TNT Iot 3.1
TNT Iot 3.1
TNT Iot 3.1
To design a weather station by checking Air quality of an environment with the help of IoT.
You will need the following components −
• Arduino Uno R3
• MQ 135 AirQuality Sensor Module
• Male to Female Jumper Wire
• Software: Arduino IDE
About Air Quality Sensor:
MQ-135 sensor belongs to the MQ series that are used to detect different gasses present in the
air. The MQ-135 sensor is used to detect gases such as NH3,NOx, alcohol, Benzene, smoke,CO2
,etc. steel exoskeleton houses a sensing device within the gas sensor module.
• Connect the analog pin of the sensor to the pin 2 of the Arduino.
• Connect the DO pin of the sensor to the A0 pin of the Arduino
• Connect the ground pin to GND pin of Arduino.
• Connect Vcc to 5 volt of Arduino.
• Verify and compile the code, then upload the code to the Arduino Uno R3 board.
• Monitor the output in the Serial monitor (Set the baud rate as 9600). To open Serial
monitor Tools>Serial Monitor or (Ctrl+Shift+M).
int sensorValue;
int digitalValue;
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // sets the serial port to 9600
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
pinMode(2, INPUT);
void loop()
sensorValue = analogRead(0); // read analog input pin 0
digitalValue = digitalRead(2);
if (sensorValue > 400)
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
Serial.println(sensorValue, DEC); // prints the value read
Serial.println(digitalValue, DEC);
delay(1000); // wait 100ms for next reading
• Learnt about the MQ-135 sensor sensor and its applications.
• Learnt how to connect MQ-135 sensor sensor on Arduino.
• Learnt how to code in Arduino.