Transformer Size Selection WND Power and Solar Poawer Plants
Transformer Size Selection WND Power and Solar Poawer Plants
Transformer Size Selection WND Power and Solar Poawer Plants
Important Notes: Total Cost of 40/50MVA, ONAN/ONAF Transformer will be 12% lower than Cost of 50 MVA Transformer.
Initial investment wise 40/50 Mva transformer is cheaper compared to 50 Mva transformer. Let’s us see why.
40/50 Mva transformer means it can be loaded up to 40 Mva without using cooling systems like oil pumps and fans and upto 500Mva using forced cooling
systems of fans.
The 50Mva Transformer requires bigger tank , more oil compared to 40 Mva because heat generated is more because of higher load and heat is to be
dissipated quickly . Taking that cost of cooling system is same for both, naturally the cost 50 Mva is more.