: IDREL197678
Company Name: ABN:
Vehicle Description: 2010 Mazda CX-7 ER1032 Luxury Sports Wagon 5dr Activematic 6sp 4WD 392kg 2.3T
Trading Name: SDJ Auto Sales
Declaration by Contract holder: I/We confirm that I/we have read, understand and agree to the Terms and Conditions of the Warranty outlined in this
document and in particular are aware of and note the Service Requirements.
Congratulations on the purchase of your vehicle and the Reliance Motor Vehicle Warranty.
This warranty has been designed to provide you with protection against unforeseen mechanical failure of your
It is important that you regularly maintain your Vehicle in accordance with the servicing guidelines outlined in this
document, this will ensure that you comply with the servicing requirements of this warranty as well as keeping your
Vehicle in top driving condition.
We wish you many years of happy motoring and look forward to being of service to you.
• Provide a satisfactory mechanical inspection report from a inspect any damage prior to any work being performed.
ICC will not be responsible for any unauthorised repairs;
licensed mechanical workshop and attach the report to the
transfer form. • The amount we will pay depends on the Vehicle’s age,
• Send the completed Warranty Transfer form and condition, distance travelled and Plan selected on the
satisfactory mechanical inspection report along with a
transfer fee of $99 to ICC within 7 days of the date of sale • Express Claims Assessment, once all required
or transfer of ownership. information has been received, we will assess your claim
We will pay the cost of repair or replacement for Covered Components and Parts
Covered Components and Parts up to the Claim Limits
Engine block, piston rings, gudgeon pins and bushes,
Any Vehicle regardless of
RELIANCE Engine connecting rods, main bearings, big end bearings,
age and distance travelled crankshaft, camshaft, oil pump and meshing timing gears
Engine $1,000 Gearbox / All internally lubricated parts in the transmission
Transmission case, torque converter and transfer case
Gearbox / Transmission $1,000
Differential Crown wheel and pinion
Differential $1,000 Turbocharger /
Impellers and bearings
Turbocharger / Supercharger $1,000
Cooling System Water pump, cooling fan and fan clutch
Air Conditioning $1,000 Fuel injectors, fuel pump, diesel injector pump
Fuel System
and metal delivery lines
Fuel System $1,000 Power booster, master cylinder, calipers, metal
brake lines and proportioning valve
Brakes $1,000
Starter motor, alternator, voltage regulator
Electrical $1,000 and windscreen wiper motor
• At any time by writing to the Warranty Administrator. Our privacy policy contains information about how you can
request access to any personal information that we hold
Refund rights for Theft, Write off and Repossession
about you and seek correction of any such information. It also
The Warranty price may be refundable if the Warranty was contains information about how you can complain about our
financed by a Financier and if the Warranty is cancelled handling of your personal information and our complaint
because the Vehicle has been Stolen, Written off or handling process. You can access a copy by contacting ICC.
Repossessed (in which case you are entitled to a refund on a
pro-rata basis, ie the price relating to the remaining period of
the warranty at the time of cancellation). You authorise us to 11 TAXATION IMPLICATIONS
pay any refund direct to the Financier unless otherwise
directed by the Financier. You will not be entitled to a refund The taxes and charges that apply to your Warranty are shown
until ICC has been provided with reasonable proof that the on the Schedule. The Claim Limits under this Warranty
Vehicle has been Stolen, Written off or Repossessed. includes GST for repairs.
You may also be entitled to a refund under the Australian 12 MAKING A COMPLAINT
Consumer Law where there is a major failure of the Vehicle. ABOUT OUR SERVICES
See the table at the back of this Warranty in section 14 for
If you have a complaint about the quality of the services
more information on what constitutes a major failure and
provided by ICC, you may contact ICC’s Internal Disputes
what your rights are in the event of a major failure.
Officer. The contact details for ICC are listed on the inside
front cover of this booklet. ICC will try to deal fairly and
10 PRIVACY quickly with your complaint. In most cases, you will hear from
ICC’s Internal Disputes Officer within 10 business days of
Personal information that we collect about you is protected making your complaint.
under the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of ICC’s review of
We collect information about you to: your complaint, you are entitled to take your complaint to the
Department or Office of Fair Trading in your State or Territory
• Administer your Warranty and pay claims you make for assistance.
against the Warranty.
We will not pay any contribution or claim by you for any of the following:
• Consequential loss • Service Breach
Claims relating to consequential loss of any kind. Loss or Where you exceed the service requirements intervals, the
destruction of or damage to any property whatsoever or Warranty ceases to have effect. (for more information
any loss or expense whatsoever resulting or arising refer to Warranty Reactivation in section 5)
therefrom or any consequential loss. • Turbochargers/Superchargers
• Continued operation Any Mechanical Failure that can be attributed to the
Any damage or repairs required as a result of continued Vehicle being fitted with a turbocharger or supercharger
operation of the Vehicle once a defect or fault has unit other than a unit supplied, fitted or endorsed by the
occurred (including loss of lubricants and coolant). Vehicle Manufacturer.
How many There is no limit but your right to claim must be There is no limit on the number of claims that
claims can I made within a reasonable period after purchase of can be made but there are financial limits which
make? the vehicle for example within the manufacturer’s apply to the repair costs for each claim you
warranty period and for a reasonable time after make for damage to the Components. See
that expires depending on the quality and section 8 for details.
condition of the vehicle at the time of purchase
(other factors may also be relevant).
How long can The duration of the ACL rights may overlap and in The Warranty commences on the date of
I access these some cases exceed the length of the delivery of the Vehicle or the expiry of any
rights? manufacturer’s warranty and the Reliance Motor manufacturer’s warranty (whichever is later)
Vehicle Warranty. There is no specific time limit for and continues for the definite period stated in
accessing the consumer guarantee rights – you can your customer declaration.
access them for a reasonable period after you
purchase the vehicle and that timeframe depends
on the quality condition age and value of the
There is no certainty as to how long you can access
that right.
Who is Retailer/dealer that sold you the Vehicle or the ICC and once we have assessed the claim we
responsible for manufacturer of the vehicle – depending on manage all aspects of the repair and
organising who you claim against. replacement through our authorised
payment and repairers.
Can I recover out It is possible if those costs are reasonably The costs of car hire and accommodation
of pocket costs of foreseeable and the vehicle experiences a major are paid if you can’t use your Vehicle due to a
not having the failure. This might include things like towing costs mechanical breakdown – see section 3 for more
use of my assessment of the mechanical problem but does details. No other out of pocket costs are
Vehicle? not include roadside support or technical covered.
telephone support – the vehicle manufacturer
may provide this at an extra charge.
What are the No extra cost The cost depends on your level of coverage
costs? under the Warranty and whether the retailer/
dealer has included the Warranty with the
price of the vehicle. Details are contained in
your customer declaration.
1800 357 227
ICC Fax 03 9723 1564
PO Box 9482 Traralgon [email protected]
VIC 3844 Web www.iwarranty.com.au