5 Macro Skills
5 Macro Skills
5 Macro Skills
PRODUCTIVE SKILLS- speaking and writing -lets us express our opinion, concept, suggestions,
feedback, etc. in the most normal and reliable manner.
ORAL SKILLS- listening and speaking
-In speaking, it is important to use correct vocabulary,
LITERACY SKILLS- reading and writing pronunciation and grammar to avoid misunderstanding.
-listening and reading are receptive skills since READING
learners need to process and understand language
being communicated to them in spoken or written form. -It is a third skill in learning and it is a process of looking
in a written symbols in written form and the brain will
- speaking and writing are known as productive skills convert it into words, sentences and paragraphs which
since learners need to produce language to contains message and information.
communicate their ideas in either speech or text.
-A learning skill that improves vocabulary, spelling,
LISTENING grammar, and writing.
-this basic skill is about hearing and perceiving other -Involving the skills of word recognition,
people's opinions, and absorbing facts and emotional comprehension, fluency, and motivation.
intelligence derived from the spoken word. however,
not every person must hear to listen. READING STRATEGIES
-a communication technique that requires the listener • Skimming is used to quickly gather the most
to understand, interpret, and evaluate what he or she important information, or 'gist'. Run your eyes over the
hears. listening effectively improves personal text, noting important information.
relationships through the reduction of conflict and
• Scanning is used to find a particular piece of
strengthens cooperation through a collective
information. Run your eyes over the text looking for the
understanding while speaking is vocalization of human
specific piece of information you need.
• Extensive reading is used to obtain a general
Good listening lessons go beyond the listening task
understanding of a subject and includes reading longer
itself with related activities before and after the
texts for pleasure, as well as business books.
listening. here is the basic structure:
• Intensive reading is used on shorter texts in
before listening - prepare your learners by order to extract specific information. It includes very
introducing the topic and finding out what they close accurate reading for detail. Use intensive reading
already know about it. a good way to do this is skills to grasp the details of a specific situation. In this
to have a brainstorming session and some case, it is important that you understand each word,
discussion questions related to the topic. then number or fact.
provide any necessary background information
and new vocabulary they will need for the WRITING
listening activity.
-the ability to communicate the message with clarity
good listening lessons go beyond the listening task itself and ease through symbols and signs.
with related activities before and after the listening.
here is the basic structure:
These has four main goals for student achievement: It’s important that students are aware that
understanding the viewing process is as important as
• To write clearly and creatively to convey a
understanding the listening and reading process.
Students should understand that effective, active
• To communicate ideas, thoughts, feelings, and viewers engage in the following procedure:
• To understand that writing is a reflective and
Students prepare to view by activating their schema
interactive process
(the prior knowledge they bring to the study of a topic
• To understand the different purposes, or theme), anticipating a message, predicting,
audiences, and forms for writing. speculating, asking questions, and setting a purpose for
During viewing:
Viewing frameworks
Why is viewing important? Film and video: The 3Cs and 3Ss
We are language teachers, so it’s obvious we should This framework was developed by Into Film and is used
focus on the written and spoken word in our classes. So widely in schools in the UK. The 3Cs (Colour, Camera,
why should images, or multimodal texts that use Character) and the 3Ss (Story, Setting, Sound)
images, matter at all to language teachers? Many framework can be used to help students discuss and
teachers argue that language and text-based analyse all the elements of a film text.
approaches should take priority and that the image just Story, Setting, Sound, Colour, Character and Camera are
distracts from the word. However, as the majority of simple headings with discussion questions teachers can
texts our students are accessing outside the classroom use as an easy way for exploring any film. Here are
are visual texts and multimodal texts which use images, some of the discussion questions:
surely, we should give our students opportunities to
‘read’ – analyze and evaluate – these types of texts in Colour
the classroom. Furthermore, the majority of these
What colours do you see?
multimodal texts – YouTube videos, infographics,
websites, blogs, social media sites – are a combination What do the colours make you feel?
of print text and image, where the image, far from
Why do you think certain colours are used?
distracting from the text, actually enhances it.
What mood do you think the colours create?
Therefore, viewing is important because as students are
dealing with mainly multimodal texts, they need to Camera
understand them and to become more effective, active
and critical viewers to be able to participate fully in What shots have been used? Can you name them?
society. Viewing helps students develop the knowledge Through whose eyes do we see the story?
and skills to analyze and evaluate visual texts and
multimodal texts that use visuals. Viewing also helps When do we see different characters’ point of view?
students acquire information and appreciate ideas and When does the camera move and when does it stay
experiences visually communicated by others. still?
How do they speak and what do they say? Viewing helps students to slow down, reflect and think
about the images they are seeing, and develop the
How do they behave?
knowledge and skills to analyses and evaluate visual
Which character interests you the most? Why? texts and multimedia texts that use visuals. Viewing also
helps students acquire information and appreciate ideas
Story and experiences visually communicated by others.
What happens in the beginning, middle and at the end Undoubtedly, viewing will become part of English
of the story? language curricula in many more countries in the near
future and we, as teachers, need to be able to help our
What are the most important things (events) that students become more effective viewers. To achieve
happen in the story? this there needs to be specific multimodality and visual
How do we know where the story takes place? literacy training on pre-service and in-service training
How long does the story take place in ‘real’ time?
How could you tell where the story was taking place?
How could you tell when the story was taking place?