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Coursebook - Unit 11

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11 GRAMMAR1 | Reported speech

Grammar in context REMEMBER

Readthis sentence from the " We use reported speech to describe what someone said, without giving
online guide on page 115. their exact words.
Match the sentence to the
correct form of direct speech. " Compared to direct speech, reported speech generally uses different tenses.
One recent visitor said she had For example: am going to Camp Jam, Layla said. ’ Layla said she was
learnt more in a week here than going to Camp Jam.
in a year at her school! " Modal verbs are also used differently in reported speech. For example:Itll
a) 'I have learnt more in a week be fun!' Oliver said. ’ Oliver said it would be fun.
here than in a year at my " Some other words which refer to time, place and people are used differentlv
school! in reported speech. For example: My brother loved summer camp last year
b)'She learns more in a week Joe said. ’ Joe said his brother had loved summer camp the year before.
here than in a year at her
school!" º See Grammar reference, Unit 11, page 159

1 Choose the correct word or phrase. 2 Rewrite each sentence using reported
1 It's the best summer camp ever!"Priya said.

2 'We're having a great time here!'Zoe said.

3 'Jack gave me a few camping tips, Nadia said.

4 We've been here for over a week,' Sam said.

5 Ican cook really well after a few lessons,

Joshua said.
1 'Everyone is enjoying Robotics Camp,' Lucy said.
Lucy said everyone enjoyed / was enjoying 6 You'l love it here,'Fatima said to me.
Robotics Camp.
2 It's important to learn the basics, the tutor said.
The tutor said it was /will be important to learn
Read the sentences in reported speech and
the basics.
write what they said.
3 Lilly stayed at Hollywood Stunt Camp. Ravi said. 1 Ryan said he'd never been to a summer camp
Ravisaid Lilly was staying / had stayed at
.Ryan said.
Hollywood Stunt Camp.
4 'Ive been thinking about going to summer camp, 2 Luke said he was feeling better now he had
Alex said. made a few friends.
'Luke said.
Alex said he had been thinking / was thinking
about going to summer camp. 3 Alina said she had gone to the same camp thal
5 Youlhave a great time at Camp Kids'N Comedy!' year as the year before.
Harry said to me. 'Alina said.
Harrysaid Icould /would have a great time at 4 Leah said she had been having canoe lessons
Camp Kids' NComedy. since the summer before.
6 'Summer camp was very educational last year; 'Leah said.
Joel said.
Joel said summer camp has been / had been
very educational the year before / ago.
7 They taught me a lot at Camp Jam Oli said. THINK RESEARCH CULTURE | LEARN| ME
Oli said they have taught him / had taught him
a lot at Camp Jam. Think ofa person you admire (a celebrity, someone
8 'We had fun at camp last summer;' Mia said. in the media, etc.). Find a quote that they said and
Mia said they have had / they had had fun at turn it into reported speech. Read both to your class.
camp the summer before / last.

116 º Workbook Unit 11: Grammar 1, page 86, exercises 1,2, 3

117 2,3 exercises
1, 86-87, pages
Vocabulary, ºWorkbook
11: Unit 168 reference,
page Vocabulary º
dialogue! best thechoose
toe Exercise
2. from verbs phrasal the someof time. more explanation
one the over 1)
using dialogue short writinga vocabulary.
Try new students. other thebehind e)
learn toway great dialogues
ais own your Writing textbook. the vocabulary
from the out d)
morning. Monday onin c)
ME CULTURE RESEARCH| THINK likeit. didn't because
he out b)
Friday! holidays
on the for up a)
. . you don't fall you'll study
or you sure Make 6
Why book. ainnose your gotalways you've Oh, dropped hebutcollege atwabrother
s My 5
Monday. ontest havinga go
to the asked We 4
We're heart. by
pages these learn tohave INo, homework our hand to
have We 3
football?" play and come towant you DoDan. Hi, breaks school Our 2
class. the dialogue
for copy to asked
us teacher Our 1
yourPerform idioms. thoseincludes check. and
dialogue short writea pairs, In Listen you. help italics
to words
in the
3. from idioms four Choose sentences.
Use make Match
to )3.17 2
better behave they someone
so punish b) verbs Phrasal
school someone
to take a)
lesson! hiam teach
to I'm me. on
tricks playing always "Ben's 6 university. at or
college school,
at Someone
at 1S A 10
bored get b) university. not butschool,secondary
do what
to know a) primary
or someone
at is A 9
ropes. the learn
long take didn't it
job, new started
my WhenI 5 student pupil
carefully something consider b)
enough. high
help someone
for ask a)
is your when exam an You 8
on." caps
thinking our put have
l the solve going
to weare'How 4 paper. examn questions
an on thanswer
totry you when examn an sit or You 7
mark high wiath b)
mark low witha a) take pass
colours!' flying
with test thepassed Congratulations.
You've 3 18. and 11 ages
of the
write and read b)
between school to goyou UK, the In 6
remember and study a) 11. and 5of
ages the
between school togoyOu UK, the In 5
it! do to
days two got only we've
And heart. by
words these learn have
to We 2 secondary primary
play b)
read a) mean. they what see to
air.fresh some outside
for go letters
aon look
at you you When 4
should You book! anose
in your have always You 1 something.
check. and Listen idiom. each learn totry you . you When 3
for correct tChoose
he P)3.18 3
learning education
and Idioms
for study read
history. English
or maths, like
study, area
of an is school A2
classroom. the inare yuwhen
of ais school A1
100 subject lesson
check. and Listen gap. each in
boxes the from word Write1)3.16
studying connected
with Words
11 Idioms verbs| Phrasal vocabulary| VOCABULARY
11 LISTENING3-option multiple choice (pictures)

In pairs or as a group, answer the questions. OPTIMISE YOUR EXAM

3-option multiple choice (pictures)
" Youmight be able to decide that one picture is
definitely wrong, even if you're not sure which
picture is the right answer.
" Cross that picture out and choose between the
other two. If you're really not sure, make a guess.
Don't leave any questions blank.

3 3.19 Listen to the extracts and choose

the correct answers.
1 What subject is the teacher teaching?

1 What do you think the best and worst things

about working as a teacher are?
2 Would you like to work as a teacher? Why /
Why not?

EXAM SKILL 2 Where is Callum now?

Understanding implication
OYou don't always hear everything explicitly. You
have to use logic to work out the answer.
OFor example, in Exercise 3, question 1, the three
pictures show a maths lesson, a science lesson
and ageography lesson. When you listen to the A B
recording, you won't hear those exact words.
3 What does the girl want to learn?
O Think about the words you do hear and use logic
to decide what the school subject is.

Read what these teachers say and decide

what subject each one is teaching. Explain
how you know.

1 OK, class. Now, last time we were 4 How did Mike get to school today?
thinking about safety and using the
equipment properly. Now it's time to
get intoteams and start practising.

2 Right, everyone. I hope you've all studied

the text Iasked you to look at. What did you A B C
learn from the soldier's diary? What did he
think about what was happening in 1940?
4)3.19 Listen again and check your answers

3 Now, let's go over this again. The climate 8

in this part of the world is very wet, so THINK | RESEARCH | CULTURE | LEARN ME
they grow rice instead of wheat. Daisy,
what dothe farmers do to help it grow? What is your favourite school subject? What do you
like about it? Are there any subjects you don't like

118 Workbook Unit 11: Listening, page 88, exercises 1, 2

119 exercises
1,2 87, page Grammar
2, 11: Workbook
Unit º
/)and /s/ revision. any doing without test thpassed
howI me He
11Unit centre: Resource
SAY any doing without test the pass you did "How 5
test. the
for study She
test? the for study mehelp you 'Can 4
time! nextanswerS my
know you let IIl colours. flying with
(7) Finally,
he test a He
(6)asked He colours? flying with test passeda ever you "Have 3
(5)asked Then
where She
(4) and
(3) also He been?' you have Where 2
2) Then
he subject. school
) He favourite my asked
me He
questions. few ame asked He school?* subject
at favourite your What's 1
China. inives who friend
Li, my
from email angot I gap. each phrase
in word
or Writea 2
7:30 Posted
college. from
ME HOME| graduate would sister my
when me
asked He
college? fromgraduate sister your wil When 6
on diId much how asked
me She
uniform?" your spend
on you did much How 5
case. pencil myput did whereI asked
me He
case? pencil your put you didWhere 4
Li homewOrk.
soon! Write your
forgotten have whetherI asked
me She
idea? good uniform ais school thinka you clothes? Do own homework? your
forgotten you Have 3
their wearstudents Can it? wear tohaveeveryone Does
like? What'its uniform? havea school your Does before.
there? start you did When to? goyou school
do What year the been hadteacher my
who me
asked He
stions. few havea education
andI project
on doinga I'm year? last
teacher your was Wh0 2
Bethany! Hi school.
secondary local my to
gone had ifI me
asked She
school Your Subject: Bethany To: school? secondary local your togoyou Do 1
line. the correctly
on rewrite
and mistake underline
the incorrect,
questions. Li's is it tick.
If correct,
puta sentence
about says
Bethany whatComplete 3 second sentences.
the If these Read
159 page 11, reference,
Unit Grammar See º
anything? buy to
need you 'If b)
statements. reported anything?' buy to
need you 'Do a)
indo we
like words place and timechange also We " anything. buy needed
to ifl asked she And 2
uniform. school worae we ifme
asked uniform?'’
schOol weara you Doorder: word the and tense tchange
he course?" the much is 'How b)
and orifuse questions,
we yes/no reported With " course
is? tlhe much How a)
reading. was was. course the much how asked mum My 1
whatl me
asked reading?’
She you are What order: Word said. mum girl's the
the and tense tchange and wordquestion repeat
the what sentences
to the Match 118. page
etc.), how, who, (what,questions reported
wh- With " lesson
on listening the audio
in the from
speech reported sentences
in these Look
REMEMBER context Grammar
questions Reported GRAMMAR 2

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