NQTV Itch V4 - 1
NQTV Itch V4 - 1
NQTV Itch V4 - 1
1 Overview
NASDAQ TotalView-ITCHSM is a direct data feed product offered by The NASDAQ Stock Market,
NASDAQ TotalView-ITCH 4.1 is being released in association of the equity symbology initiative and
will support issue symbols up to 8 characters in total length.
NASDAQ TotalView-ITCH 4.1 features the following data elements (in binary number format) for all
exchange-listed equities securities traded via the NASDAQ execution system:
o Order level data with attribution: For NASDAQ execution system, NASDAQ will provide
its full order depth using the standard ITCH format. TotalView-ITCH uses a series of
messages of order messages to track the life of a customer order. 1 As an added feature,
the TotalView-ITCH message formats will support NASDAQ market participant attribution.
TotalView-ITCH carries order level data for NYSE-, NYSE Amex- and NYSE Arca-listed
securities as well as for NASDAQ-listed securities.
o Trade messages: To ensure that customers have complete information about NASDAQ
order flow, TotalView-ITCH 4.1 supports a trade message to reflect a match of a non-
displayable order in the NASDAQ system. TotalView-ITCH 4.1 also supports a separate
trade message to reflect NASDAQ cross transactions.
o Net Order Imbalance Data: In the minutes leading up to the NASDAQ Opening and
Closing Crosses as well as the NASDAQ Crosses for IPO or halted/paused securities,
NASDAQ disseminates the indicative clearing price and net order imbalance on NASDAQ.
Because the calculation includes non-displayable as well as displayable order types, the
Net Order Imbalance Indicator (NOII) is the best predictor of the NASDAQ opening and
closing prices available to the public.
o Trading action messages are used to inform market participants when a security is
halted/paused or released for trading.
o Symbol Directory messages provide basic security data such as the market tier
and Financial Status Indicator.
o Market participant position message carries the Primary Market Maker status,
Market Participant status and Market Maker mode fields used by some firms to
comply with market regulations.
o Event controls, such as start of day, end of day and emergency market halt/resume.
2 Architecture
The TotalView-ITCH 4.1 feed is made up of a series of sequenced messages. Each message is
variable in length based on the message type. The messages that make up the TotalView–ITCH 4.1
TOTALVIEW-ITCH is an outbound market data feed only. The ITCH protocol does not support
order entry. For information on NASDAQ order entry protocols, please refer to the Trading Products
section of the NASDAQ OMX Trader® website.
protocol are typically delivered using a higher level protocol that takes care of sequencing and
delivery guarantees.
NASDAQ offers the TotalView–ITCH 4.1 data feed in three protocol options:.
o SoupBinTCP
o MoldUDP64
3 Data Types
All integer fields are unsigned big-endian (network byte order) binary encoded numbers.
All alpha fields are left justified and padded on the right with spaces.
Prices are integer fields. When converted to a decimal format, prices are in fixed point format with 6
whole number places followed by 4 decimal digits. The maximum price in TotalView-ITCH is
200,000.0000 (decimal, 77359400 hex).
4 Message Formats
The TotalView-ITCH feed is composed of a series of messages that describe orders added to,
removed from, and executed on NASDAQ as well as disseminate Cross and Stock Directory
For the standalone Timestamp – Seconds message, the message format will be as follows:
NASDAQ supports the following event codes on a daily basis on the TotalView-ITCH 4.1 data feed.
In the event of an emergency market condition (EMC), NASDAQ will also support the following event
codes on TotalView-ITCH 4.1.
Market data redistributors should process this message to populate the Financial Status Indicator
(required display field) and the Market Category (recommended display field) for NASDAQ-listed
Name Offset Length Value Notes
Message Type 0 1 ―R‖ Stock Directory Message
Timestamp - 1 4 Integer Nanoseconds portion of the timestamp.
Stock 5 8 Alpha Denotes the security symbol for the issue in the
NASDAQ execution system. Refer to Appendix
B for stock symbol convention information.
Market 13 1 Alpha Indicates Listing market or listing market tier for
Category the issue
―D‖ = Deficient
―E‖ = Delinquent
―Q‖ = Bankrupt
―S‖ = Suspended
―G‖ = Deficient and Bankrupt
―H‖ = Deficient and Delinquent
―J‖ = Delinquent and Bankrupt
―K‖ = Deficient, Delinquent and Bankrupt
Prior to the start of system hours, NASDAQ will send out a Trading Action spin. In the spin, NASDAQ
will send out a Stock Trading Action message with the ―T‖ (Trading Resumption) for all NASDAQ- and
other exchange-listed securities that are eligible for trading at the start of the system hours. If a
security is absent from the pre-opening Trading Action spin, firms should assume that the security is
being treated as halted in the NASDAQ platform at the start of the system hours. Please note that
securities may be halted in the NASDAQ system for regulatory or operational reasons.
After the start of system hours, NASDAQ will use the Trading Action message to relay changes in
trading status for an individual security. Messages will be sent when a stock is:
Halted / paused
Released for quotation
Released for trading.
For NASDAQ-listed issues, NASDAQ will support a full pre-opening spin of Reg SHO Short Sale Price
Test Restricted Indicator messages indicating the Rule 201 status for all active issues. NASDAQ will
also send the Reg SHO Short Sale Price Test Restricted Indicator message in the event of an intraday
status change.
For other exchange-listed issues, NASDAQ will relay the Reg SHO Short Sale Price Test Restricted
Indicator message when it receives an update from the primary listing exchange.
NASDAQ will process orders based on the most Reg SHO Restriction status value.
Throughout the day, NASDAQ will send out this message only if NASDAQ Operations changes the
status of a market participant firm in an issue.
―N‖ = normal
―P‖ = passive
―S‖ = syndicate
―R‖ = pre-syndicate
―L‖ = penalty
Market 19 1 Alphanumeric Indicates the market participant’s
Participant current registration status in the issue
―A‖ = Active
―E‖ = Excused/Withdrawn
―W‖ = Withdrawn
―S‖ = Suspended
―D‖ = Deleted
NASDAQ will support two variations of the Add Order message format.
By combining the executions from both types of Order Executed Messages and the Trade Message, it
is possible to build a complete view of all non-cross executions that happen on NASDAQ. Cross
execution information is available in one bulk print per symbol via the Cross Trade Message.
It is possible to receive multiple Order Executed and Order Executed With Price messages for the
same order if that order is executed in several parts. The multiple Order Executed messages on the
same order are cumulative.
The reference number of the order that was
Reference 5 8 Integer
Executed 13 4 Integer The number of shares executed.
Match 17 8 Integer The NASDAQ generated day-unique Match
Number Number of this execution. The match number is
also referenced in the Trade Break Message.
Indicates if the execution should be reflected on
time and sale displays and volume calculations.
Printable 25 1 Alpha
―N‖ = non-printable
―Y‖ = printable
Execution The price at which the order execution occurred.
26 4 Integer
Price Refer to Data Types for field processing notes.
Since the side, stock symbol and attribution (if any) cannot be changed by an Order Replace event,
these fields are not included in the message. Firms should retain the side, stock symbol and MPID
from the original Add Order message.
Since no Add Order Message is generated when a non-displayed order is initially received,
NASDAQ cannot use the Order Executed messages for all matches. Therefore this message
indicates when a match occurs between non-displayable order types. A Trade Message is
transmitted each time a non-displayable order is executed in whole or in part. It is possible to
receive multiple Trade Messages for the same order if that order is executed in several parts. Trade
Messages for the same order are cumulative.
Trade Messages should be included in NASDAQ time-and-sales displays as well as volume and
other market statistics. Since Trade Messages do not affect the book, however, they may be
ignored by firms just looking to build and track the NASDAQ execution system display.
For most issues, the Cross Trade message will indicate the bulk volume associated with the cross
event. If the order interest is insufficient to conduct a cross in a particular issue, however, the Cross
Trade message may show the shares as zero.
To avoid double counting of cross volume, firms should not include transactions marked as non-
printable in time-and-sales displays or market statistic calculations.
Firms that use the ITCH feed to create time-and-sales displays or calculate market statistics should
be prepared to process the broken trade message. If a firm is only using the ITCH feed to build a
book, however, it may ignore these messages as they have no impact on the current book.
o For the NASDAQ Opening Cross, NOII messages will be disseminated during the two
minutes leading up to the start of market hours.
o For the NASDAQ IPO, Halt and Imbalance Crosses, NOII messages will be disseminated
during the quote only period. The first NOII message will be disseminated approximately five
seconds after the Stock Trading Action message with the ―Q‖ or ―R‖ action value is
o For the NASDAQ Closing Cross, NOII messages will be disseminated during the ten minutes
leading up to the end of market hours.
Name Offset Length Value Notes
Message 0 1 ―I‖ NOII Message
Timestamp - 1 4 Integer Nanoseconds portion of the timestamp.
Paired Shares 5 8 Integer The total number of shares that are eligible to
be matched at the Current Reference Price.
Imbalance 13 8 Integer The number of shares not paired at the
Shares Current Reference Price.
Imbalance 21 1 Alpha The market side of the order imbalance.
―B‖ = buy imbalance
―S‖ = sell imbalance
―N‖ = no imbalance
―O‖ = Insufficient orders to calculate
Stock 22 8 Alpha The security symbol for which the NOII
5 Support
o For general product support for NASDAQ data feeds, please contact NASDAQ OMX
Global Data Products at +1 301 978 5307 or [email protected].
o For technical support for NASDAQ data feeds, please contact NASDAQ OMX Global
Software Development at [email protected].
Appendix A
Documentation Revision Control Log
October 6, 2010: NASDAQ TotalView-ITCH Version 4.10
NASDAQ OMX added a note to Trade (Non-Cross) message format stating that the Order Reference
Number would be zero for all transactions as of December 6, 2010.
Increased length of the symbol field from 6 characters to 8 characters in multiple message
formats in support of the equity symbology initiative.
Modified the values for the Market Catetgory field in Symbol Directory messages to delineate
among NYSE-, NYSE Amex- and NYSE Arca-listed issues.
Added note to Appendix B to reflect that NASDAQ OMX is reviewing its stock symbol
conventions to determine if changes are needed.
o Expanded Order Reference Number and Match ID field size in all Order and Trade related
messages to 12 bytes (from 9 bytes)
o Added Order Replace message
o Updated protocol references to reflect new network support documentation associated with
ITCH 3.1
NASDAQ corrected a few corporate references in the TotalView-ITCH 3.0 specifications document.
No material changes were made.
o Section 4.2 – System Event Message. Added the following three codes for EMC situations.
A = Emergency market condition – halt
R = Emergency market condition – quote only period
B = Emergency market condition – resumption
o Section 4.6.2 – Cross Trade message: Added cross type of ―E‖ for EMC situations. Also added
processing note to indicate that NASDAQ will begin to generate a cross trade message for all
active issues in the system beginning in the third quarter of 2008.
o Section 4.3.3 – Market Participant Position. The message type value for this message should be
o Section 4.3.3 – Market Participant Position. This message is designed to provide Primary Market
Maker status, Market Participant status and Market Maker mode fields used by some firms to
comply with market regulations.
April 30, 2007: NASDAQ TotalView-ITCH Version 3.00
NASDAQ modified the TotalView-ITCH 3.0 specifications document to reflect the following changes:
o Section 4 – For clarity reasons, the Data Type field was updated for all formats to delineate
between alphabetic and alphanumeric fields.
o Section 4.3.1 – Within the Issue Directory message format, NASDAQ updated the code list for the
Market Category field to denote that space is an allowable value. The Market Category field may
be space filled if the security symbol is associated with a test issue OR if NASDAQ Operations
adds a production issue to its online systems intra-day.
o 4.3.2 – Stock Trading Action. Updated document to reflect actual system processing rules for pre-
opening trading action spin.
o Appendix B – Stock Symbol Convention. Updated document to reflect the most current URL links
to NASDAQ symbology matrices.
o Section 4.1 – Timestamp. Added sentence to address sequencing of second and millisecond
o Corrected the numbering in remainder of section 4.
o Section 4.2 – System Events: Updated the explanations for the ―O‖, ―Q‖, ―M‖ and ―M‖ events to
more accurately reflect the feed processing.
o Appendix B – Stock Symbol Conversion: Please contact NASDAQ Systems Engineering for up-
to-date symbol suffix matrix.
o Moved the timestamp from the individual messages to separate seconds and milliseconds
messages for bandwidth and processing efficiency reasons.
o Added the following new messages to be consistent with TotalView-Aggregated feed:
Stock Directory
Net Order Imbalance Indicator
o Replaced Halt/Resume message with Stock Trading Action message to be more consistent
with other NASDAQ data feeds.
o Updated Add Order messages in the following ways:
Updated Add Order (A) message to remove the display field. Firms should process
all orders for NASDAQ quotation displays.
Added new Add Order – MPID Attribution (F) message as NASDAQ execution
system will support market participant attribution at the order level.
o Updated Modify Order messages in the following ways:
Updated Order Executed message to support Printable field. Printable field will be
used to denote cross transactions.
Added new Order Executed With Price Message (C) for situations where the
execution price is different from the display price of an order. This message is
intended to reflect situations where there was price improvement with the NASDAQ
Added new Order Delete (D) message format to reflect when an order is cancelled in
full. This change was done for bandwidth efficiency reasons.
o Added Cross Trade (Q) message to reflect bulk transactions such as the NASDAQ Crosses.
Appendix B
Stock Symbol Convention
NASDAQ OMX is in the process of revising its stock symbol suffix plan to accommodate root symbols
of up to 5 characters across U.S. equity exchanges. Once the new plan is confirmed, NASDAQ OMX
will post a Data Technical News item on the NASDAQ OMX Trader website with details.
Until further notice, NASDAQ OMX will follow its current practice.
For NYSE-, NYSE Amex- and NYSE Arca-listed securities with subordinate issue types, please refer
to the Ticker Symbol Conversion for CQS Securities page on the NASDAQ OMX Trader website.
For NASDAQ-listed issues, NASDAQ OMX currently restrict its symbol length to a maximum of 5
characters. For common stock issuances, NASDAQ and BX will assign a symbol of 1 to 4 characters
in length. For subordinate securities, NASDAQ and BX will assign a 5 character symbol for which the
last character relays information about the issue class or issue type. For the current list of fifth
character symbol suffixes, please refer to Current List of Fifth Character Symbol Suffixes for NASDAQ-
listed Issues on the NASDAQ OMX Trader website.
Appendix C
Trading Action – Reason Codes
For NASDAQ-listed issues, NASDAQ acts as the primary market and has the authority to institute a
trading halt or trading pause in an issue due to news dissemination or regulatory reasons.
For CQS issues, NASDAQ abides by any regulatory trading halts and trading pauses instituted by the
primary or listing market as appropriate.
For both issue types, NASDAQ may also halt trading for operational reasons.
NASDAQ will send out a trading action message to inform its market participants when the trading
status of an issue changes. For informational purposes, NASDAQ also attempts to provide the reason
for each trading action update. For bandwidth efficiency reasons, NASDAQ uses a 4-byte code for the
reason on its outbound data feeds.