Casting Simulation Methods: TS Prasanna Kumar, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India
Casting Simulation Methods: TS Prasanna Kumar, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India
Casting Simulation Methods: TS Prasanna Kumar, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India
5.12.1 Introduction
Metal casting has grown as an art several thousand years back to a technology a few hundred years to a science since a few tens of
years. Rapid strides in understanding the physics of solidification were possible when mathematical modeling became a research
area. In spite of the voluminous work both in modeling and experimental verification, the theoretical models are restricted to
l Highly simplified alloy systems – mostly binary,
l Idealized equilibrium conditions of solidification,
l Alloy phase constitution, and
l Solid/liquid interface equilibrium.
In spite of these restrictions, the engineering applications of solidification simulation have taken the metal casting industry to
high levels of sophistication. The technology components of solidification simulation may be considered to be made of the
following components:
l Pre/postprocessors
l Efficient and robust solvers
l Material database
l Quality assessment models (criteria functions)
l Computer technology
Solidification phenomena affect structure and mechanical properties of the castings at multiple scales ranging from the macro
(macrostructure, 103 m), the meso (mushy zone, 104 m), and the micro (microstructure, 106 m) to the nano (growth kinetics,
109 m) levels. A practical approach for considering the multiscale phenomena during solidification could be to identify macro-
and micromodeling and integrate them suitably based on the details required at each stage. The topics under these two broad heads
of modeling with different connotations may be listed as
l Macromodeling
B Conservation of mass, energy, species, and momentum
B Diffusion of species and energy
B Nucleation and growth in the absence of atomic level phenomena
B Mathematical description of macrosegregation and macroshrinkage
l Micromodeling
B Interface dynamics of grain nucleation and growth
B Transformation kinetics
B Dendrite arm spacing (DAS), nucleation rate, etc. based on empirical/experimental models
This chapter tries to summarize the important developments in solidification simulation. A full picture of the varieties of
approaches for modeling the solidification phenomena, mathematical formulations, the tools used, their limitations, etc. is not
possible in a single chapter of limited scope. An attempt is made here to give a cogent account of the subject keeping continuity and
connectivity in mind. In spite of the developments in computer technology, the application of full-scale simulation for industrial
castings may not be possible for a couple more decades (1).
Modeling of metal casting processes have evolved over the decades, from being limited to an ideal alloy under controlled laboratory
conditions to include the complexity of industrial processing of commercial alloys. The initial efforts in solidification modeling
were limited to the closed form solution using the Bernoulli equation. This was exploited by Ruddle (2) to the design of gating
systems. Later, these calculations were coupled with empirical and engineering rules used by foundry engineers. With the advent of
digital computers, many computer-aided design programs incorporated these calculations in the computer software. Szekely et al.
(3) applied continuum mechanics for continuous casting. These models were effectively used for turbulent flow for continuous
casting models and gas-stirred ladles.
With the advances in fluid flow modeling techniques like the Marker-and-Cell (MAC) and Solidification Algorithm (SOLA),
researchers started looking at the macro aspects of solidification. Micromodeling for understanding the scientific principles of
solidification was separately developed. Coupled heat transfer and solidification effects for complex geometrics were developed in the
1980s and early 1990s. Simultaneously with the development of mathematical models, physical studies of solidification phenom-
enon were also carried out resulting in important observations, which would influence the modeling strategies. The role of convection
in grain size morphology in ingot casting were first shown by physical studies and modeled as inverse segregation (4). Similarly,
columnar to equiaxed transition, influence of oscillation, rotation, etc. were first observed during experiments and then explained by
modeling. The role of forced convection in producing thixocast metals with round grains was also first obtained by experiments.
The possible applications of process modeling for casting simulation and their theoretical basis include mainly the following (7):
l Casting soundness
B Macroshrinkage Criteria functions
B Volume deficit Mass and energy transport
B Microshrinkage/porosity Criteria functions/pressure maps
B Pore formation Pressure balance
l Casting composition
B Macrosegregation (macromodels) Convective-diffusive energy and mass transport
B Microsegregation (micromodels) Convective-diffusive energy and mass transport
l Surface quality
B Penetration index Pressure balance at metal–mold interface and interfacial reactions
Casting Simulation Methods 237
l Casting distortions
B Stress map Residual stress
l Casting microstructure
B Phase fractions Criteria functions
B Phase transition Criteria functions
l Mechanical properties of castings
B Macro/microscale composition Criteria functions based on composition, cooling rate, and microstructures
l Mold filling
B Filling time, velocity fields Convective mass transport
l Misruns, coldshuts Criteria functions, convective-diffusive energy, and mass transport
The understanding and analysis of transport phenomena is at the core of solidification simulation. Transport phenomenon
refers to the transport of heat, mass, and momentum, all three of which are responsible for the production of sound metal casting.
For an appreciation of the subject with specific reference to material processing and solidification modeling, readers are referred
to Ref. (5).
The governing equations for transport phenomena are obtained by applying conservation principles (6) but solutions are
dependent on robust algorithms particularly for solidification modeling as the material nonlinearities, thermophysical data,
microphenomena, etc. affect the solution procedure. Techniques like finite element method (FEM), finite difference method (FDM),
and boundary element method (BEM) and more recently meshless methods have been established for solution of these equations
under various conditions.
It is the mathematical description of the solidification process, which is a challenge for the researchers. Solidification of an alloy
involves phase change with attendant release of latent heat (LH), nonlinear properties, unobservable phenomena in microscale,
unquantifiable material behavior near solidus temperature, and multicomponent alloys that require ab initio thermodynamic
quantifications, all of which are special areas by themselves. This makes solidification simulation difficult for practical use even with
the accumulated knowledge over the decades.
A typical casting process can be described in terms of modeling complexity at two levels: (1) the mold filling stage and (2) the
phase change stage. The mold filling stage involves the flow of molten metal and the coupled phenomena of energy, mass, and
momentum transport. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) principles have been successfully used for modeling flow of
various types in the mold cavity. The variety of metal casting methods, however, require different formulations of the same basic
equations and solution strategies for each one of the processes such as gravity-assisted castings, low-pressure die castings, high-
pressure die castings, use of centrifugal force, etc.
In solidification simulation, the main concerns are the prediction of temperatures, species concentration, and fluid
velocity within the solidifying casting. These quantities are obtained by solving equations derived from the conservation
laws of heat, mass, and momentum. Along with the conservation laws, the flux laws are also used. The initial and
boundary conditions differentiate the processes. The mathematical model is formulated with initial and boundary
conditions with the domain descriptions characterizing the physical process. These equations have to be solved
The challenge in solidification modeling lies in handling of different length scales involved in the process. The micro- and
macroscale phenomena require different approaches. The microscale solute redistribution manifests in the macroscale as macro-
segregation. Excellent accounts of the several microsegregation equations starting with Scheil in 1942 to Stefanescu in 1993 can be
seen in Ref. (7). These developments spanning five decades, take into account the actual diffusion, interface morphology, etc. to
different levels of sophistication. The morphological aspects at the interface can give rise to different microstructures driven by
thermal, solutal, and surface energies. They require adequate models for explaining the microprocess that can be embedded in the
solution to the macroscale.
The following set of equations in two-dimensional (2D) Cartesian coordinates can be written for the initial mold filling stage.
Momentum equations
vu vu vu v vu v vu vp
r ¼ r u r v þ m þ m þ ðr r0 Þgx [1]
vt vx vy vx vx vy vy vx
vv vv vv v vv v vv vp
r ¼ r u r v þ m þ m þ ðr r0 Þgy [2]
vt vx vy vx vx vy vy vy
Energy equation
v v v v vT v vT
ðrcTÞ ¼ ðurcTÞ ðvrcTÞþ k þ k þQ [3]
vt vx vy vx vx vy vy
Continuity equation
vu vv
þ ¼0 [4]
vx vy
with the initial condition
T ¼ Ti at t ¼ 0
and the boundary conditions
u¼b u ; v ¼ bv ; p ¼ b
p and T ¼ T b on GD t > 0
vT vT
k nx k ny ¼ q on G1
vx vy
vT vT
k nx k ny ¼ hðT TN Þ on G2
vx vy
vT vT
k nx k ny ¼ lε T 4 TN
4 on G3
vx vy
By the time the mold is filled with liquid metal, therefore, a nonuniform thermal field both in the mold and in the liquid metal
would have been set up, due to the initial transients during mold filling. The subsequent heat transfer from the liquid metal, which
has now filled the cavity to the surrounding mold wall, would be dictated by the energy balance equation. However, some natural
convection effects might add to the overall heat transfer in the liquid metal; the degree of its influence on the solidification
phenomena, particularly on the metallurgical aspects like morphology, etc., depends on the process. For most cases, however, the
convection effects may be neglected and the heat transfer from the moment of filling the mold can be largely defined by the same
equations governing heat transfer in solids. The equations are taken to be equally applicable for both the liquid metal and the mold.
The system of equations (eqns [1]–[4]) now reduces to
v v vT v vT
ðrcTÞ ¼ k þ k þQ [5]
vt vx vx vy vy
with appropriate initial and boundary conditions.
The heat transfer process during casting solidification is accompanied by the release of LH of fusion at the solid/liquid interfaces.
Several methods have been devised to take the release of this LH into account. These methods are generally divided into fixed and
moving mesh methods. Fixed mesh methods involve the solution of a continuous system with an implicit representation of the
phase change, while in the moving mesh or the front tracking methods, the solid/liquid regions are treated separately and the phase
change interface is explicitly determined as a moving boundary. The fixed grid solutions offer a more general solution as they
account for the phase change implicitly without attempting to establish the position of the front.
An extension of the fluid flow model to continuous casting equipped with electromagnetic stirring requires modeling of fluid
flow under an electromagnetic field. Unlike the flow phenomena encountered in mold filling, which require tracking the free
surface, the flow simulation in the continuous casting molds under electromagnetic stirring require turbulent flow model. Further
discussion on flow modeling is restricted to shaped castings.
vfs vT v vT v vT
r cL ¼ k þ k [8]
vT vt vx vx vy vy
It is observed that the term in parenthesis on the left-hand side of the equation can be treated as an ‘equivalent specific heat,’
when compared with the original equation. This formulation of LH liberation during phase change is quite generic and is capable of
accounting for the several alloy solidification models, particularly for long freezing range alloys.
Depending upon the initial and intermediate temperatures, three cases can be realized as shown in Figure 1 above. Corre-
sponding to each of these cases, the corrected temperatures can be obtained by the equations.
Case ðaÞ: rc dT rL dT ¼ rc dT [14a]
T1 T1 T1
Tl 2
T1 2 T2
1 T2 T1 2
t T2
t1 t2 t1 t2 t1 t2
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 1 Illustration of the temperature recovery algorithm. Reproduced from Arunkumar, T. S.; Prasanna Kumar, T. S. “Numerical Study of Freezing of
Water using Taylor-Galerkin based Non-Linear Temperature Recovery Method”. In 9th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, San
Francisco, California, 5–8 June 2006.
240 Casting Simulation Methods
Case ðbÞ: rc dT rL dT ¼ rc dT [14b]
T1 T1 T1
ZT2 ZTsol ZT2
Case ðcÞ: rCc dT rL dT ¼ rc dT [14c]
T1 T1 T1
The two steps are used to find the temperature of node in a solidifying element till the solid fraction fs ¼ 1.
If the specific heat in phase change region is a function of temperature, the integration of the terms in the above integrals is not
straightforward. Hence, an iterative technique is employed to obtain the fraction solid (9). Equilibrium Freezing with Diffusion in Both Liquid and Solid States
The equilibrium partition ratio, k0, is defined as the ratio of equilibrium solid and liquid compositions, , where Cs is the
concentration of the solid phase and Cl is the concentration of liquid phase in equilibrium at the interface in a binary phase
diagram. Equilibrium solidification requires very slow growth rates with L2 Ds t, where L is the length of the growing crystal, Ds is
the diffusion coefficient of the solute in the solid, and t is the time. It assumes complete diffusion in both the solid and liquid
phases. For constant k0 less than 1, a simple mass balance at the interface leads to the equation
1 Tl T
fs ¼ [15]
1 k0 Tf T
where Tf is the freezing temperature of the pure metal and T the temperature at any instant of time. The fraction solid is thus
obtained as a function of temperature. Since the temperature is obtained by solving the heat conduction equation, this formula for
fraction solid gives us a means for computing the increment in fraction solid at any location for every time step.
This equation is derived from the Scheil equation, considering the solidus and liquidus as straight lines.
For the case of primary interest in which we are treating a small volume element in the mushy zone, the interface advance
L l
velocity is not known a priori. We can make the simplest assumption of constant velocity, which gives v ¼ ¼ . This assumption
tf 2tf
redefines in terms of local freezing time and DAS as
4Ds tf
a¼ [18]
In practice, cells and dendrites tend to grow in such a manner that the velocity decreases in a parabolic manner with increasing
time. Any such equation predicts the changing composition at the interface during solidification and the variation of the local liquid
fraction with local temperature. Thus, a numerical analysis based on these equations allows prediction of solute distribution within
the element at any temperature below the liquidus.
A number of critical observations have been made on this model. The major deficiency in the model is that the solute is not
conserved in the analysis. Large values of a (>2, in low carbon steels) lead to results that are physically impossible, predicting that
the last parts to solidify will have composition less than C0. The model therefore suggests that a limiting value of a could exist, at
a fraction solid equal to 1, which gives the limiting value of a as
" #
1 1
aL ¼ 1 [19]
k0 1 ðk0 Þk011
information than by employing macromodels. Besides a more accurate solidification time and cooling curve, the models can also
obtain data on undercooling, number of grains, grain size, nucleation, growth rates, etc.
Macro–micro models differ from macromodels in the way they handle LH. Before solidification, there is no difference between
these models. Once the temperature falls below the melting point, the methods used to compute the source term, fs, are not the
same. Considering spherical nuclei and their growth, the following equation may be derived for rate of solidification:
dfs ðtÞ dRðtÞ
¼ 4pR2 ðtÞNðtÞ fi ðtÞ [23]
dt dt
To predict the evolution of the solid fraction fs(t), one must therefore relate three variables N(t), R(t), and fi(t) to the under-
cooling DT. This can be done by considering nucleation kinetics, growth kinetics, and solute diffusion.
where DT0 is the undercooling at the middle of the nucleation rate curve (corresponding to the maximum rate), DTs is the standard
deviation of the distribution, and Nmax is the total grain density. The main difference between the instantaneous nucleation model
and the continuous nucleation model is in computing the number of nuclei, N(t). The growth models and the correction for
impingement are identical. When > 0, i.e., when recalescence occurs, dN ¼ 0, marking the end of the nucleation step.
First principles approach to modeling interface heat transfer will have to take into account the nature of solid–solid contact in
terms of pressure applied and surface irregularities. At this stage, heat transfer is mainly through conduction at the points of contact
between the just solidified skin and the mold surface. As solidification proceeds, the solidified shell shrinks away from the mold
creating an air gap. At this stage, the heat transfer is predominantly by convection and radiation.
Models based on the inverses heat conduction problem, IHCP (16,17) provide a powerful technique for quantifying the metal–
mold interface heat transfer, as it circumvents the need to model the boundary heat flow phenomena. The IHCP algorithm is based
on measuring the thermal history inside the mold wall during solidification and solves the model equations for unknown boundary
conditions. Irrespective of the complexity of heat transfer mechanism between solidifying shell and mold, the solution to the IHCP
gives the rate of heat transfer from the metal to the mold.
Mathematical modeling of interface heat transfer during casting is a well-researched subject. The methods adopted by the
researchers for the assessment of interface heat transfer were mostly based on the solution to IHCP in general with different
implementation strategies. Table 1 summarizes some studies in the area of metal–mold interface heat transfer under varying
conditions of mold/casting configuration, alloys, external pressure, etc.
The IHCP theory was first developed with single known temperature history, which was limited to the estimation of single heat
flux. The principle was then extended to multiple sensors, which led to the simultaneous estimation of multiple heat fluxes (17).
Tseng and Zhao (35) developed the direct sensitivity coefficient algorithm in the context of FEM for estimating multiple heat flux
components at the boundary, which required simultaneous estimation of the multiple boundaries.
One of the initial attempts at characterizing the interface heat transfer in die casting of aluminum alloys can be found in Pra-
sanna Kumar and Narayan Prabhu (36), who developed a finite element-based code for inverse solution of the heat conduction
equation for estimating the transient heat flux during chill casting of aluminum base alloys, considered as an average quantity over
the entire interface. The algorithm was extended by Prasanna Kumar (37) to cases where multiple transient heat sources at the
boundary could be determined by solving for the heat sources in a serial fashion. This algorithm was then applied to aluminum
casting in metallic molds. A brief outline of the formulation is given below.
1 Cylindrical castings; various Various aluminum One dimensional Heat transfer coefficient (HTC) at the metal–mold
chill materials alloys interface estimated using measured mold
temperatures, as function of time and casting
parameters (18–21)
2 Cylindrical casting; insulating Copper-base alloy One dimensional HTC was calculated by whole domain method for
sleeve the inverse solution to the heat conduction
differential equation with phase change (22)
3 Cylindrical casting; Cast iron One dimensional Heat flux transients showed a double peak during
sand/ceramic molds solidification of the metal due to moisture in the
mold (23)
4 Hollow cylindrical Ti alloy Two dimensional, HTCs at the core and the outer surfaces were
permanent mold axisymmetric determined as functions of casting surface
temperature (24)
5 Cylindrical permanent mold; Aluminum alloys One dimensional, axisymmetric The effect of mold coating and preheating
refractory at bottom and top in the radial direction temperature on HTC was investigated (25)
6 Cylindrical stainless steel– Pure aluminum One dimensional HTC obtained by parameter estimation considering
coated mold; water-cooled radiation and conduction in the gap (26)
copper chill
7 Solid shell formed by dipping Aluminum silicon One dimensional HTC and heat flux transients during early stages of
water-cooled chills into alloys solidification were modeled using the inverse
melts algorithm (27)
8 Squeeze casting Aluminum alloys NA The effect of pressure on heat transfer at the
metal–mold interface under pressure (28–31)
9 Cylindrical castings; copper, Pure aluminum One dimensional (radial) Correlations were developed for HTC–air gap
graphite, and sand molds and its alloys relationships (32)
10 Square bar and rectangular Aluminum – 3% Cu Two-dimensional Cartesian Estimation of multiple heat flux components at the
plate castings in cast iron 4.5% Si alloy coordinates metal–mold interface in corners (33)
11 Vertical wall of a Aluminum alloys Two-dimensional Cartesian Estimation of multiple heat fluxes during mold
metallic mold coordinates filling (34)
Reproduced from Prasanna Kumar, T. S.; Kamath, H. C. Estimation of Multiple Heat-Flux Components at the Metal/Mold Interface in Bar and Plate Aluminum Castings. Metall.
Mater. Trans. 2004, 35, 3.
244 Casting Simulation Methods
The basic equation for the IHCP is the set of equations obtained for the transient heat transfer within the mold, viz.,
v vT v v vT
l þ l ¼ rc [29]
vx vx vy vy vt
with the initial condition T(x,y) ¼ T 0 , t ¼ 0, and the boundary conditions
vT vT
l nx l ny ¼ qk ðx; y; tÞ on Gk ; k ¼ 1; 2; .p.l
vx vy
where the right-hand side of the boundary condition are the unknown independent flux boundaries. The IHCP is to find (qp)m;
assuming (qk)i, k ¼ 1, ., l; i ¼ 1, ., m 1, and k ¼ 1, ., p 1; i ¼ 1, 2, ., m are known. To estimate the unknown boundary heat
flux (qp)m, temperature measurements at known locations inside the mold are obtained. The objective function for minimization is
chosen as
Xs X r 2
Sk ¼ Yj;mþi1 Tbþ
j;k;mþi1 ; k ¼ 1.p.l [30]
j¼1 i¼1
The application of this algorithm has brought out clearly the nature of heat transfer during solidification at corners in plate
castings, continuous casting molds, variation of the effect of the heat flux along the vertical side of a metallic mold, air gap formation
in metallic molds, etc. Prasanna Kumar and Kamath (33) used the algorithm for simulating the early air gap formation at the corners
of a plate casting. They measured the temperatures inside the corner of a plate mold and computed the spatial distribution of the
interface heat flux. The multiple heat flux model brings out the complex heat flow at the corner because of the earlier air gap
formation at the corner, as shown in Figure 2.
In another work, Arunkumar et al. (34) measured the temperatures inside the vertical wall of a metallic mold at six locations
during pouring of an aluminum alloy and solved for the heat flux distribution along the mold–metal interface by inverse heat
conduction modeling. The resultant simulated thermal field evolution in the mold wall is given in Figure 3(a). The simulation
showed that during the time taken for the mold to fill, viz. about 25 s, a temperature gradient develops along the interface, making
the heat transfer 2D. The interface heat transfer gradually becomes 1D as the solidification progresses. The initial temperature
variation along the metal–mold interface and its influence on the initial stages of solidification are yet to be studied. The heat flux at
the interface as the metal starts filling the mold is shown in Figure 3(b). The IHCP algorithm (37) was shown to delineate such
spatial and temporal distributions of heat fluxes during mold filling.
A straightforward approach for the heat transfer coefficient at the metal–mold interface is still not available.
Figure 2 Mold interface showing identification of heat flux components with corresponding boundary segments in plate casting (left) and heat
flux distribution at the metal–mold interface for uncoated molds (right). Reproduced from Prasanna Kumar, T. S.; Kamath, H. C. Estimation of Multiple Heat-
Flux Components at the Metal/Mold Interface in Bar and Plate Aluminum Castings. Metal. Mat. Trans. 2004, 35B, 3 (Figures 8(c) and 11(c)).
v vT v vT vT
k þ k ¼ rc in U [35]
vx vx vy vy vt
with the initial condition
T ¼ Ti ðx; yÞ at t ¼ 0
and the boundary conditions
T ¼ Tðx; yÞ on G1 ; t > 0
vT vT
k nx k ny ¼ qðx; yÞ on G2
vx vy
vT vT
k nx k ny ¼ hðT TN Þ on G3
vx vy
where k, p, and c are the thermal conductivity, density, and specific heat of the material, which could be functions of temperature T.
All the types of boundary conditions may or may not be present in a single process.
Regardless of the physical nature of the problem, a standard FEM primarily involves the following steps.
l Constructing approximate functions for the elements
l Obtaining the integral or the weak form of the partial differential equation (PDE)
l Domain discretization
l Obtaining element matrices
l Assembly of element equations
l Introduction of boundary conditions
l Solution of the final set of simultaneous equations
l Interpretation of the results
The distribution of the dependent variable, T, within an arbitrary element is assumed to be a linear combination of polynomials
of the form
T e ðx; y; tÞ ¼ ji ðx; yÞTi ðtÞ [36]
246 Casting Simulation Methods
Figure 3 (a) Thermal histories in the vertical wall of a metallic mold during filling of aluminum alloy. Spatial Variation of Heat Flux at the Metal–mold
Interface Due to Mold Filling Effects in Gravity Die–casting. Reproduced from Arunkumar, S.; Prasanna Kumar, T. S. Numerical Study of Freezing of
Water using Taylor–Galerkin based Non–Linear Temperature Recovery Method, 9th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference 5–8
June 2006, San Francisco, CA.
where r is the number of nodes assigned to element e and the Ti are the nodal temperatures. ji are the interpolation or shape
functions, the form of which is governed by the order of the element.
The residual obtained after applying the approximate function to a single element domain is weighted by an arbitrary function,
integrated over the element and set to zero. Mathematically, we get the minimized residual function as
v vT e v vT e vT e
x k þ k rc dU ¼ 0 [37]
vx vx vy vy vt
After integrating by parts the first two terms and regrouping, we get
vT e vx vT e vx vT e vT e vT e
k k xrc dU þ x k nx þ k ny ds ¼ 0 [38]
vx vx vy vy vt G vx vy
The boundary G, which is made up of G2,3 depending on the problem formulation, can be split into its component terms giving
vT e vT e
x k nx þ k ny ds ¼ xq ds xhðT e Þ ds þ xhðTN Þ ds [39]
G vx vy G2 G3 G3
Casting Simulation Methods 247
Using the approximate function for temperature and the shape function for the weights, the element equation in matrix form
½Ce þ ½Ke fTge ¼ fFge [40]
where the matrix terms are given by
Cij ¼ rcji jj dU [41]
vji vjj vj vjj
Kij ¼ k þk i dU þ hji jj dG [42]
vx vx vy vy G3
Fi ¼ qji dG þ hTN ji dG [43]
G2 G3
The element equations are assembled to get the global equations and the resulting set of first-order ordinary differential
equations is rendered into a set of linear algebraic equations by applying weighted average approximations to the quantities. The
interpolation is linear, defined by
fTgnþ1 fTgn
q T_ nþ1 þ ð1 qÞ T_ n ¼ [44]
where the subscript n refers to the time step number. The choice of the value of q leads us to the various difference schemes. With
q ¼ 0 and 1, we have the forward and backward difference schemes, respectively, both of which are conditionally stable. With q ¼ 1/2
and 2/3, we have the Crank–Nicholson and the Galerkin methods, respectively, both of which are unconditionally stable, and
largely used in transient heat transfer analysis.
The final matrix equation will be of the form
½AfTgnþ1 ¼ fBg [45]
½A ¼ ð½C þ qDt½KÞ [46]
which is solved for each time step using a suitable solver. The readers are referred to standard texts on FE algorithms for a detailed
account (42,43,108).
dHnm mþ1
Hnmþ1 ¼ Hnm þ Tn Tnm [50]
248 Casting Simulation Methods
An iterative formulation within each time step is thus obtained for computing the temperature given by
1 dHj m 1 dHi m
½C þ ½K fTgmþ1 ¼ ½C Him Hin þ fTgm [51]
Dt dT Dt dT
where i is the row index, j is the column index, m is the iterative step number in the current time step, and n is the previous time step.
Figure 4 Coupled analysis for solidification of water by FEM using Taylor–Galerkin algorithm; streamlines (top); thermal field (bottom) at steady state.
Note the reversal of circulation due to its minimum density at 4 C. Reproduced from Arunkumar, T. S.; Prasanna Kumar, T. S. “Numerical Study
of Freezing of Water using Taylor-Galerkin based Non-Linear Temperature Recovery Method”, In 9th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer
Conference, San Francisco, California, 5–8 June 2006.
Casting Simulation Methods 249
5. In the phase field model, the variable varies over thin interface, which requires an adaptive mesh. Rosam et al. (52) have reported
a fully implicit adaptive time and space distribution for binary alloy solidification in two dimension claiming h-independent
convergence of nonlinear algebraic equations reducing central processing unit (CPU) time increasing efficiency.
6. In a paper on characterizing the metal–mold interface in pressure die casting, an analytical model has been developed for
predicting time variant thermal conductance at the interface (53).
Solidification is a complex process particularly with reference to industrial castings. None of the models that explain the basics of
thermal, mechanical, and metallurgical aspects involved during solidification considers all the physical phenomena because of the
complexities and hence are not suitable for direct use in industrial applications. These models can be roughly divided into (1)
deterministic and (2) stochastic.
For a preliminary discussion of transport phenomena, the reader is referred to Ref. (6). The methodology is briefly described
here. The integral form of the continuity equation and momentum balance equations are discretized using any of the several
methods like MAC, SOLA, or simplified marker-and-cell (SMAC). The discretized equations are combined with MAC or VOF
methods and solved to analyze to free surface during mold filling. A description of scheme can be found in Ref. (5), where the free
surface tracking by MAC and VOF for three-dimensional (3D) flows is considered.
Some of the effective techniques for modeling the free surface are MAC and VOF methods. The MAC algorithm has the following
features: primitive variable and finite difference scheme in a cell structure and use of marker particles. The Eulerian mesh is used for
solving velocity field and the instantaneous positions of markers in the Lagrangian coordinate system. As the marker particles move
with the fluid, the cells that are empty get to fill over a period of time depending on flow field. An improvement in the MAC method
is a simplified MAC or SMAC. As against the MAC, VOF method solves for fractional volume of fluid occupying the cells. The
fraction may vary from 0 (empty cell) to 1 (cell filled with fluid), while anything in between represents free surface. A detailed
account of these algorithms as applicable to mold filling can be found in Ref. (5). The SIMPLE method can be adopted for body-
fitted coordinate systems, which have been developed to mold filling of thin-walled and curved castings (64). Porosity
Pellini (66) related the size of riser to the feeding distance through a function and then onward many functions have been proposed
in the literature for porosity formation in various alloy castings. The works of Tynelius et al. (67), Roy et al. (68), and Irani and
Kondic (69) have been summarized by Lee et al. (70). The Niama criterion (71) is one of the best known for predicting the feeding
of castings. However, the Niyama criterion is not applicable to formation of micropores in Al–Si alloys (72).
Porosity development in aluminum alloys has been addressed in a number of models over the past several decades. The
solutions range from analytical solution to highly complex simulations of the stochastic nucleation and growth of pores during
solidification of the alloy. Excellent analytical models are available in Ref. (70). Analytical models suffer from an accurate prediction
of porosity for the complete range of conditions found in industrial-shaped castings. Shrinkage porosity and gas porosity are the
driving forces for pore prediction, resulting in an ideal model being too complex for industrial use. Porosity in aluminum castings
are classified based on the size of pores as macro- and micro-porosity and by the cause of formation (70).
Considering the heat transfer, gas diffusion, and simultaneous growth of gas formation in an ingot, the gas pore nucleation was
modeled by Ludmill Drenchev (73). The paper brings out the relationship between the size of the gas nucleus and the number of
nucleation sites on the solid metal interface. The enthalpy method was modified and successfully applied to simulation experi-
mental results of a bismuth–tin alloy performed on board US space shuttle ‘Columbia.’ The effect of thermal and solute convection
Casting Simulation Methods 251
in microgravity and concentration-dependent melting temperature was included in the algorithm (74). In another application of
the modeling technique, the solidification of binary alloy in Bridgman furnace under microgravity conditions was reported by
Timchenko et al. (111).
In a paper by Lee and Gokhale (75), heat transfer simulations were performed to study the effect of the presence of air gap in the
local heat transfer rate, which would affect the local solidification. The authors showed that air in the gas pore acts as heat-insulating
medium and retards heat transfer in the melt leading to shrinkage around the gas pores in the case of magnesium alloys high-
pressure die casting.
Another type of model that has been successfully applied to explain the microfeatures of a solidified casting is the stochastic
models. Fundamentally, the method depends on determining the functional form of the relationship between, say nucleation and
the processing parameters. They also depend on the experimental observations of the process. As an example, Lee and Hunt (76)
observed the hydrogen pores grow from entrapped soluble gas pockets and hence they developed a stochastic model based on the
level of supersaturation.
In a more recent paper, Lee and Hunt (77) combined continuum and stochastic models to simulate and the track nucleation and
growth of hydrogen porosity in directionally solidified Al–Cu alloys. The individual pores were tracked and the models are coupled
with in situ observations where size and distribution of pores were measured as a function of temperature/time, which compared
well. The importance of incorporating the diffusion of hydrogen for accurate modeling of pore formation in aluminum alloys was
brought out.
For a comprehensive account of the criteria functions for porosity estimation, readers are referred to Ref. (7).
With the above assumptions, the macro heat conduction equation is solved by FEM (or FDM) and the path of the isotherms is
calculated throughout the casting. Once the isotherms are known, a number of criteria are used to predict the position of the
shrinkage cavity. The main criteria are as follows:
1. Isotherm tracking: shrinkage is formed in the loop
2. Isofraction-solid tracking. This method can be used under two different assumptions: fs ¼ 1, equivalent to tracking solidus
isotherm, and fs ¼ fcritic < 1. The latter is based on the assumption that decreasing permeability through the mushy zone
increases the pressure required for mass transfer. It might then be possible that at a certain critical fraction solid (<1), mass
feeding might entirely stop.
3. Temperature gradient method: a critical gradient value is assumed; the maximum temperature gradient at fs ¼ 1 or fs ¼ fcritic must
be smaller than this critical gradient to avoid shrinkage cavity formation.
Imafaku and Chijiiwa (78) developed solidification shrinkage model based on the following assumptions: (1) gravity feeding
occurs instantly, (2) liquid metal–free surface is flat, and (3) volume shrinkage cavity is equal to volume of contraction. Macroscopic
fluid flow exists as long as fs > fcritic. If the volume loss is in the surface, it is compensated by lowering the liquid level; if it is inside
the casting, it is compensating by a void. Their model was validated using observed results from ‘T’-shaped castings.
Bounds et al. (79) developed a more comprehensive model on quality features of casting including pipe shrinkage. Using
modified transport equations based on mixture theory and avoiding pore nucleation and growth complexities, their model replaces
the shrinkage volume by gas. They predicted macroporosity based on pressure drop using Chang–Stefanescu model (80). They
could bring out the known behavior of shrinkage defects in short and long freezing range alloys through their models.
considered. For a detailed review of macrosegregation models, readers are referred to Ref. (1). The initial effort began by Flemings
and coworkers in 1960 who considered interdendritic flow of liquid as flow through a fixed solid dendritic network. They arrived at
local solute redistribution equation basically starting from Scheil’s equation. Their equation can explain the conditions under which
macrosegregation occurs as in the case of Al alloys (inverse segregation). The LSRE equation could explain inverse segregation in
aluminum alloys, negative macrosegregation, positive macrosegregation in steel castings, freckling, etc.
Simultaneously, experiments were performed to measure the permeability of mushy zone. Ridder et al. (81) solved the coupled
set of equations given by Darcy’s law, the energy equation and the LSRE in the mushy zone, and the momentum and energy
equation in the fully liquid region. The single-domain model based on mixture theory (82,83) was based on mass, momentum,
solute segregation, and convection equations that are valid in all the regions of the alloy during solidification.
Fixed grid single-domain numerical models were developed for steel ingot, continuous casting of steel, aluminum direct chill
casting, nickel base superalloy casting, and shape metal casting (1).
(109). However, the MC method ignores the macro- and microtransport and time step is not correlated with real time. Hence, the
evolution of solidification cannot be related to real-time situations.
The CA technique is also a stochastic method based on nucleation and growth kinetics and crystallographic orientations. In the
CA model, the individual grains are identified and their shape and sizes can be made to describe branching of dendrites, solute
segregation, and eutectic phase formation. In a modified CA model, an account of nucleation and growth kinetics was implemented
into stochastic modeling and the results obtained are explained in Ref. (61).
Microstructure modeling has been extended using new techniques like Voronoi tessel on algorithm (94). Using finite element
mesh for a description of the intergranular space and considering liquid phase as incompressible Newtonian fluid, the permeability
was computed based on Darcy’s law. A good agreement is reported with available literature data. Another example of Voronoï
tessellation can be found in Ref. (95), which describes the development of network of local feeding. The heat transfer during
solidification of metal foams has been modeled using 3D tetrahedral finite element mesh for both the voids and solid phases of the
foam. Model validation is performed against pressure drop and heat transfer coefficients. The Navier–Stoke and energy equations
are solved to obtain the pore structure.
Dendritic solidification was modeled by Stewart and Weinberg (96) and Stoehr (97) who included the effect of natural and
forced convection. Glickman group modeled the solid–liquid interface in transparent systems like succinonitrile. The morpho-
logical instability in mushy zone was modeled by Stewart and Hellawell (98).
Some of the more recent successful industrial applications of mathematical modeling techniques are mentioned below:
1. Application of 3D heat transfer solidification for continuous casting of wire using fluent package (99).
2. A transient 3D heat transfer model for continuous casting solidification control (100).
3. Direct chill casting model of Mg–Li alloys using 3D finite element considering the heat transfer between dummy block and the
slab along with casting parameters (101).
4. Polymer vaporization, gas diffusion at the interface during mold filling in the lost foam casting (102).
5. A front tracking algorithm that does not require the crystal data for analyzing the columnar to equiaxed transition (103).
6. MC technique for modeling the semisolid metal processing for manufacturing of near net-shaped components (104).
7. Coupling of finite element heat flow calculations with 3D CA model for grain structure prediction in nickel base superalloy
castings (105).
8. Application of modified SOLA-VOF 3D technique applied to filling of cast iron (106).
9. Directional solidification of bladelike castings under varying electromagnetic fields of different strengths and frequencies (107).
Further research in solidification modeling can be listed as nucleation in a convectional environment, fragmentation,
transport of fragments, effect of flow rate on dendrite tip, effect of flow rate in dendritic arm spacing, and rheology of semisolid
mix. Such modeling will heavily depend in first principles using direct numerical solutions and availability of computational
Appendix A
The phase change from liquid to solid during casting solidification involves latent heat liberation, which will have to be considered
for the liquid part of the casting. The implicit enthalpy method, mentioned briefly in Section is a very powerful algorithm
for taking into account the liberation of latent heat during alloy solidification. The enthalpy formulation considers the temperature
dependency of all the properties including thermal conductivity. The finite element formulation of the scheme is therefore elab-
orated here.
The partial differential equation (PDE) describing heat transfer in a solidifying alloy, neglecting the flow effects is written in 2D
Cartesian coordinates as:
v vT v vT vT
k þ k þ Q ¼ rc in U [A.1]
vx vx vy vy vt
Here, the term Q represents the rate of heat generation due to latent heat release with the initial condition
T ¼ Ti ðx; yÞ at t ¼ 0
and the boundary conditions
vT vT
k nx k ny ¼ qðx; yÞ on the heat flux boundary, G1
vx vy
vT vT
k nx k ny ¼ hðT TN Þ on the convective boundary, G2, and
vx vy
254 Casting Simulation Methods
vT vT
k nx k ny ¼ lεðT 4 TN
Þ ¼ hr ðT TN Þ on the radiation boundary, G3 with hr ¼ lεðT 2 þ TN
2 ÞðT þ T Þ
vx vy
where k, r, and c are the thermal conductivity, density, and specific heat of the material, which could be functions of temperature
T. All the types of boundary conditions may or may not be present in a single casting.
In what can be considered as the most general and straightforward treatment of LH, the source term in eqn [A.1] is written as
vfs vfs vT
Q ¼ rL ¼ rL [A.2]
vt vT vt
where L is the LH of freezing and fs is the fraction solid. We can now write the energy balance equation as:
v vT v vT vfs vT vT
k þ k þ rL ¼ rc [A.3]
vx vx vy vy vT vt vt
v vT v vT vfs vT
k þ k ¼r cL [A.4]
vx vx vy vy vT vt
The net enthalpy of the alloy at any temperature is now written as
H¼ rcdT þ ð1 fs ÞrL [A.5]
where T0 is any reference temperature. Differentiating the above equation with respect to T, we obtain
vH vfs
¼r cL [A.6]
vT vT
The energy equation (eqn [A.4]) becomes:
v vT v vT vH
k þ k ¼ [A.7]
vx vx vy vy vt
The finite element formulation of eqn [A.7] can be conveniently obtained from the Galerkin formulation. The distribution of the
dependent variable, T, within the element is assumed to be a linear combination of polynomials of the form,
T e ðx; y; tÞ ¼ ji ðx; yÞTi ðtÞ
where r is the number of nodes assigned to element e and the Ti are the nodal temperatures. ji are the interpolation or shape
functions, the form of which is governed by the order of the element. With the assumed distribution of the temperature over the
element, the elemental equation becomes:
v vT e v vT e vH
k þ k ¼ [A.8]
vx vx vy vy vt
Multiplying eqn [A.8] by weight functions ji, integrating over an element domain and equating the weighted residual to zero,
we get
v vT e v vT e vH
ji k þ k dU ¼ 0 [A.9]
vx vx vy vy vt
Reducing the order of differentiation by applying integration by parts to the first and the second terms of the integral equation,
we get:
vT e vji vT e vji vH vT e vT e
k k ji dU þ ji k nx þ k ny ds ¼ 0 [A.10]
vx vx vy vy vt G vx vy
The boundary G, which is made up of G1,2,3 depending on the problem formulation, can be split into its component terms as
vT e vT e
ji k nx þ k ny ds ¼ ji qds ji hðT e TN Þds ji hr ðT e TN Þds [A.11]
G vx vy G1 G2 G3
Casting Simulation Methods 255
Using the polynomial functions for developing the element matrix equations gives us the elemental equation
_ þ ½Ke fTge ¼ fFge
½Ce H [A.13]
The set of first order ordinary differential equations in eqn [A.13] is rendered into a set of linear algebraic equations by applying
weighted average approximations to the differentiated quantity. The interpolation is linear, defined by:
fHgnþ1 fHgn
q H _
þ ð1 qÞ H ¼ [A.14]
nþ1 n Dt
Where, the subscript n refers to the time step number. The choice of the value of q leads us to the various difference schemes. With q
¼ 0 and observing that [C] is independent of temperature, we get the implicit scheme, i.e.,
½Knþ1 fTgenþ1 þ ½C H ¼ fFgnþ1 [A.15]
Substituting for the differentiated quantity by the linear interpolation function, we get the global set of equations:
fHgnþ1 fHgn
½Knþ1 fTgnþ1 þ ½C ¼ fFgnþ1 [A.16]
The unknown enthalpy term in eqn [A.16] is defined by its Taylor series expansion with iterations within the time step:
vHnm mþ1
Hnmþ1 ¼ Hnm þ Tn Tnm [A.17]
The global set of equations now take the form for iteration within the time step:
Dt½Km mþ1
n fTgn þ ½C Hnm þ n Tnmþ1 Tnm fHgn ¼ DtfFgmn [A.18]
m m
1 vHn 1 vHn
K Tnm þ ½C fTgmþ1 ¼ ½C fHgm m
n fHg þ fTgm þ fFg [A.19]
Dt vT n
Dt vT n
The matrix ½K is computed for each itreation using the converged values of temperatures at the previous iteration. The iterations
are continued till the end condition defined by the tolerance
fHgmþ1 fHgm
abs n
ε [A.20]
is achieved when the temperature field would converge. It is noteworthy here that the enthalpy term is continuously differentiable
with respect to T as is evident from eqn [A.6], which gives us an opportunity to model different alloy solidification models described
in Section The specific forms of this function are given below for two of the simpler cases.
Case 1. Equilibrium freezing with diffusion in both liquid and solid phases
" !#
vH v 1 Tl T rL Tf Tl
¼ rc rL ¼ rc 2 [A.21]
vT vT 1 k0 Tf T ð1 k0 Þ Tf T
" ! 1 # 2k0
k0 1
vH v Tf T k0 1
rL Tf Tl
¼ rc rL 1 ¼ rc [A.22]
vT vT Tf Tl 1
k0 1
ðk0 1Þ Tf Tl
256 Casting Simulation Methods
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