SOCSCI Reviewer
SOCSCI Reviewer
SOCSCI Reviewer
Sociology a science, study social groups and The Personne is a social concept of what it
human relationships which help means to be who he is. What it means to live
shed new insight into the in a particular institution, family, religion,
interconnectedness between the self nationality, or how to behave in given
and other people. Hence, expectations/influences
sociologists offer theories to explain
how the self emerges as a product of The Self and the Development of the Social
social experience. World
o Individual level(Intrapsychological),
after acquiring social learnings, the
functions will appear a second time
and, this time, more developed and
thus, leading to cognitive
ANTHROPOLOGICAL VIEW OF THE SELF Language and Religious Affiliation
Anthropology o Another important identity determinant
is the study of what makes us human. that is often viewed as essential for the
maintenance of a group identity is
concerned with how cultural and biological language. In other societies, religious
processes interact to shape the self affiliation is an important marker of
group identity. In Mindanao, being a
Anthropology considers human experience Christian or a Muslim is possibly the
as an interplay of “nature” referring to most important defining feature of
genetic inheritance which sets the social identity.
individual’s potentials and “nurture” which
refers to sociocultural environment. Both Personal Naming
biological and cultural factors have o Name is an important device to
significant influence in the development of individualize a person and to have an
self. identity. One’s identity is not inborn. It
is something people continuously
Nature VS Nurture develop in life. Changes in one’s
Nature refers to what we are born with and identity usually involve rites of passage
includes our biology, genetics, and similar that prepares individuals for new roles
characteristics. from one stage of life to another.