Open Versus Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy A Compara
Open Versus Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy A Compara
Open Versus Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy A Compara
Original Research Article
Department of General Surgery, Pacific Institute of Medical Sciences, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
Dr. Surendra Kumar Samar,
E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: The advent of laparoscopic surgeries have heralded a giant leap for minimally invasive surgeries and
are now being used as a primary modality due to its various benefits. The use of laparoscopic surgeries has been
limited only by patient related factors and in certain scenarios by lack of infrastructure availability. The present study
aimed to provide a comparative review of the traditional and minimally invasive modalities.
Methods: The study employed a comparative prospective randomized study model with 100 subjects divided in two
groups based on modality employed. The operative and post-operative parameters were noted and presented.
Results: The study displayed that the advent of post-operative complications as well as hospital stay duration was
higher in traditional laparoscopic cholecystectomy cases.
Conclusions: The study reiterated the long known fact that laparoscopic surgeries in gall stones is favorable from the
patient perspective but is riddled with unavailability due to financial and infrastructure based concerns.
Presently, LC enjoys the status of being a safe, reliable The incidence of gallstones is known to increase with an
and routine procedure, preferred by both surgeons and increase in age and demographic studies have
patients due to its minimal access technique which demonstrated that females are more likely to have
includes reduced postoperative pain, faster mobilization gallstones compared to males. It is estimated that
approximately 20% of women and 5% of men in the age The subjects who consented to inclusion in the study
bracket of 50 to 65 years have gallstones. Overall, 75% of were provided with a detailed participation information
gallstones are composed of cholesterol and the other 25% sheet explaining the need for the study and that their
are pigmented. Despite the differences in composition of refusal for participation at any stage will not affect their
gallstones and the variance among genders, the clinical treatment. The subjects were subjected to thorough
signs and symptoms of the disease manifest similarly.5 history taking and general examination process. The
routine investigations as well as radiology imaging were
Despite its widely propagated advantages, the pitfalls of performed prior to the surgery. Other protocols were
LC are also well known. The lack of three dimensional followed as per standardized regulations prevailing in the
imaging can lead to a limited surgical view and a lower institution.
discrimination of organelles. It is an obvious contra
indication for patients who cannot sustain or are The study pool comprised of 100 subjects, divided in two
permitted general anaesthesia. In patients with cardiac groups of 50 subjects each. The division was done on the
illnesses, the carbon dioxide insufflation can induce basis of the procedure to be employed for
arrythmias. Also the poor structural visualization can lead cholecystectomy viz LC or OC. Pre-operative checkups
to the increased risk of hemorrhage and bile duct damage and admission were similar for both cases.
or leakage. Coupled with the elevated cost of equipment,
the use of laparoscopic procedures in poorer set ups is a The duration of surgery was noted as the time from
troublesome task.6-8 initiation if skin incision, up to the time till final closure
of sutures. Pain was measured using a visual analog scale
This led to the formulation of a plan for the present study, (VAS). Blood loss was calculated using by gravimetric
which aims to compare the LC and OC in parameters method by swab weighing. In LC it was measured by the
such as duration of procedure, blood loss and volume of irrigation fluids and subtracted from volume
requirements, post-operative pain and analgesia, duration from the fluid collected in suction bottles to estimate the
of hospital stay, financial load on patient and finally final blood loss.
patient response. We hope to provide a conclusion that
will advise on the effectiveness and possible use of a The details of the study parameters were filled in a MS
particular procedure, LC or OC as preferential for excel sheet and subjected to statistical analysis in
patients. consultation with institutional statistician using SPSS
version 12 software.
The present study was a comparative prospective
randomized study done in a period of one year from The study sample comprised of 100 adult subjects
September 2019 to September 2020 in the department of including 61 males and 39 females. The average age of
general surgery of Pacific institute of medical sciences, the study subjects was 45.21±14.6 years. There were
Udaipur, Rajasthan. The research proposal was submitted statistically significant differences among the average age
and approved by research committee and institutional between males and females of the study population. The
ethics committee prior to commencing the study. majority of the individuals (n=72) were from a rural
residential area, while the rest of the subjects (n=28) were
The study was done among the outpatient and inpatient from urban area. The predominant occupation among the
wards of the hospital. study subjects were agriculture and livestock related.
Other professions included shopkeepers, mine workers
Inclusion criteria and housewives or unemployed. Educational
qualifications were predominantly high school
Inclusion criteria for the study was age above 20 and level(n=52), with 27 subjects holding bachelor’s degrees,
below 70 years, radiological confirmation of gall bladder while 21 were school dropouts.
calculi done by ultrasonography, individuals who have
provided a written valid consent for inclusion in the The clinical presenting complaints of subjects was varied.
study. Only elective cases were included. Maximum had a chief presenting complaint of abdominal
pain or discomfort, followed by nausea/vomiting,
Exclusion criteria indigestion and dyspepsia (Figure 1). There was no
statistical difference in the chief complaints between the
Individuals refusing consent or unable to provide valid two groups.
consent, emergency cases requiring surgery, cases with
history of previous abdominal surgery in past year, In terms of operative characteristics, it was evident that
individuals with associated co morbidities like cancers, the blood loss was statistically higher in open
oesophageal strictures which can impair pain assessment cholecystectomy cases (Figure 2). The same was seen in
were excluded from the study. total duration of stay and average pain scores among the
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