Educ 202 Quiz

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1. Teachers should plan every testing activity.

In doing so, they must consider the:

I. Testing venue
II. Test constructor’s skills
III. Test takers’ language level
IV. Vision and philosophy of the school
 II and III
 IV only
 I, II, III, and IV
 I, II, and III

2. Which describe the spread of scores, or how large the differences between the individual scores?
 Measures of central tendency
 Measures of relative position
 Measures of shape
 Measures of variability

3. It is calculated by adding all values, then dividing the sum by the number of values.
 Mean
 Range
 Mode
 Median

4. If the computed standard deviation is low, this means that

 The difference between the highest and the lowest scores is high
 The difference between the highest and lowest scores is low
 The scores of the students are clustered around the mean
 The scores of the students are far from the mean

5. Calculate the range of the score distribution: { 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 22, 17, 16, 20, 19, 19, 20}
 11
 13
 16
 16.5

6. Which of the following measures is most affected by outliers?

 Median
 Mean and median
 Mean
 Mode

7. Data is presented in a chart , diagram, or any form of visual representation.

 Spatial
 Textual
 Graphical
 Tabular
8. Which of the following describe/s tabular data presentation?
I. Often misleads the readers
II. Easy to construct and read
III. Suitable in dealing with small sets of data
IV. Facilitates comparison between variables
 II, III and IV
 I and III
 III only
 II and IV

9. It is the simplest scale of measurement which involves the assignment of different numerals into categories that
are quantitatively different.
 Nominal
 Ratio
 Ordinal
 Interval

10. The test item has a discrimination index of -2 and a difficulty index of 1.0. What does this imply to test
construction? Teacher must _____
 Shelve the item for future use
 Retain the item
 Recast the item
 Reject the item

11. On this level of measurement, zero indicates the absence of what is being measured.
 Interval
 Nominal
 Ratio
 Ordinal

12. This measure of central location is NOT sensitive to extreme values

 None of these
 Mode
 Mean
 Median
13. A test item has a difficulty index of 0.45 and a discrimination index of 0.40. What should the test constructor do?
 Revise the item
 Retain the item
 Make it a bonus item
 Reject the item

14. Refer to this set of scores: {47, 36, 38, 43, 35, 44, 36, 21, 39, 40, 38, 26, 48} How will you describe the
 Multimodal
 Bimodal
 No mode
 Unimodal

15. Which statement on test result interpretation is correct?

 The use of statistical technique gives meaning to pupil’s score
 A raw score by itself is meaningful
 Test scores do not in any way reflect teacher’s effectiveness
 The score of the student is the final indicator of his ability

16. A negative discrimination index means that:

 The test item could not discriminate between the lower and upper groups
 More from the lower group answered the test item correctly
 More from the upper group got the item correctly
 The test item has high reliability

17. Out of 3 distracters in a multiple-choice test item, namely B, C and D, no one chose D as an answer. This implies
that D is a/an
 Ineffective distracter
 Effective distracter
 Vague distracter
 Plausible distracter

18. Here is the completion test item:

The _____ is obtained by dividing the ____ by the ____.
The rule in completion test item construction violated is
 The required response should be a single word or a brief phrase
 Avoid grammatical clues to answer
 Avoid indefinite statements
 Avoid over mutilated statements

19. Which of the following could produce more than one value?
 Median
 Mean
 Mode
 Median and mode

20. Teacher Joelyn constructs a table of specifications and made it as bases for her quarterly assessment in English.
The students can be assured that the test has
 Internal consistency
 Criterion validity
 Content validity
 Reliability
21. After scoring, Teacher Diosa got the difference of the highest and lowest scores in each class. What did she
 Median
 Inter-quartile range
 Variance
 Range

22. Compute the inter-quartile range (IQR) of this data set: 68, 90, 46, 50, 93, 78, 53, 73, 85, 87.
 34
 85.5
 27
 75.5

23. Which is true if the computed standard deviation is big?

 The class performance is on the average
 Scores are spread apart
 Scores are toward both extremes
 Scores are clustered around the mean

24. It divides the set of data into two equal halves

 Mode
 Range
 Mean
 Median

25. Teacher Kevin constructed a matching type test. In his columns of items are a combination of events, people,
circumstances. Which of the following guidelines in constructing matching type of test did he VIOLATE?
 Make list of items heterogeneous
 Provide three or more options
 List options in an alphabetical order
 Make list of items homogeneous

26. Refer to this set of scores: {47, 36, 38, 43, 35, 44, 36, 21, 39, 40, 38, 26, 48}
Calculate the median.
 36
 27
 37.77
 38

27. Which measure(s) of central tendency can be determined by mere inspection?

 Median
 Median and mode
 Mean
 Mode
28. Which improvement should be done on this completion test item:
An example of a mammal is ___________.
 The blank should be longer to accommodate all possible answers
 The question should have only one acceptable answer
 The blank should be at the beginning of the sentences
 The item should give more cues

29. A positive discrimination index means that:

 More from the upper group got the item correctly
 The test item could not discriminate between the lower and upper groups
 The test item has high reliability
 More from the lower group answered the test item correctly

30. Which is FALSE about textual presentation of data?

 One must read through the whole text to get the main point
 It allows the presenter to interpret the data more elaborately
 Large sets of data can be easily presented through textual presentation
 Data are presented in the form of words, sentences, and paragraph

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