NAB Broadcast Engineering Tutorial For Non Engineers 1999
NAB Broadcast Engineering Tutorial For Non Engineers 1999
NAB Broadcast Engineering Tutorial For Non Engineers 1999
2nd Edition
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Radio Stations 4
Analog Tape Players/Recorders 5
Digital Audio Tape Players/Recorders 17
Compact Disc Players 19
The Mixing Board 21
Telephone Hybrids 25
Microphones, Headphones and Speakers 25
Computers 32
Digital Audio Basics 34
Sampling Rate 39
Bit Rate 40
Compression 41
The AES/EBU Digital Format 43
Distribution Amplifiers and Servers 45
Audio Processing Equipment 47
Emergency Alert System Equipment 58
Television Stations 60
NTSC Video 61
The Horizontal Blanking Interval 68
The Vertical Blanking Interval 70
ATSC Video 73
Pixels 76
Compression 79
Frames 82
Frame Rate 88
Interlacing 90
Multicasting 91
Ancillary Data 95
DTV Audio 96
Timing 101
Audio -Video Synchronization 106
Video Tape Recorders 109
Character Generators 116
Television Cameras 117
Chroma Key and Matte Systems 120
Video Mixing Board 122
Distribution Amplifiers and Routing Switchers 124
Emergency Alert System Equipment 126
Conclusion 201
Index 203
Part I of this book will cover the studio. It will describe the
various pieces of equipment that are found in a typical
broadcast studio, and it will explain how they work
together. Part II will cover the studio -to -transmitter link, or
STL. It will explain the different types of STLs and what
Radio Stations
Ni Reel-to-reel players/recorders
"I Speakers
'i Telephone hybrids
left channel
right channel
cue channel
Tape coatings
Equalization (EO)
3 3
signal signal
level 2
level 2 -
low medium high low medium high
frequency frequency
type of analog tape machine found in many broadcast
facilities the reel-to-reel.
one -recording -at -a -time purposes of the typical broadcaster
and many recordable CDs cannot be used for
re-recording, whereas DAT tape can be erased and recorded
over just like analog tape.
(a) (b)
program sources to be fed simultaneously to the transmitter
is the mixing board, or console. A basic mixing board is
simply a device that has multiple signals being fed into it
from different program sources (such as a microphone, a
CD player, and a tape player). The mixing board allows its
operator to combine (mix) the signals from the various
inputs to produce a single output signal that is a
combination of the various input signals. Figure 5
illustrates the basics of mixing board operation.
CD player 2 cart 1
cart 2
CD player 1
phone hybrid
4 . . 4
network feed
00 CO 00 00 00 00 CO 0e
Telephone Hybrids
broadcast use
the condenser.
- the dynamic moving coil, the ribbon and
output diaphragm
output ribbon + magnet
Figure 8: Condenser Microphone Design
in a magnetic field. This metal coil is attached to a
lightweight surface called the yes, you guessed it -
diaphragm. The changing electrical signal in the coil
causes it to move back and forth in the magnetic field and,
because the coil is attached to the diaphragm, this causes
the diaphragm to move back and forth too. It is the
diaphragm's movement against the outside air that creates
the sound waves which can be heard by the human ear.
These soundwaves, of course, correspond to the electrical
signal that is fed to the speaker through the speaker wire.
input diaphragm
000 0°-15°
001 16°-31°
010 32°-47°
011 48°-63°
100 64°-79°
101 80°-95°
110 96°-111°
111 112°-127°
Sample point
Sampling Rate
Sample points
Sample points
time _>,
There are three common sampling rates that are often used
for digital audio. These are 32,000 samples per second,
44,100 samples per second, and 48,000 samples per second.
Usually these sampling rates are referred to simply as
32 kHz, 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz, respectively. Digital
compact discs have a digital sampling rate of 44.1 kHz.
Bit Rate
I sending I receiving
AES/EBU Right Left Right Left I AES/EBU
I bits data data data data I bits
process -
of equipment which are typically used in the processing
namely equalizers, compressors/expanders,
limiters and clippers. These pieces of equipment are
generally installed in a station's air chain in the order
shown in Figure 14.
compressor /
equalizer -1> limiter Fw
to transmitter
modulation compression occurs here
limit 1 + +.
1 +
modulation expansion occurs here
assignment #1 ssignment #2
EAS decoder I
program source 1
from studio transmitter
EAS encoder
Television Stations
NTSC Video
frame A
is the fact that the human eye generally cannot perceive the
fact that two adjacent lines on the video screen are being
refreshed at different times when there is only a period of
1/60`" of a second between their respective refresh times.
Because the eye cannot perceive the difference in refresh
times, each half -screen refresh (odd- or even -numbered
lines) has nearly the same effect on the viewer as a full
screen refresh, the effect is to create the appearance that the
full screen is being refreshed twice as often, or 60 times per
second. Increasing the apparent refresh rate causes screen
flicker to be reduced.
The electron gun inside the cathode ray tube (CRT) is the
device inside the television receiver that actually paints the
video picture. It shoots a beam of electrons at the back of
the video screen in a left -to -right, top-to -bottom manner
(odd -numbered lines first, even -numbered lines second).
Each time the electron gun's beam reaches the right edge of
the picture screen it must stop and then move back to the
left-hand side of the screen in order to start painting the
line of video
is painted
ti- 4
beam shuts
off, then
returns to
left side
guessed it - -
while it is retargeted toward the upper left corner. This
period when the beam is turned off is called yes, you
the vertical blanking interval. It takes a lot
longer for the electron beam to reset itself from the bottom
right-hand corner of the screen to the top left-hand corner
than it does to reset itself from the right-hand side of one
line to the left-hand side of the next. While the horizontal
blanking interval is significantly shorter than the time it
takes to paint one horizontal line, the vertical blanking
interval lasts for about the same amount of time needed to
paint 21 horizontal lines on the screen. Because of the
additional time in the vertical blanking interval, it is much
easier to use it to transmit auxiliary information than it is to
use the horizontal blanking interval.
ATSC Video
Chances are that you are already familiar with the concept
of a pixel. A pixel is a dot on a video screen, the smallest
component of a video image. Pixels have become very
familiar to most computer users because the resolution of a
computer screen - i.e. the level of detail on the screen - is
usually defined in terms of pixels. Some typical computer
screen resolutions defined in terms of pixels (horizontal and
vertical) are 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768. The more
pixels there are on the screen, given a fixed monitor size,
the more detailed or cleaner the image.
4:3 16:9
video image video image
There are several reasons that the two aspect ratios, 4:3 and
16:9, were selected for the ATSC standard. The 4:3 aspect
I -frame used to
predict P -frame
1 -li amc
B -frame
from I -frame IIII
and P- frame
B -frame
P -frame
Frame Rate
The basic video formats (screen sizes and frame rates) that
can be used in ATSC video are listed in Table 1.
The reason that the 1280 x 720 format does not include an
interlaced version at 30 frames per second is that, when the
ATSC standard was developed, this particular format was
seen as a "progressive scan only" format.
Ancillary Data
DTV Audio
NTSC television, the video signal and the audio signal are
transmitted as two separate entities. In the ATSC system,
however, this is no longer the case. As discussed earlier,
the ATSC system involves a singlle signal that is a
continuous stream of data packets. Each individual data
packet can carry audio, video and/or ancillary data. It is up
to the ATSC receiver to sort them all out.
surround surround
video product -
would be much worse.) However, little bounces in the final
just like "pops" and "clicks" in audio
rim H
Figure 30: Example of Properly Timed Video Switch
How does one insure that all of the video signals arriving at
a switch are timed exactly right? Well, there are basically
two methods for achieving this. The first is to insure that
all of the video sources that are feeding into the switch
(cameras, video tape recorders, character generators, etc.)
are sending vertical synchronization information at exactly
the same time, and that the cables connecting the switch to
these video sources are exactly the same length. The
second, and more common method for addressing the
timing issue in modern television studios is to use the
genlocking circuitry which is included in most modern
television studio equipment. Genlocking circuitry enables a
video device, such as a camera, video tape recorder, etc., to
lock its synchronization pulses to (i.e., synchronize them
with) synchronization pulses received from another device.
Typically, this "other device" is a master synch generator, a
single synch pulse generator that provides synchronized
synch pulses to multiple pieces of equipment. Genlocking
each piece of equipment to the master synch generator,
ensures that each of the synch pulses coming from each
piece of equipment will, themselves, be synchronized.
Once it is known that the synch pulses coming from each
camera, video tape recorder, etc. are synchronized, then
ensuring that these signals are synchronized when they
arrive at a video switch is simply a matter of ensuring that
engineers will often use a device, like the ones alluded to
above, known as a delay. Delays come in two forms
audio delays and video delays. The decision about which
one to use is based on which signal (audio or video) is
leading the other.
1 -inch C format
video channel
control channel
synchronization channel
D-1 format
signals -
video input signal there are three separate component
in this case one monochrome signal and two
other signals carrying the color information.) An
illustration of where information is stored on a D-1 tape is
provided in Figure 33. All of the information stored on a
D-1 tape is digital.
cue channel
control channel
time code channel
D-2 format
D-3 format
Character Generators
generators also allow other digital images to be displayed
such as logos.
Television Cameras
- instead of
variations in electric
charge -density level, and then scans this electric charge
image to produce an electronic version of the video image.
The device that did the scanning of the image in older
television cameras was called a camera tube, or a pickup
tube. In these tubes, an electron beam actually scanned the
electric charge on the inside surface of the tube to create the
electronic version of the video image. In modern cameras,
the device that does the scanning is called a charge coupled
device, or CCD.
0 scanner 0 signal
color green -pass green
green CCD
separation filter signal
lens '
blue -pass
-- blue CCD
L signal
The three separate color signals that come from the three
separate CCDs are referred to together as a component
video signal. This is because each of the individual colors
from the full -color picture is transmitted as an individual
component. The colors are eventually combined together to
form a single color video signal at which point the single
signal is referred to as a composite video signal (because it
is a composite picture made up of the three components.)
Because the low voltage black signal does not have zero
voltage, it cannot be added to another video signal without
having any effect on the other signal. If a completely black
screen and a "normal" video image are combined together,
the result is a somewhat dimmer looking version of the
"normal" video. Conversely, if a completely white screen
and a "normal" video image are combined together, the
result is a brighter version of the "normal" video.
- -
fed to a particular place
video mixing board
such as an input channel on a
through only one connection. In
other words, instead of wiring all of the signals going into
the routing switcher directly into the mixing board (which
would take up numerous input channels on the mixing
board) each of the inputs is routed through the switcher and
few output channels from the switcher are connected to the
mixing board, giving the board operator access to all of the
switcher input channels without taking up more mixing
board inputs than necessary.
monitoring monitoring
assignment #1 assignment #2
EAS decoder
audio source
from studio audio r
EAS encoder in
of television)
data is not detectable to the human ear (and eye, in the case
so it is a very attractive option for many
4- tower
Once the signal has arrived at the transmitter site and gone
through any necessary converters, it is then in one of two
forms -a component signal, or a composite signal. A
component audio signal simply consists of the same audio
signals that travel around the studio. These signals are
essentially the same (except for a slight difference in signal
level) as those that come out of the "line out" terminals on
right I + r
t t
0 15 l9 38 53 +100 kHz
FM baseband
audio is fed over the STL, then the stereo generator will be
located at the transmitter site.
Subcarrier Generators
- -
very little extra room for subcarriers after the audio is
added so subcarriers are used very little if at all
AM radio systems. On the other hand, subcarriers are very
stereo pilot
level main
0 15 19 +100 kHz
FM baseband
stereo pilot
level main
progra m stereo
material program
I t t
o 15 19 38 +100 kHz
FM baseband
the FM baseband -
other hand, only occupies the spectrum from 0 to 15 kHz in
it does not extend down to -15 kHz
because, in the baseband, the main program material is not
modulated onto any carrier or subcarrier. It is only when
the program material is modulated onto a carrier or
subcarrier that the "plus and minus" effect occurs. For a
stereo pilot
level main
progra m stereo
material program 67 kHz
material subcarrier
f t T
o 15 19 38 67 +100 kHz
FM baseband
stereo pilot
level main
program stereo
material program 67 kHz 92 kHz
material subcarrier subcarrie
t t t
0 15 19 38 67 92 +100 kHz
FM baseband
stereo pilot
level main d'RBDS subcarrier
program stereo
material program 67 kHz 92 kHz
material subcarrier subcarriei
t t T
0 15 19 38 57 67 92 +100 kHz
FM baseband
stereo pilot
main program
progra m material PRO
n t
o 15 17 31 46 79 +102 kHz
16 TV aural baseband
-25 dB -25 dB
- r
fcárrier * tárrier *
-201 120 kHz -240 -120 -82.5 82.5 120 240 kHz
-10.2 10.2
AM Mask FM Mask
data subcarrier system for the AM band that called for the
use of data subcarriers at 9.2 kHz and 9.8 kHz above the
AM carrier, at a level well below the main program
material (see Figure 48). Development of this system has
never been completed, however, because it was later
determined that the data subcarriers were audible on
wide -band AM receivers.
I wavelength = 360°
"non" AM
The Exciter
The exciter is the device that takes the composite signal and
converts it to a radio frequency signal. In the case of AM
radio, the exciter takes the incoming composite signal and
amplitude modulates it onto the carrier frequency used by
the station in question. In FM radio, the exciter takes the
incoming composite signal and frequency modulates it onto
the station's carrier. In analog television, the video exciter
takes the incoming composite video signal and amplitude
modulates it onto the station's video carrier and the
aural exciter takes the incoming audio signal and frequency
modulates it onto the station's aural carrier. In digital
television, there is a single exciter that takes the digital
ATSC data stream and modulates it onto the station's
carrier using amplitude modulation.
(a) (b)
FM radio signal
between the two.
The FM audio signal in a TV channel is very similar to an
there are only minor differences
As noted earlier, an analog television station will have two
one for video and one for audio. In their most
common configuration, these two exciters will feed their
output signals into two separate power amplifiers. Then,
#1 000
#2 001
#3 010
#4 011
#5 100
#6 101
#7 110
#8 111
Analog television transmitters generally have two signals
one coming out of each power amplifier (audio and
video), while digital television signals have only signal
coming out of a single power amplifier. In a typical analog
television system, the audio and video signals are combined
at the output of the power amplifier to form a composite
signal which is then fed into a single transmission line. In a
The Antenna
transmitter sites (AM, FM and TV) are generally very
they each have a transmitter, a transmission line,
and an antenna. While this is certainly true, it is also true
that the broadcast antenna is one thing that differs greatly
from one broadcast service to the next.
AM - 1120 kHz
300 million meters/sec _ 1120 thousand cycles/sec = 268 meters/cycle
FM - 98.1 MHz
300 million meters/sec = 98.1 million cycles/sec = 3 meters/cycle
,1I signal
AM antenna community of
(non -directional) license
other community
AM signal
AM antenna
other community
control unit -
touch tone phone and control the switches in the remote
and, by extension, the switches on the
transmitter-by pressing buttons on the touch tone phone.
The operator must then feed the audio and video from the
camera, microphone, video tape recorder, and/or whatever
other equipment is being used at the remote location into
the microwave transmitter and send it back to the studio. A
lot of coordination must go on between all of the operators
of microwave ENG equipment in a given geographical
region in order to ensure that each microwave link does not
interfere with any of the other microwave links in the
AM skywave
AM tower
community of license
It is the fact that the two signals are out of synch that causes
them to interfere with one another. This type of
interference often manifests itself as the picket fencing
effect that many motorists notice on their car radios as they
pull up to a stop light. The picket fencing, or fading in and
out of the signal, is caused when the two or more signals
involved alternate between causing a lot and a little
interference, depending on exactly where the receiver is.
direct path
multicasting, 91
-A- pixel, 76
video formats, 92
A/D converter, 21, 133 audio delays, 106
AC -3 (Dolby Labs), 97 audio for DTV, 96
Advanced Television Systems audio mixing board, 21
Committee, 61 audio processing equipment, 47
Advanced Television Systems clippers, 50, 56
Committee (ATSC), 73 compressors, 50
AES/EBU digital format, 34, 43 equalizers, 50
AM (amplitude modulation), 162 expanders, 50
AM antenna, 176 limiters, 50, 56
AM broadcast band, 160 audio servers, 46
AM directional antenna system, audio -video synchronization. 106
AM emissions mask, 154
AM ground radials, 179, 195
AM radio signal, 162 baseband signal
amplitude modulation (AM), 162 AM, subcarrier, 156
analog -to-digital (A/D) converter, FM, 145, 146
21, 133 FM, 67 kHz & 92 kHz
antenna subcarriers, 150
relationship to wavelength, 174 FM, RBDS subcarrier, 152
antennas, 174 FM, stereo pilot & stereo
AM, 176 signal, 147
FM and TV, 180 TV aural, 145, 152
ATSC, 61 TV, professional (PRO)
ATSC (Advanced Television channel, 152
Systems Committee), 73 TV, second audio program
ATSC video signals, 73 (SAP) channel, 152
ancillary data, 95 B-frame (bi -directionally
audio, 96 predictive coded frame), 82
compression, 79 bias, 10
frame rate, 88 bias signals, 9
frames, 82 bi -directionally predictive coded
interlacing, 90 frame (B -frame), 82
-s- -T-
tape coatings, 9
sampling rate (digital audio), 39
SAP (second audio program) tape players/recorders, 5
channel, 152 bias, 10
second audio program (SAP) bias signals, 9
channel, 152 cart, 5, 6
servers, 57 cassette deck, 8
audio, 46 cue tones, 6
video, 126 digital audio tape (DAT), 17
signal-to-noise ratio, 15 Dolby® noise reduction
skywave propagation, 192 technology, 15
SMPTE time code, 110 equalization, 12
Society of Motion Picture and equalization time constant, 14
Television Engineers noise reduction, 9
(SMPTE), 110 portable cassette, 5
solid-state transmitters, 171 reel-to-reel, 6, 16
splicing, 6
tape coatings, 9
telephone hybrids, 25, 46 United States Radio Broadcast
television cameras, 117 Data System (RBDS) Standard,
camera tube, 117 151
CCD (charge coupled device),
color, 119 -V-
pickup tube, 117 VBI (vertical blanking interval),
three -imager prism type 68, 70
separation system, 119 authorized transmissions
television receiver within, 72
electron gun, 68 definition of lines, 71
television receivers vertical blanking interval (VBI),
cathode ray tube (CRT), 68 68, 70
television signal, 165 authorized transmissions
three -imager prism type separation within, 72
system, 119 definition of lines, 71
threshold of compression, 56 vestigial sideband, 166
threshold of expansion, 56 video delays, 106
timing of video signals, 101 video formats (ATSC video), 92
transmission line, 172 video mixing board, 122
coaxial cable, 172 video servers, 126
rigid coaxial cable, 173 video signal
waveguide, 173 component, 120
transmitter, 136 composite, 120
electron tube, 170 video signals
exciter, 159 audio video synchronization,
power amplifier, 170 106
remote control, 184 genlock, 105
solid state, 171 synch generator, 105
TV antennas, 180 timing, 101
TV aural baseband signal, 145, video tape recorders (VTRs), 109
152 1 inch C format, 111
TV broadcast bands, 160 Betacam format, 115
TV signal, 165 BetacamSP format, 115
Type I recording tape, 11 D- I format, 112
Type II recording tape, 11 D-2 format, 114
Type III recording tape, 11 D-3 format, 115
Type IV recording tape, 11 digital Betacam format, 115
1 1 1
Price: $29,97 EACH
Item #3848 C
ISBN 0-89324-275-6