A 5-Ghz Direct-Conversion Cmos Transceiver Utilizing Automatic Frequency Control For The Ieee 802.11A Wireless Lan Standard
A 5-Ghz Direct-Conversion Cmos Transceiver Utilizing Automatic Frequency Control For The Ieee 802.11A Wireless Lan Standard
A 5-Ghz Direct-Conversion Cmos Transceiver Utilizing Automatic Frequency Control For The Ieee 802.11A Wireless Lan Standard
Abstract—A fully integrated CMOS direct-conversion 5-GHz are several reported 5-GHz CMOS papers on RF transceivers
transceiver with automatic frequency control is implemented in [2]–[7] and frequency synthesizers [8], [9]. A fully integrated
a 0.18- m digital CMOS process and housed in an LPCC-48 CMOS direct-conversion 5-GHz transceiver with automatic
package. This chip, along with a companion baseband chip,
provides a complete 802.11a solution frequency control (AFC) is implemented in a 0.18- m digital
The transceiver consumes 150 mW in receive mode and 380 mW CMOS process and housed in an LPCC-48 package [10].
in transmit mode while transmitting 15-dBm output power. This chip along with a companion baseband chip provides a
The receiver achieves a sensitivity of better than 93.7 dBm and complete 802.11a solution. As compared with the previously
73.9 dBm for 6 Mb/s and 54 Mb/s, respectively (even using reported work [2]–[7], this paper presents the highest level of
hard-decision decoding). The transceiver achieves a 4-dB receive
noise figure and a 23-dBm transmitter saturated output power. integration, the lowest achieved power consumption in both
transmit (380 mW at 15-dBm Tx power) and receive (150 mW)
The transmitter also achieves a transmit error vactor magnitude
of 33 dB. The IC occupies a total die area of 11.7 mm2 and is modes, the lowest achieved noise figure (4 dB) and sensitivity
packaged in a 48-pin LPCC package. The chip passes better than ( 93.7 dBm for 6 Mb/s), the highest reported transmit power
2.5-kV ESD performance. Various integrated self-contained or (23-dBm saturated power), and the smallest reported die size
system-level calibration capabilities allow for high performance
and high yield. (11.7 mm square).
The 802.11a standard utilizes different modulation types
Index Terms—Amplifier linearization, automatic frequency con- ranging from BPSK to QAM64 to achieve variable data rates
trol, class-AB amplifier, direct conversion, IEEE 802.11a, orthog-
onal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), power amplifier, (Fig. 1). Within a modulation type, the data rate can be slightly
RF transceiver, receiver, synthesizer, transconductance lineariza- modified by using a different coding rate. Multiple access for
tion, transmitter, wireless LAN (WLAN). the standard is provided by frequency-division multiplexing
and carrier-sense multiple access collision avoidance schemes.
The Rx–Tx and Tx–Rx turnaround times can be inferred
from the minimum interframe spacing (16 s) requirement
A. Receiver B. Transmitter
The receiver is shown in detail in Fig. 4. The RF signal is am- The transmitter block diagram is shown in Fig. 6. Like the re-
plified first by an on-chip tuned low-noise amplifier (LNA) and ceiver, the transmitter is based on a direct conversion architec-
then downconverted to baseband by two quadrature mixers. The ture and is fully integrated on chip. It incorporates third-order
output of the mixers is fed into the first high-pass variable gain Butterworth LPFs which receive the signals from the baseband
amplifier (HPVGA). The output of the first HPVGA is fed into and digital-to-analog converters (DACs). The outputs of
a fifth-order Chebyshev low-pass filter (LPF) for channel se- the LPFs are then applied to baseband VGAs. The signals are
lection. The output of the LPF is then fed to second and third directly upconverted to the RF frequency and combined before
HPVGAs. The outputs of the last HPVGA are passed on to an RF VGA. The signal is then amplified by a power amplifier
analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) on the baseband chip. The driver (PAD) and then applied to a high-linearity high-power
(a) (b)
Fig. 5. (a) Measured receiver gain and NF versus frequency. (b) Sensitivity versus data rate.
(a) (b)
Fig. 8. Measured output power spectrum. (a) EVM limited. 12.8 dBm, 54 Mb/s, QAM64. (b) EVM and spectral mask limited. 18.7 dBm, 36 Mb/s, QAM16.
An external 20-MHz crystal is used with an on-chip oscil-
lator as a reference for the integer- PLL with programmable
loop bandwidth (Fig. 11). Various PLL-related issues typically
impair the operation of a direct conversion transceiver. These
impairments include pulling effects by the on-chip PA, large
in-band LO leakage, and large dc offsets as a result of LO
self-mixing. In order to reduce these impairments, a “fractional
VCO” is used in which the desired RF frequency is 1.5 times
higher than the VCO frequency [11]. Furthermore, in order
to reduce negative effects due to the crystal tolerance, a
mixed-mode AFC design is used.
Fig. 10. Measured EVM histogram at TX output for 50 frames of 20 packets The measured phase noise of the system is shown in Fig. 12.
each (QAM64, 54 Mb/s, 6 dBm). An in-band phase noise of 100 dBc/Hz at an offset frequency
of 30 kHz and with a carrier frequency of 5.24 GHz is achieved.
The measured constellation diagram of a QAM64 54-Mb/s The reference spurs are maintained to very low levels. The target
6-dBm transmitted signal with an EVM of 33 dB is shown specification over the bandwidth of one subcarrier is indicated
in Fig. 9. Recall that the 802.11a standard requires an EVM of by the solid line in Fig. 12. The integrated phase modulation
25 dB, and therefore, 8 dB of margin is present here. The fact within the bandwidth of one subcarrier is a very important factor
that the constellation points fall within a small radius around in the performance of an OFDM system and in this case is main-
the center of the crossing points of the constellation circles is tained to less than 0.45 . Also specified in the plot are the target
an indication of the high quality of the transmitted signal. This spot specifications at 8 and 50 MHz which determine the in-
is an indication that all transmit signal impairments, including terchannel interference performance of the system. Also shown
Fig. 17. (a) Multisection class-AB offset G of AFC mixer. (b) Simulation results.
rious tones at the output of the mixers. Additionally, as shown linearized range of the transconductance curve. Due to
in Figs. 15 and 16, it is evident that minimal amount of head- the complex shape of the overall transconductance curve,
room should be utilized by the stage in order to be able to simple extrapolation concepts such as intercept points no
perform under the minimum supply voltage condition of 1.7 V. longer apply.
A pseudodifferential grounded differential amplifier [Gm_main • All the differential pairs described in this linearization
stage of Fig. 17(a)] has minimal headroom requirements. How- technique operate in class-AB mode with grounded
ever, as shown in the plot of transconductance versus incoming sources. The operation in this mode is quite different than
voltage of Fig. 17(b), such a stage exhibits large variation in linearization techniques operating in class-A mode with a
transconductance as a function of the incoming voltage. In this constant tail current source.
particular example, a variation of 700 S is observed over an • Unlike many other linearization techniques such as emitter
input signal voltage range of 400 to 400 mV, with a peak degeneration, this technique can achieve fairly large and
transconductance of 2.2 mS. By utilizing additional grounded linear transconductance levels simultaneously.
pseudodifferential amplifier stages Gm1–Gm4, each operating • For a given input voltage swing and a particular number of
with the same incoming ac signal, but shifted operating points stages with certain device sizes, an optimal offset voltage
implemented through dc IR drops as shown in Fig. 17(a), addi- can be found which results in a very large improvement
tional transconductances Gm1–Gm4 of Fig. 17(b) can be gener- over an uncompensated stage. However, if properly
ated. When all of these transconductances are added at the drains designed, the scheme is tolerant of reasonable size device
of the differential pair transistors, a much more linear transcon- mismatches and resultant offsets, and can result in several
ductance curve (Gm_overall) of Fig. 17(b) would be generated. decibels in linearity improvement even in the presence of
Over the same input voltage range, the enhanced design shows 3-sigma device mismatches.
an overall variation of 38 S with a peak transconductance of • As described here, the technique is applied to a low-fre-
6.97 mS. An overall transconductance variation of about 30% quency application. However, the general technique is
has been reduced to 0.5%. In this particular case, this reduction quite applicable to very high-frequency analog and RF
in transconductance variation results in more than 20-dB im- circuits.
provement in third harmonic distortion (HD3) performance. The • In this particular case, any improvement of 20 dB in lin-
improvement in HD3 performance for this linearization scheme earity is achieved for the nominal process corner and with
can be solved mathematically, however, the deviation is fairly no device mismatches. However, Monte Carlo simulations
algebraically involved and will not be presented here. Several show that under worst case process and 3-sigma device
important points are highlighted below. mismatch models, an improvement of better than 12 dB in
• The technique can be easily applied to two to stages. HD3 can be achieved as compared with the nonlinearized
In this particular example, a five-stage design has been case.
shown. Tradeoffs can be made between maximum The performance of the receiver in the presence of frequency
peak-to-valley deviation of the transconductance, the offsets and multipath distortion is examined in Fig. 18. Due to
in-band ripple of the transconductance curve, and the the effect of a severe multipath channel of 200-ns rms delay,
Fig. 18. AFC performance with (a) AFC disabled and (b) AFC enabled.
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The authors acknowledge the contribution of the following Zhong Ming Shi (M’91–SM’03) received the B.S.
degree from Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in
Broadcom Divisions: System Engineering (Sunnyvale, CA), 1982, the M.S. degree from East China Normal Uni-
CAD Support (Irvine, CA), RF Engineering (El Segundo, versity, Shanghai, in 1985, and the Ph.D. degree from
CA), and Operations and Test Engineering (Irvine, CA). In the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne,
Switzerland, in 1992.
particular, the contributions of the following individuals are He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Swiss Federal
greatly appreciated: B. Yeung, S. Tian, T. Gloerstad, D. Yang, Institute of Technology in 1993 and the University of
J. Castaneda, J. Trachewsky, C. Hansen, T. Moorti, R. Gaikwad, Waterloo, ON, Canada, in 1994. From 1995 to 2000,
he was with Nokia, Prominent Communication, and
T. Kwan, A. Woo, L. Burns, T. V. Nguyen, M. Chok, P. Wong, LSI Logic as a Team Leader, Director, and Principal
A. Ito, B. Bacher, J. To, and A. Niknejad (U.C. Berkeley). Manager to develop RF/mixed-signal ICs for cellular and Bluetooth applica-
tions. From 2000 to 2003, he was with Broadcom Corporation, San Diego, CA,
as a Principal Scientist engaged in RF architecture and system and IC design for
REFERENCES IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN applications. He holds several U.S. and European
patents in the area of RF architecture and system and IC designs. He is currently
[1] IEEE Standard 802.11a-1999: Wireless LAN MAC and PHY Specifica- an independent consultant.
tion—High Speed Physical Layer in the 5 GHz Band, 2000. Dr. Shi received the Nokia Hall of Fame Award in 1997.
Seema Butala Anand was born in Modasa, India, in Tsung-Hsien (Eric) Lin (M’95) received the B.S.
1970. She received the B.S. degree in electrical engi- degree in electronics engineering from National
neering from the University of California at Los An- Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.,
geles (UCLA) in 1992, the M.S. degree in electrical in 1991, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the
engineering and computer science from the Univer- University of California at Los Angeles in 1997 and
sity of California at Berkeley in 1994, and the Ph.D. 2001, respectively.
degree in electrical engineering from UCLA in 2001. He has been with Broadcom Corporation, Irvine,
From 1994 to 1997, she was a Member of Tech- CA, since March 2000, where he is currently a
nical Staff with the High Speed Electronic Depart- Senior Staff Scientist. His research interests include
ment, Hewlett Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA, analog and RF IC design for wireless applications
where she designed CMOS ananlog, RF, and mixed- and CMOS mixed-signal circuits.
signal ICs for wireless communications. From 1997 to 2000, she was a Research
Assistant for the Integrated Circuits and Systems Laboratories, UCLA. Since
July 2000, she has been with Broadcom Corporation, Irvine, CA, where she is a
Senior Staff Scientist engaged in the design and development of CMOS trans- Thinh Nguyen (M’99) was born in Manila, Philippines. He received the
ceivers for wireless LAN applications. Her research interests include trhe design B.S.E.E. degree from San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, in 1984, and the
of RF, analog, mixed-signal, and broad-band data communications ciruits. M.S.E.E. degree from Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA, in 1998.
He has worked for Raytheon Company, Micro Linear Inc., Sierra Research
Inc., Plato Labs Inc., and Broadcom Inc., and has designed many analog blocks
supporting networking, and WLAN communication chips such as low-noise
opamps, VGAs, 100 Base-T analog adaptive equalizer, and G -C filters. He is
currently with Texas Instruments Incorporated, Sunnyvale, CA.