Act-1 Sop
Act-1 Sop
Act-1 Sop
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1.1 This method is used for determining ACT-1 Activator in the Benfield solution at its working concentration,
and in water samples such as stripper condensate in concentrations of 50 – 1,000 ppm.
2.1 Samples are collected using special procedures that include the addition of Triethylenetetramine (Trien).
Trien prevents adsorption of the ACT-1 activator on the surfaces of the containers and syringes. The
treated samples are analyzed for ACT-1 via GC with an FID detector. Peak areas are measured with an
electronic integrator, and external standards (also treated with Trien) are used to quantify the results.
4.3 Deviations
Table #1: Deviations from primary reference method (UOP 177073 rev1).
Reference Deviation
The reference method stated specific instrumentation and Bureau Veritas Laboratories is using a newer model Varian
operational settings for the GC 6890 split/splitless instrument. Through assistance of PCLI
R&D method development was done to have the system
work on the new instrument. Some setting may vary
slightly from the reference method. Validation of the
system was done to ensure proper operation.
The reference method states calculate a K factor after The system is calibrated with 3 standards, the equation of
calibration and to use the average “K” value for calculation the line is used for calculation of result in electronic form to
of results. make calculations easier. The line equation method is also
a more accurate way of achieving the final result.
5.1 None.
6.1 General Safety requirements for this SOP are provided in a critical task analysis (CTA). In addition to the
CTA, additional guidance on Bureau Veritas Laboratories Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) program
are found in various Safe Work Procedures, Safety Policies, and the Safety Guide (See MEHS WI-00013).
Chemical wastes and sample disposal protocols are outlined in the Corporate Environmental Waste
Management Policy (MEHS WI-00069).
6.2 The use of personal protective equipment (PPE), including safety glasses and lab coats are mandatory in all
Bureau Veritas Laboratories. It is the responsibility of the analyst to read and understand the CTA attached
to this SOP and ensure that any additional identified hazard controls are used (e.g. nitrile gloves, splash
goggles, fume hoods, respirators, etc).
SLA SOP-00077/13
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6.3 Material safety data sheets for all chemical reagents are available to personnel using this method. Training
on the interpretation of MSDS sheets is provided during WHMIS training upon hire. Staff performing this
method shall review the associated MSDS sheets for chemicals used in this procedure and ensure they
understand the associated hazards and safety controls required to work safely with each chemical.
6.4 General information for chemical waste and sample disposal is described in the Health and Safety work
instructions. Disposal of all samples, extracts and reagents must be done in accordance with local,
provincial and federal laws and regulations. Chemical wastes and sample disposal protocols are described
in SLA WI-00007.
8.1 None
9.2.2 Site Precision Conditions are defined as: Conditions under which test results are obtained by one
or more operators in a single site location practicing the same test method on a single
measurement system which may be comprised of multiple instruments, using test specimens taken
at random from the same sample material, over an extended period of time, spanning at least a 15
day interval.
9.2.3 (NOTE: Referenced from SLA WI-00038 “Measurement Uncertainty Policy for Industrial.”)
9.3.1 Repeatability The repeatability for this method has been set at 10%.
9.3.2 Reproducibility
SLA SOP-00077/13
Page 3 of 6 The reproducibility for this method has been set at 20%.
10.1 The syringe is flushed thoroughly with Type 1 water to prevent blockage.
10.2 Volumetric Flasks are cleaned with soap and water and then air dried.
11.1 5 µL syringe with Handle, Fisher Cat. # 14815202 or equivalent
11.2 Various size volumetric flasks
11.3 Disposable pipette
11.4 Agilent 6890N GC/FID; split splitless
11.5 Spatula
11.6 Analytical Balance
11.7 Various Class A volumetric pipettes Print out a copy of the final calculation and attach to the chromatograms and the
Lean Carbonate worksheet.
14.3.21 Do 1 injection of water at the end of the analysis as per to but substituting
“water” for the “sample”.
14.3.22 Rinse the syringe several times with 1% Trien solution and place back in the box for
14.4 Calibration
14.5 Integration
14.5.1 For efficiency purposes this should be done after each injection is complete
14.5.2 Open up the “offline” copy of Chemstation.
14.5.3 Go to “File”.
14.5.4 Then “Load Signal”.
14.5.5 Load the chromatogram of interest.
14.5.6 Integrate the peak using the integration tool.
14.5.7 Peaks are integrated as per COR WI-00044 “Manual Integration of Chromatographic Peaks”.
14.5.8 The peak of interest will be at approximately 15min +/- 0.5min.
14.5.9 Once the peak has been integrated print the chromatogram, review and initial all raw data.
16.1 Calculations
16.2.1 Report the result on the Lean Carbonate worksheet SLA FCD-00038.
16.2.2 Include all chromatogram printouts and calculation printouts.