UI UX-Task

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Task Descrip,on:

You are tasked with designing a comprehensive digital mental health pla6orm that will be available both as a web
app and mobile app. The pla6orm aims to connect users with professional therapists, provide mental health
resources, and facilitate a suppor<ve community environment.

Detailed Instruc,ons:

1. Research: Ini<ate with a thorough research process:

• Market Research: Understand the landscape of exis<ng mental health pla6orms. Iden<fy their
strengths and weaknesses, along with any poten<al gaps that our pla6orm could address.
• User Research: Create user personas to understand poten<al users' needs, behaviours, and pain
points beEer.
• Therapist Research: Understand the needs and workflows of the therapists who will use our pla6orm
to provide their services.
2. Mood Board: Develop a mood board that reflects a suppor<ve, calm, and posi<ve atmosphere. This should
give an idea about the colour schemes, typography, iconography, photography styles, and inspira<onal
images or interfaces.
3. User Journey Maps: Create user journey maps for a minimum of two personas: an individual seeking therapy
and a professional therapist offering services on the pla6orm.
4. Design:
• Web App Design: Based on your research and mood board, design the key screens of the web
applica<on. This should include the Home Screen, Therapist Search & Profile, Resource Library, and
Community Forum.
• Mobile App Design: Adapt the web app design to a mobile interface. The mobile design should offer
the same func<onali<es but op<mized for a smaller screen size.
5. Responsiveness: Your design should ensure a consistent user experience across devices of varying screen
6. Prototype: Develop interac<ve prototypes of both the web app and the mobile app using your preferred
design tool.

Expected Outcome for Interview:

1. Research Report: A comprehensive report documen<ng your research process and findings.
2. Mood Board: A digital mood board that visually represents the overall aesthe<c feel of the applica<on.
3. User Journey Maps: Detailed user journey maps for at least two different user personas.
4. Design Mock-ups: High-fidelity mock-ups of the key screens of both the web and mobile applica<ons.
5. Interac,ve Prototypes: Clickable prototypes for both the web app and mobile app, demonstra<ng the
primary user flow.
6. Design Explana,on: A document or presenta<on explaining your design decisions, the incorpora<on of your
research findings into your design, and how the design achieves the goal of suppor<ng users' mental health

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