can report
statistics and opeartionaldata.

Steps for IoT device Management with NETCONF-YANG

1) Create a YANG model of the system that defines the
configuration and state data of the system.
2) Complete the YANG model with the ‗Inctool‘ which comes
3) Fill in the IoT device mangement code in the TransAPImodule.
4) Build the callbacks C file to generate the libraryfile.
5) Load the YANG module and the TransAPImodule into the
Netopeer server using Netopeer managertool.
6) The operator can now connect from the management system
to the Netopeer server using the NetopeerCLI.
7) Operator can issue NETCONF commands from the Netopeer
CLI. Command can be issued to changew the configuration
dsta, get operational dat or execute an RPC on the IoTdevice.

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