Abstract: In this research, a flexible inkjet-printed temperature sensor with in-house silver
nanoparticles ink is presented and compared with the sensor printed with commercial silver
nanoparticles ink. These sensors have an average width of 0.5 ± 0.04 mm in the latter and 0.5 ± 0.03
mm in the former. These serpentine structure sensors was printed on polyethylene terephthalate
(PET) substrate by using Fujifilm Dimatix 2850 printer. The corresponding results indicated in
resistance have been recorded in the range of 30–100 °C to evaluate the sensor performance. The
result of the studies showed that there was a linear relationship between the resistance and
temperature for both ink types. The printed sensors developed using the in-house ink presented
higher sensitivity 0.1086 Ω/°C compared to the commercial ink which was 0.0543 Ω/°C. Therefore,
the flexible inkjet-printed temperature sensor with the in-house silver nanoparticles ink is
recommended for the large-scale productions and implementations.
1. Introduction
The emerging of IoT has radically caused the printed electronics and fabrication technologies to
advance since the printing techniques have been industrialized. Today, paper-based electronics in
the fields of flexible devices and wearables has gained great interests to be utilized in wide area
electronic systems because of its low-cost in setup and methodology, as well as its eco-friendly
fabrication technologies. Therefore, its development has become essentially significant to co-exist
with conventional silicon-based manufacturing systems to be deployed in IoT devices.
Among of the IoT technologies, the temperature sensor is one of the most widely employed in
many field such as wearable sensor and logistics monitoring system [1,2]. Most of the publications
reported the temperature sensors as the resistive temperature detectors [3]. In order to fabricate high
performance temperature sensor, the type and quality of the ink is one of the challenge of the printed
electronics industry. For instance, researches in [4] and [5] have claimed their device performances
are excellent by using gold (Au) and copper (Cu) inks respectively. However, the temperature of the
paper substrate is not able to withstand both the required curing temperatures of the Au and Cu inks.
Compared to the Au and Cu inks, the silver nanoparticle ink (AgNP) has been highly recommended
due to AgNP has low reactivity to air [6], minimal resistance to corrosion [7], lower melting
temperature [8] and lower cost [9]. Because of these, the commercial silver ink has dominating the
market. However, the cost has become the one of the greatest concern to the industrial interest as the
cost of large-scale productions is high.
In this research, the low-cost in-house and flexible inkjet-printed temperature sensor with in-
house silver nanoparticles ink is studied and compared to the sensor printed with commercial silver
nanoparticles ink. The outcome of the research has shown that the performance of the temperature
sensing from the in-house sensor is very comparable to the commercial sensor.
particles. The fluid (~3 mL) is then put into the cartridge with a syringe, a needle and 0.2 um filter.
The filter is used to filter out the particle that bigger than 0.2 um to prevent the nozzle head clog. It
is recommended to keep the cartridge at least 30 min in idle state after filling.
The IDEs designs are established by using COMSOL Multiphysics and exported as CAD data
file (.dxf). ACE 3000 converter software is used to convert the CAD data file into bitmap file (.bmp).
The drop spacing is chosen before exporting it in bitmap file. Finally, the bitmap file is loaded in DMP
program. The bitmap file is saved as the pattern file (.ptn) using the Pattern Editor (Bitmap images)
on DMP program. The number layer, image resolution and the leader bar are set properly according
to design specifications. It is noted that the image resolution must match to the drop spacing setting
to avoid dimension run out of design specifications.
In order to find the optimum deposition recipe, printer parameters need to be adjust based on
the experimental outcome by trial-and-error. The printer parameters that being investigated:
substrate thickness, tickle control, plate/stage temperature, cartridge temperature, jetting voltage,
meniscus setpoint, number of jets to use, and cartridge print height
Table 3 shows the optimal printing parameters that are used for commercial ink (JS-B25HV)
while Table 4 shows the optimal printing parameters used for the in-house ink.
Table 4. Comparison the sensor dimension between design layout and actual printed sensor.
Figure 5. Relationship between resistance and temperature for JS-B25HV (Experiement1–3); for In-
house ink(Experiment 4–6).
where R100 and R30 denote the resistance value obtained at temperature 100 °C and 30 °C respectively,
ΔT is the change in temperature. The result in Table 6 show that the printed temperature sensor that
fabricated using in-house ink obtained high sensitivity performance compared to the commercial ink.
4. Conclusions
The flexible temperature sensors were developed through inkjet printer (DMP2850) using two
type of ink: JS-B25HV and in-house Silver nanoparticles ink. The performance of the printed sensors
were evaluated by vary the temperature from 30 °C and 100 °C. The result shows that the printed
sensors have linear relationship between resistance and temperature for both ink. The printed sensors
developed using in-house ink give the higher sensitivity which is 0.1086 Ω/°C compared to the
commercial ink. Therefore, the in-house ink is comparable to the commercial ink and has great
potential for industrial applicability.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Q.J.L., H.F.H. and H.W.L.; methodology, Q.J.L. and A.S.A.A.;
validation, Q.J.L., A.S.A.A. and M.W.L.; writing—original draft preparation, Q.J.L.; writing—review and
editing, H.W.L.; visualization, Q.J.L.; supervision, H.W.L., H.F.H. and M.H.M.K.; funding acquisition, H.W.L.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), grant number
Acknowledgments: We would like to acknowledge the financial support provided by ministry of Science,
Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) through the 11th Malaysia Plan development expenditure (DE) funding.
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