Tutorial Teaching Guide
Tutorial Teaching Guide
Tutorial Teaching Guide
Diversity, Social
Justice & Equity
Tutorial Guide
Dr. Loshini Naidoo
02 4736 0623
[email protected]
Kingswood Campus, JG20
It is crucial that teachers understand how pedagogy, the curriculum, learning and schooling
generally, are complex practices that are connected to broader cultural, social, economic and
political discourses operating in Australian society. Within this context, understanding how
inequality is constructed and perpetuated through schooling is essential, including the
practices in which individual teachers engage. Of particular importance, is the need to
understand cultural diversity and how this is represented and played out in schooling, as well
as the role identity has on influencing schooling experiences. Consequently, developing
teachers’ awareness of their own subjectivity in relation to cultural diversity and identity issues
is crucial in order to encourage reflexivity and the development of socially just relationships
and practices in schooling.
Social Justice, Diversity & Equity will enable students to do the following:
The Diversity, Social Justice & Equity unit is taught in blended mode with a combination of face‐
to‐face and online sessions. There are weekly readings that support the unit content.
Studying Sociology
The following excerpt from the Monash University provides a useful summary of what it
means to study a sociology subject such as Diversity, Social Justice & Equity:
• questioning assumptions and viewing your social world as the object of scientific study
Taking a sociological perspective means, therefore, being able to stand outside your
social world and looking at it as though you have never seen it before, examining it as
an object of scientific study. In doing so, you will use sociological theory to understand
social phenomena; you will question your own preconceived ideas and assumptions;
and apply sociological concepts to familiar phenomena.
To have a sociological perspective is to look at your social world in terms of the major
sociological theories. Generally speaking, there are three main strands in Sociological
theory: Functionalism, Marxism and Critical Theory, and Symbolic Interactionism (there
are also subgroups and combinations of these). Sociologists generally examine social
interactions and institutions in terms of social power and the political (in the sense of
who has power over others, who controls what, who doesn't have it) and how these
social factors shape or determine to some extent this group or this individual's
behaviours. A sociological perspective looks at the impact of social factors such as
age, gender, ethnic group, socioeconomic group, cultural group, national group,
geographical location, occupational group, education, and so on.
There are a series of concepts that are specific to Sociology that students have to
come to grips with. For example, most students would not previously have come
across the concept of "anomie", a sociological term that means an absence of rules of
behaviour (or norms). Now, there are no layperson's terms for these concepts, so
students have to acquire an understanding of them in the sociological context before
they can explore a particular question.
In addition to the terms that are exclusive to the discipline of Sociology, sociologists have also
appropriated certain common everyday words and given them different meanings. They are
specific jargon to the discipline so students have to unlearn and reuse words in new ways.
Engaging with the theorists often involves critiquing one theorist and then bringing in another
theorist to develop an area that wasn't sufficiently scrutinised or not dealt with at all by the first
theorist. So you use theorists like a box of tools for carpentry. In carpentry, you use a hammer
for the nails and a screw driver for the screws. In sociology, you use whichever theorist to
examine a particular problem, and another theorist for a different problem. (Also, take note that
being "critical" doesn't necessarily mean being negative; it means to analyse something in
terms of its strengths and weaknesses.)
You should also reflect on the issues yourselves, imagining situations and using your
own experiences (but not relying on them). So the anecdote or the example that you
have encountered can be used to illustrate the point you are making along with the
theory and empirical studies. These examples or anecdotes won't substantiate your
argument, but they will add to it. Note that these anecdotal examples should be used
sparingly. You can use your reflective processes to UNDERSTAND the concepts, but
not use them as evidence for your essay.
So, theorists, empirical studies, and examples are the tools which you would use (not
to argue one line of argument but) to critically EXAMINE an area in order to scrutinise
a social institution from a range of perspectives.
2.1.1: Demonstrate knowledge, respect and understanding of the social, ethnic, cultural
and religious backgrounds of students and how these factors may affect learning
Key concepts
1. social justice
2. diversity
3. equity
Prescribed Reading
Mills, C. (2008). “Making a Difference: Moving Beyond the Superficial Treatment of
Teaching for Change:
Rethinking Schools:
Multicultural Pavilion:
Bridge Project:
Key concepts
1. multiculturalism
2. assimilation
3. colonialism
4. post‐colonialism
5. segregation
Prescribed reading
Wilson‐Miller, J. (2003). “Re‐Thinking Aboriginal History: Self‐Concept for a Nation”
Recommended Reading:
de Plevitz, L. (2007). Systemic racism: the hidden barrier to educational success for
Indigenous school students. The Australian Journal of Education, 51(1), 54‐71.
Retrieved October 20, 2009, from ProQuest database.
Herbert, J., Anderson, A., Price, D., & Stehbens, C. (1999). If they learn us right...A study of the
factors affecting the attendance, suspension and exclusion of Aboriginal students in
secondary schools. Erskineville, NSW: Australian Centre for Equity through Education.
NSW Department of Education & Training. (2008). Aboriginal Education and Training
Policy. NSW Department of Education & Training. Retrieved October 17, 2009 from
Learning Activities
Students will be required to bring their specific Syllabus documents for 7‐10 with areas
where Aboriginal perspectives might be incorporated marked using a post it note/s.
They will also be required to bring with them a copy of the Aboriginal Education Policy
(2008) In addition to this all students are required to read the following documents in
order to actively & successfully participate in the tutorials.
Online discussion:
Read the following article available on the website and then answer the following
discussion thread.
Downey & Hart (2005) Teaching & textual spaces in Indigenous Education: a Murri
School Perspective. In. Phillips, J, and Lampert, J,. Introductory Indigenous Studies
in Education: The Importance of Knowing. Pearson Prentice Hall. Pp. 41‐59.
Discuss how you will undertake and address your own limited knowledge about
Aboriginal Education in NSW through additional professional learning. (Links to
the NSW Institute of Teachers – Element 4) In relation to your professional
requirements as a Graduate teacher/ new scheme teacher what evidence will you
be able to provide to satisfy the Institute in relation to Aboriginal education?
Tutorial Notes on Sociological Theories
Education does more than produce
skilled labour, it also reproduces class
The system of political thinking invented by Karl Marx, which relations. It does so by shaping our ideas
explains changes in history as the result of a struggle between about society and our emotions. School
social classes. Marxism holds that the stratified labour economy curricula encourage children to accept
and, thus, class is at the center of social inequity and that while society ‘as it is’ - pervaded by
things like racial/ethnic, gender, culture, linguistic, and ability competition and structured by inequality
biases are factors, they are secondary to class. That is because - or at least to believe that fundamental
discrimination of all kinds is based in economic power. change is impossible. Ideologies that
serve capitalist interests are accepted as
By identifying class as the basis of power in our society, Marxism common sense curriculum values. They
also provides a framework for understanding the treatment of include propositions like ‘success comes
oppressed groups and social conflict, as symptoms of a class through hard work’; it is honourable to
Antonia Darder
divided society. sacrifice for the national good;
Rodolfo D. Torres
The capitalist class (or bourgeoisie) is made up of those who own Theodor Adorno competition is natural; change can only
or control productive resources and compete with each other to Louis Althusser come through gradual reform; and the
Marxism make profits; people whose only means of making a living is to Antonio Negri truth usually lies somewhere between
sell their ability to work to an employer are members of the Antonio Gramsci ‘extreme positions (the ‘golden mean’).
working class (or the proletariat). This includes spouses and Herbert Bowles The education system does not only
children dependent on a wage. Samuel Gintis promote our acceptance of inequality
Richard Brosio and exploitation by inculcating the
Not everyone in the Australian workforce is either a boss or a
ideologies that justify or disguise them.
worker. There are middle layers which share some characteristics
The experience of school, college and
with capitalists and others with the majority of wage earners. The
university prepares us for the world of
traditional middle class own small amounts of productive
work. This is called the ‘hidden
resources. Often their ownership of a truck, a shop, computers or
curriculum’. In the classroom students
other kinds of equipment is only possible because of heavy
have no power and have to follow the
orders of their teachers. Subject, in turn,
A ‘new middle class’ also exists, made up of diverse groups of to the workplace discipline of principals
employees of large organisations in a hierarchy of senior and the senior managers in the public or
supervisors, professionals and middle managers. private education systems, teachers may
not like what is going on, but feel unable
to change things.
Tutorial Notes on Sociological Theories
assert the validity of their own culture, political system and identity and culturally authored
language, post-colonial Australia - and it is important here to definitions located within the traditions
recognise that this term is itself politically loaded, referring as it of western rationality. He contends that
does to the socially, politically and economically dominant group even after independence, the colonial
of white Australians, who are both victims and perpetrators of subjects remain colonized internally,
different acts of marginalisation - has no pre-existing systems to psychologically. Their ways of ‘reading’
reassert. Rather, it has a culture, a political system and, most the world and their desires are carried
importantly, a language which are grounded in a European across into the desire for ‘whiteness’
ancestry, in imperialist imports. through a kind of metempsychosis: ‘their
desires have been transposed, though
On the one hand, post-colonial Australia is involved in a struggle they have never, of course, actually
to de-polarise the relationship between Europe and itself as become white. They have a black skin,
sociopolitical centre to its relegated margin, to destabilise the with a white mask’ (Young, 2003, p. 144).
very notions of centrality and marginality which have up until The implications for schooling in Australia
recently maintained Australia's position of subordination to then are clear - the quest for personal
Europe. But on the other hand, within the national discourse and national identity is crucial for all
which emerges from this struggle, other centre/margin students, and is heavily dependant on
relationships have developed, regarding race and gender, which how they ‘view’ themselves, which in
recall an imperial heritage and all its cultural assumptions. turn is influenced by this theoretical
strand of thought.
2.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge, respect and understanding of the social, ethnic, cultural
and religious backgrounds of students and how these factors may affect learning
2.1.5 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of specific strategies for teaching aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander students and non‐English speaking background students
Key concepts
1. socio‐economic class
2. culture
3. identity
4. social and cultural capital
Prescribed reading
Webb, J., Shirato, T. & Danaher, G. (2000). “Bourdieu and Secondary Schools”
Recommended Reading:
Frances Henry and Carol Tator, Discourses of Domination,
De Bekkar, Jay (1954) Gutter Gang, JPD Press
ABC Stateline:
There is much debate about the issue of class and class structure in Australia. Prior to
the tutorial, consider the following questions:
1. Visit the following website and read the transcript of the forum
discussion: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/bigidea/stories/s599782.htm
Several participants in this discussion downplay the role that class and class
struggle plays in modern Australian societies. Do you agree?
2.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge, respect and understanding of the social, ethnic, cultural
and religious backgrounds of students and how these factors may affect learning
2.1.3 Demonstrate knowledge of students’ different approaches to learning.
2.1.5 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of specific strategies for teaching:
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
• Non‐English Speaking Background students
2.1.6 Demonstrate knowledge of a range of literacy strategies to the meet the needs of all students including:
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
• Non‐English Speaking Background students
3.1.4 Demonstrate knowledge of a range of appropriate and engaging resources and materials to support
students’ learning.
5.1.3 Demonstrate strategies to create a positive environment supporting student effort and learning.
Key concepts:
1. Racialisation
2. Whiteness
3. ESL
4. Anti‐racism
Prescribed reading:
1.Tascon, S.M. (2008). “Narratives of Race and Nation: Everyday Whiteness in Australia”;
2. de Plevitz, L. (2007). “Systemic Racism: The Hidden Barrier to Educational
Success for Indigenous Students”
Recommended Reading:
Fanon, Frantz. Black Skin, White Masks. New York: Grove Press, 1967.
Gilroy, Paul. The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard UP, 1993
Gramsci, Antonio. Selections from the Prison Notebooks, trans. Quentin Hoare and
Geoffrey Nowell Smith. London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1971.
Loomba, Ania, ed. Colonialism/Postcolonialism. New York: Routledge, 1998.
Mongia, Padmini, ed. Contemporary Postcolonial Theory: A Reader. New York: St.
Martins, 1996.
Said, Edward. Orientalism. New York: Vintage, 1979.
Voices of Australia:
Learning Activity
Australia prides itself on being a modern nation who welcomes peoples from throughout the
world. Recent press, however, suggests that there is a different side to Australia ‐ one that
is tinged with racist overtones. A survey immediately following the 2005 race‐fuelled
violence that hit the beachside suburb of Cronulla, suggested that over 70% of Australians
thought racism was an issue faced by our nation. Of the recent spate of attacks on
international students (particularly students of Indian origin), Race Discrimination
Commissioner Tom Calma said: “As Race Discrimination Commissioner, I’m very
concerned about the racial nature of these attacks. Apart from the immediate harm done to
the victims, the attacks have broader implications for international students as well as
Australian students from diverse backgrounds participating in Australia's tertiary education
programs.” (http://www.hreoc.gov.au/about/media/media_releases/2009/43_09.html)
Prior to the tutorial, visit the SBS Insight website and view an excerpt of the program
documenting the plight of Indian students studying in Australia:
In the tutorial, you will be div ided into t eaching method groups and asked to practice
your lesson ‐planning skills (plea se note, you will ne ed to bring a copy of your syllabu s
for this tutorial). In your groups, you are to design one lesson (either Stage Four or Five)
that tackles the issue of raci sm. Your lesson may deal with ex amples of overt racism, or
it may seek to counteract examples of covert or institutionalised racism that is embedded
into our educational system.
1. All educational systems have a ‘hidden curriculum’ ‐ how does this effect and
shape your method area? How is racism manifest in the hidden curriculum?
Prior to your tutorial, please visit this site and watch video footage of the Apology issued
by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3TZOGpG6cM
For tutorials this week, students are required to bring a copy of their syllabus to class
(Stages 4 ‐ 5), and also a copy of the Aboriginal Education Policy ‐ which is available on
the vUWS website.
In method groups, students will be required to examine their syllabus and highlight the
sections which reflect the inclusive educati onal goals of our Aust ralian education system
‐ with particular attention paid to the needs of Indigenous students.
The lecture will also look at ESL teaching programs which focus on students learning
English in context and across the curriculum so that they acquire the English language
skills relevant to the content area. ESL scales and phases will be discussed as well as
the examination of a number of ESL program models currently in use.
2.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge, respect and understanding of the social, ethnic, cultural and
religious backgrounds of students and how these factors may affect learning
5.1.3 Demonstrate strategies to create a positive environment supporting student effort and learning.
Key concepts
Aboriginal English
Prescribed reading:
1. Malcolm, I.G. (2003). “English Language and Literacy Development and Home
Language Support: Connections and Directions in Working with Indigenous Students”
2. State Government of Victoria (2008). “Strengthening Outcomes: Refugee
Students in Government Schools”
3. NSW DET (2004) Cultural Diversity and Community Relations Policy: Multicultural education in
schools, PD20050234.
NSW Board of Studies (2000) How do we learn what we need to know. Author. Availability:
http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/aboriginal_research/pdf_doc/aborlitnum_howwelearn. pdf
Recommended Reading:
Coles D. Supporting ESL students in the middle years: practical classroom strategies
for language and literacy teaching. [online]. Teacher Learning Network; v.9
n.2 p.17‐18; Winter 2002. Availability:
<http://search.informit.com.au/fullText;dn=122086;res=AEIPT> ISSN: 1444‐
1284. [cited 09 Jul 08].
McVeigh H. ESL children learning to read and write English: teaching phonics and
grammar as part of a rich experience of language. [online]. Practically
Primary; v.11 n.3 p.10‐13; October 2006. Availability:
<http://search.informit.com.au/fullText;dn=155991;res=AEIPT> ISSN: 1324‐
5961. [cited 09 Jul 08].
NSW Board of Studies NSW, 2001, Working with Aboriginal Communities: A Guide to
Community Consultation and Protocols, Board of Studies NSW, Sydney.
Learning Activity
Students will be required to bring their syllabuses and a lesson plan to class for modification.
Additionally they will need to read the Cultural Diversity and Community Relations Policy:
Multicultural education in schools. Students will be developing and implementing ESL teaching
programs in their practicum/s in schools in Western Sydney, therefore it is your role as a future
teacher of ESL teachers to be able to provide scaffolded support for ESL students. Students
need to be provided with good models of English language use in their specific contexts/KLA’s
and in this tutorial are given the opportunity to practise using appropriate
language/metalanguage and scaffolding to support ESL student learning. Students may
need to also bring a dictionary and images to support their chosen lesson modification/s.
2.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge, respect and understanding of the social, ethnic, cultural
and religious backgrounds of students and how these factors may affect learning
2.1.3 Demonstrate knowledge of students’ different approaches to learning.
2.1.5 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of specific strategies for teaching:
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
• Non‐English Speaking Background students
2.1.6 Demonstrate knowledge of a range of literacy strategies to the meet the
needs of all students including:
Prescribed Reading
1. Kea, C., Campbell ‐Whatley, G.D. & Richards, H.V. (2006). “Becoming Culturally
Responsive Educators: Rethinking Teacher Education Pedagogy”;
2. Robertson, K. (2008). “Globalisation: A Dirty Business?”
Recommended Reading:
Beck, U. (1992). “From Inductrial Society to the Risk Society: Questions of Survival,
Social Structure and Ecological Enlightenment,” Theory, Culture & Society, Volume 9,
pp 97 ‐ 123. Fukuyama, F. (2004). State‐building. London: Profile.
Furedi, F. (2005). Politics of fear. London: Continuum.
Sen, A. (1996), Development and Freedom. New York: Anchor Books.
Sacks, J. (2002) The Dignity of Difference. London: Continuum.
Human Rights Refugee Fact Sheet
Learning Activity
Many myths surround the lives of refugees in Australia ‐ myths that lead to discrimination
and violence. As pre-service teachers, your role will likely involve not only teaching
students from refugee backgrounds, but also encouraging all students to apply a critical
lens to the picture of refugees that is presented to many Australians.
Prior to the tutorial this week, use the template below to identify some of the myths
perpetuated by the media:
2.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge, respect and understanding of the social, ethnic, cultural
and religious backgrounds of students and how these factors may affect learning
2.1.3 Demonstrate knowledge of students’ different approaches to learning.
Key concepts
1. Gender
2. Heteronormativity
3. Biological determinism
4. Social construction of gender
5. Gender socialisation
Prescribed reading
1. Henderson, R. (2008). “A Boy Behaving Badly: Investigating Teachers’
Assumptions about Gender, Behaviour, Mobility and Literacy”
2. Keddie, A. & Mills, M. (2009).“Disrupting Masculinised Spaces: Teachers Working
for Gender Justice”
Recommended Reading:
Alloway, N. (2000) Just Kidding? Sex‐based harassment at school. DETNSW. Alloway,
N. & Gilbert, P. (1997) Boys and Literacy, Carlton: Curriculum Corporation.
Bruer, J. T. (1999). In search of...brain‐based education Phi Delta Kappan. 80 (9), 648‐657 Butler,
J. (1990) Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity. New York: Routledge.
Gender equity at work in secondary schools:
Addressing the Edu cational Needs of Boys: Research Rep ort. Available at:
Motivation and en gagement of boys: Evid ence ‐ based teaching practices. DEST.
Learning Activities
In this tutorial, we will examine gender roles within society and the education system. Prior
to the class, you are to find an article from a national newspaper that relates to gender. The
article may investigate gender imbalance in any aspect of our society, or it may highlight
some of the misc onceptions surrounding gender construction. In tutorial groups, you are to
discuss your selected article and create a set of guidelines for n ew teachers to enable their
students to understand the concept of gender mor e effectiv ely. (Please note ‐ you will be
divided into similar teaching methods to facilitate this exercise).
2. What are the initiatives introduced by the DET for addressing gender issues in schools?
Academic Literacy
You are expected to use the latest edition of the American Psychological Association
(APA) guide
The UWS library webs ite (http://library.uws.edu/citing/phtm)l has an onlin e refe rencing
module t o assist y ou in com pleting you r ass ignments. Y ou will also find that th e Get it
Write site, accessible via the vUWS homepage, will also assist you with academic writing
and referencing
Academic Literacy
This section of the Learning Guide is designed to assist students with various
aspects of academic literacy. For some of you, this w ill be information that
you are already familiar with, and will simply be a refresher course to ensure
that your assignments are of the highest possible standard. For others,
however, this information will be new. This Learning Guide is only one
source of information for you – the niversity vUWS site, the university
library, and your tutor will be able to provide you with additional assistance.
We are grateful to the UWS Student Learning Unit for supplying much of this
information. Further online units may be viewed at:
The Writing Process
The following diagram will aid you in mapping out the ‘writing process’ –
particularly important in Assessment One. Although only 1500 words are
required for this assessment, it is very important that you follow the planning
and drafting stages to ensure that all the necessary information is included and
that your essay is of the highest possible standard.
You also need to think about the structure of your paper. A well structured paper
has an introduction, a body and a conclusion.
As writers, when we begin writing, we often focus on sorting out ideas and
thinking about ways to express these ideas. However, it is very important to
develop this first draft further. Therefore, you need to allow time firstly to edit your
draft in terms of content, structure and cohesion, then to proof read it for grammar
and spelling, and finally to complete
it ready for submission by check ing the refer ences and formatting. This ma y require
multiple drafts, because you might realise that your paper is not we ll structured, your
analysis has flaws, you have not included enough evidence to support your
arguments, or you have not presented your arguments in your own words.
In the final stages of writing your paper, you need to ensure that your analysis of the
topic is written clearly. Therefore, you need to carefully proofread your work for
grammar and spelling before submitting it – mistakes at this stage can create
ambiguity in your writing. To guide you on what elements to focus your proofreading,
use the detailed marking criteria provided for each assessment. These standards are
also useful to indicate what is required for a pass, credit and distinction.
Evidence should not be used by itself to make a point. Each paragraph should be a
balance between your own points and comments and the supporting evidence.
It would not be appropriate , for example, if quotes and paraphrases from other
sources made up most of your essay. Y our own comments may come in the form
of explanations for the evidence, reasons, links, critical commentary or examples.
Your voice needs to lead your argument. As the writer you make the claim
(your voice), which is then supported by the evidence. The text below provides
an example of the evidence (highlighted text) supporting the points that the
writer is making. (UniLearning, 2000) Source: English for Academic Purposes,
School of Humanities and Languages, UWS.
The inequity in the distribution of wealth in Australia is yet another The topic sentence in‐
cludes the writer's in‐
Supporting evidence is indicator of Australia's lack of egalitarianism. In 1995, 20% of the
tended claim for this
provided to validate
Australian population owned 72.2% of Australia's wealth with the top paragraph
writer's claim/opinion.
50% owning 92.1% (Raskall, 1998, p. 287). Such a significant skew in the
The evidence here is distribution of wealth indicates that at least in terms The writer’s voice makes
used to support and the significance of this
elaborate on the claim. of economics, there is an established class system in Australia. evidence clear by linking it
Paraphrased material is to the issue of class.
integrated into the
McGregor (1988) argues that Australian society can be categor‐ ised
paragraph as support‐ into three levels, the upper, middle and working classes. In addition, it
ing evidence for the
writer's claim.
has been shown that most Australians continue to remain in the class
into which they were born (McGreggor, 1988), despite arguments about
This comment indicates
the writer's wider read‐ the ease of social mobility in Australian society (Fitzpatrick, Again, the writer’s voice
is clear. It creates links
ing and an understand‐ 1994). The issue of class and its inherent in‐ equity, between this paragraph
ing of the contradictory
however, is further compounded by factors such as race and and the next on the issue
gender within and across these class divisions. of gender, the next
aspect of the argument.
The relative disadvantage of wo men with regard t o their earn ‐ New topic sentence
introduces the writer's
ings and le vels of asset ownershipindicates that within classes next claim using imper‐
there is further economic inequity based on gender. sonal academic voice.
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is a te rm that you will hear a lot at univ ersity. Developing a cr itical approach
to thinking allows you to assess information and to develop an informed opinion which can be
supported by reliable evidence. It also enables you to interpr et others’ opinions and have the
ability to discuss issues in an informed a nd ope n m anner. In Assessment One, you are
required to offer a critical analy sis of both your own and t he school’s approach to your
chosen social justice issue, while Assessment Two req uires that you critically analy se the
two websites you have selected. The information here will assist you with those assignments.
There is also an online learning module for further information.
Critical thinking me ans think ing c arefully, questioning a nd test ing what you h ear and re ad,
and being prepared to examine and if necessary change your beliefs and ideas. Also, critical
thinking often refers to the skills and attitudes needed for evaluating texts and arguments.
Critical thinking involves:
For more information on critical thinking go to www.uws.edu.au/lsu and follow the links to
online learning.
How do I read effectively?
One of the most imp ortant strategies in reading effectively is to be en gaged with the tex t as
a reader. Many times we will read a lot of wo rds and turn a lot of p ages and then realise at
the end that we really haven’t taken anything in. Sometimes we might use a highlighter and
underline great chukks of text but often we need to re read that text and so metimes we’ll
wonder why we highlighted it anyway.
Try reading with a pen rather than a highlighter (or use both). You might:
• underline key words
• write comments or questions in the margins or on separate note making paper
• summarise the key points of a paragraph
• write your own response to a point
• agree / disagree with or questions or ideas
• be aware of connections between ideas or contradictions in the text.
This is a vital part of your reading and writing process. All students need to experiment and
find the methods that work best for them. You m ay u se different methods for different
purposes. Talk to other students to find out what methods they use.
• always note the bibliographic detail of the information used (the source)
• use evidence effectively. Note whether you have written something down as an
exact quote or if you have paraphrased it (written it in your own words)
• add your own comments, interpretations and analysis. Make sure you distinguish
these from the evidence taken from the reading.
You are encouraged to use the template provided below when making notes. This is a very
effective method of note making because it:
• ensures that you capture the bibliographic details
• reminds you to paraphrase as you make notes
Key issues Evidence (paraphrased as MY Anal ysis /comments Links to social justice
much as possible)