BBM Reviewer
BBM Reviewer
BBM Reviewer
Bloody Mary (1920s)
Preparation for Bartenders Service
Ferdinand Petiot
1. Physical cleanliness - daily bathing and apply named after England’s Queen Mary I, because
deodorant, change clothes every day. of her persecution of the Protestant
2. Posture – stand straight, chest up abdomen flat. Daquiri (1898)
3. Skin - everyday regular exercise is needed, and
plenty sleep as well. Jennings S. Cox
4. Hair - must be cleaned and trim. named after Daquiri village in Havana, Cuba
5. Hand and nails - always follow the hand Depth Charge
washing techniques.
6. Teeth - brush your teeth three times a day or shot glass full of whisky and dropped in big
every after meal. glass of beer and then beer is drunk
7. Feet - Cleaned and trimmed toenails. Frappe
8. Shoes - keep your shoes cleaned and shiny.
9. Jewelry - wear a prescribe jewelry like rings and drink that has crushed/shaved ice over then
liqueurs are then poured
watches only.
Chapter 3:
usually garnished with small white onion
named after American illustrator Charles Dana
Types of Mixed Drinks
Gibson famous for his drawings “Gibson Girl”
1. Cocktail – w/ alcohol Gimlet (1890s)
Wine based Sirr T.O Gimlette
Liquor based gin with lime juice
Martini (1860) 10. Curacao Triple Sec –made from the peel of
bitter orange grown in the West Indies,
Jerry Tomas enriched with spices, rum and sugar.
1 shot of gin in wine glass of sweet vermouth,
dash of bitters and 2 dashes maraschino liqueur Both triple sec and Curacao are orange-
flavoured liqueurs, and typically the triple
sec of today is clear, while curacao is either
clear or sold in a variety of colours, including
Classification of Alcoholic Beverages: blue.
I. Spirits – distilled from veggy, grains, fruits, 11. Drambuie – a golden-colored liqueur made
plants bound in sugar or startch after from Old Scotch whisky, honey, herbs and
fermentation. spices.
1. Whisky – general term for liquors with proof
not less than 80%. Distilled from mash or 12. Grand Marnier – an orange-flavoured
grain liqueur made from Champagne, cognac and
a) Scotch – made of malted barley and orange Curacao
aged barrels of oak
13. Kahlua – is a coffee liqueur. Contains rum,
b) Irish – same as scotch whisky but has
sugar, vanilla, and 100% Arabica coffee.
no smoky flavor
c) Canadian – aromatized w/ corn & 14. Kirshwasser –It is a clear, colorless brandy
barley made traditionally from the double distillation
d) Japanese – made same manner as of morello cherries, a wild, dark-colored sour
scotch cherry variety. Today it's even made from
2. Gin - distilled from grain mash, aromatics. other forms of cherries, though.
London dry gin is most popular
3. Rum – distilled from refined sugar cane and 15. Pernod – or Richard an anise-flavored
molasses aperitif made from liquorice and anise
4. Vodka – distilled from potatoes and filtered
thru charcoal. No aroma, color, taste 16. Southern Comfort – often abbreviated ’So
5. Brandy – distilled fermented juice of ripe Co”, it is a high proof fruit-flavored liqueur
grapes or other fruits. made in the United Statesmade of with fruit,
6. Tequila – distilled from blue agave plant spice accent another secret formula.