BBM Reviewer

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BBM Reviewer (1st Sem) 7.

Busboy – setting/resetting table; refill water;

assist bar servers
Chapter 1:
8. Wine Steward/Sommelier - suggesting, selling,
Bartending - been around for thousands of years; can and serving the wines to the guests
be traced back as the ancient times in Greece, Rome, & 9. Bar Receptionist - receiving and entertaining
Asia. the guests
10. Cashier – receiving payments of the guests
 Bartenders particularly in Europe were known as
 Jeremiah “Jerry” Thomas (1830-1885) –
Chapter 2:
“Father of American Mixology” | How To Mix
Drinks (book) Parts of the Bar
 Dale DeGroff (71 yrs old) – “King of Cocktails” |
1. Front Bar – customer’s area, drinks are ordered
The Craft of the Cocktail (book)
& served
 Tavern – serves food
2. Back Bar – decorative & storage function
 Pubs – alcoholic/soft drinks only
3. Under Bar – heart of the entire beverage
Alcohol in Eras & Ancient Times
Cleanliness at the bar is essential
- Gin & Tonic – Probition Era
- Beer - Neolithic period
- 24 kinds of Wine & 17 kind of Beer – Egyptian Bar & Beverage Tools & Equipments
(Osiris “the god of wine”)
1. Bar Matting – stores glasses
- Consumption alcohol in Hammurabi –
2. Bar Spoon – layering, stirring
3. Bottle Glass – storing simple syrup
- Mead (fermented honey & water) – Greeks
4. Speed Bottle & Pourer - store various types of
- Tavern – Romans
5. Glass Rimmer – appliance for the application of
Bar Personnel & Responsibilities salt or sugar on a glass surface
6. Garnish Caddy – tool for storing fruits & veggy
Bar - a counter for dispensing/selling of goods and
during operation
7. Bar Strainer – for straining large particles like
Food Bars - include Oyster bars, Snack bars, Sandwich ice/seeds
bars 8. Ice Scooper – pick up ice
9. Jigger – measuring small quantity of alcohol; 30
1. Bar Manager - overall operation of the bar
2. Assistant Bar Manager - preparing, assigning
10. Mixing Glass – glass made for stirring cocktail
and directing performance evaluation work
drinks ex; vermouth and Campari
3. Bar Captain/Supervisor - monitoring the staff
11. Muddlers – use to smash fruits, herbs, spices
and the operation; eye of bar manager
12. Speed Pourer - pour liquor quickly and keep
4. Bartender/Mixologist - preparing the drinks of
fruit flies away. (only bottles with higher volume
the guests; have all the knowledge about bbm
ca be used)
 Proposals, lead, controls the development
and delivery of products and services in
the bar, ensuring effective compliance with
quality services.
Stemware: Cocktail Glasses Terms & Types
5. Bar Back – (“bar helper”, “bar boy/girl”) – helps
1. Martini Glass - also known as a cocktail bottle.
bartender for maintaining cleanliness &
They are used for drink that are served straight
preparation of the bar
up like Martini.
6. Bar Attendant/ Bar Server – serving
2. High Ball Glass - hold between 8 and 12 oz;
drinks/food to guests
usually used in screwdriver
3. Poco Grande Glass – exotic style drinks; Modifying Ingredients
Ex: Long Island Punch  Liqueurs
4. Collins Glass – also known as sling shot.  Syrups
 Non-alcoholic beverages
Used for long drinks. Ex: Mojito, Screwdriver
5. Old Fashioned/Rock Glass - hold between 6
and 12 oz. Used for low ball drinks “on the Types of Wine (baka lang kasi tanungin)
rocks” * Table wine *Appetizer wine
6. Champagne Flute – used for sparkling drinks *Sparkling wine *Fortified wine
7. Sour Glass – interchangeable glasses. Used for
small drinks
Definition of Terms
8. Brandy Snifter Glass – has a large bowl that
Bartending – art of mixing, preparing, serving drinks
enhances the aroma of fine spirits. Sometimes
Flairtending – act of flipping, spinning, throwing, etc.
used for straight up liquors.
9. Coffee Glass – Used for special hot drinks. Modifier – “liqueurs” added to base liquors; flavorings

Ex: b52 coffee, Irish coffee

10. Champagne Saucer Glass – elegant cocktail
glass. Used in contemporary cocktails. Facts about Cocktail Drinks
11. Carafe – Used for wine decantation Cocktail – invented by Betsy Flanagan (1776)
12. Wine Glass – great for hot cocktails mulled wine
- Uses cock’s tail as stirrer at her bar “Halls
13. Hurricane Glass – footed glass w/ bulbous Cornets” in Elmsford New York
bottom & flaring cylinder top. Used for tropical - Cocktail was sometimes reffered as “rooster”

Bloody Mary (1920s)
Preparation for Bartenders Service
 Ferdinand Petiot
1. Physical cleanliness - daily bathing and apply  named after England’s Queen Mary I, because
deodorant, change clothes every day. of her persecution of the Protestant
2. Posture – stand straight, chest up abdomen flat. Daquiri (1898)
3. Skin - everyday regular exercise is needed, and
plenty sleep as well.  Jennings S. Cox
4. Hair - must be cleaned and trim.  named after Daquiri village in Havana, Cuba
5. Hand and nails - always follow the hand Depth Charge
washing techniques.
6. Teeth - brush your teeth three times a day or  shot glass full of whisky and dropped in big
every after meal. glass of beer and then beer is drunk
7. Feet - Cleaned and trimmed toenails. Frappe
8. Shoes - keep your shoes cleaned and shiny.
9. Jewelry - wear a prescribe jewelry like rings and  drink that has crushed/shaved ice over then
liqueurs are then poured
watches only.
Chapter 3:
 usually garnished with small white onion
 named after American illustrator Charles Dana
Types of Mixed Drinks
Gibson famous for his drawings “Gibson Girl”
1. Cocktail – w/ alcohol Gimlet (1890s)
 Wine based  Sirr T.O Gimlette
 Liquor based  gin with lime juice

2. Mocktail – w/o alcohol Harvey Wallbanger

 Tom Harvey a surfer who would order Italian

screwdriver and after several glasses started
6 Spirits (Base Liquors) “banging” into walls.
Highball (1980s)
* Gin * Tequila
 “highball” signaling device used in railroads
* Rum * Brandy
 Trainmen discovered Ice,whisky,and water could
* Vodka * Whisky be a quick and delightful drink
Irish Coffee (1938)
 Joe Sheridan 8. Crème de Cacao –is a liqueur that tastes
 First served in flights because of freezing like made from beans of cacao,
planes, flight attendants would pour whisky to with additional spices and vanilla. It has two
hot coffee colors – white and brown

Mai Tai (1944) 9. Crème de Menthe – the mint-flavored

liqueur made from fresh mint and brandy.
 Trader Vic Commercially comes in two colors colorless
 Polynesian word “the best out of this country” version (called "white") and a green version
(colored by the mint leaves or by added
coloring if made from extract instead of
Manhattan (1859) leaves).

Martini (1860) 10. Curacao Triple Sec –made from the peel of
bitter orange grown in the West Indies,
 Jerry Tomas enriched with spices, rum and sugar.
 1 shot of gin in wine glass of sweet vermouth,
dash of bitters and 2 dashes maraschino liqueur Both triple sec and Curacao are orange-
flavoured liqueurs, and typically the triple
sec of today is clear, while curacao is either
clear or sold in a variety of colours, including
Classification of Alcoholic Beverages: blue.

I. Spirits – distilled from veggy, grains, fruits, 11. Drambuie – a golden-colored liqueur made
plants bound in sugar or startch after from Old Scotch whisky, honey, herbs and
fermentation. spices.
1. Whisky – general term for liquors with proof
not less than 80%. Distilled from mash or 12. Grand Marnier – an orange-flavoured
grain liqueur made from Champagne, cognac and
a) Scotch – made of malted barley and orange Curacao
aged barrels of oak
13. Kahlua – is a coffee liqueur. Contains rum,
b) Irish – same as scotch whisky but has
sugar, vanilla, and 100% Arabica coffee.
no smoky flavor
c) Canadian – aromatized w/ corn & 14. Kirshwasser –It is a clear, colorless brandy
barley made traditionally from the double distillation
d) Japanese – made same manner as of morello cherries, a wild, dark-colored sour
scotch cherry variety. Today it's even made from
2. Gin - distilled from grain mash, aromatics. other forms of cherries, though.
London dry gin is most popular
3. Rum – distilled from refined sugar cane and 15. Pernod – or Richard an anise-flavored
molasses aperitif made from liquorice and anise
4. Vodka – distilled from potatoes and filtered
thru charcoal. No aroma, color, taste 16. Southern Comfort – often abbreviated ’So
5. Brandy – distilled fermented juice of ripe Co”, it is a high proof fruit-flavored liqueur
grapes or other fruits. made in the United Statesmade of with fruit,
6. Tequila – distilled from blue agave plant spice accent another secret formula.

III. Beer - made from fermented cereal grain

II. Liqueur - mixture of sugar, fruits, syrup or other
flavoured with hops.
flavour to brandy or other spirits.
1. Hops - are extracted from Humulus lupulus the
1. Advocat – eggs, brandy, sugar
flower of hop plant. These are mainly used as a
2. Anisette – anise flavor enriched by bitter bitter, flavouring and stabilizing agent in beer.
almonds flavoring
IV. Wine - This is a fresh ripe grape juice which is
3. Aquavit – clear liqueur flavoured with naturally fermented.
caraway seeds that is principally produced
in Scandinavia
4. Benedictine – is an herbal liqueur produced
Methods of Preparation
in France. Liqueur made by Benedictine
monks from a secret recipe believed to be a
mixture of herbs, spices, and fine brandy. 1. Straight Shots – “straight up”
2. Rock Drinks – “On the rocks”
5. Chartreuse –The liqueur has been made by
the Carthusian Monks since 1737. The color 3. Highball Drinks – mixture of smaller portion of
is yellow and green and consists of a
alcoholic base spirit and a greater proportion of
mixture of several ingredients such as
spices, herbs and roots. a non-alcoholic mixer and is served in a highball

6. Cherry – brandy flavoured with black glass.

cherries. 4. Tall Drinks – A drink that is served in a tall

7. Cointreau – is an orange-flavoured triple highball glass

sec liqueur. It was originally called Curacao 5. Stirred Drinks – Drinks are prepared whereas
Blanco Triple Sec.
the ingredients are first chilled by stirring in a
mixing glass with cubed ice. After the
ingredients are stirred, they are strained into the
suitable glass.
6. Blended Drinks – drinks prepared using
7. Shaken Drinks – shaken with ice using cocktail
8. Built in Drinks – drinks poured in a glass all
9. Mixed Drinks – mixture of 2 or more
ingredients. Can be alcoholic or non-alcoholic

“Dash” – means add 1 to 2 drops

Types of Drinks served on the Bar

1. Well Drink – contains most affordable liquor

available in the bar
2. A Call Drink – made with specific liquor
3. Premium Drink – made with expensive liquor
4. Draft Beer – beer drawn from a barrel
5. House Wine – means the most affordable wine
at the bar
6. Back – means “non-alcoholic chaser”
7. Chilled – means “called”
8. Dirty – means “with olive juice”
9. Double – means “double the liquor”
10. Dry – means “with dry vermouth”
11. Frozen/Blended – frozen means “blended”
12. Neat – means “old-fashioned glass w/ice”
13. On the Rocks – means “with ice”
14. Sweet – means “with sweet vermouth”
15. Tall – means “in a bigger glass”
16. Top Shelf – means “premium”
17. Up – means “chilled & strained” into martini
18. With a Twist – means “adding a twist” to the
19. With Salt – means “the rim of glass is coated
with kosher salt”

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