VBS Package-2

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Date: Monday 7th – Sunday 13th , August 2023

Time: 8 am – 12 pm

Theme: God on my Team

Vacation Bible School
Monday 7th – Sunday 13th , August 2023
Theme: God on my Team

Program Date Time Venue
th th
VBS – TLMA/Supply 7 -9 August, 2023 8 am – 12 pm TLMA – Covent Garden
VBS – Lodge/Sophia 9th – 11th August, 2023 8 am – 12 pm BTM - Lodge
Funday 12th August, 2023 10 am – 3pm
Closing Ceremony 13th August, 2023 2 pm – 4 pm

Time Duration Activities
8:30-8:35 5 mins Prayer
8:35-8:40 5 mins Welcome
8:40-8:50 10 mins Team Song
8:50-9:00 10 mins Separate into Groups
9:00-11:00 120 mins Station
1/2hr to each station (Bible Discovery, Imagination
Station & Craft Station)
11:00-11:30 30 mins Snack time
11:30-11:45 15 mins Closing Prayer
11:45-12:00 15 mins Cleaning up

Age Range Colour
1-4 years Purple
5-8 years Red
9-12 years Blue
13-up Yellow
Day Bible Point Bible Story Key Bible Verse
1 God and Me Job Trials Philippians 4:4
2 God Me and My The Ark Joshua 4:15
3 God me and My The Fiery Furnace Psalm 34:11
4 Outing
5 Closing Ceremony
Crowing King and Queen
Show case and VBS work and craft
Sharing box

Areas Leader Assistants

Stage Announcers
Registration Table
Station Leader
 Bible Discovery
 Imagination station
 Craft station
Crew Leader
1-4 years – Purple
5-8 years – Red
9-12 years – Blue
13-up - Yellow
Snack Person
Tech Person

Day 1 Channa and sour
Day 2 Rainbow cake and jello
Day 3 Phlourie and sour
Day 4 Cook up And chicken
Day 5 Party Bag
Instructions for volunteers & Workers

● Stage Announcers
To convene the session.
To keep time.
To Instruct the different groups when it’s time to move to the different station.
● Station Leader

Each Station leader will attend to their specific focus of there Station, Be it Bible Discovery, Imagination
or Craft Station.

● Assistant Station

To assistant station leader with whatever task has to be done.

To install discipline when the children is at your station.
To help share when it’s time.

● Crew Leader

To take the student from Station to Station. (They will be chosen from among the children)
To keep order.

● Assistant Crew Leader

To assist crew leader with there duties.

Topic: God and Me Bible Story Job 1:13-22 Character: Job

Memory Verse Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always and I will say it again rejoiced”


Small Ones
Who is the character? Answer: Job
Did job had any children? Answer: Yes
How would you have felt if you were job? Answer: (Could be anything the children think of)

Older Ones
What did the first messenger tell Job? Answer: That his auction and donkeys were sold.
What happened to job children? Answer: They were killed by a strong wind.
How would you have felt if you were job? Answer: Could be anything the children think of.)
How the job respond to all the tragedy? Answer: Job 1:1-2 or “He give God praise”

Walk away Item Job pamphlet


Disease Is a condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts that impairs normal
functioning and is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms.
1.Cancer is a disease that happens when bad cells stop the good cells from doing their job.
2.Autism occurs when a child has trouble communicating and understanding what people think and feel.
NB. Teacher will discuss about these topics and explain more to the children.

Small Ones

1. Paper
2. Crayons

Older Ones
Prayer Box

1. Cardboard
2. Marker/ crayons
3. Pencil
4. Paste & tape
5. Gift or crepe paper

● Gather materials

● Get two square cardboard one for bottom and one for top, four rectangle strips for side.

● Use tape an put together the sides into a box.

● Make cover and tape on to the top

● Use gift or crepe paper to cover outside while using blank page for the inside.

● Write the Memory Verses on the inside cover and design box however you would like.

Topic: God Me and My family Bible story: Genesis 7 Character: Noah
Sub Topic : The Ark

Memory Verses: Joshua 4:15 “As for me and my house we shall serve the Lord”


Small Ones
1.Who is did Jesus tell to build the ark? Answer: Noah
2.Howard many animals went into the ark? Answer: 2 of each kind of animal
3.Who went into the ark? Answer: Noah and his family

Older Ones
1.Who was saved from the flood? Answer: Noah, his family and two of every kind of animals.
2.Were the people doing good things or bad things during the time of Noah?
Answer: During the time of Noah, the people was doing very bad things.
How did God feel about the bad things the people were doing?
Answer: God was very sad and angry.
4.What did God decide to do to punish the people for all the bad things they were
Answer: God sent a great flood to destroy every living creature on the face of the

Natural Disasters
Natural disasters are violent events that are outside the control of humans.

Small Ones

1. Ochar
2. Paint
3. Paper

Older Ones

Wall Décor

1. Card board
2. Crayon
3. String
4. Print out of animals, Noah and family
5. Paste/Tape
● Gather materials

● Draw, color and cut out rainbow, paste on cardboard

● Cut out bottom fold and paste the family and animals of your choice

● Paste/Tape on string


Topic: God, Me and My Friends

Bible Story: Daniel 3:8-30 Character: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

Sub Topic: The Fiery Furnace

Memory Verse: Psalm 34:11 “ Come my children, listen to me I will teach you the fear of the Lord.


Small Ones
1. How many friends were there? Answer: 3
2. Name the three friends? Answer: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
3. Who was in the fire with them? Answer: Jesus
Older Ones
1. Who was in the fire with them? Answer: Jesus
2. Who were Daniel friends? Answer: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
3. Who told them to bow down? Answer: Nebuchadnezzar
4. Why didn’t bow down? Answer: “For they were not bowing to any other god”
5. What have you learned from the story?(Answer could be anything)

What is Fire ?
Fire is a special kind of light and heat.

Don’t play with match
Don’t start fire
Don’t hide under beds or cupboards
Don’t run into burning building
Don’t try to be a hero.

Call 912
Put out candles before sleeping.
If there a fire find an exist.

In case of a fire alert others.

If you are caught on fire STOP, DROP and ROLL.
When you are escaping crawl or crouch.

Small Ones

1. Paper
2. Paste
3. Split Peas

Older One’s
Fiery furnace

1. Brown paper bag
2. Red, yellow and orange construction paper

3. Paste/Tape
4. Scissors
5. Print out of characters
6. Straw
● Gather materials

● Cut out character and tape them to straw.

● Cut out construction paper into square, then make jagged fire and paste to back bottom of
paper bag.
● Cut circular hole in the front of your bag, paste some fire on the inner part, so it can show
though the hole and pop character in using the bottom part.
● You can draw a angel at the back in the hole.


Pledge to the Christian Flag

I pledge allegiance to the christian flag and to the Savior
For whose kingdom it stands, one brotherhood
Uniting all true Christians in the service in the service and in love

Pledge to the Bible

I pledge allegiance to the bible, God holy word
I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path
And will hide it’s words in my heart that I might not sin against God.

National Pledge
I pledge myself to honor always the flag of Guyana
And to loyal to my country
To be obedient to the laws of Guyana
To love my fellow citizens and
to dedicate my energies towards the happiness and
prosperity of Guyana.
Vacation Bible School
August 7th-13th, 2023

Theme: God on my Team

Class: Teacher:

No. Name Address Contact 7th 8th 9th 10t 11th 12th 13th

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