Salus Pet Script - v3
Salus Pet Script - v3
Salus Pet Script - v3
I’m an actor and producer whose been in over 30 movies and TV Shows…
And you might recognize me from the Jack Reacher movies, where I’ve shared the screen with
Tom Cruise…
What I want to talk with you about today has nothing to do with show business.
And specifically…
While potentially saving a thousand dollars per year, or more, on your veterinarian bills.
You see…
And as someone who is close friends to many of the country’s most respected veterinarians…
I’ve seen first-hand how rising costs in veterinarian care are hurting every day American
In fact…
Today it seems like pet care costs keep getting higher and higher…
Even as many people’s household incomes stay the same or even shrinks…
While you’d give almost any amount of money to keep your pet healthy…
The amount of spare money you have isn’t growing, and may even be shrinking.
The result is that you’re stuck with a feeling of anxiety and worry…
You simply don’t know what would happen if they were to face a life-threatening illness…
And you’re scared about having to make that gut-wrenching and horrible decision…
Between your family’s economic safety, and the life of your pet.
Is that the vast majority of the serious health problems that dogs, cats, horses, and other pets
I’m going to pull back the curtain and share a simple, proven, and effective breakthrough…
Something that can address the “three root causes” of pet sickness…
Something that could help with literally hundreds of different health challenges…
This simple and natural solution starts working INSTANTLY by the way…
And because it gets to the root cause of many healthy problems your dog is facing…
This simple and natural breakthrough I’m about to share with you can…
· Rapidly relieve diarrhea, make bowel movements less messy, and reduce gas…
· Almost immediately kill the bad bacteria that’s in your dog’s mouth right now…and
that’s been causing bad breath, bad teeth, and diseased gums…
· Protect against Lyme disease and most fungal infections, including Valley Fever…
Each of the health challenges I just listed stems from one of 3 things…
Which is why…
When you use the simple fix you’ll discover inside this presentation…
Surprisingly, the fix I’m about to share with you doesn’t have anything to do with your pet’s
Although of course it is important that you give your dog the best diet possible…
Especially when most of the so-called “healthy pet foods” out there are actually anything but
And could be wrecking your dog’s wellbeing from the inside out (I’ll explain more about that in
just a minute).
Finally, you should also know that this simple and natural way to keep your dog healthy is wildly
inexpensive and 100% natural…
Yet it could very well save you over $1,000 a year in vet costs.
Now it probably won’t surprise you to hear that many folks in the commercial pet food industry
HATE what I’m about to share with you…
And that there are a lot of big-money lobbying groups who want to keep this information a
Because they’d like nothing more than to keep charging you thousands of dollars for the care of
your pet.
That’s why I want to strongly urge you to keep watching this important video all the way to the
Because you’re only minutes away from discovering a powerful and natural solution to many of
your dog’s most pressing health challenges…
Something that will not only help support your dog’s health now…
In fact, according to recent data from the American Pet Products Association, which is an
industry trade group…
The average annual cost to care for a dog is now more than $1,600…
And data shows that nearly 75% of pet owners are scared they won’t be able to afford the
veterinarian care their dog may need.
This has led to the Pet Owners Paradox I mentioned a moment ago…
Which is that while you’d pay anything to keep your pet healthy…
You probably don’t have a whole lot of extra money sitting around…
Which can lead to anxiety, worry, and fear for your dog’s health.
If you’ve ever had a dog get sick, pass away, or need to be put down…
And there is no worse feeling than seeing your canine companion unwell…
Quietly trying to tell you that they are sick, that they need help…
And leaving you feel helpless, because you just don’t know what you can do for them.
It’s safe to say that these are the types of scenarios that no dog owner wants to live through…
And when you then add in the fact that treating your dog’s illness can cost you $5,000 or
I’ve realized that many of them are TIRED of seeing families like yours forced between a rock
and a hard place…
Being forced to decide between their pet’s life…
And what I’ve realized from talking to many of the top veterinarians…
You see…
The big secret that a lot of folks in the dog care industry don’t like to talk about…
Is that almost every one of your pet’s health challenges can be linked to one of 3 Root Causes…
Is that there is actually a simple way to address all three of these root causes at once…
So right now, I want to tell you what these 3 root causes are…
Then I’ll show you the incredibly simple method for targeting all three of them…
So that you can give your pet the best health possible RIGHT NOW…
But every time your dog puts his or her nose into a pile of trash, eats spoiled food, or drinks
from a puddle or a stream…
Your dog can also be exposed to bacterial infections through contact with other dogs…
And when they get cuts, scrapes, or other wounds (including clipper burn) that aren’t treated.
Now, while the ways your pet can be exposed to dangerous bacteria are too numerous to
The fact remains: bacterial infections are not good for your dog.
Ear infections due to bacteria can cause redness, swelling, discharge, and loss of balance…
And cause your dog to constantly scratch the infected ear until it turns raw.
And while ear infections are certainly no fun for your pup…
You might be surprised to hear that dogs aren’t supposed to have bad breath…
Not only are these bacterial infections unpleasant for the owner…
Bacterial infections can lead to red, itchy, and patchy skin…
Increasing your dog’s risk of all kinds of inflammatory and autoimmune challenges…
They are still just one of the three root causes behind your dog’s bad health.
It can increase your dog’s risk of coming down with a viral infection.
Which is an intestinal sickness that leads to vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and loss of
Parvovirus is highly contagious, and it’s easily spread between unvaccinated dog…
But it’s not the only virus your dog is threatened by on a regular basis.
Canine Distemper, Canine Hepatitis, Roto Virus, and a whole host of additional viruses put your
dog in danger every single day...
And if your dog is already suffering from a bacterial infection and weakened immune system…
Practically every time your dog puts their face, paws, or fur somewhere outside…
And it’s also important to note that fungal spores are often airborne…
Which means when your dog sticks his or her nose somewhere that fungus is present…
On top of that, fungal infections can also be caused by common mold found around your
One of the most common types of fungal infections in canines is Valley Fever…
These infections can plague your dog for the rest of their life…
So to sum up everything…
The three root causes of your dog’s poor health are bacterial, viral, and fungal infections…
You’re probably wondering how we can stop these infections as fast as possible…
You’re probably asking if there’s a way to prevent bacterial, viral, and fungal infections from
happening in the first place…
That’s a question that pet owners have been asking for literally thousands of years…
Those in the pet care industry have always taken the “band aid” approach…
Where they wait until your dog is showing signs of sickness or bad health…
There are two big problems with this historical approach to dog care though…
The first problem is that it means we’re supposed to wait until our dog is showing a noticeable
sign of poor health…
Which isn’t good because many times a sickness can be hiding inside our dog for months or
It means your dog may already be quite sick or unwell by the time you notice something is
And at this point you could already need expensive and complex treatments that can cost you
several thousand dollars…
And the second problem with this traditional approach is that it’s often treating the symptom
your dog is exhibiting…
But it’s not doing anything to address the underlying ROOT CAUSE of the symptom…
Which as you now know, typically ties back to a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection.
In other words, most vets treat your dog’s health like a game of Whack-a-Mole…
Yet it’s only a matter of time until a new symptom rears its ugly head.
I’m sure you can understand why, until recently, many vets felt helpless…
Like there was nothing they could do for dog owners except to dish out the usual advice…
About feeding them a good diet, brushing their teeth, and getting them exercise.
It all started when he heard about a medical doctor in Oklahoma named Dr. Bryan Frank MD.
Dr. Frank is Medical Director of Full Circle Health Clinic in Edmond, Oklahoma…
Additionally, over the past three decades Dr. Frank has performed medical missions on five
different continents, having traveled to over 55 countries.
And contributed chapters to many of the most prestigious medical textbooks currently in
Including the chapter on Pain Management in the renowned text, Wilderness Medicine…
Which was edited by the highly acclaimed Stanford Emergency Physician Dr. Paul Auberach.
Dr. Frank is an ordained and licensed pastor, serving as Global Missions Pastor and Healing
House Pastor for Citychurch in Oklahoma City.
He’s treated entire villages in Africa who were suffering from the pathogenic blood disease
He’s healed bladder, ear, eye, and nasal infections in Ecuador…
And he’s treated psoriasis and leprosy in Nepal.
But what caught my veterinarian friend’s attention was Dr. Frank’s work with Lyme disease.
Over the past several decades Dr. Frank has treated countless cases of Lyme Disease in
And while my friend was initially just interested in finding out if this treatment for Lyme Disease
would work for pets…
He quickly realized that he’d stumbled something much bigger than that…
It was the way to attack all three of the root causes behind your pet’s sickness…
And if you’re feeling some disbelief at the thought that a simple mixture of water and silver
could rid your dog of Lyme disease…
Let alone be the answer to their gassiness, bad breath, ear infections, respiratory problems, and
He knew from his medical training that silver is antibacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-
pathogenic i ii…
He knew that almost every hospital in the U.S. uses silver during surgeries to sterilize their
equipment and kill germs.iii
And he’d heard about how NASA and commercial airlines use silver to sterilize their vessels and
kill dangerous bacteria…
And how ancient civilizations used silver to purify their water…
(In fact, that’s where the tradition of throwing coins into fountains came from…
Ancient people would put silver coins into their drinking water to kill bacteria and germs!).
Could silver really be the magic bullet for destroying bacterial, viral, and fungal infections for
dogs too…
Something that could be used topically to prevent bacterial and fungal infections of the fur,
skin, paws, eyes, and ears…
To kill bacteria in the bloodstream, strengthen their immune systems, and protect against
dangerous viruses and fungus?
So he reached out to Dr. Frank to hear the story directly from him…
“The health benefits of silver are absolutely amazing” Dr. Frank told him…
I’ve given it to people with gum disease, pink eye, nail fungus, irritable bowel syndrome, and so
many other health ailments…
During my travels I’ve given silver to sick dogs, cats, horses, even cattle…
I’ve used it topically to prevent infections in animals with cuts or bite wounds…
I’ve fed it to dogs orally to rid them of Lyme disease and other sickness…
And it’s cured eye infections and quickly eliminated bad breath.
In fact, silver demonstrates antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal effects on virtually every
surface and tissue of the body…
And that’s true whether you’re talking about a human, a dog, a cat, or some other animal…
The fact remains that silver is highly effective from a clinical perspective, and without toxicity…
And I highly recommend that all pet owners use silver frequently.”
Dr. Bryan Frank went on to tell my friend about how he’s seen special mixtures of silver destroy
infections in as little as 24 hours…
And how he requires his entire staff to drink silver whenever they go on medical missions…
So that they are protected from gastrointestinal illnesses and bugs, along with infections.
Well when my veterinarian friend heard all of this, he grew increasingly excited…
And it had to do with the type of “silver mixture” that Dr. Frank kept referring to.
So my friend asked Dr. Frank if just any kind of water and silver solution would do…
Then, Dr. Frank explained why most of the silver products you can buy in pet stores and online
aren’t nearly as effective as they could be…
And why if you truly want to destroy the bacteria, virus, and fungi that are attacking your dog
on a daily basis…
There’s one special type of silver that’s far superior to all of the others.
Now I’m going to explain to you exactly what this “special silver” is right now…
And it’s important that you take careful note of this part...
Because once you understand what this silver solution is, what makes it special, and how it
And once you start giving it to your dogs and other pets every single day…
Your pet could quickly begin to experience health breakthroughs that were previously
And even more energy, less scratching, and better joints and mobility.
The special mixture Dr. Frank was talking about is called Structured Silver…
And the way you make structured silver is by bonding pure silver particles to a very pure form
of structured water in a unique way.
Now the reason this ‘bonding’ process is important…
Allowing the structured silver molecules to travel through your dog’s body, and then be flushed
out several hours later when they pee.
The first is that colloidal silvers and other similar products on the market aren’t “energetically
bonded” to water in the way that Structured Silver is…
Which means if you give your dog most “commercial brands” of liquid silver…
You could have silver building up in their system over the years, which you definitely don’t
And secondly…
As it travels down their throat, into their bloodstream, through their intestines and gut…
It destroys virtually all of the bad bacteria, pathogens, viruses, and fungus that it comes into
contact with.
In other words, it’s like “flushing” all of the harmful and negative bacteria, viruses, and germs
out of your pet’s body from head-to-toe…
How exactly does Structured Silver kill my dog’s bad bacteria, viruses, and fungus?
And as a result…
Now, because all of these “foreign invaders” have simple water-soluble cell walls made of single
When silver steals an electron from pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and fungus…
And this usually kills the pathogen right then and there.
Now that alone would be enough to make Structured Silver an incredibly important health
breakthrough for both pets and humans…
Structured Silver’s magnetic energy also holds silver’s atoms together in a crystal structure…
This magnetic, crystallized structure creates tiny pulses of healthy electromagnetic energy…
And when Structured Silver molecules come into contact with germs and bad bacteria…
Whether they are inside your dog’s gut or other vital organs…
And if you’re asking how it is that Structured Silver only kills bad bacteria and germs, and not
the good ones…
Which is a fancy way of saying that they stop water soluble absorption…
As a result…
Additionally, because probiotic (good) bacteria in dogs’ guts have a special coating of milk fat
around their outer wall…
These “beneficial” bacteria in your dog’s gut are also protected, and aren’t damaged or
All of which is to say that Structured Silver is the perfect natural defender for your pet’s body…
1. Your dog’s health problems are typically due to one of three root causes…
2. These three root causes are: bacterial infections, viral infections, and fungal infections…
3. Because of Structured Silver’s unique particles it ruptures bad cells like bacteria, viruses, and
4. Plus it also prevents DNA from replicating, which stops many common viral and fungal
infections before they’ve had a chance to spread and do harm to your dog.
So what my veterinarian friend realized was that if Dr. Frank was right about all of this…
Then Structured Silver is probably one of the most important medical “discoveries” of our
Something that can help fight the root cause of your dog’s bad breath, achy joints, ear
infections, diarrhea, skin issues and more…
Because all of those things are almost always caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungus.
Yet while my friend knew that everything Dr. Frank was saying was true medically and
And while he knew that Dr. Frank was an exceptionally well-respected medical doctor who has
healed thousands of people and animals on 5 different continents…
My friend still wanted to see the effects structured silver could have first-hand.
And virtually every single person said they were seeing huge breakthroughs in their dog’s
Remember: the vast majority of the health challenges your dog is facing right now can be linked
to bacterial, viral, and fungal infections…
Which means when you use structured silver and destroy these unwanted, microscopic
You improve your dog’s energy, their mood, their sleep, their digestion, and their fur and skin…
And you do all of this without any expensive, side-effect filled medications…
Or spending hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on pricey procedures that can be so stressful
and scary for your dog.
Along with the first-hand results he had giving it to the animals at his veterinarian clinic…
That way he could give it to every dog, cat, horse, bird, or other animal who needed help.
Unfortunately however, this turned out to be much more difficult to do than my friend
Because it’s virtually impossible to find high quality, structured silver online or in retail stores.
Don’t get me wrong, there were plenty of silver products out there…
They just weren’t the same Structured Silver that Dr. Frank was having so much success with…
And that my friend believed could give the animals he cared for the best chance of fixing their
And passes through your pet’s body without any build up occurring.
Additionally, while most other silver products only have 10 parts per million silver at a
They are getting the most potent antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal benefits.
You should also know that Salus Structured Silver is manufactured in clean-room conditions
that utilize good manufacturing procedures (GMP)...
Because a lot of other silver products are manufactured in facilities that have contaminates in
them and poor quality-control.
That’s a big problem because silver is electromagnetic and can “suck up” those contaminates…
You should also know that Salus Structured Silver does not contain:
· BHA or BHT (preservatives that may cause cancer and endocrine disruption)
· Coal tar dyes
· DEA, MEA, and TEA
· Dibutyl phthalate
· Formaldehydes
· Parabens
· Parfum
· PEGs
· Petrolatum
· Siloxanes
· Sodium laureth sulfate
· Triclosan.
The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy also certifies that Structured Silver is not a heavy
metal, because it doesn’t build up in the body…
And because the silver is bonded to water and passes through your system unmetabolized…
It won’t turn your pet blue (which can’t be said for heavy use of colloidal silver).
That it would take a spill of over 12 million gallons of silver before the EPA would consider it a
reportable spill…
While in comparison, less than one millionth of that amount of spilled bleach requires an EPA
So here’s how you can get your very own supply of Salus Structured
Silver and start protecting your dog TODAY.
After hearing about my veterinarian friend’s experiences with Salus Structured Silver…
And were using Salus Structured Silver every day in their veterinarian clinics…
To keep dogs, cats, horses, and all kinds of other animals healthy and safe…
And I know just how big of a role Salus Structured Silver can play in your dog’s energy,
digestion, mood, coat, and wellbeing.
Because if you’ve ever had a dog who has struggled to stay healthy…
If you’ve seen them suffering from low energy and from joint pain…
Then you know just how exhausting and heartbreaking it can be to watch…
And I’m sure you’d give just about anything for your dog to feel better, right?
Plus I’m sure this is true even if you’re one of the lucky ones…
Like “what if” your dog were to suddenly come down with a devastating infection or virus…
Where you face the awful decision between your dog’s life and your financial security.
It’s my solemn prayer that you never face a decision like this…
And it’s my strongest belief that when you give Salus Structured Silver to your pet…
There are now a growing number of veterinarians and animal experts who feel that exact same
So right now, I’m sure you’re probably wondering how you can get Salus Structured Silver as
fast as possible…
Along with how much you’ll want to give to your dog each day.
The truth is that there are only limited supplies of Salus Structured Silver available…
And that’s not a marketing gimmick or anything like that, it’s a fact.
✓ It’s made with pure water that’s constructed using steam and oxygen…
✓ It’s manufactured using a special electromagnetic process that maintains the purity of
the silver and keeps it free from contaminates.
✓ And it’s formulated for alkalinity, making it superior to most other silver products on the
This process is CRUCIAL for producing the best silver product on the market today…
But it’s also extremely time consuming and expensive for Salus…
Salus Structured Silver doesn’t just protect pets from the three root causes of poor health…
Each day people are using Salus Structured Silver to improve their gut health, digestion, and
autoimmune challenges…
To stop the replication of common viruses that cause the cold and the flu…
There are literally hundreds of benefits that us humans can enjoy by drinking Salus Structured
Silver daily…
And because this breakthrough can safely kill bad bacteria, viruses, and fungus in both humans
and the pets they love…
Now we’re thrilled that so many families trust Salus Structured Silver for their health…
But its incredible popularity has put even more of a strain on Salus’ product capacities…
Between the health of your pet, and your ability to provide for your family…
I’m going to share how you can get your hands on a brand-new bottle of Salus Structured Silver
Which is how much Salus Structred Silver you should give to your pet?
This makes it easy to know how much Structured Silver to give to your pet…
And while you’ll want to follow this chart closely for best results…
The short answer is that for every 10 pounds your dog weighs…
Because every order of Salus Structured Silver comes with a BPA-free plastic dropper…
So you simply just stick the dropper into the bottle of Salus Structured Silver…
Fill it to the corresponding amount of CC’s that’s on the chart Salus provides you with…
In fact…
It’s really important that you give your dog his or her drops of Salus Structured Silver for at least
30 days straight…
From the moment you put those first drops in your dog’s mouth…
As the silver makes its way through your dog’s throat, digestive system, bloodstream, and
ultimately his or her bladder…
It continuously kills the bad bacteria and viruses it comes into contact with…
Until after several hours, the silver is flushed out of your dog’s system…
Yet while Salus Structured Silver kills bacteria, viruses, and fungus inside your dog from Day 1…
The more you use it, the more effective it will be…
Plus, because your dog is being assaulted by bacteria and germs on a daily basis…
Something that you make a part of your daily routine with your dog…
It’s for this reason that many veterinarians recommend you choose at least 3 bottles of Salus
Strucutred Silver…
And 6 bottles if you want your dog to have the greatest benefits.
Now normally Salus Structured Silver retails for $149 per bottle…
To get started just click one of the packages you see beneath this video right now…
And your order will then be shipped to you within 5 business days.
Because our multi-bottle packages have become so popular with both pets and their owners…
Salus has even set it up so that the more Structured Silver you stock up on, the more money
you save.
All orders of Salus Structured Silver also come with our Structured Silver Gel that’s 25 Parts-Per-
Million Silver.
Put between your dog’s paws to disinfect and heal cuts and scrapes…
So go ahead and get started now by choosing the package of Structured Silver Liquid + Gel
that’s best for you and your pet…
And Salus will deliver your order to your front door within just a few short days.
All orders of Structured Silver will also be shipped with a free copy of the bestselling book: “The
Most Precious Metal: Why Silver Is More Valuable Than Gold, Platinum, or Money.”
In fact, Dr. Pederson performed his cardiology internship at LDS Hospital under Jonas Salk, who
is credited with curing polio…
Dr. Pederson gives you a deep and detailed breakdown of what Structured Silver is…
The science behind why it’s better than the older silver products on the market…
Along with specific instructions for how humans can use Structured Silver liquid and gels for
over 100 health challenges…
Inside The Most Precious Metal you’ll also be shown a special Travel Protocol developed by Dr.
That uses silver to help protect you and your loved when traveling on planes, cruise ships, or
Along with a special section of the book written by Dr. Bryan Frank…
So pick your Salus Structured Silver package now while there are still supplies in stock.
Because all packages today also come with our 180 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Simply order your Salus Structured Silver package now by clicking the “add to cart” button…
And your order will arrive to your front door within five short business days from now.
To give your dog or other pet a few drops of Salus Structured Silver each day…
And Salus is confident you’ll see dramatic improvements in your pet’s health and wellbeing.
If for any reason you aren’t THRILLED with your Salus Structured Silver package…
And they’ll refund your entire purchase with zero questions asked.
Plus, you don’t even need to return your order – it’s yours to keep as Salus’ way of saying
“thanks” for trying Structured Silver out.
In other words…
The only thing your dog has to lose is the bad bacteria, viruses, and fungus that are making him
or her less than 100% right now…
So click on one of the package graphics you see below this video right now…
Along with your free hard copy of “The Most Precious Metal”…
You can decide not to take action today, and that’s absolutely your choice.
If you live somewhere where fungal infections or Lyme disease are a threat to your pet’s
Then there’s an excellent chance that Structured Silver could be a life-saver for you and your
You’ve seen the science and the research behind what Salus Structured Silver does…
You know that it can make a dramatic difference in your dog’s physical health…
You know that it’s your dog’s best defense against the 3 root causes of poor health…
Which are bacterial, viral, and fungal infections…
And you should know that Salus Structured Silver is already making a huge difference in the
lives of tens-of-thousands of humans and pets around the world.
That’s why I’d highly encourage you to say “YES” to Salus Structured Silver today…
You’re covered by a full 100% Money Back, 180 Day Guarantee, which means there’s no risk on
your end…
Yet the benefits could be life changing for the pet you love.
So go ahead and choose your package now by clicking the button below this video…
And give the animal you love the protection he or she deserves!