Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) in Diesel Engine
Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) in Diesel Engine
Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) in Diesel Engine
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1. Introduction
Diesel and Gasoline Engines
like this process, the engine has quite more homogeneous air fuel mixture and low
in-cylinder temperature which caused lower NOx emissions. Also, the use of a pilot
injection has become an effective way for reducing combustion noise.
In PPCI, combustion concepts have been recently developed with the purpose
to strive the problem of the high emission levels of conventional direct injec-
tion diesel engines. A good example is the PPCI combustion, a strategy in which
early fuel injections are used, causing a burning process in which more air fuel
is burned in premixed conditions, which affects combustion performance and
exhaust emissions.
Experimental studies due to the extreme conditions inside a typical IC engine
such as high combustion temperatures and pressures, precipitation of PM, other
combustion products, etc. are sometimes limited in approaching exhaust emission
problem. However, CFD software offers the opportunity to carry out and optimize
repetitive parameter studies with clearly defined boundary conditions in order to
investigate various configurations.
In this book, effects of dual-fuel combustion characteristics were investigated
on the combustion performance and the reduction of exhaust emissions for a
CI engine fueled with CBG-diesel dual fuel. Different approaches for alterna-
tive diesel combustion systems are also investigated by CFD and optimization
software. This combustion system is investigated in homogenous CBG fuel air
mixture with early and late pilot diesel injection strategy.
The intention of this investigation is to find out the effects of CBG-diesel dual-
fuel combustion characteristics on the CI engine performance. The rate of heat
release (ROHR) and other performance parameters were investigated in different
modes of combustions. Moreover, combustion performance and indicated mean
effective pressure (IMEP), exhaust gas temperature, and also the concentrations
of PM, NOx, HC, CO, and CO2 exhaust emissions were also investigated under
various engine operating conditions to compare the exhaust emission and engine
performance of single-fuel and CBG-diesel fuel modes experimentally and numeri-
cally. Within this framework, the combustion processes and performance of a
commercial four-cylinder, turbocharged compression ignition engine are analyzed
and improved the exhaust emission values of the engine by proposing some modifi-
cations for advance mode of combustion system by using CFD and multi-objective
optimization codes.
In accordance with this purpose, first;
Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) in Diesel Engine
• Valve timing.
• Compression ratio.
Lastly, selected cases which were optimized by CFD and multi-objective opti-
mization code analyzed and compared with existing experimental single-fuel and
CBG-diesel dual-fuel diesel engine combustion performance and exhaust emissions.
In this project, methodology was designed to accomplish the objectives
described in objective parameters.
The first task was to carry out an overall and critical research of available litera-
ture in the dual-fuel diesel engine field. This review was done to fully understand
the progress of dual-fuel combustion process in this particular field of research; also
this is aided with the identification of issues/areas of further research.
The survey considered published books, journals, and papers. It was broadened
to consider information published on the Ohio State University database and on the
Center for Automotive Research Laboratories.
Full geometry model: After the study of the commercial CFD software documen-
tation, some applications were carried out to aid with the meshing of the geometry.
Simulation: A preliminary simulation in commercial CFD software was carried
out in order to build confidence levels, since combustion of spray droplets involves
complex models both of pilot diesel fuel and CBG fuel injectors. The main simula-
tions were divided into four main configurations as follows:
For each model, these five turbulence models were investigated (k-ε/high
Reynolds, k-ε/RNG, k-ε/Chen, k-ε/Speziale/high Reynolds, and k-ε/Standart/High
Reynolds models). The method adopted for this simulation generally follows the
steps outlined in commercial CFD software studies.
The analysis of the results was based on the post-processed data from all analy-
ses carried out. In combustion modeling, two leading reactants CBG and diesel
fuel are defined by using user-defined code. The predicted results by commercial
CFD code were compared with each other. Detailed specifications of engine were
summarized in Table 1. CBG fuel properties and operating conditions are given in
Tables 2 and 3.
Diesel and Gasoline Engines
Table 1.
Engine specifications.
Properties Value
Table 2.
Properties of CBG fuel.
Table 3.
Operating conditions.
given in Figure 1. The mesh domain has about 700,000 elements at TDC. A finer grid
could include the top-land crevice. In addition, a crevice model could be introduced
in commercial CFD software, in order to simulate flow in the crevices and blow-by.
Nevertheless, even though the low-temperature regions are not captured well, com-
mercial CFD software can still provide reasonable predictions for the bulk tempera-
ture in the cylinder and the overall temperature and composition distributions.
Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) in Diesel Engine
Figure 1.
Example of volume mesh.
Diesel and Gasoline Engines
are produced during incomplete combustion process. Real engine geometry was
remodeled to find out dual-fuel flow structure inside the combustion chamber. In
dual-fuel engine cases, air and CBG fuel mixture was ingested into the combustion
chamber, and it was ignited with pilot diesel fuel at the end of compression stroke.
First injector was located on the intake port as a main fuel CBG using cylindrical
Figure 2.
CBG-fueled diesel engine mesh structure.
Figure 3.
3D NOx emission contours for SF case3 at TDC in +Y direction.
Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) in Diesel Engine
coordinate system as shown in Figure 2. Second injector for pilot diesel fuel was
retained on the cylinder head. Injector hole diameter, cone angle, hole number, start
of CBG fuel injection, and duration were entered on the CFD code.
Because of the shifting of combustion event to earlier side, this causes the
increase of negative operating conditions for a conventional diesel engine. These
trends are regarded as typical problems of injection strategies and injection rates
that lower the thermal efficiency and increase the incomplete combustion products
such as the HC and CO emissions [6–9, 11–14, 16, 20].
The effects of the engine load and dual-fuel combustion mode on the NOx
emissions with different engine configurations were shown in Figure 3. NOx emis-
sions showed a strong dependence on the type of combustion at constant injection
Bore 86 mm
Stroke 76 mm
Injection system Common-rail
Table 4.
Specification of modified dual-fuel combustion chamber.
Figure 4.
Soot emission contours for SF case3 at TDC.
Diesel and Gasoline Engines
timing. The peaks of the NOx emissions occurred on the single-fuel cases at the
same operating conditions. When the CBG fuel was increased, the NOx forma-
tions reached undetectable levels. This is due to the prolonged the ignition delays
and premixed fuel/air mixture. In the dual-fuel modes, lower NOx formations
were obtained compared to that of the conventional cases. The modified dual-fuel
combustion chamber parameters are listed in Table 4.
1D, 3D, and multi-objective optimization codes were employed for single-diesel
fuel (dodecane) and dual-fuel (CBG-diesel) cases. Case1, case2, case3, case4, and
case5 were investigated at 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100% engine loads, respectively
for both single fuel and dual fuel. Soot emissions and combustion characteristics
of engine can be seen in Figures 4 and 5. The combustion pressures and rates of
heat release (ROHR) for the single-fuel mode with diesel fuel in a constant engine
speed of 2000 (rev/min) were provided in Figure 6. The figures showed similar
patterns for combustion pressure and ROHR at different engine loads. The combus-
tion pressures and ROHRs increased for both fuels, since engine load increased at
constant engine speed. At low engine load (20%), the peak pressure and also heat
release were slightly lower than other cases as depicted in Figure 6a. The lower
diesel fuel consumption (2.14 kg/h) resulted in the decrease on the combustion
performance. In the 60% load, shown in Figure 6a, the pressure is Pmax = 8.4 MPa,
and peak heat release was obtained compared to CBG-diesel case, Pmax = 8.3 MPa.
Simultaneously, a greater indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) was resulted
for the conventional diesel-injected fuel mass reached 5.3 kg/h. In Figure 7, NOx
and soot emissions are given in detail.
Figure 5.
Combustion characteristics at different engine loads. (a) Single-fuel (dodecane) cases and (b) dual-fuel
(CBG-dodecane) cases.
Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) in Diesel Engine
Figure 6.
Effect of fuel types on rate of heat release inside cylinder at 60% engine load.
Figure 7.
NOx and soot emissions for single- and dual-fuel cases versus CA. (a) NOx emissions and (b) soot emissions.
In terms of the ignition delay, conventional diesel combustion has shorter time
due to the air fuel mixture process. Ignition ability in a diesel engine is mainly rely-
ing on caffeine and physical fuel properties such as structure of fuel composition,
density, bulk module, cetane number, oxygen content, and aromatic content of the
fuel. Meanwhile, the oxygen amount of the air fuel mixture plays an important role
in short ignition delays. Engine parameters such as SOI need to adjust for different
Diesel and Gasoline Engines
operating conditions. Additionally, the diesel fuel used in the works has a long
carbon chain, and it has important role for the short ignition delay. CO2, HC, and
CO concentrations were shown in Figure 8a–c for single- and dual-fuel cases at
various engine loads [5].
Figure 8.
Exhaust emissions for single- and dual-fuel cases with different engine loads. (a) Unburned HC; (b) CO;
(c) CO2.
Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) in Diesel Engine
Diesel and Gasoline Engines
Figure 9.
Effects of valve timing on the dualfuel combustion performance. (a) In-cylinder calculated temperature;
(b) In-cylinder calculated pressure; (c)NOx emissions; (d) CO emissions; (e) soot emissions; and ( f) total fuel
Figure 10.
Effect of single and dual fuel combustion mode on the ignition delay.
value, optimization results showed that larger CI engines which have big surface
to volume ratio have better combustion performance according to light-duty CI
engines. It can be concluded that CBG-diesel dual-fuel process with these optimiza-
tion parameters is more proper for heavy-duty CI engines (Figure 10).
Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) in Diesel Engine
4. Conclusion
In this chapter, the engine performance and emission results were studied and
compared for the conventional diesel and CBG-diesel dual-fuel operations. CBG
and diesel fuels were defined as leading reactants by writing user-defined code. In
this work, conventional diesel combustion and dual-fuel pilot diesel combustion
were examined. Obtained differences in the results between SF and DF are the
result of fuel mixture ratios in the calculation, and this affects the efficiency of
the engine. Combustion time is calculated by the software according to chemical
compounds and gradients. Fuel ratio can be seen in Table 5. International emission
standards were taken into consideration in the studies for the wide automotive
market, and further studies can be evaluated the next regulations. Although CO2
is an inert gas in the mixture of air fuel, it is expected that CO2 ratio affects the
emissions. However this is due to the mixture of biogas formation. Higher cetane
number of diesel and the faster injection timing shortened the ignition delay, and
this reduction is related to a decrease in fuel-rich zone throughout the combustion
Due to the volumetric efficiency, in the dual-fuel case concentrations, CO emis-
sions were considerably higher than others under all test conditions. In the dual-fuel
cases, CBG gas fuel is replaced by air which causes more CO emissions. The con-
centrations of CO2 emissions for dual-fuel cases are obtained under those regarding
single-fuel diesel combustion modes. In terms of the ignition delays, conventional
diesel combustion exhibited better performance with respect to CBG-diesel cases
because of the overall specific heat capacity and oxygen rate. Also, exhaust gas tem-
perature has lower value in dual-fuel cases. BSFC and PM results have better value
in the CBG-diesel dual-fuel cases. More oxygen rate in single-fuel cases allowed
more CO emissions to oxidize into CO2 and resulted in higher concentrations of CO2
Case # CBG rate (kg/h) Diesel fuel (kg/h) Engine load (%) SOI CA
SF case1 — 2.12 20 −12
Table 5.
Case studies.
Diesel and Gasoline Engines
Author details
Hasan Köten1,2
© 2020 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. Distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution - NonCommercial 4.0 License (
licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits use, distribution and reproduction for
non-commercial purposes, provided the original is properly cited.
Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) in Diesel Engine
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Diesel and Gasoline Engines