LFD259 Kubernetes For Developers Version
LFD259 Kubernetes For Developers Version
LFD259 Kubernetes For Developers Version
Kubernetes for
Version 2019-08-19
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LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
2 Kubernetes Architecture 1
3 Build 15
4 Design 31
5 Deployment Configuration 41
6 Security 59
7 Exposing Applications 75
8 Troubleshooting 85
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2
Kubernetes Architecture
Very Important
Regardless of the platform used (VirtualBox, VMWare, AWS, GCE or even bare metal) please remember that security
software like SELinux, AppArmor, and firewall configurations can prevent the labs from working. While not something
to do in production consider disabling the firewall and security software.
GCE requires a new VPC to be created and a rule allowing all traffic to be included. The use of wireshark can be a
helpful place to start with troubleshooting network and connectivity issues if you’re unable to open all ports.
The kubeadm utility currently requires that swap be turned off on every node. The swapoff -a command will do this
until the next reboot, with various methods to disable swap persistently. Cloud providers typically deploy instances with
swap disabled.
(Note: depending on your software, if you are cutting and pasting the above instructions, the underscores may disap-
pear and be replaced by spaces, so you may have to edit the command line by hand!)
1. Review the script to install and begin the configuration of the master kubernetes server. You may need to change the
find command search directory which uses tilde for your home directory depending on how and where you downloaded
the tarball.
A find command is shown if you want to locate and copy to the current directory instead of creating the file. Mark
the command for reference as it may not be shown for future commands.
student@ckad-1:~$ find ~ -name <YAML File>
student@ckad-1:~$ cp LFD259/<Some Path>/<YAML File> .
#!/bin/bash -x
## TxS 8-2019
## v1.15.1 CKAD
echo "This script is written to work with Ubuntu 16.04"
sleep 3
echo "Disable swap until next reboot"
sudo swapoff -a
sudo sh -c
,→ "echo 'deb http://apt.kubernetes.io/ kubernetes-xenial main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list"
echo "Installed - now to get Calico Project network plugin"
sleep 3
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
sleep 5
echo "Running the steps explained at the end of the init output for you"
mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sleep 2
sleep 2
echo "Download Calico plugin and RBAC YAML files and apply"
sleep 3
echo "You should see this node in the output below"
echo "It can take up to a mintue for node to show Ready status"
kubectl get node
echo "Script finished. Move to the next step"
2. Run the script as an argument to the bash shell. You will need the kubeadm join command shown near the end of the
output when you add the worker/minion node in a future step. Use the tee command to save the output of the script, in
case you cannot scroll back to find the kubeadm join in the script output. Please note the following is one command
and then its output. It may be easier to copy files to your home directory first.
student@ckad-1:~$ cp LFD259/SOLUTIONS/s_02/EXAMPLES/k8sMaster.sh .
mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
3. Open a separate terminal into your second node. Having both terminal sessions allows you to monitor the status of the
cluster while adding the second node. Find and copy the k8sSecond.sh file to the second node then view it. You should
see the same early steps as on the master system.
#!/bin/bash -x
## TxS 8-2019
## CKAD for 1.15.1
echo " This script is written to work with Ubuntu 16.04"
sleep 3
echo " Disable swap until next reboot"
sudo swapoff -a
echo " Install kubeadm and kubectl"
sleep 2
sudo sh -c
,→ "echo 'deb http://apt.kubernetes.io/ kubernetes-xenial main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list"
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
echo " Script finished. You now need the kubeadm join command"
echo " from the output on the master node"
5. When the script is done the minion node is ready to join the cluster. The kubeadm join statement can be found near
the end of the kubeadm init output on the master node. It should also be in the file master.out as well. Your nodes
will use a different IP address and hashes than the example below. You’ll need to pre-pend sudo to run the script copied
from the master node.
7. Verify that both nodes are part of the cluster. Until we remove taints the nodes may not reach Ready state.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl get node
ckad-1 NotReady master 4m11s v1.15.1
ckad-2 NotReady <none> 3m6s v1.15.1
8. We will use the kubectl command for the majority of work with Kubernetes. Review the help output to become familiar
with commands options and arguments.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
9. With more than 40 arguments, you can explore each also using the --help option. Take a closer look at a few, starting
with taint for example.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl taint --help
Update the taints on one or more nodes.
10. By default the master node will not allow general containers to be deployed for security reasons. This is via a taint.
Only containers which tolerate this taint will be scheduled on this node. As we only have two nodes in our cluster
we will remove the taint, allowing containers to be deployed on both nodes. This is not typically done in a production
environment for security and resource contention reasons. The following command will remove the taint from all nodes,
so you should see one success and one not found error. The worker/minion node does not have the taint to begin
with. Note the minus sign at the end of the command, which removes the preceding value.
11. Check that both nodes are without a Taint. If they both are without taint the nodes should now show as Ready. It may
take a minute or two for all pods to enter Ready state.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
2. Finding no declared APIGROUP we will use v1 to denote a stable object. With that information we will add the other three
required sections such as metadata, with a name, and spec which declares which Docker image to use and a name for
the container. We will create an eight line YAML file. White space and indentation matters. Don’t use Tabs. There is a
basic.yaml file available in the tarball, as well as basic-later.yaml which shows what the file will become and can
be helpful for figuring out indentation.
1 apiVersion: v1
2 kind: Pod
3 metadata:
4 name: basicpod
5 spec:
6 containers:
7 - name: webcont
8 image: nginx
3. Create the new pod using the recently created YAML file.
4. Make sure the pod has been created then use the describe sub-command to view the details. Among other values in
the output you should be about to find the image and the container name.
6. We will now configure the pod to expose port 80. This configuration does not interact with the container to determine
what port to open. We have to know what port the process inside the container is using, in this case port 80 as a web
server. Add two lines to the end of the file. Line up the indentation with the image declaration.
student@ckad-1:~$ vim basic.yaml
1 apiVersion: v1
2 kind: Pod
3 metadata:
4 name: basicpod
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
5 spec:
6 containers:
7 - name: webcont
8 image: nginx
9 ports: #<--Add this and following line
10 - containerPort: 80
7. Create the pod and verify it is running. Use the -o wide option to see the internal IP assigned to the pod, as well
as NOMINATED NODE, which is used by the scheduler and READINESS GATES which show if experimental features are
enabled. Using curl and the pods IP address you should get the default nginx welcome web page.
8. We will now create a simple service to expose the pod to other nodes and pods in the cluster. The service YAML will
have the same four sections as a pod, but different spec configuration and the addition of a selector. We will also add
a label to the pod and a selector to the service so it knows which object to communicate with.
1 apiVersion: v1
2 kind: Service
3 metadata:
4 name: basicservice
5 spec:
6 selector:
7 type: webserver
8 ports:
9 - protocol: TCP
10 port: 80
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
1 apiVersion: v1
2 kind: Pod
3 metadata:
4 name: basicpod
5 labels: #<-- Add this line
6 type: webserver #<-- and this line which matches selector
7 spec:
8 ....
9. Create the new pod and service. Verify both have been created.
10. Test access to the web server using the CLUSTER-IP for the basicservice.
student@ckad-1:~$ curl http://
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
11. We will now expose the service to outside the cluster as well. Delete the service, edit the file and add a type declaration.
1 apiVersion: v1
2 kind: Service
3 metadata:
4 name: basicservice
5 spec:
6 selector:
7 type: webserver
8 type: NodePort #<--Add this line
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
9 ports:
10 - protocol: TCP
11 port: 80
12. Create the service again. Note there is a different TYPE and CLUSTER-IP and also a high-numbered port.
13. Using the public IP address of the node and the high port you should be able to test access to the webserver. In the
example below the public IP is, yours will be different. The high port will also probably be different.
Using a single container per pod allows for the most granularity and decoupling. There are still some reasons to deploy
multiple containers, sometimes called composite containers, in a single pod. The secondary containers can handle
logging or enhance the primary, the sidecar concept, or acting as a proxy to the outside, the ambassador concept, or
modifying data to meet an external format such as an adapter. All three concepts are secondary containers to perform
a function the primary container does not.
1. We will add a second container to the pod to handle logging. Without going into details of how to use fluentd we will
add a logging container to the exiting pod from its own repository. The second container would act as a sidecar. At
this state we will just add the second container and verify it is running. In the Deployment Configuration chapter we
will continue to work on this pod by adding persistent storage and configure fluentd via a configMap.
Edit the YAML file and add a fluentd container. The dash should line up with the previous container dash. At this point
a name and image should be enough to start the second container.
1 ....
2 containers:
3 - name: webcont
4 image: nginx
5 ports:
6 - containerPort: 80
7 - name: fdlogger
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
8 image: fluent/fluentd
2. Delete and create the pod again. The commands can be typed on a single line, separated by a semicolon. The backslash
is only used to fit on the page. This time you should see 2/2 under the READY column. You should also find information
on the fluentd container inside of the kubectl describe output.
3. For now shut down the pod. We will use it again in a future exercise.
Creating a pod does not take advantage of orchestration abilities of Kubernetes. We will now create a Deployment
which gives us scalability, reliability, and updates.
1. Now run a containerized webserver nginx. Use kubectl create to create a simple, single replica deployment running
the nginx web server. It will create a single pod as we did previously but with new controllers to ensure it runs as well as
other features.
2. Verify the new deployment exists and the desired number of pods matches the current number. Using a comma, you
can request two resource types at once. The Tab key can be helpful. Type enough of the word to be unique and press
the Tab key, it should complete the word. The deployment should show a number 1 for each value, such that the desired
number of pods matches the up-to-date and running number. The pod should show zero restarts.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
3. View the details of the deployment, then the pod. Work through the output slowly. Knowing what a healthy deployment
and looks like can be helpful when troubleshooting issues. Again the Tab key can be helpful when using long auto-
generated object names. You should be able to type firstpodTab and the name will complete when viewing the pod.
4. Note that the resources are in the default namespace. Get a list of available namespaces.
5. There are two other namespaces. Look at the pods in the kube-system namespace.
6. Now look at the pods in a namespace that does not exist. Note you do not receive an error.
7. You can also view resources in all namespaces at once. Use the --all-namespaces options to select objects in all
namespaces at once.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
8. View several resources at once. Note that most resources have a short name such as rs for ReplicaSet, po for Pod,
svc for Service, and ep for endpoint. Note the endpoint still exists after we deleted the pod.
9. Delete the ReplicaSet and view the resources again. Note that the age on the ReplicaSet and the pod it controls is
now less than a minute. The deployment controller started a new ReplicaSet when we deleted the existing one, which
started another pod when the desired configuration did not match the current status.
10. This time delete the top-level controller. After about 30 seconds for everything to shut down you should only see the
cluster service and endpoint remain for the cluster and the service we created.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
11. As we won’t need it for a while, delete the basicservice service as well.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3
In this lab we will deploy a very simple Python application, test it using Docker, ingest it into Kubernetes and con-
figure probes to ensure it continues to run. This lab requires the completion of the previous lab, the installation and
configuration of a Kubernetes cluster.
3. Create and change into a new directory. The Docker build process pulls everything from the current directory into the
image file by default. Make sure the chosen directory is empty.
4. Create a simple python script which prints the time and hostname every 5 seconds. There are six commented parts to
this script, which should explain what each part is meant to do. The script is included with others in the course tar file,
though you are encouraged to create the file by hand if not already familiar with the process. While the command shows
vim as an example other text editors such as nano work just as well.
student@ckad-1:~/app1$ vim simple.py
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 ## Import the necessary modules
3 import time
4 import socket
5. Make the file executable and test that it works. Use Ctrl-C to interrupt the while loop after 20 or 30 seconds. The output
will be sent to a newly created file in your current directory called date.out.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
Very Important
The name is important: it cannot have a suffix.
We will use three statements, FROM to declare which version of Python to use, ADD to include our script and CMD to
indicate the action of the container. Should you be including more complex tasks you may need to install extra libraries,
shown commented out as RUN pip install in the following example.
student@ckad-1:~/app1$ vim Dockerfile
FROM python:2
ADD simple.py /
## RUN pip install pystrich
CMD [ "python", "./simple.py" ]
8. Build the container. The output below shows mid-build as necessary software is downloaded. You will need to use sudo
in order to run this command. After the three step process completes the last line of output should indicate success.
Note the dot (.) at the end of the command indicates the current directory.
9. Verify you can see the new image among others downloaded during the build process, installed to support the cluster,
or you may have already worked with. The newly created simpleapp image should be listed first.
10. Use sudo docker to run a container using the new image. While the script is running you won’t see any output and the
shell will be occupied running the image in the background. After 30 seconds use ctrl-c to interrupt. The local date.out
file will not be updated with new times, instead that output will be a file of the container image.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
11. Locate the newly created date.out file. The following command should show two files of this name, the one created
when we ran simple.py and another under /var/lib/docker when run via a Docker container.
12. View the contents of the date.out file created via Docker. Note the need for sudo as Docker created the file this time,
and the owner is root. The long name is shown on several lines in the example, but would be a single line when typed
or copied.
student@ckad-1:~/app1$ sudo tail \
2018-03-22 16:13:46
2018-03-22 16:13:51
2018-03-22 16:13:56
While we could create an account and upload our application to hub.docker.com, thus sharing it with the world, we
will instead create a local repository and make it available to the nodes of our cluster.
1. We’ll need to complete a few steps with special permissions, for ease of use we’ll become root using sudo.
student@ckad-1:~/app1$ cd
student@ckad-1:~$ sudo -i
2. Install the docker-compose software and utilities to work with the nginx server which will be deployed with the registry.
3. Create a new directory for configuration information. We’ll be placing the repository in the root filesystem. A better
location may be chosen in a production environment.
4. Create a Docker compose file. Inside is an entry for the nginx web server to handle outside traffic and a registry entry
listening to loopback port 5000 for running a local Docker registry.
root@ckad-1:/localdocker# vim docker-compose.yaml
1 nginx:
2 image: "nginx:1.12"
3 ports:
4 - 443:443
5 links:
6 - registry:registry
7 volumes:
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
8 - /localdocker/nginx/:/etc/nginx/conf.d
9 registry:
10 image: registry:2
11 ports:
12 -
13 environment:
15 volumes:
16 - /localdocker/data:/data
5. Use the docker-compose up command to create the containers declared in the previous step YAML file. This will
capture the terminal and run until you use ctrl-c to interrupt. There should be five registry_1 entries with info messages
about memory and which port is being listened to. Once we’re sure the Docker file works we’ll convert to a Kubernetes
root@ckad-1:/localdocker# docker-compose up
Pulling nginx (nginx:1.12)...
1.12: Pulling from library/nginx
2a72cbf407d6: Pull complete
f37cbdc183b2: Pull complete
78b5ad0b466c: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:edad623fc7210111e8803b4359ba4854e101bcca1fe7f46bd1d35781f4034f0c
Status: Downloaded newer image for nginx:1.12
Creating localdocker_registry_1
Creating localdocker_nginx_1
Attaching to localdocker_registry_1, localdocker_nginx_1
registry_1 | time="2018-03-22T18:32:37Z" level=warning msg="No HTTP secret provided - generated ran
6. Test that you can access the repository. Open a second terminal to the master node. Use the curl command to test the
repository. It should return {}, but does not have a carriage-return so will be on the same line as the following prompt.
You should also see the GET request in the first, captured terminal, without error. Don’t forget the trailing slash. You’ll
see a “Moved Permanently” message if the path does not match exactly.
7. Now that we know docker-compose format is working, ingest the file into Kubernetes using kompose. Use ctrl-c to
stop the previous docker-compose command.
^CGracefully stopping... (press Ctrl+C again to force)
Stopping localdocker_nginx_1 ... done
Stopping localdocker_registry_1 ... done
8. Download the kompose binary and make it executable. The command can run on a single line. Note that the option
following the dash is the letter as in output. The short URL goes here: https://github.com/kubernetes/kompose/
root@ckad-1:/localdocker# curl -L https://bit.ly/2tN0bEa -o kompose
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 609 0 609 0 0 1963 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1970
100 45.3M 100 45.3M 0 0 16.3M 0 0:00:02 0:00:02 --:--:-- 25.9M
9. Move the binary to a directory in our $PATH. Then return to your non-root user.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
10. Create two physical volumes in order to deploy a local registry for Kubernetes. 200Mi for each should be enough for
each of the volumes. Use the hostPath storageclass for the volumes.
More details on how persistent volumes and persistent volume claims are covered in an upcoming chapter.
student@ckad-1:~$ vim vol1.yaml
1 apiVersion: v1
2 kind: PersistentVolume
3 metadata:
4 labels:
5 type: local
6 name: task-pv-volume
7 spec:
8 accessModes:
9 - ReadWriteOnce
10 capacity:
11 storage: 200Mi
12 hostPath:
13 path: /tmp/data
14 persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
1 apiVersion: v1
2 kind: PersistentVolume
3 metadata:
4 labels:
5 type: local
6 name: registryvm
7 spec:
8 accessModes:
9 - ReadWriteOnce
10 capacity:
11 storage: 200Mi
12 hostPath:
13 path: /tmp/nginx
14 persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
12. Verify both volumes have been created. They should show an Available status.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
13. Go to the configuration file directory for the local Docker registry.
student@ckad-1:~$ cd /localdocker/
student@ckad-1:~/localdocker$ ls
data docker-compose.yaml nginx
14. Convert the Docker file into a single YAML file for use with Kubernetes. Not all objects convert exactly from Docker to
kompose, you may get errors about the mount syntax for the new volumes. They can be safely ignored.
15. Review the file. You’ll find that multiple Kubernetes objects will have been created such as Services,
Persistent Volume Claims and Deployments using environmental parameters and volumes to configure the
container within.
16. View the cluster resources prior to deploying the registry. Only the cluster service and two available persistent volumes
should exist in the default namespace.
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18. View the newly deployed resources. The persistent volumes should now show as Bound. Find the service IP for the
registry. It should be sharing port 5000. In the example below the IP address is, yours may be different.
19. Verify you get the same {} response using the Kubernetes deployed registry as we did when using docker-compose.
Note you must use the trailing slash after v2. Please also note that if the connection hangs it may be due to a firewall
issue. If running your nodes using GCE ensure your instances are using VPC setup and all ports are allowed. If using
AWS also make sure all ports are being allowed.
Edit the IP address to that of your registry service.
20. Edit the Docker configuration file to allow insecure access to the registry. In a production environment steps should be
taken to create and use TLS authentication instead. Use the IP and port of the registry you verified in the previous step.
21. Restart docker on the local system. It can take up to a minute for the restart to take place.
22. Download and tag a typical image from hub.docker.com. Tag the image using the IP and port of the registry. We will
also use the latest tag.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
23. Push the newly tagged image to your local registry. If you receive an error about an HTTP request to an HTTPS client
check that you edited the /etc/docker/daemon.json file correctly and restarted the service.
24. We will test to make sure we can also pull images from our local repository. Begin by removing the local cached images.
25. Pull the image from the local registry. It should report the download of a newer image.
26. Use docker tag to assign the simpleapp image and then push it to the local registry. The image and dependent images
should be pushed to the local repository.
27. Configure the worker (second) node to use the local registry running on the master server. Connect to the worker node.
Edit the Docker daemon.json file with the same values as the master node and restart the service.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
28. Pull the recently pushed image from the registry running on the master node.
29. Return to the master node and deploy the simpleapp in Kubernetes with several replicas. We will name the deployment
try1. Scale to have six replicas. Multiple replicas the scheduler should run some containers on each node.
30. View the running pods. You should see six replicas of simpleapp as well as two running the locally hosted image
31. On the second node use sudo docker ps to verify containers of simpleapp are running. The scheduler will try to
deploy an equal number to both nodes by default.
32. Return to the master node. Save the try1 deployment as YAML.
student@ckad-1:~/app1$ cd ~/app1/
student@ckad-1:~/app1$ kubectl get deployment try1 -o yaml > simpleapp.yaml
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
33. Delete and recreate the try1 deployment using the YAML file. Verify the deployment is running with the expected six
When large datasets need to be loaded or a complex application launched prior to client access, a readinessProbe
can be used. The pod will not become available to the cluster until a test is met and returns a successful exit code.
Both readinessProbes and livenessProbes use the same syntax and are identical other than the name. Where the
readinessProbe is checked prior to being ready, then not again, the livenessProbe continues to be checked.
There are three types of liveness probes: a command returns a zero exit value, meaning success, an HTTP request
returns a response code in the 200 to 399 range, and the third probe uses a TCP socket. In this example we’ll use a
command, cat, which will return a zero exit code when the file /tmp/healthy has been created and can be accessed.
1. Edit the YAML deployment file and add the stanza for a readinessprobe. Remember that when working with YAML
whitespace matters. Indentation is used to parse where information should be associated within the stanza and the
entire file. Do not use tabs. If you get an error about validating data, check the indentation. It can also be helpful to
paste the file to this website to see how indentation affects the JSON value, which is actually what Kubernetes ingests:
1 ....
2 spec:
3 containers:
4 - image:
5 imagePullPolicy: Always
6 name: simpleapp
7 readinessProbe: #<--This line and next five
8 periodSeconds: 5
9 exec:
10 command:
11 - cat
12 - /tmp/healthy
13 resources: {}
14 ....
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3. The new try1 deployment should reference six pods, but show zero available. They are all missing the /tmp/healthy
4. Take a closer look at the pods. Choose one of the try1 pods as a test to create the health check file.
5. Run the bash shell interactively and touch the /tmp/healthy file.
root@try1-9869bdb88-rtchc:/# exit
6. Wait at least five seconds, then check the pods again. Once the probe runs again the container should show available
quickly. The pod with the existing /tmp/healthy file should be running and show 1/1 in a READY state. The rest will
continue to show 0/1.
7. Touch the file in the remaining pods. Consider using a for loop, as an easy method to update each pod. Note the
>shown in the output represents the secondary prompt, you would not type in that character
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
8. It may take a short while for the probes to check for the file and the health checks to succeed.
9. Now that we know when a pod is healthy, we may want to keep track that it stays healthy, using a livenessProbe. You
could use one probe to determine when a pod becomes available and a second probe, to a different location, to ensure
ongoing health.
Edit the deployment again. Add in a livenessProbe section as seen below. This time we will add a Sidecar container
to the pod running a simple application which will respond to port 8080. Note that the dash (-) in front of the name. Also
goproxy is indented the same number of spaces as the - in front of the image: line for simpleapp earlier in the file. In
this example that would be seven spaces
1 ....
2 terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
3 terminationMessagePolicy: File
4 - name: goproxy #<-- Add lines from here
5 image: k8s.gcr.io/goproxy:0.1
6 ports:
7 - containerPort: 8080
8 readinessProbe:
9 tcpSocket:
10 port: 8080
11 initialDelaySeconds: 5
12 periodSeconds: 10
13 livenessProbe: #<-- This line is 9 spaces indented, fyi
14 tcpSocket:
15 port: 8080
16 initialDelaySeconds: 15
17 periodSeconds: 20 #<-- to here
18 dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
19 restartPolicy: Always
20 ....
11. View the newly created pods. You’ll note that there are two containers per pod, and only one is running. The new
simpleapp containers will not have the /tmp/healthy file, so they will not become available until we touch the /tmp/
healthy file again. We could include a command which creates the file into the container arguments. The output below
shows it can take a bit for the old pods to terminate.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
12. Create the health check file for the readinessProbe. You can use a for loop again for each action, with updated pod
names. As there are now two containers in the pod, you should include the container name for which one will execute
the command. If no name is given, it will default to the first container. Depending on how you edited the YAML file try1
should be the first pod and goproxy the second. To ensure the correct container is updated, add -c simpleapp to the
kubectl command. Your pod names will be different. Use the names of the newly started containers from the kubectl
get pods command output. Note the >character represents the secondary prompt, you would not type in that character.
13. In the next minute or so the Sidecar container in each pod, which was not running, will change status to Running. Each
should show 2/2 containers running.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl get pods
nginx-6b58d9cdfd-g7lnk 1/1 Running 1 13h
registry-795c6c8b8f-7vwdn 1/1 Running 1 13h
try1-76cc5ffcc6-4rjvh 2/2 Running 0 3s
try1-76cc5ffcc6-bk5f5 2/2 Running 0 3s
try1-76cc5ffcc6-d8n5q 2/2 Running 0 3s
try1-76cc5ffcc6-mm6tw 2/2 Running 0 3s
try1-76cc5ffcc6-r9q5n 2/2 Running 0 3s
try1-76cc5ffcc6-tx4dz 2/2 Running 0 3s
14. View the events for a particular pod. Even though both containers are currently running and the pod is in good shape,
note the events section shows the issue.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
Started container
Normal Pulling 9m kubelet, ckad-1-lab-x6dj
pulling image "k8s.gcr.io/goproxy:0.1"
Normal Pulled 9m kubelet, ckad-1-lab-x6dj
Successfully pulled image "k8s.gcr.io/goproxy:0.1"
Normal Created 9m kubelet, ckad-1-lab-x6dj
Created container
Normal Started 9m kubelet, ckad-1-lab-x6dj
Started container
Warning Unhealthy 4m (x60 over 9m) kubelet, ckad-1-lab-x6dj
Readiness probe failed: cat: /tmp/healthy: No such file or directory
15. If you look for the status of each container in the pod, they should show that both are Running and ready showing True.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
Chapter 4
In this exercise we will investigate common network plugins. Each kubelet agent uses one plugin at a time. Due to
complexity, the entire cluster uses one plugin which is configured prior to application deployment. Some plugins don’t
honor security configurations such as network policies. Should you design a deployment which and use a network
policy there wouldn’t be an error; the policy would have no effect.
While still new, the community is moving towards the Container Network Interface (CNI) specification (https://
github.com/containernetworking/cni). This provides the most flexibility and features in the fast changing space
of container networking.
A common alternative is kubenet, a basic plugin which relies on the cloud provider to handle routing and cross-node
networking. In a previous lab exercise we configured Project Calico. Classic and external modes are also possible.
Several software defined network projects intended for Kubernetes have been created recently, with new features
added regularly.
2. View the details of the install-cni.sh script. The script runs in a container, the path to which will be different than the
example below. Read through the script to see what it does on our behalf.
3. There are many CNI providers possible. The following list represents some of the more common choices, but it is not
exhaustive. With many new plugins being developed there may be another which better serves your needs. Use these
websites to answer questions which follow. While we strive to keep the answers accurate, please be aware that this area
has a lot of attention and development and changes often.
• Project Calico
• Calico with Canal
• Weave Works
• Flannel
• Romana
• Kube Router
• Kopeio
Using the information learned from this chapter, consider the following questions:
1. Which deployment method would allow the most flexibility, multiple applications per pod or one per pod?
5. What are some ways containers can communicate within the same pod?
6. What are some reasons you should have multiple containers per pod?
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
Go back and review multi-container pod types and content on decoupling if you can’t easily answer these questions.
We touched on adding a second logging and a readiness container in a previous chapter and will work more with
logging a future exercise.
Solution 4.1
Plugin Answers
1. Which deployment method would allow the most flexibility, multiple applications per pod or one per Pod?
One per pod
5. What are some ways containers can communicate within the same pod?
IPC, loopback or shared filesystem access.
6. What are some reasons you should have multiple containers per pod?
Lean containers may not have functionality like logging. Able to maintain lean execution but add functionality
as necessary, like Ambassadors and Sidecar containers.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
While most applications are deployed such that they continue to be available there are some which we may want to run
a particular number of times called a Job, and others on a regular basis called a CronJob
1. Create a job which will run a container which sleeps for three seconds then stops.
student@ckad-1:~$ vim job.yaml
1 apiVersion: batch/v1
2 kind: Job
3 metadata:
4 name: sleepy
5 spec:
6 template:
7 spec:
8 containers:
9 - name: resting
10 image: busybox
11 command: ["/bin/sleep"]
12 args: ["3"]
13 restartPolicy: Never
2. Create the job, then verify and view the details. The example shows checking the job three seconds in and then again
after it has completed. You may see different output depending on how fast you type.
3. View the configuration information of the job. There are three parameters we can use to affect how the job runs. Use
-o yaml to see these parameters. We can see that backoffLimit, completions, and the parallelism. We’ll add
these parameters next.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
5. Edit the YAML and add the completions: parameter and set it to 5.
1 <output_omitted>
2 metadata:
3 name: sleepy
4 spec:
5 completions: 5 #<--Add this line
6 template:
7 spec:
8 containers:
9 <output_omitted>
6. Create the job again. As you view the job note that COMPLETIONS begins as zero of 5.
7. View the pods that running. Again the output may be different depending on the speed of typing.
8. Eventually all the jobs will have completed. Verify then delete the job.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
9. Edit the YAML again. This time add in the parallelism: parameter. Set it to 2 such that two pods at a time will be
1 <output_omitted>
2 name: sleepy
3 spec:
4 completions: 5
5 parallelism: 2 #<-- Add this line
6 template:
7 spec:
8 <output_omitted>
10. Create the job again. You should see the pods deployed two at a time until all five have completed.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl create -f job.yaml
11. Add a parameter which will stop the job after a certain number of seconds. Set the activeDeadlineSeconds: to 15.
The job and all pods will end once it runs for 15 seconds.
1 <output_omitted>
2 completions: 5
3 parallelism: 2
4 activeDeadlineSeconds: 15 #<-- Add this line
5 template:
6 spec:
7 containers:
8 - name: resting
9 image: busybox
10 command: ["/bin/sleep"]
11 args: ["3"]
12 <output_omitted>
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
12. Delete and recreate the job again. It should run for four times then continue to age without further completions.
13. View the message: entry in the Status section of the object YAML output. You may see less status if the job has yet
to run. Wait and try again, if so.
A CronJob creates a watch loop which will create a batch job on your behalf when the time becomes true. We will use
our existing Job file to start.
2. Edit the file to look like the annotated file shown below.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
3. Create the new CronJob. View the jobs. It will take two minutes for the CronJob to run and generate a new batch Job.
5. Ensure that if the job continues for more than 10 seconds it is terminated. We will first edit the sleep command to run
for 30 seconds then add the activeDeadlineSeconds: entry to the container.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
1 ....
2 jobTemplate:
3 spec:
4 template:
5 spec:
6 activeDeadlineSeconds: 10 #<-- Add this line
7 containers:
8 - name: resting
9 ....
6. Delete and recreate the CronJob. It may take a couple of minutes for the batch Job to be created and terminate due to
the timer.
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LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5
Deployment Configuration
Very Important
Save a copy of your ~/app1/simpleapp.yaml file, in case you would like to repeat portions of the labs, or you find
your file difficult to use due to typos and whitespace issues.
In this lab we will add resources to our deployment with further configuration you may need for production.
There are three different ways a ConfigMap can ingest data, from a literal value, from a file, or from a directory of files.
1. Create a ConfigMap containing primary colors. We will create a series of files to ingest into the ConfigMap. First create
a directory primary and populate it with four files. Then we create a file in our home directory with our favorite color.
student@ckad-1:~/app1$ cd
configmap/colors created
3. View the newly created configMap. Note the way the ingested data is presented.
4. Update the YAML file of the application to make use of the configMap as an environmental parameter. Add the six lines
from the env: line to key:favorite.
1 ....
2 spec:
3 containers:
4 - image:
5 env: # Add from here
6 - name: ilike
7 valueFrom:
8 configMapKeyRef:
9 name: colors
10 key: favorite # To here
11 imagePullPolicy: Always
12 ....
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
deployment.extensions/try1 created
6. Even though the try1 pod is not in a fully ready state, it is running and useful. Use kubectl exec to view a variable’s
value. View the pod state then verify you can see the ilike value within the simpleapp container. Note that the use of
double dash (- -) tells the shell to pass the following as standard in.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl get po
7. Edit the YAML file again, this time adding the another method of using a configMap. Edit the file to add three lines.
envFrom should be indented the same amount as env earlier in the file, and configMapRef should be indented the
same as configMapKeyRef.
student@ckad-1:~$ vim ~/app1/simpleapp.yaml
1 ....
2 configMapKeyRef:
3 name: colors
4 key: favorite
5 envFrom: #<-- Add this and the following two lines
6 - configMapRef:
7 name: colors
8 imagePullPolicy: Always
9 ....
8. Again delete and recreate the deployment. Check the pods restart.
9. View the settings inside the try1 container of a pod. The following output is truncated in a few places. Omit the container
name to observe the behavior. Also execute a command to see all environmental variables instead of logging into the
container first.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
10. For greater flexibility and scalability ConfigMaps can be created from a YAML file, then deployed and redeployed as
necessary. Once ingested into the cluster the data can be retrieved in the same manner as any other object. Create
another configMap, this time from a YAML file.
student@ckad-1:~$ vim car-map.yaml
1 apiVersion: v1
2 kind: ConfigMap
3 metadata:
4 name: fast-car
5 namespace: default
6 data:
7 car.make: Ford
8 car.model: Mustang
9 car.trim: Shelby
11. View the ingested data, note that the output is just as in file created.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
resourceVersion: "105700"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/configmaps/fast-car
uid: aa19f8f3-39b8-11e8-ba73-42010a800003
12. Add the configMap settings to the simpleapp.yaml file as a volume. Both containers in the try1 deployment can
access to the same volume, using volumeMounts statements. Remember that the volume stanza is of equal depth to
the containers stanza, and should come after the containers have been declared, the example below has the volume
added just before the status: output..
1 ....
2 spec:
3 containers:
4 - image:
5 volumeMounts: #<-- Add this and following two lines
6 - mountPath: /etc/cars
7 name: car-vol
8 env:
9 - name: ilike
10 ....
11 securityContext: {}
12 terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
13 volumes: #<-- Add this and following four lines
14 - name: car-vol
15 configMap:
16 defaultMode: 420
17 name: fast-car
18 status:
19 ....
14. Verify the deployment is running. Note that we still have not automated the creation of the /tmp/healthy file inside the
container, as a result the AVAILABLE count remains zero until we use the for loop to create the file. We will remedy this
in the next step.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl get deployment
nginx 1/1 1 1 1d
registry 1/1 1 1 1d
try1 0/6 6 0 39s
15. Our health check was the successful execution of a command. We will edit the command of the existing readinessProbe
to check for the existence of the mounted configMap file and re-create the deployment. After a minute both containers
should become available for each pod in the deployment.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl delete deployment try1
deployment.extensions "try1" deleted
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
1 ....
2 readinessProbe:
3 exec:
4 command:
5 - ls #<-- Add/Edit this and following line.
6 - /etc/cars
7 periodSeconds: 5
8 ....
16. Wait about a minute and view the deployment and pods. All six replicas should be running and report that 2/2 containers
are in a ready state within.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl get deployment
nginx 1/1 1 1 1d
registry 1/1 1 1 1d
try1 6/6 6 6 1m
17. View a file within the new volume mounted in a container. It should match the data we created inside the configMap.
Because the file did not have a carriage-return it will appear prior to the following prompt.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl exec -c simpleapp -it try1-7865dcb948-stb2n \
-- /bin/bash -c 'cat /etc/cars/car.trim'
Shelby student@ckad-1:~$
1. Search for pv and pvc YAML example files on http://kubernetes.io/docs and http://kubernetes.io/blog.
2. Use the CreateNFS.sh script from the tarball to set up NFS on your master node. This script will configure the server,
export /opt/sfw and create a file /opt/sfw/hello.txt. Use the find command to locate the file if you don’t remember
where you extracted the tar file. This example narrows the search to your $HOME directory. Change for your environment.
directory. You may find the same file in more than one subdirectory of the tarfile.
student@ckad-1:~$ find ~ -name CreateNFS.sh
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
student@ckad-1:~$ cp /home/student/LFD259/SOLUTIONS/s_05/CreateNFS.sh ~
3. Test by mounting the resource from your second node. Begin by installing the client software.
student@ckad-2:~$ sudo apt-get -y install nfs-common nfs-kernel-server
4. Test you can see the exported directory using showmount from you second node.
student@ckad-2:~$ showmount -e ckad-1 #<-- Edit to be first node’s name or IP
Export list for ckad-1:
/opt/sfw *
5. Mount the directory. Be aware that unless you edit /etc/fstab this is not a persistent mount. Change out the node
name for that of your master node.
student@ckad-2:~$ sudo mount ckad-1:/opt/sfw /mnt
7. Return to the master node and create a YAML file for an object with kind PersistentVolume. The included example file
needs an edit to the server: parameter. Use the hostname of the master server and the directory you created in the
previous step. Only syntax is checked, an incorrect name or directory will not generate an error, but a Pod using the
incorrect resource will not start. Note that the accessModes do not currently affect actual access and are typically used
as labels instead.
student@ckad-1:~$ find ~ -name PVOl.yaml
student@ckad-1:~$ cp /home/student/LFD259/SOLUTIONS/s_05/EXAMPLES/PVol.yaml ~
1 apiVersion: v1
2 kind: PersistentVolume
3 metadata:
4 name: pvvol-1
5 spec:
6 capacity:
7 storage: 1Gi
8 accessModes:
9 - ReadWriteMany
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
10 persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
11 nfs:
12 path: /opt/sfw
13 server: ckad-1 #<-- Edit to match master node name or IP
14 readOnly: false
8. Create and verify you have a new 1Gi volume named pvvol-1. Note the status shows as Available. Remember we
made two persistent volumes for the image registry earlier.
9. Now that we have a new volume we will use a persistent volume claim (pvc) to use it in a Pod. We should have two
existing claims from our local registry.
student@ckad-1:~/$ kubectl get pvc
nginx-claim0 Bound registryvm 200Mi RWO 4d
registry-claim0 Bound task-pv-volume 200Mi RWO 4d
1 apiVersion: v1
2 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
3 metadata:
4 name: pvc-one
5 spec:
6 accessModes:
7 - ReadWriteMany
8 resources:
9 requests:
10 storage: 200Mi
11. Create and verify the new pvc status is bound. Note the size is 1Gi, even though 200Mi was suggested. Only a volume
of at least that size could be used, the first volume with found with at least that much space was chosen.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl create -f pvc.yaml
persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-one created
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
12. Now look at the status of the physical volume. It should also show as bound.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl get pv
pvvol-1 1Gi RWX Retain Bound
default/pvc-one 14m
registryvm 200Mi RWO Retain Bound
default/nginx-claim0 4d
task-pv-volume 200Mi RWO Retain Bound
default/registry-claim0 4d
13. Edit the simpleapp.yaml file to include two new sections. One section for the container while will use the volume mount
point, you should have an existing entry for car-vol. The other section adds a volume to the deployment in general,
which you can put after the configMap volume section.
student@ckad-1:~$ vim ~/app1/simpleapp.yaml
1 ....
2 volumeMounts:
3 - name: car-vol
4 mountPath: /etc/cars
5 - name: nfs-vol #<-- Add this and following line
6 mountPath: /opt
7 ....
8 volumes:
9 - name: car-vol
10 configMap:
11 defaultMode: 420
12 name: fast-car
13 - name: nfs-vol #<-- Add this and following two lines
14 persistentVolumeClaim:
15 claimName: pvc-one
16 dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
17 ....
15. View the details any of the pods in the deployment, you should see nfs-vol mounted under /opt. The use to command
line completion with the tab key can be helpful for using a pod name.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl describe pod try1-594fbb5fc7-5k7sj
/etc/cars from car-vol (rw)
/opt from nfs-vol (rw)
/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from default-token-j7cqd (ro)
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
In an earlier lab we added a second Ambassador container to handle logging. Now that we have learned about using
ConfigMaps and attaching storage we will use configure our basic pod.
1. Review the YAML for our earlier simple pod. Recall that we added an Ambassador style logging container to the pod but
had not fully configured the logging.
student@ckad-1:~$ cat basic.yaml
- name: webcont
image: nginx
- containerPort: 80
- name: fdlogger
image: fluent/fluentd
2. Let us begin by adding shared storage to each container. We will use the hostPath storage class to provide the PV and
PVC. First we create the directory.
student@ckad-1:~$ sudo mkdir /tmp/weblog
3. Now we create a new PV to use that directory for the hostPath storage class. We will use the storageClassName of
manual so that only PVCs which use that name will bind the resource.
student@ckad-1:~$ vim weblog-pv.yaml
1 kind: PersistentVolume
2 apiVersion: v1
3 metadata:
4 name: weblog-pv-volume
5 labels:
6 type: local
7 spec:
8 storageClassName: manual
9 capacity:
10 storage: 100Mi
11 accessModes:
12 - ReadWriteOnce
13 hostPath:
14 path: "/tmp/weblog"
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
2 apiVersion: v1
3 metadata:
4 name: weblog-pv-claim
5 spec:
6 storageClassName: manual
7 accessModes:
8 - ReadWriteOnce
9 resources:
10 requests:
11 storage: 100Mi
6. Create the PVC and verify it shows as Bound to the the PV we previously created.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl create -f weblog-pvc.yaml
persistentvolumeclaim/weblog-pv-claim created
7. We are ready to add the storage to our pod. We will edit three sections. The first will declare the storage to the pod in
general, then two more sections which tell each container where to make the volume available.
student@ckad-1:~$ vim basic.yaml
1 apiVersion: v1
2 kind: Pod
3 metadata:
4 name: basicpod
5 labels:
6 type: webserver
7 spec:
8 volumes: #<-- Add three lines, same depth as containers
9 - name: weblog-pv-storage
10 persistentVolumeClaim:
11 claimName: weblog-pv-claim
12 containers:
13 - name: webcont
14 image: nginx
15 ports:
16 - containerPort: 80
17 volumeMounts: #<-- Add three lines, same depth as ports
18 - mountPath: "/var/log/nginx/"
19 name: weblog-pv-storage # Must match volume name above
20 - name: fdlogger
21 image: fluent/fluentd
22 volumeMounts: #<-- Add three lines, same depth as image:
23 - mountPath: "/var/log"
24 name: weblog-pv-storage # Must match volume name above
8. At this point we can create the pod again. When we create a shell we will find that the access.log for nginx is no
longer a symbolic link pointing to stdout it is a writable, zero length file. Leave a tailf of the log file running.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
On Container
root@basicpod:/# ls -l /var/log/nginx/access.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 18 16:12 /var/log/nginx/access.log
9. Open a second connection to your node. We will use the pod IP as we have not yet configured a service to expose the
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl get pods -o wide
basicpod 2/2 Running 0 3m26s ckad-1
10. Use curl to view the welcome page of the webserver. When the command completes you should see a new entry added
to the log. Right after the GET we see a 200 response indicating success. You can use ctrl-c and exit to return to the
host shell prompt.
student@ckad-1:~$ curl http://
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
On Container - - [18/Oct/2018:16:16:21 +0000] ”GET / HTTP/1.1” 200 612 ”-” ”curl/7.47.0” ”-”
11. Now that we know the webcont container is writing to the PV we will configure the logger to use that directory as a
source. For greater flexibility we will configure fluentd using a configMap. The details of the data settings can be found
in fluentd documentation here: https://docs.fluentd.org/v1.0/categories/config-file
student@ckad-1:~$ vim weblog-configmap.yaml
1 apiVersion: v1
2 kind: ConfigMap
3 metadata:
4 name: fluentd-config
5 data:
6 fluentd.conf: |
7 <source>
8 @type tail
9 format none
10 path /var/log/nginx/access.log
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
11 tag count.format1
12 </source>
14 <match *.**>
15 @type forward
17 <server>
18 name localhost
19 host
20 </server>
21 </match>
13. Now we will edit the pod yaml file so that the fluentd container will mount the configmap as a volume and reference the
variables inside the config file. You will add three areas, the volume declaration to the pod, the env parameter and the
mounting of the volume to the fluentd container
1 ....
2 volumes:
3 - name: weblog-pv-storage
4 persistentVolumeClaim:
5 claimName: weblog-pv-claim
6 - name: log-config #<-- This and two lines following
7 configMap:
8 name: fluentd-config # Must match existing configMap
9 ....
10 image: fluent/fluentd
11 env: #<-- This and two lines following
12 - name: FLUENTD_ARGS
13 value: -c /etc/fluentd-config/fluentd.conf
14 ....
15 volumeMounts:
16 - mountPath: "/var/log"
17 name: weblog-pv-storage
18 - name: log-config #<-- This and next line
19 mountPath: "/etc/fluentd-config"
14. At this point we can delete and re-create the pod. If we had a listening agent running on localhost, where the we
messages are forwarded as declared in the configMap, we would see access messages.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl delete pod basicpod
pod "basicpod" deleted
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
15. Look at the logs for both containers. You should see some output for the fdlogger but not for webcont.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl logs basicpod webcont
When we started working with simpleapp we used a Docker tag called latest. While this is the default tag when
pulling an image, and commonly used, it remains just a string, it may not be the actual latest version of the image.
1. Make a slight change to our source and create a new image. We will use updates and rollbacks with our application.
Adding a comment to the last line should be enough for a new image to be generated.
student@ckad-1:~$ cd ~/app1
## Sleep for five seconds then continue the loop
2. Build the image again. A new container and image will be created. Verify when successful. There should be a different
image ID and a recent creation time.
student@ckad-1:~/app1$ sudo docker build -t simpleapp .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 7.168 kB
Step 1/3 : FROM python:2
---> 2863c80c418c
Step 2/3 : ADD simple.py /
---> cde8ecf8492b
Removing intermediate container 3e908b76b5b4
Step 3/3 : CMD python ./simple.py
---> Running in 354620c97bf5
---> cc6bba0ea213
Removing intermediate container 354620c97bf5
Successfully built cc6bba0ea213
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
3. Tag and push the updated image to your locally hosted registry. A reminder your IP address will be different than the
example below. Use the tag v2 this time instead of latest.
student@ckad-1:~/app1$ sudo docker tag simpleapp \
4. Connect to a terminal running on your second node. Pull the latest image, then pull v2. Note the latest did not pull
the new version of the image. Again, remember to use the IP for your locally hosted registry. You’ll note the digest is
student@ckad-2:~$ sudo docker pull
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from simpleapp
Digest: sha256:cefa3305c36101d32399baf0919d3482ae8a53c926688be33
Status: Image is up to date for
5. Use kubectl edit to update the image for the try1 deployment to use v2. As we are only changing one parameter we
could also use the kubectl set command. Note that the configuration file has not been updated, so a delete or a replace
command would not include the new version. It can take the pods up to a minute to delete and to recreate each pod in
student@ckad-1:~/app1$ kubectl edit deployment try1
- image: #<-- Edit tag
imagePullPolicy: Always
6. Verify each of the pods has been recreated and is using the new version of the image. Note some messages will show
the scaling down of the old replicaset, others should show the scaling up using the new image.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
7. View the images of a Pod in the deployment. Narrow the output to just view the images. The goproxy remains un-
changed, but the simpleapp should now be v2.
student@ckad-1:~/app1$ kubectl describe pod try1-895fccfb-ttqdn |grep Image
Image ID:\
Image: k8s.gcr.io/goproxy:0.1
Image ID:\
9. Compare the output of the rollout history for the two revisions. Images and labels should be different, with the image
v2 being the change we made.
student@ckad-1:~/app1$ kubectl rollout history deployment try1 --revision=1 > one.out
10. View what would be undone using the –dry-run option while undoing the rollout. This allows us to see the new template
prior to using it.
student@ckad-1:~/app1$ kubectl rollout undo --dry-run=true deployment/try1
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
Pod Template:
Labels: pod-template-hash=1509661973
Port: <none>
11. View the pods. Depending on how fast you type the try1 pods should be about 2 minutes old.
student@ckad-1:~/app1$ kubectl get pods
nginx-6b58d9cdfd-9fnl4 1/1 Running 1 5d
registry-795c6c8b8f-hl5wf 1/1 Running 2 5d
try1-594fbb5fc7-7dl7c 2/2 Running 0 2m
try1-594fbb5fc7-8mxlb 2/2 Running 0 2m
try1-594fbb5fc7-jr7h7 2/2 Running 0 2m
try1-594fbb5fc7-s24wt 2/2 Running 0 2m
try1-594fbb5fc7-xfffg 2/2 Running 0 2m
try1-594fbb5fc7-zfmz8 2/2 Running 0 2m
12. In our case there are only two revisions, which is also the default number kept. Were there more we could choose a
particular version. The following command would have the same effect as the previous, without the –dry-run option.
student@ckad-1:~/app1$ kubectl rollout undo deployment try1 --to-revision=1
13. Again, it can take a bit for the pods to be terminated and re-created. Keep checking back until they are all running again.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
Chapter 6
In this exercise we will create two new applications. One will be limited in its access to the host node, but have access
to encoded data. The second will use a network security policy to move from the default all-access Kubernetes
policies to a mostly closed network. First we will set security contexts for pods and containers, then create and
consume secrets, then finish with configuring a network security policy.
1. Begin by making a new directory for our second application. Change into that directory.
student@ckad-1:~$ mkdir ~/app2
student@ckad-1:~$ cd ~/app2/
2. Create a YAML file for the second application. In the example below we are using a simple image, busybox, which allows
access to a shell, but not much more. We will add a runAsUser to both the pod as well as the container.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ vim second.yaml
1 apiVersion: v1
2 kind: Pod
3 metadata:
4 name: secondapp
5 spec:
6 securityContext:
7 runAsUser: 1000
8 containers:
9 - name: busy
10 image: busybox
11 command:
12 - sleep
13 - "3600"
14 securityContext:
15 runAsUser: 2000
16 allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
3. Create the secondapp pod and verify it’s running. Unlike the previous deployment this application is running as a pod.
Look at the YAML output, to compare and contrast with what a deployment looks like. The status section probably has
the largest contrast.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl create -f second.yaml
pod/secondapp created
4. Execute a Bourne shell within the Pod. Check the user ID of the shell and other processes. It should show the container
setting, not the pod. This allows for multiple containers within a pod to customize their UID if desired. As there is only
one container in the pod we do not need to use the -c busy option.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl exec -it secondapp -- sh
On Container
/ $ ps aux
1 2000 0:00 sleep 3600
8 2000 0:00 sh
12 2000 0:00 ps aux
5. While here check the capabilities of the kernel. In upcoming steps we will modify these values.
On Container
/ $ exit
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
6. Use the capability shell wrapper tool, the capsh command, to decode the output. We will view and compare the output
in a few steps. Note that there are 14 comma separated capabilities listed.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ capsh --decode=00000000a80425fb
7. Edit the YAML file to include new capabilities for the container. A capability allows granting of specific, elevated priv-
ileges without granting full root access. We will be setting NET ADMIN to allow interface, routing, and other network
configuration. We’ll also set SYS TIME, which allows system clock configuration. More on kernel capabilities can be
read here: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/include/uapi/linux/capability.h
It can take up to a minute for the pod to fully terminate, allowing the future pod to be created.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl delete pod secondapp
pod "secondapp" deleted
1 <output_omitted>
2 - sleep
3 - "3600"
4 securityContext:
5 runAsUser: 2000
6 allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
7 capabilities: #<-- Add this and following line
8 add: ["NET_ADMIN", "SYS_TIME"]
8. Create the pod again. Execute a shell within the container and review the Cap settings under /proc/1/status. They
should be different from the previous instance.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl create -f second.yaml
pod/secondapp created
On Container
/ $ exit
9. Decode the output again. Note that the instance now has 16 comma delimited capabilities listed. cap net admin is
listed as well as cap sys time.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
Secrets are consumed in a manner similar to ConfigMaps, covered in an earlier lab. While at-rest encryption is just now
enabled, historically a secret was just base64 encoded. There are three types of encryption which can be configured.
2. Create a YAML file for the object with an API object kind set to Secret. Use the encoded key as a password parameter.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ vim secret.yaml
1 apiVersion: v1
2 kind: Secret
3 metadata:
4 name: lfsecret
5 data:
6 password: TEZUckAxbgo=
4. Edit secondapp YAML file to use the secret as a volume mounted under /mysqlpassword. volumeMounts: lines up
with the container name: and volumes: lines up with containers: Note the pod will restart when the sleep command
finishes every 3600 seconds, or every hour.
1 ....
2 runAsUser: 2000
3 allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
4 capabilities:
5 add: ["NET_ADMIN", "SYS_TIME"]
6 volumeMounts: #<-- Add this and six following lines
7 - name: mysql
8 mountPath: /mysqlpassword
9 volumes:
10 - name: mysql
11 secret:
12 secretName: lfsecret
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
5. Verify the pod is running, then check if the password is mounted where expected. We will find that the password is
available in its clear-text, decoded state.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl get pod secondapp
secondapp 1/1 Running 0 34s
On Container
/ $ cat /mysqlpassword/password
6. View the location of the directory. Note it is a symbolic link to ../data which is also a symbolic link to another directory.
After taking a look at the filesystem within the container, exit back to the node.
On Container
/ $ cd /mysqlpassword/
/mysqlpassword $ ls
/mysqlpassword $ ls -al
total 4
drwxrwxrwt 3 root root 100 Apr 11 07:24 .
drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 4096 Apr 11 22:30 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 60 Apr 11 07:24 ..4984_11_04_07_24_47.831222818
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 Apr 11 07:24 ..data -> ..4984_11_04_07_24_47.831222818
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Apr 11 07:24 password -> ..data/password
/mysqlpassword $ exit
We can use ServiceAccounts to assign cluster roles, or the ability to use particular HTTP verbs. In this section we
will create a new ServiceAccount and grant it access to view secrets.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
2. We can see that each agent uses a secret in order to interact with the API server. We will create a new ServiceAccount
which will have access.
student@ckad-1:~$ vim serviceaccount.yaml
1 apiVersion: v1
2 kind: ServiceAccount
3 metadata:
4 name: secret-access-sa
3. Now we will create a ClusterRole which will list the actual actions allowed cluster-wide. We will look at an existing role
to see the syntax.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl get clusterroles
admin 4d17h
calico-cni-plugin 4d17h
calico-kube-controllers 4d17h
cluster-admin 4d17h
4. View the details for the admin and compare it to the cluster-admin. The admin has particular actions allowed, but
cluster-admin has the meta-character ’*’ allowing all actions.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl get clusterroles admin -o yaml
5. Using some of the output above, we will create our own file.
student@ckad-1:~$ vim clusterrole.yaml
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
1 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1
2 kind: ClusterRole
3 metadata:
4 name: secret-access-cr
5 rules:
6 - apiGroups:
7 - ""
8 resources:
9 - secrets
10 verbs:
11 - get
12 - list
7. Now we bind the role to the account. Create another YAML file which uses roleRef::
student@ckad-1:~$ vim rolebinding.yaml
1 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1
2 kind: RoleBinding
3 metadata:
4 name: secret-rb
5 subjects:
6 - kind: ServiceAccount
7 name: secret-access-sa
8 roleRef:
9 kind: ClusterRole
10 name: secret-access-cr
11 apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
9. View the secondapp pod and grep for secret settings. Note that it uses the default settings.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
10. Edit the second.yaml file and add the use of the serviceAccount.
student@ckad-1:~$ vim ~/app2/second.yaml
1 ....
2 name: secondapp
3 spec:
4 serviceAccountName: secret-access-sa #<-- Add this line
5 securityContext:
6 runAsUser: 1000
7 ....
11. We will delete the secondapp pod if still running, then create it again. View what the secret is by default.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl delete pod secondapp ; kubectl create -f ~/app2/second.yaml
pod "secondapp" deleted
pod/secondapp created
An early architecture decision with Kubernetes was non-isolation, that all pods were able to connect to all other pods
and nodes by design. In more recent releases the use of a NetworkPolicy allows for pod isolation. The policy only has
effect when the network plugin, like Project Calico, are capable of honoring them. If used with a plugin like flannel they
will have no effect. The use of matchLabels allows for more granular selection within the namespace which can be se-
lected using a namespaceSelector. Using multiple labels can allow for complex application of rules. More information
can be found here: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/network-policies
1. Begin by creating a default policy which denies all traffic. Once ingested into the cluster this will affect every pod not
selected by another policy, creating a mostly-closed environment. If you want to only deny ingress or egress traffic you
can remove the other policyType.
student@ckad-1:~$ cd ~/app2/
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
1 apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
2 kind: NetworkPolicy
3 metadata:
4 name: deny-default
5 spec:
6 podSelector: {}
7 policyTypes:
8 - Ingress
9 - Egress
2. Before we can test the new network policy we need to make sure network access works without it applied. Update
secondapp to include a new container running nginx, then test access. Begin by adding two lines for the nginx image
and name webserver, as found below. It takes a bit for the pod to terminate, so we’ll delete then edit the file.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl delete pod secondapp
pod "secondapp" deleted
1 runAsUser: 1000
2 containers:
3 - name: webserver #<-- Add this and following line
4 image: nginx
5 - name: busy
6 image: busybox
7 command:
3. Create the new pod. Be aware the pod will move from ContainerCreating to Error to CrashLoopBackOff, as only one
of the containers will start. We will troubleshoot the error in following steps.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl create -f second.yaml
pod/secondapp created
4. Take a closer look at the events leading up to the failure. The images were pulled and the container was started. It was
the full execution of the container which failed.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl get event
25s Normal Scheduled Pod Successfully assigned default/secondapp
to ip-172-31-38-144
4s Normal Pulling Pod pulling image "nginx"
2s Normal Pulled Pod Successfully pulled image "nginx"
2s Normal Created Pod Created container
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
5. View the logs of the webserver container mentioned in the previous output. Note there are errors about the user
directive and not having permission to make directories.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl logs secondapp webserver
2018/04/13 19:51:13 [warn] 1#1: the "user" directive makes sense
only if the master process runs with super-user privileges,
ignored in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:2
nginx: [warn] the "user" directive makes sense only if the master
process runs with super-user privileges,
ignored in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:2
2018/04/13 19:51:13 [emerg] 1#1: mkdir() "/var/cache/nginx/client_temp"
failed (13: Permission denied)
nginx: [emerg] mkdir() "/var/cache/nginx/client_temp" failed
(13: Permission denied)
6. Delete the pods. Edit the YAML file to comment out the setting of a UID for the entire pod.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl delete -f second.yaml
pod "secondapp" deleted
1 spec:
2 serviceAccountName: secret-access-sa
3 # securityContext: #<-- Comment this and following line
4 # runAsUser: 1000
5 containers:
6 - name: webserver
7. Create the pod again. This time both containers should run. You may have to wait for the previous pod to fully terminate,
depending on how fast you type.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl create -f second.yaml
pod/secondapp created
8. Expose the webserver using a NodePort service. Expect an error due to lack of labels.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl expose pod secondapp --type=NodePort --port=80
error: couldn't retrieve selectors via --selector flag or
introspection: the pod has no labels and cannot be exposed
See 'kubectl expose -h' for help and examples.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
9. Edit the YAML file to add a label in the metadata, adding the example: second label right after the pod name. Note you
can delete several resources at once by passing the YAML file to the delete command. Delete and recreate the pod. It
may take up to a minute for the pod to shut down.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl delete -f second.yaml
pod "secondapp" deleted
1 apiVersion: v1
2 kind: Pod
3 metadata:
4 name: secondapp
5 labels: #<-- This and following line
6 example: second
7 spec:
8 # securityContext:
9 # runAsUser: 1000
10 <output_omitted>
10. This time we will expose a NodePort again, and create the service separately, then add a label to illustrate how labels
are essential for tying resources together inside of kubernetes.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl create service nodeport secondapp --tcp=80
service/secondapp created
11. Look at the details of the service. Note the selector is set to app: secondapp. Also take note of the nodePort, which is
31655 in the example below, yours may be different.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl get svc secondapp -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
creationTimestamp: 2018-04-19T22:07:25Z
app: secondapp
name: secondapp
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "216490"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/services/secondapp
uid: 0aeaea82-441e-11e8-ac6e-42010a800007
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
- name: "80"
nodePort: 31655
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
port: 80
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 80
app: secondapp
sessionAffinity: None
type: NodePort
loadBalancer: {}
12. Test access to the service using curl and the ClusterIP shown in the previous output. As the label does not match any
other resources, the curl command should fail. If it hangs control-c to exit back to the shell.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ curl http://
13. Edit the service. We will change the label to match secondapp, and set the nodePort to a new port, one that may have
been specifically opened by our firewall team, port 32000.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl edit svc secondapp
secondapp service
1 <output_omitted>
2 ports:
3 - name: "80"
4 nodePort: 32000 #<-- Edit this line
5 port: 80
6 protocol: TCP
7 targetPort: 80
8 selector:
9 example: second #<-- Edit this line
10 sessionAffinity: None
11 <output_omitted>
14. Verify the updated port number is showing properly, and take note of the ClusterIP. The example below shows a ClusterIP
of and a port of 32000 as expected.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl get svc
secondapp NodePort <none> 80:32000/TCP 5m
15. Test access to the high port. You should get the default nginx welcome page both if you test from the node to the
ClusterIP:<low-port-number> and from the exterior hostIP:<high-port-number>. As the high port is randomly
generated make sure it’s available. Both of your nodes should be exposing the web server on port 32000.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ curl http://
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
16. Now test egress from a container to the outside world. We’ll use the netcat command to verify access to a running web
server on port 80. First test local access to nginx, then a remote server.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl exec -it -c busy secondapp sh
On Container
/ $ nc -vz 80 ( open
/ $ nc -vz www.linux.com 80
www.linux.com ( open
/ $ exit
1. Now that we have tested both ingress and egress we can implement the network policy.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl create -f ~/allclosed.yaml
networkpolicy.networking.k8s.io/deny-default created
2. Use the ingress and egress tests again. Three of the four should eventually timeout. Start by testing from outside the
[user@laptop ~]$ curl http://
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port
32000: Connection timed out
4. Now test egress. From container to container should work, as the filter is outside of the pod. Then test egress to an
external web page. It should eventually timeout.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl exec -it -c busy secondapp sh
On Container
/ $ nc -vz 80 ( open
/ $ nc -vz www.linux.com 80
nc: bad address 'www.linux.com'
/ $ exit
5. Update the NetworkPolicy and comment out the Egress line. Then replace the policy.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ vim ~/allclosed.yaml
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
1 ....
2 spec:
3 podSelector: {}
4 policyTypes:
5 - Ingress
6 # - Egress #<-- Comment out this line
6. Test egress access to an outside site. Get the IP address of the eth0 inside the container while logged in. The IP is in the example below, yours may be different.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl exec -it -c busy secondapp sh
On Container
/ $ nc -vz www.linux.com 80
www.linux.com ( open
/ $ ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue qlen 1000
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: tunl0@NONE: <NOARP> mtu 1480 qdisc noop qlen 1000
link/ipip brd
4: eth0@if59: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP,M-DOWN> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue
link/ether 1e:c8:7d:6a:96:c3 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet scope global eth0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::1cc8:7dff:fe6a:96c3/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
/ $ exit
7. Now add a selector to allow ingress to only the nginx container. Use the IP from the eth0 range.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ vim ~/allclosed.yaml
1 <output_omitted>
2 policyTypes:
3 - Ingress
4 ingress: #<-- Add this and following three lines
5 - from:
6 - ipBlock:
7 cidr:
8 # - Egress
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
9. Test access to the container both using curl as well as ping, the IP address to use was found from the IP inside the
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ curl http://
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
10. Update the policy to only allow ingress for TCP traffic on port 80, then test with curl, which should work. The ports entry
should line up with the from entry a few lines above.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ vim ~/allclosed.yaml
1 <output_omitted>
2 - Ingress
3 ingress:
4 - from:
5 - ipBlock:
6 cidr:
7 ports: #<-- Add this and two following lines
8 - port: 80
9 protocol: TCP
10 # - Egress
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
Chapter 7
Exposing Applications
In this lab we will explore various ways to expose an application to other pods and outside the cluster. We will add to
the NodePort used in previous labs other service options.
1. We will begin by using the default service type ClusterIP. This is a cluster internal IP, only reachable from within the
cluster. Begin by viewing the existing services.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl get svc
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 8d
nginx ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 8d
registry ClusterIP <none> 5000/TCP 8d
secondapp NodePort <none> 80:32000/TCP 7h
3. Create a YAML file for a replacement service, which would be persistent. Use the label to select the secondapp. Expose
the same port and protocol of the previous service.
1 apiVersion: v1
2 kind: Service
3 metadata:
4 name: secondapp
5 labels:
6 run: my-nginx
7 spec:
8 ports:
9 - port: 80
10 protocol: TCP
11 selector:
12 example: second
4. Create the service, find the new IP and port. Note there is no high number port as this is internal access only.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl create -f service.yaml
service/secondapp created
5. Test access. You should see the default welcome page again.
6. To expose a port to outside the cluster we will create a NodePort. We had done this in a previous step from the
command line. When we create a NodePort it will create a new ClusterIP automatically. Edit the YAML file again. Add
type: NodePort. Also add the high-port to match an open port in the firewall as mentioned in the previous chapter. You’ll
have to delete and re-create as the existing IP is immutable, but not able to be reused. The NodePort will try to create a
new ClusterIP instead.
1 ....
2 protocol: TCP
3 nodePort: 32000 #<-- Add this and following line
4 type: NodePort
5 selector:
6 example: second
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
8. Test the low port number using the new ClusterIP for the secondapp service.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ curl
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
9. Test access from an external node to the host IP and the high container port. Your IP and port will be different. It should
work, even with the network policy in place, as the traffic is arriving via a port.
10. The use of a LoadBalancer makes an asynchronous request to an external provider for a load balancer if one is available.
It then creates a NodePort and waits for a response including the external IP. The local NodePort will work even before
the load balancer replies. Edit the YAML file and change the type to be LoadBalancer.
1 ....
2 - port: 80
3 protocol: TCP
4 type: LoadBalancer #<-- Edit this line
5 selector:
6 example: second
11. As mentioned the cloud provider is not configured to provide a load balancer; the External-IP will remain in pending
state. Some issues have been found using this with VirtualBox.
12. Test again local and from a remote node. The IP addresses and ports will be different on your node.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
If you have a large number of services to expose outside of the cluster, or to expose a low-number port on the host
node you can deploy an ingress controller. While nginx and GCE have controllers officially supported by Kubernetes.io,
the Traefik Ingress Controller is easier to install. At the moment.
1. As we have RBAC configured we need to make sure the controller will run and be able to work with all necessary ports,
endpoints and resources. Create a YAML file to declare a clusterrole and a clusterrolebinding
1 kind: ClusterRole
2 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1
3 metadata:
4 name: traefik-ingress-controller
5 rules:
6 - apiGroups:
7 - ""
8 resources:
9 - services
10 - endpoints
11 - secrets
12 verbs:
13 - get
14 - list
15 - watch
16 - apiGroups:
17 - extensions
18 resources:
19 - ingresses
20 verbs:
21 - get
22 - list
23 - watch
24 ---
25 kind: ClusterRoleBinding
26 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1
27 metadata:
28 name: traefik-ingress-controller
29 roleRef:
30 apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
31 kind: ClusterRole
32 name: traefik-ingress-controller
33 subjects:
34 - kind: ServiceAccount
35 name: traefik-ingress-controller
36 namespace: kube-system
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
3. Create the Traefik controller. The source web page changes on a regular basis. You can find a recent release by
going here https://github.com/containous/traefik/releases, Recent changes indicate the installation process
is changing. You can find a copy of the file in the course tarball using the find command.
4. If you download a file from the web page edit the downloaded file. The output below represents the changes in a diff
type output, from the downloaded to the edited file. One line should be added, six lines should be removed.
1 23a24 ## Add the following line 24
2 > hostNetwork: true
3 34,39d34 ## Remove these lines around line 34
4 < securityContext:
5 < capabilities:
6 < drop:
7 < - ALL
8 < add:
1 ....
2 terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60
3 hostNetwork: True
4 containers:
5 - image: traefik
6 name: traefik-ingress-lb
7 ports:
8 - name: http
9 containerPort: 80
10 hostPort: 80
11 - name: admin
12 containerPort: 8080
13 hostPort: 8080
14 args:
15 - --api
16 ....
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
6. Now that there is a new controller we need to pass some rules, so it knows how to handle requests. Note that the host
mentioned is www.example.com, which is probably not your node name. We will pass a false header when testing. Also
the service name needs to match the secondapp we’ve been working with.
1 apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
2 kind: Ingress
3 metadata:
4 name: ingress-test
5 annotations:
6 kubernetes.io/ingress.class: traefik
7 spec:
8 rules:
9 - host: www.example.com
10 http:
11 paths:
12 - backend:
13 serviceName: secondapp
14 servicePort: 80
15 path: /
8. We should be able to test the internal and external IP addresses, and see the nginx welcome page. The loadbalancer
would present the traffic, a curl request in this case, to the externally facing interface. Use ip a to find the IP address
of the interface which would face the load balancer. In this example the interface would be ens4, and the IP would be
student@ckad-1:~$ ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: ens4: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1460 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 42:01:0a:80:00:03 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global ens4
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
9. At this point we would keep adding more and more web servers. We’ll configure one more, which would then be a
process continued as many times as desired. Begin by deploying another nginx server. Give it a label and expose port
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl create deployment thirdpage --image=nginx
deployment.apps "thirdpage" created
10. Assign a label for the ingress controller to match against. Your pod name is unique, you can use the Tab key to complete
the name.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl label pod thirdpage-<tab> example=third
12. Now we will customize the installation. Run a bash shell inside the new pod. Your pod name will end differently. Install
vim inside the container then edit the index.html file of nginx so that the title of the web page will be Third Page. Much
of the command output is not shown below.
student@ckad-1:~/app2$ kubectl exec -it thirdpage -- /bin/bash
On Container
root@thirdpage-:/$ exit
ingress test
1 ....
2 - host: www.example.com
3 http:
4 paths:
5 - backend:
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
6 serviceName: secondapp
7 servicePort: 80
8 path: /
9 - host: thirdpage.org #<-- Add this and six following lines
10 http:
11 paths:
12 - backend:
13 serviceName: thirdpage
14 servicePort: 80
15 path: /
16 status:
17 ....
14. Test the second Host: setting using curl locally as well as from a remote system, be sure the <title> shows the
non-default page.
15. The Traefik.io ingress controller also presents a dashboard which allows you to monitor basic traffic. From your local
system open a browser and navigate to the public IP of your master node with a like this <YOURPUBLICIP>:/8080/
dashboard Follow the node IP links and you can view traffic when you reference the pages. Typo the domain names
and you can also see 404 error traffic. Explore as time permits.
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LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
Chapter 8
Troubleshooting can be difficult in a multi-node, decoupled and transient environment. Add in the rapid pace of change
and it becomes more difficult. Instead of focusing and remembering a particular error and the fix it may be more useful
to learn a flow of troubleshooting and revisit assumptions until the pace of change slows and various areas further
1. View the secondapp pod, it should show as Running. This may not mean the application within is working properly, but
that the pod is running. The restarts are due to the command we have written to run. The pod exists when done, and
the controller restarts another container inside. The count depends on how long the labs have been running.
student@ckad-1/app2:~$ cd
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl get pods secondapp
secondapp 2/2 Running 49 2d
2. Look closer at the pod. Working slowly through the output check each line. If you have issues, are other pods having
issues on the same node or volume? Check the state of each container. Both busy and webserver should report as
Running. Note webserver has a restart count of zero while busy has a restart count of 49. We expect this as, in our
case, the pod has been running for 49 hours.
State: Running
Started: Fri, 13 Apr 2018 20:34:58 +0000
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
State: Running
Started: Sun, 15 Apr 2018 21:36:20 +0000
Last State: Terminated
Reason: Completed
Exit Code: 0
Started: Sun, 15 Apr 2018 20:36:18 +0000
Finished: Sun, 15 Apr 2018 21:36:18 +0000
Ready: True
Restart Count: 49
Environment: <none>
3. There are three values for conditions. Check that the pod reports Initialized, Ready and scheduled.
Type Status
Initialized True
Ready True
PodScheduled True
4. Check if there are any events with errors or warnings which may indicate what is causing any problems.
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Pulling 34m (x50 over 2d) kubelet, ckad-2-wdrq pulling
image "busybox"
Normal Pulled 34m (x50 over 2d) kubelet, ckad-2-wdrq Successfully
pulled image "busybox"
Normal Created 34m (x50 over 2d) kubelet, ckad-2-wdrq Created
Normal Started 34m (x50 over 2d) kubelet, ckad-2-wdrq Started
5. View each container log. You may have to sift errors from expected output. Some containers may have no output at all,
as is found with busy.
6. Check to make sure the container is able to use DNS and communicate with the outside world. Remember we still have
limited the UID for secondapp to be UID 2000, which may prevent some commands from running. It can also prevent
an application from completing expected tasks, and other errors.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
On Container
/ $ nslookup www.linuxfoundation.org
/ $ nslookup www.linuxfoundation.org
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: www.linuxfoundation.org
/ $ cat /etc/resolv.conf
search default.svc.cluster.local svc.cluster.local
cluster.local c.endless-station-188822.internal
options ndots:5
Test access to a remote node using nc (NetCat). There are several options to nc which can help troubleshoot if the
problem is the local node, something between nodes or in the target. In the example below the connect never completes
and a control-c was used to interrupt.
7. / $ nc www.linux.com 25
8. Test using an IP address in order to narrow the issue to name resolution. In this case the IP in use is a well known
IP for Google’s DNS servers. The following example shows that Internet name resolution is working, but our UID issue
prevents access to the index.html file.
/ $ wget http://www.linux.com/
Connecting to www.linux.com (
Connecting to www.linux.com (
wget: can't open 'index.html': Permission denied
/ $ exit
9. Make sure traffic is being sent to the correct Pod. Check the details of both the service and endpoint. Pay close attention
to ports in use as a simple typo can prevent traffic from reaching the proper pod. Make sure labels and selectors don’t
have any typos as well.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
- nodePort: 32000
port: 80
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 80
example: second
10. Verify an endpoint for the service exists and has expected values, including namespaces, ports and protocols.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl get ep
kubernetes 10d
nginx 10d
registry 10d
secondapp 1d
thirdpage 1h
11. If the containers, services and endpoints are working the issue may be with an infrastructure service like kube-proxy.
Ensure it’s running, then look for errors in the logs. As we have two nodes we will have two proxies to look at. As we
built our cluster with kubeadm the proxy runs as a container. On other systems you may need to use journalctl or look
under /var/log/kube-proxy.log.
student@ckad-1:~$ ps -elf |grep kube-proxy
4 S root 2864 2847 0 80 0 - 14178 - 15:45 ?
00:00:56 /usr/local/bin/kube-proxy --config=/var/lib/kube-proxy/config.conf
0 S student 23513 18282 0 80 0 - 3236 pipe_w 22:49 pts/0
00:00:00 grep --color=auto kube-proxy
12. Look at both of the proxy logs. Lines which begin with the character I are info, E are errors. In this example the last
message says access to listing an endpoint was denied by RBAC. It was because a default installation via Helm wasn’t
RBAC aware. If not using command line completion, view the possible pod names first.
student@ckad-1:~$ kubectl -n kube-system get pod
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
13. Check that the proxy is creating the expected rules for the problem service. Find the destination port being used for the
service, 30195 in this case.
14. Ensure the proxy is working by checking the port targeted by iptables. If it fails open a second terminal and view the
proxy logs when making a request as it happens.
The cncf.io group is in the process of formalizing what is considered to be a conforming Kubernetes cluster. While that
project matures there is an existing tool provided by Heptio which can be useful. We will need to make sure a newer
version of Golang is installed for it to work. You can download the code from github and look around with git or with go,
depending on which tool you are most familiar. Things change quickly these steps may not work....today
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
student@ckad-1:~$ cd test/
2. Use git to download the sonobuoy code. View the resource after it downloads.
student@ckad-1:~/test$ ls
student@ckad-1:~/test$ cd sonobuoy/
student@ckad-1:~/test/sonobuoy$ ls
cmd Gopkg.toml scripts
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md heptio-images-ee4b0474b93e.json.enc SUPPORT.md
Dockerfile main.go travis-deploy.sh
docs Makefile vendor
examples pkg
Gopkg.lock README.md
3. Use the go command to download the sonobuoy code. You may need to install the software package, golang-go, if it
is not already installed.
ONLY IF THAT DOES NOT WORK, as the Golang software updates on its own schedule, and without cross-testing. Try
the following steps. Note that you may need to update the non-root user .bashrc as the following steps update root.
student@ckad-1:~$ sudo -i
root@ckad-1:~# exit
4. New versions may not include the binary anymore. If the following wget does not work find a working link here: https:
//github.com/heptio/sonobuoy/releases You can type the command on one line and omit the backslash.
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
student@ckad-1:~/test/sonobuoy$ wget \
6. Now we should be able to run the tests. Be aware the testing will continue on for a long time, an hour or more. If you
use the –wait option it will capture the terminal, but show messages as they occur. We will run in the background and
use the status argument to view progress.
student@ckad-1:~/test/sonobuoy$ sonobuoy run
Running plugins: e2e, systemd-logs
INFO[0000] created object name=heptio-sonobuoy namespace= resource=namespaces
INFO[0000] created object name=sonobuoy-serviceaccount namespace=heptio-sonobuoy resource=s....
INFO[0000] object already exists name=sonobuoy-serviceaccount-heptio-sonobuoy namespace= resource=c....
INFO[0000] object already exists name=sonobuoy-serviceaccount namespace= resource=clusterroles
INFO[0000] created object name=sonobuoy-config-cm namespace=heptio-sonobuoy resource=configmaps
INFO[0000] created object name=sonobuoy-plugins-cm namespace=heptio-sonobuoy resource=configmaps
INFO[0000] created object name=sonobuoy namespace=heptio-sonobuoy resource=pods
INFO[0000] created object name=sonobuoy-master namespace=heptio-sonobuoy resource=services
7. Check the status of sonobuoy. It can take up to an hour to finish on large clusters. On our two-node cluster it will take
about two minutes. The path is long so is presented on the line after the prompt.
student@ckad-1:~/test/sonobuoy$ sonobuoy status
e2e running 1
systemd_logs complete 2
8. Look at the logs. If the tests are ongoing you will see incomplete logs.
9. Change into the client directory and look at the tests and results generated.
student@ckad-1:~/test/sonobuoy$ cd ./pkg/client/
student@ckad-1:~/test/sonobuoy/pkg/client$ ls
defaults.go example_interfaces_test.go logs_test.go retrieve.go
delete.go gen.go mode.go run.go
doc.go gen_test.go preflight.go status.go
e2e.go interfaces.go preflight_test.go testdata
e2e_test.go logs.go results version.go
student@ckad-1:~/test/sonobuoy/pkg/client$ cd results/
student@ckad-1:~/test/sonobuoy/pkg/client/results$ ls
LFD259: V 2019-08-19 © Copyright the Linux Foundation 2019. All rights reserved.
student@ckad-1:~/test/sonobuoy/pkg/client/results$ cd testdata/
student@ckad-1:~/test/sonobuoy/pkg/client/results/testdata$ ls
results-0.10-missing-e2e.tar.gz results-0.8.tar.gz
results-0.10.tar.gz results-0.9.tar.gz
10. The prompt will be modified to fit more of the command on the page. Your will not look the same. Look at the files being
student@ckad-1:testdata$ tar -xvf results-0.10-missing-e2e.tar.gz
12. Find other files which have been generated, and their size.
student@ckad-1:testdata$ find . -exec ls -lh {} \;
13. Continue to look through tests and results as time permits. There is also an online, graphical scanner. In testing inside
GCE the results were blocked and never returned. You may have different outcome in other environments.
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