Declaration For 2nd Charge For Securitized Loans

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Declaration of Individual –

Extension Of charge by deposit of Title Deeds for their own borrowing

In the matter of mortgage by deposit of title deeds in respect of immoveable properties


I,………………………………………., adult Indian Inhabitant, and presently residing

at……………………………………………do hereby solemnly declare and say as follows:

I Mr. / Ms. __________, age _______ yrs., residing at __________ ( hereinafter referred
to as the “Borrower” and I am duly authorised to make this declaration

1. I say that the Borrower is seized and possessed of or otherwise well and sufficiently
entitled to the lands ,constructions and other immoveable properties of the Borrower, more
particularly described in the Schedule - I hereunder written (hereinafter referred to as
"the said Immoveable Properties ").

2. I say that the documents of title, evidences, deeds and writings more particularly described
in the Second Schedule hereunder written (hereinafter called "the said Title Deeds ") in
respect of the said Immoveable Property/ies were deposited on the………………………..,
by the Borrower with Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (“ HDFC”),held in
trust by HDFC, in order to create security, by way of oral mortgage by deposit of Title
Deeds on the said Immoveable Property/ies of the Borrower, for securing the due
repayment, discharge and redemption of earlier loan of Rs.……………..

(Rupees………………………………….) (“Existing Loan”) availed by (insert details of the
entity borrowing here-in case of more than one entity, details of all the entity to be
mentioned) vide Loan Agreement dated………………….(“Loan Agreement”)
together with interest, additional interest, further interest, liquidated damages, commitment
charges, premia on prepayment or on redemption, costs, charges, expenses and other
monies, payable under the respective Loan Agreement and other related Transaction

3. I say that I am authorised to accord and give oral consent on behalf of the Borrower to
HDFC to hold and retain the said Title Deeds more particularly described in the Second
Schedule hereunder written in trust for the earlier loan and also as and by way of
constructive delivery of the said Title Deeds of the said Immoveable Property/ies more
particularly described in the First Schedule hereunder written as security also for itself ,by
way of subservient Second Charge , for due repayment, discharge and redemption of the
Borrower’s fresh loan of Rs……………/- (Rupees ……………….. only) availed or to be
availed from the HDFC together with interest, additional interest, further interest, liquidated
damages, commitment charges, premia on prepayment or on redemption, costs, charges,
expenses and other monies, (“Loan”) payable under the Loan Agreement to be entered
into by the Borrower with HDFC and as may be amended from time to time.

4. I further state that the Borrower has agreed to create the security interest to secure the
Loan advanced/agreed to be advanced by the HDFC as the secured creditor to the
Borrower in accordance with the provisions of Section – 58(f) of Transfer of Property Act,

5. I further state that the said Title as deposited by the Borrower were/are and are the
complete and only documents of title relating to the said Immoveable Property/ies and that
the Borrower has a clear and marketable title thereto free from encumbrances.

I further states that any representation hereunder is valid as on date and, the same being
continuing representation that the said Title Deeds relating to the said Immoveable
Property/ies as mentioned in the Schedule hereto, and that the same being continuing
representation, that the Borrower is/ are absolute and exclusive owners of and / or
sufficiently entitled to seize and posses the said Immoveable Property/ies in exclusion to
any other entity / person. I further state that I am authorized to deposit the said title deeds
with a intent to create further mortgage on the said Immoveable Property/ies.

I further state and undertake that the Borrower is within its rights to perform the obligations
created by deposit of the Title Deeds and is not in violation of any Law / Contract / arrangement

and further that the creation of security interest and shall not give any third person / Party /
entity / authority any right of claim on the said Immoveable Property/ies.

6. I say that the provisions of the Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Act, 1976 are not
applicable to the Borrower's said Immoveable Property/ies .

7. I say that the said Immoveable Property/ies of the Borrower is free from all encumbrances
or charges , save and except , as specifically created in favor of and held in trust by HDFC
as mentioned heretofore, claims and demands and that the same or any of them or any part
thereof are/is not subject to any lien/lispendens, attachment or any other process issued by
any Court or Authority or any proceedings under Land Acquisition Act, 1894 and that the
Borrower has not created any trust in respect thereof and that the said Immoveable
Property/ies are in the exclusive uninterrupted and undisturbed possession and enjoyment
of the Borrower since the date of purchase/acquisition thereof and no adverse claim has
been made against the Borrower in respect of the said Immoveable Property/ies or any of
them or any part thereof and the same are not affected by any notices of acquisition or
requisition, and that no proceedings are pending or initiated against the Borrower under the
Income-tax Act, 1961, Public Demands Recovery Act or under any other law in force in
India for the time being and that no notice has been received or served on the Borrower
under Rules 2, 16, 21 and 51 of the Second Schedule to the Income-tax Act, 1961 and/or
under any other law and that there are no pending attachment whatsoever issued or
initiated against the said Immoveable Property/ies or any of them or any part thereof.

8. The Borrower has duly paid all rents, royalties and all public demands, including provident fund
dues, gratuity dues, employees state insurance dues, income-tax, sales tax, Corporation tax
and all other taxes and revenue payable to, the Government of India or to the Government of
any State or to any local authority and that at present there are no arrears of such dues, rents,
royalties, taxes and revenues due and outstanding and that no attachments or warrants have
been served on the Borrower in respect of Sales Tax, Income-tax, Government revenues and
other taxes in respect of the said Immoveable Property/ies .

9. I also agree and undertake on behalf of the Borrower to give such declarations,
undertakings and other writings as may be required by HDFC and satisfactorily comply
with all other requirements and requisitions submitted by or on behalf of HDFC.

10. I on behalf of the Borrower assure, agree and declare that the security to be created in
favour of HDFC shall enure in respect of the Borrower's said Immoveable Property/ies
both present and future and that the documents of title, evidences, deeds and writings in
relation to the said Immoveable Property/ies of the Borrower which are to be deposited by

Constructive Delivery of Title Deeds in their favour are the only documents of title relating
to the said Immoveable Property/ies .

11. I, on behalf of the Borrower indemnify for any loss or damage suffered by or to be suffered
by or that may be incurred or occasioned to the HDFC as a result of the title of the
Borrower y to its said Immoveable Property/ies being non-marketable or defective for any
reason whatsoever and/or as a result of any breach or default of the terms of the aforesaid
undertakings, and also indemnify for all claims, demands, liabilities, obligations, suits
actions or proceedings of any kind or nature whatsoever that may be instituted or
preferred by any person claiming to be entitled to any right, title, interest in respect of the
said immoveable properties which may affect or be deemed to affect the mortgage and
charge created/to be created by the Borrower in favour of HDFC and all costs, charges
and expenses that may be incurred by HDFC.

12. I further undertake that no mortgage, charge, lien or other encumbrance whatsoever will
be created on the said Immoveable Property/ies with respect to the security interest
created in favour of HDFC save and except with the permission of HDFC.

13. I am not aware of any act, deed, matter or thing or circumstance, which prevents the
Borrower from charging/ and/or creating security interest/mortgage in favour of HDFC on
the said Immoveable Property/ies of the Borrower.

AND I make the aforesaid declaration for and on behalf of the Borrower solemnly and sincerely
believing the same to be true and knowing full well that on the faith thereof HDFC has agreed
to complete the said transaction of mortgage by deposit of Title Deeds in respect of said
Immoveable Property/ies .

Details of the Immoveable Property
____________________________________[ together with the buildings and structures
thereon and anything attached to the earth or permanently fastened to anything attached to
the earth ,present and future]

[together with proportionate interest in the land of the project]

List of Title Deeds relating to the Immoveable Property

Solemnly declared at )
on this day of )


In the matter of mortgage by deposit of Title Deeds of

Immoveable Property/ies

TO Housing Development Finance Corporation


Declaration of


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