Newborn Stars and Stellar Objects in Barnard 228

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Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific

101: 816-831, September 1989



Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 5241 Broad Branch Road
NW, Washington, DC 20015
Received 1989 March 17, revised 1989 June 5

Imaging and spectroscopic observations of pre-main-sequence stars in the B228 molecular cloud
have identified three sites of extended, shock-excited nebulosity. A highly collimated, blueshifted
jet is associated with the Τ Tauri star Sz68 (CoD — 33o10685). A candidate Herbig-Haro object is
found near Sz68 and the Τ Tauri star Sz69. A third region of shock-excited nebulosity is identified
near the embedded newborn star IRAS 15398-3359. Infrared excesses observed toward these stellar
sources may imply a relationship between outflow activity and the presence of a circumstellar disk.
Only one of the two outflow sources with well-defined orientations is aligned with the large-scale,
magnetic-field geometry of the cloud in contrast to the global alignment of outflows in the Taurus
cloud complex. Data for three previously unidentified emission-line stars are presented. In particu-
lar, we identify a faint 18th magnitude dMe star located 48" west of Sz68.
Key words: nebulae: stellar winds-star formation

1. Introduction and the structural impact of these winds on the parent

Highly collimated mass outflows are a common feature cloud. From a survey of optically identified mass outflows
to the pre-main-sequence evolution of all stars. Signa- within the Taurus and Orion star-forming regions, Strom
tures of youthful stellar wind activity, identified at the et al. (1986) find that these directed outflows are generally
earliest stages of star formation, include high-velocity CO aligned with the large-scale, magnetic-field orientation of
emission from a shell of accelerated ambient material the cloud and proposed a prominent role of the interstel-
(Snell, Loren, and Plambeck 1980) and Herbig-Haro ob- lar magnetic field in the collimation and orientation of
ject nebulosity produced by shock interactions. At later focused stellar winds. More recently, Strom et al. (1988¾)
stages of pre-main-sequence evolution, when the stars find a correspondence of stellar wind signatures with
are optically visible, Ρ Cygni line profiles of chromo- infrared excesses from the spectral energy distribution of
spheric emission attest to the presence of outflowing the pre-main-sequence stars in the Taurus clouds. From
material very close to the star (Kuhi 1964). Given the these observations Edwards and Strom (1987) suggest a
likely role stellar winds play in the termination of the correspondence between energetic pre-main-sequence
accretion process (Shu, Adams, and Lizano 1987), the stellar winds and an accreting, circumstellar disk.
regulation of stellar angular momentum (Weber and The B228 dark cloud (Barnard 1927) is a component
Davis 1967), and the energetics of the parent molecular clump within a larger molecular cloud complex (Murphy,
cloud (Norman and Silk 1980), a more complete descrip- Cohen, and May 1986). While the mass of the cloud
tion of the outflow phenomena is necessary in order to complex is large (104 M©; Murphy et al. 1986) there is no
gain a more comprehensive understanding of the star-for- history of massive star formation, although there could be
mation process. a remote connection with the more distant Scorpio Cen-
A full accounting of the mass outflow activity within an taurus association. Like the Taurus cloud regions, B228
individual star-forming region may provide insight into has long been known to contain isolated Τ Tauri and
the processes and mechanisms responsible for stellar emission-line stars (Henize 1954; Schwartz 1977). Evi-
winds at various stages of pre-main-sequence evolution dence for a magnetically dominated gas dynamics similar
to that found in Taurus (Heyer et al. 1987) is provided by
recent polarization measurements of background stars
*Visiting Astronomer, Las Campanas Observatory. which reveal an ordered magnetic-field geometry thread-
fAdjunct StaiF Member, Mount Wilson and Las Campanas Observa- ing the narrow cloud filaments (Strom, Strom, and Ed-
^Visiting Astronomer, Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, wards 1988«). Given these similarities, the Lupus cloud
operated by AURA, Inc. under contract to the National Science Foun- complex provides an appropriate region to compare the
dation. associated mass outflow activity and the spectral proper-


© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

ties of newborn stars to those found in the Taurus clouds. 1-m telescope and a TI 512 X 512 CCD detector. These
In this paper we report the detection and physical later frames were resampled to provide images at the
characteristics of extended signatures to stellar wind ac- RCA CCD resolution of 0.85 arc sec pixel-1. Due to the
tivity in the B228 cloud from optical imaging and spectro- large bandwidth, an image obtained with the R filter may
scopic observations of pre-main-sequence objects. Most contain a large signal from a continuum component in
of these sources are emission-line stars which exhibit addition to emission from discrete nebular lines such as
several well-known characteristics of stellar youth and [Ο ι], [Ν π]. Ha, and [S π]. The narrow-band images, on
were detected from a previous objective-prism survey of the other hand, predominantly show the light radiated at
the region (Schwartz 1977). We have supplemented this the wavelength of the emission lines.
list with objects selected from the IRAS Point Source In addition to providing the sites of shocked gas and
Catalog (1985) which are coincident with regions of high identifying locations where light is scattered from an
visual obscuration. Since our source list is biased toward obscured, embedded source, the R and Ha frames can be
known, optically identified stars, our study does not con- used to search for faint Ha emission-line stars by using
stitute a complete sampling of outflow activity in this the image monitor in a blink comparator mode. The
cloud. In addition, we report results of stellar spec- greatly different filter bandpasses cause those stars whose
troscopy and infrared photometry of the stellar sources in emission is mostly in the Ha line to be distinguished from
order to characterize those objects found to be associated other nonemission-line stars in the field. With this tech-
with mass outflow activity by chromospheric and circum- nique we can detect emission-line stars more than 2
stellar features. magnitudes fainter than with conventional objective-
prism techniques (e.g., Schwartz 1977). The disadvan-
2. Observations tage is the small field of the CCD detectors as used at
The fields we have examined are listed in Table 1 with present. However, with the increasing size of the detec-
1950 epoch coordinates and red magnitudes estimated by tors and their adaption to Schmidt telescopes, this could
Schwartz (1977). Our initial aim was to compare images prove a very effective technique to detect faint emission-
obtained with a broad-band (1000 A, FWHM) red filter line stars at the low end of the luminosity function.
(R) and with a narrow-band (30 A, FWHM) filter cen- Optical spectra have been obtained of most of the
tered on Ha. The Swope 1-m telescope of Las Campanas known objects in the B228 cloud which are relevant to
Observatory was used with an RCA 308 X 512 CCD early stellar evolution. The 4-m telescope at Cerro Tololo
detector. Each frame covered a field 4.6 by 7.4 arc min- Inter-American Observatory (CTIO), the Ritchey-Chré-
utes. Total exposures were typically 240 seconds for the R tien spectrograph, and a GEC CCD detector were used
filter and 3600 seconds for the Ha filter. Shorter expo- for this work during an observing run on 1988 June 2-5.
sures were observed and coadded to minimize saturation Our work was carried out at two dispersions, one using
of the detector on bright stars. Those fields which showed the KPGL D grating covering a wavelength range
evidence for extended emission were also imaged with a 6200 A- 6900 A. In this case the resolution corresponded
[S ll] filter centered on wavelength 6724 A (30 A, to 1.2 A pixel-1. On 1988 June 4 a second configuration
FWHM) to provide an additional measure of the distribu- using grating 400 was used to obtain a spectral range
tion of shock-excited nebulosity. Additional images in 5700 A- 8900 A with a resolution of 5.7 A pixel-1. In both
[S ll] and Ha were obtained in June 1988 with the Swope cases, a slit width of 150 μιη (1 arc sec) was used and a


Source List
Name ^(1950) <^(1950)

Sz65 15h 36m 16.3* -34° 36' 34" 12.4

Sz66 15 36 16.9 -34 36 35 14.9
15398-3359® 15 39 51.2 -33 59 36 17.8
Sz68 15 42 01.4 -34 08 08 9.9
Sz69 15 42 06.0 -34 09 06 15.0
Sz70 15 43 31.1 -34 20 55 15.3
Sz71 15 43 32.8 -34 21 19 13.4
Sz73 15 44 43.9 -35 05 23 14.5
Sz74 15 44 52.1 -35 06 41 13.0

Position is from the IRAS Point Source Catalog and m^ is estimated from the R
image presented in this study. A more refined position is presented in the text.

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

He-Ne-Ar comparison lamp provided a reference for When observing at intermediate resolution, we gave
wavelength calibration. The low-resolution spectra are priority to obtaining good radial velocity and line inten-
suitable for line identification and to study the energy sity measurements for the gaseous emission regions using
distribution. The intermediate resolution spectra can be the images of [S ll] and Ha emission as a likely guide to
used to extract accurate radial velocities (Graham and interaction sites between a stellar wind and the ambient
Heyer 1988). Intensities were calibrated by observing cloud material. The low-resolution spectra were useful to
standard stars LTT7379 and Feige 110 whose intensities identify the Ga π λ8500 triplet which, when observed in
over the observed wavelengths have been established by emission, provides a clear signature of chromospheric
Stone and Baldwin (1983). activity in the star (Herbig and Soderblom 1980).

Fig. 1-CCD narrow-band (30 A bandpass) images of the Sz68/69 region in (a) the forbidden line emission of [S π] and (b) Ha emission. A highly
collimated jet of shock-excited emission extends from Sz68 at a position angle of 135°. A secondary site of shocked nebulosity is identified in the Ha
image as Object 1.

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

We also provide infrared photometry for several new- 3. Results

born stars in B228. This was obtained in June 1988 with 3.1 Shock Excited Regions
the CTIO 1.5-m telescope using an InSb detector (J, H, 3.1.1 Sz68/69
K, L photometry) and a bolometer for 10-μm observa- Sz68 and Sz69 were identified by Schwartz (1977) as
tions. A 9" aperture was used for the J, H, K, and L emission-line stars from an Ha objective-prism survey of
measurements, and a 13" aperture was used for the ΙΟ-μηι the B228 molecular cloud although both were previously
observations. Standard stars of the GIT-CTIO system noted as pre-main-sequence objects from earlier surveys
(Elias et al. 1982) were measured through the same aper- of Τ Tauri stars (Henize 1954; Thé 1962). Deep images of
tures for calibration to the standard CTIO system. [S π] (4800-s exposure) and Ha (3600-s exposure) emis-

Fig. 1-CCD narrow-band (30 A bandpass) images of the Sz68/69 region in (a) the forbidden line emission of [S π] and (b) Ha emission. A highly
collimated jet of shock-excited emission extends from Sz68 at a position angle of 135°. A secondary site of shocked nebulosity is identified in the Ha
image as Object 1.

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

sion from this field are presented in Figure 1. The circum-

stellar environment of Sz68 is dominated by reflection [3ΙΙ]λβ731
nebulosity to the northeast and northwest of the star. [5ΙΙ]λ6716
Removed from this reflection nebulosity but continguous
to Sz68 is a highly collimated jet of forbidden [S n] emis-
sion extending 34" at a position angle of 135°. The jet is
composed of three emission peaks 21", 28", and 34" from
the star. We label the two strongest peaks located 21" and
34" from Sz68 as knot A and knot B, respectively. These
emission peaks are not colinear. The position angle of the
jet increases 5° counterclockwise from knot A to knot B.
The axial ratio (length to diameter) of the jet, determined
from the [S ll] image, is 13. Ha emission from this feature
is much weaker and more diffuse relative to the extended
[S ll] emission but reveals the clumpy composition of the
jet. The inhomogeneous appearance of the Sz68 jet is
characteristic of many extended but well-collimated re-
gions of shock excited nebulosity associated with pre- Sz69 Sz68
main-sequence stars and may reflect internal shocks
je^ Reflection
within the stellar wind (e.g., HH34; Reipurth et αΖ. 1986;
Bührke, Mündt, and Ray 1988). From our observations Nebulosity
there is no evidence for a counter jet on the opposite side
Fig. 2-A spectrogram along the axis of the Sz68 jet which also passes
of Sz68. However, a direct photograph taken by one of us through Sz69, Sz68, and reflection nebulosity.
at Las Campanas Observatory on 1988 June 11 reveals a
looplike feature at a position angle of —45° within the
the observed ratios of the forbidden line emission. The
reflection nebula (Graham 1988). This feature may repre-
ratio [S π] X6716/[S n] λ6731 provides a measure of the
sent scattered starlight by dust grains within the inner postshock electron density. This ratio exhibits little varia-
edges of a cavity excavated by a stellar wind on the tion along the jet (0.92-1.1) and indicates electron densi-
northwest side of Sz68. ties of 400-1600 cm-3 (Osterbrock 1989). The shock ve-
Spectrograms at intermediate and low dispersion were locity is estimated from the intensities of the forbidden
obtained with a slit position angle of 135° along the jet axis line emission relative to Ha emission and a comparison
and which passed through Sz68 and Sz69. We reproduce with shock models. However, the planar and bow shock
the intermediate dispersion spectrogram as Figure 2. The models for HH objects presented by Hartigan, Raymond,
extracted spectra of knot A and knot Β are shown in and Hartmann (1987) do not satisfactorily account for the
Figure 3. Each knot exhibits low-excitation forbidden line observed line ratios found for the Sz68 jet—in particular,
emission ([Ο ι] [Ν π], [S π]) as well as Ha. These spectral the large values of [O l] and [S ll] emission relative to the
features are characteristic of many Η Η objects and other measured Ha intensity. Similar excitation conditions are
jet sources (Schwartz 1983; Mündt, Brugel, and Bührke found in the well-studied outflow associated with HH46
1987). We note the presence of an unidentified emission (Graham and Elias 1983; Schwartz 1983) in which low
line at λ6520 in these spectra which we suspect to be an shock velocities with insufficient energy to dissociate
artifact of the sky subtraction process. From the radial molecular hydrogen are inferred. For the Sz68 jet we
velocities of the emission lines we derive mean heliocen- estimate a range of shock velocities appropriate for the
tric velocities of —47 ± 2 and — 21 ± 8 km s-1 for knot A observed [S ll] to Ha ratio to be 20-40 km s-1. A summary
and knot B, respectively, where the quoted uncertainties of the relative line intensities and velocities of the jet is
are l-σ deviations. The heliocentric velocity of the molec- listed in Table 2.
ular cloud is ~ +4 km s-1 (Murphy et al. 1986). Since Sz68 An additional, very faint region of extended nebulosity
illuminates the surrounding reflection nebulosity, we can is identified in the Ha image of the Sz68/69 field. It is
estimate its heliocentric velocity from the measured located 72" from Sz68 at a position angle of 90°. We label
wavelength of scattered Ha emission. From a spectrum of this feature as Object 1. This nebulosity is composed of
the reflection nebulosity, we determine a heliocentric two knots separated by 3" and which are oriented east-
velocity of +7.7 km s1 for Sz68. Thus, the jet is a kine- west. No [S π] counterpart to this nebulosity is detected
matically distinct feature with respect to the ambient, in these images. An intermediate dispersion spectrum of
quiescent gas of the parent cloud and the exciting star. Object 1 is presented in Figure 4. Only Ηα, [Ν π] λ6583,
The excitation conditions of the jet are estimated from and [S π] λ6716 are clearly seen in emission. [S π] λ6731

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System



Fig 3 Intermediate dispersion speetra from the positions of peak shoek-excited nebulosity along the Sz68 jet. Both emission peaks within the jet a
characterized by low-excitation conditions and blueshifted velocities.

Forbidden Emission Line Ratios and Radial Velocities

[Ο/]Λ6300 [5/7]Λ6716 [5//1λ6731 Y

Ha Ha [5//]λ6716 rad
(km s-1)
Knot A 0.63 1.75 0.79 -47
Knot Β 0.48 0.72 1.07 -21
Object 1 ... 0.22 0.40 -28
15398-3359 2.67 1.65 1 64 -46

a) heliocentric velocity-
is only marginally detected. The [S π] ratio λ6731/λ6716 these emission nebulosities were obtained but these re-
is estimated to be 0.4 ± 0.2. While the line intensities vealed no additional features. Specifically, we saw no
alone do not demand excitation under shocked condi- underlying continuum or the Call λ8500 triplet lines
tions, we believe this interpretation likely due to the which could be attributed to an associated star. No addi-
absence of any strong photoionizing radiation sources in tional lines were detected which would confirm the shock
the area and because of the significantly negative helio- origin for the Herbig-Haro emission.
centric velocities (-28 km s-1) of the Ha line. The inten- While the location and orientation of the Object 1
sity of the Ha emission relative to the [S π] λ6716 would emission peaks may implicate Sz68 as the central source
imply shock velocities of order 40 km s1 (Hartigan, Ray- responsible for its excitation, such an association would
mond, and Hartmann 1987). Low-resolution spectra for imply two divergent (ΔΘ - 45°) but well-collimated out-

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

Ί 1 1 1 Γ
Object 1

ι! ι ι I ι ι ι J L
6200 6400 6600 6800

λ (1)
Fig. 4-Intermediate dispersion spectrum of Object 1. Based on the detection of Ηα, [N n] λ6583, [S π] λ6716, and blueshifted velocities (—30 km
s"1), we identify Object 1 as a candidate Η Η object.
flows from this pre-main-sequence star. We note that the cloud material. The IRAS luminosity of this object is 0.5
nearby active Τ Tauri star Sz69 is an attractive alternate Lq. From the examination of the broad-band R and nar-
source. Before a more definitive association of Object 1 row-band Ha images of this field we noticed a small
with a stellar source of wind activity can be made, more region of nebulosity. We estimate the red magnitude of
information is necessary such as a proper-motion vector this nebulosity to be 17.8 magnitudes. A subsequent [S ll]
or a detection of extended but fainter nebulosity linking image indicated that the [S ll] lines were likely strong. In
this feature to the stellar source of wind activity. Figure 5a, the [S ll] image is shown as a contour map.
3.1.2 IRAS 15398-3359 Faint but extended nebulosity is detected over an angular
The IRAS Point Source Catalog (1985) identifies a very scale of 15". It is composed of two emission peaks. The
red object (15398-3359) located in a region characterized stronger peak to the southwest is pointlike and, therefore,
by high visual extinction in the B228 cloud. Based on its may mark the optical counterpart to the IRAS point
location and far-infrared spectral energy distribution, this source. Based on astrometry of nearby stars, the position
object is likely a newborn star still deeply enshrouded by (1950 coordinates) of the nebulosity emission centroid is

Sil κ
m 10

CU o

: __ (b)
Τ I I I ι I I ι ι ι I I ι ι ι I I ι I I I I I I I I I I I I ι ι ι I ι ι ι ι I "π
20 10 0 -10 -20 20 10 0 -10 -20
R.A. Offset (arcsec) R.A. Offset (arcsec)

Fig. 5-Images of the 15398-3359 field, (a) Narrow-band (30 Â) [S n] emission delineating regions of shocked gas, and (b) broad-band (0.38 μ, FWHM)
2.2-μιη emission. The pointlike emission peak to the southwest denotes the location of the stellar source.

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System
(α, δ) - 15h39m50:s6, -33^46^. Infrared images at newborn star scattered by the surrounding dust or by dust
broad-band (0.38 μηι, FWHM) Κ and narrow-band (0.08 grains within the jet. Such infrared reflection nebulosity
μιη, FWHM) 1¾ (2.12 μηι) were kindly obtained by J. characterizes the circumstellar environments of many
Elias with the CTIO 4-m telescope and the IR Imager and newborn stars associated with mass outflow (Graham and
forwarded to us. We have estimated the contribution of Heyer 1989; Heyer et al. 1989). The extended nature of
the continuum to the intensity within the narrow 2.12- the forbidden line emission suggests that this nebulosity
μιη band from the broad-band Κ image and have sub- is excited by an energetic stellar wind from the newborn
tracted this component from the narrow-band image. No star whose location is given by the southwest point
excess emission is detected which could be attributed to source. Our best determination of the position angle of
shock-excited H2 line emission. The K-band image, re- this outflow is 65°.
sampled to a pixel resolution of 0''85, is shown as a contour To study the spectral characteristics of 15398-3359,
map in Figure 5b. The pointlike nature of the southwest spectrograms at both low and intermediate dispersions
[S ll] peak is even more pronounced in the Κ band image. were obtained with the slit oriented at a position angle of
We have assumed that this peak marks the position of the 45°, our first estimate of the relative orientation of the
IRAS source. The infrared intensity distribution extends outflow from the Ha image. These spectra are displayed
beyond the secondary peak position of the [S π] image. in Figure 6. At intermediate dispersion strong [S ll]
This extended emission may be due to light from the λλ6716,6731 and [Ο ι] λλ6300,6363 emission lines are

6200 6400 6600 6800

λ (Â)

6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000

λ (A)
Fig. 6-Intermediate- and low-dispersion spectra of 15398-3359 showing the blueshifted, forbidden line emission [Ο ι] λλ6300,6363 and [S ll]
λλ6716,6731 and weak Ha. The low-dispersion speetra identify an HH spectrum in addition to a faint stellar component.

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

detected in addition to Ηα. In the low-dispersion spectra, main-sequence sources are not resolved. In general those
we identify additional forbidden emission lines ([Fe π], stellar sources associated with outflow signatures (IRAS
[Ca π]) characteristic of HH objects. A stellar component 15398-3359, Sz68, Sz69, and Sz73) exhibit infrared ex-
is marked by the Ca π triplet in emission at λ8500 and a cesses based on their location in the {J —H)/{H —K) vs.
rising continuum to the red of λΒΟΟΟ. The heliocentric (/ —H) diagram (Snell 1981). Infrared excesses, relative to
velocity of the forbidden line emission is —46 ± 6 km s "1. the underlying photospheric continuum, are found to-
The electron density, estimated from the observed inten- ward many Τ Tauri stars and are attributed to warm grains
sities of the [S π] lines, is 5900 cm 3. Low shock velocities within a circumstellar disk (Cohen and Kuhi 1979).
(< 20 km s"1) are inferred from the extremely weak Ha Using the published optical fluxes (Bouvier, Bertout,
emission relative to the detected forbidden lines. Intensi- and Bouchet 1988) and the near-infrared observations
ties and velocities of this object for the various emission presented in this study, we have calculated the intrinsic
lines are listed in Table 2. spectral energy distribution of Sz68 (Fig. 8). All fluxes
have been dereddened using the interstellar extinction
3,2 Properties of Ρ re-Main-Sequence Stars in the B228
curve Van der Hülst No. 15 (see Johnson 1968) and =
0.96 based on the (V—R) color excess (Strom et al. 1989).
Low-dispersion spectra of all optically identified pre-
Also plotted are the mean intrinsic fluxes tabulated by
main-sequence stars in our source list are displayed in
Johnson (1966) for a K2 main-sequence star and scaled
Figure 7. In Table 3 we list the approximate spectral type
such that the flux at R agrees with that of Sz68. Relative to
and the Ha equivalent width for each source. Like the
these mean standard flux values, Sz68 exhibits a moderate
Taurus clouds, B228 is a site of low-mass star formation.
infrared excess at wavelengths beyond 2.2 μιη. We have
Two of the newborn stars (Sz69 and Sz73) are distin-
calculated the parameter ΔΚ = log(F22 μη1(^ζ68)/
guished by strong Ha emission relative to the continuum
level (equivalent widths > 150 A). In addition, these F2.2 μηιί8^11^^)) used by Strom et al. (1989) to quantify
the infrared excess. For Sz68, ΔΚ = 0.2 which is compara-
sources exhibit spectroscopic evidence for outflow ([O i]
ble to the mean value of ΔΚ derived by Strom et al. (1989)
λ6300 line emission) and a chromosphere (emission from
for classical Τ Tauri stars within the Taurus clouds.
the Ca π triplet λλ8498,8542,8662). The presence of such
A comparison of our infrared measurement of Sz69 with
forbidden line emission in the stellar spectra may indicate
those of Appenzeller, Jankovics, and Krautter (1983) sug-
shock interactions in the near vicinity of the star. We note
gests a brightening of this object at shorter wavelengths
that on the ESO/SERC sky-survey photograph, Sz73 and
(0.51 magnitude at Η and 0.23 magnitude at K), within
Sz74 show weak reflection nebulae resulting from scat-
the past five years while the flux at L band has remained
tered light from the necessarily close dust cloud.
relatively constant. The Ha equivalent width of Sz69 has
The infrared spectral energy distribution of a pre-main-
increased by 23% over this same time interval. Such
sequence star provides a direct probe of the surrounding
variability is commonly observed toward Τ Tauri stars;
dust component. Results from infrared aperture photom-
however, the origin (chromospheric or circumstellar) re-
etry uncorrected for interstellar reddening for seven of
mains uncertain.
the nine surveyed objects are presented in Table 4. For
those sources (Sz65 and Sz68) previously observed, there 3.3 Sources of Mass Outflow
is agreement with the measured flux values (Finkenzeller The imaging and spectroscopic observations presented
and Basri 1987). IRAS detected unresolved emission to- in the previous section identify Sz68 as the most likely
ward these lines of sight; however, due to the large angu- stellar source responsible for the observed jet feature. In
lar response function of the IRAS detectors, nearby pre- addition, Sz68 and Sz69 are candidate sources responsi-
ble for the excitation of Object 1. The third outflow identi-
TABLE 3 fied in this study (15398-3359) is likely excited by a stellar
wind from a newborn star still deeply enshrouded by
Spectral Types and Equivalent Widths associated interstellar dust and, therefore, optically faint.
Name Spectral Type EW(Ha)
(A) Near Infrared Photometry
Sz65 MO 3 Name J Η Κ L ΙΟμιη
Sz66 M6 100
Sz68 K2 3 Sz65 9.05 8.32 8.01 7.45
i Sz69 M6 378 Sz66 10.22 9.43 9.07 8.44
Sz70 M5 57 15398-3359 16.59 15.94 15.33
I Sz71 M4 98 Sz68 7.60 6.90 6.52 5.87 2.92
i Sz73 K2 150 Sz69 10.81 9.95 9.28 8.50
Sz73 10.63 9.28 8.31 7.12
I Sz74 M4 61 Sz74 9.09 7.98 7.28 6.40 4.56

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λ (A)

λ (A)
Fig. 7-Low-dispersion spectra of the optically identified Τ Tauri stars present in the B228 molecular cloud.

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System


6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000

λ (A)


6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000

λ (A)


6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000

λ (A)
Fig. 7-Low-dispersion spectra of the optically identified Τ Tauri stars present in the B228 molecular cloud.

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

Fλ -

6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000

λ (A)

Fλ _

6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000

λ (A)
Fig. 7-Low-dispersion spectra of the optically identified Τ Tauri stars present in the B228 molecular cloud.

Red (6200 Ä-6900 A), intermediate dispersion spectra of radial velocities calculated from these absorption lines.
Sz68 and Sz69 were observed in order to examine the The intermediate dispersion spectrum of Sz69 pre-
kinematic relationship between these stars and the associ- sented in Figure 10 shows it to be an active pre-main-se-
ated outflow and to determine any additional photo- quence object. The Ha emission profile exhibits a very
spheric and chromospheric signatures. broad velocity component (At;FWHM ~ 285 km s_1) often
The observed intermediate dispersion spectrum for associated with extremely active Τ Tauri stars (Basri
Sz68 is presented in Figure 9. As previously noted by 1987). The centroid velocity of the Ha line is redshifted
Finkenzeller and Basri (1987), the Ha profile of Sz68 (+23 km s_1) which may reflect the absorption of blue-
exhibits a blueshifted (—51 km s1) absorption feature, a ward radiation by outflowing material. The intermediate
definitive signature of outflowing material (Kuhi 1964). dispersion spectrum of Sz69 is also characterized by the
However, we note that the self-reversal of the Ha line emission lines Fe π λλ.6432,6456,6516 and He I λ6678
presented here is not as deep as seen by Finkenzeller and from which regions of very high temperatures (105 K)
Basri (1987) indicating variations of the outflowing mate- within the near vicinity of Sz69 are inferred. It is uncer-
rial over the last three years. With the exception of strong tain whether these emission lines originate within a chro-
Ha emission, the Sz68 spectrum reveals no other emis- mosphere or boundary layer. In addition, the forbidden
sion-line features. Its photospheric spectrum is character- emission lines [Ο l] λλ6300,6363 are observed within the
ized by the absorption lines of Fe I and Li λ6707 (a well- stellar spectrum. The velocities of these forbidden lines
known signature of stellar youth). We derive a mean are blueshifted (—33 km-1) with respect to the Fe π lines.
heliocentric velocity of +3 ± 15 km s_1 for Sz68 from the Such negative velocity forbidden line emission is com-

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

-8 Ί—ΓΠ—Γ Ί—I—I—I—I—Γ τπ—ι—Γ


-8.5 —



-9 —

_9 5 I ι ι ι ι I ι ι ι ι I ι ι ι_ ι ι I J I L
-5 -4.5 -4 -3.5 -3 -2.5

Fig. 8-The dereddened spectral energy distribution of Sz68 from 0.36 μιη to 10 μηι (open circles). Also shown is the spectral energy distribution of a
K2 dwarf (solid line) scaled such that the flux at 0.70 μηι agrees with that of Sz68.



6200 6400 6600 6800

λ (Α)
Fig. 9-Intermediate-dispersion spectrum of Sz68 showing the Fe I and Li I absorption lines and revealing the blueshifted self-reversal of the Ha line.

monly observed from Τ Tauri stars due to shock interac- 3.4 New Emission-Line Stars
tions between a stellar wind and the high-density circum- By comparing R and Ha images we identified three
stellar environment and the presence of a disk which new emission-line stars in the B228 cloud. Two of these
occults the emission from the receding material (Appen- (Ha star 1 and Ha star 2) are in the Sz68/69 field and the
zeller, Jankovics, and Ostreicher 1984; Edwards et al. third (Ha star 3) is a close companion of Sz74. The low-
1987; Hartmann and Raymond 1989). dispersion spectra for Ha star 1 and Ha star 2 are dis-

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System



Fig. 10-Intermediate-dispersion spectrum of Sz69 showing broad Ha, emission lines of Fe II, and forbidden line emission of [Ο l] λ6300.

played in Figure 11. We include these stars in Table 5 4. Stellar Winds from Young Stars
with positions, red magnitudes estimated from the R Imaging and spectroscopic observations of newborn
image, and equivalent widths. These stars are faint mR ~ stars in the B228 molecular cloud have identified multiple
17 magnitudes and have late M-type spectra. Many other sites of shock interaction. These observed signatures of
faint emission-line stars are probably present in the B228 shock excitation and high-velocity gas are likely produced
cloud and await detection by methods such as this. by a stellar wind which often accompanies the pre-main-

I I I I I I I I 1 ^ ^ Γ Ί 1 ^ Γ Ί I ^ Γ lili I I I I
Ha Star 1

I I I I I I I I I I I I ι I I I I I ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι
6000 6500 7000 7500 6000 8500 9000

λ (A)
Fig. 11-Low-dispersion spectra of identified emission-line stars (a) Ha star 1 and (b) Ha star 2.

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

TABLE 5 interstellar magnetic field has not played a primary role in

Newly Identified Emission Line Stars the collimation and orientation of this outflow.
We would like to thank Sr. Mario Hamuy and Dr. Kent
Ha Star a(1950) 6(1950) mR EW(Ha) Ford for their help in reduction and subsequent measure-
1 15h 41m 57.7* -34° 08' 12" 17.8 100 ment of our spectra. J.A.G. 's work at the Department of
2 15 42 07.0 -34 12 00 16.9 132 Terrestrial Magnetism has been partly supported by
3 15 44 53.1 -35 06 36 15.3 17
NASA grant NAGW-398 to the Garnegie Institution of
sequence evolution of a star. The stars responsible for this
outflow activity include a very faint, heavily obscured REFERENCES
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© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

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