Test Bank, G 10
Test Bank, G 10
Test Bank, G 10
Bank (G10)
1- which branch of geology that depend on their scientists to
determine the phosphate percentage in western desert in
a) Geophysics
b) Geochemistry
c) Physical geology
d) Precipitation geology
2- i- geophysics study the physical properties of minerals and
ii- engineering geology study the geometrical properties of
minerals and rocks.
a) Both statements are correct
b) Both statements are false
c) First statement is false, second statement is correct
d) First statement is correct, second statement is false
3- the branch of earth science that study the effect of air, water,
drought, pressure and latent heat inside the earth is
a) Geophysics
b) Stratigraphy
c) Structural geology
d) Physical geology
4- which of the following sciences integrate with paleontology?
a) Biology and petrology
b) Biology and geochemistry
c) Stratigraphy and biology
d) Geophysics and geochemistry
5- which branch from the following interpret tsunami
earthquakes that happened in India 2004?
a) Geology
b) Astronomy
c) Geophysics
d) Physical geology
6- Which of the following branches of Geology does not
considered from applied geology?
a) geophysics
b) stratigraphy.
c) petroleum Geology.
d) lithology
7- The branch of geology that deals with physical properties of
the component of the rocks is _____________
A- Mining Geology
B- Geo physics.
C- Mineralogy.
D- Petrology.
8 - A scientist collected rocks from the Grand Canyon; he took
those rocks to the lab and began to study them from clues about
the Earth when the Grand Canyon was formed.
Which subdivision of geology is this an experiment?
A- Paleontology.
B- Historical geology.
C- Physical geology.
D- Petrology.
9 - The branch is integrated between Geology and Biology
A- Mineralogy.
B- Petrology.
C- Paleontology.
D- Stratigraphy.
10- If you dig a tunnel through an area, this means
A- _ there is relationship between geology and biology.
B- there is a relationship between geology and engineering.
C- there is a relationship between geology and agriculture.
D- there is a relationship between geology and chemistry.
11-united states of America had a hurricane in 2004 which had
catastrophic impacts. To know more about this subject, you
should study _____________
A- Climatology
B- Paleontology
C- Geology
D- hydrology
12- A scientist is writing a grant proposal to study a portion of
the hydrosphere. Which is she most likely to be interested
a. Clouds
b. Glaciers
c. Plants
d. Volcanoes
13- if you would like to cultivate an area in a desert, which branch
of geology will be going to study?
a- geochemistry
b- paleontology
c- hydrology
d- petroleum geology
14- the study of relief and the topographical features of an area
of a region hydrology and development of landform
a- meteorology
b- minerology
c- geomorphology
d- geology
15- there are some photos of an area of Sinai Egypt received
from satellite represents you deals with _____________
a- the relation between geology and math
b- the relation between geology and engineering
c- the relation between geology and technology
d- the relation between geology and physical
16- Petroleum geology study the formation, migration and
accumulation of oil or gas, and petrology include petrography
and petro genesis .
a- Two statements are wrong
b- Two statements are right
c- First statement is incorrect, second statement is correct
d- First statement is correct , second statement is incorrect.
17- Which branch from the following stud the solid portion of
earth, including volcanoes, earthquakes and fossils?
a- Geology.
b- Geography
c- geomorphology
d- paleontology
18- The branch of earth science that deal with the ocean sea
currents, salinity, and ocean floor features is_____________
a) Geology
b) Hydrology
c) Petrology
d) Oceanography
19- Environmental geology is the study of the interaction
between humans and the environment, why is this branch of
geology important to human?
a) To provide the background information’s for past climate
b) To provide information about the history of the earth
c) To help solve issue that obstruct living organism.
d) To help predict natural disaster.
20- which branch of the following creates and uses maps of
physical features of the earth ?
a) Cartography
b) Petrology
c) Geology
d) Astronomy
21- Dolomite is a rock like limestone except it has more
_____________ present.
a) Silica
b) Calcium
c) Magnesium
d) Iron
22- Diamond requires 100 kilo bars to form, at what depth within
the earth should this pressure be reached?
a) 3 kilometers
b) 30 kilometers
c) 300 kilometers
d) 3000 kilometers
23- If the mass of the material is 965 gm, and the mass of the
same volume from water is 50 gm, the mineral is …………
a) Galena
b) Calcite
c) Gold
d) Hematite
24- identify the mineral which has specific gravity more than 5
and gives grey streak ?
a) Hematite
b) Sphalerite
c) Barite
d) Galena
25- the physical properties of minerals can be defined as any
measurable or observable property of a mineral , so the
physical properties of minerals are _____________
a) Used to classify minerals
b) Indirectly related to the mineral’s crystal structures
c) Used as an aid in mineral identification
d) Difficult to mineral identification
26- which of the following can use in the roads to save energy?
a- Fluorite
b- Apatite
c- Topaz
d- Diamond
27- quartz occur in many different colors and rock types, which
of the following properties is most likely to help you identify
quartz, no matter what color is it ?
a- conchoidal fracture
b- specific gravity
c- crystal form
d- cleavage
28- in an unstable area, if you find a piece of quartz, its color will
most likely be _____________
a- white
b- dark grey
c - purple
d- colorless
29- During a practical session in chemistry lab, the teacher added
calcium hydroxide to ammonium carbonates powder the results
would be_____________
a- a mineral of malachite
b- a mineral of calcite
c- a mineral of dolomite
d- none of the above
30- a violet mineral can scratch orthoclase and does not scratch
topaz is _____________
a) Quartz
b) Apatite
c) Amethyst
d) Corundum
31- quartz has no cleavage due to _____________
a) It breaks into regular shapes
b) It breaks into irregular shapes
c) It has constant composition.
d) It is formed from silicon and oxygen
32- classify the following according its origin: dolomite, hematite
, granite and cupper
a) Mineral, ore, rock and native.
b) Native, rock, ore and mineral
c) Ore, element, native and compound
d) Mineral, native, compound and element
33- I am a mineral that belong to silicate group, my color is black
and white only, I have a conchoidal cleavage. Who am I?
a) Flint
b) Mica
c) Quartz
d) Graphite
34- a student accurately measured the mass of a sample to be
254.8 grams and its volume to be 94.4cm3, what is the density?
a) 2.7gm/ cm3
b) 4.0gm/cm3
c) 5.3gm/cm3
d) 7.6gm/cm3
35- if you know that the mineral with the highest density have a
cubic cleavage, what is the name of this mineral?
a) Quartz
b) Hematite
c) Galena
d) Corundum
36- pick the quartz which has the lowest percentage of
impurities among the following.
a) Rose quartz
b) Milky quartz
c) Smoky quartz
d) Colorless quartz
37- a man was holding piece of graphite and suddenly it fell down
and split. the shape that resulted was looks like _____________
a) Cube
b) Basal
c) Sheets
d) No specific
38- if you have three samples: A,B,C .the sample A scratches
sample B and does not scratch sample C . so _____________
a) Sample A is fluorite, sample B is calcite and sample C is apatite
b) Sample A is gypsum, sample B is talc and sample C is fluorite
c) Sample A is orthoclase, sample B is apatite and sample C is
quartz .
39- while you were in a field trip in eastern desert, you found
two samples of minerals had a goldy color , how can you
differentiate between them ?
a) By color and luster
b) By cleavage and hardness
c) By malleability and crystal shape
d) By streak and specific gravity
40- mineral X can scratch knife blade and iron nail and can not
scratch iron file so it may be:
a) Fluorite
b) Quartz
c) Orthoclase
d) Apatite
41- some minerals have special properties, these make them
easy to identify, for example:
A mineral with hardness 3 has _____________
a) Pearly luster and has three directions cleavage.
b) Vitreous luster and has three directions of cleavage.
c) Waxy luster and has one direction of cleavage.
d) Earthy luster and has two directions of cleavage.
42- to be considered a mineral, a mineral must meet the
following criteria _____________
a) Have a definite shape and occur naturally
b) Have a definite shape and occur unnaturally.
c) Have a definite composition and occur naturally
d) Have a definite composition and occur unnaturally.
43- a student was given two minerals of some color, what
physical property could be tested to help the student determine
the identification of the two minerals?
a) Relative size
b) Streak color
c) Mass in grams
d) Volume in ml
44- USA had a hurricane in2004 which had catastrophic impact.
to know more about this subject, you should study
a) Climatology
b) Paleontology
c) Geology
d) Hydrology
45- crushed stone is an economic resources . how is crushed
stone mainly used ?
a) In steel production
b) As building insulation
c) For coal mine reclamation
d) As a construction material
46- which of the following cements contains maximum
percentage of di calcium silicate?
a) Low heat cement
b) Ordinary Portland cement
c) Sulphate resisting cement
d) Rapid hardening cement
47- limestone is the rock type most commonly used to make
crushed stone .it holds this position due to_____________
a) It is scarcely available and suitable for many uses
b) It is scarcely available and suitable for few uses.
c) It is widely available and suitable for many uses
d) It is widely available and suitable for few uses.
48-an engineer wants to line torrent pass, which one of the
following cement is suitable for that?
a) Pozzolana cement
b) Quick setting cement
c) Sulphate resisting cement
d) Rapid hardening cement
49- why sandstone is not popular for long term use in polar area
a) Because it has many joints
b) Because it has porosity range between 5 and 30 %
c) Because it composed primarily of quartz
d) Because it composed of sand grains cemented together
50- the best soil that qualify for both compressed earth block and
rammed earth contains _____________as it is common most of
the continents
a) Quartz
b) Basalt
c) Granite
d) Sandstone
51- some stone and brick make ideal flooring or exterior paving
material as they_____________
a) Possessing good thermal properties and cool in summer
b) Possessing good thermal properties and warm in summer
c) Possessing bad thermal properties and cool in summer
d) Possessing bad thermal properties and warm in summer
52- all igneous rocks are considered as” trap rock “
It is favorable to use trap rocks in soils that subjected to
a) Both statements are correct
b) Both statements are false
c) First statement is correct, second statement is false
d) First statement is false, second statement is correct
53- due to the presence of tri calcium aluminate in cement
a) It will have desirable properties
b) It will have undesirable properties
c) It will have its same properties
d) It will have magnetic properties
54- which is the following resist fire more?
a) Slate
b) Marble
c) Limestone
d) Compact sandstone
55- which of the following used in aesthetic purpose at the
interface of the big buildings?
a- Quartzite
b- Calcite
c- Granite
D- Coarse sandstone
56- some stone and brick make an ideal flooring or exterior
paving material as they _____________
i- cool in summer
ii- act as passive solar heating
iii- possessing good thermal properties
a- I and ii
b- I and iii
c- ii and iii
d- I and ii and iii
57- if you want to build your house in area where freezing
temperature occur which building material is the best to use?
a- limestone
b- sandstone
c- Slate
d- quartzite
58- for manufacture of stainless steel mixed with_____________
a) Cupper
b) Chromium
c) Nickel
d) Tungsten
59- when the engineer makes the ground of his house he used
the type of cement must add
a) Di -calcium silicate to be soft
b) Tri-calcium silicate to rapid hardening.
c) Tri- calcium aluminate to rapid hardening
d) Tetra calcium aluminate tartaric to be soft
60- for a good building stone , its specific gravity should greater
than _________________
a) 1.5
b) 1.7
c) 2.4
d) 2.7
61- bitumen that is used to separate the roof of house is
generally obtained from _____________
a) Petroleum product
b) Coal
c) Synthetic materials
d) Organic materials
62- the steel used for rails under heavy traffic and on sharp curve
is ………
a) Manganese steel
b) Chrome steel
c) Nickel steel
d) Vanadium steel
63- strength of cement concrete primarily depends upon …..
a) quality of water
b) quality of aggregate
c) quality of cement
d) water cement ratio
64- How are igneous rocks formed ?
a) They are formed from cooled magma
b) They are formed when magma or lava cools
c) They are formed over many years of pressure and heat
d) They are formed from hot magma that release from volcanoes
65- in the following list , which term refers to the silica content
typical of an andesite ?
a) Silicic
b) Intermediate
c) Mafic
d) Ultramafic
66- in the following list ,what item is not included in the
discontinuous reaction series?
a) Amphibole
b) Pyroxene
c) Olivine
d) Plagioclase
67- which of the following igneous rocks contain more than 15%
iron magnesium rich minerals ?
a) Komatiite and peridotite
b) Andesite and diorite
c) Basalt and gabbro
d) Granite and rhyolite
68- the volcanic rock_____________ has a corresponding
plutonic rock…………. Having the same minerals.
a) Rhyolite, diorite
b) Andesite, granite
c) Basalt, gabbro
d) Granite, rhyolite
69- Silicate liquids existing directly beneath the earth’s surface
consists of _____________
a) Quartz and feldspar
b) Granite and basalt
c) Olivine and pyroxene
d) Biotite and amphibole
70- in the basalt sample represented in front of you, the vesicles
most likely formed in _____________
a) Gabbro plutonic rock.
b) Pumice volcanic rock
c) Andesite volcanic rock
d) Dolerite subsurface.
71- Iceland has a great deal of volcanic activity. the reason for
this is_____________
a) It was formed above a mid – ocean rift
b) It is part of the “ring of fire”
c) Two tectonic plates are rubbing against each other under
d) The American plate is dividing under the European plate in this
72- the igneous rock how a category of hot liquid rocks that erupt
from crack in the earth’s surface are called _____________
a) Granit.
b) Basalt
c) Magma
d) Lava
73- the black sand of the Hawaiian island is composed of which
of the following _____________
a) Quartz
b) Gypsum
c) Basalt
d) Limestone
74- which type of weathering creates clay minerals?
a) Frost wedging
b) Hydrolysis
c) Oxidation
d) Unloading
75- which of these silicates minerals is unlikely to be chemically
a) Olivine
b) Amphibole
c) Na -feldspar
d) Kaolinite.
76- which rock is not a form of limestone?
a) Chert
b) Chalk
c) Coquina
d) Micrite
77- what term refers to the degree of uniformity of clast size in
sedimentary rocks?
a) Facies
b) Sorting
c) Compaction
d) Eluviation
78- while scientist was explore an area, found a piece of soft
black rock that contain imprint of a leaf , to which group of rocks
doe it most likely belong ?
a) Clastic sedimentary rocks
b) Chemical sedimentary rocks
c) Organic sedimentary rocks
d) Biochemical sedimentary rocks
79- which weathering products are deposited first when a river
reaches the sea?
a) Sand grains
b) Pebbles
c) Dissolved ions
d) Clay in suspension
80- which of these rocks is not detrital?
a) Dolostone
b) Sandstone
c) Conglomerate
d) Breccia
81- Name the clay mineral produced by the alteration of potash
feldspar which is also used in ceramics _____________
a) Gypsum
b) Shale
c) Marble
d) Kaolinite
82- all the following are examples of chemically precipitated
sedimentary rock except _____________
a) Limestone
b) Sandstone
c) Dolomite
d) Gypsum
83 the hydrolysis of orthoclase result in the formation of
a) Lime
b) shale
c) Kaolin
d) Slate
84- which of these metamorphic rocks is foliated but doesn’t
generally break along the foliation planes?
a) Slate
b) Gneiss
c) Schist
d) Phyletic
85- what is the rock called when it has both a metamorphic and
igneous component?
a) Migmatite
b) Magnetite
c) Phyllite
d) Pegmatite
86- your teacher that is holding a metamorphic rock, that found
deep in the crust when mountains were thrust upwards
you agree with him , which of the following reasons would a
scientist give for a agreeing with you ?
I- the rock exhibits foliation
Ii-minerals grains in the rock are growing in size.
iii-the rock contains only one kind of mineral
a) (I) only
b) ii only
c) I and ii only
d) I , ii and iii
87- what sequences of rock types will shale pass through with
successively higher grades of metamorphism?
a) Shale, phyllite, gneiss, schist and slate
b) Shale, slate phyllite, gneiss and schist
c) Shale, slate, phyllite, schist and gneiss
d) Shale, phyllite, slate, gneiss and schist
88- in what plate tectonic setting does regional metamorphism
usually take place ?
a) Mid ocean ridge
b) Convergent plate boundary
c) Divergent plate boundary
d) Transform plate boundaries
89- an example of rock whose minerals have been crushed into
thin sheets or bands is
a) Schist
b) Shale
c) Granite
d) Conglomerate
90- what type of metamorphism exhibits high temperature but
low pressure
a) Orogenic rapid movement
b) Fault zone
c) Regional metamorphism
d) Contact metamorphism
91- Tiny bits of weathered rocks of one living plants or animal
are called ….
a) Coal
b) Minerals
c) Sediments
d) Pyroclastic
92- the rock cycle shows each rock _____________
a) As it is in recent time
b) As it is was millions of years ago
c) As it is on a continuing journey
d) As it was originally formed
93- The time scale of rock cycle _____________
a) Months
b) Decades
c) Millenia
d) Millions of years
94- At which type of plate boundary are you most likely to find
igneous rocks forming ?
a) Conservative and destructive
b) Constructive and conservative
c) Destructive and constructive
d) Sliding and constructive.
95- which of the following is not a type of weathering?
a) Saltation
b) Freeze-thaw
c) Oxidation
d) Exfoliation
96- which type of rock is most likely to be found inside a cave?
a) Igneous rocks
b) Metamorphic rocks
c) Chemical sedimentary rocks
d) Biological sedimentary rocks
97- Which can occur in the rock cycle?
a) Magma crystalline to form metamorphic rocks
b) Igneous rocks eroded to form sedimentary rock
c) Metamorphic rock melts to form igneous rocks
d) Sedimentary rock is heated and squeezed to form
98- a natural, nonliving substance that makes up rock
a) mineral
b) rocks
c) plasma
d) lava
99- a rock that formed from layers of sediments
a) metamorphic
b) igneous
c) sedimentary
d) magma
100- Sedimentary rocks form where weathered and eroded
materials are dropped
a) true
b) false
101- rock that has been changed by heat and pressure, or
a) sedimentary
b) metamorphic
c) igneous
d) fuels
102- Fossils are often found in ____________ because it is
formed from the remains of once living things.
a) metamorphic
b) magma
c) igneous
d) sedimentary
103- Tiny bits of weathered rock or once living plants or animals
is called_____________
a) Sediment
b) basalt
c) mineral
d) coal
104- ________________ rock means FIRE and is formed from
melted rock either from magma below Earth's crust or from
lava above it
a) sedmetary
b) igneous
c) metamorphic
d) magma
105- Over time sediments pile up and the layers
become__________ together to form rock
a) slate
b) coal
c) water
d) cemented
106- a rock can form by weathered rocks cemented together
a) true
b) false
107- What type of rock forms from stratification ___________
a) Intrusive
b) Igneous
c) Sedimentary
d) Metamorphic
108- Marble is formed when intense heat and pressure is
applied to limestone. What type of rock is marble?
a) metamorphic
B) sedimentary
c) extrusive igneous
d)intrusive igneous
109- Acid from rain water reacts chemically with minerals
dissolving them or turning them into other minerals, often
through the processes of oxidation or hydration. Which term
describes the process when chemicals dissolve and break up rock
to form sedimentary rock?
a) Deposition
b) Lithification
c) Physical weathering
d) Chemical weathering
110- What type of texture does a SLOWLY cooling, intrusive
igneous rock have?
a) Foliated
b) Nonfoliated
c) Coarse grained
d) Fine grained
111- This rock was formed by smaller pieces of rock that settled
at the bottom of a lake millions of years ago. What type of rock
is this?
a) Sedimentary
b) Igneous
c) Metamorphic
127- This rock was molten lava that cooled quickly as it came
out of a volcano. What type of rock is this?
a) Sedimentary
b) Igneous
c) Metamorphic