Inno2020 T7 Flexible Mechanical Elements
Inno2020 T7 Flexible Mechanical Elements
Inno2020 T7 Flexible Mechanical Elements
Flexible mechanical elements (belts, chains, ropes) are used in conveying systems and
to transmit power over long distances (instead of using shafts and gears).
The use of flexible elements simplifies the design and reduces cost.
Also, since these elements are elastic and usually long, they play a role in absorbing
shock loads and reducing vibrations.
Disadvantage, they have shorter life than gears, shafts, etc.
There are four basic types of belts (Table 17-1):
Flat belts ~ crowned pulleys.
Round belts ~ grooved pulleys.
V-belts ~ grooved pulleys.
Timing belts ~ toothed pulleys.
There are two main configurations for belt drives; open and crossed (Fig 17-1)
where the direction of rotation will be reversed for the crossed belt drive.
The figure shows reversing and non-reversing belt drives, always there is one loose
side depending on the driver pulley and the direction of rotation.
Fig. (17-3) shows flat belt drive for out of-plane pulleys.
Fig. (17-4) shows how clutching action can be obtained by shifting the belt from
loose to a tight pulley.
Fig. (17-5) shows two types of variable-speed belt drives.
Force Analysis:
Tight side tension:
F1 Fi Fc F
Fi Fc T / D
When a belt is selected, the tension in the tight side is set to be equal to the max
allowable tension for that belt type.
However, severity of flexing at the pulley, and the belt speed affect the belt life,
thus they need to be accounted for.
Therefore the max allowable tension is found as:
(F1 )a=bFa C P CV
Fa : allowable tension per unit width for a specific belt material (kN/m)
(Table 17-2)
b : belt width (m)
CP : pulley correction factor (for the severity of flexing), it is found from (Table
17-4) for the small pulley diameter. Use CP=1 for urethane belts
H ( F1 F2 )V Tn
1. Find for the smallest pulley from geometry (find ef if needed).
w 2
2. From belt material and speed find FC. FC V
T H d n ( H nom K S nd ) n
4. From torque T, find the transmitted load.
( F1 ) a F2 2T D
5. From belt material, drive geometry & speed, find ( F1 ) a .
( F1 ) a bFa C P Cv
6. Find F2
Note that F2 must
F2 ( F1 ) a (( F1 ) a F2 )
be larger than zero
( F1 ) a F2
8. Check if the friction of the belt material is sufficient to transmit the torque.
The cross sectional dimensions of V-belts are standardized. Each letter designates a
certain cross section (see Table 17-9).
A V-belt can be specified by the cross section letter followed by the inside
circumference length.
Table 17-10 gives the standard lengths for V-belts.
However, calculations involving the belt length are usually based on pitch length
for standard belts.
Table 17-11 gives the quantity to be added to the inside length.
Example: Pitch length of C-1500 belt is: 1500 + 72 = 1572 mm.
The standard angle for the V-belts cross section is 40˚; however the sheave angle is
slightly smaller causing the belt to wedge itself inside the sheave to increase
The operating speed for V-belts needs to be high and the recommended speed
range is from 5 to 25 m/s. Best performance is obtained at speed of 20 m/s.
For V-belts, the pitch length LP, and center-to-center distance are found as:
LP 2C ( D d ) / 2 ( D d ) 2 /(4C )
C 0.25 LP ( D d ) LP ( D d ) 2( D d ) 2
2 2
Table 17-12 gives the horsepower rating for each belt cross-section (according to
sheave pitch diameter and belt speed).
The allowable horsepower per-belt, Ha is found as:
Power that can be
H a K1 K 2 H tab transmitted by each belt
The number of belts needed to transmit the design horsepower is found as:
Nb d where Nb is an integer
H d Nb
F1 F2
n(d 2)
where n (rad/s) & d are for the driver pulley.
e f
Thus, F1 can be found as: F1 Fc F1 F2 f
e 1
F1 F2
And Fi is found as: Fi Fc
� = + = +
(Fb)1 & (Fb)2 are the added components of tension due to the flexure of
the belt on the smaller and larger pulleys.
K b is used to account for belt flexure and it is found from Table 17-16.
The life of V-belts is defined as the number of passes the belt can do (NP), and it is
found as:
− − −
�� = [( ) +( ) ]
� �
�� �
Note: K & b values given in Table 17-17 are valid only for the indicated
range. Thus, if NP is found to be larger than 109 it is reported as NP=109
a d life ti e i hours t is fou d usi g NP=109. Also, if it is found to be
less than 108, the belt life is considered to be short and inappropriate.
Chain drives are usually manufactured using high-strength steel and for this
reason are capable of transmitting high torque. Chain drives are
complimentary and compet-itive with belt drives serving the function of
transmitting a wide range of powers for shaft speeds up to about 6000
rpm. At higher speeds, the cyclic impact between the chain links and the
sprocket teeth, high noise and difficulties in providing lubrication, limit the
application of chain drives.
Bearing Inner
pin plate
Roller chains have been standardized as to sizes by the ANSI. Figure 17–16
shows the nomenclature. The pitch is the linear distance between the centers of
the rollers. The width is the space between the inner link plates. These chains are
manu-factured in single, double, triple, and quadruple strands. The dimensions of
standard sizes are listed in Table 17–19.
Roller diameter
Figure 17–16
Portion of a double-strand
roller chain.
Pitch p
Figure 17–17
Figure 17–17 shows a sprocket driving a chain and Engagement of a chain and
rotating in a counterclockwise direction. Denoting the p
chain pitch by p, the pitch angle by , and the pitch e A
diameter of the sprocket by D, from the trigonometry ␥ /2
g py2 p D
sin 5 or D5 (a)
2 Dy2 sin(gy2)
Since g 5 360°yN, where N is the number of sprocket teeth, Eq. (a) can be written
D5 (17–29)
The angle gy2, through which the link swings as it enters contact, is called the angle of
articulation. It can be seen that the magnitude of this angle is a function of the number of teeth.
Rotation of the link through this angle causes impact between the rollers and the sprocket teeth and
also wear in the chain joint. Since the life of a properly selected drive is a function of the wear and the
surface fatigue strength of the rollers, it is important to reduce the angle of articulation as much as
The number of sprocket teeth also affects the velocity ratio during the rotation through
the pitch angle g. At the position shown in Fig. 17–17, the chain AB is tan-gent to the pitch
circle of the sprocket. However, when the sprocket has turned an angle of gy2, the chain line
AB moves closer to the center of rotation of the sprocket. This means that the chain line AB is
moving up and down, and that the lever arm varies with rotation through the pitch angle, all
resulting in an uneven chain exit velocity. You can think of the sprocket as a polygon in which
the exit velocity of the chain depends upon whether the exit is from a corner, or from a flat of
the polygon. Of course, the same effect occurs when the chain first enters into engagement
with the sprocket.
The chain velocity V is defined as the number of feet coming off the sprocket
per unit time. Thus the chain velocity in feet per minute is
V5 (17–30)
where N 5 number of sprocket teeth
p 5 chain pitch, in
n 5 sprocket speed, rev/min
The maximum exit velocity of the chain is
pDn pnp
vmax 5 5 (b)
12 12 sin(gy2)
where Eq. (a) has been substituted for the pitch diameter D. The minimum exit velocity
occurs at a diameter d, smaller than D. Using the geometry of Fig. 17–17, we find
d 5 D cos (c)
Thus the minimum exit velocity is
pdn pnp cos(gy2)
vmin 5 5 (d)
12 12 sin(gy2)
Chordal speed
Figure 17–18
variation, %
0 10 20 30 40
Number of teeth, N
Now substituting gy2 5 180°yN and employing Eqs. (17–30), (b), and (d), we find
the speed variation to be
5 c d
vmax 2 vmin p 1 1
5 2 (17–31)
V V N sin(180°yN) tan(180°yN)
This is called the chordal speed variation and is plotted in Fig. 17–18.
Although a large number of teeth is considered desirable for the driving
sprocket, in the usual case it is advantageous to obtain as small a sprocket as
possible, and this requires one with a small number of teeth. For smooth operation
at moderate and high speeds it is considered good practice to use a driving
sprocket with at least 17 teeth; 19 or 21 will, of course, give a better life
expectancy with less chain noise. Where space limitations are severe or for
very slow speeds, smaller tooth numbers may be used by sacrificing the life
expectancy of the chain.
Driven sprockets are not made in standard sizes over 120 teeth, because the
pitch elongation will eventually cause the chain to “ride” high long before the chain
is worn out. The most successful drives have velocity ratios up to 6:1, but higher
ratios may be used at the sacrifice of chain life.
Roller chains seldom fail because they have tensile strength; they more often fail
because they have been subjected to a great many hours of service. Actual failure
may be due either to wear of the rollers on the pins or to fatigue of the surfaces
of the rollers.
Once the use of a chain drive has been shown to be preferable to other forms of drive,
the type of chain to be used can be selected from the range available as illustrated in Fig.
12.22. The next step is the design of the chain drive layout and selection of the
standard components available from chain manufacturers. The method outlined here
is for roller chains. Procedures for the selection of other chain types can be found in
manufacturers’ catalogues.
The method is based upon the use of power rating charts for the chain drive, which
ensure 15,000 h operation assuming proper installation, operation and lubrication. The
steps for the method are itemised as follow and illustrated in Fig. 12.33.
N N C N N p
p C
( )
25 – – – – – 1.00
38 2.53 2.23 2.00 1.80 1.65 1.52
57 3.80 3.35 3.00 2.71 2.48 2.28
76 5.07 4.47 4.00 3.62 3.30 3.04
95 6.33 5.59 5.00 4.52 4.13 3.80
114 7.60 6.70 6.00 5.43 4.96 4.56
Reproduced from Renold Power Transmission, 2010. Transmision chain. Installation, maintenance and designer guide. (Accessed 10 June 2018).
Reproduced from Renold Power Transmission, 2010. Transmision chain. Installation, maintenance and designer guide. (Accessed 10 June 2018).
Fig. 12.34 British Standard chain drives rating chart using 19-tooth drive sprocket.
Courtesy of Renold Chain.
Chain drives should be protected against dirt and moisture (tell this to a mountain biker!).
Lubrication should be provided using a nondetergent mineral-based oil. For the majority of
applications, multigrade SAE20/50 is suitable. There are five prin-ciple types of lubrication:
manual application, drip feed, bath, stream (see Fig. 12.35) and dry lubrication. Grease
lubrication is not recommended but can be used for chain speeds of <4 m/s. In order to ensure
the grease penetrates the working parts of the chain, it should be heated until liquid and the
chain dipped into the grease until the air has been displaced. This process should be repeated
at regular service intervals. For dry lubrication, solid lubricant is contained in a volatile carrier
fluid. When applied to chain, the carrier transports the lubricant into the chain and then
evaporates leaving the chain lubricated but dry to touch. Applications for dry lubrication
include food-processing, dusty environments and fabric handling.
The pitch diameters for the driving and driven sprockets are given by
N1 p N2 p
D1 ¼ D2 ¼ (12.15)
π π
and the angle of contact (in radians) between the chain and the sprockets by
pðN 2 N 1 Þ
θ1 ¼ π 2sin 1 (12.16a)
pðN2 N1 Þ
θ2 ¼ π + 2sin 1 (12.16b)
Note that the minimum angle of wrap recommended for the small sprocket is 120°.
The chain tension is given by
Chain tension ¼ (12.17)
N1 ω1 p=2π
Standard sprockets can be purchased. The choice of sprocket material depends on the number of
teeth and the operating conditions as shown in Table 12.24.
Example 12.6. A chain drive is required for a gear pump operating at 400 rpm driven
by a 5.5 kW electric motor running at 1440 rpm. The centre distance between the
motor and pump shafts is approximately 470 mm.
Table 12.24 Selection of sprocket materials.
Sprocket running Moderate shocks Heavy shocks
Reproduced from Renold Power Transmission, 2010. Transmision chain. Installation, maintenance and designer guide. (Accessed 10 June 2018).
400 ¼ 3:6.
The desired reduction ratio is 1440
The nearest ratio available (see Table 12.22) using standard sized sprockets is 3.62.
This requires a driving sprocket of 21 teeth and a driven sprocket of 76 teeth.
The application factor from Table 12.23 is f1 ¼ 1.0.
The tooth factor f2 ¼ N191 ¼ 19
21 ¼ 0:905.
The selection power ¼ 5.5 1.0 0.905 ¼ 4.98 kW.
Using the BS/ISO selection chart, Fig. 12.34, a 12.7-mm pitch simple BS chain
drive is suitable.
The chain length is given by
N1 + N2 2C N2 N1 2 p
L¼ + +
2 p 2π C
21 + 76 2 470 76 21 2 12:7
¼ + + ¼ 124:6 pitches
2 12:7 2π 470
From the rating chart, Fig. 12.34, the required lubrication type is oil bath. Use of a
SAE20/50 multigrade lubricant would likely suffice in the absence of more detailed
knowledge concerning the operating conditions.
Example 12.7. Specify a suitable drive for a gear pump operating at 400 rpm driven by
a 30 kW electric motor running at 728 rpm. The centre distance between the motor and
pump shafts is approximately 1 m.
The desired reduction ratio is 728400 ¼ 1:82.
From Table 12.22, the nearest ratio using standard sized sprockets is 1.8. N1 ¼ 21,
N2 ¼ 38.
From Table 12.23, f1 ¼ 1.0.
The tooth factor f2 ¼ N191 ¼ 19
21 ¼ 0:905.
The selection power ¼ 30 1.0 0.905 ¼ 27.15 kW.
Using the BS/ISO selection chart, Fig. 12.34, a 25.4-mm pitch simple BS chain
drive is suitable with oil bath lubrication
21 + 38 2 1000 38 21 2 25:4
L¼ + + ¼ 108:4 pitches
2 25:4 2π 1000
Example 12.8. Specify a suitable chain drive for a packaging machine operating at
75 rpm driven by a 2.2-kW electric motor running at 710 rpm. The maximum permis-
sible centre distance between the motor and packaging machine shafts is approxi-
mately 1 m.
There is no unique solution to this question. What follows is one possible solution.
The speed ratio 710/75 ¼ 9.47 is too high for a single reduction and is outside the
range listed in Table 12.22. A two stage reduction might be feasible.
Examination of Table 12.22 for a combination of reductions shows that choosing
ratios of 3.8 and 2.48 might be suitable.
As 3.8 2.48 ¼ 9.424 is close to the target reduction, this combination is likely to
be acceptable and would give an output speed of 75.3 rpm.
Using the larger reduction on the higher-speed drive, so for a ratio of 3.8 from
Table 12.22, N1 ¼ 25, N2 ¼ 95.
The application factor from Table 12.23 assuming moderate shocks is 1.4.
The tooth factor f2 ¼ N191 ¼ 19
25 ¼ 0:76.
The selection power ¼ 2.2 1.4 0.76 ¼ 2.34 kW.
Using the BS/ISO selection chart, Fig. 12.34, the following drives would be
12.7-mm pitch in oil bath (simple),
9.525 mm drip feed (duplex).
Selecting the simple chain, p ¼ 12.7 mm.
Take the distance between the sprocket centres as the minimum recommended, that
is 30 p ¼ 30 12.7 ¼ 381 mm to ensure the design fits in the space available. This
constraint can be relaxed at a later stage if appropriate.
The chain length is given by
25 + 95 2 381 95 25 2 12:7
L¼ + + ¼ 124:1 pitches:
2 12:7 2π 381
The combination of the two centre distances fits in the space available.
An alternative might be to arrange the chain sprockets vertically or at an angle to
the horizontal in order to accommodate the centre distance restriction.