PREPMUN 2023 Rules of Procedure
PREPMUN 2023 Rules of Procedure
PREPMUN 2023 Rules of Procedure
1.1 Scope of this Document 2
1.2 Working Language 2
1.3 Powers and Composition of the Dais 3
1.4 General Rules on Decorum 3
1.5 Quorum 4
1.6 Representation 4
2.1 Definitions Concerning Voting Procedures 5
2.2 Definitions Concerning Voting and Sponsorship Rights 6
4.1 Roll Call 10
4.2 Opening Speeches 10
4.3 General Speakers’ List 11
4.4 Caucuses 12
4.5 Documents 15
4.6 Direct Voting Procedure 19
4.7 Motions Exclusive to Substantive Voting 21
Annex A: List of Preambulatory and Operative Clauses 23
Annex B: Sample Draft Resolution 25
Annex C: Sample Amendment 30
1. GENERAL RULES The rules included in this document are applicable to all committees
within the Preparatory Model United Nations Conference (PREPMUN).
Each rule is self-reliant unless otherwise modified by the PREPMUN
Secretariat, or committee Dais as expressed in Rule No external
Rules of Procedure shall apply. In the event of differing interpretations of
this document, the committee Dais, together with the PREPMUN
Secretariat, will be the final authority on what procedure to follow. English shall be the official working language of the conference. All
debates conducted and documents circulated should be in the working
language unless expressly permitted by the Deputy Secretary-General
(Academics). Delegates should refrain from communicating with other
delegates or with conference staff in non-working languages to ensure
accessibility and prevent exclusion.
1.3 Powers and Composition of the Dais The PREPMUN Secretariat and the Dais reserve the right to call to
order delegates who are found in contravention of the rules contained
within this document. The PREPMUN Secretariat also reserves the sole
right to withdraw delegate rights and privileges upon contravention of the
above rules, which will be executed by the Dais.
3 Delegates are allowed to use electronic aids, including but not
limited to laptops, phones, and tablets, in the committee room when the
committee has been convened. However, using applications to facilitate
communication between delegates (e.g. email, instant messaging, social
media) is strictly forbidden. Usage of such devices to achieve aims other
than facilitating debate (e.g. gaming, social media, entertainment, etc) will
also not be tolerated. The revocation of electronic privileges may be
enforced at the discretion of the Deputy Secretary-General (Academics) in
the event of contravention of the above.
1.5 Quorum
1.6 Representation Only registered delegates who have had their payment processed
will be accorded representation.
2.2 Definitions Concerning Voting and Sponsorship
Rights Observer entities are accorded all other rights and privileges of
Member entities, except for the ability to sponsor substantive Draft
Resolutions and Amendments.
3.1 Points A Right to Reply can be raised only after a speech if a delegate feels
that the integrity and/or dignity of their country or person has been
insulted or compromised. If the Dais deems the Right to Reply to be in
order, they may, at their discretion, require the delegate holding the floor
to apologise for their remark or comment. A Point of Order can be raised when a delegate believes that the
Dais has committed an error in executing the Rules of Procedure. This
Point can only be raised between speeches.
3.2 General Rules Concerning Motions Motions can be objected to; Motions with both seconds and
objections will be put to a procedural vote. The Dais will entertain seconds, objections, and if necessary, voting
on Motions in the order of precedence as described in Section 3.3. When Motions of the same nature are raised, Motions that take up
more time will be considered more superseding. When Motions of the
same nature and total speaking time are raised, the Motion that entertains
more speakers will be considered more superseding.
8 During substantive voting on a Draft Resolution or Unfriendly
Amendment, the following Motions are considered in order of most
superseding to least:
4. DEBATE PROCEDURES Delegations are to raise their placard and announce if they are
‘Present’ or ‘Present and Voting’ upon being called by the Dais. Once a delegation has indicated their attendance status, they will
not be allowed to amend it until the next Committee Session. Delegations that are absent during the Roll Call shall indicate their
voting and attendance status to the Dais upon returning to their seats.
The quorum will be updated accordingly. Upon reaching quorum and completing Roll Call, the Dais will
announce the simple majority and two-thirds majority to the committee.
10 Delegations shall be recognised in alphabetical order to deliver
their Opening Speeches. Each Opening Speech will be ninety (90) seconds
long. During Opening Speeches, delegates are expected to describe their
stances on the topic. The speaking time allotted for each speech is set at ninety (90)
seconds, unless otherwise declared by the Dais. Delegates may raise a
Motion to Amend Speaking Time, subject to the discretion of the Dais.
This Motion involves a procedural vote, requiring a simple majority to pass.
4.3.1 Yielding Delegates who have not utilised the full duration of their speaking
time may yield their remaining time in the following three ways.
11 Yielding to Points of Information opens the delegate holding the
floor to a number of Points of Information (POI), which can be specified by
the delegate holding the floor at the discretion of the Dais. POIs should be
phrased in the form of a single question, and must be kept brief and
concise. Delegates offering POIs should remain standing while their POI is
being answered. If there are no POIs, the delegate holding the floor may
choose to resume their speech. Yielding to another delegate allows the delegate holding the floor
to call upon another delegate to speak with the remaining time. The
delegate called upon reserves the right to accept or reject the yield. In the
latter case, the delegate holding the floor may resume their speech. Yielding to the Dais allows the Dais to call upon the next speaker,
and rescinds the delegate’s speaking rights if they have time remaining.
Delegates must yield to the Dais once their time elapses, or following a
successful first-degree yield to POIs or to another delegate.
4.4 Caucuses Caucuses are a departure from the GSL to enter a different mode of
debate. Caucuses may be either moderated or unmoderated. Motions to move into Caucuses may be raised during open debate
when the Dais opens the floor to such Motions.
12 The maximum length of any Caucus is twenty (20) minutes, and
can only be extended by a Motion to Extend Caucus to a maximum of
thirty (30) minutes (inclusive of the original time for the Caucus). Based on the individual speaking time and total Caucus duration,
the Dais will recognise the exact number of delegates required to fill up
the speakers’ list for the Caucus. Pursuant to Rule, if the Moderated Caucus has not reached
the maximum number of speakers, the Dais may call for more speakers.
Delegates who have already spoken may not speak again in the same
Caucus. If there are no further delegates wishing to speak, the Moderated
Caucus will automatically elapse and the committee will return to the GSL.
Calling for additional speakers shall not supersede Rule
13 A Motion to Extend Moderated Caucus may be raised before the
final speaker for the Moderated Caucus makes their speech, with the
desired number of additional speakers to be stated. Calling for additional
speakers shall not supersede Rules through This Motion
involves a procedural vote and requires a simple majority to pass. Delegates are not allowed to leave the committee room during an
Unmoderated Caucus without the permission of the Dais. The committee will return to the GSL upon the end of an
Unmoderated Caucus.
4.5 Documents
15 The content of the Working Paper must be relevant to the debate
topic, unique in nature and constructive for debate through substantial
contribution to the passing of a resolution. The Dais reserves the right to
reject Working Papers that do not fulfil this criteria. Working Papers only require the names of the submitter(s) and do
not have signatories. Draft Resolutions must be submitted to the Dais for vetting and
approval prior to their introduction to the committee. Draft Resolutions
may not be mentioned in formal debate or circulated before introduction. Draft Resolutions must fulfil the following format before being
submitted to the Dais:
● The committee name and topic written at the top of the document
● A maximum of two (2) delegations, or ten (10) per cent of the
committee as Sponsors of the Draft Resolution, whichever is
● A minimum of twenty (20) per cent of the committee as a Sponsor
or Signatory to the Draft Resolution
● Names of Sponsors and Signatories, listed in alphabetical order
● Enumerated operative clauses
● Be under the page limit of ten (10) pages in total, subject to the
discretion of the Dais
16 Draft Resolutions shall be introduced with a Motion to Introduce
Draft Resolution by one of its Sponsors. Such a Motion involves a
procedural vote and requires a simple majority to pass. There can be several Draft Resolutions on the floor at the same
time. Introduction of subsequent Draft Resolutions shall follow the
procedure outlined in Rules through
4.5.4 Amendments
● Friendly Amendments do not require voting and are added to the
Draft Resolution once agreed upon by all Sponsors, and at the
discretion of the Dais. The committee will be notified of the
Amendment and the requested changes contained within.
● Unfriendly Amendments are amendments to the Draft Resolution
which are objected to by at least one Sponsor. Unfriendly
Amendments may be submitted by any party, including a Sponsor
that does not have the agreement of their co-Sponsor(s). Following reading time, the committee will move into Closed
Debate on the Unfriendly Amendment, in the format of a Moderated
Caucus, with the total duration and individual speaking time determined
by the Dais. Once Closed Debate has elapsed, the committee will
automatically move into substantive voting on the Unfriendly
18 A Motion for a Roll Call Vote, Motion to Divide the House, and a
Motion to Divide the Question are all in order during voting on the
Amendment, and function as described in Rule 4.7. The reintroduction of any tabled Draft Resolutions shall follow the
procedure outlined in Rules through The committee enters Direct Voting Procedure upon all introduced
Draft Resolutions by passing a Motion to Move into Direct Voting
Procedure, which involves a procedural vote and requires a simple majority
to pass. If passed, the committee enters Direct Voting Procedure. Upon moving into Direct Voting Procedure, the doors shall be
secured by the administrative staff. Delegates or other staff shall not be
allowed to enter or leave, to prevent disruption to the voting process.
Note-passing shall also be suspended.
4.6.1 Determination of Order of Draft Resolutions Draft Resolutions will be voted upon in the order they were
introduced, unless a Motion to Reorder Draft Resolutions is passed. While delegates may propose different orders for the consideration
of Draft Resolutions, only one Motion to Reorder Draft Resolutions may
pass. Should all of such Motions fail, the committee will move into Closed
Debate on the first Draft Resolution as per the order originally introduced. Once the order of the Draft Resolutions has been determined, the
committee will move into Closed Debate on the first Draft Resolution in
the order. The Dais will call for two (2) speakers for and two (2) speakers
against the Draft Resolution, with the speakers arranged in alternating
order. Should there be an insufficient number of speakers either for or
against, the number of speakers will be balanced. Should there be no
speakers against, the time for Closed Debate will automatically elapse. Following the elapsing of Closed Debate, the Draft Resolution will
be put to a substantive vote, subject to the passage of any Motions
described in Rule 4.7. The Draft Resolution requires a two-thirds majority
in a substantive vote to pass. Only one (1) Draft Resolution may pass per topic. Upon the passage
of a Draft Resolution, committee debate on the topic will elapse.
4.7 Motions Exclusive to Substantive Voting During Direct Voting Procedure, the passage and subsequent effect
of any of the following Motions shall apply only to the incumbent Draft
Resolution. A Motion to Divide the House is a Motion to remove the right of all
members of the committee to abstain. This Motion does not affect
delegates who indicated they were ‘Present’ during Roll Call, as they have
voided their voting rights for the session. This Motion involves a
procedural vote and requires a simple majority to pass.
21 Once every component of the Draft Resolution has been voted
upon, the articles and clauses passed will be organised into a new Draft
Resolution. A substantive vote will then be held on the new Draft
Resolution, which requires a two-thirds majority to pass. The substantive
vote on the newly organised Draft Resolution will be held immediately
after every component of the previous Draft Resolution has been voted
upon; no time is allotted for debate on the resulting Draft Resolution. A Motion for a Roll Call Vote is a Motion to mandate each delegate
to verbally announce their vote to the Committee. This Motion involves a
procedural vote and requires a simple majority to pass. Upon the passage of a Motion for a Roll Call Vote, there will be two
rounds of voting. In both rounds, delegates will be called upon in
alphabetical order. In the first round, delegates are allowed to vote ‘For’, ‘Against’,
‘Abstain’, or ‘Pass’ to the second round of voting. Only delegates who voted ‘Pass’ in the first round will be
recognised in the second round, in which they must choose to vote ‘For’ or
‘Against’ – passing or abstaining are not in order.
Below is a non-exhaustive list of potential operative clauses for use in
Draft Resolutions written by delegates. Legally binding operative clauses
should only be used in committees which have that mandate.
Annex B: Sample Draft Resolution
a. No indication was made by the Maharajah at any time that
India was conducting any action to place him under any due
duress when such an Instrument of Accession was signed and
completed by the Maharajah,
c. The implementation of the following code of conduct during
interactions between Indian forces, Pakistani forces and
UNMOGIP forces:
i. Providing the necessary platform for bilateral dialogue
between Indian and Pakistani governments regarding
details of the ceasefire agreement,
ii. Deployment of troop and policemen as bilaterally
coordinated upon by India and Pakistan,in addition to
mutually agreed upon international security forces, to
areas with traditionally high rates of rape, abduction,
murder without trial and other human rights violations
or other such areas as identified to feature prominently
high rates of such human rights violations by the
UNMOGIP to conduct patrols and take the relevant
aforementioned actions against such perpetrators,
Annex C: Sample Amendment