National Education (31151) (First) 2023/2024 Coordination Unit of Service Courses King Talal School of Business Technology
National Education (31151) (First) 2023/2024 Coordination Unit of Service Courses King Talal School of Business Technology
National Education (31151) (First) 2023/2024 Coordination Unit of Service Courses King Talal School of Business Technology
(first) 2023/2024
Coordination Unit of Service Courses
King Talal School of Business Technology
1. Course Information:
Office Hours Mondays and WEDs days: office at PSUT (12:30-1:30) PM)
2. Course Description:
3. Course Objectives:
Course Objectives
The program learning outcomes that are mapped for the course and accreditation purposes are:
PLO5: Collaborate effectively within a team to build jointly-prepared projects.
PLO6: Demonstrate written and oral communication skills essential to business settings.
6. Curriculum Design:
This course will cover core concepts in National Education. The topics and their respective
chapter in the recommended textbook are highlighted below:
7. Teaching Methods:
Several teaching techniques and methods will be used to effectively facilitate the learning
process of this course. These methods will include lectures, coursework, group discussions,
quizzes and exams.
8. Assessment:
The course is intended to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge that will help
them in putting theory in practice. Various assessment techniques will be used to assess students’
understanding of the module. The breakdown of the weight of each element is:
Homework 2*4=8% All Course duration 30%
Participation 5%
Report 5%
Midterm Exam TBD 30%
Final Exam End-of-term 40%
Total 100%
Suitability of the Answer does not Answer addresses the Clear and logical Question is well-
answer address the question. questions with limited answer that addresses answered with critical
improvisation on the the question and analysis of the core
answer. attempts to provide concepts covered in the
critical analysis of core exam.
concepts covered in the
Understanding of the Lacks theoretical Shows good Shows good Shows solid
core concepts understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the core
core concepts covered core concepts and its subject area. There is a concepts with strong link
in the exam. application in practice good link between the between theory and
core concepts and practice.
0-19 20-29 30-35 36-40
(out of 40 marks)
Understanding Lacks Shows some Shows good Shows solid understanding of the core
of the core understanding of understanding of core understanding of the concepts covered in the exam
concepts core concepts concepts covered in the subject area and core
covered in the exam. concepts covered in
exam. the exam.
(Out of 30 0-14 15-20 21-25 26-30
Understanding of Lacks understanding of Shows some understanding of Shows good Shows solid understanding
the theory the core concepts the core concepts covered in understanding of the of the core concepts
covered in the the assignment. subject area. covered in the assignment.
# marks for each assignment.
0 1-2 3-4 5
(Out of 5 marks)
Understanding of Lacks understanding of Shows some understanding of Shows good Shows solid understanding
the theory the core concepts the core concepts covered in understanding of the of the core concepts
covered in the the assignment. subject area. covered in the assignment.
# marks for each assignment.
0 1-2 3 4
(Out of 4 marks)
Interaction and No participation Some participation Frequently Always contributes to
participation in during the throughout the contributes to the the
classroom session and often course. discussion by raising discussion by raising
discussions causes thoughtful questions, thoughtful questions,
And classroom distractions to analysing analysing
learning colleagues. relevant issues. relevant issues,
activities building on others’
ideas, synthesizing
across readings and
1 2-3 4 5
Academic Integrity:
Students must refrain from copying each other's work or using information without
acknowledging the source of this information (i.e., providing a reference and in-text citation). A
Turnitin plagiarism of 15-20% could result in a range of disciplinary measures ranging from
written warning to deductions of marks from the submitted work. However, if the submitted
work exceeds this percentage, the academic staff reserves the right to open a plagiarism
investigation case. At the initial investigation stage (before any formal allegation of academic
misconduct is made) a decision will be reached about whether the case constitutes plagiarism as
opposed to poor scholarship. Where an initial investigation is conducted, the case will be
forwarded to the Students’ Violation Committee to take appropriate actions. If the case
constitutes plagiarism, the student(s) will be given a “0” mark for the entire module.
Late Assignments:
Assignments must be completed and submitted to me by the due date assigned by the module
leader. Failure to submit the assignment by the due date will automatically result in “0” mark
given for this assignment. If a student has an exceptional circumstance, they have to submit a
mitigating circumstances form to the module leader a week prior to the assignment due date. If
the form is approved, the student will receive an extra week to submit their work.