ME223 2023 Tut2

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ME 223: Solid Mechanics and Strength of Materials

Autumn 2023, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Prof. R. Ganesh

Tutorial/Homework 2
30 August 2023

Problem 1
Two cylindrical rods (shown in fig. 1), one of steel, and the other of brass are joined at C and restrained by rigid
supports at A and E. For the loading shown and knowing that ES = 200 GPa, and Eb = 105 GPa, determine:
(a) The reactions at A and E.
(b) The deflection of point C.

Figure 1

Problem 2
A composite rod consisting of two cylindrical portions AB and BC is restrained at both ends as shown in fig. 2.
Portion AB is made of steel (Es = 200 GPa, αs = 11.7 × 10−6 /◦ C) and portion BC is made of brass (Eb = 105 GPa,
αb = 20.9 × 10−6 /◦ C). Knowing that the rod is initially unstressed, determine the compressive force induced in
ABC when there is a temperature rise of 50◦ C.

Problem 3
A brass link and a steel rod have the dimensions shown in fig. 3 at a temperature of 20◦ C. The steel rod is cooled
until it fits freely into the link. The temperature of the whole assembly is then raised to 45◦ C. Determine:
(a) The final normal stress in the steel rod.
(b) The final length of the steel rod.
Note: Use the material parameters given in Problem 2 to solve this problem.

Problem 4
At room temperature (20◦ C) a 0.5 mm gap exists between the ends of the two rods shown in fig. 4. At a later time
when the temperature has reached 140◦ C, determine the normal stress and change in length of the aluminum rod.

ME 223, Tutorial 2

Figure 3

Figure 2

Problem 5
Determine the maximum shearing stress caused by a 4.6 kNm torque T in the 76 mm diameter solid aluminum
shaft shown in fig. 5. What is the change in shear stress if the solid shaft is replaced by a hollow shaft of the same
outer diameter and of 24 mm inner diameter?

Figure 4
Figure 5

Problem 6
(a) The torque that can be applied to a solid shaft of 20 mm diameter without exceeding an allowable shearing
stress of 80 MPa.

(b) Solve part (a) assuming that the solid shaft has been replaced by a hollow shaft of the same cross-sectional
area and with an inner diameter equal to half of its outer diameter.

Problem 7
Consider the composite rod shown in fig. 6. Knowing that each of the shafts AB, BC, and CD consists of a solid
circular rod, determine:

ME 223, Tutorial 2

(a) The shaft in which the maximum shearing stress occurs.

(b) The magnitude of that stress.
Knowing that an 8 mm diameter hole has been drilled through each of the shafts AB, BC, and CD, determine:
(c) The shaft in which the maximum shearing stress occurs.

(d) The magnitude of that stress.

Figure 6

Problem 8
The solid rod AB shown in fig. 7 has a diameter dAB = 60 mm. The pipe CD has an outer diameter of 90 mm
and a wall thickness of 6 mm. Knowing that both the rod and the pipe are made of steel for which the allowable
shearing stress is 75 MPa, determine the largest torque T that can be applied at A.

Figure 8

Figure 7

Problem 9
A torque of magnitude T = 1000 Nm is applied at D as shown in fig. 8. Determine the maximum shearing stress
in AB and CD knowing that the diameter of shaft AB is 56 mm and the diameter of shaft CD is 42 mm.

Problem 10
A torque T is applied to a solid tapered shaft AB as shown in fig. 9. Determine the angle of twist at A.

ME 223, Tutorial 2

Figure 10

Figure 9

Problem 11
A circular shaft AB consists of a 10 in. long, 78 in. diameter steel cylinder, in which a 5 in. long 58 in. diameter
cavity has been drilled from end B (see fig. 10). The shaft is attached to fixed supports at both ends, and a 90
lb·ft. torque is applied at its midsection. Determine the torque exerted on the shaft by each of the supports.

Problem 12
A torque of magnitude T = 4000 Nm is applied at the end A of the composite shaft shown in fig. 11. Knowing that
the modulus of rigidity is 77 GPa for steel and 27 GPa for aluminum, determine:
(a) The maximum shearing stress in the steel core.

(b) The maximum shearing stress in the aluminum jacke.

(c) The angle of twist at A

Figure 11

Problem 13 (Extra Credit)

Derive an approximate expression for the angle of twist
 by replacing the tapered shaft in Problem 10 by n cylindrical
shafts of equal length and of radius ri = n + i − 21 (c/n), where i = 1, 2, · · · , n. Using for T, L, G and c values of
your choice, obtain a plot of the percentage error in the approximate expression (w.r.t the answer you obtained in
Problem 10) as function of n.

ME 223, Tutorial 2

You may use any computing software to obtain this plot. Your code must be generalized for any
value of n. Submit this problem along with the code on Moodle by September 8 for additional credit
(details to be discussed in class).

Figure 12

Credit Author Statement

This document was prepared predominantly by Siddhant Naik, along with the help of fellow TAs (listed in Al-
phabetical Order): Arunav Choudhury, Ayush Saxena, Mritunjay Hiremath, and Sorab Khan. If there are any
typos/questions, please follow up with the Instructor (R. Ganesh) regarding the same. The figures included in this
document have been adapted from the citation listed below, and are meant ONLY for reference.

[1] Ferdinand Pierre Beer, E Russell Johnston, John T Dewolf, and David F Mazurek. Mechanics of Materials.
McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 5 edition, May 2008.

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