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8 Ci Sinif Otk .Az 2023 n2

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Listen to the passage and answer next 6 questions.
7. Choose the correct tense form.
By the end of the tour the visitors … some amazing things.
1. The passage is mainly about … . A) have seen
A) three hours of sleep B) saw
B) the nails of the horses C) had seen
C) the babies of the horses D) will see
D) beautiful creatures E) see
E) the colours of horses
8. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
2. Which information isn’t given in the passage? The doctor will cure the man soon.
1. the homeland of horses A) The doctor will be cured soon.
2. the food of horses B) The man was cured by the doctor.
3. the types of wild animals C) The man will cured by the doctor.
4. the babies of horses D) The man will be cured soon.
A) 1, 2 E) The doctor cured the man soon.
B) 3, 4
C) 1, 4 9. Choose the correct variant
D) 2, 3 Fred and his brother are tall. … he … his brother is short.
E) 1, 3 A) Neither, nor
B) Both, and
3. Choose the correct answer to the question according to C) Neither, or
the passage. D) Either, nor
Why do horses sleep standing up? E) Neither, and
A) to run away quickly
B) to feed babies 10. Choose the correct variant.
C) to walk on the ground Vienna is the capital of Austria. … stands on the River
D) to give birth Danube and … music, theatre, museum and parks make …
E) to eat food a popular tourist center.
A) It, it’s, its
4. Which statements are wrong according to the passage? B) It, its, it
1. People like to watch horses. C) Its, it, it
2. Mammals give milk to their babies. D) Its, its, it’s
3. Mammals feed their babies only with grass or hay. E) It’s, it’s, it
4. Horses need a long sleep.
A) 2, 3 11. Choose the correct answer.
B) 3, 4 What is your friend like?
C) 1, 3 1. He likes swimming.
D) 2, 4 2. He is very diligent.
E) 1, 2 3. He is very intelligent.
4. He likes watching cartoons.
5. Choose the correct variant according to the passage. A) 2, 4
A) The colour of all horses is the same. B) 1, 3
B) The mother horse usually has several babies in spring. C) 2, 3
C) With the help of their big eyes horses see everything D) 1, 4
around them. E) 3, 4
D) Horses run very slowly when wild animals come near.
E) Horses’ foot nails never need to be taken care of. 12. Make up a sentence.
1. in Safari Park
6. Complete the sentence according to the passage. 2. there are
Horses … . 3. animals from
A) need small, frequent feedings 4. all over the world
B) live up to 30 or 35 years 5. a lot of
C) never eat grass or carrots A) 1, 3, 5, 4, 2
D) have big stomachs B) 4, 2, 1, 3, 5
E) are small and weak C) 2, 5, 3, 4, 1
D) 2, 4, 3, 5, 1
E) 3, 5, 2, 1, 4
13. Choose the correct tense forms.
They … a huge bridge before we … to the village. 20. Match the words to their definitions.
A) have built, came 1. proud
B) had built, came 2. precious
C) build, will come 3. anxious
D) will build, came a. costing a lot of money
E) built, had come b. feeling pleased and satisfied about something
c. feeling worried or nervous
14. Choose the correct articles. A) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
One of my friends is from … Canada, the other is from … B) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b
United Kingdom. C) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
A) the, – D) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a
B) –, the E) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
C) –, a
D) the, the 21. Choose the correct interrogative word.
E) the, a … do you know about New Orleans?
A) Which
15. Choose the line of adjectives. B) When
A) interest, emotional C) Why
B) clever, poverty D) What
C) silent, cartoon E) Who
D) hungry, intelligent
E) stupid, education
22. Choose the correct variant.
16. Choose the correct variant. Can we stop watching this movie? It is very … .
Do you think it is easy or difficult to look … babies? 1. boring
A) – 2. interesting
B) in 3. entertaining
C) up 4. dull
D) after 5. exciting
E) at A) 1, 4
B) 3, 4, 5
17. Choose the uncountable nouns. C) 2, 4
1. parcel D) 1, 2, 5
2. carpet E) 2, 3
3. peace
4. music Read the passage and answer next 8 questions.
5. sand
A) 1, 2, 3 B) 2, 3, 4 1. There are many ways to keep our health. Firstly, we
C) 1, 4, 5 D) 2, 3, 5 should eat nutritious food such as meat, eggs and vegetables
E) 3, 4, 5 and drink nutritious beverage such as milk. Secondly, we
should do morning exer-cises regularly. Thanks to doing
18. Choose the correct conjunctive word. body exercises every morning, we can lower the level of
Anar is the Azerbaijani writer … book was turned into a cholesterol in our bodies and make the organs in our bodies
movie. work well. Doing exercises will help us to be stronger,
A) who more active and prevent a lot of diseases. Third, we should
B) whose take enough sleep. We’d better sleep 6 to 8 hours a day
C) whom because it will help our mind to become better in the
D) which morning. Especially, we should not go to bed late.
E) what 2. We should keep our mind relaxed, because stressed
moods always nega-tively affect our health. At last, we
19. Choose the correct degree of the adjective. should help other people in need. If we help them, we are
This house is … in our village. much healthier and enjoy the happiness and
A) a small meaning-ful-ness of our life. In conclusion, there are many
B) the most smallest ways to stay healthy but the above ones are the most
C) more smaller popular and easiest to follow.
D) smallest
E) the smallest
23. The passage is mainly about … . 30. Write the opposite of the word “weak” from paragraph
A) the effect of stressed moods 1.
B) the ways of being healthy A) active
C) the level of cholesterol in bodies B) easy
D) the organs in our bodies C) health
E) the ways of doing exercises D) popular
E) strong
24. Complete the sentence according to the passage.
If we do morning exercises … .
A) the level of cholesterol becomes less in our bodies
B) the organs in our bodies work very badly
C) our bodies become very weak and passive
D) the number of diseases in our bodies becomes more
E) our bodies never become active

25. Which word from paragraph 1 best fits the following

definition “a part of the body”?
A) organ
B) sleep
C) health
D) exercise
E) mind

26. Choose the correct answer to the question according to

the passage.
Why should people sleep enough?
A) to develop diseases
B) to lower the level of cholesterol
C) to make organs work worse
D) to be in stressed mood
E) to make the mind better

27. Which statements aren’t given in the passage?

1. the number of ways to keep health
2. the amount of sleep
3. drinking enough water
4. the names of vegetables
A) 1, 2 B) 3, 4 C) 2, 4
D) 1, 3 E) 2, 3

28. Choose the correct answer to the question according to

the passage.
What makes people happier?
A) to help people in need
B) to do morning exercises
C) to sleep enough
D) to eat nutritious food
E) to drink nutritious beverage

29. Choose the correct answers according to the passage.

Doing exercises … .
1. makes people be weaker and more passive
2. helps people to avoid being ill
3. makes people be stronger and more active
4. prevents to take enough sleep
A) 1, 4 B) 2, 3 C) 1, 2
D) 1, 3 E) 2, 4

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