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Directory 2023

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“Serving the Sewing Industry Since 1971”

“Lacing a World of Quality”

Un grupo
de empresas
que contribuye al
progreso de Honduras
Distribuyendo nuestros productos y
servicios a nivel nacional e internacional.

Zona Libre Agencia J.E. Handal Contacto HN Contacto USA

Zona Libre Agencia J.E. Handal, km. 2.6 Tel: (504) 2617-8899 Tel: (305) 433-7007
autopista a Puerto Cortés. Fax: (504) 2617-8898 Fax: (760) 502-3922
Choloma, Cortés, Honduras, C.A.

www.agenciajehandal.com | sales@agenciajehandal.hn


Serving the

Sewing Industry
& Servicios

Since 1971

Máquinas industriales de coser

Equipo automático
de corte

Repuestos 100%
genuinos y accesorios






Agencia JE Handal, S.A. de C.V. Contacto HN Contacto USA

Zona Libre Agencia J.E. Handal, km. 2.6 Tel: (504) 2617-8899 Tel: (305) 433-7007
autopista a Puerto Cortés. Fax: (504) 2617-8898 Fax: (760) 502-3922
Choloma, Cortés, Honduras, C.A.

www.agenciajehandal.com | sales@agenciajehandal.hn

Make sense
of your
supply chain
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Hacemos que sus
negocios avancen
Enviamos, distribuimos, gestionamos y
almacenamos artículos necesarios
que hacen que el mundo avance

Para más información:



Textille Mills

Industrial Parks


& Wiring Sets

Call Centers /
Technology Services


the President
A letter from

Mario Canahuati
President of the Board of Directors of the
Honduran Manufacturers Association

D espite the fact that the end of 2022 was marked by a clear
slowdown in the economy in our main market receptors, we
received this new year with the right attitude: Face the challenges
with the best possible arguments, showing the strength of an
industry forged in work, innovation and the weaving of resilience
that has faced everything from global economic crises to extreme
natural phenomena that have precariously affected productive
conditions and economic and social development in Honduras.

We recognize that 2023 will be a year of great challenges,

where following the course of a single vision, with the appropriate
accompaniment of the government in its capacity as rector of
public finances, fiscal and monetary policy, will be necessary
conditions to mitigate the impacts of an announced global crisis
that can dramatically affect all the countries of the world.

However, the attitude continues to be positive, as it has always

been within an industry that is a leader at a continental level,
and this is how we are preparing to move forward in the search
for efficiencies that contribute to good corporate functioning,
technological development and the integral competitiveness
of our affiliates, making important alliances with national and
international partners that will be contributing with us, to the
substantive progress of the sector in important issues such as
the development of human capital, the territorial diversification
of the industry and the expansion of our horizon of participation
in new productive categories, never before explored, both in
textiles, as in relation to the automotive cluster and outsourcing
of services.

We will continue in the search for new investments being aware

that although the Nearshoring phenomenon has a finite validity,
as a country and as an industry we have the necessary conditions
to receive significant amounts of foreign direct investment, as a
result of the relocation of important supply chains similar to our
profile criginating from Asia. That will be a constant search and a
fundamental purpose for 2023.

I must mention that we closed 2022 with new investments that

reached historic levels in our field of business activity, initiating the
development of projects that consolidate the vertical integration
of the industry, the increase in added value and our positive
impact on the revitalization of the internal economy that in such
a positive way we have achieved throughout our history.

The experience of 2022, despite the difficult closure derived
from international economic circumstances, is without a doubt
the starting point for a moment in which we intend to move
forward in a context of complexity, defending the goals achieved
over decades of work and putting in perspective the need for a
consistent evolution with the new practices of trade, international
relations and digital transformation, keeping firm in our purposes
the continuous improvement of our sustainable production
model, the value of our labor relations and excellence in quality
production established, for a long time, as a solid hallmark for
the Honduran maquiladora industry.

We acknowledge all our collaborators who are a fundamental

pillar for our affiliated companies, the communities that are part of
our context, the city halls that receive us with enthusiasm thanks
to the transformative impact of production, entrepreneurship
and work. We salute our government, reiterating our desire to
continue working together for a better future for Honduras and
all Hondurans.

The 2023 Annual Directory is a reflection of what we have

achieved over the past three decades, but it is also the platform,
the starting point, for what we can achieve in the coming years.
We hope this will be an extremely useful instrument for all of

Mario Canahuati
President of the Board of Directors of
the Honduran Manufacturers Association

Welcome to

investment opportunities

• A stable legal framework that guarantees

the principle of free enterprise, incentives
Honduras a land full of

for production and trade treaties that makes

Honduras globally competitive.

• A modern highway network, 5 international

airports and Puerto Cortés, the only deep water
port in Central America and one of the region’s
largest and best equipped ports; facilitate the
importing and exporting process.

• An energy generating infrastructure that ensures


• A skilled and trainable workforce.

• Competitive wage policies.

• Competitive costs in relation to productivity.

• Close proximity to the main markets in the U.S.

Tax incentives
for investors
• 100% exemption on:
- Income taxes
- Net assets and solidarity tax
- Sales tax

• 100% exemption on municipal taxes

• Exemption from taxes on petroleum based fuels that

are used for production

• Foreign currency is owned by the exporter.

• Access to different markets on preferential terms (trade


• Permanent employment subsidy program (Government

subsidizes 50% of the minimum wage for each worker
hired permanently during the first 3 months).

• Domestic market sales:

- For industrial companies up to 100%
of its production
- For commercial companies up to 50%
of its production

Puerto Cortes the
largest and most secure
port in Central America
Puerto Cortés, the most important port
in Central America and the main port
of movement of containers across the
Atlantic, has new docks, managing to
serve up to seven ships simultaneously.
A new dock was also built with two Super
Post Panamax cranes, and the port was
equipped with new generation machinery

First port in Latin America to be included in

two port security programs by the United
States government and to have the U.S.
Customs office in situ.

Operates under the Container Security

Initiative developed and managed by the
U.S. Customs, unique in Central America.
This program prescreen and evaluates
containers before they are shipped.
Containers are screened as early in the
supply chain as possible, generally at the
port of departure.

Shipments arrive to major

U.S. ports in 2 to 3 days.

Puerto Cortes is only an hour drive away

from the industrial zones in the northern
region of Honduras.


Manufacturing companies
operating inside free zones

001 5 Star Apparel, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.elcatex.com

address ZIP Choloma, col. La Mora, Choloma, Cortés

origin Honduras,
contact Jorge Montoya
email jorge.montoya@elcatex.com
phone +504 2617-7720 fax +504 2617-7700
products Briefs, boxers, loose knits, A-shirt, basic tee, triblend tees, vneck tees, long sleeve
tees, muscle

002 Ability, S.A.

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

Zona Libre www.americasbestwd.com

address Zona libre Metro Rosa, blvd. del Sur, 100 mts. antes del peaje de Chamelecón, edif.
contiguo a gasolinera Puma, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact José Luis López
email abilitycorporation@live.com
phone +504 2509-1936, +504 9631-7122
products Manufacturing of aluminium windows, doors, grills, UPVC doors and windows,
steel boxes

003 Agroecológica Internacional, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.grupoim.hn

address Bo. Tenguaje, km. 80, salida hacia Tegucigalpa, Comayagua, Comayagua
origin Honduras
contact Elwin Selin Perdomo Madrid
email elwin.perdomo@ih-fg.com
phone +504 2217-0798
products Import, export, commercialization, elaboration, manufacture, formulation,
mixing and packaging of inputs, extracts of agricultural or animal origin, biological
compounds, plant extracts, organic nutrients, organic materials, fertilizers,
biopesticides, microorganisms, beneficial insects.

004 Agroindustrias Diadema Zona Franca Honduras, S.A.

Zona Libre www.davidoff.com

address Km. 5, crrt. hacia Las Manos, Danlí, El Paraiso

origin Switzerland
contact Manuel de Jesús Batista
email manuel.batista@davidoff.com
phone +504 2763-5994
products Export and manufacturing of tobacco cigars

005 Alamode, S.A.

Zona Libre

address 19 ave., 15 cll., bo. Saragoza, Siguatepeque, Comayagua

origin South Korea
contact Chang Nam Kim
email chanakin@hotmail.com
phone +504 2773-5352, +504 2773-5353, +504 2773-5354
products We are a manufacturing company dedicated to the elaboration and export of
safety uniforms (pants and shirts)

006 Alimentos Concentrados Nacionales Exportaciones, S. de R.L. de C.V. (ALCONEX)
Zona Libre

address Crrt. a Tegucigalpa, desvío a El Calán, Búfalo, Villanueva, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Jorge Alejandro Bahaia Safie
email jorge_bahaia@cargill.com
phone +504 2574-9701
products Export of animal feed, including petfood, shrimp and tilapia feed.

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

007 American Manufacturing Company, S. de R.L.
Zona Libre

address ZIP Calpules, km. 7, salida a La Lima, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Leonardo Castellanos
email gerenciageneral@amchon.com
phone +504 2516-6027
products T-shirts, fleece, leggins, bras

008 Anduro Manufacturing, S.A.

Zona Libre www.anduromfg.com

address Zona Libre Astro Honduras, col. Felipe Zelaya, prolongación 27 cll.,
contiguo a Hotel Villa Nuria, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Antonio Hepburn
email ahepburn@anduromfg.com
phone +504 2570-7580
products Packaging manufacturer for pet food and other.

009 Aquafeed, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.aquafeedhn.com

address Aldea El Borbotón, San Francisco de Yojoa, Cortes

origin Ecuador
contact Luis Alonso López
email luis.lopez@aquafeedhn.com
phone +504 2627-0730, +504 2627-0731
products Aquifer food processing plant; tilapia and shrimp

010 Aquafinca St. Peter Fish, S.A.

Zona Libre www.regalsprings.com

address Aldea El Borbotón, San Francisco de Yojoa, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Sagrario Hernández Cruz
email sagrario.cruz@regalsprings.com
phone +504 2650-4299, +504 2650-4030, +504 2650-4300,
+504 2553-0633, +504 2557-1451
products Other animals breeding, animal products manufacturing N.C.P.

011 Astro Cartón Honduras, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.astrocarton.com

address Zona Libre Astro Honduras, 27 cll., entrada col. Felipe Zelaya, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin South Korea
contact Nancy López, Mario Padilla
email nancy.lopez@astrogrp.com.hn; mario.padilla@astrogrp.com.hn
phone +504 2559-3060
products Production of corrugated cardboard boxes

012 Avery Dennison RIS Honduras, S. de R.L.

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

Zona Libre www.averydennison.com

address ZIP Búfalo, edif. #25, Villanueva, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Melvin Rovelo
email melvin.rovelo@averydennison.com
phone +504 2508-1930, +504 2605-1000, +504 2574-9130 thru 38
products Apparel identification

013 Bay Island Sportswear, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.bayislandsportswear.com

address Parque Industrial ZIP San José, entre 20 y 27 cll., 2do. Anillo Periférico,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Patricia Paz
email ypaz@bayislandsportswear.com
phone +504 2512-1390 ext 1000
products We are a multi-style company dedicated to the manufacture of high quality
garments, known for the style, comfort, and quality of our products. Bay Island
Sportswear offers from basic to fashion garments.

014 Belle Honduras, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.facebook.com/people/Belle-Honduras/100063901067611/

address Zona Libre REMA, crrt. Ticamaya, fte. a Residencial San Carlos, Choloma, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact John Lee
email info@belleind.us
phone +504 9957-8661
products Basic t-shirt manufacturing, fabric cutting

015 Bio Larva Aquaculture, S.A.

Zona Libre www.biolarvaaquaculture.com

address Aldea Pueblo Nuevo, crrt. a Cedeno, Marcovia, Choluteca

origin Honduras
contact Carlo Salvador Palmese Zúniga
email cpalmese@biolarva.com
phone +504 9435 0579, +504 3319-6263
products Production and processing of nauplii and shrimp larvae for export and frozen

016 Bioatlántica, S. de R.L.
Zona Libre www.atlanticaagricola.com

address 33 cll., crrt. a El Polvorín, entrada principal a col. Perfecto Vásquez,

San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Spain
contact Fanny Yanira Martínez
email contab@bioatlantica.com
phone +504 9463-2568
products Botanical products for agricultural use

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

017 CAPA, S.A.
Zona Libre

address Parque Industrial ZIP Búfalo, Villanueva, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Patricia Giacoman
email pgiacoman@tetrasgroup.com
phone +504 2574-9585, +504 2574-9586
products Assembly of electric systems for all kinds of automobiles, harnesses of all kinds,
wires, car seat reinforcements

018 Ceibón, S.A.

Zona Libre

address Parque Industrial ZIP Búfalo, Villanueva, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Patricia Giacoman
email pgiacoman@hemlockhn.com
phone +504 2574-9585, +504 2574-9586
products Apparel manufacturing for hospitals, as well as sportswear, undergarments,
t-shirts and sweatshirts

019 Cintas de Honduras, S.A.

Zona Libre www.cintas.com

address ZOLI Pride, crrt. hacia el muelle de cabotaje, fte. a col. Villa Mary,
La Ceiba, Atlántida
origin United States of America
contact Gregory Dupuy
email dupuyg@cintas.com
phone +504 2408-4460
products Manufacture of work gowns for hospitals, clinics and food services.

020 Clasificadora y Exportadora de Tabaco, S.A.

Zona Libre

address Km. 5, crrt. a El Paraiso, Danlí, El Paraíso

origin Honduras
contact Ibrahim Omar Salmerón
email clasificadora@plasenciatabaco.com
phone +504 2763-2828, +504 2763-2492 fax +504 2763-2239
products Export of tobacco in branch

021 Coficab San Pedro Sula, S. de R.L.
Zona Libre

address Zona Libre Green Valley Advanced Manufacturing Hub, parcela 8, Quimistán,
Santa Bárbara
origin Tunisia
contact Mohamed Riahi
email mohamed.riahi@coficab.com
phone +504 3293-9946
products Production and sale of automotive cables

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

022 Comercializadora del Plástico, S.A.
Zona Libre www.microenvases.com

address Zona Libre Microenvases, km. 9, blvd. hacia La Lima, fte. a col. Jerusalem,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Antonio José Oviedo Prieto
email aoviedo@microenvases.com
phone +504 2559-4528, +504 2559-2988, +504 2559-8078 fax +504 2559-4528
products Production and commercializing of disposable cups and caps

023 Compañía Agrícola Industrial Ceibeña, S.A. (CAICESA)

Zona Libre www.jaremar.com

address Km. 15, Búfalo, Villanueva, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Leonel Danilo Lacayo
email llacayo@jaremar.com
phone +504 2561-7410
products African palm oil production and its derivatives

024 Confecciones del Valle, S. de R.L. / Hanesbrands, Inc.

Zona Libre www.hanesbrands.com

address ZIP Buena Vista, crrt. a Tegucigalpa, km. 21, Villanueva, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Julio Rubio
email julio.rubio@hanes.com
phone +504 2670-0900
products Bras

025 Confecciones Dos Caminos, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.fruit.com

address ZOLI ZIP Búfalo, edifs. #28-29, Villanueva, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Werner Oberholzer
email werner.oberholzer@fotlinc.com
phone +504 2634-0000, +504 2574-9302
products Panties (underwear)

026 Confecciones Monzini, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.kattangroup.com

address Zona Libre Monzini, Anillo Periférico, Aldea La Cañada, 500 mts. al este de
Gasolinera Texaco, Nuevo Mundo, Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazán
origin Honduras
contact Isabela Kattan
email isabela.kattan@protexsa.hn
phone +504 2241-7821
products Dress, sport and made to measure shirting

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

027 Convertidora de Fibras, S.A. de C.V. (CONFISA)
Zona Libre www.confisa.hn

address Col. Santa Bárbara, Calle Los Alcaldes, km. 6, crrt. al batallón,
Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazán
origin Honduras
email confisa08@hotmail.com
phone +504 2234-7700 fax +504 2234-1905
products Disposable paper products: cups, plates, little cups.

028 Corporación 3J
Zona Libre www.corp3j.com

address Km. 1, desvío a la Sabana, Dos Caminos, Villanueva, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Jonathan Park
email jonathan@corp3j.com
phone +504 2630-0030 fax +504 2630-0330
products Corrugated packaging

029 Corporación Andifar, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.andifar.com

address Zona Industrial Jacaleapa, calle principal, subida a UNITEC,

Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazán
origin Honduras
contact Hector Andonie Pinel
email hectorandonie@andifar.com
phone +504 2255-6400
products Manufacture of pharmaceutical products

030 Del Mar Apparel, S.A.

Zona Libre www.bellacanvas.com

address ZOLI Del Mar Apparel, bo. La Magdalena, crrt. a Omoa,

fte. a Instituto Franklin D. Roosevelt, Puerto Cortés, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Yexsica Lara
email Yexsica.lara@bellacanvas.com
phone +504 9330-9463
products T-shirts

031 Delta Apparel Honduras, S.A.
Zona Libre www.deltaapparel.com

address ZIP Buena Vista, Villanueva, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Karen Alicia Ortega
email karen.ortega@deltapparel.com
phone +504 2670-0022, +504 2670-0023
products T-shirts

032 Delta Cortés, S.A.

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

Zona Libre

address ZIP Buena Vista, crrt. a Tegucigalpa, Villanueva, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Luis Alejandro Castillo
email luis.castillo@deltaapparel.com
phone +504 2620-2131
products T-shirt manufacturing

033 E.M. Adams de Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.emadamsco.com

address Zona Libre INHDELVA Norte, edif. #8, Choloma, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Ronald Acosta
email r.acosta.emadams@gmail.com
phone +504 2617-0258
products E.M. Adams Company has many styles of restraints and alternatives, like limb
holders, mitt, arm immobilizer, activity apron and body bag.

034 E.SUN, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre

address ZOLI ZIP Río Blanco, nave #40, col. Río Blanco, blvd. del Norte,
crrt. a Puerto Cortés, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin China
contact Huiling Sun (Diana Sun)
email diana@esunhn.com
phone +504 2527-7119, +504 2527-7139
products Oriented in the service of cutting, sewing, inspection/style: raglan, V-neck, C-neck,
tank top and thermal

035 El Porvenir Manufacturing, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.fruit.com

address ZOLI ZIP El Porvenir, edif. #11, El Progreso, Yoro

origin United States of America
contact Werner Oberholzer
email werner.oberholzer@fotlinc.com
phone +504 2642-5522 thru 25
products Brief, t-shirt , Ashirt, fleece zippers, fleece pants

036 Empacadora de Camarones Santa Inés, S. de R.L.
Zona Libre www.empacadorasantaines.com

address Aldea Santa Elena, desvío crrt. a Cedeño, Choluteca, Choluteca

origin New Zealand
contact Antonio Cano
email antonio.cano@empacadorasantaines.com
phone +504 2780-3156, +504 2780-3159 fax +504 2780-3163
products Production of shrimp, squid and other seafood; shrimp is packaged in different

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

037 Empacadora de Productos Acuáticos San Lorenzo, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.granjasmarinas.com

address Plaza Marina, Puerto Viejo, San Lorenzo, Valle

origin Honduras
contact Victor Samuel Wilson
email vwilson@granjasmarinas.com
phone +504 2757-8800 ext 931
products Production, processing and export of shrimp: whole shrimp with shell, headless
shrimp with shell, peeled and deveined shrimps, peeled undeveined shrimps,
cooked peeled and deveined shrimps, cooked peeled undeveined shrimps,
marinated, cooked, peeled, and deveined shrimps

038 Empacadora Litoral, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.grupolitoral.com

address km. 132.5, salida a Tegucigalpa, Choluteca, Choluteca

origin Honduras
contact Maryori Yanini Burke
email mburke@empacadoralitoral.com
phone +504 2782-3313, +504 2782-0930
products Shrimp and lobster processing, marketing and export

039 Empaques Centroamericanos, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.microenvases.com

address Zona Libre Microenvases, km. 9, blvd. hacia La Lima, fte. a col. Jerusalem,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Antonio José Oviedo Prieto
email aoviedo@microenvases.com
phone +504 2559-4528, +504 2559-2988, +504 2559-8078 fax +504 2559-4528
products Production of disposable packaging

040 Ethan Allen, S.A.

Zona Libre www.ethanallen.com

address Crrt. a Ticamaya, 700 mts. hacia el desvío Aldea Monterrey,

a la par de la Col. Japón, Choloma, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Carolina Pascua
email caroline.pascua@ethanallen.com
phone +504 2606-3400
products Wood furniture for export

041 EXTRUM, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.extrum.com

address Crrt. CA-13, curva La Victoria, Choloma, Cortes

origin Honduras
contact Miguel Angel Larach Zablah
email mlarach@extrum.com
phone +504 2605-4000
products Aluminum extrusions for industrial and architectural applications, mill finish,
painted and wood grain

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

042 Farm Fresh, S.A.
Zona Libre www.montygroup.com

address Km. 2, crrt. a Miravalle, La Paz, La Paz

origin Hong Kong
contact Danelia Ramos
email danelia.ramos@montyfarms.com
products Agroindustry - sweet potato, cucumber OF & SH, butternut squash, plantain, corn,
organic pineapple juice NFC, sweet potato flour

043 Fine Shirts, S.A. (FINESSA)

Zona Libre www.kattangroup.com

address Zona Libre INHDELVA Norte, 800 mts. crrt. a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Jacobo Kattan
email jacobog.kattan@protexsa.hn
phone +504 2617-0150 fax +504 2617-0150
products Dress shirts, uniforms

044 Finos Textiles de Centroamerica, S.A. (FINOTEX)

Zona Libre www.finotex.com

address ZIP Choloma II, crrt. a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Carlos Alvarado
email carlosalvarado@finotex.com
phone +504 2626-9000 fax +504 2626-9001
products Manufacture of woven labels, printed labels, heat transfer, hang tags and paper
products, flexible packaging, thermal printing solutions, ribbons and tapes, Heat
press series, patches and emblems, sublimation, brand protection, green world
eco friendly products.

045 Fivaro, S.A.

Zona Libre www.generalsportwear.com

address ZIP Búfalo, edif. #31 & 32, Villanueva, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Junio Dean Marsan Rodríguez
email jmarsan@fivaro.com
phone +504 2574-9330, +504 2574-9333, +504 2574-9335, +504 2574-9336
products Manufacturer of private label denim jeans, twill bottoms and industrial laundry

046 Formas Térmicas, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.formastermicas.net

address Crrt. a Occidente, km. 17.5, fte. a Gasolinera UNO, sector Cofradía, Naco, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Luis Vairo Bizzarro
email luisvairob@hotmail.com
phone +504 2574-1900
products Manufacturer of expandable polystyrene products, coolers, buoys, panels,
seedbeds, moldings, boxes

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

047 Fosforera Centroamericana, S.A.
Zona Libre www.fosforeraca.com

address Km. 24, crrt. CA-5 Norte, Amarateca, Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazán | Bo. El Co-
cal, bodega #9 y 10 edif. ENP, Puerto Cortés, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Cecilia Bendeck
email cbendeck@asesorarme.com; nelsonzbn@gmail.com
phone +504 2238-8290, +504 9972-8505
products We are a full service manufacturer and supplier of wire-bound produce crates
used for sweet corn, green beans and other various vegetables.

048 Four Seasons Apparel Honduras, S.A.

Zona Libre

address ZOLI ZIP Búfalo, Villanueva, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Lydia Coronado
email lcoronado@sunacotton.com
phone +504 2574-9452
products Purchase and sale of all types of raw material to manufacture clothes, including
processes such as manufacturing, transforming, printing or any other process that
adds value to it under existing free zone regime.

049 Francis Apparel, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.elcatex.com

address ZIP Choloma, col. La Mora, Choloma, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact José Tomas Machado Díaz
email tomas.machado@francisapparel.com
phone +504 2617-7700 fax +504 2617-7700
products Basic tee (short sleeve)

050 Galiltec, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.galiltec.com

address ZIP Calpules, nave #7A, km. 7, autopista a La Lima, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Israel
contact Amnon Ronen
email aronen@galiltec.com
phone +504 2559-0251
products Energy crops, bananas, plantains, forestry and pinneapple plants. We also provide
technical assistance and worldwide project management

051 Genesis Apparel, S. de R.L.
Zona Libre www.elcatex.com

address ZIP Choloma, col. La Mora, Choloma, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Walkiria Rivera Andino
email walkiria.rivera@elcatex.com
phone +504 2617-7720
products Pullover hoods, zipper hoods, crew fleece, french terries poh, french terries
zippers, long sleeve hoodies, cardigans, blankets, bags, pants, joggers pants

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

052 Gildan Activewear San Antonio, S.A.
Zona Libre www.genuineresponsibility.com

address Parque Industrial San Miguel, Rio Nance, km. 15.5, crrt. a Puerto Cortés,
Choloma, Cortés
origin Canada
contact Melissa Rodríguez
email comunicaciones.hon@gildan.com
phone +504 2669-6300
products Fabric, t-shirts and hosiery

053 Gildan Activewear San Miguel, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.genuineresponsibility.com

address Parque Industrial San Miguel, Rio Nance, km. 15.5, crrt. a Puerto Cortés, Choloma,
origin Canada
contact Melissa Rodríguez
email comunicaciones.hon@gildan.com
phone +504 2669-6300
products Fabric, t-shirts and hosiery

054 Gildan Activewear Villanueva, S.A.

Zona Libre www.genuineresponsibility.com

address Parque Industrial San Miguel, Rio Nance, km. 15.5, crrt. a Puerto Cortés,
Choloma, Cortés
origin Canada
contact Melissa Rodríguez
email comunicaciones.hon@gildan.com
phone +504 2669-6300
products Fabric, t-shirts and hosiery

055 Gildan Honduras Hosiery Factory, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.genuineresponsibility.com

address Parque Industrial San Miguel, Rio Nance, km. 15.5, crrt. a Puerto Cortés,
Choloma, Cortés
origin Canada
contact Melissa Rodríguez
email comunicaciones.hon@gildan.com
phone +504 2669-6300
products Fabric, t-shirts and hosiery

056 Gildan Hosiery Río Nance, S. de R.L.
Zona Libre www.genuineresponsibility.com

address Parque Industrial San Miguel, Rio Nance, km. 15.5, crrt. a Puerto Cortés,
Choloma, Cortés
origin Canada
contact Melissa Rodríguez
email comunicaciones.hon@gildan.com
phone +504 2669-6300
products Fabric, t-shirts and hosiery

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

057 Goddard Catering Group Honduras, S.A.
Zona Libre www.gcggroup.com

address ZIP Calpules, nave 8C y 7D, km. 7, crrt. hacia la Lima, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Barbados
contact Jankel Reyes Sabillón
email jankel.sabillon@gcggroup.com
phone +504 2516-6032, +504 2516-6033
products Food processing for airline catering as a main business and industrial cafeteria

058 Gran Habano Honduras, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address Entrada principal col. El Quiquisque, 200 mts. al Este del Instituto Técnico Pedro
Nufio, Danlí, El Paraíso
origin United States of America
contact Lady Karina Chaparro, Guillermo Rico
phone +504 2763-3649
products Manufacturing and export of tobacco cigars and wooden boxes

059 Hanes Choloma, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.hanesbrands.com

address ZIP Choloma, crrt. a Puerto Cortés, Choloma, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Andrea Mena
email andrea.mena@hanes.com
phone +504 2667-2800
products T-shirts, fleece outwear, jersey outwear, crew hoods, zipper hood tops, bottoms,

060 Hanes Ink Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.hanes.com

address Zona Libre INHDELVA Norte, edifs. #11 y 12, desvío a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact José Mancia
email jose.mancia@hanes.com
phone +504 2617-7100
products Embellishment, decoration, screen print, embroidery, heat transfer, packaging

061 Harness Control Equipment Honduras, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.emdep.com

address Col. Felipe Zelaya, 27 calle, fte. a Lear, a la par de Residencial Palma Real,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Spain
contact Carlos Ariel Rodríguez
email crodriguez@emdep.com
phone +504 2504-9605, +504 2504-9606
products Design and manufacturing of tools, test equipment and specific software for
automotive industry.

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

062 HCE Honduras, S. de R.L.
Zona Libre www.myron.com

address ZIP El Porvenir, km. 7, crrt. a Tela, El Progreso Yoro

origin United States of America
contact Jessy Nohemy Andrade
email jandrade@myron.com
phone +504 2642-5581 thru 84
products Personalized promotional gifts for business

063 Honduras American Tabaco, S.A.

Zona Libre www.st-group.com

address Crrt. a El Paraíso, col. El Quiquisque, crrt. Panamericana, fte. al Instituto Técnico
Pedro Nufio, Danlí, El Paraíso
origin Denmark
contact Agustín García Laínez
email agustin.garcia@st-group.com
phone +504 2763-2140 fax +504 2763-2478
products Cigar manufacturing, box manufacturing

064 Honduras Chips Manufacturing, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.grupoim.hn

address Zona Libre Agroecológica Internacional, km. 80, bo. Tenguaje,

salida hacia Tegucigalpa, Comayagua, Comayagua
origin Honduras
contact Elwin Selin Perdomo Madrid
email elwin.perdomo@ih-fg.com
phone +504 2217-0198, +504 2544-0198
products Manufacturing of vegetable chips in healthy snacks from: taro, sweet potato,
cassava, beets, potato, plantain

065 IIA Tecnologías Especializadas, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.iia-tech.com

address Zona Libre INHDELVA Este, 800 mts. crrt. a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Oscar Cruz Bueso
email business@iia-tech.com (Unidad Estratégica)
phone +504 2617-0050
products Design, manufacturing and installation of high pressure tanks, heavy fuel tanks,
steel bridges, metal-mechanical structures, overhead cranes, gantry cranes, steel
PENSTOCK pipes, steel grilles and steel gates for hydroelectric projects

066 Importaciones y Exportaciones Martian, S. de R.L.
Zona Libre

address ZIP Río Blanco, fte. a Los Castaños, nave #20, Río Blanco, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact María Gonzalez
email maria@imasahn.com
phone +504 2527-7141
products Export and import of merchandise in general, such as: t-shirts, pants, threads,
wicks, machinery, industrial equipment, promotional and office items, furniture,
transport and distribution of goods and services

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

067 Industria Hondureña de Mechas, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.abcoproducts.com

address ZOLI INHMESA, km. 12, crrt. a Puerto Cortés, fte. a complejo Pintuco,
Choloma, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Isacio Javier Albir
email ialbir@broomsandmops.net
phone +504 2669-8360, +504 2669-8361
products Production of cleaning products

068 Industrias de Exportación, S.A. de C.V. (INDEX)

Zona Libre

address Zona Libre Metropolitana, Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazán

origin Honduras
contact Guillermo Bendeck
email gbendeck@grupobeta.com
phone +504 2262-2382, +504 2208-2382 fax +504 2228-3424
products T-shirts, polo shirts

069 Industrias Norteamericanas, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.inahn.com

address Zona Libre Honduras, edifs. #13 y 14, Choloma, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Eduardo Urbistondo
email eduardo@inahn.com
phone +504 2669-8922 fax +504 2669-8922
products Knit tops and bottoms, screen printing and laundry

070 Industrias Tiara, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.indutiara.com

address ZIP Calpules, km.7, crrt. a la Lima, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Giordanna Kafati Quiroz
email gio_kaf@hotmail.com
phone +504 2559-8081, +504 2559-8082, +504 2559-8083 fax +504 2559-8082
products Disposable garments for personal protection

Zona Libre www.invemacorp.com

address ZOLI INVEMA, km. 1, crrt. a El Zapotal, col. Prieto, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Joseph Andrew Gatlin
email agatlin@invemacorp.com
phone +504 2551-5777
products Production of pellet and sheet

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

072 Jerzees Nuevo Día, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.fruit.com

address ZOLI ZIP Choloma, edif. B, Choloma, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Werner Oberholzer
email werner.oberholzer@fotlinc.com
phone +504 2669-5290, +504 2669-5230
products T-shirt, fleece top and pant

073 Kit Manufacturing, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre

address Zona Libre Inversiones Las Flores, Quebrada Seca, Choloma, Cortés
origin South Korea
contact Juan Carlos Mejía
email juancarlosktc@globalnet.hn
phone +504 2630-2625, +504 2630-2626, +504 2630-2627
products Apparel manufacturing

074 Knauf de Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.knauf.com.hn

address Zona Libre INHDELVA Sur, 800 mts. crrt. a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés
origin Germany
contact Carlos José Kattan Bandy
email carlos.kattan@knauf.com
phone +504 2617-0360
products Production of gypsum boards and all products of light construction

075 La Flor de Copán Honduras, S.A.

Zona Libre

address Col. Mejía García, blvd. Jorge Bueso Arias, a 1 cuadra de Comercial Rajo,
Santa Rosa de Copán, Copán
origin Honduras
contact Joel Alvarenga
email joel.alvarenga@laflordecopan.com
phone +504 2662-0185
products Premium cigar manufacturer

076 Manufactura Tegu, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.tegu.com

address ZIP Amarateca, nave # 1, km. 19, crrt. CA-5, Amarateca, Francisco Morazán
origin United States of America
contact Rother Corea (Gerente Senior)
email rother@tegu.com
phone +504 9564-2062
products Manufacturing of magnetic wood blocks

077 Manufacturas Villanueva, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

Zona Libre www.fruit.com

address ZOLI ZIP Villanueva, edif. #11, Villanueva, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Werner Oberholzer
email werner.oberholzer@fotlinc.com
phone +504 2670-4690, +504 2670-5060
products Fleece, t-shirt, medical gown

078 Maquila y Confecciones Exiid International

Zona Libre www.exiidinternational.com

address Col. El Alamo, 300 mts. al Este del Instituto Vicente Cáceres,
Comayagüela, Francisco Morazán
origin Honduras
contact Mark Zacapa
email mzacapa@exiidinternational.com
phone +504 2225-2462, +504 2225-2463 +504 2225-2606
products Dress shirts (sport /dress), boxer briefs, ladies nightwear (top & bottom), face
masks (woven fabric)

079 Metales y Aleaciones, S.A. de C.V. (MOLDEN)

Zona Libre

address Blvd. del Norte, sector Bijao, km. 17, Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras,United States of America,Ecuador
contact Elvin Mejía
email gerenciaadministrativa@moldenmetals.com
phone +504 2544-1577 ext 204, +504 9451-3226
products Company dedicated to the recycling of vehicle and industrial batteries, in order to
separate the different materials that are in this (polypropylene and lead) for later
commercialization abroad.

080 Metalúrgica Valle de Sula, S.A.

Zona Libre

address ZIP El Porvenir, edif. #1, km. 7, crrt. a Tela, El Progreso, Yoro
origin United States of America
contact Carlos Alberto Motta de Carvalho
email carlos@mottausa.com
phone +1 954 391-0306
products Manufacturer of steel fence products

081 Microenvases, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.microenvases.com

address Zona Libre Microenvases, km. 9, blvd. hacia La Lima, fte. a col. Jerusalem,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Antonio José Oviedo Prieto
email aoviedo@microenvases.com
phone +504 2559-4528, +504 2559-2988, +504 2559-8078 fax +504 2559-4528
products Production and commercializing of disposable cups and others

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

082 Mount Dora Farms de Honduras, S. de R.L.
Zona Libre www.mountdorafarms.com

address 150 mts. desvío crrt. hacia Ajuterique, Comayagua, Comayagua

origin Honduras
contact Mario Enrique Velásquez Torres
email mario.velasquez@mountdorafarms.hn
phone +504 2772-0815 fax +504 2772-0805
products Jalapeño pepper set in vinegar

083 Novahonduras Zona Libre, S.A.

Zona Libre

address Aldea Laure Abajo, San Lorenzo, Valle

origin Honduras
contact José Milciades Ordoñez
email emarsa81@yahoo.com
phone +504 2782-7454
products Shrimp processing

084 Novalace, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.novalacehn.com

address ZOLI Agencia J.E. Handal, km. 3, crrt. de San Pedro Sula a Puerto Cortés,
Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Victor Manuel Leva Zornitta
email info@novalacehn.com
phone +504 2617-0511
products Narrow weaving textiles, twill tape, drawcords, flat cords, shoelaces, strings for
face masks

085 Novem Car Interior Design, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.novem.com

address Crrt. al Norte, km. 23, Valle de Amarateca, Comayagüela, Francisco Morazán
origin Germany
contact Steffen Binoeder
email steffen.binoeder@novem.com
phone +504 2705-1600
products Interior wood parts for luxury cars

086 ONTEX, S.A.
Zona Libre

address Zona Libre Parque Real, crrt. a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés

origin South Korea
contact JinSeop Choi
email jschoi@cottonwise.com
phone +504 2617-0347
products Manufacturer of basic t-shirts and multistyle

087 Owens & Minor Halyard Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

Zona Libre www.owens-minor.com

address Parque Industrial Villanueva, crrt. a Tegucigalpa, Villanueva, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Jorge Manun
email jorge.manun@hyh.com
phone +504 2670-4800 fax +504 2670-4755
products We are a health care service company which manufactures surgical & apparel
gowns for medical staff and patients, world wide.

088 PALCASA, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.grupopalcasa.com

address Aldea El Castaño, km. 16, El Progreso, Yoro

origin Honduras
contact Sergio Maradiaga Castillo
phone +504 2540-2101, +504 2540-2116, fax +504 2612-3531
+504 2540-2122, +504 2540-2129
products Crude palm oil, palm kernel oil, palm flour

089 Papelera Calpules, S.A. de C.V. (PACASA)

Zona Libre www.pacasa.hn

address 4 cll., 9 ave., S.O., #65, bo. El Benque, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Daniel Kafati
email d.kafati@pacasa.hn
phone +504 2561-5500 fax +504 2557-5545
products Manufacture and distribution of school supplies, office and printers

090 Pindu Limitada

Zona Libre www.atlanco.com

address CBI Industrial Park, col. Ponce, contiguo a Fábrica de Muebles Molineros,
La Ceiba, Atlántida
origin United States of America
contact Vasti Laínez
email vlainez@cbihn.com
phone +504 2442-4795, +504 2442-4171 fax +504 2442-4171
products Suppliers of personal equipment, material and uniforms for the military, law
enforcement and public safety markets. Pants and shirt uniforms, helmet covers,
balaclava, poncho, police uniforms, boonie and hat, patrol caps, jackets, flight
suits, underwear, baselayer shirts

091 Pinehurst Manufacturing (HND) GmbH
Zona Libre www.pinehurstmfg.com

address Zona Libre St. Andrews, sector Agua Prieta, col. Rivera Hernández,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Matt Anglemyer
email manglemyer@pinehurstmfg.com
phone +504 2540-0490, +504 2540-0491
products Activewear, casual wear, tees, graphic tees, fleece, leggings plackets

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

092 Plastic Tool Solutions, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre

address Hacienda Monte Redondo, antigüas instalaciones de Manufacturas del Trópico,

sector Las Pilas, crrt. CA-13, Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Isacio J. Albir Vilchez
email ialbir@broomsandmops.net
phone +504 2669-8360 fax +504 2669-8364
products Manufature of plastic products for cleaning

093 Plásticos de Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.plastimas.com

address Ave. Nueva Orleans, bo. La Guardia, fte. al Técnico Alemán,

San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Eduardo Canahuati
email e_canahuati@honduplast.com
phone +504 2556-6668
products Plastic furniture and houseware

094 Plásticos Industriales Hondureños, S.A. de C.V. (PLIHSA)

Zona Libre www.plihsa.com

address Blvd. del Norte, km. 1, 25 cll., San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Roberto Ismael Moya
email rmoya@milenio.hn
phone +504 2544-0800
products Crown caps and plastic boxes

095 Plus Sistemas Honduras, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address ZIP El Porvenir, nave 2, km. 7, crrt. a Tela, El Progreso, Yoro

origin Mexico
contact Luis Fernando Galdámez Pérez
email fernando@plussistemas.com
phone +504 9441-0023
products Apparel manufacturing - t-shirts and other garments

096 Polygraphic de Honduras, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.polygraphic.com

address Green Valley Industrial Park, km. 23, crrt. a Occidente, Quimistán, Santa Bárbara
origin Holland
contact E.M. Hof
email esther@polygraphic.com
phone +504 2620-3540
products Supplier of high quality and innovative heat seal transfers. (workwear, sportwear,
underwear & lingerie travel outdoor) and machines

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

097 Powers Athletic de Honduras, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.powersathletic.com

address Parque Industrial El Barón, crrt. vieja a La Lima, 2da. cll., 19 ave., col. Universal,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Peter Potteiger
email ppotteiger@powersathletic.com
phone +504 2557-8222, +504 9634-4949
products Sportswear

098 Productos Industriales (GRUPO BETA)

Zona Libre

address Zona Libre Metropolitana Jacaleapa, contiguo a UNITEC,

Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazán
origin Honduras
contact Guillermo Bendeck
email gbendeck@grupobeta.com
phone +504 2208-2382, +504 2262-2382 fax +504 2228-3438
products Placket shirt, work pants

099 Protexsa (Productos Textiles, S.A. de C.V.)

Zona Libre www.kattangroup.com

address Zona Libre INHDELVA, 800 mts. crrt. a La Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Jacobo Kattan
email jacobo.kattan@protexsa.hn
phone +504 2617-0150
products Dress and sport shirts, uniforms and workwear

100 Providence Honduras, S.A.

Zona Libre www.intradeco.com

address Parque Industrial ZIP Búfalo, edifs. 8, 9 10, 11, Villanueva, Cortés
origin El Salvador
contact Carlos Enrique Portillo | Doris Ibeth Aguilar de Caballero
email carlosportillo@intradesa.com; daguilar@providencehn.com
phone +504 2512-1300
products T-shirts, briefs and face masks

101 Químicas Handal de Centroamérica, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.quimicashandal.com

address ZOLI Agencia JE Handal, km. 2.6, autopista a Puerto Cortés, Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Fuad Jacobo Handal Katimi
email fhandalk@quimicashandal.com
phone +504 2617-8700
products Shoe care products, home and personal care products, paraffin candles, leather
dyes, OTC external use pharmaceuticals, tins for shoe polish and pharmaceutical
ointments, plastic bottles, blow and injection molding, face masks (surgical 3-ply
and N95)

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

102 RKI Honduras, S. de R.L.
Zona Libre

address ZIP Buena Vista, Villanueva, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Giselle Mejía, Yadira Lemus
email yadira.lemus@wwof.com; giselle.mejia@wwof.com
phone +504 26700001, +504 2670-0002
products RKI is a division of Workwear Outfitters, produces high quality work clothing such
as: work shirts, chef coats, aprons, lab coats, jackets, and uniforms to a wide range
of industries; automotive, food service, security, industrial, and housekeeping.

103 S Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address Col. Suyapa, esquina opuesta al Hotel Anthony Deluxe, Gualjoco, Santa Bárbara
origin South Korea
contact Chong Sin Pak
email shonduras@yahoo.com
phone +504 2643-0825, +504 2643-0826
products Basic t-shirts

104 S. & S. Industries, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.sxindustries.com

address ZIP Calpules, edif. 3A, km. 7, crrt. a La Lima, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Hugo Duarte
email hduarte@ss-ssinc.com
phone +504 2559-0255, +504 2559-0256 fax +504 2559-7128
products Underwires for brassieres, hook and eyes, plastic boning, elastics, lace, foam
molded cups, tag pings, decorative accessories for intimate and swimwear, rings
and slides (plastic and metal), bows, plastic and metal bonning, clear and elastic
straps and buttons. Accessories for shoes (eyelets, speed lace, rivets, buckles, boot
hooks, snap fasteners, grommets, grippers, jean rivets and more).

105 S.J. Mariol, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address Col. Kennedy, fte. a antigua Escuela Normal Mixta,

1/2 cuadra abajo de la Iglesia Gran Comisión, Tegucigalpa, M.D.C.
origin Honduras
contact José Jorge Tróchez
email jtrochez@sjmariol.com
phone +504 2228-9616, +504 2228-9421, +504 2228-9618 fax +504 2228-9410
products Medical uniforms (scrubs), pants, shirts, skirts and shorts

106 Saint John Apparel, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.elcatex.com

address ZIP Buena Vista, Villanueva Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Juan Carlos Salgado Agüero
email juan.salgado@francisapparel.com
phone +504 2617-7700 fax +504 2617-7700
products T-shirt (short and long sleeve)

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

107 Saint Matthew Apparel, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.elcatex.com

address ZIP Choloma II, crrt. a La Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Oger Sandoval
email oger.sandoval@elcatex.com
phone +504 2617-7700 fax +504 2617-7700
products T-shirts

108 San Lucas Apparel, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.elcatex.com

address ZIP Dickies, Río Nance, crrt. a Puerto Cortes, Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras,
contact Jersson David Ramos Cruz
email jersson.ramos@sanlucasapparel.com
phone +504 2617-7700 fax +504 2617-7700
products Work pants and work shirts

109 Service and Trading Business, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre esfseafood.com

address Parque e Inversiones Industriales, Anillo Periférico, Choluteca, Choluteca

origin United States of America
contact Enrique Gerardo Weddle
email eweddle@esfseafood.com
phone +504 2782-1715
products Processing, packaging and merchandising of shrimp

110 Soltex America, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre

address ZOLI ZIP Río Blanco, Río Blanco, crrt. a Puerto Cortés, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin South Korea
contact Yanggi Jeong
email jeong@soltexamerica.com
phone +504 2527-7117, +504 2527-7118
products Full package t-shirt manufacturer

111 Southern Apparel Contractors, S.A.
Zona Libre www.tegraglobal.com

address Zona Libre INHDELVA SPS, El Guanal, 33 cll., S.E. contigüo a col. El Estadio y
Hacienda San Jorge, Sector Chotepe, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Wendy María Dubón Paz
email wendy.dubon@tegraglobal.com
phone +504 2527-2700
products Clothing making/ offers diverse and integrated capabilities of product
development and design, cutting and sewing, embellishment, distribution and

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

112 Speed to Market, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.elcatex.com

address ZIP Choloma, col. La Mora, Choloma, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Oscar Muñoz Quan
email oscar.munoz@speedtomarket-apparel.com
phone +504 2617-7700 fax +504 2617-7700
products Basic tee (short sleeve) men’s and women

113 Standard Apparel, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.thestandardapparel.com

address Zona Libre Aereo-Impex, entre Campo Dos y Casa Nave, La Lima, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Guillermo Herrera
email guillermo@thestandardapparel.com
phone +504 2604-5102, +504 2604-5103
products Standard Apparel offers full package services and contract garment dyeing as well
as a premium blanks collection. Our wet process capabilities set us apart in the
marketplace. We can advise on the best fabrics to use to achieve certain looks and
improve durability. Combining this expertise with an in-house cut & sew factory,
we have complete control over the final product, and can easily accommodate
programs that require a close collaboration between dyeing and sewing.

114 Stretchline Central America, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.stretchline.com

address ZIP Choloma, complejo ZIP Tex, entrada col. La Mora, costado N.E.,
crrt. a Puerto Cortés, Choloma, Cortés
origin Hong Kong
contact Cecilio Sevilla
email cecilio.sevilla@stretchlineca.com
phone +504 2669-5600
products Narrow fabrics, rigid tapes and cords

115 Superior Glove Works Honduras, S.A.

Zona Libre www.superiorglove.com

address ZIP Búfalo, edif. #4, Villanueva, Cortés

origin Canada
contact Daniela Bueno
email daniela.bueno@superiorglove.com
phone +504 2570-9080
products Producers of gloves, sleeves and protective clothing for industrial safety. We
work with specialized fibers to create products according to the needs and
requirements of our customers.

116 Suyapa Apparel, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.elcatex.com

address ZIP Choloma, col. La Mora, Choloma, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Nelson Espinal
email nelson.espinal@suyapaapparel.com
phone +504 2617-7700 fax +504 2617-7700
products Basic tee (short sleeve), boy, toodler and men,100% cotton

117 Tabacos de Danlí, S.A. de C.V.

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

Zona Libre www.alcapone-us.com

address Calle principal col. Bella Vista, Danlí, El Paraíso

origin Switzerland
contact Rafael Leonardo Castillo Segura
email rcastillo@tabacosdedanli.com
phone +504 2763-2788, +504 2763-2338 fax +504 2763-2413
products Manufacture of little cigars

118 Tabacos de Oriente, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre

address Km. 5, crrt. a El Paraíso, San Marcos, Danlí, El Paraíso

origin Honduras
contact Ibrahin Omar Salmerón
email ibrahinsalmeron@plasenciatabaco.com; taor@plasenciatabaco.com
phone +504 2763-2906 fax +504 2763-2906
products Handmade cigars

119 TAC Americas, LTD.

Zona Libre

address ZIP Calpules, km. 7, salida a La Lima, blvd. del este, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Raúl López
email raul@tacamericasltd.com
phone +504 2544-0183, 2544-0185
products Custom armoring of vehicles

120 Technology Research Corporation Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.southwire.com

address ZIP San José, edif. #7, 20-27 cll., 2do. Anillo Periférico, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Marvin Lara
email marvin.lara@southwire.com
phone +504 2516-3085, +504 2516-3089
products It stands out mainly in the assembly and packaging of electrical controls and
security devices for the protection of expensive electronic equipment, preventing
fires, electrocutions and any serious injury due to electrical shocks at home and in
the workplace, offering intelligent products that can prevent accidents and more
importantly, offer electrical security solutions to protect property, equipment and
people. Also, we make high quality cable-ties/ zip ties.

121 Telas Elásticas, S. de R.L.
Zona Libre www.aecnarrowfabrics.com

address Green Valley Industrial Park, nave #6, crrt. a Occidente, km. 23,
Naco, Quimistán, Santa Bárbara
origin Honduras
contact Julio César Zúniga Chávez
email julio.zuniga@aecnarrowfabrics.com
phone +504 2620-3584 fax +504 2620-3581
products Elastic fabrics

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

122 Unión de Fincas Camaroneras, S.A. de C.V. (UNIFINCA, S.A. de C.V.)
Zona Libre

address Aldea Cedeño, Marcovia, Choluteca

origin Honduras
contact Oliver Emyl Araujo Delgado
email oaraujo@unifinca.com
phone +504 2782-8686, +504 9814-1498
products Shrimp Larvae production/ nauplii production

123 Universal Plastic & Pack, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre

address ZOLI ZIP Bufalo, edif. #21, Búfalo, Villanueva, Cortés

origin Taiwan
contact Regina Chang, Cindy Rodríguez, Diana Fuentes
email regina_chang@uppplastics.com; adm_hn@uppplastics.com;
phone +504 2574-9361, +504 2607-0047
products Poly bags production, tape and strap sale

124 UPTEX, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre

address Zona Libre INHDELVA Norte, edificio 8B, Choloma, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact José Elías Padilla Reyes
email eliaspadilla@uptexhn.com
phone +504 2617-0923
products Clothing manufacturing - basic t-shirts

125 Vitapro Honduras, S.A. de C.F.

Zona Libre www.vitapro.com.pe

address Km. 52, crrt. que conduce de San Pedro Sula a Tegucigalpa, CA-5,
fte. a Gasolinera Puma, Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Cortés
origin Peru
contact Claudia Lineth Enamorado Chavarría
email CEnamoradoC@Vitapro.com.pe
phone +504 2605-6900
products Balanced feed for shrimp

126 Wayne Trademark Printing and Packaging de Honduras, S. de R.L.
Zona Libre www.waynetrademarkhn.com

address ZOLI ZIP Búfalo, edif. 1B, Villanueva, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Rubén Enrique Mondragón
email r.mondragon@waynetrademarkhn.com
phone +504 2574-9355, +504 9452-2666
products Offset and flexo printed identification products

127 Wintex Honduras, S.A.

Manufacturers | Companies operating in free zones

Zona Libre

address Col. Buenos Aires, 4ta. ave., 10 y 11 cll., San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin South Korea
contact Olvin Toro
email olvin.wintex@gmail.com
phone +504 2551-5660, +504 2551-8552 fax +504 2551-8552
products Multistyle, t-shirts, pants, etc.

128 Yodeco de Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.yodeco.net

address Crrt. a Villanueva, Cortés, entrada Res. Real del Puente 200 mts.
sector Búfalo, Villanueva, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Alejandro Argüello, Alejandro Albir, Norma Cartagena
email alejandro.arguello@yodeco.net; alejandro.albir@yodeco.net;
phone +504 9780-1929
products Plank wood, posts, pallets and value-added products

129 Zabcord, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address Zona Libre INHDELVA Este, 800 mts. crrt. a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés
origin Canada
contact Alma Santos
email almasantos@savitexsa.com
phone +504 2617-0424, +504 2617-0023
products Manufacturer of cords and elastics

Manufacturing companies
operating outside free zones

130 Agro Industrias del Corral

address Aldea Aguas del Padre, km. 121, crrt. CA5, Siguatepeque, Comayagua
origin Honduras
contact Ricardo Antonio Gómez Alemán
email rgomez@agrodelcorral.hn
phone +504 2740-1027
products Processing and marketing of meat products

Manufacturers | Companies operating outside free zones

131 Alutech, S.A. de C.V.
RIT www.alutech.hn

address Crrt. a Puerto Cortés, fte. a Aceros Alfa, Choloma, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Erick Josué Spears Ramos
email erick.spears@grupoemco.com; representantelegal@alutech.hn
phone +504 2606-3000, +504 3327-4791
products Production of aluzinc sheet and its merchandising

132 Cartonera Nacional, S.A.

RIT www.sigmaq.com

address Blvd. del Sur, km. 8, sector Chamelecón, fte. a Pollo Rey, col. San Antonio,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin El Salvador
contact Ricardo Alvarenga
email ralvarenga@canasa.sigmaq.com
phone +504 2556-3000
products Boxes made of corrugated cardboard

133 Cementos del Norte, S.A.

RIT www.cenosa.hn

address Río Bijao, km. 20, autopista hacia Puerto Cortés, Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Silvia López
email silvia.lopez@cenosa.hn
phone +504 2669-9200 fax +504 2669-1410
products Cement

134 Corrugados de Sula, S.A.

RIT www.empresasgalindo.com

address Aldea Quebrada Seca, km. 13.5, blvd. salida a Puerto Cortés, Choloma, Cortés
origin Panama
contact Karol Yvett Nuñez Hyde
email knunez@empresasgalindo.com
phone +504 2580-2252 fax +504 2580-2253
products Manufacture of corrugated cardboard boxes

RIT www.grumaca.com

address Km. 13, crrt. a Puerto Cortes, Choloma, Cortés

origin Mexico
contact Denia Patricia Funes
email dfunes@demahsa.com
phone +504 2626-4300 fax +504 2606-3050
products Corn flour production

Manufacturers | Companies operating outside free zones

136 DINAPLAST, S.A. de C.V.
RIT www.dinaplasthn.com

address 1.5 km. adelante de Dos Caminos, desvío Residencial Monte María,
Búfalo, Villanueva, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Cristina Obregón
email cristina.obregon@dinaplast.hn
phone +504 2627-0130
products Manufacturing of disposable plastic products

137 Energua, S.A.

RIT www.gpgbox.com

address Blvd. 15 Septiembre, fte. a Cementerio General de bo. Mejía, La Ceiba, Atlántida
origin Costa Rica
contact Gracia Acosta
email gracia.acosta@energua.com.hn
phone +504 2405-1460
products Corrugated cardboard boxes

138 Exportadora del Atlántico, S.A. de C.V.

ZADE www.dinant.com

address Oficinas Corporacion Dinant, S.A. de C.V., blvd. Suyapa,

fte. a Viveros Plantas Tropicales, Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazán
origin Honduras
contact Roger Pineda Pinel
email roger.pineda@dinant.com
phone +504 2275-3370
products Palm oil plantations and agro-industrial products, including crude palm Oil, kernel
palm oil and export bell peppers grown on protected facilities (green houses)

139 Fábrica de Tabacos Raíces Cubanas, S. de R.L.


address Col. El Quiquisque, fte. a gasolinera Uno, Danlí, El Paraíso

origin United States of America
contact Hugo Endemano, Fany Irías, Kerlin Flores
email hugo@fabricaraicescubanas.com; fanny@fabricaraicescubanas.com;
phone +504 2763-5412, +504 9902-4817 fax +504 2763-6189
products Production and export of handmade cigars

140 Fertilizantes del Norte, S.A. de C.V.

address Blvd. del Norte, borde derecho Río Blanco, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Guatemala
contact Jose Estuardo Taracena Pinzon
email jtaracena@disagro.com
phone +504 2564-6800
products We offer our clients the most complete portfolio of agricultural products, services,
and technologies; we import, manufacture, formulate, market, and distribute
fertilizers, other products associated with crop nutrition and protection, irrigation,

Manufacturers | Companies operating outside free zones

and fertigation equipment, plasticulture, seeds for agriculture, biostimulants,
biological, digital agriculture services and platforms.

141 Industrias Imet, S. de R.L. de C.V.

RIT www.imethn.com

address 5ta. ave., 11 cll., S.O., bo. Lempira, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Juan Carlos Salem
email gerencia@imethn.com
phone +504 2516-4638
products Folding boxes, jboards, size strips, pressure sensitive stickers (all types), hang tags,
joker tags, pocket flashers

142 Infra de Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

RIT www.infradehonduras.com.hn

address Bo. Las Acacias, 4ta. ave., entre 9 y 10 cll., N.O., San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Mexico,Panama,Honduras
contact Mario Arturo Rojas Simón
email administracion@infradehonduras.com.hn
phone +504 2580-8025
products Distribution and sale of industrial and medical gases, equipment and accessories
for welding, construction and medical equipment

143 Intermoda, S.A. de C.V.


address Km. 1, autopista al aeropuerto Ramón Villeda Morales, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Nicolás Chahín Chahín
email nchahin@intermoda.com.hn
phone +504 2553-4568 fax +504 2552-2775
products Apparel manufacturing: jeans, pants and t-shirts

144 Lacteos de Honduras S.A. de C.V.


address Bo. Bermejo, crrt. a Puerto Cortés, fte. a PLIHSA, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Joaquin Herrera
email empleos@lacthosa.com
phone +504 2564-0000 fax +504 2566-3917
products Milk, dairy products, fruit juices, yogurt

145 Lovable de Honduras, S.A. de C.V.
RIT www.lovable.com.hn

address Bo. La Guardia, 20 cll., 3ra. ave., Avenida Nueva Orleans, S.O.,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Edgardo Canahuati
email edgardo@lovablehn.com; recursoshumanos@lovablehn.com
phone +504 2556-6814, +504 2556-7614 fax +504 2556-6013
products Lovable de Honduras, S.A. de C.V. began manufacturing women’s lingerie in
February 17, 1965; we are a competitive, modern and efficient enterprise, leader

Manufacturers | Companies operating outside free zones

in the confection of women’s and men’s underwear and exterior apparel.

146 Moldeados Centroamericanos, S.A. de C.V.


address 1.3 km. antes de llegar a desvío La Barca, Potrerillos, Cortés

origin Venezuela
contact Axel Ordoñez
email axel.ordonez@molpack.net
phone +504 2630-0126
products Production and commercialization of molded pulp packaging

147 Sacos Americanos, S.A. (SAMSA)

RIT www.samsahn.com

address Km. 13, desvío a El Calán, contiguo a ALCON, Búfalo, Villanueva, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Eleazar Dávila
email edavila@samsahn.com
phone +504 2561-5600 fax +504 2561-5610
products Production and merchandising of flexible polypropylene packaging bags and rope,
big bags, and jumbo liner

148 Tabacalera Hondureña, S.A.


address Zona Del Cacao, km. 3, blvd. del Sur, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras,England
contact Sonia Aguilar
email sonia_aguilar@bat.com
phone +504 8732-9377
products Cigarrette manufacturing

Textile mills


The experience and • TEXTILES

capacity to exceed your • MANUFACTURING
demands for cotton and
synthetic products
Vertically integrated and
ready to produce more
than 2 million pounds
per week 
+504 2617 7700

149 AKH, S. de R.L.
Zona Libre www.genuineresponsibility.com

address Parque Industrial San Miguel, Rio Nance, km. 15.5, crrt. a Puerto Cortés,
Choloma, Cortés
origin Canada
contact Melissa Rodríguez
email comunicaciones.hon@gildan.com
phone +504 2669-6300
products Fabric, t-shirts and hosiery

150 Caracol Knits, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address Zona Libre El Caracol, Aldea El Caracol, Potrerillos, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Margarita Scheurer
email mscheurer@caracolknits.com
phone +504 2507-1200 fax +504 2507-1201
products Fabric manufacturing

151 Ceiba Textiles, S. de R.L.

Textile mills
Zona Libre www.deltaapparel.com

address Green Valley Industrial Park, Naco, Quimistán, Santa Bárbara

origin United States of America
contact Michele España
email michelle.espana@deltaapparel.com
phone +504 2620-3500 fax +504 2620-3500
products Open width and tubular fabric producer

152 Central America Spinning Works, S.A.

Zona Libre

address San Juan Innovation Park, crrt. a Los Caraos, Choloma, Cortés
origin El Salvador
contact Jaime Eduardo Miguel
email jaime_miguel@intradeco.com
phone +504 2627-0653
products Import of fibers, textiles, cotton, thread, yarn, fabric and any other related

153 Coats Honduras, S.A.

Zona Libre www.coats.com

address Zona Libre INHDELVA Este, edif. #31, 800 mts. crrt. a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés
origin England
contact Sandra Rivera
email sandra.rivera@coats.com
phone +504 3392-4171 fax +504 2617-0302
products Thread

154 Coral Knits, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre

address Zona Libre El Caracol, Aldea El Caracol, Potrerillos, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Margarita Scheurer
email mscheurer@caracolknits.com
phone +504 2507-1200 fax +504 2507-1201
products Fabric manufacturing

155 Cottonwise Textiles Honduras, S.A.

Zona Libre

address Bo. Cabañas,15 y 16, ave.16 cll., San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin South Korea
contact JinSeop Choi
email jschoi@cottonwise.com
phone +504 2554-1391
products Fabric knitting, dying and compacted

156 Elcatex, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.elcatex.com

ZIP Choloma, col. La Mora, Choloma, Cortés
Textile mills
contact Jesús Canahuati
email chuy@elcatex.com
phone +504 2617-7700 fax +504 2617-7700
products Fabric producer 100% cotton, poly cotton and cut parts

157 Gildan Activewear Honduras Textile Company, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.genuineresponsibility.com

address Parque Industrial San Miguel, Rio Nance, km. 15.5, crrt. a Puerto Cortés,
Choloma, Cortés
origin Canada
contact Melissa Rodríguez
email comunicaciones.hon@gildan.com
phone +504 2669-6300
products Fabric, t-shirts and hosiery

158 Gildan Choloma Textiles, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.genuineresponsibility.com

address Parque Industrial San Miguel, Rio Nance, km. 15.5, crrt. a Puerto Cortés,
Choloma, Cortés
origin Canada
contact Melissa Rodríguez
email comunicaciones.hon@gildan.com
phone +504 2669-6300
products Fabric, t-shirts and hosiery

159 Gildan Mayan Textiles, S. de R.L.
Zona Libre www.genuineresponsibility.com

address Parque Industrial San Miguel, Rio Nance, km. 15.5, crrt. a Puerto Cortés,
Choloma, Cortés
origin Canada
contact Melissa Rodríguez
email comunicaciones.hon@gildan.com
phone +504 2669-6300
products Fabric, t-shirts and hosiery

160 Gildan Textiles de Sula, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.genuineresponsibility.com

address Parque Industrial San Miguel, Rio Nance, km. 15.5, crrt. a Puerto Cortés,
Choloma, Cortés
origin Canada
contact Melissa Rodríguez
email comunicaciones.hon@gildan.com
phone +504 2669-6300
products Fabric, t-shirts and hosiery

161 Hilos y Mechas, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.himesa.com

address Bo. Guadalupe, 20-24 cll., 1 y 2 ave., atrás de Cervecería Hondureña,

Textile mills
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Carlos Handal, Christian Handal
email gerencia@himesa.com
phone +504 2558-8141, +1 954-323-8692 fax +504 2558-8142
products Production of mops, mop yarn, brooms, recycled yarns, woven textile products
(canvas, sheeting and diapers)

162 Honduras Spinning Mills, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.hondurasspinningmills.com

address ZOLI Cofradía, km. 11, crrt. a Occidente, col. San Jorge, Cofradía,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Salman Saif
email salman.saif@grupokarims.com; salman.saif@gkglobal.com
phone +504 2544-1381
products Recover yarn, Vortex yarn, Supima Yarn, Snow effect yarn and Organic yarn,
Regenerative yarn, Compact yarn

163 Northern Spinning, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.gkglobal.com

address ZOLI Cofradía Industrial Park, col. San Jorge, Cofradía, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Gustavo Ramón Raudales Bográn
email gustavoraudales@gkglobal.com
phone +504 2620-3300, +504 9794-0144
products Processing, manufacturing, marketing of yarn products, fabrics and activities
related to maquila in general, as well as provision of services for companies
dedicated to these items witihin the local or foreign market; also dedicate itself to
the production of all kinds of yarn, fabric, cutting, sewing of all kinds of clothing,
uniforms, sportswear, also representations of raw material companies.

164 Northern Textiles, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre

address Green Valley Industrial, Quimistán, Santa Barbara

contact Jorge Pitsikalis
email jorge.pitsikalis@northern-textiles.com
phone +504 3392-8700
products Elaboration, manufacture and dyeing of all types of fabrics, synthetic fibers and
derivatives in any quality

165 Parkdale Mills de Honduras, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.parkdalemills.com

address ZIP Choloma II, edif. #5, crrt. a la Jutosa, km. 2.5, Choloma, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Carlos López
email carlos.lopez@parkdalemills.com
phone +504 9939-8535
products Yarn

166 Pride Performance Fabrics, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.prideperformancefabrics.com

address Km. 19.5, crrt. a Occidente, Aldea La Acequia, Naco, Quimistán, Santa Bárbara Textile mills
origin Honduras
contact Isis Matamoros, José Trejo
email info@ppf.com.hn; jtrejo@ppf.com.hn
phone +504 2625-4400
products Knitted fabrics of natural and synthetic fibers

167 RLA Manufacturing, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.fruitnet.com

address Km. 2.5, crrt. hacia la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Omar Lozano
email omar.lozano@fotlinc.com
phone +504 2669-6000
products RLA Manufacturing, S. de R.L., part of the Group FOL Honduras, produces a type
of tubular fabric in 100% cotton and polyester cotton blends in jersey and fleece

168 Roman Knit Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.rkh.com

address Green Valley Industrial Park, km. 23, crrt. a Occidente,

Naco, Quimistán, Santa Bárbara
origin United States of America
contact Douglas Skee Foreman
email sforeman@rkhsa.com
products Knitting, dyeing & finishing service

169 San Juan Textiles, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.elcatex.com

address Crrt. a Los Caraos, desvió al puente El Kilómetro, Choloma, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Jesús Canahuati
email chuy@elcatex.com
phone +504 2617-7700 fax +504 2617-7700
products Fabric producer 100% cotton, poly cotton and cut parts

170 Savitex, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.savitexsa.com

address Zona Libre INHDELVA Este, 800 mts. crrt. a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés
origin Canada
contact Alma Santos
email almasantos@savitexsa.com
phone +504 2617-0775 fax +504 2617-0758
products Thread

171 Simtex International, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.bayislandsportswear.com

address Green Valley Industrial Park, edif. #9, km. 23, crrt. a Occidente,
Naco, Quimistán, Santa Bárbara
Textile mills
origin United States of America
contact Juan Maldonado
email jmaldonado@simtex-international.com
phone +1 864 559-8793, +504 9565-3940, +504 9565-3941
products Fabric manufacturing

172 Terrapolyester, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.terrapolyester.com

address Km. 3, crrt. a Puerto Cortés, Choloma, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Carlos Handal, Christian Handal
email gerencia@himesa.com
phone +504 2558-8141, +1 954-323-8692 fax +504 2558-8142
products Textile and plastic industry, recycling of plastic for production of plastic flakes,
brooms, plastic parts and polyester fiber

173 United Textile of America, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address ZIP Choloma II, km. 2.5, crrt. a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Eric Joo
email eric.joo@utexahn.com
phone +504 2617-7765 ext 6520
products Filament yarn

Industrial parks

Industrial parks
The favorable conditions and incentives
offered by the country, an encouraging
environment that has made it possible to
have investments of three million dollars in
industrial parks, as well as other investments
totaling three thousand one hundred dollars
in machinery, equipment and work capital.

The favorable milieu has also allowed growth

of tobacco and furniture manufacturing
activities in the last few years, as well as
agroindustry, auto and electronic parts
assembly, and the innovation of outsourcing
services through call centers.

Along with the existing facilities, the country

has developed an industrial infrastructure of
one million square meters distributed in more
than twenty industrial parks, built to meet
the current demands from companies with a
business social responsibility approach.

As part of their multiple services, these parks

encompass customs offices, bank offices,
cafeterias, health clinics, and retail stores in
some cases. The infrastructure of industrial
buildings is designed to host any type of
manufacturing or service activity, including
call centers, and other electronic services.

Facilities that provide
working conditions
that exceed our clients
highest standards
1. Air conditioned facilities.

2. Renewable energy.

3. Lighting that meet or

exceed international

4. Optimal sanitary and

hygienic conditions.
5. Environmentally
(water treatment plants,
maintenance of green
areas, solid waste
management services).

6. Services readily available

such as: Banks,
Medical clinics, cafes,
electricity, water
supply, recruitment and
7. Corporate Medical
System Program.
(In partnership with the
Honduran Institute of
Social Security)

8. Every industrial park is

equipped with a customs
office to facilitate the
import and export
operations of its clients.

174 Aereo-Impex, S.A.
Zona Libre

address Entre Campo Dos y Casanave, La Lima, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Adela Patricia Rosenthal Hidalgo, Ninette Odeza Echeverría López
email pattyr@continental.hn; ninette@aereoimpex.com
phone +504 2540-0091
products Aereo-Impex Free Zone is a strong and liable industrial park which since 1991 has
provided an excellent service to our customers. Combining custom facilities and
first class services, the institution is the best option for your business. We have
been able to build a widely diverse environment which includes manufacturing,
laundry, cleaning services and manufacturing of fiberglass swimming pools.

175 Altia Smart City

Zona Libre www.altiasmartcity.com

address Blvd. Armenta, km. 2, sector N.O., San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Gustavo Raudales
email info@altiabusinesspark.com
phone +504 2580-2015 fax +504 2580-2019
products Altia Smart City is the ultimate business solution; a technology-driven,
purpose-built hub that focuses on innovative, hi-tech development for
BPOs, ITOs, and other outsourcing industries who seek to re-shape the
future. Located in San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa, these smart cities have six
components: business park, lifestyle center, recreational center, university

Industrial parks
campus, executive hotel, and residences.

176 Century Business Square, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.centurysquare.hn

address Sector 4, urbanización El Pedregal, San Pedro Sula, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Gabriel Napoleón Larach Larach
email gnlarach@ganalaholdings.com
phone +504 9991-3918
products Development, construction and commercialization of projects for commercial
purposes, leasing of real estate and offices for call centers.

177 Green Valley Advanced Manufacturing Hub

Zona Libre www.greenvalleyhub.com

address Crrt. a Occidente, km. 23, Quimistán, Santa Bárbara

origin Honduras
contact Gustavo Raudales
email info@greenvalleyindustrialpark.com
phone +504 2620-3300 fax +504 2630-3310
products Strategically located in the industrial corridor in Naco, Santa Barbara is the largest
and most modern industrial development in the region, serving a variety of
sectors such as high-end manufacturing, light assembly, food processing and life


Zona Libre www.inhdelva.com

address 800 mts. desvío a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Fabian Nolasco, Gertrudis López
email inhdelva@kattangroup.com
phone +504 2617-0050
products INHDELVA Free Trade Zone offers world-class services, redundant energy (Solar
and Hydro among others), access to human capital, strategic location (35 minutes
from Puerto Cortes), construction solutions (Build to Suit) and social housing for
our clients and their employees.

179 INHDELVA SPS, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre

address El Guanal, 33 Calle, S.E., contigüo a Col. El Estadio y Hacienda San Jorge,
Sector Chotepe, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Guillermo Alfonso Kattan Salem
email inhdelva@kattangroup.com
phone +504 2617-0050
products Export, development and management of a Free Trade Zone

180 Parque Industrial Búfalo, S.A. de C.V. (ZIP Búfalo, S.A. de C.V.)
Zona Libre www.zipbufalo.com

address Crrt. a Tegucigalpa, Búfalo, Villanueva, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Julio Arturo Mendieta
email jmendieta@zipbufalo.com
phone +504 2574-9500
products Leasing of industrial buildings

Industrial parks
181 St. Andrews, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre

address Col. Agua Prieta, sector Rivera Hernández, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Angela Bonilla
email abonilla@pinehurstmfg.com
phone +504 9978-7020
products Rent of industrial buildings

182 Villanueva Industrial Park

Zona Libre www.zipvillanueva.com

address Crrt. a Tegucigalpa, CA-5, Villanueva, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Fernando J. Jaar
email info@zipvillanueva.com
phone +504 2670-4273 fax +504 2670-4384
products Free Zone developer and operator

183 ZIP Calpules, S.A.

Zona Libre www.zipcalpules.com

address Crrt. a la Lima, km. 7, San Pedro Sula, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Alan Larach Kafati
email alan.larach@zipcalpules.com
phone +504 2559-3411, +504 2559-0121 fax +504 2559-8084
products Lease of industrial buildings for manufacturing or warehouse designed to meet
the needs of our clients

184 ZIP El Porvenir, S.A.
Zona Libre www.elporvenir.hn

address Km. 7, crrt. a Tela, El Progreso, Yoro

origin Honduras
contact Nicolás Chahin, Janette Ramírez
email nchahin@intermoda.com.hn; jcramirez@elporvenir.hn
phone +504 2642-5500
products For more than 20 years, ZIP El Porvenir has become the partner of choice for a
diverse range of companies that have decided to invest in Honduras. Textile, light
manufacturing, promotional items, call centers and harnesses are just a few of
the industries that have already trusted their success in our hands. Our unique
location provides an ample variety of labor workforce, skilled or easily trained
personnel, with the lowest turnover of the country live just a few minutes away
from our free trade zone.

185 ZOLI Cofradía Industrial Park, S.A.

Zona Libre

address Col. San Jorge, km. 11, crrt. a Occidente, Cofradía, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact José Cristobal Ordoñez Ordoñez
email cristobal_ordonez@yahoo.com
phone +504 2580-0361, +504 9985-6282
products Industrial park. Organization, administration, control and operation of free zones

186 Zona Industrial de Exportación Buena Vista, S.A.

Zona Libre
Industrial parks
address Crrt. a Tegucigalpa, fte. a Plycen, Villanueva, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Miguel Alfredo Soto Romero
email mike.soto@zipbv.com
phone +504 2617-7740, +504 2617-7742
products Leasing of buildings

187 Zona Industrial de Exportación Choloma, S.A. (ZIP Choloma)

Zona Libre www.elcatex.com

address Entrada principal a col. La Mora, fte. a Mall Las Americas,

crrt. a Puerto Cortés, Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Miguel Alfredo Soto
email mike.soto@zipbv.com
phone +504 2617-7730, +504 2617-7731, +504 2617-7732 fax +504 2669-5143
products Leasing of industrial buildings

188 Zona Industrial de Procesamiento ZIP San José

Zona Libre www.zipsanjose.com

address 2do. Anillo Periférico, 20 y 27 cll., S.E., col. San Roberto de Sula,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Fernando Enrique Álvarez
email elopa8@hotmail.com; zipsanjose@gmail.com
phone +504 2516-3016, +504 2516-3017, +504 2516-3092,
+504 2554-2772, +504 2554-2776
products Lease of industrial buildings

189 Zona Libre América, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.zoliamerica.com

address Km. 6, autopista San Pedro Sula a Puerto Cortés, contiguo a Kativo de Honduras,
Trincheras, Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Adrián Luis Larach
email info@zoliamerica.com
phone +504 2550-4089, +504 2550-8885
products Lease of industrial buildings for the textile industry

190 Zona Libre Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.zolihonduras.com

address Km. 5, crrt. a Puerto Cortés, Choloma, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Raúl Bueso
email contabilidad@zolihonduras.com; rbuesojr@bellavistacorp.com
phone +504 2669-8986, +504 2669-8987, +504 2617-8028,
+504 2617-8029, +504 9480-2417
products Zona Libre Honduras is dedicated to the leasing of industrial buildings. Providing
a full serviced modern industrial setting, total exemptions on tax and tariff
payments, and attractive supportive environment for investment. Benefits: Access
to low-cost solar energy, personnel prescreening and recruitment, permanent
perimeter security custom clearance on-site, bank, daily garbage collection,

Industrial parks
general maintenance and facilities, potable water, IHSS, recreational areas,
telephone services, and others.


A Complete Printing Solution
Pocket Flashers

Folding Boxes

Roll Tags

Size Strips


PBX: 2516-4638 gerencia@imethn.com www.imethn.com
11 Calle, 5 Ave., S.O., N° 88, San Pedro Sula, Honduras, C.A.

Service companies
operating in free zones

191 Acosa Import Export
Zona Libre

address Zona Libre El Polvorín, blvd. Las Torres, crrt. a El Polvorín, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Eduardo Ictech
email gerencia@acosa.com.hn
phone +504 2561-6000 fax +504 2557-2442
products Office and school supplies and technology

192 Actex de Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.atimpresos.com

address ZOLI ZIP Río Blanco, edif. #2, salida a Puerto Cortés, San Pedro Sula, Cortés

Services | Companies operating in free zones

origin Guatemala
contact Juan Carlos Ovando
email jcovando@actexlabels.com
phone +504 2527-7029, +504 3314-9817
products Woven and printed labels, heat transfers, cardboard hang tags, size strips, stickers
and other trims

193 Aerosoles, Formulaciones y Accesorios Textiles, S.A. de C.V. (AFATEX)

Zona Libre

address ZIP San José, edif. #15B, 2do. Anillo Periférico, S.E., San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Guatemala
contact Carolina Zelaya
email infohn@grupoafatex.com
phone +504 2516-3001 fax +504 2516-3002
products Textile stain removers (oil, labels, inks, rust, screen printing, etc.) heat transfer, pad
printing, self-adhesive labels, adhesives and inks for screen printing, paper cutting,
comprehensive industrial and institutional cleaning solutions. Line of food grade,
antibacterial, foaming and iodine-based soaps, line of laundry, detergents and
softeners, line of disinfectants, line of industrial degreaser and food grade

194 Agencia JE Handal, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.agenciajehandal.com

address Zona Libre Agencia JE Handal, S.A. de C.V., km. 2.6, autopista a Puerto Cortes,
Choloma, Cortes
origin Honduras
contact David Ernesto Handal Y.
email dhandal@agenciajehandal.hn
phone +504 2617-8899 fax +504 2617-8898
products Authorized distributor for complete line of industrial sewing, cutting, and finishing
equipment and spare parts for the apparel industry

195 Almacenadora de Materiales a Granel, S.A. de C.V. (ALMAGRAN)

Zona Libre

address Zona Libre Almagran, Aldea El Chile, Puerto Cortés, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Karl Berkling
email almagran.honduras@gmail.com
phone +504 9620-5175
products Storage of bulk materials

196 Alpha Services & Logistics, S.A.
Zona Libre www.alphaserviceshn.com

address ZIP Búfalo, edif. No. 16, Búfalo, Villanueva, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Buda Escoto Fernández
email info@alphaserviceshn.com
phone +504 2540-4433, +504 2574-9138
products 3PL logistics and transportation service

197 American International Trading, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address Zona Libre El Polvorín, blvd. Las Torres, 33 cll., atrás de Tranycop,

Services | Companies operating in free zones

San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Roxana Yamileth Rivera
email roxanar@globoclothing.com
phone +504 2512-1980 thru 89
products Sorting and sale of used clothing

198 Archroma Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.archroma.com

address Zona Libre INHDELVA, 800 mts. crrt. a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés
origin Luxembourg
contact Dania Zaldivar, Edgard Acosta
email dania.zaldivar@archroma.com; edgard.acosta@archroma.com
phone +504 2617-0351
products Distributor of textile and chemicals dyes

199 Atlanta Business Corporation, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.abcgroup.global

address ZOLI ZIP Calpules, bodega 16A, crrt. a La Lima, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Karla Ardón
email karla.ardon@alliedbritish.com
phone +504 2559-6849, +504 2559-6853 fax +504 2508-1568
products Manufacturing and distribution of hydrogen peroxide/ technical food grade for
the Central American industries.

200 Atlantic Packaging C.A.

Zona Libre www.atlanticpkg.com

address Zona Libre INHDELVA, edif. #2, 800 mts. crrt. a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Ricardo Antonio Hidalgo
email ricardoh@atlanticpkg.com
phone +504 2617-0220
products Optimization of supply chain packaging processes and materials. Supplying a wide
range of materials like adhesive tapes, stretch films, polybags, fasteners, strapping,
bond paper, cutting room supplies, etc. including wrapping machines, spare parts,
and technical service/consulting.

201 Bijao Electric Company, S.A.
Zona Libre http://www.beco.hn/es/index.html

address Aldea Río Bijao, km. 20, autopista a Puerto Cortés, Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Suyapa Cáceres
email scaceres@beco.hn
phone +504 2508-2103 thru 09
products Electric energy producers

202 C807 Honduras, S.A.

Zona Libre www.c807.com

address Km. 5, crrt. hacia Puerto Cortés, Choloma, Cortés

Services | Companies operating in free zones

origin Guatemala
contact Edgardo Roberto Barahona Bobadilla
email ebarahona.hn@c807.com
phone +504 9991-7377
products We are a logistics and transportation service company in the supply chain with
the capacity to handle any air, land, maritime logistics activity, customs agency
services, storage, among others. We work under the highest quality standards,
in addition to having extensive experience and presence in Mexico, Panama
and a Central American level in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua
and Costa Rica.

203 CaribEx Worldwide Honduras, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.cbxglobal.com

address ZIP San José, San Pedro Sula, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Andrea Estefanía Asturias Lopez
email aasturias@cbxglobal.com
phone +504 2514-0230
products CBX Global provides warehousing & distribution services, also we are able to
provide services as a customs broker, ground, air and ocean cargo handling

204 ChemiTech
Zona Libre www.ichemitech.com

address Zona Libre Inversiones Las Flores, bloque D, Quebrada Seca, Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Gracia Maria Duron
email ventas@ichemitech.com
phone +504 2606-3072, +504 9480-9531
products Technical consulting and chemical treatment company, specialized in steam
generation, cooling systems and industrial maintenance

205 CHT de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.cht.com

address Villanueva Industrial Park, edif. #10-3, Villanueva, Cortés

origin Germany
contact Jenny Rodríguez
email jenny.rodriguez@cht.com
phone +504 2627-0280 thru 89
products Merchandising and Production of chemical products for the industry

206 Cirsa Honduras, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.cirsahonduras.com

address Blvd. del Sur, km. 16, sector Dos Caminos, entrada a Residencial La Joya,
Villanueva, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Victor Rivera, Sandra Andino, Lesly Sánchez, Francisco Pérez
email cirsahonduras@gmail.com
phone +504 9904-2416
products Textile waste, jersey fabric, rib, fleece, polyester, raw fabric, cut garments, ribbon,
finished garments such as t-shirts, boxers, sweatpants and sweatshirts

207 Coficab Honduras, S. de R.L.

Services | Companies operating in free zones

Zona Libre www.coficab.com

address Green Valley Industrial Park, km. 23, crrt. a Occidente, Quimistán, Santa Bárbara
origin Tunisia
contact Mahmoud Ben Nahia
email mahmoud.bennahia@coficab.com
phone +504 2620-3060 ext 8548
products COFICAB designs and manufactures all cross-sections and temperature ranges
automotive cables according to customer needs.

208 Coltex, S.A.

Zona Libre www.colourtex.co.in

address ZIP Búfalo, edif. #3, Villanueva, Cortés

origin India
contact Mario Pineda, Fernando Solís
email mario.pineda@colourtexhn.com; fernando.solis@colourtexhn.com
phone +504 2574-9053
products Textile dyes

209 Comp Air Service San Pedro, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre

address Zona Libre INHDELVA, portón Sur, nave #22, 800 mts. desvío a la Jutosa,
Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Ana Cover
email administracion@compairhn.com
phone +504 2617-0203, +504 2634-1190
products Sale of pressure air compressors, spare parts and maintenance

210 Corumo Internacional, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.corumointernacional.com

address Blvd. del Sur, 300 mts. antes del peaje, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Andrea Rueda
email andrearueda@corumointernacional.com
phone +504 2512-2600, +504 9446-1474
products Purchase and sale of recycling material

211 CPL - Compañía de Productos Látex Hondu-Alemana, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Zona Libre

address ZIP ZOLI Amarateca, km. 19, crrt. al Norte, Valle de Amarateca, Francisco Morazán
origin Germany
contact Diana Rodríguez
email drodriguez@cplhonduras.com
phone +504 2262-9404, +504 9583-0111
products Company dedicated to the testing, rolling, sealing and distribution of natural
rubber latex male condoms and medical probe covers for vaginal ultrasounds;
distribution of intimate lubricants.

212 Crowley Logistics, Inc.

Zona Libre www.crowley.com

Services | Companies operating in free zones

address Zona Libre INHDELVA, 800 mts. crrt. a La Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Reniery Reconco
email reniery.reconco@crowley.com
phone +504 2617-0600, +504 2564-7100 fax +504 2617-0609
products Transportation, warehousing and cargo consolidation

213 Distribuidora Cummins Centroamerica Honduras, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.cummins.com

address Main office: Intercepción a la 33 cll., 100 mts antes del peaje, nave NO. 1,
and branches in ZIP Búfalo, Villanueva, Cortés and La Ceiba, Atlántida
origin United States of America
contact Juan Antonio Bendaña Flores
email juan.bendana@cummins.com
phone +504 9558-0092
products Cummins electric generators, Ingersoll Rand air compressors, Cummins engines
and genuine Cummins parts, Valvoline lubricants and technical support

214 Distribuidora La Bobina, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address Zona Libre El Cacao, blvd. del Sur, km. 3, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Cesar Abud
email cabud@labobinahn.com
phone +504 2556-8099 fax +504 2556-8071
products Distributors of screen printing and sewing equipment and supplies, cutting
supplies, stretch film, packaging tape

215 Dong Lim Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address ZOLI Pride Performance Fabrics, S.A. de C.V., km. 19.5, crrt. a Occidente,
Naco, Quimistán, Santa Bárbara
origin South Korea
contact Mirna Ortega
email mortega29@gmail.com
phone +504 2672-2030, +504 9669-0721
products Chemicals for textiles

216 Dunlap Sunbrand International de Honduras, S.A.
Zona Libre www.dsinternational.com

address Zona Libre INHDELVA Norte, 800 mts. crrt. a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Waldina Hernández
email whernandez@dsinternational.com
phone +504 2617-0165, +504 2617-0166, +504 2617-0218
products Sale of spare parts and accessories for the textil industry

217 EFL Global

Zona Libre www.efl.global

address ZOLI ZIP Búfalo, edif. #23, Búfalo, Villanueva, Cortés

Sri Lanka

Services | Companies operating in free zones

contact Pedro Guillén, Carlos Castañeda, Bessie Rodríguez
email pedrog@efl.global; carloss@efl.global; bessier@efl.global
phone +504 2574-9021 fax +504 2574-9022
products Warehousing and distribution, freight forwarder, ocean freight, airshipment.
Comprehensive logistic solutions such as storage and distribution, inland
transportation, ocean and air freight service.

218 Electronic Supply and Consulting, S.A.

Zona Libre www.esc-hn.com

address ZIP San José, edif. #16, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Alexis Badia
email ventas@esc-hn.com
phone +504 2516-3094
products Electronic repair and warranty center, electronic components and parts vendor for
the apparel industry

219 Electroquímica de Honduras, S.A. (ELQUIRAS)

Zona Libre www.electroquimica.net

address Bo. La Guardia, 33 y 34 cll., 3ra. ave., S.O., ofibodega Esmeralda, bodega #6,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés | Bo. Campo Rojo, predios Empresa Nacional Portuaria,
acceso portón 1A, Puerto Cortés, Cortés
origin Nicaragua
contact Cristian Vásquez, María Pérez
email cvasquez@electroquimicas.net; mperez@electroquimicas.net
phone +504 2556-7190, +504 2556-6696
products Distribution and sale of components for chemical products, sodium bicarbonate,
caustic liquid and flake soda, hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide,
citric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid 85% FG

220 Empresa de Materiales Textiles, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.emtex.hn

address Zona Libre INHDELVA Norte, nave 9C, crrt. hacia la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Roberto Rendon Guzmán
email rrendon@emtex.hn
phone +504 2617-0208
products Purchase and sale of textile waste, sorting and inspection of finished garments

221 Energía y Vapor, S.A. de C.V. (ENVASA)
Zona Libre www.envasa.com

address Bo. Las Acacias, 3ra ave., entre 11 y 12 cll., N.O., San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Saida Ramos
email contabilidad@hpsscorporation.com
phone +504 9820-0571
products Production and marketing of electric and steam energy

222 FM Construction Supply, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address ZIP Choloma, Choloma, Cortés | Blvd. Mackay, crrt. a Armenta,

Services | Companies operating in free zones

San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Arnaldo Martínez Argueta
email arnaldom@icceconsul.com
phone +504 2565-3434 fax +504 2565-3628
products Re-export of electrical cables, transformers, electrical pipes, power generators,
lighting, air conditioners, energy storage batteries, electromechanical and
hydraulic toilets, design and assembly of renewable energy plants.

223 Fortune Rags Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address Zona Libre INHDELVA Norte, nave 5, Choloma, Cortés

origin United States of America,
contact Mario Rolando Mejía Romero
email gerencia@fortunerags.com
phone +504 9990-5018 fax +504 2617-0199
products Purchase, sale, distribution, import and export of secong hand clothing and
merchandise in general.

224 Gas del Caribe, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address Bo. La Playa, contiguo a la Escuela Marítima Centro Americana, Omoa, Cortés
origin Mexico
contact José Alberto Ángeles Castelazo
email jangeles.c@tomza.com
phone +504 9539-5890
products Importer and exporter of liquefied petroleum gas

225 Gildan Honduras Distribution, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.genuineresponsibility.com

address Parque Industrial San Miguel, Rio Nance, km. 15.5, crrt. a Puerto Cortés,
Choloma, Cortés
origin Canada
contact Melissa Rodríguez
email comunicaciones.hon@gildan.com
phone +504 2669-6300
products Fabric, t-shirts and hosiery

226 Gildan Honduras Properties, S. de R.L.
Zona Libre www.genuineresponsibility.com

address Parque Industrial San Miguel, Rio Nance, km. 15.5, crrt. a Puerto Cortés,
Choloma, Cortés
origin Canada
contact Melissa Rodríguez
email comunicaciones.hon@gildan.com
phone +504 2669-6300
products Fabric, t-shirts and hosiery

227 Globo Internacional, S.A.

Zona Libre

Services | Companies operating in free zones

address Zona Libre El Polvorín, atrás de Ferretería Monterroso, 33 cll., blvd. Las Torres,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Roxana Yamileth Rivera
email roxanar@globoclothing.com
phone +504 2512-1983
products Classification and sale of used clothing

228 Golden Technology, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.goldentecnologia.com

address Zona Libre INHDELVA, 800 mts. crrt. a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés
origin Brazil
contact Dimas Novais
email dimas@goldentecnologia.com
phone +504 2617-0287
products Chemical products for the textile industry

229 Grafi Mart, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre

address ZIP El Porvenir, nave #6, km. 7, crrt. a Tela, El Progreso, Yoro
origin Guatemala
contact Luis López
email grafimart.tintas@gmail.com
phone +504 9641-4764
products Import and marketing of inks for screen printing

230 Grupo Industrial Río Blanquito, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.invexgirbhn.com

address Zona Libre Grupo Industrial Río Blanquito, km. 24, crrt. a Puerto Cortés,
Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Ridoniel Zúniga Banegas
email rzunigab@invexca.com
phone +504 2617-5903 fax +504 2617-5901
products Textile waste management and reprocessing of fibers

231 Grupo Logístico de Carga Honduras, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.glcamerica.com

address ZOLI ZIP Búfalo, edif. 2B, Villanueva, Cortés, | Zona Libre INHDELVA Sur, edif. #28,
Choloma, Cortés
origin El Salvador
contact Edward Galo
email edward.galo@glcamerica.com
phone +504 2627-0320
products Free zone warehouse storage, cargo insurance, inland transportation service,
custom services, land, air and sea cargo handling, simple warehouse storage,

232 GTM Honduras Zona Libre, S.A. de C.V.

Services | Companies operating in free zones

Zona Libre

address Parque Industrial Zona Libre Inversiones Las Flores, Quebrada Seca,
Choloma, Cortés
origin Panama
contact Victoria Bejarano Ramos
email vbejarano@gtmchemicals.com
phone +504 2564-5454
products Sale and distribution of chemical products

233 Hendrix and Dail de Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.hendrixcentroamerica.com

address Crrt. hacia El Progreso, desvío a San Manuel, km. 8.2, Lomas del Zate,
San Manuel, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Joaquín Garzona
email gphendrixhonduras@yahoo.com
phone +504 9990-2757, +504 9479-5834
products Formulation and export of agrochemical products

234 Hengxin Latam, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.hengxin-label.com

address Zona Libre INHDELVA, portón Norte, nave 8A, sección 2, Choloma, Cortés
origin United States of America,China
contact Elizabeth Robledo
email erobledo@hengxin-usa.com
phone +504 9446-2183
products Conversion, sliting and rewinding textile or fabric tapes for care labels, thermal
transfer ribbons for care label printers, RFID labels and sale of thermal printers for
care labels

235 Hilos A&E de Honduras

Zona Libre www.elevatetextiles.com

address Zona Libre American & Efird, complejo Elcatex, Choloma, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Javier Vega
email javier.vega@elevatetextiles.com
phone +504 2669-5151 fax +504 2669-5005
products Sale of sewing thread for the apparel industry

236 HMM de Honduras, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.grupohmm.com

address Edificio DHL, a la par de Camosa (John Deer), km. 7, crrt. a La Lima,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin El Salvador
contact Oscar Amílcar Morataya
email omorataya@grupohmm.com
phone +504 2540-2723
products Suppliers of machinery for digital printing, inks, spare parts and technical service
for sublimation. Inks for screen printing and other supplies, embroidery materials
and all kinds of paper for cutting, protection, and printing areas. We produce all
kinds of emblems, logos and badges to adhere to the garments.

Services | Companies operating in free zones

237 Industria Textil Honduras Corea, S. de R.L.
Zona Libre

address ZIP Rio Blanco, nave #34, crrt. hacia Puerto Cortés, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras,South Korea
contact Isis Rodríguez
email intehcohn@hotmail.com
phone +504 2509-1159
products Collar and cuff manufacturing, apparel sorting

238 Industrias Tecnológicas de Honduras, S. de R.L. de C.V. (INTECH)

Zona Libre www.ecologichn.com

address Km. 22, CA-5, Amarateca, Tegucigalpa, M.D.C.

origin Honduras
contact Andrés Fernando Hilsaca Gerlero
email ahilsaca12@gmail.com
phone +504 9669-1577
products Export of recycled materials

239 Inquistar Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.inquisalva.com

address ZIP Buena Vista, nave J-1, Villanueva, Cortés

origin El Salvador
contact Clelia Nolasco
email cnolasco@inquisalva.com
phone +504 2670-0029 fax +504 2670-0028
products Sale and distribution of textile auxiliaries and dyes

240 Inversiones Calpules, S. de R.L. de C.V. (INVERCA)

Zona Libre www.inverca-srl.com

address Zona Libre INHDELVA Sur, nave 21 C, 8 mts. adentro del desvío a la Jutosa,
Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Mario Escoto
email info@inverca-srl.com
phone +504 2559-4571, +504 2559-3202, +504 2559-9388,
+504 9635-2106, +504 9995-2878
products Conveyor and power transmission belts; spare parts for textile machinery

241 Inversiones Ecotek, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre

address Co. El Toronjal II, 3ra. ave., La Ceiba, Atlántida

origin Honduras
contact Victor Lorenzo Bernardez
email representantelegal@lospinareshn.com
phone +504 2606-3000 +504 9536-1889
products Benefit of metallic and/or non-metallic minerals

242 Inversiones Materiales, S. de R.L. de C.V. (INVEMA)

Zona Libre www.invemagroup.com

Services | Companies operating in free zones

address 900 mts. crrt. a El Zapotal, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Gabriela Argueta
email gargueta@invemacorp.com
phone +504 2551-5777 fax +504 2551-5758
products Purchase and sale of recycling material

243 Inversionistas y Exportadores, S. de R.L. (INVEX)

Zona Libre www.invexgirbhn.com

address Zona Libre Grupo Industrial Río Blanquito, km. 24, crrt. a Puerto Cortés,
Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras,United States of America
contact Ridoniel Zúniga Banegas
email rzunigab@invexca.com
phone +504 2617-5902 fax +504 2617-5901
products Textile waste management and reprocessing of fibers

244 Isochem Colors & Chemicals, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.isochem.net

address Zona Libre TSS, km. 5, crrt. a Ticamaya, col. Los Prados, entre 12 y 14 cll., atrás del
sector Rivera Hernández, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Karl Piechottka
email karl@isochem.net
phone +504 2504-2440
products Manufacturing of chemicals and dyestuff

245 JC Sewing Supply Honduras, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.jcsewingsupply.com

address ZOLI Río Blanco edif. #12, Río Blanco, salida a Puerto Cortés,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin China
contact Kenia Landaverde
email kenia@jcsewingsupply.com
phone +504 2527-7209 fax +504 2527-7209
products Sewing machinery, spare parts and sewing supplies

246 Klintec, S.A.
Zona Libre www.grupomacdel.com

address Zona Libre INHDELVA, nave 8, 800 mts. crrt. a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortes
origin Honduras
contact Victor Manuel Lara Molina
email victorlara@grupomacdel.com
phone +504 2544-0900 ext 301, +504 3154-8886, +504 3226-4067
products Klintec is a company dedicated to marketing specialized cleaning products and
services with high quality standards to free zone companies. Our processes:
Washing and polishing floors, carpet washing, general office cleaning, disinfection
of spaces, deep cleaning of bathrooms.

247 Manuchar Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Services | Companies operating in free zones

Zona Libre www.manuchar.com

address Aldea El Chile, Sector La Pozona, 500 mts. al Sur del peaje de Puerto Cortés, Cortés
| Oficina SPS: bo. Guamilito, 1 y 2 ave., 4ta. cll. N.O., San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Belgium
contact Franco Guerra Funes
email fguerra@manucharhn.com
phone +504 2634-2581 thru 84, +504 2544-0456
products Chemical distributors for the textile industry

248 Martex Fiber Internacional - Reciclaje Textil, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.martexfiberinternational.com

address Km. 2.5, crrt. a Puerto Cortés, Choloma, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Reynel Pacheco
email RPacheco@martexfiber.com
phone +504 2565-2910 fax +504 2565-2915
products Textile recycling

249 Merril, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.merrilsa.com

address Zona Libre INHDELVA Este, nave #35, crrt. hacia La Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Ricardo Barillas Trennert
email merril@merrilsa.com
phone +504 2617-0287 fax +504 2617-0287
products Chemical manufacturer for the textile industry

250 MONHACO, S.A. de C.V. (MONTASA Handling Company)

Zona Libre www.montasa.com

address ZIP Tex, ELCATEX, Choloma, Cortés

origin Honduras
email ventas@montasa.com
phone +504 2527-1525, +504 9826-8710
products We are a company dedicated to provide material handling, aerial working
platforms and logistics services and products for warehousing, loading and
transportation. We are Specialized in Free Trade Zones, our services include
leasing, direct sales representation, spare parts and multi-service certified

251 Monkey International Apparel, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Zona Libre

address ZOLI ZIP Río Blanco, crrt. hacia Puerto Cortés, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin China
contact Wai Keung Pang
email monkeyinternational@gmail.com
phone +504 2527-7136, +504 32242238, +504 9977-3157 fax +504 2527-7138
products Sale and rent of Industrial sewing machines, embroidery machines, spare parts for
machines and accessories

252 Morat Bay Trading Company, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.moratbay.com

Services | Companies operating in free zones

address ZOLI ZIP Río Blanco, fte. a Aldesa, crrt. a Puerto Cortés, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras,El Salvador,Nicaragua,Guatemala
contact Ingrid M. Argeñal
email ingridmejia10@gmail.com
phone +504 2527-7032, +504 9562-1104
products Purchase and sale of chemical products for wastewater and industrial water

253 Morrisette Wayne de Centro América, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.morrisette.com

address Parque Industrial ZIP Búfalo LC5, Villanueva, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Raul Castillo
email raul@morrisette.com
phone +504 2574-9037
products Distributors of packaging material, label and packing equipment

254 Neo Industrial, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address ZIP Río Blanco, km. 5, crrt. a Puerto Cortés, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin South Korea
contact Sang Jun Park
email park.neoindustrial@gmail.com
phone +504 2527-7160
products Re-export of industrial casters, textile equipment, spare parts for sewing

255 Novachem, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre novachemgroup.com

address Zona Libre INHDELVA Norte, nave #4, crrt. hacia la Jutosa, Choloma Cortes
origin Honduras
contact Eddie Sierra
email esierra@novachem.hn; info@novachemgroup.com
phone +504 2617-0921
products Chemical reactions for textiles, water treatment, construction and other industries

256 Pam Trading Corporation Honduras, S. de R.L.
Zona Libre www.pamtrading.com

address ZOLI ZIP Río Blanco, crrt. a Puerto Cortés, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Daysy Flores
email dflores@pamtrading.com
phone +504 2527-7199
products Parts for textile machinery

257 Park Energy, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.grupokarims.com

address Zona Libre Green Valley, km. 23, crrt. a Occidente, Quimistán, Santa Bárbara

Services | Companies operating in free zones

origin Honduras
contact Gustavo Ramón Raudales Bográn
email gustavo.raudales@grupokarims.com
phone +504 2620-3330 fax +504 2620-3310
products Generation, harvesting and sale of energy

258 Platinum Apparel, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address Zona Libre El Polvorín, crrt. 33 a El Polvorín, blvd. Las Torres, atrás de las oficinas
de Tranycop y antiguas bodegas de Agencia Barret, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Mario Jesús Kafati Simón
email mjkafati@parecycling.org
phone +504 2580-0021
products Import/Export, commercial recycling, incineration services relabeling and
repackaging all kinds of apparel of first second and third quality.( Textile Industry
waste, textile scraps, fabric rolls, representation of local, and foreign businesses
related to our activity or any other activity according to local law.

259 Premier Cleaning

Zona Libre www.premiercleaninghn.com

address ZOLI Aereo-Impex, La Lima, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Jordan Romero
email j.romero@premiercleaninghn.com
phone +504 3376-7857
products Janitorial and cleaning outsourcing, sale of cleaning and biosafety supplies

260 Pride Yarn, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.gkglobal.com

address Altia Smart City, torre 2, San Pedro Sula, Honduras

origin Honduras
contact Adrián Hernández
email adrian.hernandez@gkglobal.com
phone +504 2580-2015
products We are an established company with a trajectory of more than 30 years
distributing recycled fibers, synthetic and cotton yarn to markets around the

261 Prochem Honduras, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.grupoprochem.com

address ZIP San José, nave #20, 2do. Anillo Periférico, 20 y 27 cll., S.E.,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Guatemala
contact Javier Navarro
email javiernavarro@grupoprochem.com
phone +504 2516-3021 fax +504 2516-3022
products Textile stain remover, water base adhesive for embroidery and screen printing,
cleaning guns, screen opener, silicone spray, screen printing mesh, other screen
printing supplies, screen printing machinery, spare parts and biosafety products.

262 Productos Frescos del Mar San Carlos, S. de R.L.

Services | Companies operating in free zones

Zona Libre

address Santa Elena, km. 2, crrt. a Cedeño, Choluteca, Choluteca

origin Honduras
contact Jaime Francisco Maldonado Castañeda
email jmaldonado@grupocacesa.com
phone +504 2780-1221
products Shrimp packaging

263 Productos Mixtos, S.A. de C.V. (PROMIX)

Zona Libre www.skretting.com

address ZOLI Aquafeed, Aldea Borbotón, Río Lindo, San Francisco de Yojoa, Cortés
origin Ecuador,Holland,Norway
contact Danelia Ramos
email danelia.ramos@skretting.com
phone +504 2606-8137, +504 2606-8138
products Nutritional solutions for aquaculture

264 Productos Varios, S.A. de C.V. (PROVASA)

Zona Libre

address ZOLI ZIP Río Blanco, nave #23, blvd. del Norte, crrt. hacia Puerto Cortés,
fte. a ALDESA, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Fulbio Renán Cantarero Durón
email gerencia@provasa.net; contabilidad@provasa.net
phone +504 2527-7020, +504 2527-7083
products Distribution of products for the maquila industry and outsourcing, polishing of

265 Proenergy Solutions

Zona Libre www.proenergysol.com

address Zona Libre INHDELVA, crrt. a La Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Suyapa Hernández
email suyapa.hernandez@proenergysol.com
phone +504 2505-2929, +504 3262-7421
products Sale and installation of solar energy

266 Progressive Energy Corporation, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre

address ZIP Choloma, col. La Mora, Choloma Cortes

origin Honduras
contact Mario Alberto Canahuati
email mac@hgpc-hn.com
phone +504 2617-7700 fax +504 2617-7700
products Electric power, steam, hot water

267 Proquima, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre

Services | Companies operating in free zones

address ZIP El Porvenir, km. 7, crrt. a Tela, El Progreso, Yoro
origin Guatemala
contact Luis Alonso Castro, Melinton Boanerges Guzmán
email contahn@grupoeconsa.com; mbguzman@grupoeconsa.com
phone +504 3383-7257
products Food flavorings for export

268 R y D Industrial, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.rydindustrial.com

address Bo. Paz Barahona, 14 y 15 cll., 11 ave., S.O., San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Ramon Ernesto Morales Pineda
email rmorales@rydindustrial.com
phone +504 2558-9313, +504 2558-9314, +504 2550-3823
products Sale of automation and control spare parts for industrial machinery and panel

269 RCS Inversiones, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.inversionesrcs.com

address ZOLI ZIP Búfalo, edif. 14AB, Villanueva, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact German Reyes
email rcshonduras@rcsinversiones.com; rcshon@globalnet.hn
phone +504 2574-9030, +504 2574-9031
products Distributor of cutting paper, carton tubes, accesories for sewing, cutting and

270 Recicladora El Milagrito, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.grupomedracar.com

address Zona Libre INHDELVA, 800 mts. crrt. a La Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés
origin Peru,El Salvador
contact Augusto Carbajal Michaud
email acm@grupomedracar.com
phone +503 76812079
products Waste plastic recycling

271 Reciclaje Diamante, S.A.
Zona Libre

address Entrada principal col. Alemania, al final del blvd. del Norte, frente a Mall Premier,
Comayagüela, Francisco, Morazán
origin Honduras
contact Karen Morales Pérez
email karen.morales@reciclajediamante.hn
phone +504 2223-0091 ext 109
products Purchase and sale of recycling material

272 Reciclaje y Metales de Cortés, S. de R.L. de C.V. (REMECOR)

Zona Libre

Services | Companies operating in free zones

address Bo. Medina, salida vieja a San Pedro Sula, Puerto Cortés, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Wendy Revelo
email wg_revelo@yahoo.com
phone +504 9958-7913
products Recycling of metal, cardboard, plastic (ferrous and non-ferrous materials)

273 Rectex de Honduras, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address ZOLI Inversiones La Victoria, km. 1, crrt. a Puerto Cortés, Choloma, Cortés
origin Mexico
contact Sayda Osorio
email rectex_hond@hotmail.com; rectex_hond@globalnet.hn
phone +504 2551-2538, +504 2551-2578, +504 2551-2581 fax +504 2551-2538
products Textile waste trading, closeout garments, surplus inventories, waste collection in
plastic and textile products

274 Recuperadora de Cartón, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.recoveryocc.com

address Col. Arenales, fte. a Banpais de la Col. Satélite, atrás de bodegas de Ferromax,
última bodega a mano derecha, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Mexico
contact Rafael Edgardo Irula Ramírez
email edgardo.irula@recoveryocc.com
phone +504 2544-0336
products Purchase and sale of waste cardboard, old corrugated cardboard

275 Recyclers Group of Honduras, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address Km. 5, blvd. del Norte San Pedro Sula, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Fernando Elías Handal Saybe
email gerencia@recigroup.com
phone +504 9768-9601, +504 9581-2448
products Plastic recycling and reprocessing

276 Representaciones ABA, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Zona Libre

address ZOLI Cofradía Industrial Park, edif. 1B, San Jorge, Cofradía, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Marjorie Bolaños Montero
email representacionesaba@gmail.com
phone +504 2626-6829
products Clothing trade for all genders, casual and sporty; cotton fabrics mostly; sewing
threads, yarns, zippers, buttons, elastics, industrial safety shoes, materials for
recycling such as cardboard, paper, plastics and metal

277 Repuestos Sinaí de Honduras, S.A.

Zona Libre www.gruposinai.com

Services | Companies operating in free zones

address Zona Libre INHDELVA, portón Sur, edif. XXII-B, 800 mts. crrt. a la Jutosa,
Choloma, Cortés
origin El Salvador
contact Francisco Cruz, Yohaida Alfaro
email ventas2hn@gruposinai.com; ventas3hn@gruposinai.com
phone +504 3157-3273, +504 2617-0254, fax +504 2617-0254
+504 2617-0255, +504 2617-0256
products Sale of sewing machines, spare parts, accessories and others related with the
apparel industry

278 Rethink, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.elcatex.com

address Zona Libre ZIP Tex, nave L4A, col. La Mora, Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras,
contact Renato Murilo de Carvalho Guimaraes
email renato@rethink.hn
phone +504 2617-7700 fax +504 2617-7700
products Manufacture and commercialization of chemicals and colorants for the use in the
textile Industry. Colorants, softeners, chemical auxiliaries, all for the use in the
textile industry.

279 Rudolf - Venture Químicos, S.A.

Zona Libre www.rudolf.de

address ZOLI ZIP Búfalo, edif. 1B, Búfalo, Villanueva, Cortés

origin Germany
contact Fanny Castro
email fvanessacastro@rvcchemical.com
phone +504 2508-2280
products Textile auxiliary chemical products

280 Scala Yarns, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address Zona Libre TSS, km. 5, crrt. a Ticamaya, col. Los Prados, entre 12 y 14 cll., atrás del
sector Rivera Hernández, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Ernesto Córdova Pellman
email ecpell@hotmail.com
phone +504 2504-2440
products Import and distribution of yarn

281 Seaboard Solutions de Honduras, S. de R.L.
Zona Libre www.seaboardsolutions.com

address ZIP San José, edif. #12, 2do. Anillo de Circunvalación, 20-27 cll., S.E.,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Claudia Bueso
email claudia.bueso@seaboardsolutions.hn
phone +504 2544-0102
products Logistic services, warehousing for Free Zone users, customized supply chain
solutions, warehousing, trailer leasing, regional trucking service in Central
America, global FCL/LCL maritime and air cargo

Services | Companies operating in free zones

282 Servicios Múltiples de Sula, S.A. de C.V. (SEMSU)
Zona Libre

address ZIP Choloma, col. La Mora, Choloma, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Juan Diego Canahuati Canahuati
email juandiego.canahuati@elcahn.com
phone +504 2617-7730
products Provision of various services to industrial parks

283 Servicios Textiles Caballero, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address Zona Libre REMA, crrt. a Ticamaya, fte. a Residencial San Carlos, Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Humberto Caballero España
email hcaballero0502@gmail.com
phone +504 9605-9325, +504 9880-1468
products Purchase and sale of textile, cardboard and nylon waste

284 Sewing Solutions de Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.sewingsolution.net

address ZIP Río Blanco, blvd. del Norte, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin El Salvador
contact Luis Bolaños
email luisio@sewingsolution.net
phone +504 2527-7056 fax +504 2527-7056
products Industrial sewing machine sales, spare parts and supplies

285 Sourcing Solutions International Central America, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.ss-intl.com

address ZIP Calpules, edif. 15A, km. 7, salida a La Lima, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin China
contact Kurt Van Voorthuizen
email kurtvanvoorthuizen@ss-intl.com
phone +504 2559-8656 fax +504 2559-4111
products Plastic hangers and adhesive labels

286 SPI Automotive, S.A.
Zona Libre

address ZIP Calpules, km. 7, crrt. hacia La Lima, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Mónica Gabrie
email monicag@spi-auto.com
phone +504 2545-2700 ext 4054, +504 9979-8232
products Merchandising of components for the automotive industry

287 Starchem, S.A.

Zona Libre www.starchemglobal.com

Services | Companies operating in free zones

address Zona Libre INHDELVA Sur, nave #22, crrt. a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Servicio al Cliente
email starchemsa@star-na.com
phone +504 2617-0590 fax +504 2617-0159
products Production and distribution of industrial chemicals (textiles, water treatment,
construction, adhesives and others)

288 Subli Honduras, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.sublipackaging.com

address ZIP Amarateca, edif. #2, km. 19, Valle de Amarateca,

Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazán
origin Mexico
contact Alberto Chain
email alberto.chain@sublitransfer.com
phone +504 2265-5657, +504 9826-5764
products Branding & packaging solutions, proprietary heat transfer technology with the
best performance in the industry, alongside with traditional apparel labeling, tags
and tickets.

289 Suministros y Equipo para Costura, S.A.

Zona Libre www.suministrosyequipo.com

address ZOLI Honduras, edif. #20, km. 5, crrt. a Puerto Cortés, Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras,
contact José Alejandro Guillén Dole
email alex@sechn.com
phone +504 2669-8907, +504 2669-8906
products Textile material and equipment suppliers

290 Supply Center, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.supplycenterhn.com

address INHDELVA Norte, 800 mts. crrt a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés

origin Honduras
email gerencia@supplycenterhn.com
phone +504 9864-9282
products Office supplies, autoadhesive labels, ribbon, stationery and technology

291 Tabco, S. de R.L.
Zona Libre www.grupotabony.com

address Zona Libre ZIP San José, edif. 15A, 2do. Anillo Periférico, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Iris Pérez
email iris@tabony.com
phone +504 2554-1169
products Sale and distribution of sewing machines, parts and accesories for the textil

292 Taeyoung Tape Honduras, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.taeyoungtape.com


Services | Companies operating in free zones

Green Valley Industrial Park, parcela 11, km. 23, crrt. a Occidente,
Quimistán, Santa Bárbara
origin South Korea,
contact Ela Valenzuela
email valenzuela@taeyoungtape.com
phone +504 9445-8654, +504 9809-8303
products Distributor of tape and other supplies for the automotive manufacturing industry

293 Tecno Supplier, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.tecnosupplier.com; www.rcjcorp.hn

address Zona Libre Tecno Supplier, sector Rio Nance, km.18, Choloma, Cortes
origin Honduras
contact William Padgett
email william.padgett@rcjcorp.hn
phone +504 2669-5037, +504 2669-5038
products Merchandising and distribution of chemical products

Zona Libre www.tecnocomerhn.com

address ZIP San José, nave #15, entre 20 y 27 cll., 2do. Anillo de Circunvalación, S.E.,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Julia Fajardo
email julia.fajardo@tecnocomerhn.com
phone +504 2580-2689
products Producers and distributors of chemical products for the textile industry,
construction, adhesives, water treatment, home care and biosecurity products.
We specialize in making products tailored to the client with constant specialized

295 Textile Supply & Service, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.tsshn.com

address Zona Libre TSS, km. 5, crrt. a Ticamaya, col. Los Prados, entre 12 y 14 cll.,
atrás del sector Rivera Hernández, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Ernesto Córdova Pellman
email ecpell@hotmail.com
phone +504 2504-3245
products Export of textile waste

296 Textile Technology, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre

address ZIP Búfalo, edif. 16 C, Villanueva, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Gabriela Alicia Cartagena
email geubanks@textiletechnologyhn.com
phone +504 2574-9035
products Spare parts for textile machinery and technical service.

297 The Fox Company Honduras, S.A.

Zona Libre www.thefoxcompany.com

address ZOLI ZIP Choloma, edif. módulo K, col. La Mora, Choloma, Cortés

Services | Companies operating in free zones

origin United States of America
contact Karen Molinari | Eddy Dunaway
email karen@thefoxcompany.com; eddy@thefoxcompany.com
phone +504 2669-5014
products Distributor of spare parts, machinery and equipment for the textile industry

298 Trexa
Zona Libre www.trexasa.com

address Zona Libre Puerto Cortés, Puerto Cortés, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Tamara Castro
email sac@trexasa.com
phone +504 3396-4429
products Services in general for the Free Zones in Honduras, such as: land transportation
service (national and international), cargo storage, container rental, chassis rental,
electric generator rental, forklift rental, fumigation services (pest control services),
GPS device services and RFID technology, etc

299 UH Internacional Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.uhinternacional.com

address Parque Industrial ZIP Búfalo, Villanueva, Cortés

origin El Salvador
contact Nohemí López
email nlopez@uhinternacional.com
phone +504 2574-9093
products Reselling and manufacturing of labels & ribbons for barcoding technology printers
and data readers in any brand

300 Unisource S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address ZOLI ZIP Río Blanco, edif. 1 “A”, km. 5, crrt. a Puerto Cortés, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Kriss Gilen
email unisource@sulanet.net; krissgilen79@hotmail.com
phone +504 2527-7221, +504 2527-7222, +504 2527-7223
products Chemical products for the textile industry, detergent factories, water waste
treatment plants and plastic containers

301 Universo Textil, S. de R.L.
Zona Libre

address ZOLI Cofradía Industrial Park, col. San Jorge, km. 11, crrt. a Occidente,
Cofradía, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Luis Gustavo Suazo Caballero
email admon.universotextil@gmail.com; magdely@universotextil.com
phone +504 2514-0231
products Sale of textile recycling - Cutters, wipers, fabrics, nylon, plastics, cardboard, yarns
and others.

302 Vanguard Pailung de Centro América, S.A. de C.V.

Services | Companies operating in free zones

Zona Libre www.vanguardpailung.com

address Parque Industrial ZIP Búfalo, Villanueva, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Mario Liu
email mliu@vanguardpailung.com
phone +504 2574-9591, +504 2574-9593
products Spare parts and accessories for textile machines

303 Ventilación Industrial, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.ventilacionindustrial.com

address Bo. Paz Barahona, 14 y 15 cll., 11 ave., S.O., San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Ramon Ernesto Morales Pineda
email rmorales@rydindustrial.com
phone +504 2558-9313, +504 2558-9314, +504 2550-6292
products Sale of extractors and air injectors, products for ventilation systems

304 Vesta Trading, S.A.

Zona Libre www.grupovesta.com

address ZOLI INHDELVA Norte, 800 mts. crrt. a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Maricela Fuentes
email mfuentes@grupovesta.net
phone +504 2269-1600, +504 2617-0450
products Raw materials distributor for the following industries: textile, pharmaceutical,
chemical, cosmetics, food, packaging and seafood

305 VF Servicios de Honduras, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.vfc.com

address Zona Libre Honduras, col. San Miguel, km. 2, crrt. a Puerto Cortés,
Choloma, Cortés
origin Panama
contact Gisela Carolina Rivera Velásquez
email gisela_rivera@vfc.com
phone +504 2606-3192
products Administration, training and advisory in garment manufacturing processes

306 VFI de Honduras, S.A.
Zona Libre www.fruit.com

address ZOLI RLA Manufacturing, edif. #2, crrt. a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Werner Oberholzer
email werner.oberholzer@fotlinc.com
phone +504 2669-6000
products Distribution center

307 YKK Honduras, S.A.

Zona Libre www.ykkfastening.com, www.ykkamericas.com

Services | Companies operating in free zones

address Col. San Fernando, 2da. cll., salida vieja a La Lima, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Ricardo Rápalo - Sales Manager
email ricardorapalo@ykk.com
phone +504 2553-4427, +504 2557-5848 fax +504 2553-1728
products Snap and buttons, hook & eye, textile & plastic, metal zipper, plastic zipper,
Cosmolon, Excella, Metaluxe, Vislon)

Service companies
operating outside free zones

308 Agencia Fesmar, S.A.

address Plaza Fesmar, 2do. nivel, 13 ave., 6 cll., S.O., San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Felix Mahomar
email fesmar@fesmar.com
phone +504 2558-3585 fax +504 2557-5004
products Manufacturers’ representatives of knitting raw materials (lubrication, knitting
elements, yarns and fibers)

309 Altara Shopping and Lifestyle Center

Services | Companies operating outside free zones

address Blvd. Armenta, km. 2, sector N.O., San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Gustavo Raudales
email altara.info@altiabusinesspark.com
phone +504 2580-2015 fax +504 2580-2019
products Created to meet the immediate needs of ALTIA’s residents and businesses, ALTARA
has more than 80 retail stores providing everything from clothing, banking, gym,
movie theater and a wide variety of food choices and other facilities, offering a
comfortable and convenient leisure experience.

310 Banco Atlántida, S.A.


address Plaza Bancatlan, blvd. Centroamérica, Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazán

| Bo. El Centro, 1ra. cll., 3ra. ave., fte. al Parque Central, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Alexa Foglia
email afoglia@bancatlan.hn
phone +504 2280-0000
products Commercial banking services

311 Bay Island Petroleum, S.A.


address Bo. Monte Placentero, calle principal, Roatán, Islas de la Bahía

origin Honduras
contact Wilmer Argueta
email sales@biproatan.com
phone +504 9473-2356
products Fuel & LPG wholesale and retail; marine fuel bunkering; fuel barges, vessel
chartering, ship assistance, marine fenders, marine cargo route from Puerto
Cortes to Roatan; marine supply store; convenience stores; passenger ferries;
shrimp & lobster fishing, etc.

312 Brenntag Honduras, S.A.


address Blvd. del Norte, col. Los Castaños, km. 5, crrt. a Puerto Cortés, contiguo a Aldesa,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Germany
contact Karina Leiva Matute
email kleiva@brenntag.com
phone +504 2551-7060, +504 2508-0730 thru 59 fax +504 2508-0730
products Marketing, sales and distrubution of raw materials and chemical products for all
industries. Food, agro, personal care, solvents, paints, textiles, etc. (commodities/
essentials and chemical specialties)

313 Crowley Latin America Services LLC

address Nuevos Horizontes Business Center, nivel No. 22, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Jessica Escoto
email jessica.escoto@crowley.com
phone +504 2570-6680
products Crowley offers a full suite of worldwide logistics services that can be utilized
as a single service or bundle of services to achieve even more efficiencies in
customer’s supply chains including: air freight transportation, cargo insurance,
customs brokerage / clearance, dedicated Crowley warehousing & distribution,
freight forwarding & consolidation services, inland trucking , LCL, LTL and FCL

Services | Companies operating outside free zones

314 DHL Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

address Complejo Industrial Calpules, 300 mts. antes del peaje salida a La Lima,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Germany
contact Frank Wehmeyer
email frank.wehmeyer@dhl.com
phone +504 2508-1401
products DHL has a broad portfolio of products and solutions to meet your logistics
requirements – everything from simple shipping and transportation to
transformative solutions that span the supply chain.

315 Grupo Monge Honduras


address Bvld. del Norte, sector Palenque, fte. a Hospital del Valle, crrt. a Puerto Cortés,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Costa Rica
contact Maday Flores, Patricia Vallecillo
email maday.flores@grupomonge.com; patricia.vallecillo@grupomonge.com
phone +504 2508-0600, +504 9910-9749, +504 3173-9375
products Merchandising of home appliances and other products

316 GTM Honduras S.A. de C.V.


address Bo. La Guardia, 33 cll., 2 ave., S.O., fte. a IHCAFE, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Victoria Bejarano
email vbejarano@gtmchemicals.com
phone +504 2564-5454
products Solvents such as: thinner, industrial alcohols, acetic acid, liquid caustic soda,
hydrogen peroxide, lubricating oils for vehicles, agricultural products, various
chemical products for the industry such as acids, delivery of products at the
customer’s premises or at the window

317 Industrias Pacer, S.A. de C.V.


address Complejo Industrial ZIP Tex, col. La Mora, Choloma, Cortés

origin Honduras
contact Juan Carlos Canahuati Farah
email jcc@pacerhn.com
phone +504 2570-9777
products Retail and wholesale of high quality clothing and beauty products.

318 Mediterranean Shipping Company Honduras

address Edif. El Parque, 3er. nivel, bo. Río de Piedras, 18 ave., 9 y 10 cll.,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Switzerland
contact Yeimy López (Gerente Comercial)
email hnd-info@msc.com; yeimy.lopez@msc.com
phone +504 2570-9970
products A world leading shipping and logistics company. MSC Mediterranean Shipping
Company is a global business engaged in the shipping and logistics sector. Present
in 155 countries, MSC facilitates international trade between the world’s major
economies, and among emerging markets across all continents, MSC delivers
goods and services to local communities, customers and international business

Services | Companies operating outside free zones

partners with access to an integrated global network of road, rail and sea
transport resources, the company prides itself on delivering global service with
local knowledge. MSC calls at 500 ports on 230+ trade routes, carrying some 23
million TEU (twenty-foot equivalent units) annually, via a modern fleet, equipped
with the latest green technologies.

319 Merendón Power Plant, S.A. de C.V.

RIT www.fotlinc.com

address 3 kms. crrt. a la Jutosa, Choloma, Cortés

origin United States of America
contact Arnulfo Cardona
email arnulfo.cardona@fotlinc.com
phone +504 2669-6000
products Sale of energy and steam from renewable products or biomass

320 Seaboard Honduras, S. de R.L.


address Bo. Suyapa, 5 y 6 cll., 16 ave., S.O., Plaza Mafo, 3er nivel, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Servicio al Cliente
phone +504 2580-3750
products Seaboard Marine is an ocean transportation company that provides direct, regular
service between the United States and the Caribbean Basin, Central and South

321 Sealand Americas - A Maersk Company


address Bo. Río de Piedras, 8 cll., 19 ave., Corporativo 1908, nivel 3, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Denmark
contact Sara Buck Panting
email sara.buck@sealandmaersk.com
phone +504 2570-8029
products Connected end to end personalized logistics service with an apparel team in the

Harnesess & wiring sets

322 Aptiv Services Honduras, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.aptiv.com

address Green Valley Industrial Park, km. 23, crrt. a Occidente, Quimistán, Santa Bárbara
origin United States of America
contact Mauricio Zapata
email mauricio.zapata@aptiv.com
phone +504 2620-3430
products Harnesses, jumpers, molded components and high speed cable connectivity

323 Delfingen HN Cortes, S. de R.L.

Zona Libre www.delfingen.com

address ZOLI ZIP Búfalo, edif. #35, Villanueva, Cortés

origin France
contact Siboney Fox Medrano
email sfox@delfingen.com
phone +504 2574-9150, +504 2574-9151, fax +504 2574-9155
+504 2574-9152, +504 2574-9154
products Automotive supplier in protection systems, technical fluid tubing and assembly

Harnesess & wiring sets

technology services

324 Empire of Honduras, S.A.

Zona Libre

address ZIP Calpules, km. 7, crrt. a La Lima, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Gerardo Cabrera
email gcabrera@empire.hn
phone +504 2545-2700 fax +504 2559-2300
products Electrical automotive parts

325 Honduras Electrical Distribution Systems, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre

address 500 mts. al Este de desvío de col. Felipe Zelaya, prolongación 27 cll.,
San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin South Korea,Luxembourg
contact Rocío Bardales (Gerente de RRHH)
email rbardales@lear.com
phone +504 2545-3820
products HEDS manufactures vehicle harnesses for Hyundai and Kia brands

326 Lear Automotive EEDS Honduras, S.A.

Zona Libre www.lear.com

address Km. 22, crrt. a Occidente, Naco, Quimistán, Santa Bárbara

origin United States of America
contact Eder Javier López
email elopez14@lear.com
phone +504 2672-2824
products Wire harneses for vehicles

Call centers & technology services

327 Allied Global
Zona Libre www.alliedglobal.com

address Mall Galerías del Valle, 3er nivel, col. Jardines del Valle, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Guatemala
contact J. Fernando Rodríguez
email fernando.r@alliedglobal.com
phone +504 2564-6025
products Business Services: sales and customer operations, customer care, technical
support, backoffice Technology services: IT staffing, cloud migration, software
engineering development, DevOps services & consulting

328 Alorica Honduras, S.A.

Zona Libre www.alorica.com

address Altia Business Park, blvd. Armenta, km. 2, San Pedro Sula, Cortés

Call centers & technology services

origin United States of America
contact Thalia Lara
email thalia.lara@alorica.com
phone +504 2514-0820
products Centro de atención de llamadas

329 Concentrix CVG Global Services Honduras, S.A.

Zona Libre www.concentrix.com

address Altia Business Park, edif. #2, 2do. nivel, blvd. Armenta, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Orlando José Ordoñez Rodríguez
email orlando.ordonez@concentrix.com
phone +504 2580-2550 fax +504 2580-2550
products BPO Industry - Call center

330 Coral Bay, S.A. de C.F.

Zona Libre

address Bo. Río de Piedras, 23 ave. y 2 cll., San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Honduras
contact Rodrigo Kattan
email rodrigo.kattan@coralbaycontactcenter.com
phone +504 2516-9500
products Call center

331 CRC BPO Solutions, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Zona Libre crc.global

address Edif. Nuevos Horizontes Business Center, nivel 23, ofic. 2301, 2304,
Rancho El Coco, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Jenny Bardales
email jmains@crc.global
phone +504 2544-0769
products BPO, call center, logistics, warehousing and transportation services

332 Ibex Honduras, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre

address Novacentro, 7o nivel, centro comercial Los Próceres, entre blvd. Morazán y Ave.
La Paz, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
origin United States of America
contact Luis Alfonso Anleu Ruiz
email luis.anleu@ibex.co
phone +504 9522-2424, +504 9521-8125
products Contact center services

333 KM² Solutions, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.km2solutions.com

address Altia Business Park, lobby, torre 1, crrt. hacia Armenta, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Thomas Johnston

Call centers & technology services

email thomas.johnston@km2solutions.com
phone +504 2580-2137
products KM² Solutions (KM2 Solutions) operates contact centers throughout the
Caribbean and Latin America offering services to companies within the retail,
healthcare, technology, finance, telecommunication, hospitality, and utility
sectors. Our mission is to provide outsourcing solutions to US-based companies
from countries close to home.

334 Knoah Solutions Honduras, S.A. de C.V. (24-7 Intouch)

Zona Libre www.24-7intouch.com

address Corporativo Centroamérica, nivel 20, blvd. Centroamérica, entre CCIT y CEUTEC,
Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazán
origin Canada,United States of America
contact Sergio Adán Dubón
email sergio.dubon@24-7intouch.com
phone +504 2232-9396
products We deliver bar-setting customer care and we’re here to help YOU. Our focus on
culture is reflected by our innovative campuses, with brand alignment to our
Fortune 500 partners.

335 Outsourcing Management Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.itelinternational.com

address Centro Comercial Altara, 3er piso, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Jamaica
contact Luis Gonzalo Restrepo Sierra
email luis.restrepo@itelinternational.com
products Call Center

336 Partner Hero America, S. de R. L.

Zona Libre www.partnerhero.com

address Altia Business Park, torre 1, piso 11, km. 2, crrt. a Armenta, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
contact Maurice Alexander Molina
email maurice@partnerhero.com
phone +504 2509-5049
products Partnerhero is a different type of BPO offering diverse services like customer
service, graphic design, digital marketing, engineering, technical support,
accounting support, through different platforms in different countries worldwide.

337 San Services, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Zona Libre www.sanservices.hn

address Centro Comercial Los Castaños, 2da. planta, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin Panama
contact Alberto Rodríguez
email alberto.rodriguez@uvltd.tech
phone +504 2580-2100
products Web developer

338 Startek Honduras, S.A. de C.V.

Zona Libre www.startek.com

address Altia Business Park, Torre 1, crrt. hacia Armenta, km. 2, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
origin United States of America
Miguel Schettini

Call centers & technology services

email miguel.schettini@startek.com
phone +504 2580-2340
products We’re a global provider of customer experience solutions. This means we provide
customer care and technical support via phone, social media, chat, email, and
other communication channels, we help our clients build strong customer
relationships by providing direct, person-to-person customer contact.


Accessories for intimate and swimwear Accessories for shoes
102 102

Agriculture supplies Agroindustry

3, 138 42, 50, 62, 80, 136

Animal feed Apparel

6, 8, 123 13, 48, 71, 109, 111

Apparel Identification Apron

12, 44, 58, 94, 124, 139 33, 100

Automotive cables Blankets

21 51

Body bags Body restraints

33 33

Bonnie and hat Botanical products for agriculture

88 16

Boxers Brassieres
1 7, 24

Briefs Car seat reinforcements

1 17

Cardigans Chef and lab coats

51 100

Cigars Cleaning supplies

4, 20, 56, 61, 73, 115, 116, 137, 146 65, 90

Construction supplies Corn flour

41, 63, 72, 129, 131 133

Custom Armoring of vehicles Dairy products

117 142

Disposable products Doors

22, 27, 68, 79, 134 2

Electric systems assembly Electrical controls & security devices

for automobiles 118

Embellishment Energy crops

58 50

Expandable polystyrene products Face masks
46 76, 98, 99

Fleece flight suits

7, 35, 51, 57, 70, 75, 89 88

Food processing Gloves

55, 133 113

Grills Helmet covers

2 88

Home and personal care products Hoodies

99 51, 57

Industrial & medical gases Jackets

140 88, 100

Jeans Lead
45, 141 77

Leggings Lingerie
7, 89 143

Loose knits Meat products

1 128

Medical apparel Men’s underwear

18, 19, 75, 85, 103 35, 88, 98, 143

Multistyle Narrow weaving products

84, 125 82, 112, 119, 127

Nightwear Office and school supplies

76 87

Packaging Palm oil and its derivatives

11, 28, 39, 44, 46, 47, 58, 61, 92, 121, 23, 86, 136
130, 132, 135, 139, 144, 145

Pants Paraffin candles

5, 51, 64, 67, 70, 88, 96, 97, 103, 106, 99
125, 141

Patrol caps Pellet and sheet

88 69

Personal protection Pharmaceutical products

18, 19, 75, 68, 76, 85, 98, 103, 113 29, 99

Plastics Polypropylene
90, 91, 92, 99, 121, 145 77

Promotional items Raglan

60 34

Screen printing Seafood

58 9, 10, 15, 36, 37, 38, 81, 107, 120

Shirts Shoe care products

1, 5, 26, 35, 43, 57, 66, 76, 88, 89, 96, 99
97, 100, 103, 106

Shorts Skirts
103 103

Socks Sportswear
52, 53, 54 18, 95

Steel boxes Steel works

2 63, 78

Sweatshirts Swimwear
18 143

T-shirts Tank top

1, 7, 14, 18, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 49, 52, 34
53, 54, 57, 64, 66, 67, 70, 75, 84, 89, 93,
98, 101, 104, 105, 108, 110, 114, 122,
125, 141

Thermal Tobacco in branch

34 20

Tools and equipment for Undergarments

the automotive industry 18, 88, 143

Uniforms Windows
5, 43, 88, 97, 100, 103, 106 2

Wire-bound produce crates Women’s underwear

47 25, 76, 88, 143

Wood products
40, 56, 61, 74, 83, 126

Canada Union
CAFTA - DR. Korea


Colombia Guatemala



El Salvador

Costa Rica


Strategic location
& free trade agreements
The US Central America Free Agreement (CAFTA-DR) entered into
force in 2006. It eliminates most tariffs and other barrier for U.S. in-
vestments and intellectual property , and creates more transparent
rules and procedures for conducting business companies that man-
ufacture in Honduras

Honduras is a strategic partner of the United States, the trade rela-

tionships has grown under the DR-CAFTA. This agreement promotes
commercial and investment relations with the United States. Hon-
duras also has trade agreements with Central American countries,
Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Chile, Taiwan, Canada,
the European Union and South Korea.

Likewise and with the objective of expanding the competitive ad-

vantages, other treaties are being negotiated with the countries of
Korea, Ecuador and Cuba.

Industrial parks
by location

1 Choloma
Inversiones Las Flores, S.A.
ZIP San Miguel
Zona Libre América, S.A. de C.V.
Zona Libre Honduras S.A. de C.V
Zona Libre ZIP Choloma

2 San Pedro Sula

ZIP Calpules, S. A.
Zona Libre ZIP Río Blanco (COZIRSA)
Zona Libre ZIP San José, S. A.

3 La Lima
Zona Libre Continental

4 El Progreso
ZIP EL Porvenir

5 Villanueva
Parque Industrial Búfalo, S. A. (Zip Búfalo)
Villanueva Industrial Park
ZIP Buena Vista, S. A.

6 Quimistán
Green Valley Industrial Park

7 Comayagua
Zona Libre Comayagua    

The Honduras Manufacturers Association (AHM) is a non-profit private
sector non-profit organization created to serve its associates, representing
them before public and private institutions. It arises due to the rapid growth of
the manufacturing industry in Honduras, one of the main generator of exports
and job creators in the nation, with the purpose of promoting and developing
the investment and the exports of the manufacturing industry at a national
and international level .

The Honduran Manufacturers Association has over 307 member companies

of different sectors and categories, mostly from the textile industry. These
companies receive, through the assistance of professionals and experts that
work for this prestigious institution, a series of services and benefits that
contribute to the improvement of their processes and operations in order to
achieve high productivity and competitiveness at the national and international

The AHM was founded on October 29, 1991, as a private, apolitical, non-
profit institution with its own legal personality.


ALTIA, Business Park. 12th Floor, Armenta Blvd., San Pedro Sula, Honduras
We would like to provide you with more information about the industry
and the opportunities that Honduras has to offer.
Please contacts us at: servicioalcliente@ahm-honduras.com
(504) 2516-9100
The information provided in this directory was last
updated in February 2023

For more up to date information, visit us online at:





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