New Lesson Plan Format
New Lesson Plan Format
New Lesson Plan Format
Middle of the
lesson Vocabulary presentation
2 min Look at the board and repeat the new Pupils repeat the new Verbal ICT/ Power
words after the recording in chorus: words after the evaluation Point
recording in chorus presentation
The Sun
Pupils match the
3 min Let’s match the pictures to the words. pictures to the words. Verbal Handout 1
Pupils translate the
Now translate the words into words into their Verbal ICT/ Power
Kazakh/Russian. language. evaluation Point
Vocabulary consolidation
Pupils find new words
1. Read the text and find the new words Peer Handout 2
and underline them;
2 min in it. Underline them. Compare your assessment
then show each other
text with your partner.
their texts and compare.
3. Fill the gaps in the sentences with the Whole class Handout 4
5 min new words. Pupils write the new check
words in the gaps
We are going to listen to a text called
1 min “The Milkey Way”. What do you think Pupils predict the text Verbal ICT/ Power
it is about? content by the title. evaluation Point
1. Now listen to the text and see if your Pupils listen to the text
2 min ideas were right and check their Whole class Recording 1
predictions. check