MIT8 851S13 SCETLagrania
MIT8 851S13 SCETLagrania
MIT8 851S13 SCETLagrania
where !
X X (−g)k n̄ · An (q1 ) · · · n̄ · An (qk )
Wn = Pk . (3.34)
k! [n̄ · q1 ][n̄ · (q1 + q2 )] · · · [n̄ · i=1 qi ]
Here Wn is the momentum space version of a Wilson line built from collinear An gluon fields. In position
space the corresponding Wilson line is
Z 0
W (0, −∞) = P exp ig ds n̄ · An (ns
¯ ) (3.35)
Here P is the path ordering operator which is required for nonabelian fields and which puts fields with
larger arguments to the left e.g. n̄ · An (n̄s) n̄ · An (n̄s' ) for s > s' .
In summary, we see that we have traded the field n̄ · An for the Wilson line Wn [n̄ · An ]. Also, including
this Wilson line in our current operator makes our current gauge invariant, as we will show below in the
Gauge Symmetry section. For a situation with n and n' collinear fields the same type of Wilson lines
Wn [n̄ · An ] are also generated in a manner that yields gauge invariant operators for each collinear sector.
4 SCETI Lagrangian
In this section, we derive the SCET quark Lagrangian by analyzing and separating the collinear and usoft
gluons, and momentum degrees of freedom. On the way to our final result we introduce the label operator
which provide a simple method to separate large (label) momenta from small (residual) momenta.
Lets construct the leading order SCET collinear quark Lagrangian. This desired properties that this
Lagrangian must satisfy include
• Yield the correct LO propagator for different situations without requiring additional expansions
• Should be setup so we do not have to revisit the LO result when formulating power corrections
To explain what is meant by the fourth point consider the propagator obtained when a collinear quark
interacts with a collinear gluon
p+q p
n̄ · (p + q)
∝ .
n · (p + q) n̄ · (p + q) + (p⊥ + q⊥ )2 + i0
Here both the momentum p and q appear on equal footing, and no momenta are dropped in the denomi
nator. This can be contrasted with the leading propagator obtained when a collinear quark interacts with
an ultrasoft gluon
4.1 SCET Quark Lagrangian 4 SCETI LAGRANGIAN
p+k p
n̄ · p
∝ .
n · (p + k) n̄ · p + p2⊥ + i0
Here the ultrasoft k µ momentum is dropped for all components except n · k where it is the same size as
the collinear momentum n · p. The dropping of k⊥ « p⊥ and n̄ · k « n̄ · p corresponds to carrying out a
multipole expansion for the interaction of the ultrasoft gluon with the collinear quark. The LO collinear
quark propagator must be smart enough to give the correct leading order result without further expansions,
irrespective of whether it later emits a collinear gluon or ultrasoft gluon.
We will achieve the desired collinear Lagrangian in several steps.
In this section we construct a Lagrangian for the field ξˆn . It will satisfy the first two requirements in our
bullet list.
We begin with the standard QCD lagrangian for massless quarks.
LQCD = ψiDψ (4.1)
We can simplify this result by using the projection matrix identities for the collinear spinor found in
section 3.1. In particular, various terms vanish such as
/ /̄
in̄ · Dξˆn = 0 , ϕn¯ in · D = 0 (4.3)
2 2
by virtue of the analog of (3.19) for ϕn¯ . Lastly, terms like
ξˆn i D
/ ⊥ ξˆn = ξˆn i D
/ ⊥ Pn ξˆn = ξˆn Pn i D
/ ⊥ ξˆn = 0 , / ⊥ ϕn = 0 ,
ϕn̄ i D (4.4)
since ξ¯n Pn = 0 and ϕ̄n̄ Pn̄ = 0. These simiplifications leave us with the Lagrangian
/ n
L = ξˆn in · D ξˆn + ϕn¯ iD
/ ⊥ ξˆn + ξˆn iD
/ ⊥ ϕn̄ + ϕn̄ in̄ · Dϕn̄ . (4.5)
2 2
So far this is just QCD written in terms of the ξˆn and ϕn̄ fields. However, the field ϕn̄ corresponds to the
spinor components which were subleading in the collinear limit. These spinor components will not show
up in operators that mediate hard interactions at leading order. Therefore we will not need to consider a
source term for ϕn̄ in the path integral.3 This means that we can simply perform the quadratic fermionic
At subleading order the coupling to the subleading components is introduced in operators via the combination involving
ξn shown in the last line of Eq.(4.6), so there is still no reason to have a source term for ϕn̄ .
4.1 SCET Quark Lagrangian 4 SCETI LAGRANGIAN
path integral over ϕn̄ . At tree level doing so is simply equivalent to imposing the full equation of motion
for ϕn̄ . We find
δL n/
0= : in̄ · Dϕn̄ + iD / ⊥ ξn = 0 (4.6)
δϕn̄ 2
in̄ · Dϕn̄ + iD / ξˆn = 0
2 ⊥
1 /̄
ϕn̄ = / ⊥ ξˆn ,
in̄ · D 2
where the second line is obtained by multiplying the first by n/2 /̄ on the left, and the plus sign in the last
/̄ / ⊥ = −iD
line comes from using niD / ⊥n
/¯ . Plugging this result back into our Lagrangian, two terms cancel,
and the other two terms give the Lagrangian for the ξˆn field
/¯ ˆ
ˆ 1 n
L = ξ n in · D + iD⊥/ iD⊥/ ξn . (4.7)
in̄ · D 2
The inverse derivative operator may look a little funny, but we can understand it in the same way we do for
the operator 1/r̂ in quantum mechanics, namely by defining it through its eigenvalues, which in this case
are in momentum space. Say we have the operator in̄·∂ acting on a field φ(x). Expressing this operation
in momentum space gives
1 1 4 −ipx 1
φ(x) = d pe ϕ(p) = d4 pe−ipx ϕ(p) , (4.8)
in̄ · ∂ in̄ · ∂ n̄ · p
and the eigenvalues 1/n̄ · p define the inverse derivative operator.
Although we have a Lagrangian for ξˆn we are not yet done. In particular we have not yet separated
the collinear and ultrasoft gauge fields, nor the corresponding momentum components. These remaining
steps will be to
3. Separate the collinear and usoft momentum components with a multipole expansion.
We then can expand in the fields and momenta and keep the leading pieces.
4.1 SCET Quark Lagrangian 4 SCETI LAGRANGIAN
when we derive the collinear gluon lagrangian and when we later consider gauge transformations in the
Now, comparing the power counting between components of Aµn and Aµus , we find
n̄ · An ∼ λ0 » n̄ · Aus ∼ λ2 (4.10)
µ µ 2
A⊥ n ∼λ» A⊥ us ∼λ
n · An ∼ λ ∼ n · Aus .
So we see that Aµ⊥ us and n̄ · Aus can be droped from our leading order analysis because in the combination
Aµn + Aµus they are always dominated by the collinear gluon term. Conversely, n · Aus cannot be dropped
because it is of the same order as n · An .
We want to find a way to isolate momenta that have different scaling with λ. Such a procedure is useful
because it will allow us to formulate power corrections in a manner where operators give homogeneous
contributions in λ order by order. For example, consider the denominator of the propagator of a quark
with momentum pn + kus expanded to keep the leading and first subleading terms
1 1
= − − + −
(pn + kus )2 (pn + kus )(pn + kus ) + (pn⊥ + kus
⊥ )2
1 ⊥ · p⊥
2kus n
= − + + ⊥
− − + + + ... . (4.11)
pn (pn + kus ) + pn 2 [pn (pn + kus ) + pn⊥ 2 ]2
By power counting, we see that the first term scales as λ−2 and the second term scales as λ−1 . Although
the first term dominates the second, we need to be able to reproduce the second term at the level of the
Lagrangian when higher order corrections are needed. Expressed more formally, we would like a systematic
multipole expansion. Our desired expansion is similar to the one found in E&M which gives corrections
to the electrostatic potential for a given charge distribution.
In position space the multipole expansion corresponds to expanding the long wavelength field, Aus (x) =
Aus (0) + x · i∂Aus (0) + . . .. To see what is going on here we can Fourier transform the operators (taking
one-dimensional fields and ignoring indices for simplicity)
dx ψ(x)Aus (0)ψ(x) = dx dp1 dp2 dk eip1 x e−ik(0) e−ip2 x ψ(p
¯ ¯ 1 )Aus (k)ψ(p2 )
¯ 1 )Aus (k)ψ(p2 ).
= dp1 dp2 dk δ(p1 − p2 ) ψ(p (4.12)
We see immediately that this corresponds to a 3-point Feynman rule where the small momentum k is
ignored relative to the large momenta p1 and p2 , and that total momentum is not conserved at the vertex.
For the next order term we get
dx ψ(x)x(i∂Aus )(0)ψ(x) = dp1 dp2 dk δ 0 (p1 − p2 ) k ψ(p
¯ ¯ 1 )Aus (k)ψ(p2 ). (4.13)
Here the Feynman rule involves a kδ ' (p1 − p2 ) and we must integrate by parts to obtain the multipole
momentum conservation expressed by δ(p1 − p2 ). This integration by parts differentiates other parts of a
diagram that carry this momentum, in particular the neighbouring propagators, which then would produce
terms like the 2nd term in Eq. (4.11).
4.1 SCET Quark Lagrangian 4 SCETI LAGRANGIAN
Q λ2
Figure 5: Grid to picture the separation of momenta into label and residual components.
Since Feynman diagrams are almost always evaluated in momentum space it would be more convenient
to have a multipole expansion formalism that avoids the step of going through position space. In the
remainder of this section we will set up a formalism to achieve this. It will allow us to 1) simply derive
the corresponding momentum space Feynman rules, 2) simplify the formulation of gauge transformations
in the effective theory, and 3) incorporate the multipole expansion into propagators rather than vertices.
For the moment we only consider the quark part of the field ξˆn (x). We will add the anti-quark part
later on. Computing the Fourier transform ξ˜n (p) of the quark part of our field we have
ξ˜n (p) = d4 x eip·x ξˆn (x). (4.14)
Now to separate momentum scales, we define our momentum pµ to be a sum of a large momentum
components pµc called the label momentum and a small momentum pµr called the residual momentum.
This decomposition is similar to the one found in HQET where the quark momentum is pµ = m v µ + k µ .
Although at the end of the day all momenta will be continuous, it turns out that it is quite convenient
for understanding the multipole expansion to interpret the pc as defining a grid of points, and the pr as
defining locations in the surrounding boxes. This expansion is only necessary for the p− and p⊥ momenta
since there are no label p+ momenta, so we have a grid as shown in Fig. 5 (for convenience we show
only one of the pµ⊥ components). Note that any momentum pµ has a unique decomposition in terms of
label and residual components. Since pc » pr the spacing between grid points is always much larger than
the spacing between points in a box. This setup has the advantage of allowing us to cleaning separate
momentum scales in integrands, arranging things so every loop integrand is homogeneous in λ.
In practice the grid picture is a bit misleading, since actually the boxes are infinite and with momentum
components (pc , pr ) we are really dealing with a product of continuous spaces R3 × R4 /I where I are a
group of relations that remove redundancy order by order in λ. (I includes the set of RPI transformations
that we will discuss later on.) Nevertheless it is very convenient to derive the rules for integrals on the
4.1 SCET Quark Lagrangian 4 SCETI LAGRANGIAN
label-residual space by working with a more familiar discrete label and continuous residual momentum
picture, and then taking the continuum limit.
Thus if we are integrating the collinear momentum p over a certain region, we will write
d p→ d4 pr (4.16)
p` 6=0
where we do not include pc = 0 in the sum over all pc values, because pc = 0 does not define a collinear
momentum. Indeed the pc = 0 bin corresponds to the ultrasoft modes. For an ultrasoft momentum p we
simply have
d p → d4 pr .
With this momentum separation we can also label our fields by both components
We also have separate conservation laws for label and residual momenta
d4 x ei(p` −q` )·x ei(pr −qr )·x = δp` ,q` δ 4 (pr − qr )(2π)4 . (4.19)
Every collinear field carries both label and residual momenta, they are both conserved at all vertices,
but Feynman rules may depend on only one or the other of these components. For example, what was
previously a nonconservation of momenta for an interaction between collinear and ultrasoft particles now
becomes two separate conservations of momenta.
( pl , pr ) ( pl , pr + k us)
k us
An example is shown in the figure above.
Finally, since all fields carry residual momenta the conservation law just corresponds to locality of the
field theory with respect to the Fourier transformed variable pr → x. Therefore we transform the residual
momenta back to position space to obtain our final collinear quark field
Z 4
d pr −ipr x ˜
ξn,p` (x) = e ξn, p` (pr ) . (4.20)
We will build operators using these fields. Altogether, the above steps allow us to rewrite our hatted
collinear field ξˆn (x) as
d4 p −ip·x ˜
ξn (x) = e ξn (p) = d4 pr e−ip` ·x e−ipr ·x ξ˜n, p` (pr )
6 0
p` =
−ip` ·x
= e ξn, p` (x) . (4.21)
pl =0
We can identify several facts about label conservation for the field ξn,p£ (x)
4.1 SCET Quark Lagrangian 4 SCETI LAGRANGIAN
• Interactions with ultrasoft gluons or quarks leave the label momenta of collinear fields conserved.
• Interactions with collinear gluons or quarks will change label momenta.
• The label n for the collinear direction is preserved by both ultrasoft and collinear interactions. Only
a hard (external) interaction can couple fields with different collinear directions.
Now that we have separated momentum scales in our fields we would like to do the same with derivatives
that act on these fields. Since ξn, p£ (x) contains only residual momenta, we know that
The main advantage of the label operator is that it provides a definite power counting for derivatives. It
is also notationally friendly in that it removes the necessity of a label sum. We can see this by rewriting
our field ξˆn (x) in terms of label momenta
ξˆn (x) = e−ip` ·x ξn,p` (x)
p` =0
= e−iP·x ξn,p` (x)
p` 6=0
where the label operator acts on both fields. Consequently, conservation of label momenta is simply
encoded by this phase factor and is manifest at the level of operators.
Lastly, we must deal with anti-particles and gluons. For the anti-particles, we expand our Dirac field
into two parts
ψ(x) = d4 p δ(p2 )θ(p0 ) u(p)a(p)e−ip·x + v(p)b† (p)eip·x
= ψ + (x) + ψ − (x)
we then associate each part with a collinear field and expand as a sum over label momenta.
ψ + −→ ξˆn+ (x) = e−ip` ·x ξn,
p` (x) , (4.28)
pl 6=0
ψ − −→ ξˆn− (x) = eip` ·x ξn,
p` (x) ,
p` 6=0
4.1 SCET Quark Lagrangian 4 SCETI LAGRANGIAN
where both have a θ(p0c ) = θ(n̄ · pc ). Because of charge conjugation symmetry it is convenient to combine
the particle and anti-particle fields back into a single field. In order to do this we have to deal with the
opposite signs for their phase. To do this we define
+ −
ξn, p£ (x) ≡ ξn, p£ (x) + ξn, −p£ (x) (4.29)
where pc has either sign, but one picks out particles and one picks out antiparticles. Thus the action of
the fields ξn,p£ and ξ¯n,p£ is that for
The sign convention for the label momentum is easy to remember since it is in the same direction as the
fermion number flow. With this definition, we may write
and all the manipulations we were making with particle fields carry through for the fields that have both
particles and antiparticles. For collinear gluons, we proceed analogously to find
µn = e−iq` ·x Aµn,q` = e−iP·x Aµn (x) (4.31)
q` 6=0
where X
Aµn (x) = Aµn, q` . (4.32)
q` =0
∗ µA
n,q£ (x)] = An,−q£ (x) . (4.33)
Once again for qc− > 0 the field An,q£ destroys a gluon, while for qc− < 0 it creates a gluon.
With our conventions the action of the label operator on a bunch of labelled fields is
P µ (φ†q1 φ†q2 · · · φp1 φp2 · · · ) = (pµ1 + p2µ + · · · − q1µ − q2µ − · · · )(φ†q1 φ†q2 · · · φp1 φp2 · · · ). (4.34)
Thus it gives a minus sign when acting on daggered fields. It is also useful to note that if we differentiate
an arbitrary collinear field φ̂n (x) that it yields
i∂ µ φ̂n (x) = i∂µ e−ip·x φn, p (x)
= e−ip·x (P µ + i∂ µ )φn, p (x)
In the last line, we can suppress the exponent if we assume that label momenta are always conserved.
Effectively, by introducing the label operator we have replaced the ordinary derivative operation by
4.1 SCET Quark Lagrangian 4 SCETI LAGRANGIAN
At last, we may construct our final leading order Lagrangian. We begin with the previously derived result:
/¯ ˆ
ˆ 1 n
L = ξ n in · D + iD/⊥ /⊥
iD ξn . (4.37)
in̄ · D 2
Changing i∂µ → (Pµ + i∂µ ) and ξˆn → ξn and expanding our derivative operators, we have
in · D = in · ∂ + gn · An + gn · An (4.38)
µ µ µ
iD⊥ = (P⊥ + gAn⊥ ) + (i∂⊥ + gAµ⊥, us ) + · · ·
| {z } | {z }
∼λ ∼λ2
in̄ · D = (P + gn̄ · An ) + (in̄ · ∂ + gn̄ · Aus ) + · · ·
| {z } | {z }
∼λ0 ∼λ2
where the ellipses again denote additional ∼ λ2 terms that can be dropped in our leading order analysis
(but later on we will see are required by gauge symmetry when considering power suppressed operators).
Keeping only the lowest order terms, we have the following lagrangian
1 /̄
Lnξ = e−ix·P ξ¯n in · D + iD
/ n⊥ / n⊥
iD ξn , (4.39)
in̄ · Dn 2
• Both terms with covariant derivatives in the (· · · ) in Lnξ are of order λ2 so the leading order La
grangian λ4 (recalling that the fields scale as ξn ∼ λ). Since for a Lagrangian with collinear
t 4is order −4
fields d x ∼ λ this gives us an action that is ∼ λ0 as desired. The superscript (0) on the
Lagrangian denotes this power counting for the action.
• All fields are defined at x, and derivatives for this coordinate scale as i∂ µ ∼ λ2 so the action is
explicitly local at the scale Qλ2 .
• The action is also local at the scale of P⊥ ∼ Qλ since these derivatives occur in the numerator. It
only has non-locality at the hard scale through the inverse P ∼ λ0 . The fact that there is locality
except at the hard scale is a key feature of SCETI . Some attempts to tweak the formalism described
here, in order to simplify SCET, lead to actions that are non-local at the small scale ∼ λ2 because
they integrate out some onshell particles, while leaving other onshell particles to be described by an
action. We will avoid doing this, taking the attitude that low energy locality is a desired property
for the effective field theory.
• If we are considering a situation without ultrasoft particles, and without hard interactions that do
not couple to a particular component, then the interaction of collinear fermions alone could equally
4.2 Wilson Line Identities 4 SCETI LAGRANGIAN
well be described by the QCD Lagrangian. Indeed, even in the presence of ultrasoft fields we can
write a Dirac type Lagrangian that is equivalent to Eq. (4.39) by
(0) −ix·P ξn n̄
/ n/ n̄
Lnξ = e Ξn iD
/ Ξn , Ξn ≡ , iD/ = in · D + in̄ · Dn + iD
/n⊥ = iD
/ n+ gn · Aus .
ϕn̄ 2 2 2
Integrating out ϕn̄ exactly reproduces Eq.(4.39). This Lagrangian is not equivalent to QCD due to
the coupling to the ultrasoft gluon field, and the zero-bin subtractions related to pc 6= 0 that will be
discussed later on. But this form does make it more clear why the collinear particles share many of
the properties of the full QCD Lagrangian (for example, we have the same renormalization properties
for the gauge coupling).
The computation of the propagator from Lnξ is also greatly simplified without the need for any additional
power counting. Specifically, Eq. (4.39) gives the collinear quark propagator
/ n̄ · pc
. (4.42)
2 (n̄ · pc )(n · pr ) + (pc⊥ )2 + i0
The leading order Lagragian is smart enough that it gives the correct propagator in different situations
without having to make further expansions. This is important to ensure that the leading order Lagrangian
strictly give O(λ0 ) terms, while subleading Lagrangians (and operators) will be responsible for power
corrections. For example, if we have an interaction with an ultrasoft gluon then
( pl , pr ) ( pl , pr + k us)
/ n̄·pj
= 2 (n̄·pj )(n·pr +n·kus )+(pj⊥ )2 +i0 ,
k us (4.43)
With the label operator formalism there are several neat identities that we can derive for Wilson lines. In
particular we can show that all occurences of the field n̄ · An can always be entirely replaced by the Wilson
line Wn . As an example we will show how this is done for the Lagrangian Lnξ . In position space the
defining equations for a Wilson line are W (x, x) = 1 and its equation of motion, which we can transform
to momentum space
4.3 Collinear Gluon and Ultrasoft Lagrangians 4 SCETI LAGRANGIAN
With this definition, the action of in̄ · Dn on a product of Wn and some arbitrary operator is
as operator identities. Since by collinear gauge invariance we can always group n̄·An with P to give in̄·Dn ,
first identity implies that we can always swap n̄ · An for the Wilson line Wn . Inverting these results
the first
also gives useful operator identities
1 1 1 1
= Wn† Wn , = Wn W† . (4.49)
in̄ · Dn P P in̄ · Dn n
The first relation allows us to rewrite Lnξ as
1 /̄
/ n⊥ Wn† Wn iD
Lnξ = e−ix·P ξ¯n in · D + iD / n⊥ ξn . (4.50)
P 2
It is also useful to note that we can use the label operator to write a tidy expression for the Wilson line
which is built from fields that carry both label and residual momenta:
X −g
Wn (x) = exp n̄ · An (x) . (4.51)
To derive the collinear gluon Lagrangian, we treat usoft and collinear degrees of freedom separately by
letting Aµus represent a background field with respect to Anµ . We begin with the gluon Lagrangian from
L = − Tr Gµν Gµν } + τ Tr{(i∂µ Aµ )2 +2 Tr c i∂µ iDµ c (4.52)
'2 -n " ' -n " ' -n "
Gauge Kinetic Term Gauge Fixing Term Ghost Term
where Gµν = gi [Dµ , Dν ]. Expanding the covariant derivative as we did in the quark sector we keep only
the leading order terms. For a covariant derivative acting on collinear fields the leading order terms are
nµ µ µ n̄
iDµ → iDµ = (P + gn̄ · An ) + (P⊥ + gA⊥, n ) + (in · ∂ + gn · An + gn · Aus ). (4.53)
2 2
Recall that the field Aµus varys much more slowly than Aµn , so we can think of Aus µ
as a background field
from the perspective of the collinear fields (even though it is a quantum field in its own right). The gauge
fixing and ghost terms for the collinear Lagrangian should break the collinear gauge symmetry, but we do
not want them to gauge fix the ultrasoft gluons, and hence they should be covariant with respect to the
Aµus connection. Since by power counting only the n · Aus gluon can appear along with the collinear gluons
4.3 Collinear Gluon and Ultrasoft Lagrangians 4 SCETI LAGRANGIAN
(p, pr ) n
/ n̄·p
= i 2 n·p n̄·p + p2 +i0
r ⊥
= ig T A nµ n2/
γµ⊥ p/⊥ p/⊥0 ⊥
γµ 0
p/⊥ p/⊥ ¯/
= ig T A nµ + n̄·p + n̄·p 0 − n̄·p n̄·p 0 n̄µ 2
p pɂ
μ,A ν,B ig 2 T A T B
γµ /⊥ p/⊥0 γ⊥ 0 p
p/⊥ /⊥ ¯/
= n̄·(p−q)
γµ⊥ γν⊥ − n̄·p
n̄ν − ν
n̄·p 0
n̄µ + n̄ n̄
n̄·p n̄·p 0 µ ν 2
0 γ⊥
ig 2 T B T A γν⊥ p
/⊥ p/⊥ 0 p
p/⊥ /⊥ n̄
+ n̄·(q+p0 )
γν⊥ γµ⊥ − n̄·p
n̄µ − µ
n̄·p 0
n̄ν + n̄ n̄
n̄·p n̄·p 0 µ ν 2
p pɂ
Figure 6: Order λ0 Feynman rules: collinear quark propagator with label p and residual momentum pr , and
collinear quark interactions with one soft gluon, one collinear gluon, and two collinear gluons respectively.
L(0) Tr ([iDµ , iDµ ])2 + τ Tr ([iDus
, An µ ])2 + 2Tr cn [iDµus , [iDµ , cn ]] .
ng = 2
For the Langrangian with only ultrasoft quarks and ultrasoft gluons, at lowest order we simply have
the QCD actions. Using a general covariant gauge for the ultrasoft gluon field we therefore can write
L(0) / us ψus − Tr Gµν us µ 2 µ
us = ψ us iD us Gµν + τus Tr{(i∂µ Aus ) + 2Tr cus i∂µ iDus cus , (4.56)
µ µ
where iDus = i∂µ + Aus . All the terms in L(0) have a power counting of O(λ8 ), but we subtract 8 for the
ultrasoft measure d x which is why we label the Lagrangian as (0). Note that the choice of gauge fixing
parameters τ and τus for the collinear and ultrasoft gluons are independent, which is related to the fact
that there are independent gauge symmetries that define these connections.
All together this allows us to write down the full leading order SCETI Lagrangian with a single set of
quark and gluon collinear modes in the n direction, and quark and gluon ultrasoft modes,
L(0) = Lnξ + Lng
(0) (0)
+ Lus . (4.57)
4.4 Feynman Rules for Collinear Quarks and Gluons 4 SCETI LAGRANGIAN
a, μ b, ν
qµ qν
= −i gµν − (1 − τ ) δa,b
2 2
(q, k) n̄·q n·k + q⊥ + i0 n̄·q n·k + q⊥
a, μ
b, ν c, λ
= gf abc nµ n̄ · q1 gνλ − 21 (1 − τ1 )[n̄λ q1ν + n̄ν q2λ ]
q1 q2
a, μ b, ν
= − 21 ig 2 nµ f abe f cde (n̄λ gνρ − n̄ρ gνλ )
+f ade f bce (n̄ν gλρ − n̄λ gνρ ) + f ace f bde (n̄ ν gλρ − n̄ρ gνλ )
d, ρ c, λ
a, μ b, ν
Figure 7: Collinear gluon propagator with label momentum q and residual momentum k, and the order λ0
interactions of collinear gluons with the usoft gluon field. Here usoft gluons are springs, collinear gluons
are springs with a line, and τ is the covariant gauge fixing parameter in Eq. (4.55).
For convenience we summarize some of the Feynman rules that follow from the collinear quark and gluon
Lagrangians. We do not show the purely ultrasoft interactions which are identical to those of QCD, nor
do we show the purely collinear gluon interactions which are also identical to those of QCD.
The Feynman rules that follow from the leading order collinear quark Lagrangian are shown in Fig. 6
where each collinear line carries momenta (p, pr ) with label momenta pµ = n̄ · p nµ /2 + pµ⊥ and residual
momentum pµr . Only one momentum p or p' is indicated for lines where the Feynman rule depends only
on the label momentum. For the collinear quark propagator we have contributions from both quarks and
antiquarks which give:
in/ θ(n̄ · p) in/ θ(−n̄ · p) in/ n̄ · p
+ = (4.58)
2 n · p + p2⊥ + i0 2 n · p + p2⊥ − i0 2 n̄ · p n · pr + p2⊥ + i0
r n̄·p r n̄·p
The Feynman rules between collinear gluons and ultrasoft gluons are shown in Fig. 7 with a collinear gluon
in background field gauge that is ultrasoft covariant and specified by the parameter τ .
In practical calculations the grid picture in Fig. 5 is not to be taken literally. Doing so would correspond to
using a Wilsonian EFT with finite cutoff’s (edges for the grid boxes) that distinguish the size of momenta.
4.5 Rules for Combining Label and Residual Momenta in Amplitudes 4 SCETI LAGRANGIAN
Instead of this, we need to use a Continuum EFT picture where the EFT modes have propagators that
extend over all momenta, but integrands which obtain their key contribution from the momentum region
these modes are built to describe. The terms needed to correct the (otherwise incorrect) ultraviolet
contributions of the resulting Continuum EFT are included as perturbative Wilson coefficients for low
energy operators. The Wilsonian and Continuum versions of EFT are really two different pictures of
the same thing, in much the same way that two different renormalization schemes may represent the
physics in different ways, but in the end still do encode the same physics. Nevertheless there are many
practical advantages to the Continuum EFT framework, and it makes setting up SCET much easier. In
particular it allows us to use regulators like dimensional regularization which naturally preserve spacetime
and gauge symmetries. To setup up SCET in this continuum framework we need to understand how the
redundancy I in the label-residual momentum space Rd−1 × Rd /I (for the case with d-dimensions) is
resolved, given a pair of momenta components (pc , pr ) ∈ Rd−1 × Rd . The upshot is that in the simplest
cases the residual momentum can simply be dropped or absorbed into a label momentum in the same
direction (making it continuous), while in the most complicated cases the formalism leads to so-called 0
bin subtractions for collinear integrands. These subtractions ensure that the collinear modes do not double
count an IR region that is already properly included from an ultrasoft integrand. For future convenience
we list the rules in this section, but caution the reader that some parts of this section are best understood
when read together with one of the one-loop examples from section 7, and also after having read the
discussion of the reparameterization invariance symmetry in section 5.3 that describes the redundancy
(pµc ) + (prµ ) = (pcµ + β µ ) + (prµ − β µ ) which specifies I.
For an arbitrary tree level diagram in SCET we will have some set of external lines that are either
ultrasoft or collinear (and either in the initial or final state), and also a set of collinear and ultrasoft
propagators. For the external lines that are ultrasoft we have only residual momenta kus and the onshell
condition kus2 = 0. For the external lines that are collinear it suffices to take label momenta p− = n̄ · p
c c
and pµc⊥ , and a single residual momentum pr+ . This amounts to picking β µ above to contain the full pr−
and pµr⊥ components. The onshell condition for the collinear particles is then simply p− + 2
c pr − pc⊥ = 0.
All propagators for intermediate collinear and ultrasoft lines are then simply determined by momentum
conservation as usual. At leading order in λ this perscription for tree diagrams simply amounts to the same
thing as dropping any ultrasoft momentum components kus − and k ⊥ from collinear propagators, though of
course these momenta can still appear within ultrasoft propagators. At higher orders in λ these ultrasfot
momentum components can also appear from collinear propagators through Lagrangian insertions, which
yield terms like the second one in Eq. (4.11).
For loop diagrams and loop integrations we need several rules for operations on the label-residual
momentum space. Internal collinear lines should be considered as carrying loop momenta with two parts
q = (qc , qr ), while ultrasoft propagators only carry loop momenta kr . There is a seperate momentum
conservation for the label and residual momenta. After using momentum conservation we have label
momenta from either external collinear particles or collinear loops, and residual momenta for external
ultrasoft particle, external collinear particles from p+
r , and from collinear and ultrasoft loops.
First we note that if we integrate over all label momenta qc and residual momenta qr that this will be
equal to an integration over all of the q µ momentum space, since it does not depend on how we divide the
momentum into the two components. For notational convenience we denote the label space integration as
a sum rather than an integral. In d-dimensions we have
d qr = dd q ,
where we have recombined the label and residual momenta for the minus components, and the (d − 2)
⊥-components. This is relevant for combining the two collinear loop integrations back into a single d
4.5 Rules for Combining Label and Residual Momenta in Amplitudes 4 SCETI LAGRANGIAN
dimensional integration. In particular at leading order in λ after having used momentum conservation
there will always be one qrµ for each collinear loop integration, where qr− and qr⊥ do not appear in any
collinear or ultrasoft propagator, and hence not in the integrand F (qc− , qc⊥ , qr+ ). We can therefore use this
residual momentum integration in Eq. (4.59) to obtain a full integration
− ⊥ + −
1) : d
d qr F (q` , q` , qr ) = d qr F (q` + qr , q` + qr , qr ) = dd q F (q − , q ⊥ , q + ) . (4.60)
d − ⊥ ⊥ +
q` q`
In the first step we use the fact that F is constant throughout each box in the grid picture of Fig. 5 so its
the same with the first two arguments shifted by residual momenta. (In the continuum EFT picture its
the same property, F does not depend on residual momenta in these components.) In the final equality we
then combined the momenta back into a standard dimensional regularization integration as in Eq. (4.59).
Essentially at leading order in λ Eq. (4.60) amounts to the same thing that would be achieved by never
considering the split into label and residual momenta in the first place, and simply writing down the
integrand without ultrasoft momenta appearing in the − or ⊥ components in collinear propagators, which
corresponds to the lowest order term in the ultrasoft multipole expansion (and is an easy way to think
about the outcome of the above formal procedure). We have called this rule 1)naive because there is one
final complication that we will have to deal with, namely that the integration on qc must avoid producing
additional divergences when this collinear momentum enters the ultrasoft regime. We denote this fact by
6 0 if q is the momentum of a collinear propagator. These are referred to as 0-bin restrictions.4 We
qc =
will discuss the change needed which handles this complication below. Often the results for collinear loop
integrals are called “naive” if one uses Eq. (4.60). The result from this naive result will be correct if the
added terms which properly handle this complication turn out to be zero, which happens in some cases.
At higher orders in λ there will be dependence on the residual momentum components from higher
order terms in the multipole expansion of the collinear propagators. If these terms correspond to the
momentum components qr− and qr⊥ that do not appear inside any ultrasoft propagators then the resulting
integration is zero
2) : dd qr (qr )j F (q`− , q`⊥ , qr+ ) = 0 , (4.61)
which in general is nonzero. This integrand corresponds to a mixed two-loop diagram with one loop
momentum with collinear scaling and one with ultrasoft scaling.
After imposing momentum conservation we get a set of such restrictions, one for each collinear propagator. For example
6 −p£ if there is a collinear propagator carrying momentum q + p.
q£ =
4.5 Rules for Combining Label and Residual Momenta in Amplitudes 4 SCETI LAGRANGIAN
Finally let us consider the implications of the zero-bin when combining label and residual momenta.
Rather than Eq. (4.59) we can have
dd qr , (4.63)
q` 6=0
where qc 6= 0 is simply a label to denote the fact that the label momentum qc must be large in order
to correspond to a collinear particle carrying total momentum q. If qc = 0 then the particle would
instead be ultrasoft, and we will often have included another diagram in SCET to account for the different
integrand that accounts for the proper expansion in this special case. Thus these zero-bin restrictions avoid
double counting between the SCET fields, which effectively means double counting from the resulting loop
integrations. It is easy to determine what the set of restrictions are for any diagram, since we have
one such condition for every collinear propagator. At leading order in λ only the zero-bin subtractions
corresponding to collinear gluon propagators can give non-zero contributions since operators containing
an ultrasoft quark together with collinear fields are power suppressed. In a continuum EFT these zerobin
restrictions are implemented by subtraction terms which can be determined as follows
1): dd qr F (q`− , q`⊥ , qr+ ) = dd qr F (q`− + qr− , q`⊥ + qr⊥ , qr+ )
q` 6=0 q` 6=0
= d d
qr F (q`− + qr− , q`⊥ + qr⊥ , qr+ ) − dd qr F 0 (qr− , qr⊥ , qr+ )
Z` Z
= dd q F (q − , q ⊥ , q + ) − dd qr F 0 (qr− , qr⊥ , qr+ )
= dd q F (q − , q ⊥ , q + ) − F 0 (q − , q ⊥ , q + ) .
Here the integrand F 0 is derived from expanding the integrand for F by taking the label momenta that
appear in its first two arguments to instead scale as ultrasoft momenta ∼ λ2 , expanding, and keeping the
dominant and any sub-dominant scaling terms up to those that are the same order in λ as the original
loop integration. If the original integrand F ∼ λ−4 , then this corresponds to keeping just the terms up to
F 0 ∼ λ−8 , which is often the leading term. (Together with the standard scaling for the collinear measure,
dd q ∼ λ4 and for the residual measure dd qr ∼ λ8 these two integrands give contributions that are both
the same order in λ.) In the last line we combine the subtraction term back together with the original
integrand, since the integration variables are after all just dummy variables. This set of steps makes it
clear that zero-bin contributions are encoded by subtractions.5 The scaling for the subtraction is shown
pictorally in Fig. 8. The F 0 term subtracts singularities from F that come from the region where the
collinear momentum behaves like an ultrasoft momentum. In general when the subtraction integration is
non-trivial there will always exist a corresponding ultrasoft diagram where the integration is ultrasoft from
the start, which precisely corresponds with the contribution that the subtractions is allowing us to avoid
double counting.
In general, when one has a continuum EFT with modes that live in a two dimensional space, such as
those in Fig. 8, one has subtractions induced by the presence of modes at smaller (or equal) p2 . Therefore
In fact, an alternate formulation of zero-bin subtractions that avoids the use of notation like q£ 6= 0 is to note that in
a theory with both collinear and ultrasoft modes, each collinear propagator is actually a distribution, like a generalized +
function, that induces these subtraction terms. The fact that we drop higher order terms in the λ expansion when determining
F 0 implies that we are making the minimal subtraction that avoids double counting IR singularities. Indeed there in principle
could still be a double counting by a ”constant” contribution, but such constants will be properly taken care of by the matching
procedure. The minimal subtraction also ensures that the matching result remains independent of the IR regulator as desired.
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