Construction Completion Report Form: Please Type or Print Legibly in Ink
Construction Completion Report Form: Please Type or Print Legibly in Ink
Construction Completion Report Form: Please Type or Print Legibly in Ink
In accordance with WAC 246-290-120 (5), a Construction Completion Report is required for all approved construction projects.
Operators must submit a Construction Completion Report to us within sixty (60) days of completion and before use of any water
system facility. This includes any source, water quality treatment, storage tanks, booster pump facilities, and distribution
The undersigned professional engineer (PE), or their authorized agent, has inspected the above-described project which, as to
layout, size and type of pipe, valves and materials, reservoir and other designed physical facilities, has been constructed and is
substantially completed in accordance with construction documents reviewed by the purveyor’s engineer or approved by the
Department of Health. In the opinion of the undersigned engineer, the installation, physical testing procedures, water quality
tests, and disinfection practices were carried out in accordance with state regulations and principles of standard engineering
I have reviewed the disinfection procedures , pressure test results , and results of the bacteriological test(s) for this
project and certify that they comply with the requirements of the construction standards/specifications approved by the
Department of Health. (Check all boxes that apply that are consistent with the nature of the project.)
This project changes the physical capacity of the system to serve consumers. The system is now able to serve
equivalent residential units (ERUs.) Not applicable
Date Signed
Name of Engineering Firm
Name of PE Acknowledging Construction
P.E.’s Seal
Mailing Address
City State Zip
Engineer’s Signature