Lesson Plan Lesson 3 Cambridge English Book 3

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Lesson planning
This template can be used for individual lessons or a sequence of lessons in the
same topic.
Teacher’s initials: F. Essam School: Pakistan International School Cairo

Subject/age group: Year 3 Date:

Learning objectives:
3Rw.01, 3Rw.03, 3Rv.01,
3Rv.02, 3Rv.04, 3Rg.01,
3Rg.07, 3Rg.08, 3Ri.08,
3Ri.14, 3Ri.16, 3Ra.01, 3Ra.02,
3Wg.01, 3Wp.02, 3SLm.05,
3Slg.04, 3SLp.01, 3SLp. 03

Session: Learning intentions: Success criteria:

 
1.3 Build a picture Read a setting from Danny
the Champion of the World.
Learners can read a setting
description to themselves and
with words  Answer questions about the
setting. 
Learners can answer questions
 Discuss different sounds the about a setting.
letters ou make in words.  Learners can recognise
 Draw a picture showing the different ou sounds within
setting described. words.
 Learners can draw a picture of
a setting they have read about.

1 Resources:
 “Danny the Champion of the World” book cover.
 Vocabulary PowerPoint
 Cambridge English Learners` book P. 14, 15, 16
 Cambridge English Workbook P. 9, 10

2 Language support, including any key vocabulary:

 Ou diagraph different sounds.
 Vocabulary words:
Gypsy wagon/ caravan - bunk beds- possessed - paraffin lamp
 The spelling list (would – out – could – our – you – count – shout – about – could – house – should –
hour – through)

3 Introducing the lesson: Timing:

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Pre-reading: 15 min
 Post the book cover of “Danny the Champion of the world” on the
board and let students guess today`s session is about what.
 Vocabulary blockers:
 Post each picture and ask students to guess the meaning of each
vocabulary word while looking at each picture.
 Ask students to try to make their own sentences orally using these
vocabulary words.

4 Main activities Timing:

While reading: 60
 Read the extract of “Danny the champion of the world”.
 Ask students to read the comprehension questions in exercise 2 p.16.
 Ask students to answer the comprehension questions in exercise 2 in
their copy books.
Post reading:
 Ask students to underline all the words that has the ou diagraph in the
 Ask students if they can differentiate between the different sounds of
the diagraph ou in these words.
 Highlight with students the order of adjectives in the extract Matilda.
 Answer with students the workbook p. 9, 10

5 Assessment opportunities: Formative

 Workbook p. 9, 10

6 Differentiation opportunities:
 Differentiation happened as following:
- Visual: pictures, poster, interactive game.
- Kinesthetic: writing.

7 Plenary and reflection: Timing:

 The lesson will be wrapped up through questions: 10 min
- How many sounds can we make using the ou diagraph?
- Can you give me examples?

8 Homework (if required):

 Study the spelling list (would – out – could – our – you – count – shout – about – could – house –
should – hour – through)


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