Surgery III MCQS 2023

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General Surgery III 50 MCQs 2023

1. Which of the following is NOT a type of melanoma?

Acral lentiginous
2. Which of the following is NOT a concern of a melanoma skin lesion?
Asymmetric shape
Borders which are clearly defined
Colour change
Diameter > 6mm
3. Which of the following is TRUE about melanoma?
The most common skin cancer
The most common benign skin cancer
The most common cause of death from skin cancer
The most common skin cancer among Asians
4. A 65-year-old male presents to clinic with a small skin lesion (0.5 cm) on his chest which
is very suspicious for melanoma. Which of the following is the most appropriate option
for this patient?
Conservative treatment
Excisional biopsy with wide margins
Immediate chemotherapy and radiotherapy
Immediate CT scan
None of the above
5. What is the most common basal cell carcinoma?
6. You have excised an irregular pigmented lesion from chest of a 50-year-old woman. The
pathology report states that the lesion is melanoma, Clark’s level III. This means that the
Has invaded into the reticular dermis
Has invaded into the subcutaneous fat
Has not crossed the basement membrane
Has invaded into the papillary-reticular junction
Has invaded into papillary dermis
7. The following are all types of basal cell carcinoma EXCEPT:
Marjolin’s ulcer
8. True about marjolins ulcer is –
a) Ulcer over scar
b) Rapid growth
c) Rodent ulcer
d) Painful
9. Basal cell carcinoma spread by –
a) Lymphatics
b) Haematogenous
c) Direct spread
d) None of the above
10. Prognosis of malignant melanoma depends on
a) Grade of tumor
b) Spread of tumor
c) Depth of invasion
d) Metastasis
11. Worst prognosis in Melanoma is seen in the subtype-
a)Superficial spreading
b)Nodular Melanoma
c)Lentigo Maligna Melanoma
d)Amelanotic Melanoma
12. All are true about focal nodular hyperplasia except → malignant transformation in 10%
of cases
13. Indication of hydrocele surgery → hydrocele of hernial sac
14. the treatment of choice in a patient with segmental left-sided portal hypertension due to
splenic vein thrombosis secondary to chronic pancreatitis IS: )‫(من الزقازيق‬
A- Splenectomy
B- No specific treatment required
C- Liver transplantation
D- Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS)
15. Patient Child B with variceal bleeding not responding to drug & sclerotherapy next step
is → TIPSS
16. which of the following shunts is associated with lowest risk of hepatic enchepahlopathy:
A- Mesocaval shunt
B- Proximal splenorenal shunt
C- Distal splenorenal shunt (Warren shunt)
D- Side to side portocaval shunt
17. Normal portal vein pressure is:
A- < 3 mm Hg
B- 3-5 mm Hg
C- 5-10 mm Hg
D- 10 – 12 mm Hg
18. Indication of portosystemic shunt operations → child A
19. The ideal age of congenital inguinal hernia repair is → Once diagnosed
20. A serum bilirubin of 2 – 3 mg% conforms to Child’s criteria of chronic liver disease to:
)‫(من عين شمس‬
A- Child A
B- Child B
C- Child C
D- All of the above
21. Common on burn scar → SCC
22. Bilateral cleft lip result from failure of fusion between → The median nasal process and
maxillary processes on both sides
23. Curative tttx in HCC → surgery
24. Which of the following is true about hepatic adenoma → CT shows hemorrhage and
25. Portal vein thrombosis not occurring in → patient with thrombocytopenia
26. Most common hernia in females → inguinal
27. Anoplasty done in → anal atresia
28. Common cause of neonatal respiratory distress → TEF
29. tropical spleen causes PHTN by → ↑ portal blood inflow
30. HCC best diagnosis → triphasic CT
31. Most common benign liver tumor → hemangiomas
32. TIPS means creating anastomosis between which of the following (from surgery essence
A- Portal vein and hepatic vein
B- Portal vein and hepatic artery
C- Portal vein and IVC
D- Hepatic vein and hepatic artery
33. Accidental 7 cm mass diagnosed on the live, tttx → assurance
34. All are causes of extrahepatic portal hypertension except → schistosomiasis
35. In Budd-Chiari syndrome the occlusion is at )‫(من عين شمس‬
B- Renal vein
C- Hepatic vein
D- Splenic vein
36. Child Pugh parameters → bilirubin, albumin, prothrombin time, ascites, hepatic
37. Treatment of liver mets → (a)surgery, (b) chemotherapy, (c) radiotherapy
38. Best initial treatment for a patient with variceal bleeding, child C semicomatosed →
(a)Sengstaken, (b) endoscopic sclerotherapy, (c)emergent shunt, (d)emergent TIPSS
39. Treatment of NEC → (a) observation and follow up, (b)colostomy, (c)resection
anastomosis, (d)none of above
40. Incarcerated hernia tttx → trial of manual reduction + emergent surgery
41. Sengstaken tube used to control → esophageal and gastric bleeding
42. Initial therapy for variceal bleeding → a. esophageal sclerotherapy, b. balloon
tamponade, c. TIPSS, d. portosystemic shunt
43. Main content of hernia in males → omentum
44. The optimum age of surgical repair of cleft palate is → 9 – 15 month
45. The optimum age of surgical repair of cleft lip → 3 months
46. Commonest hepatic malignancy → HCC
47. management of silent varices → endoscopic management if large or risky
48. In patient with portal hypertension, portal pressure → > 13 mmHg
49. Most common complication of undescended testis in 14 years old → (a)malignancy, (b)
50. Umbilical hernia in 4 years old → a. repair, b. observation, c. reduction

: ‫جت من الويبسايت ده‬Skin malignancy ‫اسئلة‬
surgery essence ‫ في بعض منها من عين شمس والزقازيق و‬portal hypertension ‫اسئلة‬

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