Chap13 Vector Functions
Chap13 Vector Functions
Chap13 Vector Functions
Note: Comments/suggestions on these lecture notes are welcome on the e-mail: [email protected] to
Dr. Suresh Kumar.
Chapter 13
13.1.2 Limit of a vector-valued function
The limit of a vector-valued function →
r (t) = x(t)î + y(t)ĵ + z(t)k̂ is l = l1 î + l2 ĵ + l3 k̂ as t → t0 if
lim |→
r (t) − l | = 0. Further,
lim →
r (t) = lim x(t) î + lim y(t) ĵ + lim z(t) k̂ = l1 î + l2 ĵ + l3 k̂.
t→t0 t→t0 t→t0 t→t0
√ √
Ex. lim (cos t î + sin t ĵ + t k̂) = cos(π/4) î + sin(π/4) ĵ + (π/4) k̂ = (1/ 2) î + (1/ 2) ĵ + (π/4) k̂.
13.1.3 Continuity
A vector-valued function →−r (t) = x(t)î+y(t)ĵ+z(t)k̂ is said to be continuous at t = t0 if lim →−
r (t) = →
r (t0 ),
that is, lim x(t) = x(t ), lim y(t) = y(t ), lim z(t) = z(t ). Thus, r (t) is continuous at t if and only if
0 0 0 0
t→t0 t→t0 t→t0
its component functions are continuous at t0 .
Ex. The function → −r (t) = cos t î + sin t ĵ + t k̂ is continuous for all real values of t.
Ex. The function → −r (t) = cos t î + sin t ĵ + [t] k̂ is not continuous at any integer value of t since the
greatest integer function [t] is not continuous for integer values of t.
13.1.4 Differentiability
− derivative of vector-valued function →
r (t) = x(t)î + y(t)ĵ + z(t)k̂ at t = t0 , denoted by →
r ′ (t0 ) or
dt , is defined as
r (t0 + ∆t) − →
r (t0 )
r ′ (t0 ) = lim .
∆t→0 ∆t
Geometrically, it is tangent vector to the curve →
−r (t) at the point (x(t0 ), y(t0 ), z(t0 )), provided →
r ′ (t0 ) is
a nonzero vector. Also, it is easy to deduce that
r ′ (t) = x′ (t)î + y ′ (t)ĵ + z ′ (t)k̂.
Thus, →
−r (t) = x(t)î + y(t)ĵ + z(t)k̂ is differentiable if and only if its components are differentiable.
Ex. If →
−r (t) = cos t î + sin t ĵ + t k̂, then →
r ′ (t) = − sin t î + cos t ĵ + k̂.
Ex. Show that a vector function → −r (t) is of constant length if and only if it is orthogonal to its first
derivative, that is, |→
r (t)| is constant if and only if → −r. = 0.
− →
− →
− d → − →
− →
− d→−r
2 2
Sol. We have r . r = | r | = a (say) iff ( r . r ) = 0 iff r . = 0. Indeed, the orthogonality of →
r (t)
− dt dt
and makes sense when both these vectors are non-zero.
√ d→
For example, consider → −r (t) = cos t î + sin t ĵ + k̂. Then |→
−r (t)| = 2. Also, →−r. = 0.
Figure 13.2: As ∆ → 0, the point P tends to point Q along the curve C. In the limit, the vector P⃗Q/∆t becomes the
tangent vector ⃗r ′ (t) at P .
If →
r (t) = x(t)î + y(t)ĵ + z(t)k̂, then
− d→
−r dx dy dz
v = = î + ĵ + k̂.
dt dt dt dt
The curve traced by → −
r (t) is said to be smooth if ddtr is continuous and non-zero for all values of t in
the interval under consideration. Further, the non-zero vector ddtr is along the tangent to the curve at
P . Therefore, ddtr is defined as the vector tangent to the curve at P . Thus, a smooth curve has a unique
tangent at each of its points.
It would be useful to memorize the following formulas related to motion.
(1) Velocity: →
−v =
− d→
(2) Speed: | v | =
v d2 →
(3) Acceleration: → −
a = = 2
dt dt
(4) Unit vector in the direction of motion: n̂ = →−
→ |v|
− →
∴ v =|v| → →
= | v | n̂ =(Speed)(Direction)
Ex. A person on a hang glider is spiralling upward due rapidly rising air on a path → −r (t) = 3 cos t î +
3 sin t ĵ + t k̂. Find the velocity vector, acceleration vector, glider’s speed at time t, and the times when
the glider’s acceleration is orthogonal to its velocity.
Sol. We find
−v = −3 sin t î + 3 cos t ĵ + 2t k̂.
−a = −3 cos t î − 3 sin t ĵ√+ 2 k̂.
Glider’s Speed= |→ −
v | = 9 + 4t2 .
When v is orthogonal to →
− −
a , we have →
v .→
a = 0, which gives t = 0.
−r (t)dt = R (t) + → −c .
If the components of →−r (t) = x(t)î + y(t)ĵ + z(t)k̂ are integrable over [a, b], then so is →
r (t). The definite
integral of r (t) from a to b is given by,
Z b Z b Z b Z b
r (t)dt = x(t)dt î + y(t)dt ĵ + z(t)dt k̂.
a a a a
For example,
Z π Z π Z π Z π
(cos t î + ĵ − 2tk̂)dt = cos t dt î + dt ĵ + 2t dt k̂ = π ĵ − π 2 k̂.
0 0 0 0
13.3.2 Arc length parameter from a fixed point
The length from a fixed point P (t0 ) to any point Q(t) is given by
Z t
s(t) = |→
v (τ )| dτ.
From this relation, we can obtain t in terms of the arc length s. So → −r (t) = →
r (t(s)).
Ex. Find the arc length parameter along the helix r (t) = cos t î + sin t ĵ + t k̂ from t0 = 0.
Z t
Z tp √
Sol. s(t) = | v (τ )| dτ = (− sin τ )2 + (cos τ )2 + 12 dt = 2t.
0 0
Therefore t = √s , and the helix in terms of the arc length parameter s reads as
− s s s
r (s) = cos √ î + sin √ ĵ + √ k̂.
2 2 2
Z t
Rk. By fundamental theorem of calculus, the relation s(t) = |→
v (τ )| dτ gives
= |→
v (t)| ,
which is the speed of the particle at time t. Notice that it is independent of t0 .
−r →
T̂ = = →− .
ds |v|
Ex. For counterclockwise motion around the circle → −r (t) = cos t î+sin t ĵ, we find →
v (t) = − sin t î+cos t ĵ
and | v (t)| = 1. So unit tangent vector is T̂ = − sin t î + cos t ĵ.
1 dT̂
consequently κ = |−
v | dt
= 0, as expected, since a straight line has no bending at any point.
Ex. Find the curvature of the circle → −r (t) = a cos t î + a sin t ĵ.
Sol. We have
− d→
v = = −a sin t î + a cos t ĵ and |→ −v | = a.
v dT̂
∴ T̂ = → = − sin t î + cos t ĵ and = − cos t î − sin t ĵ.
v| dt
1 dT̂ 1
Finally, κ = → − = .
| v | dt a
We see that curvature of circle is constant, as expected, since circle has uniform bending at all the points.
It can be proved that
r ′ (t) × → −
r ′′ (t)|
κ= →
− , |→
r ′ (t)| =
̸ 0.
| r ′ (t)|3
r ′ (x) × → −
r ′′ (x)| |(î + f ′ (x) ĵ) × (0î + f ′′ (x) ĵ)| f ′′ (x)
κ= →
− = = .
| r ′ (x)|3 |î + f ′ (x) ĵ|3 [1 + (f ′ (x))2 ]3/2
Figure 13.3: The vector ds
is normal to the curve, and points in the direction of turning of T̂ .
1 dT̂
N̂ = .
κ ds
We can write
dT̂ dT̂ dt dT̂ →
ds dt ds dt
N̂ = = = , where T̂ = → .
dT̂ dT̂ dt dT̂ |−
ds dt ds dt
Note. There can be infinitely many normal vectors at a point of a 3D curve. But the principal unit
normal vector at a given point is unique, and points towards concave side of the curve since by definition
the principal unit vector has the direction of the vector T̂ (t + ∆t) − T̂ (t) in the limit ∆t → 0. Note that
T̂ (t + ∆t) − T̂ (t) (being addition of the vectors T̂ (t + ∆t) and −T̂ (t) by parallelogram law) points towards
concave side of the curve. So, in the limit ∆t → 0, the vector T̂ (t + ∆t) − T̂ (t) gives a unique normal
vector at the point t pointing towards concave side of the curve.
For example, in case of a 2D curve, if the unit tangent vector T̂ (t) makes an angle ϕ(t) with positive
x-axis, then it is given by
It implies that
T̂ ′ (t) = [− sin ϕ(t)î + cos ϕ(t)ĵ]ϕ′ (t) = [cos(π/2 + ϕ(t))î + sin(ϕ(t) + π/2)ĵ]ϕ′ (t) = N̂ ϕ′ (t).
If the curve concave towards left at t, then ϕ(t) increases with t, so ϕ′ (t) > 0. If the curve concave towards
right at t, then ϕ(t) decreases with t, so ϕ′ (t) < 0. Thus, in either case, the principal unit normal vector
points towards the concave side of the curve.
Ex. Find T̂ and N̂ for → −
r (t) = t î + t2 ĵ.
→ dT̂
Sol. T̂ = v
= √ 1 î + √ 2t ĵ, N̂ = dt
= √ −2t î + √ 1 ĵ
v| 1+4t2 1+4t2 dT̂ 1+4t2 1+4t2
Figure 13.4: Left: The osculating circle at P (x, y). Right: The osculating circle for the parabola y = x2 at the origin.
Ex. Find the osculating circle of the parabola y = x2 at the origin.
Sol. The parametric form of the given parabola is
−r (t) = t î + t2 ĵ.
1 dT̂
The origin corresponds to t = 0. We find κ = → − = 2 at t = 0. So radius of curvature is
| v | dt
ρ = 1/κ = 1/2. It is easy to assess that the centre of the osculating circle is (0, 1/2) that lies on Y-axis.
So equation of the osculating circle is x2 + (y − 1/2)2 = 1/2.
Figure 13.5: Left: The TNB frame of mutually orthogonal unit vectors travelling along a curve in space. Right: The
three planes in TNB frame.
Since B̂ = T̂ × N̂ , so we have
∴ = −τ N̂ ,
where minus sign is conventional. The scalar τ is called torsion along the curve. Also, we notice that
.N̂ = −τ N̂ .N̂ = −τ.
∴ τ =− .N̂
Since T̂ , N̂ and B̂ constitute a right-handed frame, there are three planes determined by T̂ , N̂ and
B̂. The plane of T̂ and N̂ is called osculating plane; the plane of N̂ and B̂ is called normal plane, and
the plane of B̂ and T̂ is called rectifying plane. The curvature κ = ddsT̂ can be thought of as the rate at
which the normal plane turns as the point P moves along its path. Similarly, the torsion τ = − ddsB̂ .N̂ is
the rate of turning of osculating plane about T̂ as P moves along its path. Torsion measures the twist of
the curve.
If we think of the curve as the path of a moving body, then the curvature of the curve (object path)
dT̂ dB̂
ds tells us how much the path turns to the left or right as the object moves along. The torsion − ds .N̂
tells how much the body’s path rotates or twists out of its plane of motion as the body moves along.
Every moving body travels with a TNB frame that characterizes the geometry of its path of motion.
(See Figure 6)
Figure 13.6:
d2 s d −
∴ Tangential component of → −
a = aT = 2 = (|→ v |).
2 dt dt
Normal component of → −
a = aN = κ = κ|→−v |2 .
Obviously, →
a = aT T̂ + aN N̂ and |→
a |2 = |aT |2 + |aN |2 .
Ex. Without solving T̂ and N̂ , find normal component of acceleration vector of the motion → −
r (t) =
(sin t − t cos t) î + (cos t + t sin t) ĵ.
→ −
Sol. We have → −v = ddtr = t sin t î + t cos t ĵ and ddtv = (sin t + t cos t) î + (cos t − t sin t) ĵ.
∴ |→−v | = t and aT = dt d →
v |) = 1.
− −
→ √ q
Also, | a | = dv
dt = t2 + 1. So a = |→
−a |2 − a2 = t.
ûr = cos θî + sin θĵ, ûθ = − sin θî + cos θĵ
shown in Figure 8. The vector ûr points along the position vector OP so that →
r = rûr . The vector ûθ ,
orthogonal to ûr points in the direction of increasing θ. We find that
Figure 13.8:
= (− sin θî + cos θĵ)θ̇ = θ̇ûθ ,
= (− cos θî − sin θĵ)θ̇ = −θ̇ûr .
Therefore velocity vector →−v can be expressed as
− d→
−r d(rûr ) dûr
v = = = ṙûr + r = ṙûr + rθ̇ûθ
dt dt dt
as shown in Figure 9. The acceleration vector → −a can be expressed as
Figure 13.9:
− d→
−v d dûr dûθ
a = = (ṙûr + rθ̇ûθ ) = r̈ûr + ṙ + ṙθ̇ûθ + rθ̈ûθ + rθ̇
dt dt dt dt
= r̈ûr + ṙθ̇ûθ + ṙθ̇ûθ + rθ̈ûθ + rθ̇(−θ̇ûr ) = (r̈ − rθ̇2 )ûr + (rθ̈ + 2ṙθ̇)ûr .
To extend these equations of motion to space, we add z k̂ to the right-hand side of the equation →
r = rûr .
Then, in these cylindrical coordinates, we have
r = rûr + z k̂,
v = ṙûr + rθ̇ûθ + ż k̂
a = (r̈ − rθ̇2 )ûr + (rθ̈ + 2ṙθ̇)ûr + z̈ k̂.
The vectors ûr , ûθ and k̂ make a right-handed frame (see Figure 10) in which
Figure 13.10:
It would be helpful to focus on the following key points.
• →
−r (t) = x(t)î + y(t)ĵ + z(t)k̂, a ≤ t ≤ b, is the vector equation of a curve in 3D space with the
starting point (x(a), y(a), z(a)) and end point (x(b), y(b), z(b)) as t varies from a to b in the interval
[a, b]. For example, → −r (t) = cos tî + sin tĵ + tk̂, 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π is the circular helix with the starting
point (1, 0, 0) and end point (1, 0, 2π).
• Geometrically ddtr is the tangent vector to the curve →−r (t). In case →
r (t) is the path of a moving
dr →
− →
− −
particle, then dt is the velocity v of the particle, and a = dt is the acceleration of the particle.
ds →
− d→
= | v (t)| = .
dt dt
→ d−
• If →
− r . ddtr = 0. It implies that →
r (t) is a vector of constant magnitude, then →
− −
r and r
dt are perpen-
dicular to each other.
B̂ = T̂ × N̂ .
• The three unit vectors T̂ , N̂ and B̂ constitute a right-handed frame, and there are three planes
determined by T̂ , N̂ and B̂. The plane of T̂ and N̂ is called osculating plane; the plane of N̂ and
B̂ is called normal plane, and the plane of B̂ and T̂ is called rectifying plane.
Figure 13.11: Left: The TNB frame of mutually orthogonal unit vectors travelling along a curve in space. Right: The
three planes in TNB frame.
dT̂ |→
r ′ (t) × → −
r ′′ (t)|
κ= = →
− , |→
r ′ (t)| =
̸ 0.
ds | r ′ (t)|3
• The deviation of the path → −r (t) from the osculating plane (twist in the path) is quantified by a
parameter, called torsion, given by
ẋ ẏ ż
ẍ ÿ z̈
... ... ...
dB̂ x y z
τ =− .N̂ = → , |→
r ′ (t) × →
r ′′ (t)| =
̸ 0.
ds |−
r ′ (t) × →
r ′′ (t)|2
Here an over dot denotes the derivative with respect to t. Note that for any plane curve, B̂ does
not change with respect to the arc length s. So τ is 0 for the plane curve.
• Every moving body travels with a TNB frame that characterizes the geometry of its path of motion.
• The velocity and acceleration with tangential and normal components are given by
− ds
v = T̂ + 0.N̂ ,
− d2 s ds
a = 2 T̂ + κ N̂ .
dt dt
Figure 13.12:
• The velocity and acceleration with radial and transverse components are given by
v = ṙûr + rθ̇ûθ ,
a = (r̈ − rθ̇2 )ûr + (rθ̈ + 2ṙθ̇)ûr .
• A curve →−r (t) is smooth curve if there exists a unique tangent at its every point. Mathematically
speaking, the curve →−r (t) is smooth if →
r ′ (t) is non-zero and continuous at every point. For example,
the unit circle described by r (t) = cos t î + sin t ĵ, 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π, is a smooth curve.