Saint Petersburg Ne Manual de Regras 72215

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US_StPeter_Rule.qxd 10.06.

2008 12:55 Uhr Seite 1

Away with it! (building and aristocrat decks): when a player plays
this card as his action, he must discard one other card from his hand The New Society by Tom Lehmann,
on the discard space. Karl-Heinz Schmiel &
& The Banquet Michael Tummelhofer
Black Market (aristocrat deck): when a player plays this card as his
action, he must buy one card from the discard space. To do so, the 2
player looks through the stack of discards and chooses one card. He The New Society adds 36 cards with purple dots to distinguish them, 2 player figures (needed with
then either pays for the card and places it as normal or adds it to his 5 players), and a gold disc (for the 5th player when playing with 5). In addition to adding the
hand. A player cannot take a special card from the discard space. parts and rules necessary to play with 5 players, the game adds several cards and provides other
2 cards to replace those in the original game.
Golden Donkey (trading card deck): when a player plays this card The Banquet adds 12 cards with gold dots to distinguish them. The deck includes 1 new worker
as his action, he immediately takes 5 rubles from the bank. card, 2 new buildings, and 9 cards that offer special abilities very different from those of workers,
buildings, and aristocrats.
Double Turn (trading card deck): when a player plays this card as
his action, he must perform two more actions immediately. During Each expansion must be played with the basic game. Players may also play both expansions
both actions, he has the normal choices of placing a card, adding a together with the basic game. Of course, creative players may choose to use some, but not all of
card to his hand, or passing. each to make their own game and play in their own way.

Pickpocket (trading card deck): when a player plays this card at Contents (New Society)
the beginning of a round, i.e. after the new cards have just been
starting player starting player
placed, he becomes starting player in this round. The other players 2 wood figures marker card
follow him in in clockwise order. Playing the card does not cost the
player an action. All starting player markers remain with the
respective players. 35 cards:
7 workers 9 buildings
Jester (trading card deck): when a player plays this card as his
action, he must apply the jester to one of his own placed cards. To
show this, he places the jester so it overlaps the inflicted card. The
card chosen must have both a ruble value and a point value. The
next time this card scores, its ruble and point values are exchanged.
This means the player takes as many rubles as there are points on the 6 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1
card and as any points as there are rubles on the card. After scoring, 9 aristocrats
the player discards the jester.

Banquet (trading card deck): when a player plays this card as his
action, he must apply the banquet to one of his own placed cards.
To show this, he places the banquet so it overlaps the inflicted card. 2 1 1 1 1 1 2
The card chosen must have both a ruble and a point value. The next 10 trading cards (1 of each)
time this card scores, its ruble and point values are doubled. After
scoring, the player discards the banquet.

When playing with both expansions, the Debtor's Prison may not be used to take special cards
out of the discard pile.
New Society playtesting and advice: Sunshine Buchler, Paul Heald, David Helmbold, Jay Heyman, Chris Lopez,
Larry Rosenberg, Ron Sapolsky, Steve Thomas, and Don Woods.
1 game rule booklet

Artwork by Doris Matthäus. If you have any comments, questions, or sugestions, This is an expansion and must be played with Saint Petersburg!
please write us at: [email protected] or PO Box 45715, Rio Rancho, NM 87144, USA
The normal rules for Saint Petersburg apply except as described below.

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The New Society Sycophant: this new aristocrat costs only 1 to put into play, but has -1
Preparation income during the aristrocrat scoring phase (discard it if you cannot
• Before you begin, remove the following 7 cards • Separate the expansion cards by type pay for it after scoring your other aristocrats).
from the original deck: Czar and Carpenter and shuffle them in with the original
(worker), 2 x Observatory (building), Academy cards of the same type (adding, Obshchina Commune: This New Farmers trading card (with grain
(building), 2 x Mistress of Ceremonies including replacement cards, 7 symbol) is -1 towards the cost to purchase Worker or Worker trading
(aristocrat), and Marinskij Theater (trading). workers, 9 buildings, 9 aristocrats, cards (but not itself).
These cards are replaced in this expansion. Do and 10 trading cards).
not use both copies of these cards in a game. New Society: is a trading card that can be bought using any worker card.

When playing with 5 players Textile Factory: this building trading card earns 2 victory points for each
One player shuffles the 5 starting player cards and deals them, card with a weaving symbol in your tableau (i.e. Shepherds, Weaving Mills,
1 to each player. Use the Disk piece and the Disk + 2 Money the Czar & Carpenter, and the New Society, but not the Textile Factory itself).
starting player card only when playing with five players.
Guild Hall: this building trading card is flexible, earn four rubles or
The player taking the disc starting player card gets 2 extra rubles (27 victory points in any combination (such as three rubles and one victory
total) to start the game and takes the Disk for the first round. There is point or no rubles and four victory points) when scoring buildings.
no Disk phase. Instead, at the start of each round (before the worker
phase), the player with the Disk scores 2 victory points (the Disk player Mariinskij Theatre: now scores 1 victory point for each aristocrat
gets 2 extra rubles only at the start of the game, not on later rounds). and aristocrat trading card in your tableau (whether these aristocrats are
distinct or not) when scoring buildings.
Play proceeds normally in the 5-player game with two exceptions:
Mayor: this aristocrat trading card earns 1 ruble for each building and
• In the first worker phase (only), set out ten worker cards. In all other building trading card in your tableau during the aristocrat scoring.
phases (including later worker phases), fill the tableau to eight cards.
The Banquet
• Important: after the Trading card phase, players pass each marker
two players to the left, instead of just one to the left. St. Petersburg thrives and flourishes. To express his gratitude towards the builders of the city,
Karl-Heinz Schmielowitsch, the tsar’s close friend and counsellor, begins with the planning of a
Game end scoring (all games) celebration which shall carry the city’s splendor into the most distant corners of the world.
For every distinct aristocrat above ten that a player holds
at the end of the game, that player receives +10 VPs. Preparation
Shuffle all new cards with their corresponding partner cards from the original game (that is,
New card details according to the backs of the cards). Players do not play the special cards (purple on their fronts)
Czar and Carpenter: is cheaper (3) but earns only two rubles as they do other cards. When taken, the player pays nothing and adds the card to his hand. He
during the worker scoring (until upgraded to a trading card). may not play the card immediately. Therefore, if a player does not have room to add a special card
Coffee House: earns 1 ruble for each aristocrat and aristocrat trading to his hand, he may not take it. On a later turn, the player may play the card, take the special
card in your tableau during the building scoring (whether these action, and discard the card. A player may not simply discard a special card once he has added it
are distinct or not). Note that this building can be later upgraded. to his hand, but must be able to and must use its special function when he does play it. The
Debtor's Prison: either score 1 VP or, as an action during the building player does not lose points for special cards remaining in his hand at game end.
phase, search the discard pile and take any 1 card from it, which then must
be paid for or put into your hand (discard if your hand is full). Flip the Debtor's New card details
Prison face down after taking a discard card; it may not be upgraded to a
building trading card until it is flipped face up following the building phase. Czar and Superstar: this trading card can only be be used to displace the
Trading House: during the building scoring, you may spend 3 rubles “Czar and Carpenter” card. The player pays 1 ruble less for every red and
to gain two victory points. This ability, unlike the Pub ability, can only blue card he buys after placing this card.
be used once per building phase.
Potjemkin village (1/4 and 3/8): both Potjemkin villages are used
Note that the Academy both costs more (25) and scores 9 victory points! in the same way as the corresponding card in the original game.

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