Digital Content Creation - ASM 1 - Creative Brief

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Creative Brief & Content

Digital Content Creation_ COMM2789_ Assignment 1
Lecturer: Tran Cam Binh
Phan Dinh Khoi-s3836326
1. Project Information
• Brand introduction
Mot is a cutting-edge footwear label based in VietNam that creates shoes that are both
stylish and comfortable. The design of the Mot shoe is symbolic of the struggle to
identify the new Vietnamese nation. Simple, subtle, and practical, Mot is a continuance
of Vietnamese culture with a contemporary twist, using design cues from the dynamic
and contrasting metropolitan environment of Saigon ( Mot 2022)
• The brand story: products are created with human-centred design and focus
on sustainable values in consumption. A "Mot" shoes for every occasion
• Challenges:
+ We mainly focus on expanding and approaching new customers segmentation also
maintaining brand positioning
+ More and more people know and try on Mot shoes
+ Guide the customer about the design products
+ Customer engagement
• Campaign name: Mot modernization Vietnam
• Campaign Timeline: 5/3/2022-5/6/2022
1. _ 1st stages: Begin on 5/3/2022
2. _ 2nd stages: Begin on 5/4/2022
3. _ 3rd stages: Begin on 28/4/2022
Swot Analysis

2. Research Strengths Weakness

_ Have an effective story content _ New in the footwear market (2018)

strategy behind the shoes compare to other Vietnamese
• Target Audience: Một Customers are _ The brand have consistent brand tone competitors
typically self-aware, mature, yet youthful at of voice and and can easily identify the _ The total visit from the Mot's
heart; they are the true survivors of the modern brand identity on digital platforms websites is huge decreasing compare
world. They also know what they want, fit _ Minimalism lifestyle is smart to the last month ( appendix 1)
them well and care more about style than the
price. ( Mot 2022) fashion (Sheppard G 2021) _ The cross channel engagement is
_ Vietnamese footwear brand have a quite low (appendix 2)
• Customer persona clearly design philosophy ( Mot 2022)
_Demographic: both sexes vary from the age Opportunity Threatens
of 16-24, especially pupils and students that
are in need of comfortable shoes to match their
uniform. _ Gain more brand identity from the _The growth of domestic footwear
_Psychology: have sympathy for domestic story content strategy, deeper connection brands and severe international
products or local brand, open-minded, willing with customer ( Clement M 2022) competition ( Oanh T 2018)
to try a new brand
_Behaviour: high exposure to social media _ Sustainability and minimalism lifestyle _ Not really known by many
and other Internet-based websites, willing to is becoming an increasingly popular consumers
try a new brand, minimalism lifestyle, want a trend among young people in Vietnam
durable things to wear daily (VTV news 2019)
_ In 2019, Vietnam exported nearly $22
billion worth of shoe products, a 12
percent rise from the previous year.
(Kennemer J n.d)
Objectives, Metrics and KPIs
1st Objective: 2nd Objective
Gaining audience awareness and Một shoes’ recognition Raise brand’s consideration

Specific Increase the followers rate for Specific Increase the user's engagement rate
Facebook and Instagram to Một's advertising posts on
Facebook and Instagram platforms

Measurable Achieve 100k followers in Measurable Achieve 4000 total engagement on

Instagram and 3500 total
Facebook and 40k followers in
engagement on Facebook
Attainable Align the content strategy through
Attainable Post more regularly with running different channels
branded content via sponsored
posts and stories Relevant Creating more content about the Mot
shoes with their sustainability
characteristics and the minimalism
design, mostly about the
Relevant The story telling, content strategy modernization Vietnam

Time-based In 3 months period ( 5/3-5/6/2022)

Time-based In 3 months period ( 5/3-5/6/2022)
Development and
1st Objective 2nd Objective

• Evaluation
Customer Exploration Decision Making
Journey Followers: Increase up to + 25% in Facebook
30% in Instagram
Pain point Product Deliver products Interaction: increase up to + 20% in Facebook,
Awareness Features + 25% in Instagram

Propose Content Strategy with User Generated Content- Earned Media which
means the campaign want to gain more audience, loyalty and also customer experience

Content Archetypes as a Community and Content Archetypes as a presence

which is the role of the content is support and knowledge what audience needs and
demands, and create more awreness and brand recognition
4. Big Idea

• Mot modernization Vietnam

• Big idea “ The modern is more than a phrase"
• Tagline “ Hiện đại nhưng không hại điện” ( Modern is not harmful)
• Key message: As civilization gets more modern, some argue that human life
will become faster, more stressful, and more negative. Along with it, morale
and distance between people are concerns. As things are "modernised," people
always want to return to traditional, sustainable principles and simple lives to
keep up with the fast-paced life vortex. Mot puts people at the centre of its
products and helps them recognize what they actually like and need through
being honest, humane, and being themselves.
• Mandatories:
+Mot logo
+ H a s h t a g : # M o t m o d e r n Vi e t N a m , # M o t d o i g i a y, # O n e f o r a l l ,
+ O f f i c i a l We b s i t e s : h t t p s : / / m o t d o i g i a y . v n /
+Slogan: Mot is not only a shoe but also a way of life.
• B r a n d Vo i c e : I n s p i r i n g , h u m o u r , s u p p o r t i v e
• To n e o f Vo i c e : t r u s t w o r t h y , m e a n i n g f u l , p r e c i s e
• L a n g u a g e : T h o u g h t f u l , f r i e n d l y, m o d e r n
Content Pillar

• Reason to believe
_ Traditional values will easily touch people's hearts and Stages 1 Stages 2 Stages 3
consciousness. (Bringing tradition ( Exploring Mot ( Vietnam is
_ A product of Vietnamese people and exclusively for to Mot modern modern home)
Vietnamese people. Vietnam) Vietnam)
_ The content strategy has a connection from the story to the
product. Duration 5/3/2023-4/4/2023 5/4/2023- 28/4/2023-
27/4/2023 5/6/2023
Content _ Vietnamese _Minimalism _ Home or
• Deliverables Pillar culture lifestyle house
• Bedrock content: Một shoe brings traditional and _ Mot Vietnamese _Globalisation _ National pride
sustainable values to address the need for a casual shoe for products _ Mot modern _ Independence
daily wear. Modern elements are integrated into traditional
elements to remind Vietnamese people of a modern Vietnam, _ Special holidays Vietnam Day campaign
integrated but not dissolved. campaign
Editorial Content Calendar
• Mot (n.d.) Một cho tất cả , Mot website, accessed 20 November 2022.
• Sheppard G (2021) Why Are Younger Generations Taking On Minimalism ,The Talko website, accessed 20 November 2022.
• Clement M (2022) Brand Storytelling: How to Tell Stories That Will Increase Conversions , Neal Schaffer website, accessed 21 November
• Tran Oanh (2022) MỘT - Niềm tự hào mới của giày Việt , Vietcetera website, accessed 21 November 2022.
• T.N (31 March 2019) ‘Minimalism - a trend in Vietnam’, VTV News, accessed 21 November 2022.
• Kennemer J (2022) How To Find Shoe Manufacturers in Vietnam // Top 10 Footwear Suppliers And Factories in Vietnam List, Cosmo
Sourcing website, accessed 21 November 2022.

• RivalIQ 2022, Overview, Rival IQ, viewed 26 November 2022.
• SimilarWeb 2022, Website Analysis, Similar Web, viewed 26 November 2022*/704/3m?webSource=Total&

Appendix 1: Trafic & Engagement of

Appendix 2: Total engagement of Một on

digital platforms

Appendix 3: The social trafic of Mot on

digital platforms Appendix 4: The Một’s instagram overview

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