Ministry of Education
Province of Cabinda
Level: Advanced
This wonderful work is dedicated to everyone who loves to watch television and
being informed thru the television, and i also dedicate this work to those ones, who
knows the profits it can bring. Finally i dedicate this incredible work to my amazing
family, friends, colleagues, neighbors and the worldwide.
First of all i thank to the almighty God, that helped me to accomplish with this
present target, to my family, friends, people who has accompanied me by showing
some interest, giving me strength, willing of not giving up during the making of this
work till the end of all. In summary I am very grateful to the Young Genesis’ School
for the compassion, love, interesting that is showed on me.
Television today has become an integral part of every household.TV is a good and
healthy source of both entertainment and education. The objective of this work is to
emphasize the importance of the means of communication, mainly television, an
important propagator of knowledge, which constitutes a source of information, an
educational source, for reach various segments of society. Through these means it
is created and develops another way of seeing, reading, listening, thinking and
learning. In addition to feature didactic, TV is an instrument of great value, since it
provides the acquisition of culture and leads to an understanding of the facts that
occur in the world. Still, it also fulfills the role of companionship, but it can carry out
manipulation and cause addiction to viewers. Through the task of training and
informing people acquired an immense space in the life of the population, which
grows with each day and its influence has become undeniable. The media interfere
a lot in people's education, because technology today is more present in the
popular daily life. The different types of programs offer those assist them with a
variety of language types as well as features many different. The public's duty,
therefore, is to try to understand and analyze the messages transmitted due to the
combination of images and sounds. The main The idea is to understand how to use
television as a teaching resource without underestimate the figure of the teacher,
inside and outside the school. It’s up to him to use I as a didactic resource, but in
an intelligent way. Therefore, this mass, seen as something present in people's
daily lives, has the purpose of break some paradigms and show that it doesn’t just
serve as a source of leisure and entertainment.
Back in times people used to use letters, radio, smoke such as some
animal as bird, and so on… to communicate each other from side to side
or even by using bicycles, cars to pass any important information or
normal ones. So as years pass by and things are always being innovated,
man found out one of the easiest way to let the world informed about
what goes round the worldwide. Therefore one of the ways that man
thought to report any virtual information is by using television .man has
always been dreaming about how to keep people closely, more rarely
when they are far away from each other.
Supposing that in some villages people have been suffering because of the lack
conditions that they have got. Energy is one of the biggest problem that could be
essential for them but they do not have it, and there is no way for them being
always informed about what has been happening in the world and this keeps them
outdated. They probably has been using some others ways to keep themselves
informed like the usage of the telephone, radio, but not everyone believes just by
listen to, so me prefer to see by their own eyes.
Since television is the great invention of recent times and the most easily
accessible entertainment in today's global community, we need to know how to use
this means of communication intelligently, so that, in addition to having fun, we can
obtain useful information and knowledge for our lives.
The fact is that TV plays an important role in people's lives, not to mention the time
dedicated to it.
Television is the most widely used communication vehicle in the country and the
most used means of entertainment and information by Brazilians, its influence is
undeniable, especially among children and young people.
Television can be seen as a huge and democratic debate forum with an open path
to the world of information and knowledge.
We need to be aware that new information technologies are decisive in the
development of nations.
To show to the people from CABINDA how to use and get benefits
through television.
To specify the usage and benefits it can bring.
This theme has been chosen in order to show to the people that television
is a fairly common information medium, and we can take advantage of it
for our own benefits. Thru television we learn and get more knowledge
with certain programs that goes on it without anything in return.
Surely that not all programs are good, but many of them are made
in good taste and to get professional skill and Some people argue that
television is a terrible waste of time, it makes us lazier, we stay at home
instead of going out , we read less, we think less, we even talk less. It’s
truth that some TV addicts spend hours in front of the ‘box’ watching
whatever is on.
The trick thing is how to learn to control the television and use it
intelligently. The ideal is to turn on the TV-set only when there is a really
interesting program .Violence on TV is another problem that worries
people , as George Mikes once said :TV teaches us how to kill, to rob, to
shoot and to poison, but the same can be said about computers games
and many films and books.
And for those who still ask ´´ WHAT’S THE ANSWER TO WHO
INVENTED TV? `` - So there is no clear inventor, since there were several
inventions created by different people that were merged to make the
televisions so we dearly can’t live without them today talking about this,
one us who can’t live without them is JOHN LOGIE BAIRD-a Scot living in
England who recognized as to demonstrate an operational television in
March 1925. BAIRD transmitted the first televised pictures of moving
objects in 1924, the first televised human face in 1926.
There are many movies and programs which make them socially weak,
corrupt, arrogance, and violent which are against the grain of humans.
Many people have lost their normal eyesight watching TV in excess. The
addiction of TV is entirely unbearable because students sometimes waste
their precious time watching cartoons and different dramas and programs
on TV. Young generation has become introvert because the addiction of
TV makes them inactive and hardly they go out and intermingle socially.
This disadvantage has been known for quite some time: television can
make you lazy. Rather than going out with friends and family, you may just
want to lounge on the couch and watch TV instead. Or you may opt to
watch TV instead of doing homework, chores, and other things that you
really should be doing.
Television can also be addictive. Those who watch a lot of TV may find
it harder to stop. You may just want to go home from work or school and
watch your favorite TV shows and do nothing else.
This issue is still up for debate. You may believe it to be true or not. In
any case, exposure to repeated violence can’t be good for impressionable
Another con of TV is exposure to consumerism. Let’s face it: TV is
filled with commercials boasting the latest cool toys, electronics, clothes,
food, etc. It’s been found that on average, kids see about 40,000 ads in a
year with most of them being about food and alcohol.
Free entertainment
Social surrogacy
Educational channels
Family bonding
For these and other reasons, soap operas have gained so much space in
the lives of viewers and they become unconditional followers of the plots. But, we
should not look at soap operas just for these aspects. There is no way to present
life as it really is. What we see portrayed on the screens is nothing more than a
snapshot of reality and as every snip the pieces or pieces are positioned in the way
that most pleases those who put them, that is, this daily life that the soap operas
portray, are worked with specific intentions by the authors taking into account the
themes that will most attract the public.
They are programs aimed at adults who will provide supplementary exams
and in this way the format follows the molds of traditional classrooms and the
methods used to explain the subjects are similarly outdated, which contributes,
decisively, to their failure. . It seems that producers who squander talent in other
productions use little creativity when it comes to education.
Ferrés (1998) analyzes that the mismatch of the school in relation to the
advancement of the media is due to the delay of the first and the difficulties that
professionals have in disconnecting from traditional methods and promoting
changes in their daily practices. In this sense, it draws attention to the fact that:
Therefore, the educational institution itself needs to hurry to promote these changes
and train its professionals for teaching in contemporary times.
Schools have some resources available. However, they are not well used
by professionals and in the end, those who lose are the students who stop
participating in the construction of an updated and contextualized knowledge with
the local and global reality.
Working with the media and audiovisual languages, at first, scares teachers for
several reasons: fear of the challenge, fear of the new, lack of practice in handling
technological equipment, lack of commitment and even believing that they need
specific training. But none of this is necessary. For a good job with the media in the
classroom, the educator needs to be available to plan and critically analyze what to
see, it is the natural incorporation of the resource in the classroom.
According to the author Lazar (1999, p.91), television was not made to
furnish an apartment or any other room in the house. It is an instrument of war
offensive and defensive against ignorance. That would be a goal, although that goal
has not been achieved, that is, television has not yet fulfilled this role. Since its
inception, television was seen as a means of entertainment of the people, also
serving as a means to educate them.
It is for these and other reasons that television sometimes plays the role of
manipulative. Both in soap operas, serials, programs that appear people and
characters that manipulate the audience with clothes, accessories and even slangs
and catchphrases, making these spectators dress and talk about similarly, imitating
them in all ways. Sometimes the question that the consequences of what is said on
TV are not known the enough, as one should not forget that TV is only one among
several factors that intervene in the transmission of knowledge. Television is
relevant for the transmission of information, in education of individuals.
But obviously, alone she is not able to educate any individual, because for
TV to exercise an educational action, it will need to be based on a pedagogical and
cultural plan. In other words, the educational action of television will be effective
when accompanied by external support, which it will bring important educational
and social orientations.
Currently, children are spending most of the time in front from TV and
watching mediocre programs, which offer no support didactic. As a result, they are
very alienated in the world of drawings and films that they don't matter. So it would
be better for parents to provide their children attractive activities, making children
and adolescents stroll, ride a bike, practice some sport and even participate in
games that would lead them to interact with others. Thus, they would not live before
the TV, without moving, causing health problems and even getting used to a
sedentary life. Another factor that causes many children and adolescents to
become alienated is the frequent use of the computer and the internet, further
distancing them more of school and family life. However, television is widely
criticized for stealing time and great discouragement in people.
filters of parental authority (...). Its use, by not depend on a complex access
code, such as the book, exposes the children, since they open their eyes, to
Adults lose control of what their children watch on TV, but they keep
leaving them in front of the screen most of their free time. Of that In this way, TV
controls the behavior of children and young people. She can be considered an
electronic nanny for all ages, with the advantages of be a machine, do not charge a
salary and still consume little electricity, in addition to the benefits it can provide.
where the psychological time, not measurable, manages to objectify through
different effects and computing resources.
languages that present themselves and overlap through various media supports,
generate new forms construction of knowledge, with direct implications for the
One can speak of the degradation of television when it is said that the
problem is, as the number of channels increases, the difficulty of finding
competent and well qualified professionals. This complicates everything. It
is for this reason that programs are forced to lower the level and produce
more and more sensationalist programs. And when a show is hyped it is
often worthless.
Working with two classes: one literacy class from one public school and
another one of infant education of a private school can be observe that in some
moments of the class there is interest, pleasure in know the developed subject, but
there are times when there is a lack of interest. Therefore, classes are used
differently, even
having the same contents and objectives. Observing the students more closely, in
the activities that demonstrate pleasure of learning, language is found, particularly
speech pedagogic broadcast on TV.
After the experience of working with TV in the classroom, it is noted that some
programs are considered more interesting than others and seem to produce
pleasure, displeasure or disinterest.